a study of msp430 toolchain

A STUDY OF MSP430-GCC TOOLCHAIN Toan Nguyen School of Electrical Engineering Hochiminh International University I. INTRODUCTION A toolchain is a set of software development tool that help developer to turn the source code into executable machine code. In term of embedded system, a toolchain is a cross toolchain which is capable of creating excutable code for a target system (eg. Microcontroller) from a host system (eg.X86/X64 PC) by means of compilers, assemblers, linker, burner and debugger. In case of the TI MSP430 Ultra-Low-Power MCU, there are several choices of toolchain which developer may consider. The first group is pre-built toolchains that come along with some integrated development environment (IDE) such as Code Composer Studio (CCS) from Texas Instrument (TI) and IAR Embedded Workbench. The benefit of this kind of toolchain is its easy-to-use, user can jump right into programing job without any modification. However, the limitation of code size and technical support for the free version are the disadvantage of this group of toolchain. On the other hand, building from source is free of charge and strongly supported by the community. The purpose of this report is to investigate and implement the TI MSP430-GCC, a popular open source toolchain provided by TI and Red Hat. II. OVERVIEW OF MSP430-GCC TI MSP430-GCC is a port of GNU Toolchain which is a broad collection of programing tools produced by GNU project. It is the replacement of the former “MSPGCC” developed by Peter A. Bitgot. The items that make up the TI-MSP430-GCC are: “GNU Compiler Collection” (GCC), “GNU Binary Utilities” (Binutils), “Standard C Library” (Newlib), “GNU Debugger” (GDB). In order to flash the code to MSP430 Microcontroller, mspdebug also need to be installed. The table below illustrate the function of these items:

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Introduction about toolchain for msp430-gcc from TI.



    Toan Nguyen

    School of Electrical Engineering

    Hochiminh International University


    A toolchain is a set of software development tool that help developer to turn the source

    code into executable machine code. In term of embedded system, a toolchain is a cross

    toolchain which is capable of creating excutable code for a target system (eg.

    Microcontroller) from a host system (eg.X86/X64 PC) by means of compilers, assemblers,

    linker, burner and debugger. In case of the TI MSP430 Ultra-Low-Power MCU, there are

    several choices of toolchain which developer may consider. The first group is pre-built

    toolchains that come along with some integrated development environment (IDE) such as

    Code Composer Studio (CCS) from Texas Instrument (TI) and IAR Embedded Workbench.

    The benefit of this kind of toolchain is its easy-to-use, user can jump right into programing

    job without any modification. However, the limitation of code size and technical support for

    the free version are the disadvantage of this group of toolchain. On the other hand, building

    from source is free of charge and strongly supported by the community. The purpose of this

    report is to investigate and implement the TI MSP430-GCC, a popular open source toolchain

    provided by TI and Red Hat.


    TI MSP430-GCC is a port of GNU Toolchain which is a broad collection of programing

    tools produced by GNU project. It is the replacement of the former MSPGCC developed

    by Peter A. Bitgot. The items that make up the TI-MSP430-GCC are: GNU Compiler

    Collection (GCC), GNU Binary Utilities (Binutils), Standard C Library (Newlib),

    GNU Debugger (GDB). In order to flash the code to MSP430 Microcontroller, mspdebug

    also need to be installed. The table below illustrate the function of these items:

  • GCC The actual C/C++ Compiler

    Binutils Including utilities use to manipulate the generated binary file, the most

    important tools are the assembler and linker

    Newlib C library intended for use in embedded system

    GDB The debugger allow developer to see what is going on the program while it

    is executing

    mspdebug A program to flash the code into non-volatile memory in MSP430



    a. Ubuntu

    Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating system, with Unity as its default desktop

    environment. The benefit of using Linux OS is it totally free and strongly supported

    by developer community.

    b. Eclipse

    Eclipse is an IDE which contains an extensible plug-in system for customizing

    programing environment. Thanks to these plug-ins, Eclipse can be used to develop

    application in various programing language such as: Java, C/C++, Perl, Python, Ruby

    and so on. Furthermore, Eclipse allows user to configure deeply in project setting

    which help to launch the appropriate tool in toolchain to produce the desired output,

    in this case is an executable machine code. By those reasons, Eclipse has been

    adapted as the working IDE.


    In order to run the code on a MSP430 MCU, a procedure of building the executable

    code has been illustrated in the figure below:

  • a. Preprocessor

    Preprocessor perform several operation to prepare the source code for compiler. Such

    duties are macro processing, replacing define, function into the file that would be


    b. Compiler

    The msp430-elf-gcc is actually a compiler which is used to translate the high level

    language to assembly language. In this case is from C to Assembly code. More

    specifically, the msp430-elf-gcc is usually called cross compiler since it is not the

    original GCC but the ported ones to work with MSP430 MCU.

    c. Assembler

    The assembler msp-430-elf-as is a utility from Binutils that converts the assembly

    code from compiler to object code (eg. main.o) which represent the original C

    program by binary (0s, 1s) that the MSP430 MCU could understand the instruction.

    d. Linker

    The linker is responsible for combining all object code into the single ones. TI has

    provided the specific linker for each MSP430 MCU (eg. msp430g2553.ld).

    e. Loader

    The loader translates the absolute object code from linker to a suitable file

    (eg. main.out) for flashing the code to the target system by mspdebug.


    Step 1: Get the latest version of MSP43-GCC Linux Installer at http://tinyurl.com/prrm3rn

    Step 2: Open the Terminal, change the directory to Download Directory, and execute the


    cd Downloads

    sudo chmod +x msp430-gcc*.run

    sudo ./msp430-gcc*.run

  • Step 3: The Installer would appear and the Installation Directory should be /opt/ti/gcc

    Step 4: Get the mspdebug

    Step 5: Open Eclipse, create new C project. Choose Empty Project and Cross GCC then Next

    sudo apt-get install mspdebug

  • Step 6: In Cross GCC Command section , set Cross Compiler Prefix and Cross Compiler Path

    as shown in figure below

    Step 7: Create new C source file by File New Source File. Enter the file name main.c

  • Step 8: Setting the toolchain by right click on project name (test_gcc) then choose Properties

    On the Properties window, click on C/C++ BuildSetting. At Tool Setting tab, click on

    Cross GCC Compiler, edit the Command as:

    Step 9: In Cross GCC Compiler, come to Includes section then add the path to the header file

    gcc -mmcu = msp430g2553

  • Step 9: On Cross GCC Linker, also edit the command:

    Step 10: Add path to linker directory in Cross GCC LinkerLibrariesLibraries Search Path

    Step 11: Before click on Build Project, the project should be close then re-open The Console

    should be the same in the figure

    Gcc -mmcu = msp430g2553

  • Step 12: GDP Debug: right click on:

    Project Name Debug AsDebug ConfigurationGDP Hardware Debugging

    On tab Debugger: Edit GDB Command: msp430-elf-gdb

    Port Number: 2000

    Step 13: Open terminal, move to the project directory. Run mspdebug and flash the program

    Then start the GDB

    mspdebug rf2500

    prog test_gcc


  • Step 14: Back to Eclipse then click Debug. A Debug window should be appear with the C code

    on the left and equivalent assembly code on the right.