constellation trading

148 Vedic astrology in money matters Signification of nakshatras in Mundane Astrology : In a manner zodiacal signs rule over certain commodities and cause bullish or bearish trend, the nakshatras also hold dominance on commodities, material and other mundane matters. Since a nakshatra covers 13 degrees and 20 minutes of an orb to that of the sign and being ruled by a planet, its effects on the market prices of the commodities, material etc., specified against each of them are discernable in a precised form. Therefore, nakshatras deliver micro level results and also short terms markets trends, price fluctuations and other mundane events. nakshatras rule over the following commodities, material and other items : TABLE : 22 Nakshatra Commodities/ Items 1. Ashwini Rice, wool, ghee (clarified butter), horse, iron, copper, mining industries horse dealers, medical surgery, factory workers, Railways 2 Bharani Wheat, rice, coarse grains, chillies, edible oils, medicines, hair, tamarind, enterprises, animals, tea estates, judges and lawyers. 3. Krittika Rice, sesame, barley, oil seeds, dry fruits, diamond, precious stone and metals, international trades, steel (industry), debts recovery, armed forces. 4. Rohini All types of food grains, cotton cloth, juiced artices, silver, pearles, crude oil, petrol, perfumeries, automobile, shipping industries, rulers and politicians.

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Constellation Trading


Page 1: Constellation Trading

148 Vedic astrology in money matters

Signification of n akshatras in Mundane Astrology :In a m anner zod iacal signs rule over certa in

com m odities and cause bu llish or bearish trend, the nakshatras also hold dominance on commodities, material and other mundane matters. Since a nakshatra covers 13 degrees and 20 minutes of an orb to that of the sign and being ruled by a planet, its effects on the market prices of the commodities, material etc., specified against each of them are discernable in a precised form. Therefore, nakshatras deliver micro level results and also short terms markets trends, price fluctuations and other m undane events. nakshatras rule over the following commodities, material and other items :

TABLE : 22 Nakshatra Commodities/ Items

1. Ashwini Rice, wool, ghee (clarified butter), horse, iron , cop p er, m ining industries horse dealers, medical surgery, factory workers, Railways

2 Bharani Wheat, rice, coarse grains, chillies, ed ible o ils , m ed icines, hair, tamarind, enterprises, animals, tea estates, judges and lawyers.

3. Krittika Rice, sesame, barley, oil seeds, dry fruits, diamond, precious stone and metals, international trades, steel (industry), debts recovery, armed forces.

4. Rohini All types of food grains, cotton cloth, juiced artices, silver, pearles, crude oil, petrol, perfum eries, automobile, shipping industries, rulers and politicians.

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Portrayal of houses, signs and constellations Nakshatra Commodities/Items5. Mrigashira Food grains and pulses, skins and

h id es, anim al husband ry, com puters and radios, revenue departm ent, jew ellery , cinem a industry.

6. Aridra Edible oils, Ghee (clarified butter), salt and saltish articles, sandal w ood, perfum eries, to ileteries, im flam able o ils and o b jects , cooking wares, wooden articles, communication, transport, postal and te legrap hs dep artm ents, airports and air force.

,7- Punarvasu Raw cotton, gold, silver, millets, coarse grain s, readym ade garm ents, food grains, ju ice s , exo tic a rtic les , bankers and insurance agencies, rulers and politicians and political activities.

8. Pushya Rice, ghee (clarified butter), salt, gold, silver, edible oils, turmeric, fruit juices, mines and petroleums industries, agriculture and dairy products and rulers, ministers.

9. Ashlesha Wheat, sugar jagree, dried ginger, coarse grains, ch illies , s ilv er, mercury (quick silver), emerald, green and ju icy v eg etab les, p oisonou s su bstan ces, in tern a tio n a l trad e, bu sin ess, doctors and nurses.

10. Magha Edible oils, ghee (clarified butter), sesam e, lin seed s, jagree (raw

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150 Vedic astrology in money matters Nakshatra Commodities/Items

su gar), e lec tirca l ap p llian ces, e lectron ics, thorny vegetables, coral, cat's eye stone, chemical and plastic industries, mining, surgical and drugs manufacturers, defence department, merchants.

11. PurvaPhalguni

Wool, blankets, cotton, salt, coarse grains, seamum, gold, silver wares, royal dresses, pearls, diamonds and precious stones, television, leather, skins, hides, cinema and cine p e rso n a lities , bu ild in g mateirals, photographic articles, animal husbandry.

12. UttarPhalguni

Rice, coarse grains, pulses, lentils, black grams, garlick, rock salt, su n flow ers, op tic and related m edicines, spectacles, CEOs of com p an ies, com m unication departm ent, television , postal, in d u stry , com m erce, stock markets.

13. Hasta Sand le w ood, cam phor, perfum eries, pure silver, silver jew ellery , root v eg etab les, (potatoes, beat roots etc.) imports and exports, clothing and textiles, hospitals, presses, ch ief of the state, ambassador, marketings.

14. Chitra Gold jewellery, pearls red opels, co ra l, pu lses, luxury artic les , automobile accessories, vehicles, shops and bu siness

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Portrayal of houses, signs and constellations 151 Nakshatra Commodities/Itemsestablishm ents, cine m aterials, textile and its industries, revenue and fin an ce , s to ck b ro k ers , consum er goods, p etro leum p rod u cts, au tom obiles, partnership in business.

15. Swati M ustard oil cakes, ch illie s , betelnuts, jewellery, leathergoods, artificial silk, cosmetics, women's garments, X-Ray equipments, air co n d itio n in g , re frig e ra tio n , au tom obiles, tran sp o rta tio n , cinem a, sto ck b ro k ers , management of stock exchanges.

16. Vishakha Wheat, rice, barley, pulses, gold, silk, books, stationary, television, th eatres, in d u stria l u n its , in su ran ce com p an ies, advertisement, chemical and drug m anufacturers, agri-industries, bankers, speculators and share market operations.

17. Anuradha Rice, gram s, pulses and coarse grains, coconut, dates, jagree (raw sugar), ground nuts, chem icals, skin and hides, coal, cotton seed, w oollen artic les , co rp o ratio n , labour units, leather goods and steel industries.

18. Jyeshta Silver, bronze, m ercury (quick s ilv er), googala, cam p hor, chemcials, inflamable oils, textile industry and m achinary, cables

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152 Vedic astrology in money matters Nakshatra Commodities/Items

and w ire m an ufactu rers, publication and advertisem ent, electronics, petroleum products, su rgical instrum en ts, crops in general.

19. Moola W heat, salt, jucid articles, raw co tton , tu rm eric, gold, s ilv er, import trades, foreign exhenage, corporations.

20. Purva Ashada Rice, ghee (clarified butter), rooted v eg etab les, sand al wood, perfumeries, diamonds, clothing, cotton silk, wool, plastics, bankers, foreign trade, foreign exchange, marine products, films.

21. Uttar Ashada Iron, m etals, e lec trica l goods, e lec tro n ics , fu rnaces, p etro ­ch em icals, jew ellery , tem ples, churches and ch aritab le institutions, coal mines, skin hides, w ool, sc ie n tific research ers, customs, income tax etc.

22. Shravana Black peppers, betelnuts, food products, milk and milk products, chemicals, lead, marine products, m ining p rod u cts, w ines and liquors, fuel oil, coal, pearls, land development, silver.

23. Dhanista W heat, currency coins, metals, jew els, gold, pearls, iron, steel plants, atomic energy, press and e lectro n ic m edia, d is tille r ies , leather, skin, hides, foundaries, vaults, tanks.

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Portrayal of houses, signs and constellations Г> ( Nakshatra Commodities / Items

24. Shatbisha C oarse gra in s, s ilv er, drugs, n a rco tics , in flam ab le and explosive meterials, petrol tanks, stainless steel, electricity, wine and breaverages and stock exchanges.

25. Purva Bhadra Food grains, metals, m edicines, tree bark, gold, ghee (clarified butter), wine, treasures, medical h erbs, cu rren cy m int, govt, investigating agencies, foreign trade, overseas banks, insurance com panies, risky investm ents, stock markets and share brokers.

26. Uttar Bhadra Tobacco, leather wears, sugar, rice, durgs, precious stones, steel wares, foundries, milk products, lotteries.

27. Revati Provision stores, betelnut, pearls, emeralds, films and film artists, books and periodicals, libraries, ch em ical p lan ts, p erfu m eries, marine products, share brokers & stock exchanges.

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S ig n ifica n ce o f planets in b u sin ess

It rules over Leo sign. The sign of exaltation is A ries. L ibra being its fa ll sign. T h e Su n 's detriment sign is Aquarius.


Authority, power, vitality and self-expressions, monarch, kings, president, prime minister, ruler, heads of the nation and supreme authority of the state.

Governments, governmental authorities, heads of the corporations, companies, senoir officers with decision making power, minister of states, influential political leaders.

ludges, megistrates and other judicial authorities.

Bureaucracy, nobility, citizen of stature, and the leading personalities.

Industrial enterprises in the country, multi- millionire and influential business leaders.

P laces of en tertainm ents, theaters, cinem a, gambling dens etc.

Bank, bankers and banking activities.

Stock exchanges, stock brokers, stock marketsand other allied speculatory activ ites, also Government stocks and gilt-edged securities.

Amongst commodities and articles - Rice, honey, arom atic herbs, levendar, saffron, alm ond, cu rren cy , p recio u s stones (R u by ) gold (According to w esterner astrology but Varha M ihira refers to M ars for Gold). Note : Some Indian Astrologers opinioned that Gold prices show abnormal rise the moment the Sun enters Leo sign.

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Significance of planets in business

The Moon It rules Cancer sign. The sign of exaltation is Taurus and the fall sign being Scorpio. The Moon's detriment sign is Capricorn.


F lu ctuations, instinct resp onses, stoutness, agreeble and affable nature.

Masses, common people, crowds and multitudes.*

АБ matters of common or public nature, public opinion, population, public places, distribution system of public.

Business pertaining to essential commodities, general merchandise, retail outlets, dealers and general m erchandisers, departm ental stores, ind u strial and com m ercial undertakings of general item s, hotel and catering concerns, restaurants and public places.

Crops, crops grower and dairies, milk and milk products.

All kinds of liquids and traders dealing in liquid materials, petroleum products, oils, edible oils, brewery and beverages.

Navigation, fishery and other marine products.

Amongst vegetable - malon, pumpkin, turnip, cabbage, mushroom etc.

Glass and glass industry.

Silver, pearls and raw cotton.

Petroleum stock shares.

Sea ports, beaches, sea resorts etc.

Exhibitions and photography..

Real estates and real estate agents.

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Significance of planets in business lol

M ars rules Aries and Scorpio signs (after the discovery of Pluto, Scorpio sign has been alloted to this planet). Mars exalts in Capricorn while its detriment sign is Libra.


Aggression, invasion, attack, assault, battlefield

Aggressors, invaders, conqueres and attackers

Defence forces, arified forces, army, para-military forces, security forces and police.

Arms, ammunition, explosives and armament,

dynamites, bombs, missiles

Surgeon, surgical equipments, dentists, dental equipments, butchers.

M etal in d u stries , ch em ica l and fertiliz ers factories, brick klins, furnaces, refractories, foundaries, distilleries etc.

Engineers, mechanics, iron and steel workers.

Energy generating m achines, steel machines, general m achineries etc., radiators, welding machines.

H ard w ares, m eta ls , go ld (the W estern astrologers put it for the Sun), iron.

Detergents, plastic processings.

Tea, coffee, rice, oil, seeds, coarse, grains.

Tobacco, cigarette.

Property and building m aterial and building industries.

Railway shares.Stones, marbles, tiles,

carpentry (wooden works)

Petrochemicals, petroleum gas, petro-products.

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Significance of planets in business lu '

M ercury rules Gemini and Virgo signs. Its sign of exaltation is also Virgo and the fall sign being Pisces. Saggitarius is the detrim ent sign for Mercury.


C om m unication both m ental and physical, Intelligence, perception, know ledge, genius, literary pursuits, accountancy, publishing.

Newspapers, magazines, catalogues etc. General trade, com m erce and all m atters relating to business and commerce.

Communication system, all types of print and electronic media.

Computer software, Internet system and other communication devices.

Learned personalities, authors, writers, editors, reporters.

U niversities, colleges and other educational institutions, libraries, markets and commercial centres.

Law yers, so licitors, p ledgers, investigating agencies both government and private.

T re a tie s , w ritten a g reem en ts , co n tra c t settlements, documentations etc.

Ambassadors, high commissioners and foreign dignitaries.

Textile, cotton silk etc. Com m odities-w heat, coarse grains, food stuff, Gingelly and other edible oils.

Silver, copper and emeralds.

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S ig n ifican ce o f planets in b u sin ess !<>'>

It rules Sagittarius and Pisces signs, (but Pisci's is now assigned to Neptune), Jupiter gets exalted in Cancer sign and falls in Capricorn sign. Gemini is the detriment sign for Jupiter.


Jupiter is planet of plenty and expansion. It influences the national affairs related to religion and philosophy, finances and capitalism.

Jupiter also denotes :

Hospitals, educational institutionas.

Bankers, brokers, revenue, commerce, finaiicial gains, finances, financial concerns and bullion merchants. Speculation, gambling, lotteries and horse races.

Stocks, Shares and Bonds.

Foreign countries, Foreign affairs and Foreign trade.

Industrialists, exporters, m erchandisers and bu sin ess houses c lo th m ills luxury trad e , Judiciary, Judges, law yers and legal affairs. Trusts and other Charitable institutions

Ju p iter stan d s for p ro sp erity , peace and international co-operation.

Commodities and procfucts :

Newspapers, stationery, printing,book shop.

Jupiter rules termeric, tin, rubber, food stuff, silver, zinc, grains, jute, tobacco, topaz (a precious stone), soft and pleasant stones.

Seat of power of a company (Chairman/MD, CEO etc.

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S ig n ifican ce of plan ets in busin ess

Venus Venus rules Taurus and Libra signs; exalls in Pisces and its fall sign is Virgo and Aries is the detriment sign for Venus.


Harmony in general and peaceful conditions. When afflicted it denotes opposite effects like civil conflicts, struggles, quarrels or discords.

Governmental expansion programmes, textile in d u stries both trad itio n a l and sy n th etic , represents clothing in general, dealers of ladies garments, fashion, design, modelling and other art form s, antiques, to ileteries, ornam ents, perfumery, cosmetics, costly clothes and other luxury items.

Stock shares, investments, interest rates, gambling etc.

Vehicles, conveyance, surface transport and com m unication departm ents, chem ical and distillaries, glass industries.

Fancy goods shops and beauty parlours.

Treaties with other countries.

It rules co tton , ju te , silk and their related products, sugar and sugar shares, wheat and rice, silver, pearls and fancy goods industries; copper trading and industry; confectionary and most of the spices.

Foods and hotels.

Real and imitative jewellery.

Film industry, photography.

Music, non-percussion musical instruments.

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Significance of planets in business

Saturn rules Capricorn and by tradition Aquarius (now attributed to Uranus), exalts in sign Libra and its fall sign is Aries. Cancer being its sign of Detriment


Saturn is a planet of democracy and all forms of democratic institutions. It has chief influence over elderly people, land ow ners, farmers. Saturn rep resents labour, patience and the service needed in a trade to offer others and hence it is a main stay in business because its success lies in labour and hard work. A native with an afflicted Saturn ultimately brings in losses in the business as a profession.

Saturn reigns over farm produces of the earth, m in ts, co a ls , m inerals in gen eral, n a tu ra l resources. It also rules quarry, marble, lead, copper, cement, oilseeds, groundnut, wool, iron, jute, barley.

Besides, real estate, metallurgy, shoe factory, warehouse, public buildings, skin, animal hides, leather are also under its domain.

Saturn sp ecifica lly sig n ifies fem ine, scarce conditions and controlled economy. Under its influence bullish trends are set in the m arket prices.*

Automobile accessories and hardware items.

C o m p resso rs , p u m p sets, tim ber (w o o d ), machines.

Steel plants and coal mines.

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Significance of planets in business 173

Ketu has the ownership over Leo sign and its sign detriment is Aquarius. It exalts in Sagittarius and Gemini being its fall sign.

Ketu ru les over the sam e sig n ifica tio n as attributed to Mars (Fiery) but secondarily Airy.

Fine spritual tendencies especially, the qualities of asceticism , non-attatcham ent to w orld ly desires; spiritual initiation.

Tamasin character, inertia, darkness, obstruction.

Enlightenment and final liberation.

" Gnana Катка"-wisdom, knowledge, discrealion

Salvadon, philosophy, stupidity, corruption.

Non-observance of tradional and rituals.

Great militarily prowness, trouble to the enemies or from enemies, battlefield.

A ssassinatio n , p rosecu tion , im prisonm ent, deception, treachary.

Blocade, barrier, retrogradetion.

Psychic ability and senstivity in a more genuine way.Foreign Languages.

Science, medical science.

Symbol of royalty, trophy as symbol of triumph.

Ketu's nature is hot dry, sharp, mobile, isolating, contracting, penetrating, releasing, destruction, guiding.

Co-ruler with Rahu over wisdom and electr ical goods and equipments

Note Inauspiciously placed Ketu can ruin its signification.


Page 15: Constellation Trading

Significance of planets in business

Rahu Rahu resides in the sign of Aquarius which is known as its Mool Trikona sign while it gets exa lted in Gem ini sign. Leo is the sign of detriment and Sagittarius being the fall sign for Rahu.


Rahu denotes violence, adventurism, assault and has a tendency to inflict injuries. It bestows the cap acity of overpow ering the opponents or enem ies especially when it conjoins m alefic planets or lords of the 6th, 8th or 12th house. Rahu is the prime mover in hatching political plots, revolts, spying, imprisonments, epidemics etc. It s ig n ifies , rad io , te lep h o n e, a e ria l navigation.

It governs heavy machinary, inflammable gases, pumps, goldsmiths, stones, reptiles. Gambling also falls in its domain.

It represents scientists, inventors, lecturers, psychologists, travellers etc.

Rahu also rules wireless and electrical goods and equipments.

This p lanet brings forth b u llish n ess in the m arket. Specially when it conjoins the malefic planet, the rise in the prices is one sided and there is no respite, while its association with benefics causes salutary effects and the markets face some temporary bearish corrections.

Rahu's nature is cold, dry, light, mobile, subtle, d ark , exp en siv e , d estra tiv e , iso la tiv e , unsensitive, disintegrating.

Rahu denotes disease, psychic disturbance, collective trends, masses and epidemic.

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232 Vedic astrology in money matters

is greater. But should sign Leo fall under malefic aspects, the prices are lowered.

On the other hand, if the Sun passes over a friendly sign and aspected by the benefic Moon, the Gold prices show downward trends. But if the Sun receives benefic aspects from Jupiter and Leo is also under a good aspect, the prices of Gold acquire bullish trends.

For delineating effects in respect of the other products, sim ilar sequence is adopted by substitu ting the right significator (planet) and the sign(s) ruled by such significator of the product. To facilitate the readers, the ruling planets and the signs denoting different products are reiterated in a tabulation form as under. The readers should apply the same set of rules as enunciated in the case of Gold to ascertain the»price fluctuations of other products at different point of time.

TABLE - 30

Sr.No. Product

Ruled By Rem arks (A ccording to

som e astrologers)Planet Signs

1. Gold Sun Leo Saturn-A quarius

2. Silver Moon Cancer M ercury-G em ini

3. Cotton Venus Libra (A lso for textile yarn and shares)

4. W heat Mars Scorpio -

5. Sugar Jupiter Pisces N eptune-Pisces

6. G round Nuts M ercury Gemini -

7. G .N ut Oil Mars Scorpio -

8. Rice Mars Aries -

9. Tobacco Jupiter Sagittarius Sun-Leo

Page 20: Constellation Trading

Typical factors of short and long term trends 233

'ч . Ruled Bv Rem arksNo. Product P lanet Signs (A ccording to

some astrologers)

10. A utom obileShares

Saturn Capricorn Saturn-U ranus

II . A viationshares

Ju piter Pisces Jupiter-N eptune

12. Rubber Ju piter Sagittarius (Also for Rubber products share)

13. W ool M ars Aries -

14. Silk Sun Leo -

15. E lectricals Sun Leo (A lso electrical shares

16. Edible Oils M ercury Gem ini -

17. Pulses Satu rn . Aquarius . -

18. Spices Mars Scorpio -

19. Fancy Goods Saturn Aquarius (Photography, m aterial etc.)

20. Tea, Coffee Moon Cancer N eptune

21. Saffron Sun Leo -

22. Cam phor Ju p iter Pisces -

23. Liquor M ars Scorpio -

24. Steel & M ines Saturn Capricorn or U ranus-(A lso shares)

25. Buildingm aterials

Saturn C apricorn or Uranus (inclu­ding tim ber etc.)

The transit position of the planets and the signs are r.isily ascertained from any Ephimeris or Indian Panchangas (Almanac) and apply the aforesaid rules to mark the price variations of d ifferen t com m od ities or prod u cts in consultation with lunation charts (fortnightly maps). The

Page 21: Constellation Trading
Page 22: Constellation Trading


Importance of aspects in terrestrial matters ..’III

1. A spectu al e ffe c ts betw een T H E SU N and other planets in d ifferent zodiacal signs on

the m a rk e t p r ic cs o f S to ck Sh ares, B u llio n s and other trading item s.

A s p e c ts ^ C o n ju n ctio n , S e m i-S e x tile , Q uintile

S em i-Q u in tile . Q u incune,

Sesq u i-Q m .A ate .

S ex tile , Sq u are, Sem i-Sq u are

T rin e , O p p osition .

S ig n s



A ries. Taurus, L eo .

S co rp io , Sagittariu s

C apricorn .

G em in i, C an cer,

V irg o, L ibra ,

A quarius, P isces

A ries, T auru s. L eo ,

Sco rp io , Sagittariu s

C apricorn .

G em in i, C an cer,

V irg o , L ib ra ,

A quariu s, P isces

1. M oon. T en ds to rise

with little fall

at tim es.

Stead y Steady len d s to fall

w ith sligh t rise

at tim es.

2 . M ars. R ise Steady tend to


S tead y w ith m inor



3 . M ercury . S tead y w ith

reaction for rise

S tead y but


S tead y B earish

4 . Jup iter. R ise with m inor


correctio n s

Steady but likely

to rise slightly

Steady B earish with

m in or rise.

5. V enus. B u llish B u llish with

s ligh t fa ll.

R ise with

reaction to fall

S tead y with

sligh t rise

6 . Saturn . G ood rise R ise follow ed by

by a sm all fa ll.

R ise but uncertain

w ith downward

re a c tio n .

Steady with

sligh t rise

7. Rahu. Sharp rise R ise w ith sudden

m in or reaction

R ise m inor drop

la ter.

Steady w ith

sligh t rise then


8. Uranus. Sharp rise R ise with m inor


U ncertain rise

tend to fall

due to reaction

Steady with

sm all rise at

tim es

9 . N eptune. R ise w ith m inor

downward reaction

Steady with

sligh t rise

Stead y Fall w ith

reactio n for rise

10. Pluto. R ise R ise with fall

at tim es

R ise w ith m inor

fall due reaction

Stead y w ith

nom inal rise

Page 23: Constellation Trading

2 0 2 Vedic astrology in money matters

2. A spectual cffectS betw een T H E M O O N and other p lanets in d ifferent zodiacal

signs on the m a rk e t p r ic e s o f S lo c k S h ares, B u llio n s and o th er trading item s.

A spects C o n ju n ctio n , S e m i-S e x tile , Q u intile

Sem i-Q u in tile . Q u incun e,

Sesqui-Q uad rate.

S e x t ile , Sq u are. Sem i-Sq u are

T rin e . O p p osition .

S ig n s



A ries, T au ru s, L eo ,

Sco rp io , Sagittariu s

C apricorn .

G em in i. C an cer.

V irg o , L ib ra ,

A quariu s. P isces

A ries, T auru s. Leo,

S co rp io , Sagittariu s

C apricorn .

'G em ini. C ancer.

V irg o, Libra,

A quariu s, P isces

1. Sun. R ise w ith

o ccasio n a l fall

S tead y with

m in or fall

a l tim es.

S tead y S lig h tly


2 . M ars. R ise w ith m inor


S tead y w ith

bearish tendency

Stead y F all lik ely to


3 . M ercury . S tead y with

sudden m inor rise

T end to fall Fall w ith sudden


S teep Fall

4 . Jup iter. S tead y Fall w ith

m inor rise.

T en d en cy to fall

with shorl rise.

S teep Fall

5. V enus. R ise w ith o cca tio -

-nal fall

S tead y Stead y w ith likely

sw ay

Fall with m inor


6 . Saturn . T en d en cy to rise

w ith fall at tim es

Stead y Stead y with

o ccatio n al fall

Fall tend to rise

7. Rahu. R ise lik ely lo fall


Firm Steady tend lo fall Fall w ith

exp ected rise

8. Uranus. R ise lik ely lo fall


S tead y Firm Fall with

rise at tim es

9 . N eptune. S tead y with

downward trend.

Fall but exp ected

rise later

Fall w ith recovery Fall w ith no


10. Pluto. R ise with little

se t back

Firm Stead y tend to fall L ik ely to fall

w ith short rise

Page 24: Constellation Trading

Importance of aspects in terrestrial matters

3. A spectu al e ffects betw een M E R C U R Y and o ther p lanets in different zodiacal

signs on the m a rk e t p r ic cs o f S to ck S h ares, B u llio n s and o ther trading item s.

A spects C o n ju n ctio n . S c m i-S e x t ile . Q u intile

S em i-Q u in tile . Q u incuiie.

Sesqui-Q uad rate .

S e x tile . Squ are. Sem i-Sq u are

T rin e. O pposition .

S ig n s



A ries, Taurus, Leo.

S co rp io , Sagittariu s

C apricorn .

G em in i. C an cer,

V irg o. L ibra,

A quarius, P isces

A ries, Taurus. L e o ,

S co rp io , Sagittariu s

C apricorn .

G em in i, C an cer,

V irgo. L ibra,

A quariu s, Pisces

1. Sun. R ise with som e

set back

Steady Stead y w ith m inor

correctio n

Fall but likely

to rise at tim es

2 . M oon. Steady with


Fall with

bu llish tend ency

Fall with bullish

tend ency

Steep Fall

3 . M ars. R ise but tend to fall Stead y w ith no


Stead y with bearish

tend ency

B earish n ess

4 . Jup iter. Steady with

re flec tio n s to fall

Fall Fall Fall w ith no

reco v ery

5. V enus. R ise w ith tend ency

to fall

S tead y but likely

to fall

Firm L ik ely to fall

6 . Saturn. R ise w ith m inor


Steady Firm B earish

7 . Rahu. R isin g tendency

but lik e ly to fall

Steady Firm B earish

tend en cy

8. Uranus. Steady Fall with slim

ch an ces o f


Fall S teep Fall

9. N eptune. S tead y but lik ely to


Fall but recovery


S tead y Fall w ith


10. Pluto. R ise w ith m inor


S teady Firm Fall w ith good

ch an ces o f

recovery .

Page 25: Constellation Trading

2 0 4 Vedic astrology in money matters

4 . A spectu al e ffe c ts betw een V E N U S and other p lanets in different zod iacal signs

on the m a rk e t p r ic cs o f S to ck Sh ares. B u llio n s and other trading item s.

A sp ects C o n ju n ctio n . S em i-S e x tile . Q u intile

S em i-Q u in tile . Q u incune.

Sesq ui-Q uad rate .

S ex tile , Squ are. Sem i-S q u are

T rin e, O pp osition .

S ig n s



A ries, Taurus, L e o ,

S co rp io , Sagittariu s

C apricorn .

G em in i, C an cer,

V irg o , L ib ra ,

A quarius. P isces

A ries. T auru s, Leo,

Sco rp io , Sagittarius

C apricorn .

G em in i, C an cer,

V irg o . L ibra,

A quariu s, P isces

1. Sun. S leep R ise L ik ely rise with

co rrectio n s

L ik ely rise Stead y

2. M oon. L ik e ly rise with

tend en cy to fall

Steady Firm Fall w ith

reco very

3 . M ars. R ise L ik ely rise w ith

som e fall

R ise wilh m inor

correction s.

Stead y

4. M ercury . L ik ely rise with

correctio n

Stead y Firm L ik e ly fa ll with

reco very

5. Jup iter. R ise in g tend ency

w ith co rrection

Steady Firm S lig h t fall with


6. Saturn. Steep rise R ise w ith m inor

correctio n s.

L ik ely to rise Stead y

7. R ahu. S teep rise R ise with m inor

ad ju stm ents

R ise with shori

correctio n s


8. Uranus. Steady rise R ise but likely

lo fall

R ise Stead y

9. N eptune. R ise w ilh

correctio n

Firm Stead y S o m e fall with

reco v ery

10. Pluto. S te ep rise R ise but tend to


R ise with short fall S tead y

Page 26: Constellation Trading

Importance of aspects in terrestrial mailers ,4Г•

T A B L E : 27 ______ B . S L O W A N D H E A V Y P I A M I S.

1. A spectual e ffe cts betw een M A R S and other planets in different zod iacal sinus on

the m a rk e t p rie cs o f S to c k Sh ares, B u llio n s and o ther trading item s

A spects C onju n ction . S e m i-S e x tile , Q uintile

Sem i-Q u in tile, Q u in cu n e,

Sesqui-Q uadrate.

S e x tile , Squ are, S em i-Sq u are

T rin e. O pposition.

S ig n s



A ries, Taurus, L e o ,

S co rp io , Sagittarius

C apricorn .

G em in i, C ancer,

V irg o , Libra,

A quarius, P isces

A ries, T auru s, L eo ,

S co rp io , Sagittarius

C apricorn .

G em in i, C an cer,

V irg o , L ibra ,

A quariu s. Piscc.',

1. Sun. Steep R ise S teep R ise R ise w ith short

co rrectio n s

Stead y

2. M oon. R ise with dow n­

ward tendency

Steady Firm Fall w ith

reco v ery

3. M ercury . R ise w ith shorl

correctio n s

Stead y Firm F all w ith short


4 . Jup iter. R ise w ith probable


S tead y Firm Fall w ith

p o sib le

reco very

5. V en u s Steep R ise R ise with

possib le fall

R ise w ith som e

set back


6 . Saturn . R ise R ise with som e

se t backs

L ik e ly rise m inor

co rrectio n s

Stead y

7. R ahu R ise R is e with slight


R ise w ith m inor

correctio n s


8. Uranus. S leep R ise L ik e ly rise with


R is e w ith possib le


S tead y

9 N eptune. L ik ely rise with

son ic fall

S tead y with

minor fluctuations

Stead y R is e w ith slight

possib le fall.

10. P lu to. Steep rise L ik ely rise with


R is e w ith som e

co rrectio n s

Stead y

Page 27: Constellation Trading

2 0 6 Vedic astrology in money matters

2. A spectu al e ffe c ts betw een J U P I T E R and o ther p lanets in d ifferent zod iacal sign<

on the m a rk e t pi iccs o f S to ck S h ares. B u llio n s and o th er trading item s.

A sp ccts C o n ju n ctio n . S e m i-S e x tile . Q u intile

Sem i-Q u in tile . Q u incune,

S esq ui-Q uad rate.

S e x tile , Sq u are, Sem i-Sq u are

T rin e. O pp osition .

S ig n s ■>



A ries, T auru s, L eo,

Sco rp io , Sagittariu s

C apricorn .

G em in i, C an cer,

V irg o , L ibra ,

A quarius. P isces

A ries, T auru s, L eo.

Sco rp io , Sagittariu s

C apricorn .

G em in i, C an ccr ,

V irg o . L ibra,

A quariu s. P isces

1. Sun. L ik e ly rise with

co rrectio n s

Stead y Firm Fall with

reco very

2 . M oon. Stead y Fall with


Fa ll w ith sligh t

p o ssib le rise

Steep fall

3 . M ars. R ise w ith som e fall S tead y Firm Fall with

bu llish

tend ency

4 . M crcu ry . Stead y L ik ely fall wilh

m inor rise

Fall w ith m inor rise

lik ely


5 . V enus. L ik e ly rise with

short fall

Steady- Steady F a ll w ith m inor


6 . Saturn . L ik ely rise with

co rrectio n s

Steady Firm Fall w ith sligh t


7. Rahu. R ise with slight

drop at tim es

Firm Stead y Fall with

reco very

8. Uranus. R ise w ith short


Firm Stead y F all w ith sligh t

reco v ery

9. N eptune. S teady Fall with


Fall w ith short



10. P luto. R is e w ith lik ely

short fall

S tead y Firm Fall with

p o ssib le

reco v er)'

Page 28: Constellation Trading

Importance of aspects in terrestrial matters МУ/

3. A spectu al e ffe cts betw een S A T U R N and other p lan ets in different zodiacal signs

on th e m a rk e t p rices o f S to ck Sh ares, B u llio n s and o th e r trading items.

A spects C o n ju n ctio n , S e m i-S c x t ile . Q u intile

S em i-Q u in tile , Q u incu n c,

Sesqui-Q uad rate.

S e x t ile , Square, S em i-Sq u are

T rin e , O pposition.

S igns 4



A ries, Taurus, Leo,

S co rp io , Sagittarius

C apricorn .

G em in i, C ancer,

V irg o , L ibra,

A quariu s, P isces

A ries, T au ru s, L eo,

S co rp io , Sagittariu s

C ap ricorn .

G em ini, C an ce r,

V irgo, L ib ra ,

A quarius, P isces

1. Sun. S te ep rise R is e w ith sligh t


R ise w ith m inor fall Steady

2. M oon. R ise w ith

co rrectio n s

S tead y Firm M inor fall

3 . M ars. S teep rise R is e with

co rrectio n s

R ise w ith m inor fall Steady

4. M ercury. R is e w ith

co rrectio n s

Firm Steady Fall w ith


5. Ju p iter. B u llish with

p o ssib le fall

F irm Steady Fall with


correctio n s

6 . V enus S te ep rise R ise w ith fall

a t tim es

L ik e ly rise w ith

m inor fall


7. Rahu. R ise R is e w ith slight

fa ll

R ise w ith bearish

tend en cy


8. Uranus. R ise R ise with bearish

tend en cy

R ise w'ith possib le



9. N eptune. R is e w ith short

co rrectio n s

Firm Firm Fall with



10. Pluto. B u llish L ik e ly rise with

m in or fall

R ise w ith som e



Page 29: Constellation Trading

208 Vedic astrology in money matters

4. A spectual e ffe c ts betw een R A I l l I and o lh er planels in d ifferen t zod iacal signs on

the m a rk e t p r ic c s o f S to ck Shares, B u llio n s and o ther trad ing item s.

A spects C o n ju n ctio n , S e m i-S e x tile , Q u intile

S em i-Q u in tile . Q u incun c,

Sesqui-Q uad rate.

S e x tile , Sq u are, Sem i-Squ are

T rin e , O p p osition .

S ig n s



A ries, T auru s. L.eo,

S co rp io , Sagittariu s

C apricorn .

G em in i, C an cer,

V irg o, L ibra ,

A quariu s, P isccs

A ries, T auru s, L eo .

S co rp io , Sag ittariu s

C apricorn .

G em in i, C an cer,

V irg o , Libra,

A quarius, P isces

1. Sun. S teep rise R ise lik ely to


R ise with n jin or

correctio n s


2 . M oon. R is e w ith som e


Steady Firm Fall with



3 . M ars. R ise R ise w ilh m inor

correctio n s

R ise w ith m inor fall S teady

4 . M ercury. R ise w ith lik ely

fa ll

Firm Steady Fall with

m inor rise

5 . Ju p iter. R ise w ith lik ely

m inor fall

S tead y Steady Fall wilh



6. V en us Steep rise R ise w ith m inor

co rrectio n s

R ise w ith fall

at tim es


7. Saturn . S tead y B u llish tend ency R ise w ith m inor


S tead y

8. Uranus. S teep rise R ise w ith m inor


R ise w ith sl^irt


S tead y

9 . N eptune. R ise w ith short

co rrectio n s

Firm Firm Short fall with


10. Pluto. S teep rise R ise w ith

m inor fall

L ik e ly rise w ith

correctio n s

stead y

Page 30: Constellation Trading

Importance of aspects in terrestrial mnUcrs

5 . A spectual e ffects betw een U R A N U S and other p lanets in different zodiacal signs

on the m a rk e t p r ices o f 'S to c k Sh ares, B u llio n s and other trading items.

A spects C onju n ction , S e m i-S e x tile . Q uintile

Sem i-Q u in tile , Q u incu n e.

Sesqui-Q uad rate .

S e x tile , Square. Sem i-S q u are

T rin e . O pposition.

S ig n s



A ries. Taurus. L eo .

S co rp io . Sagittarius

C apricorn.

G em in i, C ancer,

V irg o , L ibra,

A quarius. P isces

A ries, T auru s, L eo ,

S co rp io , Sagittariu s

C apricorn .

G em ini, C an cer,

V irg o , L ib ra ,

A quarius, P isces

1. Sun. B u llish trend R is e w ith short


R ise w ith som e

fall at tim es


2. M o o n . R ise w ith short


F irm Stead y Fall w ith


3. M ars. B u llish trend R ise with short


R ise w ith fall

at tim es

S tead y

4 . M ercury . R ise with som e


S teady Firm Fall w ith

som e rise

5. Ju p iter. likely rise with

short fall

S tead y Firm Fall w ith

m inor

co rrectio n s

6 . V en u s Steep rise Sh ort rise with

lik e ly fall

R ise w ith m inor

co rrectio n s

Stead y

7 . Saturn . S teep rise R ise with m inor


R is e w ith bearish

tend en cy

Stead y

8. R ah u. S leep rise R ise with

correctio n s

R ise w ith bearish

tend en cy


9 . N eptu ne L ik ely rise with

short fall

Firm S tead y Fall w ith

reco very

10. P luto. A brupt rise L ik c l f rise with

sh ort fall

R ise w ith m inor

co rrectio n s


Page 31: Constellation Trading

2 1 0 Vedic astrology in money matters

6 . A spectu al e ffe c ts betw een N E P T U N E and o ther p lanets in d ifferent zodiacal

s ig n s on the m a rk e t p r ic e s o f S to c k S h ares, B u llio n s and o lh e r trading item s.

A sp ects C o n ju n ctio n , S e m i-S e x tile , Q u intile

S em i-Q u in tile , Q uincune,

Sesq u i-Q u ad rate .

S e x tile , Sq u are, Sem i-Sq u are

T rin e, O pp osition .

S ig n s

Plan ets


A ries, T auru s. L eo,

S co rp io , Sagittariu s

C apricorn .

G em in i, C an cer.

V irg o , L ibra ,

A quariu s, P isces

A ries, T auru s, L e o ,

S co rp io , Sagittariu s

C apricorn .

G em in i, C an cer,

V irg o , Libra,

A quarius, P isces

1. Sun. lik ely rise w ith

m inor fall

S teady Firm B u llish


2 . M oon Firm Fall with

reco v ery

Fall with

bu llish tend ency

Steep fall

3 . M ars. R ise w ith likely


Firm Firm Fall w ith short


4 . M ercury . Firm Fall w ith short

term rise

Fall with



5 . Jup iter. S tead y Fall w ith short

reco v ery

Fa ll with



6. V en us Stead y but tend to

g o bearish

Firm Stead y Fall with m inor

correctio n s

7 . Saturn . R is e w ith m inor

co rrectio n s

Stead y Firm Fall w ith m inor

correctio n s

8. R ahu. R is e w ith bearish

tend en cy

Stead y Firm Fall with


tend ency

9 . Uranus. R ise w ith short

fa ll

Stead y Firm Fall with

sh ort rise

10. Pluto. R ise w ith fall at

lim es

Stead y Firm Fall with

reco very

Page 32: Constellation Trading

Importance of aspects in terrestrial matters

A spectu al e ffects betw een P L U T O and other p lanets in d ifferent zodiacal signs

o n the m a r k e t p rices o f.S to c k Sh are s . B u llio n s and other trading items.

\spects C o n ju n ctio n , S e m i-S e x tile . Q u intile

S em i-Q u in tile . Q uincune,

Scsqu i-Q u ad rale .

S e x t ile . Squ are. Sem i-Squ are

T rin e . O pposition.




A ries . Taurus. L eo .

S co rp io . Sagittarius

C ap ricorn .

G e m in i. C an cer,

V irg o , L ibra.

A q u ariu s. P isces

A ries, T au ru s. L e o ,

Sco rp io , Sag ittariu s

C apricorn .

G em ini, C an cer.

V irgo, L ibra.

A quarius. P isces

1 Sun. S teep rise R ise w ith likely


R ise w ith short



2. M oon. R ise with short

co rrectio n s

Firm Steady Fall with short


t M ars. S te ep rise R ise w ith m inor


l-irm Firm

4. M ercury. R is e w ith m inor

fa ll

F irm Stead y Fall with


5 Jupiter. R is e w ith

sh ort corrections

Firm Steady Fall with



6 . V en us S te e p rise R ise w ith

so m e fall

R ise with

som e fall


7. Saturn. R is e R ise w ith short


R ise w ith p o ssib le



8 Rahu. S te ep rise L ik e ly rise with

co rrectio n s

R ise with short



9 . Uranus. S te ep rise L ik e ly rise with

co rrectio n s

R ise with bearish



10. N eptune. R is e w ith short

fa ll

Firm Steady Fall with


Page 33: Constellation Trading

Typical factors of short and long term trends

planets and do not obviously have the same set of influences. The benefic aspect gained by the indicator registers rise in the market prices while malefic aspects bring down the prices. This procedure of ascertaining the market trend has to go with the Sayana system. Like the Sayana Sun's ingress in the sign Aries or Scorpio, Mars becomes the indicator for the entire solar month. The westerners have now assigned lordship of Scorpio sign to Neptune in which case, Neptune becomes indicator. Similarly, when the Sayana Sun remains in Taurus or Libra sign, Venus becomes the indicator for those solar months. In the same manner, the indicators for the other signs be identified and the monthly markets fluctuations are noted down on the basis of benefic and malefic influences exerted by the other planets over the indicators.

Sepharial, the great exponent in the field of western astrology, has identified the planetary rulers or significators of various products. This list has been tested and upgraded by the others with the passage of time. For the benefit of readers, it is being reproduced below :

P lanet

1. Sun



2 .


4. Mercury

S ig n ifica to r

Gold, yellow colour, turmeric

Silver, coarse grains, living beings.

Automobiles, iron, steel, wheat, rice, chilies, fuel oils, black peppers

A ll earthly produ cts, raw cotton , edible oils, coconuts, jute

5. Jupiter R ubber, z in c, tobbaco, cam phor, fo rm u lation of m edicines, sugar, cotton seeds.

Page 34: Constellation Trading

238 Vedic astrology in money matters

6 . Venus Cotton, textile, textile shares, silver,sugar, woolen cloth, vegetables

7. Saturn : Coal and mines shares, iron and steelshares, pig iron, mustard oil, black coloured things.

S ign s as Indicators :

1. Aries : Iron, steel, wheat, rice, oils, value ofcurrency, rails, linseeds.

2. Taurus Wheat fields, grass, sugar, medicinalpreparations.

3. Gemini : C otton fie ld s, grou nd nuts, ju te ,coconuts, news agency shares

4. Cancer : Tea, medical plants and herbs, milkand milk products, coarse grains, root vegetables like potatoes etc.

5. Leo : Gold, diam onds, precious m etals,yellow colours, wheat prices.

6 . Virgo : C lo th in gs, corn produ cts, labou rproblems

7. Libra : Textile shares, prices of silver, tea, Juteand cotton prices.

8 . Scorpio : Fuel oils, chemical substances, shareof chemical industries and oil mills.

9. Sagittarius : Rubber, tobbaco, tin shares, wheat,caster seeds.

10. Capricorn M ining products and shares, coal, lead, black colour.

Page 35: Constellation Trading

Typical factors of short and long term trends 239

11. Aquarius M arine p rod u cts, fish ery , silkproducts, artificial jewellery, electrical shares.

12. Pisces : W ine, narcotic, substance used formedicines, medical oils like code liver oil etc., sugar shares, medicines

The bullions play dominated role in any country's economy. The fluctuation in the gold prices produces snow balling effects on the market of other items. Similarly, the status and the performance of a company is judged through the manner and the rates the stock shares of the company are transacted in the stock exchanges. How the stock share values fluctuate, how the prices of gold and silver rule, all could be assessed by closely monitoring from the aspects of, their significator and with the related indicators. Let us take three predominant items which exert for reaching effects over the markets.

G old :

While considering the fluctuations in Gold prices, due attention is to be paid to its significators viz., the Sun and Jupiter besides its indicator. When the indicator develops benefic aspects with the Sun and Jupiter, the prices of Gold post rising trends during that month. On the contrary, in the event of formation of evil aspects between the indicator and the significators of Gold, its prices register bearish tone in the concerned month.

S ilv e r :

The significators for Silver are the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Rahu. When any of these significators get into a position to form benefic aspects with the indicator, the prices of Silver are likely to go up and in the event of

Page 36: Constellation Trading

1/19/2015 Time-Price-Research: W.D. Gann's Financial Time Table - extended & adjusted 1/3

W.D. Gann's Financial Time Table - extended & adjusted

Reportedly W.D. Gann constructed his legendary Financial Time Table on August 8th, 1908, without an

ephemeris. Gann himself has been quoted as saying that this was his greatest market discovery. It is entirely

Page 37: Constellation Trading

1/19/2015 Time-Price-Research: W.D. Gann's Financial Time Table - extended & adjusted 2/3

based on the moon’s north node, which completes a full cycle every 18.6-years. This is the same cycle that

Louise McWhirter used to predict the stock market as well. To mimic the Lunar Declination Cycle Gann simply

alternated a sequence of +19, +18, +19, +18 etc.-years across the top to get an average length of 18.6-

years. However, he finally noted that an adjustment would finally be due for Dec 25th, 1989. The above table

adjusted the pattern to the ephemeris. The Financial Time Table predicts years of recessions, depressions,

high stock prices, panics, low stock prices, speculative times, stock market crashes, labor strikes and so on.

The legend at the right of the table reads as follows:

A - Extreme low stock prices, strikes, repression, despair, and beginning of new business

generation for 18-3/5 years. 4 years of rising stock prices and improving business, markets

bare of goods. Young men becoming prominent.

B - High stock prices.

C - Panic

D - Low stock prices.

E - High stock prices.

F - Panic

G - Low stock prices.

H - Very high stock prices most prosperous year, waste over extravagance, most money in

circulation, much speculation.

IJ - Major Panic-CRASH! 4-years of falling prices, business stagnated, breadlines, soup

kitchens, despair, and unemployment.

K - Same as A plus strikes, unemployment, many prominent deaths.

W.D. Gann also observed what he came to call “the decade cycle”. In his many commodity and stock market

courses, he described the decade cycle this way: By studying the yearly high and low chart and going back

over a long period of time, you will see the years in which bull markets culminate and the years in which bear

markets begin and end. Each decade, or 10-year cycle, which is one-tenth of 100 years, marks an important

campaign… In referring to these numbers and these years, we mean the calendar years. To understand this,

study 1891 to 1900, 1901 to 1910, 1911 to 1920, 1921 to 1930 and 1931 to 1939. The ten year cycle

continues to repeat over and over, but the greatest advances and declines occur at the end of the 20-year

and 30year cycles, and again at the end of the 50-year and 60-year cycles, which are stronger than the



1. A year in which a bear market ends and a bull market begins. 1901, 1911, 1921.

2. The second year is a year of a minor bull market, or a rally in a bear market will start at

some time. 1902, 1912, 1922, 1932.

3. Starts a bear year, but the rally from the second year may run to March or April before

culmination, or a decline from the 2nd year may run down and make bottom in February or

March, like 1933. 1903, 1913, 1923.

4. The fourth year is a bear year, but ends the bear cycle and lays the foundation for a bull

market. Compare 1904, 1914.

5. The fifth year is the year of Ascension, and a very strong year for a bull market. See 1905,

1915, 1925, 1935.

6. The sixth year is a bull year, in which a bull campaign which started in the fourth year ends in

Page 38: Constellation Trading

1/19/2015 Time-Price-Research: W.D. Gann's Financial Time Table - extended & adjusted 3/3

the Fall of the year and a fast decline starts. See 1896, 1906, 1916, 1926.

7. Seven is a bear number and the seventh year is a bear year because 84 months or 840

degrees is 7/8ths of 90. See 1897, 1907, 1917, but note 1927 was the end of a 60 year cycle,

so not much of a decline.

8. The eighth year is a bull year. Prices start advancing in the 7th year and reach the 90th

month in the 8th year. This is very strong and a big advance usually takes place. Review

1898, 1908, 1918, 1928. (2008 did not follow this pattern, which is where a little real estate

cycle knowledge was helpful in this instance.)

9. Nine is the highest digit and the ninth year is the strongest of all for the bull markets. Final

bull campaigns culminate in this year after extreme advances and prices start to decline. Bear

markets usually start in September to November at the end of the 9th year and a sharp decline

takes place. See 1869, 1879, 1889, 1899, 1909, 1919 and 1929, the year of the greatest

advances, culminating in the fall of that year, followed by a sharp decline.

10. Ten is a bear year. A rally often runs until March and April; then a severe decline runs to

November and December, when a new cycle begins and another rally starts. See 1910, 1920,


Page 39: Constellation Trading
Page 40: Constellation Trading

138 Vedic astrology in money matters

The fundamentals that have gone into assessing and prognisticating the rise and fall in the market prices were based upon the characterisation of the planets and signs explained in the ancient literature on the subject and subsequent experiments carried out in the heuristic pursuits. These aspects are epitomised hereunder:

a) Planets manifesting long terms of bullish and bearish trends :

Jupiter, Rahu, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto remain for a longer period in each zodiacal sign. The daily motion of these planets is rather very slow. Like, Jupiter has about 13 months. Rahu 18 months, Saturn 30 months, Uranus 84 Months stay in a sign. Consequently, their daily motions also become sluggish and their effects on a sign or a house or planet over which it develops a point of contact through aspects, conjunctionetc., persist for a very long time. With the result, the impact of bullishness or bearishness of stock shares and commodities signified by these heavenly objects get prolonged. Amongst the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are the most effective and important ones. A close and constant watch on the behaviour of these planets is necessary to cast right predictions especially, in mundane affairs.

b) Planets manifesting short terms of bullish and bearish trends:

All the inner planets including the Sun, the Moon, Mercury and Venus have a short stay in a zodiacal sign. Consequently, the daily motion of these planets becomes fast and the aspects formed by these planets over the other houses and planets are also for a short duration. Therefore, the periods of rise or fall in p rices in the share m arkets,

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Portrayal of houses, signs and constellations

commodities etc., are also confined to short spells. Amongst all these inner planets, the Moon is the fastest planet hence, daily flunctuations in the prices are determined through this planet. On account of its extremely fast speed, it is difficult to accentuate a set pattern. Therefore, the effects of the transit of the Moon in various signs are even passed over un­noticed.

The other planets like Mercury and Venus stay around one month in a sign. When they get into retrogressions, their stay get extended to even two months. Therefore, the impact of the transit of the planet on the price flunctuations of stock shares, bullions, commodities etc., is consideredable when they become slow. The fast movements of these planets have moderate effects. Unsteady market trends at times, are noticed.

All these factors are discernable in a great measure, from 'Sarvatobhadra chakra'. In this C hakra poin ted ly the movements of planets are marked through nakshatras and the aspectual effects also get altered depending upon the speed, direct or retrograde motions.

Just like planets, the zodiacal signs also influence the market prices. There are certain signs which signify bullish trends while the other signs would mark bearish effects. There are yet other signs which render mixed effects. The pace of flunctuations and steadiness is also indicated by them.

These varied effects are caused due to inherent qualities of these signs. Firstly, they have been classified into four groups or triplicities according to four elements (Tattwns) viz., Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Further, these signs have also been clubbed into three traits, namely; movable, fixed

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and common signs. Detailing of the characteristics of the twelve signs imbibed with different kind of elements and qualities have been carried out elsewhere in the book which may be gone through to understand their effects on the mutation of prices. The bullish and bearish trends and the nature of the mutability caused by the signs have been detailed hereinbelow.

i ) A ries :

It signifies strong bullish trends.ii) T au ru s:

This sign also tends to give bullishness but rise in the prices are slow and gradual.

iii) G em in i:

By and large this sign sets in bearish trends. This sign also has the tendency of causing upsets or up heavals. There would be an elem ent of suddeness in the m utation of prices w hich sometimes remains for a short duration.

iv) C ancer:

It is opposite of the Aries sign and is considered to be a strong sign for setting bearish trend.

v) Leo :

Just as Aries, this sign also has the characteristics of upwards tendency in prices and sets bullish trends.

vi) V irg o :

This sign gives effect to a moderate fall in prices. At times, it also brings about steadiness in the prices and then mutation takes place slowly.

vii) Libra :

This sign is indicative of bearishness. But at

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Portrayal of houses, signs and constellations 141

times it does bring about sudden rises in the prices for a short run. Such probabilities shall riot be ruled out.

viii) Scorpio :

This sign is capable of setting bullish trends. Unlike Aries sign, the rise is brought about in a slow pace.

ix) Sagittarius :

This is also a sign which produces bullish trends with an upsetting character. The overturning nature of this sign, at times, also causes short spells of sudden fall in prices.

x) Capricorn:

This sign gives an ordinary and moderate bullish trend. Since it is being a moveable sign, quick changes, both upwards and downwards, are also expected. It is a slow reacting sign.

xi) Aquarius :It is a bearish trend setter. Being an airy sign, it gives sudden rise to the prices though for a short span.

xii) Pisces :This is again a bearish sign but mutation in the prices takes place rather slowly but steadily being a sign of watery triplicity.

As described a little while ago the effects of fast and slow moving planets which contribute in regulating and destablising the price structure on various markets, it is e ssen tia l to u n d ertstan d the in b u ilt q u alities and characteristics of these celestial objects which attribute to such fluctuations. Just like signs, some planets signify bullish trends where the others will cause bearish effects. Therefore, it is important to know die intrinsic qualities of the pl.inel

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Sarvatobhadra Chakra Edited by Chistabo, Jan 2012


Now you can determine trend, either very high, high or average increase from benefic or malefic influence.

Similarly prepare grading of previous closing.

If there is benefic Vedha by benefic Grahas - Mandi (depression) is possible.

Another Method

Decide starting time & closing time of prices. It may be a year or a month or a day. It means two periods - previous closing and future prices.

Decide actual longitude of Grahas.

Decide Vedha of Grahas according to their speed. Record speed & direction of Grahas.

Decide actual Vedha of Nakshatra, Pada of Nakshatra, Navamsa Vedha and other Panchkas of country, time & commodity.

Decide strength of Grahas - in own, in friend's, in enemy's, in neutral Bhava, also note if Graha is rising, combust, retrograde or exalted.

Carefully record

Panchkas of city, time & commodity.

Pada Vedha by 9 Grahas.

Pada aspect by 9 Grahas.

Strength of benefic / malefic Vedha of Pada by 9 Grahas.

Find out difference at both times.

Difference will indicate rise & fall of prices.

In case any country, state or city has many names, latest name assigned to that country, state or city should be considered.

Another method

Note prevailing price of a commodity on 2nd Tithi, after Amavasya.

Note relation of Nakshatra of commodity & Grahas of commodity on 2nd Tithi (after Amavasya).

Examine relation of Ch on Panchkas of commodity.

Price will come down when Ch is bright & has benefic relation with Panchkas.

Decide commodities from Nakshatra on which Ch is transiting on a particular day.

Price may also fall when Ch is malefic on 2nd Tithi after Amavasya. Commodity can be decided from Ch Nakshatra on that date.

Standard practice

Standard practice for determining prices of commodities — based on Vedha of Nakshatra by malefic / benefic Grahas:

S. no. Nakshatra Vedha by Grahas Impact on commodities

1. Aswini Malefic Teji in ghee, rice, clothes, animals.

Benefic Mandi in ghee, rice, clothes, animals.

Impact starts from North & remains for 60 days.

2. Bharani Malefic Teji in wheat, rice, kali mirch, sonth.

Benefic Mandi in wheat, rice, kali mirch, sonth.

Impact starts from South & remains for 8 months.

3. Krittika Malefic Teji in rice, gram, grains, til, oil, diamond, gems, gold, silver.

Benefic Mandi in rice, gram, grains, til, oil, diamond, gems, gold, silver.

Impact starts from South & remains for 8 Months.

4. Rohini Malefic Teji in grains, liquids, oils & metals.

Benefic Mandi in grains, liquids, oil & metals.

Impact starts from East & remains for 7 days.

5. Mrigasira Malefic Teji in animals & liquids.

Benefic Mandi in animals & liquids.

Impact starts from North after 3 days.

6. Ardra Malefic Teji in oil, salt, liquids, sandal & scented items.

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Benefic Mandi in oil, salt, liquids, sandal & scented items.

Impact starts from West.

7. Punarvasu Malefic Teji in cotton, thread, jute goods & til.

Benefic Mandi in cotton, thread, jute goods & til.

Impact starts From North & North - East.

8. Pushya Malefic Teji in gold, silver; ghee, rice, salt, heeng, oils.

Benefic Mandi in gold, silver, ghee, rice, salt, heeng, oils.

Impact starts from North & North - South.

9. Ashlesha Malefic Teji in gur, sugar, massor, wheat.

Benefic Mandi in gur, sugar massor, wheat.

Impacts tarts from West.

10. Magha Malefic Teji in ghee, oil, til, gram, gur.

Benefic Mandi in ghee, oil, til, gram, gur.

Impact starts from South.

11. P. Phalguni Malefic Teji in woolen clothes, wool, oils & silver.

Benefic Mandi in woolen clothes, wool, oils & silver.

Impact starts from South.

12. U. Phalguni Malefic Teji in urad, moong, rice.

Benefic Mandi in urad, moong, rice.

Impact Starts from North.

13. Hasta Malefic Teji in sandal & camphor.

Benefic Mandi in sandal & camphor.

Impact starts from North.

14. Chitra Malefic Teji in gold, gems, gur, urad, moong, animals.

Benefic Mandi in gold, gems, gur, urad, moong, animals.

Impact starts from North.

15. Swati Malefic Teji in chilies, oil & heeng.

Benefic Mandi in chilies, oil & heeng.

Impact starts from North.

16. Visakha Malefic Teji in rice, wheat moong, masoor & moth.

Benefic Mandi in rice, wheat, moong, masoor & moth.

Impact starts from South.

17. Anuradha Malefic Teji in arhar, grains, rice & gram.

Benefic Mandi in arhar, grains, rice & gram.

Impact starts from East.

18. Jyeshta Malefic Teji in gur, camphor, mercury & heeng.

Benefic Mandi in gur, camphor, mercury & heeng.

Impact starts from East.

19. Moola Malefic Teji in white commodities, cotton & grains.

Benefic Mandi in white commodities, cotton & grains.

Impact starts from West.

20. P. Shada Malefic Teji in ghee & grains.

Benefic Mandi in ghee & grains.

Impact starts from West.

21. U. Shada Malefic Teji in animals, iron, brass & copper.

Benefic Mandi in animals, iron, brass & copper.

Impact starts from East.

22. Abhijit Malefic Teji in moong, sonth.

Benefic Mandi in moong, sonth.

Impact starts from East.

23. Sravana Malefic Teji in sugar, grains & sweet commodities.

Benefic Mandi in sugar, grains & sweet commodities.

Impact starts & from East.

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24. Dhanishta Malefic Teji in gold, silver, pearls & gems.

Benefic Mandi in gold, silver, pearls & gems.

Impact starts from East.

25. Satabisha Malefic Teji in oils & wines.

Benefic Mandi in oils & wines.

Impact starts from West.

26. P. Bhadrapada Malefic Teji in metals, grains & medicines.

Benefic Mandi in metals, grains & medicines.

Impact starts from South.

27. U. Bhadrapada Malefic Teji in gur, sugar, til & oils.

Benefic Mandi in gur, sugar, til & oils.

Impact starts from West.

28. Revati Malefic Teji in pearl, gems, betelenuts.

Benefic Mandi in pearl, gems & betelenuts.

Impact starts from North.

Teji - rise in prices & Mandi - decline.

Impact of Grahas on prices due to Vedha of Rasis

Sy in Mesha Rise in cotton, ghee, oil, til, sarso, almond, gur, sugar, gold & silver.

Fall in wheat, rice, urad, moong, arhar, gram & peas.

Ch in Mesha Rise in wheat, gram, alsi & opium.

Fall in gold & silver.

Ma in Mesha Rise in gur, gold, silver, metals, red coral, pearl, wool & cotton.

Fall in wheat & other grains.

Bu in Mesha Rise in animals.

Fall in gold, silver, metals, wheat, gram, til, mustard oil, cotton, ghee, gur & sugar.

Gu in Mesha Rise in cotton.

Fall in gold, silver, copper, gur & silk.

Sk in Mesha Rise in gram, wheat, grains, ghee, gold, silver, gur.

Fall in wool, til & oil.

Sa in Mesha Rise in gold, silver, copper, metals, til, oil, ghee, cotton.

Fall in gur, sugar & oil.

Ra / Ke in Mesha Rise in wheat, gram and grains.

Sy in Vrisabha Rise in silver, gold, gur, sugar, cotton & oil.

Fall in wheat, gram, arhar, moong and rice.

Ch in Vrisabha Rise in wheat, gram, urad, til, groundnut, silver & cotton.

Fall in animals.

Ma in Vrisabha Rise in red items, grains, cotton, oil, gold, silver, copper & shares.

Bu in Vrisabha Rise in wheat, gram & rice, cotton & oil.

Gu in Vrisabha Rise in cotton, silver & grains.

Fall in salt & red things.

Sk in Vrisabha Rise in gold & silver.

Fall in grains & cotton.

Sa in Vrisabha Rise in gur, sugar cotton, gold, silver, copper, oils, wheat, grains & rice.

Fall in Sa's transit during last 6 months of the transit period.

Ra in Vrisabha Rise in oils, gur, sugar & cotton.

Sy in Mithuna Rise in silk, cotton, steel, oil, gur, sugar, ghee, moong, urad, wheat, gram, rice, gold & silver.

Ch in Mithuna Rise in cotton, wheat & gram.

Ma in Mithuna Rise in gur, sugar, copper & red items.

Bu in Mithuna Rise in animals.

Fall in gold, silver & sarso.

Gu in Mithuna Rise in copper, steel & ghee.