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Your Guide to Recruitment Agency Ignition

What does “freedom in your Agency” mean? It means finally having options that put you in

control of your own destiny. Realizing the dream and the reason why you went into Agency years


Instead of worrying about the day-to-day, and where the next client will come from, where

the next batch of high quality CV’s come from, it means having CHOICES.

The choice to grow your Agency, because you’re getting more clients.

The choice to raise your rates because you’re in demand ... and work less, spending more

time with your family and friends.

The choice to “retire in Agency” owning the Agency, but with others doing the work as you

build wealth.

The choice to sell your Agency when you want to retire completely.

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A Small Problem Popped Up Along The Way


That little thing called our wrecked economy. The rubble is everywhere, and the Recruitment

Agency profession is no different.

Combine that with cheap sourcing companies popping up in emerging countries every year

willing to work for pennies, and a full-on assault by multi- million dollar agencies…’s a bleak

picture for all of us.

In my nearly 20 years working in the Digital profession, it’s never been this bad. But what

I’ve ALSO seen is that there also hasn’t been a better time to capitalize on this than there is now.

Because if you know about how to combine proven marketing techniques with cutting edge

technology and systems, you become IMMUNE to the economy!

Remember, the goal here is giving you choices. Banishing the uncertainty, and truly

knowing that your Agency is taking you from frustration to freedom.

And to do that there is only ONE straight line, ONE direct path, ONE simple,

understandable, reproducible blueprint to doing this: a hands-off, done-for-you client acquisition

system that does the heavy lifting for you. You’ve probably seen me present on how we create

these systems in our Agency Ignition program... and even reveal exactly how you can get the

same results as our members.

And when you join as a member, you’ll finally be able to step away from the petty details of

marketing. Of not knowing whether you should be blogging, writing articles, “tweeting,” or having a

never-ending series of networking lunches.

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You’ll say goodbye to cold-calling.

It means you can finally design the Agency you want, because you’ve got the best kind of business

– Incoming business – coming to your door, each and every month.

Major Changes Deny Deserving Recruiters Savings

This year, and last year for that matter, were unforgiving for Recruiters. We used to be able

to rely on a slow-and steady approach to building a Agency, putting enough away for retirement,

investing in a little real estate and some low-risk bonds, and retiring comfortably.

Today, it’s a thing of the past. Unless you’ve managed to sock away three or four million

dollars (or perhaps more, if inflation kicks in), retirement isn’t a realistic option for Recruiters.

In fact, most Recruiters are forced to work many years longer than just a generation ago,

because of severe pressure on our earnings and the devastation on our savings from the volatility

in the markets.

And never mind retirement ... the income we’re living on today isn’t even close to what we

thought we’d be making when we graduated recruitment school.

I strongly believe that an agency owner’s only way around this is to do something

COMPLETELY DIFFERENT... and that’s why I created this guide to Freedom from Agency. It

shows you the difference between being trapped in your Agency, and being able to build it into a

real asset that works for you, instead of you working for it.

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The Recruitment Agency market has become a land of haves and have-nots. On one end,

you have the large 100+ agency owner firms snapping up high-end work. On the other end, small

startups, fresh new kids on the block, and dozens of others dragging prices down and taking

clients who would otherwise be yours, leaving you with scraps of work and clients conditioned to

think everything should be nearly free. The small firms and solos are becoming an endangered


But there’s a third way. The only way.

It’s the small Agency boutique, driven not by massive marketing budgets and image

advertising, but by the oldest, proven, and most ethical way of getting business. Incoming


And we’ve created a program that takes the guesswork out of how to do inbound marketing

right – where you get the golden keys to growing an Agency without risking your time and money

on failed marketing experiments.

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Success Is The ONLY Acceptable Outcome

The alternative is the slippery slope nearly every other agency owner is sliding down.

Success Is The ONLY Acceptable Outcome

Ours is a system that’s so turn-key it could be put in a “box,” or even franchised, because

we’re working off a set of proven principles that can be replicated, Agency after Agency.

Are there obstacles to be overcome? Of course. But my team and I wanted to remove each

and every obstacle between Recruiters and the agencies that they want. That’s why we created a

virtual turnkey program, so all the guesswork is removed. Simply “plugging in” to our system,

having us customize it to your unique personality and image, takes the guesswork out of growing

your incoming leads & CV’s business.

Our agency owner-members want different things – some want to retire and sell their

Agency as soon as possible. Many want more time with their families while stabilizing their income

above where it is today. Some want to work a few days a week, take long vacations, and have

others handle the work.

And all of these things have the same thing in common. The only way to do them is to have

a repeatable system for creating new clients and getting the very best of passive candidates send

you their CV.

I know what you’re thinking, “Andy, this is great in THEORY – but the FACT is that if I could

ramp up my Agency this way, I would have done it. Is this one of those easier said than done kinds

of things?”

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Well, it’s actually easier than you think.

The problem with most ways of getting clients and CV’s is that they’re just not repeatable.

Whether it’s making more calls, pay-per-click, SEO, blogging, speaking ... you get a few clients

here and there, but no matter what you’re going back on the hamster wheel to get another one.

In other words, you’re trapped IN the Agency, and you’re not free OF the Agency.

And that goes back to the root problem. You don’t have a system for getting new business. A

system to get the hard to find candidates who are in work and applying to you!

Just imagine for a moment what it will be like on a Thursday at 4pm to shut down your

computer, push back your chair, and leave the office until Monday without thinking about work. Or

Tuesday, if you wanted. Because whether or not you’re there, the clients will still be coming to you.

And while you’re gone, because you’ve got the system for creating business, you can have

others handle most of it in your absence.

It’s not too good to be true. It’s the power of combining systems and processes with

leverage. It’s not only possible, but when you have a steady stream of business it’s inevitable. It’s

what I did in my business, my client’s businesses and what you can do in yours.

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How Systems and Processes Create Freedom

Of all the major obstacles in the way of achieving freedom in Agency, the most important is lead

flow. That is, potential clients coming to you. And new CV’s of the top talent NOT on job boards

and actively looking. Let’s face it they are impossible to place.

With more leads, you can increase fees because of demand.

With more leads, you can choose who you want to work with, instead of feeling like you need to

take bad-fit clients.

With more clients, and higher rates, you can choose to work more and earn more, or work less, or

have others do the business you’re generating and create wealth that way.

... And with a repeatable way of getting leads, you have an Agency that other Recruiters would be

willing to buy when you want to retire.

It all boils down to the same thing. Creating a system that brings you clients on a silver platter. A

“client conveyor belt,” if you will.

The problem most Recruiters have is they don’t know where to begin. Maybe they toy around with

their website. Or write an article. Maybe they speak occasionally. Consider putting a video on the

web. Or do a networking lunch now and again.

Yes, those can all sometimes lead to clients. But those are all tactics. They aren’t part of a system.

Tactics might bring you a client today or the odd A Player candidate but continuing this way

guarantees you’ll be no better off in 5 or 10 years than today. But systems create an ongoing flow

of business.

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Effective Marketing By “Campaigns”

All of the marketing tactics we talked about can work, but the problem with each one of them

is the same. They’re creating one-off results. With the agency ignition system, incoming leads &

CV’s are driven as part of a process. In other words, instead of each lead becoming a one-off

client, the system delivers leads on an ongoing base. Plus existing relationships multiply.

We do this with campaigns. You need client leads. That’s a campaign. You need to fill 30

roles for mainframe developers in North America. That’s a campaign.

It’s the concept of the “never-ending chain of incoming leads & CV’s” – each campaign has

the potential to bring to you many, many more leads and CV’s than the existing methods produce

... but only if you have a systematized way of ensuring it happens.

The Tragedy of “Working For Today”

Most Recruiters – the ones slowly slipping down towards less profitability and less certainty

– don’t have time for marketing. Between the commitments to our clients and the administration of

a recruitment Agency, there simply aren’t enough hours in our day.

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And what gets short shrift each time?

Marketing. It becomes an afterthought, because something has to go, and it can’t be the client

work. So what you end up doing is trading tomorrow’s wealth for a few dollars today. You end up

not building a Agency that has the potential to be much more lucrative – and less burdensome to

boot – than today.

Ask yourself honestly, do you have a marketing calendar that you always follow without fail?

Making sure you’re reaching out to every contact in your network regularly ... letting them know

what kind of work to send your way ... sending them helpful information that positions you as an

expert ... tracking who refers business and when, detailing which campaign converts at 40% and

which converts at 10% so you know where to scale and where to pull back noting not all leads are

created equal.

Of course not. Nobody can do all of that themselves. And that’s why we have feast-or-famine.

... But relentless consistency in marketing is what it takes to create true freedom from the prison of

a day-by-day Agency.

The key difference between agencies that are struggling and those who are Agency Ignition

members is that our members have their incoming leads & CV’s marketing just handled. Nothing

gets in the way of making investments in your future. It doesn’t matter if you have a massive

pipeline on your desk. It doesn’t matter if you’re at your son’s first football match or your daughter

dance show. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the Caribbean, toes in the sand and wind in your hair with

your systems keeping everything running. It just gets done.

So as sure as the sun rises, you know that there will be client leads ready and waiting for you this

month, and next, and every month after. You will know exactly how to turn on the CV flood tap.

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Causing More Cashflow For You Is STRICTLY


First and foremost, I want to make your life EASIER. We all want to go into business for more

freedom and if we admit it, we also want more financial freedom. Our goal is to make your

incoming leads & CV’s marketing completely frustration-free by following a set of steps and using


The real key is that we have a step by step system that takes the burden off you. It frees you to

stop thinking about the next shiny object, and focus on the big picture.

How Does The System Work?

The Incoming leads & CV’s Agency Ignition system is designed to be as “set and forget” as

possible. I’ll be candid, there is a little up front work, which I’ll describe below. But the important

thing to know – and how it’s different from any one-off tactic you might have tried, is that once you

work with us to set it up it just runs. You’re not stuck banging out blog entries every month,

begging Google to send you clicks (when what you want is clients!), or fiddling with the details of

mailing campaigns.

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Here’s how we start.

First, we focus on what your initial outcome is. More clients? More candidates? New Agency

launch? We assess your position in the market place. We get a list of your assets (networks etc)

and in a quick call with you get information about who is in each network, data set etc.

Then, we work with you on marketing systems.

First the plan. Enroll. You and I have a One to one strategy session where we create the custom

plan to ensure we meet your metrics. The number of leads, CV’s clients you want. We start with

the outcome and reverse engineer the steps. With you I would be looking to get your first

campaigns up and running within 4 weeks.

The focus is on projects and campaigns. If you need client leads, then the focus is on that. If

you need CV’s for a specific set of roles then we get that up and running. We look to get the

automation piece up and running in the first 60 days. The one to many approach and using

inbound marketing we do right from the very beginning. At the end of 90 days you will have gone

through at least 3 sets of campaigns.

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What’s Under The Hood?

Yes, there’s all kinds of technology behind this. Contact management systems, marketing

automation, reporting interfaces, URL redirects, but you don’t have to care about any of that. We

have the steps to follow and the templates to copy and paste.

The Agency Ignition program is virtually a turnkey copy service for a reason. Because marketing

systems today are incredibly complex, and you shouldn’t have to care about every nut and bolt.

We take care of the “plumbing”.

We show you how to do everything. Get the leads. Get the CVs. Get mavens to endorse you.

We have a vault of templates you simply copy and paste.

Then, all you need to do is duplicate each time you want to run the system.

Simply put, your ONLY responsibility is to focus on practicing the recruitment (and enjoy your free

time when you’re not there!).

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In This Economy You Only Have TWO Choices …

As we see it, there are only two options; either YOU carry the strain, worry, load, anxiety

and angst of the Agency by running an ad hoc business of good month, poor month or completely

transfer all of that to using a system that is predictable and repeatable. It’s this full and complete

transfer of your worries and pressures that makes the Agency Ignition program what it is.

You deserve to be able to walk away and take a vacation without worrying that you should

be marketing instead. You deserve to be able to choose the clients you want to work with. You

deserve to ditch the cheapskate price-shopper clients and get compensated for your expertise.

The concept of what we do isn’t necessarily a NEW one. We all know incoming marketing

works. We all know that the reason why Recruiters don’t grow their businesses is the lack of

attention to marketing. What is NEW, however, is that we’ve taken the most proven, ethical way of

marketing, turbocharged it with technology, and created a failure-proof system to make sure it’s

always handled.

Then, as a cherry on top, we give you access to the highest- quality coaching staff getting

you up and running, done-for- you templates for everything you need in your office to get incoming

leads & CV’s, and weekly coaching.

What To Expect

We don’t know you yet, and every agency owner comes to us with a slightly different Agency, and

different prospects & candidates network. Our goal is to get every member a 4x – 10x return on

investment in the first year.

If you follow the paint-by-numbers approach – using our systems and the processes we give you to

use in your office – even if you’re starting with almost no incoming leads & CV’s base today you

can expect that within the first year program pay for itself many times over. And what’s even better

is your Agency will be VERY different from what it is today.

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You’ll have regular incoming leads & CV’s coming in the door, and you’ll be the go-to recruiter in

your area. The stress of not knowing where the next client will be coming from will be gone.

But Will It Work For Me?

Every part of this program has been carefully created to ensure that it will be successful, if

you’re the right kind of recruiter. That’s why we don’t just throw open the doors to the public and

offer the program to just anyone. We personally speak with every recruiter to make sure that we

are completely confident it’s a good match.

I’ll be frank, for some recruiters it’s not a fit. They’re looking to buy a magic bullet, and they

aren’t willing to really use the systems we give them. For those recruiters the system may work

(even in its most basic form, it’s highly effective), but we are only interested in members who will

have OUTSTANDING success. Our reputation for unmatched quality in the Recruitment Agency

marketing is so important to us that we will not admit recruiters who we feel won’t be both

successful and delighted with their results.

Who Should AVOID This Program?

If you’re a agency owner who can’t follow instructions, or one who still hasn’t figured out that

doing it “your way” is leaving you wanting, then this program is NOT for you. If you’re a recruiter

who isn’t worrying, or has no doubts about your future, then this program is NOT for you.

Importantly, this program is also only for people who are open, friendly, and easy to work

with. My team is just that, and I’m only interested in personally working with people who are not

only serious about improving their Agency, but are pleasant to work with. There’s a strict “no jerks

allowed” rule.

This program is for Recruiters who realize that the life of a recruiter is hard and getting

harder. More competition, more expenses, an incredibly confusing marketing landscape that’s only

getting worse, more client demands, and Agencies that are becoming prisons.

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You can try other things out to see if they’ll work. Things that take more of your time

babysitting them, and don’t actually show you they’re working. But the fact is ... I believe in

recruiters. This profession gave me financial freedom and I know that it’s something you can have


Think: do you want to be one of those recruiters who reaches age 70, with the realization

that you need to keep practicing to pay the bills? What will your kids do when THEY have to foot

the $100,000+ college bill because you can’t cover it? I know the answer; you’ll buckle down and

figure out a way. I know this because that’s what Recruiters do when their backs are against the

wall, and they just have to get things done. But – why should you force yourself into that position

when you can instead set up a Agency that gives you freedom TODAY, that lets you pay for not

only your needs, but your family’s? That will let you take more time for yourself while still growing

your income year over year?

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Imagine for a moment how great it will feel when you meet your fellow classmates at your

reunion, and they’re imprisoned in their Agency, maybe even considering working for someone

else ... while you’ve got a thriving firm that’s not only more lucrative, but far FAR less demanding

than theirs?

How you’ll feel when you know you’ve created complete financial security, while they’re

stuck where you were a lifetime ago?

How Much Is It, Andy?

Well, the fact is this: the program is FREE, and here’s why ... Once you join the program

and your incoming leads & CV’s marketing kicks in, over the next 12 months you’ll see your

incoming leads & CV’s start to roll in. I’ll admit, at the very beginning there will be some work and

maybe only a few here and there. This service isn’t a “magic pill.” But for some by one month but

for all by six months, you’ll be positioned as the “go to” expert in your market, and start see regular

incoming leads & CV’s business. Within a year, you’ll be so enthralled that you’ll be wishing the

program existed when you started out in Agency.

Do the quick math – what’s a single good retained role worth to you? What is a full pipeline

worth to you? Now, what if you got just one more of those every three months? Every two months?

Every month? Let alone the fact that as demand for your Agency increases, so will your fees so

every matter is more profitable than it is today.

OK, so why do I say that the program is FREE? Simple – where else are you going to invest

your hard earned money THIS year, and get the kind of return on investment I’m talking about?

Seriously, what is going to make you more this year – is the stock market going to yield you

more than the income you’ll make from a half dozen or more incoming leads & CV’s??

What about 51 client leads? Or 85 CV’s with 57 being A-Players being sent to the client?

And on course for a 7 figure year for the first time.

These are results from the last week for two members. I know the answer, and so do you –


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Heck, at even just ONE incoming leads & CV’s you STILL can’t beat the investment

anywhere. What’s it worth to you to have FREEDOM from financial pressure in your Agency? The

AUTONOMY to choose how much you want to work, because the business comes in steadily,

growing each month? What’s it worth to wake up every morning with ZERO worry about where the

next client will come from?

Like I said, I am absolutely NOT offering you a magic pill here. You do have to get our

system set up for you, and customized for your Agency. So there is a set up time, and then a

period while you get the word out to your network. We need to show you how to stop spending

marketing time on the wrong activities, and where to laser-focus the handful of hours you’ll spend

on a select group of VIP super-candidates and experts.

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But the beauty is, once that up front work is done (by us, not you – you just need to give us

guidance and approve materials we provide) it just runs.

Of course, I wish that I did have a magic pill for you and could back a truck of money up to your

Agency, but we both know that’s not how the world works. I’ve created this program to work for the

long term. Bottom line, I only succeed if you’re succeeding and you stay a member.

But, I don’t expect you to take my word for it. I’m so confident that you’ll love working with my team

that I even provide a “love it or leave it” guarantee, so if you start working with us and don’t feel like

it’s a great match, you aren’t out a dime, and we can part as friends.

What’s Expected of YOU

If you can follow a simple set of steps – simply – your firm will grow by leaps and bounds.

Within 60 days your incoming leads & CV’s marketing program will be up and running. By

the end of the first year, you’ll be wondering how to fulfill your growing pipeline and deciding

whether you want to scale back the time you spend in the office, or keep a reasonable work week

and build the nest egg more. Members have trebled their agency and grown from one man to three

people in as little as 5 months. Is that results the same for everyone. Of course not. But if you

follow the steps the odds are heavily stacked in your favor.

Can you do that? Can you follow steps and take a little time to get set? If you can handle

that, then this program is for you.

Look, if you’ve been lucky enough to save three or four million, my hat is off to you. You’ve

got the kind of financial security that means you don’t have to worry about how to create a steady

stream of clients or CV’s. But the majority of Recruiters haven’t saved that kind of money, and

there are NO REAL OPTIONS to create that kind of wealth because of the investment

environment. And if making your nest egg in investments is off the table, your ONLY option is

building wealth the old fashioned way – in your own business.

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Having spent 18 years in owning a business, I know the pressure you’re under. I know the

sinking feeling of not knowing whether there will be enough money coming in next month. If I’ll be

in business next year. I know that voice of doubt that asked me if I’ll have to go work for someone

else again, despite being horrified at the thought.

The Incoming leads & CV’s Agency Ignition program offers you the solution. And that is,

CHOICES. Most Recruiters have NO choices today. They’re stuck working today, for today’s

dollars, and don’t have any hope of financial security. Their marketing is scattershot and

ineffective. They’re stretched too thin, unable to focus on both the Agency of recruitment and

finding new clients.

You get CHOICE. With a steady stream of clients you can CHOOSE to earn more. You can

CHOOSE to take more time for yourself. You can CHOOSE to sell your Agency, because finally it’s

saleable. This system delivers you options that you simply will not get any other way. And it gives it

to you without risk.

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But to earn that choice – that freedom – YOU need to choose. Choose to take action.

Why Not Everyone Will Be Allowed To Join?

I’ll be honest with you, I don’t like working with huge numbers of Recruiters. I prefer working with a

small number of success-oriented recruiters and not spreading myself and my team thin. I’m in this

for the long haul, so this is about being effective.

Because of this, I limit the number of recruiters who can join the program. I want every member to

have the highest level of attention. That means even if we had fifty recruiters banging on the door

to join, we’d only take a handful.

One thing, though, is that you’re fortunate to be finding out about this program while we still have

some capacity to take new members. Because I want to find the right people to work with, for a

limited time I’m lowering the investment in the program. That means the monthly price for the

program is the lowest it will ever be. I expect that after I reach 20 more members the price will

increase by several thousand dollars per year.

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Your Guide to Agency Ignition10

But to earn that choice – that freedom – YOU need to choose. Choose to take action.

How To Get Started

Read the rest of the materials and fully understand the program, and why it’s the best way for you

to create long term equity in your Agency.

Then, book a Discovery Strategy Call with our team to discuss whether the program is a fit for you.

As I said, we don’t admit all recruiters to the program – we have plenty of great members, and are

simply not interested in taking more unless we’re absolutely sure our program will hit it out of the


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The net of it is, we’ll be 100% honest with you about whether it’s a fit.

I’m at the point in my career where I’m not interested in working with MOST Recruiters. I’m

being very selective about who I work with. I’m only willing to invest my time into Recruiters who I

believe really want to succeed. If that’s you, then the next step is to book your Discovery Strategy

Call by emailing .

The Agency Ignition program is not only a one-of-a-kind program, but this is a once-in-a-

career opportunity. I’m devoting myself to those recruiters who are ready to free themselves from

being trapped in Agency, and create real choices and real freedom. You have nothing to lose – but

you need to choose whether this will be your new beginning, or whether tomorrow will be the same

as today.

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Questions & Answers about Agency

Ignition With Incoming leads & CV’s

Agency Ignition

Q: What if right now isn’t the “best” time? Will there still be an

opportunity to do this in a few months? Say 10 – 12 months from


A: The answer, in short, is NO! There’s never a “best” time. There’s ALWAYS a good

reason to procrastinate, and the bottom line is that action-takers get the rewards, and

procrastinators ... just keep procrastinating. No matter what you’ve been through to get where you

are today, THIS is the opportunity to erase all of the half-finished plans to finally do something that

creates the Agency you always wanted. You see the news every day, and you know we are

experiencing economic volatility like our country has never seen before. Betting that your

“investments” will give you freedom isn’t a bet I’d take – but a bet on YOU creating a Agency that

serves you and your financial future is.

There’s one other big problem with waiting: this program is inherently limited. There are only

so many recruiters we can support, and then the ship has sailed. Once I’ve found this group of

motivated and excited recruiters, the doors close. And because I like to work with motivated and

excited recruiters, now is the only time we’ll be offering it at such a low investment. After we’ve

secured our next 20 members, we plan on raising the price significantly.

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Q: What if I just want to make my own way, or do it on my own, and

work things out myself? I know I can save more, tighten my belt, etc.

A: I hear this question often, and what else can I say? As the saying goes, “the definition of insanity is doing

the same thing again and again, and expecting a different result.” How many times have you promised

yourself that you’d finally do things differently? How many times have you tried, but abandoned it because

there’s just too much to do? I’m asking because I know – that’s exactly what happened to me for years.

Banging my head against the wall and not knowing where to turn. Now I didn’t have the opportunity you do,

which is to get everything just handled, but I wish I did. I had to go it the hard way, learning it all myself,

wasting time and money on things that didn’t work, all the while taking time away from not only client work

that paid the bills, but my family.

Look, you and I both know that you’re SMART. You’re a recruiter with your own business – and you

wouldn’t have gotten this far without ambition and without setting a big goal and achieving it. So I’m

challenging you by saying, if someone of your ambition and intelligence hasn’t done this on your own by

now, do you honestly believe that you’re going to do it on your own? Don’t you think you’d have done it

already if you truly had the time in the day, and the expertise, to pull it off? I know the pressures you’re

facing. I know the overwhelming number of details you need to take care of to service your clients to the

highest standards. The chances of you suddenly turning things around without some help and support from

a team of professionals who sincerely care about you are between slim and none. Please, please don’t let

fear or procrastination take hold, and find yourself still feeling trapped years from now.

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Q: What is the Incoming leads & CV’s Agency Ignition program and

how can it help me create freedom in my Agency?

A: Incoming leads & CV’s Agency Ignition allows you to focus on the most critical thing –

being a business owner and practicing recruitment, while freeing you from slogging the phones or

sending our emails on ad hoc living in hope The CEO of Capital One doesn’t sit down and hit the

phones trying to get past gatekeepers. He hires experts to make sure his company lead the way.

You’re the CEO of your own Agency, and you need to focus on creating the best product – your

Recruitment Agency services – that you can. Creating a dream-come-true experience for your

clients. And as long as you are spending your time (and your dollars) with ineffective marketing,

you’re just wasting it.

This program lets you focus on what MATTERS, while a team of experts have created the

steps and the processes to make it happen. As your brand gets better and better, you get more

and more clients in the door – giving you options. The option to raise fees, and make more. The

option to hire others to do the work while you profit. The option to sell your Agency. With all the

heavy lifting done for you. Simply put, there is no other recruitment marketing lead generation

and CV generation like this on the market.

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Q: What do I get in the program?

A: It’s actually quite straightforward. Here’s what you’ll get in the program:

Monthly expertise campaigns to position you as the expert “go-to” agency owner in your Agency

areasTen personality mailing campaigns per year to position you as trustworthy and a real person

Content for the above campaigns provided from our comprehensive library of proven marketing

content Campaigns scheduled for an entire year in advance, and before the end of the year our

team configures another entire year.

You have complete editorial control and approval of every campaign, and can edit as you

desireFully turn-key implementation, where our team loads your contact list into our Agency

Ignition Control system, configures all the technology, and loads the marketing materials approved

by you. You don’t need any technical skill.

Full access to the Agency Ignition Control system to run your incoming leads & CV’s marketing –

simple to use, just add new contacts and campaigns automatically get sent to them.

Done for you templates and training showing you how to create more incoming leads & CV’ss than

ever before – including phone calling scripts, thank you letters.

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Meeting agendas, incoming leads & CV’s marketing plans, and

Dozens of other plain-English easy to use materials

Training on finding the highest-value incoming leads & CV’s sources, and how to maintain

them with a minimum of effort

Invitation to our quarterly Incoming leads & CV’s Summit coaching events (may be

attended on-line, and are recorded for you if you miss them). In other words the program

contains far more tools, resources, detail, and support than any other incoming leads & CV’s marketing program.

Q: What is the cost of the program? Can I make monthly payments?

A: As of this printing, yes you can make monthly payments. We are not cheap. The focus is ROI. The investment is $1,000 pcm (FM discount - limited availability). Results we expect you to get? 10-1000 ROI across 12 months. So fit somewhere in the middle for the mean. We even have zero a risk guarantee - that is - all the risk is on us - that's why you must be right. If we decide you'd be a good fit for us it may be a complete change of strategy. Essentially building a business from scratch and having your hand held to make sure you get the results. If you get one or two placements in 12 months it has paid for itself. The reality is you will be seeing results in the first month or two which will be a huge ROI. Like I said 10-1000 times is what we see. The fact is that it will install one to many inbound strategies which often result in doubling, trebling, even 10x a business during the course of the program. Some now have agencies they will be selling for $5 - 10m and when they joined us they were turning over 4 & low figures per month. The key is systemize. Switch to Inbound Automate and scale. For me, the key is are you a fit. Do you have the understanding of niche? Do you have the drive to switch to Inbound? Are you an action taker? I don’t want to be associated with non-success. So we need to make sure you are a fit for us.

Q: I have several Agency areas, how will this work for me?

A: Yes! Actually, what we’ve found is that recruiters who have multiple Agency areas can

actually benefit significantly from this program – because typically their former clients and incoming

leads & CV’s partners only know that the recruiter does one kind of work. In other words, much of

your incoming leads & CV’s base is only sending a fraction of the work they could, because they

don’t know that you handle other kinds of work! This “cross-selling” of your services is one of the

quickest wins you can get from joining the program.

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Q: Will I have to hire full time staff to use this program?

A: No, not at all. If you’re a true solo, that’s fine, or if you have staff they can support you to get you

even faster results. Once you see how much your client flow is increasing, you may want to hire

jun ior recruiters or to handle the work (leveraging the business you’re getting into profit that’s made

without your own labor) ... but some recruiters prefer to keep things simple and hire a P/T assistant

to deal with all of the marketing. In these cases, the program allows them to increase their fees

due to increased demand, and also be pickier – choosing the clients they want to work with, and

how much free time they want to take as their income rises. It is expected you will grow in revenue

and s taff, if that’s what you desire.

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Shouldn’t I just do a newsletter? Wouldn’t that be easier?

Newsletters are a great idea, but they fall short. In other words, they might pay off, but it’s a

gamble. Let’s look at some of the downsides. If you spend a year sending newsletters, and they

don’t generate a single client, you’ve spent lots of time and money and you have nothing to show

for it. WORSE, you can’t even track if it’s working! How do you know who’s reading it? If they are

sending clients because of it?

Sounds like an open and shut case, right? Well, if you don’t think so already, the ‘news’ gets

worse for the newsletter. To create one, you’ve got to put out (and manage) content every month.

If you forget, or get too busy, then your incoming leads & CV’s base starts to forget about you ... so

all your investment starts to swirl down the toilet. It stresses me out just thinking about that! Agency

Ignition solves this on all counts – our team actually gives you the templates to send out to clients

and candidates. If you want to get mavens (leaders in the market) to endorse you, you simply copy

and paste the email maven template and send out. No messing with print layouts, mailings, or

anything else. Copy and paste.

Add to this the fact that the Incoming leads & CV’s Agency Ignition program integrates

everything in one system ... and you’ve got a system that is simply unparalleled. On average,

between the cost of their time to create the content, and the costs of printing and mailing,

Recruiters can spend over $3,000 getting out a single campaign. We had one member who had

spent $8,000 on LinkedIn PPC ads to get 200 email opt ins. He did that in the first 2 weeks of the

program and got info such as was the client lead going to be starting a new project in the next 3

months, what were there requirements FOR FREE There’s no comparison!

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Meeting agendas, incoming leads & CV’s marketing plans, and

Dozens of other plain-English easy to use materials

Q: Who will my Member Success Manager be? Are they offshore?

A: Your Member Success Manager will be me. I will be holding you by the hand to get you

integrated into the program and make sure you fully understand everything in the program. Other

direct support staff are based in the UK and trained and supervised by me.

You will have access to them via private one-to-one email, weekly coaching, weekly group calls,

skype, a hotline number, as well as access to a vault of templates, checklists and systems. Every

request you make is logged in our private email system and has an audit trail.

Q: I’m in a firm, will the Agency Ignition program work?

A: Yes! It will work to send you more client leads and CV’s. The program is designed to help you –

the individual agency owner – position you as an expert, get more business from the people who

already know, like and trust you. People want to hire a person – not a firm, so to be as effective as

possible, the program is designed to promote YOU, not only your firm. This actually increases its

value to you. What do I mean? It means that even if one of your staff were to leave later - your

system stays with you, not your firm. You can of course add your current firm’s branding to all the

materials in the system (and can change it out if you leave) – but the key is building equity in your

Agency. Security and choices for you.

If you’re a small firm and you want to use Incoming leads & CV’s Agency Ignition for more than one

agency owner in the firm, so the entire firm’s business increases, that’s fine too – each recruiter

would have their own membership in the system, and we can set each one up so that the branding

is completely consistent.

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Q: Will this program offset my weaknesses in implementation and


A: Probably not. This program is not for everyone. The payoff is huge – you have the

opportunity to stop living hand-to-mouth, and working so hard for every dollar, and break through

the ceiling you’ve suffered with for so long. We’ve also taken all the confusion and the “I need to

change something but don’t know what it is” and have a system and world class support to assist

you in setting up your marketing.

However, you will need to spend a little time getting this set up. The fact is, you are creating

an asset that will run and run bringing in leads and CV’s. We will show you exactly what to do, but

you will need to own that whether it be you, a VA or an assistant.

Also, you’ll still need to follow through with all the incoming leads & CV’s that you’re going to

get. We’ll help by giving you a complete system for how to follow up and maximize the number of

incoming leads & CV’s which turn into clients, but you need to do these simple steps (or have your

assistant do them) to make sure they become clients!

Q: How long before the system starts sending me incoming leads &

CV’s from my network?

A: Good question. Simply put, there isn’t anything in this world where you can simply push a button

and tomorrow you’ve got a stampede of clients banging on your door. And frankly, if you’re the

kind of agency owner who’s looking for some magic bullet then we’re not a good fit for you (we

don’t sell Unicorns here, either). Here’s how it works, and what you can expect.

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When you first become a member, you’ll immediately get access to our onboarding Member

area. From there you will complete 4 documents. You will send these to our team for me to review.

From here we will schedule a one-to-one strategy session where we layout your plan for the next

12 months, 90 days, 30 days, 7 days. From this point you get access to all of the member Success

team’s number, Skype and our private email address. The first target will typically be to get you

either client leads or CV’s. This will take 30 – 60 days, depending on how quickly you get up and

running after that we “go live” and start your campaigns!

Incoming leads & CV’s marketing is proven to work – but it’s like a snowball. We get it

rolling, and it builds and builds. For our average members, in four months, you’ll see the system

working and incoming leads & CV’s coming in. By the end of the first year, the amount of new

business you’ll have will be far more than ever before. For some clients they have had their first

CV’s in within 4 days though they did have a base to work with.

As much as I wish there were an ‘instant’ way to doubling your Agency, there just isn’t. It’s

why the program is designed to use the most effective proven incoming leads & CV’s strategy

(because we know it works), with the most cutting-edge technology behind it (so we can do far

more than you ever could yourself), and serving it to you on a silver platter (so you’re free from the


We’re completely up front that if what you want is an instant solution, or a one-off, non-

repeatable tactic, this isn’t it. We’ve built something that creates long term value in your Agency.

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Q: Can I speak with someone about the Agency Ignition program

before I sign up?

A: Of course. We are completely transparent and our team always gives you the ‘real deal,’ and

what we honestly believe. In fact, we require that every potential member speak with us, because

to us our members’ success is non-negotiable.

By requesting your Discovery Strategy Call you’ll get all your questions answered.

Q: What are the consequences of not becoming a member today?

A: Well, as I said previously ... I’ve been in Agency recruitment leading in recruitment marketing for

a long time, and took years building a book of business the ‘old fashioned way’ – and kept hitting a

ceiling. It was frustrating not knowing what I could do to free myself from the prison of my own

making. In those days I saw other skyrocket past me, because they invested in marketing ... but

every time I tried marketing (cheaping out, or trying to do it myself), I didn’t get those results. I was

trapped. It wasn’t until years later that I realized it’s because I was missing strategy and systems.

So what are the consequences if you don’t join the program now?

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The Bad:

You’re alone

You’re left to your own limitations

Any marketing you try will probably be a gamble, because you don’t have experts helping

you every step of the way

You KNOW that even if you start marketing yourself, eventually it will slip through the

cracks, and your Agency will slide back to where you are today

You won’t have choices – and might be working just like you do today well into your 70s,

because you never made enough. The WORST part of not becoming a member is...

You miss the opportunity of spending far more quality time with family and friends

You miss out on making your mother-in-law speechless when you take yet ANOTHER two

weeks off

You miss the joy of your spouse, kids and grandkids doing whatever they want, whenever

and however they want without your life revolving around your Agency

You miss escaping the “Agency trap”

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Worst of all, because another recruiter down the road joined, and you didn’t, you wonder

what might have been.

So this program is only for Recruiters who are READY to break through their ceiling – for not only

the financial reward, but for the freedom and choices it brings them.

Sadly, I’ve talked to far too many recruiters who are suffering, struggling, and their worry about

their business and future affects every area of their life. All victims of the economy, poor planning,

bad advice, and following the conventional path of mediocrity. It’s not their fault – unless they were

given a “get out of jail free” card and through procrastination decided not to use it ... and their

indecision robbed them of choices.

I’ve also had the privilege of running a successful business building it up from NOTHING to a book

of business representing a “who’s who”. Knowing the feeling of accomplishment that comes with

turning a struggling “me-too” discount-priced business into a premium-priced, thriving one where I

still got home in time for dinner. The pride of being able to say to my wife that I’ve had yet another

year of increasing income. The security of having my family’s college funds already full, fifteen

years before they need to use them. Not by magic, but by systems and process.

And what’s just as rewarding is knowing that I’m doing the same for other recruitment professionals

who were where I was. Our profession is a necessary one for this country and our economy, but

isn’t an easy one. It can trap you and suck the life out of you. To be able to change this, even for

just a few motivated recruiters, is a privilege.

So this program is only for agency owners who are READY to break through their ceiling – for not

only the financial reward, but for the freedom and choices it brings them. Those who have come to

realize that the “old way” of saving, scrap by scrap, and practicing until retirement is no longer an


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Believe it or not, there are still recruiters who believe that they don’t need to do something

different ... I don’t know, maybe they think the recruitment fairy will put gold bars under their pillow.

It’s sad, but if they’re not willing to help themselves, I can’t help them.

You wouldn’t have read this far if you didn’t feel this could be your path from frustration to

freedom. And that’s what the Agency Ignition program is all about for you..., with systems,

processes and strategies that completely relieve YOU of all the worry, anxiety, and frustration of

where tomorrow’s client or the next CV’s will come from.

Here’s the TRUTH. Only a handful of owners are being accepted into this program this

quarter, and they’re ONLY owners I believe are ready to handle the new business this program will

drive to their doors. I will be declining people who aren’t a good fit, including if they aren’t easy to

work with. As someone who created a successful business that let me retire early from the rat

race, I have the luxury of working with who I want. I don’t need to take anyone. I can create a

program that’s simply unparalleled, and back it with a guarantee like you’ve never seen. And it’s

why I’ve designed an easy and effective program for recruiters who are as excited as I am about

the possibility of a bigger future.

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The bottom line is, NOW is the time to schedule your Discovery Strategy Call. Not

doing so while the doors are still open, could mean they close to you – for good. I can’t say it

enough, because I hate regrets ... Putting this off is something you will kick yourself for.

All you need to do right now is book your call at:

Select Discovery Strategy Call.

Owning a Recruitment Agency isn’t getting any easier. In fact, without a NEW strategy,

NEW tools, and a NEW way of doing business, it’s going to get harder. Book your Discovery

Strategy Call now, and get the roadmap to the choices in Agency – and life – that you’ve always


How Can You Be Sure Incoming leads & CV’s Agency Ignition Is

Right For You?



Have you tried and given up on marketing that didn’t work? (Networking, SEO, blogging,


Do you occasionally get incoming leads & CV’s business, but don’t get a steady, predictable

stream of incoming leads & CV’s?

Do your marketing initiatives take a lot of personal time and effort?

Are you concerned that you aren’t keeping in touch with your key contacts regularly


Are you unsure that the time and money you spend on marketing is always paying for itself?

Have you wondered what Recruiters whose income is hundreds of thousands more than

yours are doing, while you’re stuck in a rut?

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Do you feel ready to ‘turn a deaf ear’ on Recruitment Agency marketing fads like social

media ... and focus on time-tested strategies to build a valuable Agency?

Would you like to spend more time with friends and family?

Are you willing to STOP trying to do everything yourself with mediocre results, and find a

team of experts to show you how to take your business to the next level?

Do you want the option to either sell your Agency, or “retire in Agency” where other

Recruiters do the work, and you continue to build wealth as the business owner?

Are you unsure how to grow your Agency past your current income ceiling?

Do you get pulled between doing client work, and having time to get new clients/candidates

unable to do both at the same time?

Are you willing to set aside inertia to create a repeatable system for getting incoming leads

& CV’s, if as much of the ‘heavy lifting’ is done for you as possible?

Do you want to be able to focus your time on creating great relationships, without worrying

about the hundreds of little operational details it requires to do effective marketing?

Are you willing to make an investment in yourself and your Agency, if the investment proves

to you it will work?

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What Are Your Colleagues Saying?