conit's service stack and toolchain

Data Analytics & Vizualisation

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Data Analytics & Vizualisation

Page 2: ConIT's Service Stack and Toolchain

Welcome to a world where your users define and improve

your business every step of the way. Welcome to Big Data.

Each user brings a product interaction…

…every little piece of information gets collected…

…and stored and analyzed

And every properly analyzed insight…

…brings the product closer to where you want it.

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© 2014 ConIT

„Big Data“

Data Collection

Data Warehousing

Data Analytics Visualization

Business Impact

“Big Data”, along with “The Internet of Things” is one of most significant trends of our time.

What can ConIT do to help? - We are experts at data visualization –

in the browser, on mobile, even offline.

- With noteworthy data analytics

background and track record, we cross-enrich data from a variety of sources to create a single source of truth: surely, the one you’re going to trust.

- Our business consulting background

allows us to help our customers in the remaining core areas of “big data”, de facto translating data insights to actionable business agenda – loud and clear.

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© 2014 ConIT

Data Collection

Data collection represents the process of identifying and collecting informational assets – usually on customer behaviour. There is a variety of priceless information contained in customer interaction, which can help you improve your value offering. For example, the last interaction of a customer with your product is critical for his decision whether to continue using your product. Statistics can be collected and could help significantly reduce churn rates. At ConIT, we help with the preliminary assessments and the technical setup for data gathering.

Data collection

Data Warehousing

Data Analytics


Business Impact and Strategic Consulting

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© 2014 ConIT

Data Collection

Data warehousing encompasses a wide variety of technical activities, mainly focused on the Extraction, Transformation and Loading processes of the collected data. With the dropping price of hardware, this task goes from the CFO’s to the CTO’s desk, and this is where we can help. The plethora of tools available out there – both open-source and licensed – offer alternative solutions to the variety of problems – but it really takes a tailored solution every time. Do you know whether a dataset is better suited in a relational or a NoSQL database? Can you store your data in an optimal, yet robust way? Well, we can help!

Data collection

Data Warehousing

Data Analytics


Business Impact and Strategic Consulting

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© 2014 ConIT

Data Analytics

Data analytics is where insights are extracted from numbers, where facts and figures start telling stories. Sophisticated algorithms allow the analysis of vast quantities of data for the purposes of market segmentation, predictive modeling and classification. Serious computing power combined with a business-minded attitude produces serious and actionable results. At ConIT, we believe that numbers need to be supplemented by business acumen and strike the balance between data-driven approaches and business understanding to provide exceptional results for our clients.

Data collection

Data Warehousing

Data Analytics


Business Impact and Strategic Consulting

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© 2014 ConIT

Data visualization

Data visualization is one of the most important ingredients along the way towards big data harnessing. More often than not, it is not the story behind the data that matters, but the way one tells it. Our consultancy background really helps with understanding the business case and KPIs. From there on, we contextualize the design and offer solutions, that fit the business needs. Put all of that in an eyecandy web-based interface with live feed to ease the access and there you have it: Another story told, because a graph is worth even more than a thousand words.

Data collection

Data Warehousing

Data Analytics


Business Impact and Strategic Consulting

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© 2014 ConIT

Business Impact and Strategic Consulting

The Business Impact and Strategy building is what closes the cycle, the point where an organization benefits from its Big Data investment. Once the data is analyzed and the insights are available in a human-readable format, strategic decisions and actions on product improvement need to be considered. And the cycle may run once more, growing in effectiveness over time and returning ever more information.

Data collection

Data Warehousing

Data Analytics


Business Impact and Strategic Consulting

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© 2014 ConIT


To address complex challenges, we use advantages provided by the following platforms / languages:

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© 2014 ConIT

Our Customers

We have the privilege of working with industry leaders to create and deliver essential solutions and products they need to thrive and succeed in a constantly changing world.

We deliver real impact and exceptional results. We can only be successful if our customers are.

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© 2014 ConIT

Our Team

Milen has a degree in Information Technology and Industrial Management. His work experience includes a career in electronics and embedded systems design for the automobile industry, working as a senior software architect for Johnson Controls. Having real-world knowledge of the software industry, he is now overseeing the execution of our projects.

Milen Spasov CEO

Dimiter has a degree in Informatics and his work experience includes a successful career in computer networking and information security. He has worked for HP as an information security consultant, providing insight to the C level executives of customers like Alcatel Lucent, Nokia, AON, Centrica. Before joining, he was a Healthcare consultant for the likes of Philips, Pfizer and Thermo Fisher.

Dimiter Shalvardjiev CTO

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© 2014 ConIT


Our expertise in dashboards is based on dozens of projects in the last few years. We’re proud to share some screenshots:

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© 2014 ConIT

Contact Us 00359 887 064 991 Dimiter Shalvardjiev 71 Lyuben Karavelov Street 1000 Sofia BULGARIA

0049 176 40039896 Alexander Chukovski

Boschetsrieder Straße 47

81379 München GERMANY