האר תשרפ - beis medrash ahavas...

Lifecycles Mazel Yov to the Rabbi and Mrs. Akiva Teichtal on the birth of a baby girl to their children Yehuda and Shifra Teichtal! The Rav is Away The Rav is still away. The Rav’s shiurim on Sunday are cancelled. As of this writing, the shiurim on Tuesday are also cancelled, but if there is a change an announcement will be sent via email. Do you get the shul’s email? If not, subscribe by sending a blank message to [email protected]. You’ll get the weekly announcement, plus any other shul related emails—currently about 3 a week or so. Shabbos Shiurim On Shabbos, Rabbi Teichtal will deliver the drasha on Friday night. On Shabbos day at approximately 18:12, Rabbi Reuvain Mendlowiwill speak on the subject of Possul Tellin. צ" אחה בשבת שיעור ימסור מנדלוביץ ראובן' רה" בע של המנחה לאחר17:50 ועוד התפילין רצועות בנושא( באנגליתהשיעור) All In The Family The Torah says: ּ דוְ דֹּ גְ תִ תאֹ ל(You should not cut yourselves). The gemora uses this pasuk to tell us that we should not, when together, become splintered groups—agudos agudos. I once heard a question, as to whether there is a connection between the simple pshat, referring to distorting one’s body and the gemora’s explanation of splintering into smaller groups. It seems that the answer is found in the beginning of the pasuk, which says that we are the children of Hashem. By the fact that Hashem is our Father, that makes us His children, and we are all one family group. Therefore we should understand that all that Hashem, our Father, does for us is for our ultimate good. Defacing our body shows that we do not understand we are bonim (children). If we did, we would realize our father gave us what is best for us and not destroy the unit, called the human body. The same is true in regards to klal Yisrael in general. Just as in a family there could be tall children and short children, etc., the family is still a cohesive unit. When there is divisiveness amongst the children, the family unit is broken and the group of children can no longer be referred to as a unit. Likewise when the dierent parts of Klal Yisrael, who should be forming one entity, splinter into separate clusters, they too are distorting the beauty of the body of Klal Yisrael, thus losing the name ‘bonim’. This is all within one family. However, when looking at other families (a dierent aguda ), we need to realize that not every family has to be the same. When we see people that seem dierent from us and we think that they are ‘o’ just because they don’t act or think like us (and their behavior might even be incongruous with our aguda ), nevertheless as long as the group is following the Torah— as sanctioned by the gedolei Yisrael—it may be valid. Hashem makes no mistakes! If you cannot see the beauty of the other groups that Hashem has created, the problem may not be with the creation, but might be with your perception. Just as we understand splintering a group is a mutilation, so too forcing uniformity is a distortion of the essence of dierent groups. As vacation comes to a close, and many of us have seen the grandeur of the outside world, let us appreciate the dierences, while still appreciating that our home is our place to be. בס"ד פרשת שבת ראהBeis Medrash Ahavas Shalom HaRav Avrohom Baruch Zachariash, Sh’lita, Rav התשע״ה, אבחם מ ל׳Aug 14/15, 2015 Shabbos Schedule Parshas Re’eh ראה פרשת שבת לוחErev Shabbos שבת ערבMincha 1 13:30 א׳ מנחה“Early Mincha” 17:42 מנחה מוקדמתPlag Hamincha 18:02 המנחה פלגCandle Lighting 18:48/19:08 נרות הדלקתMincha 3 19:10 ג׳ מנחהShekiyah 19:28 שקיעהShabbos Day השבת יוםBrachos 8:00 ברכותShochein Ad 8:25 עד שוכןLatest Shema – M. A. 8:35 א" למגש" ק זמן סוףLatest Shema – G’ra 9:25 א" לגרש" ק זמן סוףMincha 1 13:30 א׳ מנחהMincha 2 16:00 ב׳ מנחהMincha 3 17:50 ג׳ מנחהShekiyah 19:28 שקיעהMa’ariv 1 20:05 א׳ מעריבMa’ariv 2 20:28 ב׳ מעריב אלול חדש ראש ו אבות פרקי'

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Page 1: האר תשרפ - Beis Medrash Ahavas Shalomahavasshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/5775Reeh.pdfappreciating that our home is our place to be. ד"סב האר תשרפ תבש Beis Medrash

Lifecycles Mazel Yov to the Rabbi and Mrs. Akiva Teichtal on the birth of a baby girl to their children Yehuda and Shifra Teichtal!

The Rav is Away The Rav is still away. The Rav’s shiurim on Sunday are cancelled. As of this writing, the shiurim on Tuesday are also cancelled, but if there is a change an announcement will be sent via email.

Do you get the shul’s email? If not, subscribe by sending a blank message to [email protected]. You’ll get the weekly announcement, plus any other shul related emails—currently about 3 a week or so.

Shabbos Shiurim On Shabbos, Rabbi Teichtal will deliver the drasha on Friday night.

On Shabbos day at approximately 18:12, Rabbi Reuvain Mendlowitz will speak on the subject of Possul Tefillin.

בע"ה ר' ראובן מנדלוביץ ימסור שיעור בשבת אחה"צ

בנושא רצועות התפילין ועוד 17:50 לאחר המנחה של (השיעור באנגלית)

All In The Family

The Torah says: לא תתגדדו (You should not cut yourselves). The gemora uses this pasuk to tell us that we should not, when together, become splintered groups—agudos agudos. I once heard a question, as to whether there is a connection between the simple pshat, referring to distorting one’s body and the gemora’s explanation of splintering into smaller groups. It seems that the answer is found in the beginning of the pasuk, which says that we are the children of Hashem. By the fact that Hashem is our Father, that makes us His children, and we are all one family group. Therefore we should understand that all that Hashem, our Father, does for us is for our ultimate good.

Defacing our body shows that we do not understand we are bonim (children). If we did, we would realize our father gave us what is best for us and not destroy the unit, called the human body. The same is true in regards to klal Yisrael in general. Just as in a family there could be tall children and short children, etc., the family is still a cohesive unit.

When there is divisiveness amongst the children, the family unit is broken and the group of children can no longer be referred to as a unit. Likewise when the different parts of Klal Yisrael, who should be forming one entity, splinter into separate clusters, they too are distorting the beauty of the body of Klal Yisrael, thus losing the name ‘bonim’.

This is all within one family. However, when looking at other families (a different aguda), we need to realize that not every family has to be the same. When we see people that seem different from us and we think that they are ‘off’ just because they don’t act or think like us (and their behavior might even be incongruous with our aguda), nevertheless as long as the group is following the Torah—as sanctioned by the gedolei Yisrael—it may be valid.

Hashem makes no mistakes! If you cannot see the beauty of the other groups that Hashem has created, the problem may not be with the creation, but might be with your perception. Just as we understand splintering a group is a mutilation, so too forcing uniformity is a distortion of the essence of different groups.

As vacation comes to a close, and many of us have seen the grandeur of the outside world, let us appreciate the differences, while still appreciating that our home is our place to be.

בס"ד שבת פרשת

Beis Medrash Ahavas Shalom ראהHaRav Avrohom Baruch Zachariash, Sh’lita, Rav

Aug 14/15, 2015ל׳ מחם אב, התשע״ה

Shabbos Schedule Parshas Re’eh לוח שבת פרשת ראה

Erev Shabbos ערב שבת Mincha 1 13:30 מנחה א׳ “Early Mincha” 17:42 מוקדמת”מנחה“ Plag Hamincha 18:02 פלג המנחה Candle Lighting 18:48/19:08 הדלקת נרות Mincha 3 19:10 מנחה ג׳ Shekiyah 19:28 שקיעה

Shabbos Day יום השבת Brachos 8:00 ברכות Shochein Ad 8:25 שוכן עד Latest Shema – M. A. 8:35 סוף זמן ק"ש למג"א Latest Shema – G’ra 9:25 סוף זמן ק"ש לגר"א Mincha 1 13:30 מנחה א׳ Mincha 2 16:00 מנחה ב׳ Mincha 3 17:50 מנחה ג׳ Shekiyah 19:28 שקיעה Ma’ariv 1 20:05 מעריב א׳ Ma’ariv 2 20:28 מעריב ב׳

'פרקי אבות ו •ראש חדש אלול

Page 2: האר תשרפ - Beis Medrash Ahavas Shalomahavasshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/5775Reeh.pdfappreciating that our home is our place to be. ד"סב האר תשרפ תבש Beis Medrash

מהשולחן של הרב אברהם ברוך זכריש רב יואב דרויאןתורגם לעברית על ידי

הכל נשאר במשפחה

תורה מצוה אותנו "לא תתגודדו". על אף השהציווי מתייחס לאיסור של ניבול עצמי באבילות, הגמרא דורשת איסור אחר

אל תתחלקו ביניכם לאגודות -ממילים אלו אגודות. פעם שמעתי שאלה שמתאימה מאוד למקרה זה: האם ישנו קשר בין הפשט הפשוט לבין הדרשה שנדרשת ? כנראה, את תשובתנו מוצאים בתחילת הפסוק, בו מודגש שכולנו בנים לקב"ה. בתור בנים לאותו אב שמימי, כולנו

חלק ממשפחה מורחבת אחת.

ניבול עצמי על ידי חיתוך או כדומה, מראה שאיננו באמת מאמינים שהקב"ה הוא אבינו, כי אב תמיד עושה הכל לטובת בניו. אם היינו באמת מפנימים את הרעיון, לא היינו ששים לחבל ביחידה הקטנה (גופנו) או ביחידה הגדולה

(כלל ישראל).

–כשקיימים חילוקי דעות ואף מריבות בין בנים לא ניתן לקרוא להם בשמם המאחד, משפחה. באותה מידה, כשישנן מריבות בין פלגים בעם

ישראל, זהו קלקול של היופי המאחד את כולנו.

אחדות זו היא עניין של כל משפחה בפני עצמה. אבל לא על כל משפחה להיות זהה לחברתה.

ן ונצפה בקבוצות נ נות -כשנתבו אגודות שוכל עוד –שדוגלות בסטנדרטים שונים משלנו

אין –שדרכם מונחת על ידי גדולי ישראל -טריפה בידיהם. אבל חובה לזכור

אם איננו רואים את הקב"ה אינו טועה! היופי בגיוון של קשת עמנו, הבעיה איננה ביצירת הבורא, אלא בראיה שלנו. כמו שניפוץ קבוצה מאוחדת הוא חטא נגד האחדות, הכללה ן ו ו י תי הם חטאים נגד הג ואיחוד מלאכו

והייחודיות הטבעית.

בתום ימי בין הזמנים אלו, שחוויתינו בחופשה אולי חשפו בפנינו קשת יותר רחבה של אחינו בני ישראל, הבה ונכיר בשוני המבורך בין כל

גוונינו ובאותו זמן נבין שמקומנו הוא כאן.

Only 500 Tickets will be sold!

כרטיסים יימכרו 500רק

1 Ticket: 50₪ or 200₪ for 5 200₪ב כרטיסים חמש 50₪ב אחד כרטיס

Get your Raffle ticket NOW! Over 180 tickets have been sold!

Aviad Goloventzitz has his ticket—

do you have yours?

Donation Thank Yous Thank you to Chaim Goliventzitz upon his donation of

siddurim in memory of his mother Chaya Sara Goliventzitz

Thank you to Baruch Golumbo and family who donated seforim to the Ahavas Shalom Otzer Sefarim

Elul is here! That means Yomim Noraim are just a month away.

The Yomim Noraim seat prices for 5776 have not been finalized. However, members who pay today can guarantee their seats at the same prices at last year: 50₪ for the first 2 seats and 100₪ for each additional seat.

To get these rates, you need to arrange your membership payment of 190₪ per month, as well as pay for your seats at the time of the reservation. Please see Aryeh Beer to arrange your payments.

Look for a detailed announcement shortly with full information and schedules for 5776.

HaRav Avrohom Baruch Zachariash, Sh’lita, Rav 052-763-5938 Lev Seltzer, Chairman [email protected] 02-999-8923

Main Ahavas Shalom list: [email protected] Address: 33 Nachal Lachish, Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel www.ahavasshalom.org

Newsletter Contact: Send your lifecycle events, news, comments, etc. to [email protected]. Remember: If we don’t know about your event, we can’t publish it!

Please do not read during Tefillah or Kriyas Hatorah Please respect the sanctity of this bulletin

נא לא לקרוא את העלון באמצע התפילה או בקריאת התורה נא לשמור על קדושת הדף

זמנים לימי חול עד פרשת שופטים

׳ו(Fri) ׳ה(Thu) ׳ד(Wed) ׳ג(Tue) ׳ב(Mon) ׳א(Sun) יוםWeekday times until

Parshas Shoftim

8:15 ,7:15 ,6:20 8:05 ,7:15 ,6:20 8:05 ,7:15 ,6:20 8:05 ,7:15 ,6:20 8:05 ,7:15 ,6:20 8:05 ,7:15 ,6:10 שחרית 19:02 ,17:35 ,13:30 19:00 ,13:16,15:15 19:00 ,13:16,15:15 19:00 ,13:17,15:15 19:00 ,13:17,15:15 19:00 ,13:17,15:15 מנחה 20:00 ,21:00 20:00 ,21:00 20:00 ,21:00 20:00 ,21:00 20:00 ,21:00 מעריב

5000 ₪