congregation ohr moshe 18th annual seudas shabbos · 2019-05-09 · guests of honor drs. akiva...

Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 שבת קודש פרשת קדושים, ו אייר תשע"טCelebrating 32 Years of Service to the Hillcrest Community 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos Congregation Ohr Moshe ˘ L’Zecher Nishmos Jack & Pearl Beylus , Z”L Wishing Hatzlacha Rabba to Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld

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Page 1: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Guests of Honor

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

Will ✓ Attend

May 11, 2019 שבת קודש פרשת קדושים, ו אייר תשע"ט

Celebrating 32 Years of Service to the Hillcrest Community

18th Annual Seudas Shabbos Congregation Ohr Moshe


L’Zecher Nishmos

Jack & Pearl Beylus , Z”L

Wishing Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld

Page 2: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

From the desk of Rabbi Asher Schechter

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who participated in

this successful Seudas Shabbos Fundraiser for our Shul. Your commitment to and love for our

Shul and the ideals that it stands for truly make you a תומך תורה - a supporter of Torah. May

and the נחת and הצלחה bless you and your family with many more years of הקדוש ברוך הוא

ability to continue growing in your 'עבודת ה.

Special thanks go to our dedicated committee, its Honorary Chairman Rabbi Eliyahu Hartman

and its Chairman Benjamin Zanjirian who worked long and hard to make this Seudas Shab-

bos a success. A special Yasher Koach to Rivky Schechter who prepared this most impressive

Journal. We thank Rebbetzin Ruchie & Malky (Schechter) Siegel for their technical support.

This year we are truly privileged to be able to bestow recognition upon Drs. Akiva & Tamar

Perlman, our Guests of Honor. The Perlman family moved into our community relatively re-

cently and quickly ingratiated themselves. They got involved in all the דברים שבקדושה with

zest and have contributed in many major ways. They are among the most respected members

of our Shul and their Torah lifestyle and יראת שמים serve as a shining example to all. The love

they share with their children, family & friends (new and old) is legendary. May Hashem Yis-

borach bless them with אריכת ימים ושנים in good health along with loads of נחת from their


Jack & Pearl Beylus, Z”L were a special and unique couple. They toiled for decades in relative

obscurity to build a beautiful family and community. Our Shul and קהילה are indebted to

them for their many innovations and contributions. The Beylus children and grandchildren

continue to follow in the footsteps of their illustrious parents. Today we commemorate the past

and celebrate the future potential of this special family.

Since the inception of our Shul (and before), Ari & Abe have been synonymous with delicious,

fresh and plentiful food at our Shul’s events and community Simchas. Always serving us with

a smile, their professionalism and complete dedication to the customer is legendary. In addi-

tion, they both have taken active roles in the other needs of our קהילה as well. All good things

have to come to an end, and so does their long tenure as our favorite caterers. Today we ex-

press our הכרת הטוב for a job well done. We wish them both Hatzlacha Rabba and אריכת ימים

.from their family נחת in good health along with ושנים

We hope you will all enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of a family Seudas Shabbos together with

our worthy honorees, friends, דברי תורה and זמירות on this, one of the longest Shabbos

afternoons of the year. May we all be Zoche to a יום שכלו שבת ומנוחה together with our

brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael and throughout the world.

Page 3: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Chairman’s Letter Many people worked hard to make this Shabbos Luncheon a special occasion. Special thanks to

Rabbi Schechter his Rebbetzin and Rivky Schechter who worked extra hard to make today’s event

so beautiful. Thank you to Malky (Schechter) Siegel for her oversight and advice. We would also

like to thank all of the attendees and advertisers, whose contributions allow our Shul to function

properly. Many people take Shuls for granted. They just show up and expect everything to be

“normal”. They may not realize how much effort, energy & resources are required to create that

“normal”. With your support today, you have a big share in the creation and maintenance of the

“normal” מקום תורה ותפילה of Ohr Moshe.

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman are prime examples of truly inspiring individuals who are constantly

growing in Torah & Mitzvos and bringing others along for the ride. Their beautiful family is a major

part of what is so special about our Shul and community.

We are especially thankful to Hashem for the many years that we enjoyed the presence of a special

couple Jack & Pearl Beylus, Z”L and their family. Their many contributions continue through their

children and grandchildren.

Finally, we are having a very hard time saying goodbye to the special duo, Ari and Abe, who ca-

tered every Shul Seudas Shabbos and many other events of our Shul and community for almost 4

decades. Our Hakaras HaTov knows no bounds. May Hashem bless them with an enjoyable and

relaxing retirement in good health for many years.

Our Shul is a unique and beautiful מקדש מעט. Besides the meaningful Tefilos in a decorum filled

atmosphere and the educational Shiurim delivered by our Mara D’Asra and other highly qualified

speakers it also provides a nonpolitical, warm and special environment for our families to cherish

friendships with the likes of our honorees and each other. We are extremely proud of the recent

influx of young families with young children to our Shul which is evident in the large number of

youngsters present today. Our Shabbos Youth Groups and weekly MiniKiddush and many other

Spiritual and Social activities have 'ברוך ה become very popular.

May we be Zoche to continue to develop our Shul reaching greater and greater heights in 'עבודת ה

Rabbi Eliyahu Hartman, Honorary Chairman

Benjamin Zanjirian, Chairman

Page 4: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Akiva and Tamar Perlman were married in August of 2002

and have since been blessed with four beautiful children:

Shalom, Noam, Chedva and Rachel Binah. They have lived

in different communities in Queens until they more recently

settled into the community of Hillcrest where they feel sup-

ported and welcomed by the Rabbanim, families and

friends. Besides being dedicated to their families, Akiva and

Tamar also have the privilege of serving the Jewish people

at large. With his expertise as an addictions specialist, Akiva works with the men and

families facing addiction while also teaching the next generation of Jewish therapists as a

Professor at LIU Masters program of Social Work. He oversees the guidance department at

JEC and Bruriah high schools and resides as a consultant at AMUDIM—an organization

that aids those who have been impacted by abuse. He often lectures on the topics of his

expertise in many academic and general venues. While he continually seeks knowledge in

his field, his passion in learning more essentially lies in his study of Hasidism; it is the

lens through which he sees the witnessing of G-d's healing of his clients on a daily basis.

Tales from Hasidic masters are often the focal point of the Perlman’s Shabbat and Yom Tov

table, which are often graced by family and friends.

Tamar also has the opportunity to work with the Jewish population, working with women

with a history of trauma and couples struggling in their marriages. She lectures exten-

sively on topics of parenting, marriage and dealing with emotions and teaches young

brides of different backgrounds the laws and perspectives of a Jewish marriage. Tamar

feels privileged to learn weekly with her mentor Rebbetzin Heller, whose Torah and per-

spective permeates all that she teaches and does. She enjoys to nurture those around

her— with empathy or food!—and especially enjoys her time with her family.

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Guests of Honor

Page 5: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Practically first-generation Americans but incredibly proud not to

be so, Pearl and Jack Beylus came to the US as children. Jack,

born in Hungary in September 1938 arrived in the US as a three-

month-old infant in December that same year. Pearl, a true Sa-

bra, was born in Israel –before it was acknowledged as a state.

Her family still has the “Trans-Jordanian” passport, the seven-

year-old Penina was issued for her Journey to the United States.

Pearl and Jack grew up just miles away from each other in

Brooklyn. Jack in Williamsburg and Pearl in Crown Heights. Fol-

lowing their educations at Torah Vodaath and Central, respec-

tively, the couple married on March 20, 1963 – the day of Jack’s

discharge from the US Air Force and settled in Crown Heights. It

wasn’t long before they moved to Kew Gardens Hills. In the very

early 70’s the couple and their two little boys, Sruli and Elli,

found their home in Hillcrest. Pearl and Jack Beylus were among

the young families that helped grow and build our community into what it is today. Ultimately, the

family of five, with the addition of their daughter Yehudit, became pillars of the Hillcrest family – each

of the children settling here, at some point, with their own young families as well. Jack could always

be relied on to make a minyan – in fact he was frequently the first man counted as he made it a point

to always come on time, or even early to shul, be it Rabbi Rutner’s Shul, The Torah Center, Young Is-

rael or Rabbi Ginzberg’s Shtibel, the original Ohr Moshe, which he frequented for many years before

its move to its current home on 73rd Avenue. Additionally, Jack, with his beautiful voice, was a fre-

quent ba’al tefillah and gabbai in practically every minyan he participated in. Again, a unique and

cherished skill and commitment he passed on to his sons and grandsons – all of whom are sought af-

ter as ba’alei tefillah and keriah and serve as gabbaim in their communities and schools. Pearl Beylus,

was a creative and inspirational powerhouse. She worked as a radiology technician, kindergarten

teacher and then an electrologist out of her home. A tireless work-in-the-home mom, Pearl marshalled

her unique visions and energies into programs that fueled her heart, love of community, yahadut and

Hakadosh Baruch Hu. She orchestrated the first Queens Purim Parade in Hillcrest and managed the

effort for years after that. She was a great supporter of The Chafetz Chaim Heritage Foundation and

its mission to guard against lashon Harah, and Hachnasos Kallah as well as frequenting and leading

womens’ shiurim at our shuls. Above all was her love of brachot and the joy she took in answering

Amen to every bracha she heard would become her legacy. From bracha parties for her grandchildren

to challah baking at home for her family or sharing her skill and inspiration with students who clam-

ored to bake challah with her, Pearl reveled in the thrill of kiyum hamitzvah. The Rosh Chodesh Wom-

en’s Amen Group – now named in her honor – was an undertaking she cherished. Recruiting speak-

ers, organizing the brachot-centered refreshments and identifying sponsors was all done with love and

a deep sense of gratitude that she had the ability, energy and community support to do this each and

every month. Pearl and Jack Beylus were the epitome of ahava, mishpacha, and kehillah – they

worked together to build a family and then made a family out of the community that built itself, in

many ways, around them. Yehi Zichram Baruch.

Page 6: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Ari Cymbalista Ari Cymbalista spent the first 14 years of his life

in Washington Heights with his parents and three

siblings. Every summer the family went to a bun-

galow colony in Far Rockaway, which eventually

led to them moving to Bayswater. At that point,

Ari became an active member of the Young Israel

of Wavecrest and Bayswater youth department.

Eventually, he became an officer as well as Gabbai

of the Shul.

Having always had an interest in cooking, after at-

tending New York Tech, Ari opened up the first

Glatt Kosher food establishment in Great Neck. Within a few years, Abe

joined Ari in the store, and so began the partnership between the two.

The neighborhood was sorry to see them go after the store suffered too

much damage from a fire next door. It was then that Ari’s 34 year rela-

tionship with the Young Israel of Hillcrest began. As the man behind the

scenes, Ari brings his Knowledge of fine cuisine to every Simcha that he

caters. With his quick wit and keen sense of humor, he brings a smile to

every customer’s face. Not only does he devote himself to his catering

business, he truly puts his heart and soul into every aspect of the Young

Israel of Hillcrest.

Ari married his Bashert, Rachel, and they settled in Cedarhurst where

they have been long time members of Congregation Bais Medrash. They

have two wonderful children. Gabi is presently doing video editing for At-

aboy Studios in New York City and is also writing a book about his per-

sonal experiences living with Tourette’s Syndrome. Shlomit made Aliyah

6 years ago and is currently working for Zebra Medical Vision.

Ari is humbled by this honor that the Shul is bestowing on him.

Page 7: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Janet and Abe Feld have been members of the Young Israel of

Hillcrest for 41 years, moving to the neighborhood as newlyweds.

They both grew up in Forest Hills, where their parents were in-

volved in the Young Israel. Children of Holocaust survivors, they

were both raised on the importance of community and involve-

ment in Shul activities. Learning from the examples set by their

mothers, Tova Gottleib z”l and Frieda Feld z”l, Janet became in-

volved with the local AMIT chapter, serving as a fundraising

chairperson and being honored at the Fresh Air Luncheon.

Abe, as the caterer of the Shul together with Ari for the last 34

years, inevitably has a hand in the Shul’s day-to-day functioning.

As the caterer he is the first to hear of a Simcha but as co-head of the neighborhood Chevra

Kadishe he is also the first to hear of a loss. Abe works closely with Rabbi Weiss and the commit-

tee in his involvement with the Emergency Fund and has a key role in the maintenance of the Er-

uv. Abe has undertaken, together with Janet, the organization of the Purim Shalach Manot pack-

age in memory of their sister, Phyllis Pollack z”l.

Abe is involved with other community organizations including Tomchei Shabbos of Queens, deliv-

ering food on a regular basis. He heads the National Council Benevolent Society, keeping his cem-

etery maps at his side while working closely with the National Council of Young Israel office.

Their intense involvement in the community and Shul has had great rewards for Janet and Abe.

Abe has had the honor to work for so many years with two wonderful Morah D’Asras, first Rabbi

Krauss and presently Rabbi Weiss. The Felds enjoy a vibrant Shul environment and have been

able to make many friends. It has set a great example for their children, Rebecca and Gavi, Jessi-

ca and Kobi, and Yehuda and Laura, and hopefully in the future for the new loves of their lives,

their beautiful grandchildren, Eliora, Ayelet, Michael, Molly, Temima, Yair, Kara, Yona, Eta, J.J.,

and Mason.

With Hashem’s help, Janet and Abe hope to continue to enjoy being a part of such a wonderfully

close-knit community.

Abe Feld

Page 8: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ


Page 9: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ


Congregation Ohr Moshe


Rabbi & Rebetzin Schechter, Thank you for providing us and our friends

with exemplary leadership.

Thank you for your Torah, a place for Tfilah

that doesn’t compromise on seriousness or

warmth and a leadership of a whole

community that feels individualized and

personal. We feel so seen and noticed as

part of this Kehila, personally cared for,

and feel privileged with our children

growing up with the values

that it represents.

Thank you!

May we be zoche to represent

your leadership by being the people that

reflect the core values of Ohr Moshe.

With blessings for you

and your entire family,


Akiva & Tamar

Shalom, Noam, Chedva and

Rachel Binah

Page 10: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ


Congregation Ohr Moshe

טובים השנים מן האחד... כי אם יפלו האחד יקים את חברו

י(–)קהלת ד, ט

Pearl & Jack

Mommy & Daddy

Imma & Abba

Savta & Zaidy ל“ז

You each shone independently, but together you were

(and are) our rocks!

You loved us! You taught us! You inspired us!

Each of us, in our own way, tries to emulate your midot, chessed,

ahavat HaShem and commitment to each other, your family, and the

community you loved so well.

We thank the Ohr Moshe family for recognizing what we always

knew and acknowledging you both for the loving and committed

members of the Hillcrest kehila you had been for so long.

May we be zoche to keep your memories alive ad meah v’esrim shana.


Sruli, Nancy, Elli, Carrie, Yehudit,

Elisheva, Yonatan, Yael, Max, Meira, Avi,

Orit, Racheli, and Gila

Page 11: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ


Congregation Ohr Moshe

Thank you to

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Schechter and the Ohr Moshe congregation for your

continuous support over the past years.

We are truly honored for the Hakaras HaTov

you are bestowing upon us.

Mazal Tov to the guests of honor,

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman.

We also share in remembering

Jack &Pearl Beylus who were very special to us.

A special recognition to

Ben Zanjirian, who was always a pleasure to work with

on the shul functions.

Rachel & Ari Cymbalista

Janet & Abe Feld

Page 12: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ


Congregation Ohr Moshe

We are so happy to join our Shul in extending

true honor to our very good friends

Kivi & Tamar Perlman

We don't want to brag or anything, but we do

want to point out that it was our house that

the Perlmans came to years ago to check out

Hillcrest. And Baruch Hashem we were

successful in our mission to win them over.

Our son Lazer Velvel was most excited at the

time, since it meant that his friend and class-

mate Shalom would also be his neighbor!!

The Perlmans did not disappoint us. They have

become involved in all aspects of our Shul and

Community. We are so proud to wish them

all a hearty Mazel Tov upon this

truly well-deserved honor.

Asher & Ruchie Schechter & Family

Page 13: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ


Congregation Ohr Moshe

In Loving Memory of our good friends

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z"L

We cannot believe that they have both

passed on to the Olam Ha'emes.

We wish much strength to their

children and grandchildren

Sruli and Nancy Beylus & Family

Elli and Carrie Beylus & Family

Yehudit Simanowitz & Family

so that they will bring much Yiddishe

Naches to their parents and grandparents

and continue on in their ways.

Yehi Zichrom Baruch

Asher & Ruchie Schechter

Page 14: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ


Congregation Ohr Moshe

Abie and Ari - We're not quite sure how to begin our ad. We can't

use any words like "Honor" or "Kavod"…

So we'll just get straight to the point - we are so

grateful for all that you both have done for us.

On a professional level, like this Shul Dinner, for

example, and on a personal level, like our first

Sheva Brachos, for example. (And we mean OUR first

sheva brachos, like Asher and Ruchie!!)

You have been there for us through it all, and it is so

hard for us to imagine going through more simchos

without both of you in charge of the "hot stuff"!

We wish you and your wives much Hatzlacha with all

of your new-found spare time. And please let us

know if you end up changing your minds -

we will be very happy!

Asher & Ruchie Schechter & Family

P.S. Lazer Velvel is really very concerned about

your chulent...he says it's the best around.

Page 15: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ


Congregation Ohr Moshe

The biggest joy for parents is when they can

feel proud of their children.

Tamar & Akiva

made us very proud many times . We felt proud

when we attended their classes at last

Passover's event. We’re constantly feeling

pride when we visit them and feel loved and

respected. It uplifts us to see the respect they

have in their community. Most importantly we

feel happy to see how they raise their children,

how they create a loving and safe home for

them. I think they really deserve this

honor. Thank you Tamar and Akiva for making us

such very proud parents


Mama & Deda

Page 16: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ


Congregation Ohr Moshe

In Honor of

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In Memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari and Abe

Avi Faskowitz family

Shneur Faskowitz family

Ben Grossman family

Gilboa Merdinger family

Page 17: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Diamond Pages

Page 18: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Diamond Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

to מזל טוב

Akiva & Tamar Perlman

on your well-deserved honor.

לזכר נשמת

two very special people

Jack & Pearl Beylus ז"ל


Abie and Ari,

what can we say? Thank you just doesn’t seem to cover it …

You’ve been an integral part of everyone’s lives

here in Hillcrest (and beyond) for as long as we can remember -

in the best of times and the worst - and everything in between.

You’ve elevated special occasions with your sumptuous food

and helped set up for shiva. We’ve all counted on you for so much.

You deserve to be able to retire after all these dedicated and selfless years,

your contributions innumerable, You will be sorely missed …

Enjoy the years ahead, and may there be many!

Avi & Laurie and David Kohanchi

Eliana & Eli, Shua, Noam and Gavi Langbaum

Page 19: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ


Page 20: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Platinum Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel tov to

Kivi & Tamar Perlman

on being chosen as Guests of Honor.

You have both added so much to our Ohr Moshe family –

a beautiful davening, an inspiring shiur, and always with a smile and a kind word.

May you continue to enjoy much yiddishe nachas from your beautiful mishpacha,

and be granted the koach to continue in all you do for the klal.


the Beylus and Simanowitz families –

there are no words we can offer to ease your pain on the losses your

families have suffered. But please know that those of us in the community have

been inspired by your parents/grandparents

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L and our tefillos will always be more meaningful because of them.


Ari and Abe – this place will never be the same without you! Yasher koach and much Hakaras

HaTov to you both (and to your n’shei chayil holding down the forts all these

years!) – not just for your culinary contributions but for the warmth, care, and

sensitivity in the way you have handled all the trying situations over the years.

Yasher koach to

Ben & Sarah Zanjirian – please know that we appreciate all your efforts year after year – always in a

humble and unassuming way. May Hashem grant you the strength to continue

your many good deeds, and much nachas from your beautiful family.

Last, but far from least, a very heartfelt Hakaras Hatov to

Rabbi Asher & Ruchie Schechter. Ohr Moshe is a warm and family-oriented shul, permeating with the sounds of

davening and learning from within because of the two of you and all that you put

into it. You are true role models for bein adam l’makom and bein adam l’chavero!

May you have many more years of Yiddishe nachas from your wonderful

mishpacha, and your shul mishpacha too!

Matti & Beth Friedman

Page 21: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Platinum Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel Tov to

Drs. Tamar & Akiva Perlman

on their well deserved honor:

You are a tremendous asset to the Hillcrest community.

You are like superheroes:

At first glance, you are just regular warm, loving people,

But when you start speaking, your true brilliance shines through.

In addition, Tamar, we love your invaluable advice, and Akiva,

your davening truly inspires us. You guys are simply the best!

To the Beylus and Simanowitz families:

The entire community shares your great loss.

May HaShem grant you the strength and ability to continue the

wonderful work of your beloved parents

Jack &Pearl Beylus Z”L

on behalf of K’lal Yisroel.


Ari Cymbalista and Abie Feld:

We will really miss your wonderful food and

the way you catered to all of our wishes.

We were always so nervous when planning a special occasion

and you were always so calm that you helped us

all to calm down too.

It was always a pleasure working with you.

You will be really missed!

Hatzlacha Rabba!

Fern & Arthur Sisser

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Platinum Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel tov to our dear friends

Akiva & Tamar Perlman

and their entire family

on this most well-deserved honor .

Congregation Ohr Moshe and the entire

Hillcrest community have gained so much from them.

With their tzedaka, chessed, great warmth,

and love they provide to everyone,

they have enriched our kehila greatly.

May they continue to be leaders in klal Yisroel

for many years to come .

Congratulations and hatzlacha to

Abie and Ari for all their years of service to the community.

You were always there to provide amazing

service to the entire Hillcrest community.

To the entire Beylus and Simanowitz families,

Jack & Pearl Beylus will always be remembered in the Hillcrest

community and beyond. All of their children and

grandchildren are a testament to the lives of torah

and mitzvos they led and passed down to their family.

Joshua, Rachel

Aaron, Rebecca and Sophie Sisser

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Platinum Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In recognition of

Ari and Abie’s Dedication and devotion to

the Hillcrest community

and their delicious catering!

In memory of

Pearl & Jack Z”L

Mazel Tov to

Tamar & Akiva Perlman

Rachelle & Avi Bitton

Rochelle & David Flug

Flo & Alan Fruchter

Rena & Sol Gelernter

Miriam & Shopsy Kanarek

Merry & Sidney Rosman

Shelly & Irvin Schmutter

Mary Sprung

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Platinum Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel Tov to our dear friends

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman on this well deserved honor! Your incredible acts of

kindness and chesed are an inspiration to us all.

We feel privileged to have you in the community as

neighbors and friends. We look forward to our

children growing up together and sharing many

simchas IYH in the future.

We remember

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L who were pillars of our community.

Their work lives in the good deeds of their children:

Dr. Sruli and Nancy Beylus

Elli and Carrie Beylus

Yehudit Simanowitz

and grandchildren.

May their neshamos have an aliyah.

We wish Hatzlacha Rabba and want to give

Hakaras Hatov to

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld for all of your hard work over the years. We will

miss you! Thank you for all of the beautiful simchas

that you have made in this community.

Eve & Todd Sullivan

Leeba, Yosef, Rivka and Sarah Leah

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Platinum Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

We'd like to join Ohr Moshe

in extending honor to

All Its Honorees We'd also like to extend a

Special Hakaras Hatov to

Abie and Ari And a special honor to our children

Rabbi Asher & Ruchie Schechter for all their efforts

on behalf of the klal.

May we have many more occasions

to celebrate together until 120.

Rabbi Yehuda Mayer & Debbie Schechter

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Platinum Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

We are so proud to join Ohr Moshe

in extending Honor to

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

and in extending Kavod

to the Memories of

Jackie & Pearl Beylus Z"L

We also want to wish hatzlacha to

Abie Feld and Ari Cymbalista as they begin the next

chapter of their lives

Rabbi Peretz & Chaya Steinberg

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Platinum Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe


Tami & Kivi!

Every time I think about you, I always imagine

how empowering it must be for everyone you come in

touch with, everything you do for them, I believe, makes

a huge difference in their lives. It may be true that

good things, small or big, might eventually come if you

wait long enough, but it just comes way faster for

those who work for it. I also believe nothing great in

the world has ever been accomplished without the

passion, faith & love. I'm just so proud, happy &

fulfilled with who you are, what you represent, what

you do! The way we choose to see the world creates

the world we see. This is truly a great honor &

acknowledgment! I consider it as a real honor for our

entire family. Congratulations!

You deserve it so much!



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Platinum Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In Honor of

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In Memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari and Abe

Rabbi Eliyahu & Fagie


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Gold Pages

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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel Tov

Abe and Ari On This Well Deserved Honor.

We Continue To Be Amazed

By All The Work You Do

For The Hillcrest Community.

Hatzlacha Rabba

On Your Retirement!

With Love,

Karen & Glenn

Cheryl & Mark

Debbie & Alan

Shelley & Ronnie

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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel Tov to

Congregation Ohr Moshe

And to our worthy honorees

Dr. Akiva & Dr. Tamar Perlman

What a great couple!

Wise choice.

Keep up the great work,

and go Me’Chayil el Chayil.

We remember

The Beyluses


Yehi Zichram Baruch.

Ari and Abie—

Say it ain’t so!

What’ll We do without you?

Sam & Maxine Kosofsky

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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In Celebration…

To our Honorees

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

who enhance our davening and learning

Of Blessed Memory

Jack & Pearl Beylus. For Jack's support of Pearl's establishment of

the Women’s Rosh Chodesh Amen Group,

which continues in her loving memory

With gratitude to

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld for enhancing all of our Simchas

with their delicious catering

With Hakaras HaTov to

Rabbi & Ruchie Schechter for their devotion to our Shul

Marilynne & Marty Vogel

and Family

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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In recognition of

Rabbi Asher & Ruchie Schechter And the entire Ohr Moshe family.

We are thrilled and grateful to join you on this

special day as you honor and celebrate

some of Hillcrest’s best.

Mazal Tov to all the honorees.

Our Beloved Parents

Pearl & Jack Beylus, ל“ז,

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

& Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld

We thank you for all you have done and will continue

to do on behalf of our community and Klal Yisrael.

May Hashem give you the strength

to go mechayil el chayil.

Sruli, Nancy, Orit and Gila Beylus

Elli, Carrie, Yael, Meira, and Avi Beylus

Yehudit, Elisheva, Yonatan, Max, and

Racheli Simanowitz

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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe


Tami & Akiva

We are so proud of you

being honored by your shul.

You are truly the family that every

community would want to have.

Your kindness, wisdom and

love to others inspire us all.

We love you,

Rachel & Rezo

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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In honor of our Gabbaim

Eli Siegel

Hank Strom

Sruli Beylus

Todd Sullivan

Lazer Velvel Schechter

for excelling in the thankless job

as Gabbaim of our Shul

Your patience and concern are


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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In honor of the

Ohr Moshe Chabura

and its

Rosh Chabura


All The Volunteer Speakers

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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Yasher Koach to

Rivky Schechter

for preparing this

most impressive Journal

for our Seudas Shabbos

Thank you to

Rebbetzin Ruchie Schechter

and Malky Siegel

For your technical support and guidance

We truly appreciate your

dedication to our Shul

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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

This page is dedicated to

Beth Friedman


Rebbetzin Ruchie Schechter

for spearheading countless

special projects as the

Presidium of N’Shei Ohr Moshe

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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In honor of the

N’Shei Ohr Moshe

Rosh Chodesh Shiur for Ladies

Yasher Koach To

Miriam Perkal And

Yocheved Roitman

for continuing to make it happen

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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In honor of

Jennifer Fisher

Our Youth Chair

the Parents who volunteer


all our energetic Youth Leaders

who make our Shul's Youth Groups

so enjoyable

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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Yasher Koach

to our Webmasters

Matti Friedman,

Rivky Schechter

And Malky Siegel

and to our CalendarMasters

Ron & Rachel Levovitz

for bringing our

Ohr Moshe Communications

into the 21st Century

Tizku L’Mitzvos!

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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה

In honor of the chairman of our

Bedek HaBayis Committee

Zev Feldstein

And his Assistant

Gil Winokur in recognition of their tireless efforts for

Congregation Ohr Moshe

A very Special Yasher Koach to

Benjy Schikman for his many professional contributions of advice, time

and materials to the wellbeing of our Mikdash Me'at

And Thank You To

Lane Sparber who keeps things bright in Shul

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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In honor of all the Ohr Moshe Baalei Keriyah

Eric Bart

Matti Friedman

Robert Greenberg

Sam Kosofsky

Ron Levovitz

Josh Meisner

Josh Sisser

Thank you for delivering the words of Hashem

so professionally

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Gold Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

to יישר כח

Ron & Rachel Levovitz

Kiddush Committee Co-Chairs

The annual Seudas Shabbos is the Levovitz

family's favorite Shabbos of the year -


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Silver Pages

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Silver Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In Honor of

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In Memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari and Abe

Abe & Sima


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Silver Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In Honor of

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In Memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari and Abe

Steve & Carol Neuman

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Silver Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazal Tov to Guests of Honor

Drs. Akiva &Tamar Perlman

You continue to inspire us with your beautiful davening

and insightful shiurim.

Thank you for your many contributions

to the community and Klal Yisrael.

We wish you much continued nachat from your children

who are clearly following in your footsteps

with their good middot and chessed.

We have fond memories of

Jack & Pearl Beylus, Z”L.

During his teenage years, Ron spent

many a Saturday night in the Beylus home watching classic films.

As adults, we found Jack and his special “taxi”

to be a very enjoyable ride to the airport.

Pearl’s monthly Amen Group continues to inspire

the women of the Hillcrest community.

May the neshamot have aliyot.

We wish

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld

good health, happiness and hatzlacha rabba

in your upcoming retirement. We cannot thank you enough

for guiding us with constant patience and unparalleled expertise

in planning for Kiddushim and other events,

making it all so efficient and easy. We can always count on

consistently delicious food and seemingly effortless results

because of your careful attention to every detail, reliability,

professionalism and thoughtfulness.

Thank you for all your hard work

and selfless dedication to the community for so many years.

Ron, Rachel, Sarah and Jordan Levovitz

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Silver Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

The definition of Gmilas Chesed is

Abie and Ari

Not to mention great food

Best wishes,

Rhonda & Sana


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Silver Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Thank you to

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld

Hazan et Haolam Kulo Betuvo

“...Who in goodness feeds the

Whole World…”

Thank you for being Hashem’s agent

In providing us sumptuous meals

for all those years,

and the opportunity to make

all those brachot.

Ilana & David Amar

Sharon & Israel Ashkenazy

Judy & Mark Gross

Gail & Sidney Schwarzenberger

Gail & Murray Zilbering

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

The Young Israel of Hillcrest:

Wishes to extend continued success to Rabbi Asher

Schechter and Congregation Ohr Moshe, and wishes

Mazal Tov to the Guests of Honor,

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman.

We also wish to acknowledge the legacy of

Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Perl Beylus, A”H, who represent true dedication to both community

and family, as individuals and as a couple.

Our Shul joins Congregation Ohr Moshe in

expressing appreciation, in just a small way, to

Ari and Abe

for all they have done for our entire community.

Rabbi Dr. Richard Weiss

Phil White, President

Louis Tuchman, Chairman of the Board

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel tov to our dear friends

Akiva & Tamar Perlman

on their well deserved honor. Since the day they moved into Hillcrest a few

years ago they have endeared themselves to all. They quickly made themselves

an essential part of the community and we are proud to call them our friends.

And to our dear friends

The Beyluses

We fondly remember your parents and what an integral part of the Hillcrest

community they were. I always looked forward to seeing your dad at shul and

your mom was always so pleasant to speak with. We see that their legacy of

chessed and commitment to yiddishkeit continues with their children and

grandchildren. May their neshamos have an aliyah.

And acharon acharon chaviv to

Abe and Ari

You two have been such an important part of the Hillcrest community for so

many years. It goes without saying about all the delicious food that you have

made for us over the years. But not only that, you have been so involved in so

many things that go on from the announcements on the dialer to bringing what

is needed to shiva homes. Your yummy cholent will be missed and we hope that

your retirement brings you many years of good health and happiness.

Eli & Marissa Siegel

The Mileage Guy, the place to sell your

airline miles and credit card points at the best rates.

Please contact us for a quote today

917 720 6368 [email protected]

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

LeZecher Nishmos

Jack & Pearl Beylus

Hakaras Hatov


Abe Feld and Ari Cymbalista

And Mazel Tov


Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

Greta & Alvin Warshaviak

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazal Tov to

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus, Z”L

The Sparber Family

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

With gratitude to

Rabbi & Ruchie Schechter

Mazal Tov to

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld

Norman & Rachel Gluckstein

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Best wishes and Mazal Tov

to our dear friends

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld

With gratitude for the many

Smachot they enhanced

for our families

And we join

The Beylus Family

In honoring the memory

of their beloved parents

Ann & Fred Neuman

Rochelle & Larry Rosenblatt

Stacie Rottenstreich

Naomi & Louis Tuchman

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Kivi & Tamar, We cannot think of a couple

more worthy of recognition

for their contributions to

the greater Jewish community

than the two of you.

Your tireless and unyielding

commitment and dedication to those

around you is remarkable, and all

who are fortunate enough to

know you are the better for it.

May you have much

continued hatzlacha

and may you see true nachas

from your beautiful children.

Your JEC Family,

Ami Neuman, Noach Sauber,

Yisroel Rich, Sariel Malitzky

and Families

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel tov to

Akiva & Tamar!

We love you and

thanks for moving in here!


Leor, Brett

Itai, Maya, and Noam


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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe


Akiva & TamarPerlman








The Entire Beylus - Simanowitz Mishpacha



Ari and Abe -






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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Congratulations to

All of the Honorees

upon your recognition as guests of honor

at the Congregation Ohr Moshe

Seudat Shabbat Banquet.

May you continue to have Hatzlacha

in all of your endeavors.

We would like to give special thanks to

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Schechter, as well as the entire congregation

for the especially warm welcome that our

family has received after moving into the

community. BE”H, we look forward to

many years of living in , and growing with,

the community.

In memory of Shmuel’s mother,

Freidel Rivka Bas Chaim, Z”L

And in honor of the birth of our

beautiful daughter Freidel Rivka.

Shmuel, Meira,

and Freidel Rivka Tyszler

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe


Akiva & Tamar Perlman - we are grateful to Hashem for bringing you to our

beloved community.

The memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus will always grace our people.

We will remember and miss the outstanding service

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld

provided to all the family and community events in


Thank you

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Schechter for your kind leadership.

With honor and respect,

The Schwartz-Messing Family

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel tov and best wishes to all our friends

and fellow congregants at Congregation Ohr Moshe

under the distinguished leadership of our Mara D’Atra,

Rabbi Schechter and his devoted Rebbetzin Ruchie,

on this celebration of our annual Seudat Shabbat.

Mazel Tov to the Guests of Honor

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

We fondly remember our good friends

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

at this special dedication.

And a very special expression of Hakarat Hatov to our dear friends

Abie Feld and Ari Cymbalista For their incredible dedication and service to our community.

Each of you has, in your own special way, enhanced the quality of

Jewish communal life here in Hillcrest,

for which we are most appreciative.

May you each go from strength to strength

in continued service to our community.

Rabbi Michael & Elaine Strasberg

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

מזל טוב to my children

Kivi & Tamar (Both of whom shun being honored.)

You two are quite remarkable, which

I would recognize even if I were not

your Mother.

Your home is filled with תורה and

graciousness and מצות and laughter.

You are both committed lovingly to

in overt ways and many כלל ישראל

hidden and silent ways

(shsh—I know.)

s will is your perpetual guiding’ה


May you grow .מחיל אל חיל



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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe


Tamar & Akiva. We are so proud of you.

To be honored by your shul is such a

tremendous accomplishment

considering there are so many other

congregants, it was obviously seen

that you both possess such unique

neshamas. You both inspire people to

want to become better Yidden.

We are so proud of you both and may

Hashem bless you both with

abundant braha and hatzlaha and

much nachas from your children.


Grandmother Tamar

Janashvili and

Aunt Leah Janash

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Congratulations to

Drs.Akiva & Tamar Perlman. Well deserved guests of honor

that help so many lives.

In memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z''L

A wonderful loving couple that

touched so many lives

Congratulations to

Ari and Abe Fantastic caterers that fed so

many lives.

Teddy & Renee Pollak

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazal Tov to

Akiva & Tamar Perlman on this well deserved honor.

Also, to

Ari and Abe, we thank you for making all of our

smachot so enjoyable and anxiety-free over

the past 34 years and for all you have done

for the Hillcrest community.

And thank you to our

Marah D'Asrah & Rebbetzin,

Rabbi Asher & Ruchie Schechter for their dedication to the shul and

community, and for their friendship and

warmth, many excellent shiurim and leader-

ship. May HKB"H shower you all with good

health, rov brachos and rak b'soros tovos

Judy & Mark Frankel and Family

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Thank you to

The Honorees

for all that you do

for the shul and


The Fisher Family

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Kivi & Tamar- We cannot think of anyone more

deserving of honor than our dear

brother and sister, who are such role

models of good middot and love for

Torah and Am Yisrael. We are constantly

inspired by you. You are givers in every

sense of the word- through your

professions, commitments to your

community, and even in your daily

interactions with people from your

delivery man to your children. We are

proud of your achievements and know the

world will only continue to benefit from

you being in it. We know our world

certainly does. Thank you for all that

you do and mazal tov!


Daniel, Sofy,

Yosef Yonah and Moshe


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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel tov to

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman.

We are lucky to have the

best neighbors anyone could hope for.

We are privileged to have known

The Beylus Family for many decades. They set a high standard

for the Hillcrest community, and we strive

to follow in their footsteps.


Ari and Abe, who have always been there for everyone in

the community.

With great appreciation to

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Schechter who have created a holy place to daven,

learn and grow. They are constantly

seeking to keep raising the kehillah

to greater heights.

Srulie & Miriam Perkal and Family

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe


Tamar & Kivi, We love you so much and are

overjoyed to share in your well

deserved honor. You bring light,

wisdom, happiness and kindness

wherever you go and we are so lucky

to call you our cousins, although

you guys are more like our siblings.

You are a role model for us in so

many ways. You have raised incredible

children with outstanding midos and

love for Hashem. You inspire us every

day and we thank you for being who

you are!

To many many more joyous occasions

together amen.

With great love,

Natalie, Shmuli,

Eric and Melissa.

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazal Tov

Drs. Akiva & Tamar

Perlman on this much deserved honor.

May you continue to go from

strength to strength.

You are true

pillars of kindness.

With Love and Admiration,

David & Esther


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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel Tov and Best Wishes

To the guests of honor

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

We join the entire Hillcrest community in honoring the

memories of two very special people

Jack & Pearl Beylus A”H who are sorely missed. May they continue to be

mailitzei yosher for their families and Klal Yisrael.

Abie and Ari: You have been among the first people to call when there

is B”H a family simcha, or G-d forbid, the opposite. We

thank you for your expert, reliable, and truly delicious

catering over all these years. We sincerely appreciate

your past tireless efforts, and most of all the heart and

soul and caring that went into everything you did for us!

We wish you only the best of health and happiness

and enjoyment in your new stages of life.

We also wish

Our Marah D’Asrah & Rebbitzen Ruchie much continued hatzlacha, mazel and bracha.

We thank you for all you have given to both our

community and our wonderful shul (and “the block”, of

course). It is a pleasure and זכות to have you as neighbors

and close friends (and “cousins across the street”!). May

you continue to derive much Yiddishe nachas from your

wonderful family in good health עד מאה ועשרים

Joy & Zev Feldstein and Family

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In honor of our inspiring brother

and sister-in-law

Akiva & Tamar

For all you do for the world, for

this wonderful community and for

your family.

We wish both of you much Bracha

and Hatzlacha. May you continue to

inspire and help all those who come

in touch with you.

With much respect and love.

Eli & Elisheva

Shoshana, Ayala

and Noam Yehuda Perlman

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel tov to

The Honorees!

In memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus, obm. May their memory be a blessing.

Mazel tov and hatzlacha to

Abe and Ari! Thanks for all the wonderful

simchas and kiddushim, may your

party continue until 120!

Lewis & Beth Gray

and family

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In beloved memory of

Pearl & Jack Beylus Z”L

May their values and good deeds

live on in their children,

and in the Jewish community

that they so dearly loved.

Enid & Stanley


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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In remembrance of

Pearl & Jack May your wonderful children

follow your numerous

acts of Chesed

Yasher Koach to

Ari and Abie For your untiring dedication to

the Hillcrest community

Ita & Larry Golzman

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe


Jack & Pearl Your House Was Our House

The warmth that we felt

was so special.

Shabbos with you all was

enlightening enough, that it will

stay in our hearts till the end.

Music and Song at the table

lifted everyone's spirit

that was there.

We miss it.. But we will cherish All

our Memories.

You Weren't Just Stars.... You were

Giants among them.

All Our Love

Anthony Surinder

Yakov Shira

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In Honor of

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In Memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari and Abe

Gil & Shani Winokur

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Kivi & Tamar:

You inspire us all—just by being

your authentic selves—

kind, insightful, and full of life.

Looking forward to continuing

on our journey together.

We love you,

Jesse & Sara

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazal Tov to

The Guests of Honor

and Honorees.

We thank the Shul and Community

for being there for us.

Nitsan & Mindy Lavie

and family

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

The spiritual prestige of our community

has been enhanced by each of

The Honorees.

May we continue to enjoy their gifts of

friendship and kedusha long into the future.

Thanks to

Rabbi & Rebbitzen Schechter for creating a home of kedusha for this kehila.

Michael & Susan Horowitz & Family

Congratulations to

Kivi & Tamar

and family for being honored by

Cong. Ohr Moshe and for being the

greatest inspirations a brother can have.

With so much love,


Page 83: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In honor of

Ari and Abe for decades of "service with a smile" to the

entire Hillcrest community.


Pearl & Jack Beylus

with admiration for their dedication

to the Hillcrest community.

Dinah & Robert Spitz

Mazel tov

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman, guests of honor, in recognition of the wonderful work you do for the klal.

In memory of our dear friends

Jack & Pearl Beylus, Z"L

May their holy neshamos reap the rewards for all the mitzvos that the

community continues to perform as a result of their having inspired us all so

much about the mitzvos of challah, shmiras halashon, tefila and "Amen".

Tremendous hakaras hatov to

Ari and Abe for your superb dedication and for providing for the needs of

the Hillcrest community over the past four decades.

Andy & Barbara Perkal

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel Tov to

Drs. Akiva & Tamar On receiving this special honor. May Hashem bless you and

your family with continued Nachas.

We so fondly remember

Jack (Yankel) & Pearl Beylus And miss their warmth and presence. It is a fitting tribute

that their children so beautifully continue their legacy.

Abe and Ari— We can’t imagine making future simchos iy”H without you!


Ellen & Steve

We are proud to participate in this year’s

tribute to

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L,

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld,

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman. Their service to the Hillcrest Jewish

community and our Kehilla has been

outstanding and is much appreciated.

Carole & Gary Eisen

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Congratulations to

All The Honorees

Linda & Howard Katzman

In Honor of

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In Memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari and Abe

Rabbi Dr. Tsvi & Bracha Ingber

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In Honor of

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In Memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari and Abe

Drs. Yankee & Sherry Krausz

In Honor of

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In Memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari and Abe

Hank & Judy Strom

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel tov to

All the Honorees!

Dr. Dov & Osnat Laks

In Honor of

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In Memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari and Abe

Henri & Dora Azizo

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

You are blessed with a beautiful neshama and heavenly voice.

Our community is privileged to have you in our midst.

Jack & Pearl

you have created a big void in our community that will never be filled.

Ari and Abe

Where would our community be without you!

You have served our community tirelessly 24/7 like the Energizer

Bunny. You were always there with a happy face during anyone's time

of need. Our community owes you a big Hakarat Hatov. Hashem should

give you good health and years to continue your Chesed.

Sarah & Ben Zanjirian & Family

לז" נ our beloved

Yaakov Beylus, who enhanced our yomim tovim with his beautiful tefillos,

וקולו נעים ומעורב בדעת עם הבריות

and Pearl Beylus who uplifted us with her campaign on the power of answering אמן and her

tremendous hishtadlus with the monthly Amen groups.

We express our hakaras hatov to

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Schechter for raising Hillcrest to even greater spiritual highs.

Ari and Abe, thank you for all that you've done for our community.

May Hashem bless you in all your future endeavors.

Mazel tov to

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

for a well deserved honor.

Shmuel & Mindy Gunsburg

Page 89: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel Tov to our very special honorees

The Perlman and Beylus Families

for your dedication to our shul,

and especially to our two great Chazanim

whose sweet voices enhance our davening,

Dr Akiva Perlman and Dr Sruli Beylus

We also thank, and wish a Happy Retirement to,

our favorite caterers

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld

for all your contributions to our community.

(and for NEVER having used trans fat)

Mindy & Josh Rosenthal

Mazel Tov to

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman on being Guests of Honor.

Thank you to

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld for all you have done for us over the years and for our community.

May you have Hatzlacha and all Hashem’s blessings

in your retirement.

We wish continued Hatzlacha to

Rabbi Asher Schechter in all your endeavors on behalf of Congregation Ohr Moshe

and our Hillcrest community.

Susan & Chaim Banner & Family

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazal tov to

Ari and Abe

On this well deserved honor.

Best of luck in your retirement

Sharon & Ted Schachar

Theodore Schachar C.P.A.

In Honor of

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In Memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari and Abe

Abraham & Roberta Katz

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Best wishes to our good friends

Abe and Ari

Ending an era in the kitchen

Good luck Janet & Rachel!

Draisel & Gaby

Mazel Tov to

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman On this well deserved honor


The Beylus and Simanowitz Families We appreciate this opportunity to join you in honoring

the memory of your parents

We thank

Abe and Ari For their many years of service to the community

Lawrence & Sharon Welgrin

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In loving memory of

Our dear friends

Jack & Pearl Beylus We will always remember them

For their caring, chesed,

And devotion to Yiddishkeit.

They left a legacy

To be admired by all.

Shoshana & David Golkin and Family

Sruli & Nancy

Elli & Carrie


Not a day goes by when we don’t think of your

dear parents—our friends and neighbors—

Pearl & Jack May their Neshamos have a good Aliya

and may their memory be blessed!


Edith & Steve Gruen

Page 93: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

To Our Dear Children

Akiva & Tamar: We are so proud of you!

Mr. & Mrs. Dovid Perlman

In Honor of

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In Memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari and Abe

Gedaliah & Amalia Rabinowitz

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazal Tov to

The Guests of Honor

and wishes for only simchos to the families of

Pearl & Jack Beylus Z”L

And a hearty Tzeischem L’Shalom to

Ari and Abe Thanks for all you’ve done.

Judy & Alex Rauzman

Mazel Tov to

All TheWorthy Honorees

Ohr Moshe Shabbos Chaburah -

Meseches Shabbos

Ohr Moshe Shabbos Chaburah -

Jewish Philosophy

Dulitz Family

Kosofsky Family

Messing Family

Roitman Family

Lermer Family

Page 95: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel Tov to the guests of honor

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

And Hakaras Hatov to

Abe and Ari

For all their community efforts and work.

Remembering our dear friends and neighbors

Pearl & Jack Beylus

These two people filled the world with happiness

and spread their knowledge of Yiddishkeit to all.

We miss you and think of you always!


Diane & Barry Stark

Mazal Tov to our worthy and distinguished honorees

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

May Hashem bless you and your family to continue your valuable work on behalf of our shul.

We have fond memories of

Jack & Pearl Beylus, Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba and Hakarat HaTov to

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld

Upon your well deserved retirement.

A special expression of Hakarat HaTov to

Rabbi Asher & Ruchie Schechter

For your continued devotion and dedication on behalf of our Kehilla.

Diane & Sid Lichter

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Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel Tov

Congregation Ohr Moshe

On 32 years of service to our community

And a special Hakaras HaTov to

Abe and Ari

Hillary & Mark Spector

Mazal Tov and gratitude to

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

For all your contributions to our shul and community.

To the Beylus family—

Know that

Jack & Pearl’s Z”L

Warmth and charm touched us all.

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld—

Say it ain’t so, you bring the community together and your culinary care will be missed.

Rachel & Howard Neiman

Page 97: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In Honor of

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In Memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari and Abe

Beverly Ducat

To our dear

Tamar & Kivi. You are both such inspirational models of love and dedication

to family, community and Hashem.

We are so honored to be part of your family, to bask in your love.

We’re crazy about you! Keep being AWESOME!

Daniel, Avigail and your Israeli nieces and nephews

Page 98: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In loving memory of our

Aunt Pearl &

Uncle Jack Beylus,

Aaron & Shifra Rubin

Yaakov & Sara Miriam


Avromi & Itty Weiss

In loving memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Even though

with Hashem you rest,

To have had you in our lives

we were more than blessed.

Thank you for all the wisdom

and joy you have imparted to

everyone who knew you.

We love you

and miss you dearly.

Rena & Leon Beylus

Mazel Tov and best wishes to

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Upon a well deserved honor

We want to express

Hakaras HaTov to

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld For all they have done for our

shul and community.

Hatzlacha Rabba.

We honor the memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Cookie & Alan Perry

In Honor of

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In Memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari and Abe

Abe & Cynthia


Page 99: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

In fond memory of

Pearl & Jack Beylus And in tribute to

Ari Cymbalista and Abe Feld For their years of caring and dedication

Mimi & Herb Danzger

Mazel Tov to the guests of honor

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman And best wishes to

The Beylus Family And to

Ari and Abe— Good Luck

Shmuel & Sury Bialik

In Honor of

The Honorees

Dr. & Mrs. Larry


In Honor of

The Honorees

Marty & Karen


Mazal tov

and Congratulations to

All the Honorees! Your chesed and dedication

are always appreciated!

Jonathan & Gela Horn and


In honor of

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Schechter

The Man with the Truck

In Honor of

Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman

In Memory of

Jack & Pearl Beylus Z”L

Hatzlacha Rabba to

Ari and Abe

Linda & Burt Blass

Page 100: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mr. & Mrs. Allan Frederick

Drs. Paul & Penny (Stern) Zarowin

Stu & Yvette Beck

Ronald & Deborah Herschaft

David & Leba Wallach

Neil & Jeanette Olshan

David & Marla Bart

Betty Krieger

Main Street Bagels 7226 Main St, Flushing, NY 11367


AT&T Store 16713 Union Tpke, Fresh Meadows, NY 11366


Miriam & Howard Shatz

Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Mandel

Warm greetings to the entire Kehilla—Henry H. Ducat, Baltimore, MD 21215

Suhag Liquor & Wine - 6930 Main Street

In Honor of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Asher & Ruchie Schechter

Steven & Loraine Konigsberg

Mr. & Mrs. Allan Kinches

Moishe & Vivian Labell

Page 101: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Business Pages

Page 102: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Platinum Page

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Page 103: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Dunkin Donuts of Hewlett

takes great pleasure in congratulating

Rabbi Asher Schechter

All the Honorees and

The Congregation

on this special event

We wish to express our deepest sense of gratitude

to the Rabbi for his Hashgacha and the

Congregation for their ongoing support

Thank you

Dunkin Donuts of Hewlett

31 Franklin Ave Hewlett, NY 11557

(Across from the train station) 516-295-2210

Uri Back, owner

Page 104: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Page 105: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Mazel Tov to

The Honorees

and best wishes for continued hatzlacha to

Rabbi Asher Schechter א״שליט

and all the members of this beautiful מקדש מעט.

David & Ayelet Feldstein & Family

Safra Judaica & Stam

69-64 Main Street

Kew Gardens Hills


Page 106: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Bagel Boss Queens

Bagel Boss Murray Hill

Page 107: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Page 108: Congregation Ohr Moshe 18th Annual Seudas Shabbos · 2019-05-09 · Guests of Honor Drs. Akiva & Tamar Perlman Will Attend May 11, 2019 ט"עשת רייא ו ,םישודק תשרפ

Eighteenth Seudas Shabbos

Congregation Ohr Moshe

Chocolates, Candy, Gelato & More...

Dolce Confections

1319 Broadway

Hewlett, NY 11557

Kosher Supervision Provided By

Rabbi Asher Schechter

Mazel Tov to

All The


Moshe Ganz • Yoni Ganz

“The Mezuzah Doctor”