conference usa 990 report: fiscal year 2009

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  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    efile GRAPHIC rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 93493012014041Return o f Or a n i z a t i o n Exem t From Income Tax OMB No 1545-0047990 g pForm

    Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947 a) 1) of the I n t e r n a l Revenue Code except b la ck l u ng 9benefit t ru st or private foundation)

    D e p a r t m e n t o f th e T r e a s u r y .I n t e r n a l Revenue S e r v i c e -The organization may have to use a copy of this r e t u r n to sat i sf y s t a t e r e por t i n g requirementsA For the 2009 calendar year, or tax year beginning 07- 01-2009 and ending 06-30-2010B Check i f a p p l i c a b l e C Name o f organization

    D Employer identification numberPl e ase CONFERENCE USAddress c h an g e use IR S 36 4021594

    Name c h an g e label or Doi n g B us i n es s As E Telephone numberprint orn i t i a l r e t u r n t y p e See 214 774-1300Specific Number an d s t r e e t ( o r P 0 box i f mail i s not delivered t o s t r e e t address Room/suiteI n st r u c G Gross r e c e i pt s 51 756 505F_ Terminated 5201 NORTH OCONNOR B LV D S UI TE 3 00tions.Amended r e t u r n C i t y or town, s t a t e or country, an d ZI P + 4F_ A p p l i c a t i o n pending

    IRVING, TX 750393765

    F Name an d address o f principal o f f i c e r H(a) I s t h is a group return f o rBRITTON BANOWSKY affiliates ? F-Yes No5201 NORTH OCONNOR BLVD SUITE 300IRVING,TX 75039 H b) A r e al l a f f i l i a t e s included ? FYes F_ No

    I f No, attach a l i s t (see instructions)I Ta x - exempt s t a t u s 501( c) 3 I ( i n s e r t no 947(a)(1) o r F_ 527 H(c) Group exemption number 0 -3 Website :1- HTTP //CONFERENCEUSA CSTV COM/

    K Form o f organization orporationrust F_ Associationther 1 - L Year o f formation 1996 M State o f l e g a l domicile I Lurnmary

    1 B r i e f l y describe t h e o rg a niza t ion s mission o r most significant activitiesSee Schedule 0 for t h e Organization s Mission Statement and Most S i gn i f i ca n t A c t iv i t i e s - Operate wi t h i nte g ri ty and advancehigh standards o f acad emic performance, s por t sma n s h i p and equity - O r ga n iz e, a dm in i s t e r a n d promote intercollegiate athletics

    a a t nationally competitive levels on be h al f o f our members an d t h e i r student-athletes

    2 Check t h i s box i f th e organization discontinued i t s operations o r disposed o f more than 25 o f i t s ne t a s s e ts3 Number of voting members of t h e governing body (Part VI , l i n e 1a ) 3 12o f

    : 2 4 Number of independent voting members of t h e governing body (Part VI , l i n e 1b) 4 12

    5 Tot al number of employees (Pa rt V , l i n e 2a) 5 226 Total number o f volunte e rs (e s timate i f n e c e s sa ry) 6 37a Total gross u n r e l a t e d business revenue from Par t VIII, column (C), l i n e 12 7a 0b Net u n r e l a t e d business taxable income from Form 990-T, l i n e 34 7b 0

    Prior Year C u r r e n t Year8 Contributions and g r a n t s (Part VIII, l i n e 1h ) 4,161,440 3,861,7189 Program s e r v i c e revenue (Part VIII, l i n e 2g 41,731,345 45,193,999

    N 10 Investment income (Part VIII, column (A), l in es 3, 4 , and 7d -209,636 782,27411 Other revenue (Part VIII, column (A ), l i ne s 5 , 6d , 8c , 9c , 10c, and 11e) 136,156 144,93412 Total revenue-add lines 8 through 11 must e q u a l Par t VIII, column (A), l i n e


    45,819,305 49,982,92513 Grants and s imi l ar amounts p ai d (P ar t IX, column (A ), l i ne s 1-3 37,362,894 40,238,08514 Benefits paid to or for members (Part IX, column (A), l i n e 4 ) 015 Sal ar i e s, o t h e r compensation, employee be n ef i ts (P ar t IX, column (A ), l i ne s 5-

    10) 2,152,319 2,233,67016a P ro f e s s i o n a l f u n d r a i s i n g f ee s (Pa rt IX, column (A), l i n e 11e) 0

    b T o t al f u n dr a i s in g e xp e n se s ( P a r t I X column ( D ) , line 25) 0 - 017 Other expenses (Part IX, column (A ), l i ne s 11a-11d, 11f-24f) 7,252,879 6,320,30118 Total expenses Add lines 13-17 must e q u a l Part IX, column (A), l i n e 25) 46,768,092 48,792,05619 Revenue l e s s expenses Subtract l i n e 18 from l i n e 12 -948,787 1,190,869

    Beginning of C u r r e n t End of YearYeaear20 Total assets (Part X, l i n e 16) 9,830,435 9,796,806

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Form 990 (2009) Page 21 :M 6 4 Statement of Program Service Accomplishments1 B r i e f l y describe th e organization's mission

    - Operate with i n t e g r i t y an d advance high standards o f academic performance, sportsmanship an d equity - Organize, administer an d promoteintercollegiate athletics a t nationally competitive levels on behalf o f our members an d t h e i r student-athletes

    2 Di d th e organization u n d er t ake an y significant program services during th e y ear w h ic h w er e no t l i s t e d ont he prior Form 990 or 990 -EZ'' fl Yes NoI f Yes, describe these new services on Schedule 0

    3 D id t he organization cease conducting or make significant changes in how i t conducts any programservices ? Yes NoI f Yes, describe these changes on Schedule 0

    4 Describe t he exempt purpose achievements fo r each of t he organization s t h r ee l ar ge st program services by expensesSection 501 c)(3) and 501 c)(4) organizations and section 4947 a)(1) t ru st s ar e required to r epo r t t h e amount of grants andal l oca ti ons to others t he total expenses and revenue, i any, fo r each program serv i ce repor te d

    4a (Code (Expenses 48,211,074 i n c l u d i n g grants o f 40,190,085 (Revenue 45,338,933 l l C US i n s t i t u t i o n s sponsor FB S F o o t b a l l , along with several o t h er Men' s an d Women s A t h l e t i c programs C US sponsors competition i n 20 s p o r t s -Nine f o r men B a se b a ll , B a s ke t b a ll , Cross Country, F o o t b a l l , G o l f , S o c c e r , Tennis an d Indoor an d Ou t do o r Track an d F i e l d ) an d 11 f o r women B a s k e t b a l l , Cross Country, G o l f ,S o f t b a l l , S o c c e r , Swimming an d D i v i n g , Tennis, Rowing, Indoor an d O ut d oo r Track an d F i e l d an d V o l l e y b a l l )

    4b (Code (Expenses 48,000 i n c l u d i n g grants o f 48,000 (Revenue To promote academic excellence, C-USA annually awards twelve postgraduate s c h o l a r s h i p s , al on g w it h t he Spo rt Academic Award, Scholar Athletes o f th e YearAward an d th e I n s t i t u t i o n a l Academic Excellence Award

    4c (Code (Expenses i n c l u d i n g grants o f (Revenue

    4d Other program services Describe i n Schedule 0 Expenses including grants of Revenue

    4e T o t a l program service expenses 48,259,074Form 990 2009)

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Form 990 (2009) Page 3i hecklist of Required SchedulesYes No

    1 Is the organization described i n section 501(c)(3) or4947(a)(1) (other than a private foundation)? If Yes, Yescomplete ScheduleAs 1

    2 I s the organization required t o complete Schedule B Schedule o f Contributors? IN 2 Ye s3 Did the organization engage i n direct o r indirect p o l i t i c a l campaign a c t i v i t i e s on behalf o f o r i n opposition t o No

    candidates f o r public o f f i c e ? I f Yes, complete Schedule C P a r t 34 Section 501 c)(3) organizations D id the organization engage i n lobbying activities? If Yes, complete Schedule C NoP art I I 45 Section 501 c)(4), 501 c)(5), and 501 c)(6) organizations Is the organization subject to the section 6033(e)

    notice and reporting requirement and proxy tax's If Yes, complete Schedule C Part III 56 Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds o r any similar funds o r accounts where donors have the

    r ig ht t o provide advice on the distribution o r investment o f amounts such funds o r accounts? I f Yes, completeSchedule D , P artIs 6 N o

    7 Did the organization receive o r hold a conservation easement, including easements t o preserve open space,the environment, h i s t o r i c land areas o r h i s t o ri c structures? I f Yes, complete Schedule D P a r t I I 9 ^ 7 No

    8 Did the organization maintain collections o f works o f a r t historical treasures, o r other similar assets? I f Yes,complete Schedule D, Part III 8 N o

    9 Did the organization report an amount i n Part X, l i n e 21, serve as a custodian for amounts not listed i n Part X, orprovide credit counseling, debt management, credit r e p a i r o r debt negotiation services? I f Yes,complete Schedule D, Part IV 9 N

    10 Did the organization, directly or through a related organization, hold assets i n term, permanent,or quasi- 10 Noendowments? If Yes, complete Schedule D, Part

    11 Is the organization's answer to any of the following questions Yes ? If so complete Schedule D,Parts VI , V II, V II I, IX, orXas applicable .. c 11 Yes* D id the organization report an amount for land, buildings, and equipment i n Part X, line107 If Yes, completeSchedule D , P art VI .* D id the organization report an amount for investments-other securities i n Part X, l i n e 12 that i s or more ofi ts total assets reported i n Part X, l i n e 16' ' I f Yes, complete Schedule D, P art V I I.* D id the organization report an amount for investments-program related i n Part X, l i n e 13 that i s or more ofi ts total assets reported i n Part X, l i n e 16'' If Yes, complete Schedule D, P art V I I I. Did the organization report an amount f o r other assets i n Part X l i n e 15 that i s 5% o r more o f i t s t o t a l assetsreported i n Part X, l i n e 16'' If Yes, complete Schedule D, Part IX .* D id the organization report an amount for other liabilities i n Part X, l i n e 257 If Yes, complete Schedule D, Part X .

    * D id the organization s separate or consolidated financial statements for the tax year include a footnote thataddresses the organization s l i a b i l i t y for uncertain tax positions under FIN 487 If Yes, complete Schedule D, PartX .

    12 Did the organization obtain separate independent audited financial statements f o r the tax year? I f Yes , completeSchedule D , P arts X I, XII, and X I I I 12 Yes

    12A Was the organization included i n consolidated independent audited financial statements for the tax year? Yes No

    If Yes, completing Schedule D, Parts XI , XII, and X I I I i s optional 12A N o13 Is the organization a school described i n section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii)'' If Yes, complete ScheduleE 13 No14a D id the organization maintain an office, employees, or agents outside of the United States? 14a No

    b D i d the organization have aggregate revenues or expenses o f more than 10,000 from grantmaking, f u n d r a i si n g b u s i n e s s and programs e r v i c e a c t i v i t i e s outside the United States? If Yes, complete Schedule F Part I 14b N o

    15 D id the organization report on Part I X, column (A), l i n e 3, more than 5,000 of grants or assistance to anyorganization or entity located outside the U S If Yes, complete Schedule F Part II 15 No

    16 D id the organization report on Part I X, column (A), l i n e 3, more than 5,000 of aggregate grants or assistance toindividuals located outside the U S If Yes, complete Schedule F Part III 16 No

    17 D id the organization report a total of more than 15,000, of expenses for professional fundraising services on 17 NoPart IX , column (A), lines 6 and l le? If Yes, complete Schedule G, Part I

    18 D id the organization report more than 15,000 total offundraising event gross income and contributions on PartV I I I , lines 1c and 8a'' If Yes, complete Schedule G, Part II 18 No

    19 D id the organization report more than 15,000 of gross income from gaming activities on Part V I I I , l i n e 9a7 If 19 NoYes, complete Schedule G, Part III

    20 D id the organization operate one or more hospitals? If Yes, complete ScheduleH 20 NoForm 990 (2009)

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Form 990 (2009) Page 4i hecklist of Required Schedules (continued)21 Did the organization report more than 5,000 of grants and other assistance to governments and organizations i n 21 Yes

    the United States on Part IX , column (A), l i n e 1 If Yes, complete Schedule I , Parts I and II 22 Did the organization report more than 5,000 of grants and other assistance to individuals i n the United tates 22

    o n Part IX , column (A), l i n e 2 If Yes, complete Schedule I , Parts I and II I 19 Yes23 Did the organization answer Yes to Part V I I , Section A, questions 3 , 4, or 5, about compensation of the

    organization s current and former o f f i c e r s , directors, trustees, key employees, an d highest compensated 23 Yesemployees? If Yes, complete Schedule J

    24a Did the organization have a tax-exempt bond issue with an outstanding principal amount of more than 100,000as of the last day of the y ea r, tha t was issued after December 31 , 20027 If Yes, answer questions 24b-24d andcomplete Schedule K . If No, go to line 25 24a N o

    b Did the organization invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary period exception? 24bc Did the organization maintain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow a t any time during the year

    t o defease any tax-exempt bonds? 24 cd Did the organization act as an o n behalf o f issuer f o r bonds outstanding a t any time during the year? 24 d

    25a Section 501(c ) ( 3) and 501(c)(4) organizations Did the organization engage i n an excess benefit transaction witha disqualified person during the year? If Yes, complete Schedule L , Part I 25a No

    b I s the organization aware that engaged i n an excess benefit transaction with a disqualified person i n a p r i o ryear, and t hat t he transaction has no t been reported on any of the organization s prior Forms 990 or 990-EZ7 If 25b NoYes, complete Schedule L , Part I

    26 Was a loan t o o r by a current o r former o f f i c e r , director, trustee, key employee, highly compensated employee, o rdisqualified person outstanding as o f the end o f the organization s tax year? I f Yes, complete Schedule 26 NoPart II

    27 Did the organization provide a grant o r other assistance t o an o f f i c e r , d i r e c t o r , trustee, key employee, substantialcontributor, o r a grant selection committee member, o r t o a person related t o such an individual? I f Yes, 27 Nocomplete Schedule L , Part III

    28 Was the organization a party to a business transaction with one of the following parties? (see Schedule L , Part IVinstructions f o r applicable f i l i n g thresholds, conditions, and exceptions)

    a A current o r former o f f i c e r , director, trustee, o r key employee? I f Yes, complete Schedule P a r tIV 28a No

    b A family member o f a current o r former o f f i c e r , d i r e c t o r , trustee, o r key employee? I f Yes,complete Schedule L , Part IV 28b No

    c An entity o f which a current o r former o f f i c e r , director, trustee, o r key employee o f the organization ( o r a familymember) was an officer, director, trustee, or owner? If Yes, complete Schedule L , Part IV 28c No

    29 Did the organization receive more than 25,000 i n non-cash contributions? If Yes, complete Schedule M 29 No30 Did the organization receive contributions o f a r t , historical treasures, o r other similar assets, o r q ua l i f i ed

    conservation contributions? If Yes, complete Schedule M 30 No31 Did the organization l i q u i d a t e , terminate, o r dissolve an d cease operations? I f Yes, complete Schedule N ,

    PartI 31 No32 Did the organization s e l l , exchange, dispose o o r transfer more than 25% o f i t s net assets? I f Yes, complete

    Schedule N, Part I I 32 N o33 Did the organization own 1 of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations

    sections 301 7701-2 and3017701-3'' If Yes, complete Schedule R , PartI 33 No34 Was the organization related to any tax-exempt or taxable entity? If Yes, complete Schedule R , Parts I I , I II , I V,

    and V , line 1 ID 34 Yes

    35 Is any related organization a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)7 If Yes, completeSchedule R , Part V , line 2 35 N o36 Section 501(c ) ( 3) organizations Did the organization make any transfers to an exempt non charitable related

    organization? If Yes, complete Schedule R , Part V , line 2 36 No37 Did the organization conduct more than 5 o f i t s a c t i v i t i e s through an e n t i t y that i s not a related organization

    and that i s treated as a partnership f o r federal income tax purposes? I f Y e s , complete Schedule R , P a r t V I 37 No38 Did the organization complete Schedule 0 and provide explanations i n Schedule 0 for Part VI , lines 11 and 197

    Note All Form 990 f i l e r s are required to complete Schedule 0 38 YesForm 990 (2009)

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Form 990 (2009) Page 5Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance

    Yes Nola Enter th e number reported i n Box 3 of Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal

    of U .S . In f ormat io n R et urns . E n te r -0 - i f no t applicable la 472

    b Enter the number o f Forms W-2G included i n l i n e la Enter - 0 - i not applicablelb 0

    c Did the organization comply with backup withholding rules f o r reportable payments t o v endo rs and reportablegaming (gambling) winnings to prize winners? 1c Yes2a Enter th e number of employees reporte d on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Ta x

    Statements f i l e d f o r the calendar year ending with o r within the year covered by t h i sreturn 2a 22

    b I f a t least one i s reported on l i n e 2a, d i d the organization f i l e a l l required federal employment tax returns?Note I f th e sum of lines la and 2a i s greater than 250, you may be required to e-file this return see 2b Yesinstructions)

    3 a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income o f 1,000 o r more during the year covered by t h i sreturn? 3a No

    b I f Yes, has i t f i l e d a Form 990-T f o r t h i s year? I f No, provide an explanation i n Schedule O 3 b4a At any time during the calendar year, d i d the organization have an interest i n o r a signature o r other authority

    over, a financial account i n a foreign country such as a bank account, securities account, o r other financialaccount)? 4a No

    b I f Yes, enter the name o f the foreign country 0See th e instructions for exceptions and f i l i n g requirements for Form F 90-22 1 , Report of Foreign Bank andFinancial Accounts

    5a Was th e organization a party to a prohi bi t ed tax shelter transaction at any time during t he t ax year? 5a Nob Did any taxable party n o t i f y the organization that i t w as o r i s a party t o a prohibited tax shelter transaction? 5b Noc If Yes to l i n e 5a or 5b, did th e organization f i l e Form 8886-T, Disclosure by Tax-Exempt Entity Regarding

    Prohibited Tax Shelter Transaction? Sc6a Does th e organization have annual gross r ec ei pt s t hat are normally greater than 100,000, and did th e 6a No

    organization s o l i c i t any contributions that were not tax deductible?b I f Yes, d i d the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions o r g i f t s

    were not tax deductible? 6b7 Organizations that may receive deductible contributions under section 170 c).

    a Did th e organization receive a payment i n excess of 75 made partly as a contribution and partly for goods and 7a Noservices provided t o the payor7

    b I f Yes, d i d the organization n o t i f y the donor o f the value o f the goods o r services provided? 7bc D id the organization s e l l , exchange, o r otherwise dispose o f tangible personal property f o r which i t w as required t o

    f i l e Form 82827 7 c Nod I f Yes, indicate the number o f Forms 8282 f i l e d during the year 7d

    e Did the organization, during the year, receive any funds, directly o r i n d i r e ct l y , t o pay premiums on a personalbenefit contract 7e No

    f D id th e organization, during t he y ear , pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract 7f Nog For a l l contributions of qualified intellectual property, did th e organization f i l e Form 8899 as required? 7gh For contributions o f cars, boats, airplanes, and other vehicles, d i d the organization f i l e a Form 1098-C as

    required? 7h8 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds and section 509(a 3 ) supporting organi zatio ns . D id

    the supporting organization, o r a donor advised fund maintained by a sponsoring organization, have excessbusiness holdings a t any time during the year? 8

    9 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised fundsa Did th e organization make any taxable distributions under section 49667 9ab Did th e organization make a distribution to a donor, donor advisor, or related person? 9b

    10 Section 501(c 7) organizations. Entera Initiation fees and capital contributions included on Part VIII, l i n e 12 10ab Gross receipts, included on Form 990, Part VIII, l i n e 12 , for public use of club 10b

    facilities11 Section 501(c 1 2 ) organi zatio ns . Enter

    a G ross i n come from members o r shareholders 11 ab G ross i n come f rom other s ou rc es D o n ot n et amounts due o r paid t o other sources

    against amounts due o r received from them 11 b

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    orm 990 (2009) Page 6 WGovernance, Management and Disclosure Fo r each Yes response t o l in es 2 through 7bbelow, an d f o r a No respons e t o l i n e s 8 a, 8 b, or 10 b below, describe the circumstances,processes, or changes i n Schedule 0. See instructions.

    Section A Governing Bodv and ManagementYes No

    l a Enter t h e number of voting members of t he governing body l a 12b Enter th e number o f voting members t hat are independent lb 12

    2 Did an y o f f i c e r d i r e c t o r trustee, o r ke y employee have a family relationship o r a business relationship with an yother o f f i c e r d i r e c t o r trustee, o r key employee? 2 No

    3 Did th e organization delegate control over management duties customarily performed by o r under th e directsupervision of officers, directors or trustees, or key employees to a management company or other person? 3 No

    4 D id t he organization make any significant changes to i t s organizational documents s i n c e t h e prior Form 990 wasf i l e d ? 4 No

    5 D id t he organization become aware during th e year o f a material diversion o f the organization s assets? 5 No6 Does th e organization have members o r stockholders? 6 Ye s7a Does th e organization have members, stockholders, o r other persons who may elect on e o r more members o f th e

    governing body? 7a Nob Are an y decisions o f th e govern i ng body subject t o approval by members, stockholders, o r other persons? 7b No

    8 D id t he organization contemporaneously document th e meetings held o r written actions undertaken during th eyear by th e following

    a The governing body? 8a Yesb E ac h c om mi t t ee with authority t o act on behalf o f th e governing body? 8 b Yes

    9 I s there an y o f f i c e r director, trustee, o r key employee l i s t e d i n Part VII, Section A, who cannot be reached a t th eorganization s mailing address? If Yes, provide th e names an d addresses i n Schedule 0 9 No

    Section B Policies (This Sect ion B requests information about p o l i c i e s n ot req ui red b y the InternalRevenue Code.

    Yes No10a Does th e organization have l o c a l chapters, branches, o r a f f i l i a t e s ? 10a Nob I f Yes, does th e organization have written policies a nd p ro cedu re s g ov er ni n g th e activities o f such chapters,

    a f f i l i a t e s an d branches t o ensure their operations are consistent with those o f th e organization? 10b11 Has th e organization provided a copy o f t h i s Form 990 t o l l members o f i t s govern i n g body before f i l i n g th e form?

    11 No11A Describe in Schedule 0 t he process, i any, used by t he organization to review t he Form 990

    12a Does t he organization have a written conflict of interest policy? If No, go t o l in e 13 12a Yesb Ar e o f f i c e r s directors o r trustees, an d ke y employees required t o disclose annually interests that could give r i s e

    t o conflicts? 12b N oc Does th e organization regularly an d consistently m on i t or a nd enforce compliance with t he po lic y? I f Yes,

    describe i n Schedule 0 how t h i s i s done 12c Ye s13 Does t he organization have a written whistleblower policy? 13 Yes14 Does t he organization have a written document retention and destruction policy? 14 Yes15 D id t he process for determining compensation of t he following persons include a review and approval by

    independent persons, comparability data, and contemporaneous substantiation of t h e d el i b erat i o n and decisiona The organization s CEO, Executive Director, or t op management o f f i c i a l 15a Yesb Other o f f i c e r s o r key employees o f th e organization 15b Yes

    I f Yes t o l i n e a orb, describe th e process Schedule 0 (See instructions

    16a D id t he o rg an i z at i o n i n ve s t in contribu te assets t o or participate i n a joint venture or s imi lar arrangement with ataxable entity during t he year? 16a No

    b I f Yes, has t he organization adopted a w ri t t en p ol i c y or procedure req ui r i ng t h e organization to evaluate i t sparticipation i n j o i n t venture arrangements under applicable federal tax l a w an d taken steps t o safeguard th eorganization s exempt status with respect t o s u c h a rr an g em en t s ? 16 b

    Section C. Disclosure17 List t h e States with which a copy o f t h is Form 990 is required to be filed-IL18 Section 6104 requires an organization to make i ts Form 1023 (or 1024 i applicable), 990, and 990 -T (5 0 1(c)

    (3 )s o nl y) available for public i n s pe ct i on I n di c at e how you make these available Check al l that applyfl Own website fl Another s website F Upon request

    19 Descri be i n Schedule 0 whether an d i f s o h ow), t he organization makes i t s governing documents c o n f l i c t o finterest policy an d financial statements available t o th e public See Additional D at a T ab le

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Form 990 (2009) Page 7 : M.lkvh ompensation of Officers , Directors , Trustees , Key mployees , Highest ompensated

    Employees , and Independent ContractorsSection A Officers , Directors, Trustees , Key Employees , and Highest Compensated Employees

    la omplete t h i s table f o r a l l persons required t o be l i s t e d Report compensation f o r the calendar year ending with o r within the organization stax year Use Schedule J- 2 i f additional space i s needed* List a l l of th e organization s current officers, directors, trustees whether individuals or organizations), regardless of amountof compensation, and current key employees Enter -0- i n columns (D), (E), and (F) i f no compensation was paid L i s t a l l o f the organization s current key employees Se e instructions f o r d e f i n i t i o n o f k ey employee * List th e organization s five current highest compensated employees (other than an officer, director, trustee or key employee)who received reportable compensation Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) of more than 100,000 from th eorganization and any related organizations L i s t a l l o f the organization s former o f f i c e r s ke y employees, o r highest compensated employees who received more than 100,000o f reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizations6 List a l l of th e organization s former directors or trustees that received, i n th e capacity as a former director or trustee of th eorganization, more than 10,000 of reportable compensation from th e organization and any related organizationsL i s t persons the following order individual trustees o r directors, i n s t i t u t i o n a l trustees, o f f i c e r s ke y employees, highestcompensated employees, and former such personsCheck t h i s b ox i f the organization d i d not compensate an y current o r former o f f i c e r director, trustee o r key employee

    A) (B ) (C) (D ) (E ) (F)Name an d T i t l e Average Position check a l l Reportable Reportable Estimatedhours that apply) compensation compensation amount o f otherper from the from related compensationweek organization W- organizations from the

    2/1099-MISC ) (W - 2/1099- organization and D T MISC) related

    c c c a organizationsmQ D

    m 3 Q


    Form 990 2009)

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Form 990 2009) Page 8lb Total 847,070 5,792,570 1,570,1792 Total number of individuals i nc lu di ng b ut n ot limited to those listed above who received more than

    100,000 i n reportable compensation from the organization-4

    NoD id the organization l i s t any former o f f i c e r , director o r trustee, ke y employee, o r highest compensated employeeon l in e l a s If Yes, complete Schedule] forsuch individual 3 NoFor any individual listed on l i n e la, i s the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation from th eorganization and related organizations greater than 150,000' If Yes, complete Schedule] forsuchindividualDid a ny p er so n l i s t e d on l i n e la receive o r accrue compensation from any unrelated organization f o r servicesrendered t o the organization I f Y e s , complete ScheduleI f o r such person 5 No

    Section B . Independent Contractors1 Complete this table for your five highest compensated independent ontr tors that received more than

    100,000 of compensation from th e organizationA ) B) C)

    Name and business address D e s c ri p t i o n o f s e r v i c e s Compensation

    2 Total number of independent ontr tors i nc lu di ng b ut n ot limited to those listed above) who received more than100,000 i n compensation from the organization 0- 0

    Form 990 (2009)

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    orm 990 2009 Page 91 : M. TJO04 Statement of Revenue

    A) B C DTotal revenue Related o r Unrelated evenue

    exempt business excluded fromfunction revenue tax underrevenue sections

    512, 513, or514

    la Federated campaigns lab Membership dues lb 3 , 5 9 9 , 8 8 4

    C c undraising events 1c+ f C Gd Related organizations lde Government grants c o n t r i b u t i o n s ) le

    i f A l l other c o n t r i b u t i o n s , g i f t s , g r a n t s , and if 261,834s i m i l a r amounts no t i n c l u d e d above

    ig Noncash contributions included i n

    10,737l i n e s la-1f h Total Add l i n e s la-1f 3 , 8 6 1 , 7 1 8

    a , Business Code2a TELEVISION AND MARKETI 900,099 15,787,603 15,787,603

    a 2 b NCAA TOURNAMENT REVENU 900,099 8,915,109 8,915,109C NCAA GRANTS-IN-AID 900,099 6,210,824 6,210,824d DISTRIBUTABLE BOWL REV 900,099 4,569,038 4,569,038e BOWL CHAMPIONSHIP SERI 900,099 2,719,140 2,719,140cf All o t her program service revenue 6 ,992,285 6,992,285

    g Total Add l i n e s 2a-2f 1 0 - 45,193,9993 Investment income including dividends interest

    and o t he r similar amounts 1 0 - 323,201 323,2014 Income from investment o f tax-exempt bond proceeds 0 -5 Royalties 0 - 115,358 115,358

    i Real i i Personal6a Gross Rentsb Less r e n t a l

    expensesc Rental income

    o r ( l o s s )d Net r e n t a l inco me o r loss

    i Securities i i Other7a Gross amount 2,232,653

    from s al e s o fassets otherthan inventory

    b Less c o s t or 1,773,580other b a s i s ands a l e s expenses

    c Gain or ( l o s s ) 459,073d Net gain or l os s .0- 459,073 459,073

    8a Gross income from fundraisingQ o events not including3

    o f c on tr ibution s reported on l i n e 1cSee Part IV , l i n e 18

    ab Less direct expenses bc Ne t income o r loss from fundraising events 9a Gross income from gaming activities

    See P ar t I V, l i n e 19 a

    b Less direct expenses b

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    orm 990 2009 Page 10Statement of Functional Expenses

    Section 501 c 3 and 501 c 4 organizations must complete a l l columns.Al l other organizations must complete column A) but are not required to complete columns B , C , and D .

    Do not inc l ude amounts reported on lines 6b ,7b, 8b, 9b, and 10b of Part VIII

    AT o t a l expenses

    B Program s e r v i c e

    expenses C

    Management andgeneral expenses


    1 Grants and other assistance to governments and organizationsin the U S See P art I V, l i n e 21 40,190,085 40,190,085

    2 Grants and other assistance to individuals in theU S See P ar t I V, l i n e 22 48,000 48,0003 Grants and other assistance to governments,

    organizations and individuals outside the U S SeeP ar t I V, lines 15 and 16

    4 Benefits paid t o o r f o r members5 Compensation of current officers, directors trustees, and

    key employees 774,302 642,671 131,6316 Compensation not included above, to disqualified persons

    as defined under section 4958 f 1 and personsdescribed in section 4958 c 3 B

    7 Other salaries and wages 1,083,194 899,051 184,1438 Pension plan contributions include section 401 k) and section

    40 3 b employer contributions 117,146 97,231 19,9159 Other employee benefits 15 2 ,434 126,520 25,91410 Payroll taxes 106,594 88,473 18,12111 Fees for services non-employees)

    a Management b Legal 22,977 19,071 3,906c Accounting 21,343 17,715 3,628d Lobbyinge Professional fundraising ee Part I V, line 17f Investment management fees 60,820 50,481 10,339g Other

    12 Advertising and promotion 32,755 32,75513 Office expenses 221,273 183,657 37,61614 Information technology 17,262 14,327 2,93515 Royalties16 Occupancy 150,019 124,516 25,50317 Travel 82 ,484 68,462 14,02218 Payments o f travel o r entertainment expenses f o r any f e d e r a l

    state, o r l oc al public o f f i c i a l s19 Conferences conventions and meetings 161,153 133,757 27,39620 Interest21 Payments to affiliates22 Depreciation depletion, and amortization 24,743 20,537 4,20623 Insurance 45,392 37,675 7,71724 Other expenses Itemize expenses not covered above Expenses

    grouped together and labeled miscellaneous may not exceed oftotal expenses shown on l i n e 25 below

    a Bowls Championship Ex 3,576,496 3,576,496b MARKETING AND PROMOTION 1,022,852 1,022,852c Support Services 471,778 471,778d Championships 314,894 314,894ef Al l other expenses 94,060 78,070 15,990

    25 Total functional expenses. Add lines 1 through 24f 48,792,056 48,259,074 532,982 26 Joint costs. Check here _ i following SOP 98-2

    Complete this l i n e only i the organization reported incolumn B joint costs from a combined educational

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Form 990 2009 Page 11M MBalance SheetA B

    Beginning of year End of year1 Cash-non-interest-bearing 2,273,167 1 3,997,6732 Savings and temporary cash investments 69,125 2 200,8983 Pledges a nd grants receivable, net 34 Accounts receivable, ne t 44,600 4 70,2075 Receivables f r o m cu rr ent and f o rm er o f f i c e r s directors, trustees, ke y employees, and

    highest compensated employees Complete Part I I ofSchedule L 5

    6 Receivables f r om o ther disqualified persons a s defined under section 4958 f 1 andpersons described i n section 4958 c 3 B Complete Part I I ofSchedule L 6

    7 Notes and l o ans r e ce i va b le , ne t 1,200,000 78 Inventories fo r sale or use 89 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 156,781 9 25,35610a Land, buildings, and equipment cost or o t he r b as is Complete 168,897

    Part VI of Schedule D 10ab Less accumulated depreciation 10b 142,082 51,559 10c 26,815

    11 Investments-publicly traded securities 6,035,203 11 5,475,85712 Investments-other securities See Par t I V, l i n e 11 1213 Investments-program-related See Par t I V, l i n e 11 1314 Intangible assets 1415 Other assets See Par t I V, l i n e 11 1516 Total assets Add lines 1 through 15 must equal l i n e 34 9,830,435 16 9,796,80617 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 295,778 17 262,25518 Grants payable 1819 eferred revenue 1,497,159 19 297,15920 Tax-exempt bond liabilities 20

    21 Escrow or c ustodial account l i a b i l i t y Complete Part IVof Schedule D 2122 Payables t o current and f o rm er o f f i c e r s directors, trustees, ke y

    employees, highest compensated employees, and disqualifiedpersons Complete Part II of Schedule L 22

    23 Secured mortgages and notes payable to unrelated third parties 2324 Unsecured notes an d loans payable t o unrelated t h i r d parties 2425 Other liabilities Complete Part X of Schedule D 396,661 25 462,32026 Total liabilities Add lines 17 through 25 2,189,598 26 1,021,734

    Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here and complete l i n e s 27through 29, and lines 33 and 34 .

    27 Unrestricted ne t assets 7,407,063 27 8,531,072 28 Temporarily r es t ri c t ed n et assets 233,774 28 244,000

    29 Permanently restricted ne t assets 29Organizations that do no t follow SFAS 1 17 c hec k here F- an d completeW _ lines 30 through 34 .

    30 Capital stock or trust principal, or c u r re nt f u n ds 3031 Paid-in o r capital surplus, o r l a n d building o r equipment fund 3132 Retained earnings, endowment accumulated income, o r other funds 3233 Total ne t assets or fund balances 7,640,837 33 8,775,072z 34 Total liabilities and ne t assets/fund balances 9,830,435 34 9,796,806

    Form 990 2009

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    orm 990 (2009) Page 12Financial Statements and Reporting

    Yes No

    1 Accounting method used to prepare t he Form 990 Cash Accrual F-Other f the organization changed t s method o f acc ou n t in g f r om a p r i o r year o r checked Other, explain Sch ed ul e 0

    2a ere the organization s financial statements compiled o r reviewed by an independent accountant s 2a Nob ere the organization s financial statements audited by an independent accountant? 2b Yesc f Yes, t o 2a o r 2b, does the organization have a committee that assumes responsibility f o r oversight o f the

    a u d i t review, o r compilation o f t financial statements an d selection o f an independent accountant? f the organization changed either t oversight process o r selection process during t he t ax year, explain Schedule 0 2c Yes

    d f Yes to l i n e 2a o r 2b , check a box below to indicate whether t he financial statements for t he year were issuedon a consolidated basis, separate basis, o r botheparate basis f l C o n so l i da t ed basis fl B o t h co n s ol i da ted a nd s e pa r at ed basis

    3a As a result o f a federal award, wa s the organization required t o undergo an audit o r audit s as s et f o r t h theSingle Audit Act and M Circular A-133? 3a No

    b f Yes, did t he organization undergo t he required audit o r audits? f t he organization did n o t undergo t he required 3baudit o r audits, explain why Sch edu l e 0 an d describe an y steps taken t o u nde rg o s u ch audits

    Form 990 2009)

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    l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493012014041SCHEDULE A P u b l i c Charity Status a nd P u b l i c Support OMB No 1545-00472 9Form 990 o r 990EZ)

    Complete i f the organization is a section 501 c) 3) organization or a sectionD e p a r t m e n t o f t h e T r e a s u r y 4947 a ) 1) nonexempt c h a r i t ab l e trust.I n t e r n a l Revenue S e r v i c e

    Attach to Form 990 or Form 990- E Z . See separate i n s t r uct i on s .Name of t h e o rg a n i z a t i o n Employer identification numberCONFERENCE USA

    36 4 21594Reason for Public Charity Status A l l org niz tions must complete this part.) See Instructions

    Th e organization i s no t a private foundation beca use i t i s Fo r l i n e s 1 through 11, check only on e box1 A church, con v en t ion o f churches, o r association o f churches section 170 b) 1) A) i).2 A s ch oo l de s cr ibe d i n section 17 0 b) 1) A) ii). Attach Sch edu l e E )3 A h o s p i t a l or a cooperative h os pi t a l s e r v i c e o rg a n i z a t i o n described i n section 17 0 b ) 1 ) A ) i i i ) .4 A medical research o rg a n i z a t i o n operated in conjunction with a h os pi t a l described in section 170b) 1 ) A ) i i i ). Enter t h e

    hos pi t a l s name, city, and s t a t e

    5 A n o rg a n i z a t i o n operated fo r t h e benefit of a college or u n i v e r s i t y owned or operated by a governmental unit described insection 170 b) 1) A) iv . Complete P ar t I I )6 A f e d e r a l , state, o r l o ca l government o r go ve rnm e nt a l u n i t described i n section 17 0 b) 1) A) v).7 An organization that n or m a l ly r e ce i v es a substantial part o f i t s support from a go ve rnm e nt a l u n it o r from th e general public

    described i nsection 170 b) 1) A) vi Complete Part I I )

    8 A community t r u s t described in section 170 b) 1) A) vi Complete Part I I )9 An organization that n or m a l ly r e ce i v es 1 m o r e t h a n 331/3 o f i t s s u pp or t f ro m contributions, membership fees, a n d gr os s

    receipts from activities related t o i t s exempt functions-subject t o certain exceptions, a nd 2 no mo re t h a n 331/3 o fit s support from gross investment income and u n r e l a t e d business t a x ab l e income l e s s section 511 t ax) from businessesacquired by t h e o rg a n i z a t i o n af te r June 30 , 1975 See section 509a ) 2 ) . Complete P ar t III )

    10 An o rg a n i z a t i o n organized and operated e x c l u s i v e l y to t e s t for public s a f e t y Seesection 509 a) 4).11 F An o rg a n i z a t i o n organized and operated e x c l u s i v e l y for t h e benefit o f , to perform t h e f u nc t i o n s o f , or to car r y ou t t h e purposes of

    one or more publicly supported o rg a n i z a t i o n s described i n section 509 a) 1) or section 509 a) 2) See section 509a) 3). Checkt h e box t h a t describes t h e type of supporting o rg a n i z a t i o n and complete lines 11e through 11h

    a Type I b Type I I c F Type III - F u n ct i o n a l l y i n t e gr a t e d d Type III - Othere F By checking this box, I certify t ha t t he o rg a n i z a t i o n is n ot controlled d ir e ct l y o r i n di r ect l y by one or more disqualified persons

    o t h e r than found tion managers and o t h e r than one or more publicly supported o rg a n i z a t i o n s described in section 509 a) 1) ors e c t i o n 509 a) 2)

    f I f t h e o rg a n i z a t i o n received a wr i t t e n determination from t h e IRS t h a t i t is a Type Type I I or Type III supporting organization,check this box F

    g Since August 17 , 2006, h s t h e o rg a n i z a t i o n accepted any g i f t or contribution from any of t h efollowing pe r so ns? i a p er son who directly o r indirectly co ntro ls , e i th e r alone o r together with p er son s described i n i i Ye s oa nd i i i below, th e go v e rn i n g b od y o f th e th e sup p or t ed organization? 11g i) No i i a family member o f a p er son described i n i abo v e? 11g ii) No i i i a 35 controlled entity o f a p e r s o n d e s cr i be d i n i o r i i a b o v e ? 11 g g i i i No

    h Provide th e following information about th e sup p or t ed organization s)

    i i i i v v) v ii Type of Is t h e Di d you notify t h e Is t h eName of i i o rg a n i z a t i o n o rg a n i z a t i o n in o rg a n i z a t i o n in o rg a n i z a t i o n in vii)

    sup p or t ed E IN d es cr i be d o n l i n e s c o l i l i s t e d i n c o l i o f y o ur c o l i ) organized Amount o fo rg a n i z a t i o n 1- 9 above or IRC your governing support? in t h e U S support?s ect io n s ee document?

    i n s t r uct i on s ) ) Yes No Yes No Yes NoSeeAdditionalDa t a Ta bl e

    To t a l 40,190, 0 85

    For Paperwork Re d uchonAct N o t i c e seethe I n structons fo r Form 9 9 0 Cat No 11285F Schedule A Form 9 90 o r 9 90 E Z 2 0 0 9

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Schedule A (Form 990 o r 990-EZ) 2009 Page 2Support Schedule for Organizations Described in IRC 170(b)(1)(A)(iv) and 170 b)(1)(A)(vi)(Complete only i f you checked the box on l i n e 5 , 7 , or 8 of Part I . )

    Section A Public SupportCalendar year (or fiscal year eginning (a) 2005 (b) 2006 (c) 2007 (d) 2008 (e) 2009 (f) Totalin )1 G i f t s , grants, contributions, an d

    membership fees received (D o notinclude a ny u nu su algrants )

    2 Tax revenues levied f o r theorganization s benefit an d eitherpaid t o o r expended on i t sbehalf

    3 Th e value o f services o r f a c i l i t i e sfurnished by a governmental u n i t t othe organization without charge

    4 Total Add l i n e s 1 through 35 Th e portion o f t o t a l contributions by

    each person (other than agovernmental u n i t o r publiclysupported organization) included onl i n e 1 that exceeds 2 o f theamount shown on l i n e 11 , column f

    6 Public Support Subtract l i n e 5 froml i n e 4

    Section B . Total SupportCalendar year (or fiscal year eginning (a) 2005 (b) 2006 (c) 2007 (d) 2008 (e) 2009 (f) Totali n )7 Amounts from l i n e 48 Gross income from interest,

    dividends, payments re eived ons e cu ri t i es l oa n s , rents, royaltiesand income from similar




    sourcesNe t income from unrelatedbusiness a c t i v i t i e s , whether o rn ot the business i s regularlycarried onOther income (Explain in PartIV Do not include gain or lossfrom the s ale of capital assetsTotal support (Add lines 7through 10)Gross receipts from related a c t i v i t i e s , etc (See instructions 12First Five Years I f the Form 990 i s for the organization s f i r s t , second, third, f ou rth, o r f i f t h tax year as a 501(c)(3) organization,check this box and stop here

    Section C . Comp utation o f P ubli c Support Percenta g e14 Public Support Percentage for 2009 l i n e 6 column f divided by l i n e 11 column f )) 1415 Public Support Percentage for 2008 Schedule A, Part I I, l i ne 14 1516a 33 1 / 3 support test-2009 I f the organization did not check the box on l i n e 1 3 , and l i n e 14 is 33 1/3 or more, check this box

    and stop here The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization l k ^ F -b 33 1 / 3 support test 2008 I f th e organization did not check the box on l i n e 13 or 16a, and l i n e 15 is 33 1/3 or more, check this

    box and stop here The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization O k - F -17a 10 facts-and-circumstancestest2009 I f th e organization did not check a box on l i n e 1 3, 16a, or 16b and l i n e 14

    i s 10 o r m or e, a nd i f the organization meets the facts an d circumstances t e s t , check t h i s box an d stop here Explainin Part IV how th e organization meets the facts and circumstances test The organization qualifies as a publicly supportedorganization l k ^ F -

    b 10 -facts-and-circumstances test2008 I f th e organization did not check a box on l i n e 1 3, 16a, 16b, or 17a and l i n e15 is 10 or more, and i f the organization meets the facts and circumstances test, check this box and stop here.Explain in Part IV how the organization meets t he f acts and circumstances test The organization qualifies as a publiclysupported organization O k - F -

    18 Private Foundation I f the organization d i d not check a box on l i n e 13 , 1 6a, 1 6b, 1 7a o r 17b, check t h i s box an d s eeinstructions l k ^ F -

    Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2009

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Schedule A (Form 990 o r 990-EZ) 2009 Page 3MMOTMSupport Schedule for Organizations Described in IRC 509(a)(2)(Complete only i f y ou checked the bo x on l i n e 9 of Part I .

    Section A Public SupportCalendar year (or f i s cal year beginning (a) 2005 (b) 2006 (c) 2007 (d) 2008 (e) 2009 (f ) Totali n1 G i f t s , grants, contributions, an d

    membership fees received (D o notinclude a ny u nu su al grants )

    2 Gross receipts from admissions,merchandise sold o r servicesperformed, o r f a c i l i t i e s furnished i nan y activity that i s related t o theorganization s tax-exemptpurpose

    3 Gross receipts from activities thatare not a n unrelated trade o rbusiness under section 513

    4 Tax revenues levied f o r theorganization s benefit an d eitherpaid t o o r expended on i t sbehalf

    5 The value o f services o r f a c i l i t i e sfurnished by a governmental u n i t t othe organization without charge

    6 Total Add l i n e s 1 through 57a Amounts included on l i n e s 1 , 2 ,

    an d 3 received from disqualifiedpersons

    b Amounts included on l i n e s 2 an d 3r ec ei v ed f ro m oth er t handisqualified persons that exceedthe greater of 5,000 or 1 of theamount on l i n e 13 f o r the yearc Add l i n e s 7a an d 7b

    8 Public Support Subtract l i n e 7cfrom l i n e 6

    Section B. Total SupportCalendar year o r f i sc a l year beginning

    i n9 Amounts from l i n e 6

    10a Gross income from interest,dividends, payments received ons e cu ri t i es l oa n s , rents, royaltiesand income from similarsources

    b Unrelated business taxableincome (less section 511 taxes)from businesses acquired afterJune 30 , 1975

    c Add l i n e s 1 a an d 10b11 Ne t income from unrelated

    business a c t i v i t i e s not includedi n l i n e 10b, whether o r not thebusiness i s regularly carried on

    12 Other income Do not includegain or loss from th e s al e ofcapital assets (Explain i n PartIV

    13 Total support (Add lines 9, 10c,11 and 12

    14 First Five Years I f the Form 990check this box and stop here

    (a) 2005 (b) 2006 (c) 2007 (d) 2008 (e) 2009 (f ) Total

    i s f o r the organization s f i r s t , second, t h i r d , f ou rt h , o r f i f t h tax year as a 501(c)(3) organization,l k ^ F _

    Section C . Comp utation of Publi c Support Percenta g e15 Public Support Percentage for 2009 l i n e 8 column f ) divided by l i n e 13 column f 1516 Public support percentage from 2008 Schedule A, Part III, l i n e 15 16

    Section D omputation of Investment Income Percentage17 Investment income percentage for 2009 l i n e 10c column f divided by l i n e 13 column f 1718 Investment income percentage from 2008 Schedule A, Part III, l i n e 17 1819a 33 1 3 support tests-2009 I f the organization did not check the box on l i n e 14 , and l i n e 15 i s more than 33 1/3 and l i n e 17 i s not

    more than 33 1/3 , check this box and stop here The organization qualifies as a publicly supported

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Schedule A Form 990 o r 990-EZ 2009 Page 4Wupplemental Information Supplemental nformation Complete this part to provide t he explanationr eq ui re d b y Part I I l i n e 1 0; Part I I l i n e 1 7a or 17b; or Part I I I l i n e 1 2 Provide any other additionalinformation See instructions

    Schedule A Form 990 or 990-EZ 2009

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Additional Data

    Software ID:Software Version:

    EIN: 36 4021594Name CONFERENCE USA

    Form 990 Schedule A, Part I , Line 11h - Provide t he fol l owin g information about the organizations theorganization supports.

    i v v v iI s the i i i Di d you notify Is th e i organization in Viii i Type of organization the o rga ni za ti on o rga ni za ti on inName of Supported 1 listed i n your Amount ofEIN described on lines 1- 9 i n i of your i organized i nOrganization above or IRC section governing support? the U S 7 su pp ort?document ?

    Yes No Yes No Yes NoEAST C ROLINUNIVERSITY 566 4 3 06 Yes Yes Yes 4243842

    UNIVERSITY OFHOUSTON 746 399 06 Yes Yes Yes 38644 4

    MARSHALL UNIVERSITY 566 789 06 Yes Yes Yes 32 948

    UNIVERSITY OFMEMPHIS 62 6486 8 06 Yes Yes Yes 329 6

    RICE UNIVERSITY 74 962 06 Yes Yes Yes 27 575

    SOUTHERN METHODISTUNIVERSITY 75 8 689 06 Yes Yes Yes 38 5794


    TUL NE UNIVERSITY 72 423889 06 Yes Yes Yes 2639943



    UNIVERSITY OF TEXASAT EL PASO 746 8 3 06 Yes Yes Yes 3444 2

    UNIVERSITY OF TULSA 73 579298 06 Yes Yes Yes 2954492

    UNC CHARLOTTE 56 79 228 06 No Yes Yes 459 8

    UNIVERSITY OFCINCINNATI 3 6 989 06 No Yes Yes 183631

    DEP UL UNIVERSITY 362 67 48 06 No Yes Yes 9 8 6

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Additional Data

    Software ID:Software Version:

    EIN: 36 -4021594Name CONFERENCE USA

    Form 990, Part VIII Statement of Revenue 2a 2g Program Service Revenue A B C D

    Total Revenue Related or Unrelated RevenueBusiness Code Exempt Business Excluded from

    Function Revenue Tax under IRCRevenue 512 51 3, o r 514

    TELEVISION ND M RKETI 900,099 15,787,603 15,787,603

    NC TOURN MENT REVENU 900,099 8,915,109 8,915,109

    NC GR NTS IN ID 900,099 6,210,824 6,210,824

    DISTRIBUT BLE BOWL REV 900,099 4,569,038 4,569,038

    BOWL CH MPIONSHIP SERI 900,099 2,719,140 2,719,140

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    l efile GRAPHIC p rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN: 93493012014041SCHEDULE D OMB No 1545-0047(Form 990) Supplemental F i n a n c i a l Statements 2009

    Complete i f the organization answered Yes, to Form 9 90,D e p a r t m e n t o f t h e T r e a s u r y Part IV , line 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 11, or 12. I n t e r n a l Revenue S e r v i c e Attach to Form 990 1 - See separate i n st r uct i o n s.Name of the organization Employer identification numberCONFERENCE USA

    36-4021594Organizations Maintaining Donor Advised Funds or Other Similar Funds or Accounts Complete i f t heor g a n iza tion answered Y e s to Form 990 Part IV l i n e 6 .

    (a ) Donor ad v i s ed funds (b ) Funds a nd other accounts1 Total number a t end o f year2 Aggregate c o n t r i b u t i o n s to (dur i ng y e a r )3 Aggregate g r a n t s from (dur i ng y e a r )4 Aggregate v a l u e at end of year5 Did the orga n i za t i on i n fo rm a l l don or s a nd d on or advisors i n w r i t i n g t ha t t he a s s et s held i n donor ad v i s ed

    funds a re t he organization s property, s u bject t o th e organization s exclusive l e g a l control? Ye s No6 Did the orga n i za t i on i n fo rm a l l g r a nt e e s , dono r s , a n d donor advisors i n w r i t i n g that g ra nt f un ds may b e

    u s e d only f o r charitable purposes a nd not f o r t he b en ef it o f the donor o r donor advisor, o r f o r a ny other purposeconferring impermissible private benefit Ye s No onservation Easements Complete i f the organ izat ion answered Yes to Form 990 Part IV , l i n e 7 .

    1 Purpose(s) o f conservation easements held b y the organization (check a l l that apply) Preservation o f land f o r public u s e e g recreation o r pleas ure) Preservation o f an h i s t o r i c a l l y importantly land area Protection o f n a tu r al ha b i t at Preservation o f a c e r ti f ie d h i s t or i c structure Preservation of open space

    2 Complete l i n e s 2a-2d i f the organization held a q u a l i f i e d conservation contribution i n the form o f a conservationeasement on the l a s t da y o f t he t ax year

    Held at t he En d of t he Yeara Total number o f co n s er v a t io n easements 2ab Total a cre a g e r es tr ict ed b y co n s er v a t io n easements 2bc Number o f conservation easements on a c e r t i f i e d h i s t o r i c structure included i n a ) 2cd N umber o f conservation easements included i n c ) acquired a f t e r 8 17 06 2d

    3 N umber o f conservation easements modified, transferred, relea sed, extinguished, o r terminated by the organization duringthe taxa ble year

    4 Number o f states where p rope r t y s u b je ct t o co n s er v a t io n easement i s located 0 -5 Does the organization ha v e a written policy regarding the p er iod ic monitoring, inspection, handling o f violations, a nd

    e n forceme nt o f th e conservation easements i t holds? Ye s No6 Staff a nd volunteer hours de voted t o monitoring, inspecting a nd enforcing conservation easements du r in g t he year 0 -7 Amount of expenses i n c u r r e d i n m on i t o r i n g, i n s pe c ti n g , and e n f o r c i n g conservation easements during the year 8 Does e a ch conservation easement r e po rt e d o n l i n e 2(d) a b o v e satisfy the r eq u ir em en t s o f section

    170(h)(4)(B)(i) and 170(h)(4)(B)(ii) Yes No9 In Par t XIV describe how the o r g a n i z a t i o n r e po r t s conservation easements i n i t s revenue and expense statement andb a l a n ce sheet, a n d include, i f a ppl i ca b le , t he t ex t o f th e footnote t o the organization s financial s t a t eme nt s that describes

    the o rg a n iz at ion s accounting f o r co n s er v a t io n easementsEMBEff Organizations Maintaining Coll ec tio ns of Ar t Historical Treasures or Other S i m i l a r Assets

    ComDlete i f the oraanization answered Yes t o Form 990. Part IV. l i n e 8 .la I f the organization e l ec te d, a s permitted u n d er SFAS 116, not t o report i n i t s r e v e n u e s t a t eme nt a nd b al an ce s he et works o f

    a r t , historical trea s ures, o r other similar a s s et s held f o r public exhibition, education o r r e s e a r ch i n furtherance o f public service,provide, i n Part XIV, t he t ext o f the footnote t o i t s financial s t a t eme nt s that d es cr i be s t he s e items

    b I f the organization e l ec te d, a s permitted u n d er SFAS 116, t o report i n i t s r e v e n u e s t a t e m e n t a nd b al an ce s he et wor ks o f a r t ,historical trea s ures, o r other similar a s s et s held f o r public exhibition, education, o r r e s e a r ch i n furtherance o f public service,provide the following amounts r e l a t i n g t o these items i ) Revenues i n c l u d e d i n Form 990 Par t VIII, l i n e 1

    200Assets i n c l u d e d i n Form 990 Part X I f the o r g a n i z a t i o n received or held works of a r t , historical t r e a s u r e s , or o th e r si m i l ar assets fo r f i n an ci a l g ai n , p ro v i d e thefollowing amounts req uired to b e r e p o r t e d under SFAS 116 re l a ti ng to these items

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Schedule D Form 990) 2009 Page 2Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art Historical Treasures or Other Similar Assets (continued)

    3 Using t h e o rgan i z at i o n 's access ion and o t he r r e co r ds , c h e c k a ny o f th e following t ha t a re a significant use o f i t s collectionitems ( c h e c k a l l that apply)

    a F_ P u bl i c e x hi bi t io n d Loan o r exch nge prog ram sb Scholarly research e F Oth erc F Preservation f o r future generations

    4 Provide a d e s c r i p t i o n of t h e o r ga n i z at i o n 's c o l l e ct i o n s and e x p l a i n how they f ur th er t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n ' s exempt purpose i nP a r t XIV

    5 Duri ng t he ye ar , d i d th e organization s o l i c i t o r receive donations o f a r t , historical treasures o r other similarassets t o b e sol d t o r a i s e funds rather than t o be maintained as part o f th e o rgan i z at i o n 's co l l e ct i o n ? Ye s No

    Escrow and Custodial Arrangements Complete i f t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n answered Yes to Form 990,Part IV, l i ne 9 , or r e p o r t e d an amount o n Form 990, Part X , l i n e 21 .

    l a I s th e o r ga n iz a ti o n a n a ge n t, trustee, custodian o r o t he r i n te r me d ia r y f o r contributions o r other assets no ti n c l u d e d on Form 990, P a r t X Yes f l No

    b I f Yes, explain the a r r a n g e m e n t i n Part XI V and com pl ete th e f o ll o wi n g t a bl e

    c Beginning balanced Additions during th e yeare D istr i b ut i o ns du r i ng th e yearf E nd i ng b a l an ce

    2a Di d t h e o r ga n i za t i o n i n cl u d e n amount on Form 990, P a r t X, l i n e 2 1''b I f Yes, e x p l a i n t h e arrangement i n P a r t XIVMrIMndowment Funds Com p l e t e I f th e or g anization answered Yes t o Form 990, Part I V l i n e 1 0 .

    l a Beginning of year balanceb ontributions c Investment earnings or l o s s e sd Grants or scholarships e Other expenditures fo r facilities

    and programsf Administrative e x p e n s e sg En d o f y ea r b a la n ce

    (a)Current Year ( b ) P r i o r Year ( c )T w o Years Ba ck ( d) Th re e Years Ba ck (e)Four Years Ba ck

    2 Provide th e estimated p e r c e n t a g e o f th e ye ar e nd b al an ce hel d asa B o ar d d e si gn a te d o r quasi-endowment

    0b Permanent endowment 0c Term endowment

    3 a Ar e there endowment funds no t i n the posses sion o f th eo r g a

    nization that ar e held a n d a d mi n i st e r ed f o r th eo r g a n i z a t i o n b y Yes No( i ) u n r e l a te d o r ga n i z a ti o n s 3a ( i )( i i ) r e l a t e d o r g a n i z a t i o n s 3a(ii)

    b I f Yes to 3a(ii), ar e t he r el at ed o r g a n i z a t i o n s listed a s required on Schedule R 3b4 Describe i n P a r t XIV t h e intended uses of t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n ' s endowment f u n d s

    1 :M-4VJ@ InvestmentsLand B u i l d i n a s and Eauioment See Form 990. Part X . l i n e 1 0 .Description of investment ( a ) Cost o r otherb a s i s (investment)

    (b)Cost or otherb a s i s ( o th e r)

    ( c ) A ccum ulateddepreciation (d ) B o ok value

    l a Landb Buildingsc Leasehold improvements 2 5,2 63 12,183 13,080d Equipment 1 43,634 1 2 9,899 13,735e Oth er

    T o t a l Add lines la-1e Column (d ) should equal Form 990, Part X , column ( B ) , line 10(c).) 26 , 8 15Schedule D Form 990) 2009

    f l Yes lNo

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Schedule D Form 990 2009 Page InvestmentsOther Securities See Form 990 Part X line 12 .

    a) Description o f security o r category b)Book value c Method o f valuationincluding name o f security) Cost o r end-of-year market valueFinancial derivativesClosely-held equity interestsOther

    T o t a l Column b s h ou l d e q ua l Form 9 9 0 , P a r t X , c o l B l i n e 12 0 1 1InvestmentsProgram Related See Form 990. Part X. line 13 .

    a) Description o f investment type b) ook value c Method o f valuationCost o r end-of-vear market value

    T o t a l Column b s h ou l d e q ua l Form 9 9 0 , P a r t X , c o l B l i n e 13 0 1 1Other Assets See Form 990 Part X line 15 .

    a) Description b) Book value

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Schedule D Form 990 2009 Page Reconciliation of Chang e i n Net Assets from Form 990 to Financial Statements

    1 Total revenue Form 990, Part VIII, column A , l i n e 12 1 49,982,9252 Total expenses Form 990, Part IX, column A , l i n e 25 2 48,792,0563 Excess or deficit for the year Subtract l i n e 2 from l i n e 1 3 1,190,8694 Net unrealize d g ains losses on investments 45 Donated services and use o f f a c i l i t i e s 56 Investment expenses 67 Prior period adjustments 78 Other Describe in Part XIV 8 -56,6349 Total adjustments net Add lines 4 8 9 -56,63410 Excess or deficit for the year pe r financial statements Combine lines 3 and 9 10 1,134,235

    Reconciliation of Revenue p er Audited Financial Statements With Revenue p er Return1 Total revenue, gains, and other support per audite d financial statements 1 49,865,4712 Amounts included on l i n e 1 b ut n ot on Form 990, Part VIII, l i n e 12a Net unrealized gains on investments 2a -56,634b Donated services and use o f f a c i l i t i e s 2bc Recoveries of prior year grants 2cd Other Describe i n Part XIV 2d -60,820e Add lines 2a through 2d 2e -117,454

    3 Subtract l i n e 2e from l i n e 1 3 49,982,9254 Amounts included on Form 990, Part VIII, l i n e 12, b ut not on l i n e 1a Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, l i n e 7b 4ab Other Describe i n Part XIV 4bc Add lines 4a and 4b c

    5 Total Revenue Add lines 3 and 4c. This should equal Form 990, Part l i n e 12 5 49,982,925Reconciliation of Exp enses p er Audited Financial Statements With Exp ense s p er Return

    1 Total expenses and losses per audite d financialstatements 1


    2 Amounts included on l i n e 1 b ut not on Form 990, Part IX, l i n e 25a Donated services and use of facilities 2ab Prior year adjustments 2bc Other losses 2cd Other Describe i n Part XIV 2de Add l i n e s 2 a th roug h 2 d 2e

    3 Subtract l i n e 2e from l i n e 1 3 48,731,2364 Amounts included on Form 990, Part IX, l i n e 5 b ut not on l i n e 1 :a Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, l i n e 7b 4ab Other Describe i n Part XIV 4b 60,820c Add lines 4a and 4b c 0,820

    5 Total expenses Add lines 3 and 4c. This should equal Form 990, Part I l i n e 18 5 48,792,056Supplemental Information

    Complete this part to provide th e descriptions required for Part I I lines 3 5, and 9, Part III, lines la and 4, Part IV, lines lb and 2b ,P ar t V , l i n e 4, Part X, Part XI, l i n e 8, Part XII, lines 2d and 4b and P ar t X III, lines 2d and 4b Also complete this part to provide anyadditional information

    Identifier Return Reference ExplanationPart XI, Line 8 Other Adjustments UNRE LIZED LOSS ON INVESTMENTSPart XII, Line 2d OtherAdjustments


    P ar t X II I, L in e 4b OtherAdjustments


    Schedule D Form 990 2009

    efile GRAPHIC print DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data I DLN: 93493012014041

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    Schedule I OMB No 1545-0047Form 990 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, 2009Governments and Individuals i n t he U ni te d States

    Complete i f the organization answered Yes, to Form 9 9 0, P ar t I V, line 21 or 22 .Department o f the Treasury Attach to Form 9901 1 1I n t e r n a l R e v e n u e ServiceName o f the organization Employer identification numberCONFERENCE USA

    36 4021594eneral Information on Grants and Assistance1 Does the organization maintain records t o substantiate the amount o f the grants o r assistance the grantees e li g i b i li t y f o r the grants o r assistance, an d

    t he s e l ec t i on criteria used to award t he g r an ts or assistance ? Yes No2 Describe i n Part I V the organization s procedures fo r monitoring th e use of grant f u n d s i n th e U n it ed States

    Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations i n th e United States Complete i f the organization answered Yes t oForm 990, Part IV , l i n e 21 f o r an y recipient that recei ved more than 5,000 Check t h i s bo x i f no on e recipient recei ved more than 5,000. UsePart I V an d S ched u l e I - 1 F or m 9 90 ) i f additional space i s needed F

    a) Name a nd a dd re s s o f b ) EI N ( c ) I RC Code d) Amount o f cash e) Amount o f no n - f) etho o f g) Description of h) Purpose o f grantorganization section grant cash valuation non-cash assistance o r assistance

    o r government i f applicable assistance book, FMV,appraisal,


    See Additional Data Table

    2 Enter total number of section 501 c 3 and government organizations 153 Enter total number of o t he r o r g an i z a ti o n s 0

    Fo r Privacy Ac t and Paperwork Reduction Ac t Notice s e e t he I n st ru c ti o ns fo r Form 990 Cat No 5 00 55 P Schedule I Form 990 2009

    Schedule Form 990 2009 Page 2

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    Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals in the United States Complete i f th e organization answered Yes to Form 990, Part IV , l i n e 22 .Use Sch ed ul e I- 1 Form 990) i f additional space i s needed.

    a)Type o f grant o r assistance b )N umber o f c) A mount o f d) A ou t o f e)Method o f valuati on f)Descri pti on o f non-cash assistancerecipients cash grant non-cash assistance book,

    FMV, appraisal, other)

    POST GR DU TE S HOL RSHIP 12 48,000

    See Additional Data Tableupplemental Information Complete t h i s part t o provide the information required in Part l i n e an d an y other additional information.Identifier Return Reference ExplanationOther Information P art I V Th e portion o f assistance that i s restricted i s monitored through yearly reporting by the member an d reviewed by the

    conference o f f i c e

    Schedule I Form 990 2009

    Additional Data Return to Form

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Software ID:Software Version

    EIN: 36 -4021594Name CONFERENCE USA

    Form 990,Schedule I , Part I I , Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations i n th e United Statesa Name an d address o f b EI N c IR Code section d Amount o f cash e Amount o f non- f Method o f g Description o f h Purpose o f grant

    organization applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance o r assistanceor government assistance b ook, FMV, appraisal,

    otherEAST CAROLINA 56 6000403 501 c 3 NCAA and ConferenceUNIVERSITYWARD SPORTS 4,243,842 USA DistributionsMEDICINE BLDG FICKLENDRIVEGREENVILLE, NC278584353UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON 74 6001399 501 c 3 NCAA and Conference3100 CULLEN BLVD 3,864,414 USA DistributionsHOUSTON TX 772046002MARSHALL UNIVERSITYPO 56 6000789 501 c 3 NCAA and ConferenceBOX 1360 3,211,948 USA DistributionsHUNTINGTON WV 25715UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS 62 0648618 501 c 3 NCAA and Conference101 ATHLETIC OFFICE 3,291,601 USA DistributionsBUILDING 570NORMAL STREETMEMPHIS TN 381523730RICE UNIVERSITYPO BOX 74 1109620 501 c 3 NCAA and Conference1892 2,701,575 USA DistributionsHOUSTON TX 772511892SOUTHERN METHODIST 75 0800689 501 c 3 NCAA and ConferenceUNIVERSITYPO BOX 3,815,794 USA Distributions750315DALLAS TX 752750216UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN 64 6000818 501 c 3 NCAA and ConferenceMISSISSIPPI118 COLLEGE 3,221,860 USA DistributionsDR 5017HATTIESBURG MS394060001TULANE UNIVERSITY 72 0423889 501 c 3 NCAA and ConferenceJAMES W WILSON JR 2,639,943 USA DistributionsCENTER BEN WEINERDRIVENEWORLEANS LA 70118UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA 63 6005396 501 c 3 NCAA and ConferenceAT BIRMINGHAM617 S 3,332,196 USA Distributions13TH STBIRMINGHAM AL 35294UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL 56 2334448 501 c 3 NCAA and ConferenceFLORIDA ATHLETIC 3,146,444 USA DistributionsASSOCIATIONPO BOX163555ORLANDO FL 328163555

    Form 990.Schedule I . Part I I . Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations i n the United States

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    a Name and address o f b EIN c R Code section d Amount o f cash e Amount o f non- f Method o f g Description o f h Purpose o f grantorganization i applicable grant cash valuation non-cash assistance o r assistance

    or government assistance book, FMV, appraisal,other

    UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT 74 6000813 501 c 3 NCAA and ConferenceEL PASO500 W 3,444,121 USA DistributionsUNIVERSITY AVEBRUMBELOW BLDGBLDGELPASO TX 799680579UNIVERSITY OFTULSA600 73 0579298 501 c 3 NCAA and ConferenceS COLLEGE AVE 2,953,992 USA DistributionsTULSA OK 74104UNC CHARLOTTE9201 56 0791228 501 c 3 Conference USAUNIVERSITY CITY BLV 45,908 DistributionsCHARLOTTE NC 28223UNIVERSITY OF 31 6000989 501 c 3 Conference USACINCINNATIPO BOX 183,631 Distributions210021 2624 CLIFTONAVECINCINNATI OH 45221DEPAUL UNIVERSITY2323 36 2167048 501 c 3 Conference USANORTH SHEFFIELD AVE 91,816 DistributionsCHICAGO IL 60614UNIVERSITY OFTULSA600 73 0579298 501 c 3 DRUG ANDS COLLEGE AVE 500 GAMBLINGTULSA OK 74104 EDUCATIONUNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL 56 2334448 501 c 3 DRUG ANDFLORIDAPO BOX 163555 500 GAMBLINGORLANDO FL 328163555 EDUCATION


    efile GRAPHIC p rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 93493012014041

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    Schedule J Compensation Information OMB No 1545-0047(Form 990) For certa in O f f i c e r s , Directors, Trustees , Key Employees, and Highest 9

    Compensated Employees Complete i f the organization answered Yes to Form 990,

    D e p a r t m e n t o f t h e T r e a s u r y Part I V, question 23 . t o Pub li cI n t e r n a l Revenue S e r v i c e Attach to Form 990 1 - See separate i nst r uct i ons. Inspecti onName of the organizationCONFERENCE USA

    Employer identification number36 4021594

    llll Questions Regarding Compensation

    l a Check the appropiate box(es i f the organizatio n provided any of t h e f ol l ow in g to or for a person listed i n Form990, Par t V II , Section A, l i n e la Complete Part I I I to p r o v i d e any r e l e v an t i n f o rm at i o n r e g a r d i ng these items First-class or charter travel Housing allowance or residence for personal use Travel for companions fl Payments for business use of personal residencefl Tax idem nificatio n and gross - u p payments F Health or social club dues or initiation f e e sfl Discretionary sp en d in g account fl Personal services ( e g maid, chauffeur, chef)

    Yes No

    b I f an y o f th e boxes i n l i n e la ar e checked, d i d th e organization follow a written policy regarding payment o rr eimbu rsemen t orprovision o f a l l th e e x p e n s e s described abo ve? I f No, complete Part I I I t o explain l b Ye s

    2 Di d t he organization require substantiation p r i or t o reimbursing o r allowing e x p e n s e s i n cu r re d by a l lo f f i c e r s , directors, trustees, an d th e CEO/Executive Director, regarding th e items checked l i n e 1a ? 2 Ye s

    3 I n di cat e whi ch, i f any, of t he f ol lo wi ng t he organizatio n uses to es tablish t he compensation of theorganizatio n s CEO Executive Directo r Check al l that a p p l yfl Compensation committee W r i t t e n employment contr ctfl Independent compensation consultant fl Compensation survey or studyfl Form 990 of o t he r o r ga n i za t i on s Approval by the board or compensation committee

    4 uring t he ye ar , di d any person listed i n Form 990, Par t V II , Section A, l i n e la with respect to the f i l i n g organizatio nor a r e l at e d organizatio n

    a Receive a severance payment or change-of-control payment? 4a Nob Par ti ci pat e i n, or r e c e i v e payment from, a supplemental no nq ua lified retirement p la n? 4b Noc Participate i n, or r e c e i v e payment from, n equity-based compensation arrangement? 4c NoI f Yes to any o f l in es 4a-c, l i s t t he persons and p r o v i d e the app licable amounts for each i t e m i n Part II I

    Only 501 c) 3) and 501 c) 4) organizations o n l y must complete l i ne s 5 -9 .5 For persons listed i n form 990, Part V I I , Section A, l i n e l a, di d the organizatio n pay or accrue any

    compensation contingent on the revenues ofa The organizatio n? 5a Nob Any r e l at e d organizatio n? 5b NoI f Yes, to l i n e 5a or 5b , describe i n Part II I

    6 For persons listed i n form 990, Par t V II , Section A, l i n e l a, di d the organizatio n pay or accrue anycompensation contingent on the n et e rnings of

    a The organizatio n? 6a Nob Any r e l at e d organizatio n? 6b NoI f Yes, to l i n e 6a or 6b, describe i n Part II I

    7 For persons listed i n Form 990, Part V I I , Section A, l i n e l a, di d the o r ga n i za t i on p r ov i d e any n o n- f i x e dpayments n ot described i n lines 5 and 67 I f Yes, describe i n Part II I 7 No

    8 Were any amounts r e p o r t e d i n Form 990, Par t V II , paid or accured pursuant to a contr ct that wassubject to the i n i t i a l contr ct exception described i n Regs section 53 4958-4(a)(3)7 I f Yes, describei n Part II I 8 No

    9 I f Yes to l i n e 8, di d the organizatio n also f ol l ow t he rebuttable presumption procedure described i n Regulationssectio n 53 4958-6(c) 9

    For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice , see the I n t r u ct i on s f or Form 990 Cat No 50053T Schedule 3 Form 990) 2009

    Schedule Form 990 2009 Page 2

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    OTIT Ifficers Directors, Trustees Key Employees and Highest Compensated Employees Use Schedule 3- 1 i f additional space needed.Fo r each individual whose compensation must be reported i n Schedule J , report compensation from th e organization on row i and from related organizations, described i n th einstructions on row i i Do no t l i s t any individuals that ar e no t listed on Form 990, Part VII

    Note The sum of columns B i - i i i must equal th e applicable column D ) or column E ) amounts on Form 990, Part VII, l i n e la

    A Name Breakdown of W-2 and/or 1 99 MISC compensation C ) Retirement and D ) Nontaxable E ) Total of columns F ) Compensation i i Bonus i i i O t h e r other deferred benefits B) i)- D) reported i n p r i o ri Base i n c e n t i v e reportable compensation Form 990 orcompensation compensation compensation Form 990-EZ

    DR STEVE BALLARD 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0i i 313,425 0 13,973 28,522 15,604 371,524 0

    DR RENU KHATOR 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0i i 365,561 0 0 195,833 34,786 596,180 0

    DR STEPHEN J KOPP 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0i i 280,987 240 23,743 16,303 147,476 468,749 0

    DR SHIRLEY RAINES 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0i i 297,848 0 5,000 0 0 302,848 0

    DR GERALD TURNER i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0i i 554,193 7,497 34,096 233,181 120,031 948,998 0

    DR SCOTT COWEN i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0i i 598,000 0 121,911 24,500 163,368 907,779 0

    DR STEADMAN i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0UPHAM i i 738,462 250,000 3,225 0 8,317 1,000,004 0DR CAROL GARRISON 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    i i 484,171 128,541 4,205 96,510 37,427 750,854 0DR JOHN HITT 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    i i 463,500 210,000 70,800 83,503 12,115 839,918 0DR DIANA

    1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0NATALICIO i i 382,200 0 73,543 62,859 4,501 523,103 0DR MARTHA i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0SAUNDERS i i 345,500 0 21,949 29,400 14,677 411,526 0BRITTON BANOWSKY 1 380,000 0 17,550 134,300 17,227 549,077 0

    ^ ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0JUDY MACLEOD i 170,500 0 6,000 20,460 6,027 202,987 0

    ^ ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0ALFRED WHITE i 139,020 0 6,000 16,920 16,054 177,994 0

    ^ ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0KELLY CARNEY i 122,000 0 6,000 14,640 15,638 158,278 0

    ^ ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Schedule 3 Form 990 2009

    Schedule J Form 990 2009 Page 3

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    EIRISTW Supplemental Informationompl t t h i s part t o provide t h e i n fo r ma t i on explanation o r descriptions required f o r Part l i n e s la b 4c 5a 5b 6a 6b 7 a nd 8 A ls o c o mp l e t e t h i s part f o r a ny additional information

    Ident ifier Return Explanation

    Refe re nc e

    Schedule Form 990 2009

    l efile GRAPHIC p rint DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data DLN: 93493 2 4 4

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    S HE ULE OMB No 1545 0047Form 9 9 0 Supplemental Information t o Form 990 2 9D e p a r t m e n t o f th e T r e a s u r y Complete to provide information f or responses t o specific questions onForm 99 or t o provide any a dd i t i o n a l information I n t e r n a l Revenue Se r v i c e 0 - Attach to Form 990.Name of the organization Employer identification numberCONFERENCE USA

    36 4 21594

    I d e n t i f i e r Return ExplanationR e f e r e n c e

    FORM 990 THE ORGANIZATION DID NOT HAVEANY CONTRIBUTIONS OF QUALIFIED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYPART V LINE ACCORDINGLY, NOFORMS 8899 WERE R EQU I R E D7GFORM 990 THE ORGANIZATION DID NOT HAVEANY CONTRIBUTIONS OF CARS, BOATS, AIRPLANES OR OTHERPART V LINE VEHICLES ACCORDINGLY NOFORMS 1098 -C WERE R EQU I R E D7HForm 990 P a r t Membership c o n s i s t s o f 1 2 u n i v e rs i ti e s t h at compete i n NCAA FBS i n t er c o ll e g i at e a th l e ti c sV S e c t i o n Al i n e 6Form 990 P a r t C on f er e nc e US A s 9 90 s completed b y an e x t e r n a l accounting f i r m Upon c o m p l e t i o n o f t h e 9 9 0 t h eV I S e c t i o n B accounting f i r m sends t o Conference USA f o r review Th e Assistant Commissioner f o r Business A f f a i r sl i n e 1 1 reviews t h e 990 comparing i t t o t h e a u d i te d f i n a n c i a l statements a nd Co nf e re n ce U SA s f i n a n c i a l system

    r e p o r t s Once rev iew ed b y t h e Assistant Commissioner f o r Business A f f a i r s t h e Executive AssociateCommissioner and Commissioner r e c e i v e c o p i e s f o r f i n a l review an d s i g n a t u r e

    Form 990 P a r t Th e business o f f i c e c o n s i s t i n g o f t h e Assistant Commissioner o f Business A f f a i r s an d t h e Assistant D i r e c t o rV S e c t i o n B o f M a r k e t i n g an d Business A f f a i r s r e q u i r e employees to r e c e i v e approval w he n t h e y w ish t o use a n e wl i n e 12c v en dor Th e e mpl oye e must t u r n i n a t l e a s t t w o t o t h r e e b i d s an d an e x p l a n a t i on a s t o why t h e y request a

    s p e c i f i c vendor over another f t h e r e appears t o be a p ot en ti a l c on fl i ct o f i n t e r e s t t h e Executive AssociateCommissioner o r Commissioner hav e f i n a l approval

    Form 990 P a r t Th e Board o f D i r e c t o r s ha s t h e charge o f a p p o i n t i n g an d ex ecut ing a n employment c o n tr a c t w i t h t h eV I S e c t i o n B Commissioner Th e Board o f D i r e c t o r s meets y e a r l y w i t h t h e Commissioner t o e v a l u a t e h i s / h e r performancel i n e 1 5 Th e c h a i r o f t h e Board o f D i r e c t o r s documents t h i s e v a l u a t i o n an d i t s p l a c e d i n t h e Commissioner s personnel

    f i l eForm 990 P a r t CONFERENCE USA MAKES I T S 990 AVAILABLE TO TH E PUBLIC UPON REQUESTV S e c t i o n Cl i n e 1 9


    I d e n t i f i e r Return Explanation


    efile GRAPHIC print DO NOT PROCESS I As Filed Data I DLN: 93493012014041OMB N o 1545-0047

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    SCHEDULE R Related Organizations a nd Unrelated PartnershipsForm 9 9 0 ) 1 - 2 9Complete i f the organization answered Yes t Form 9 90 , P a r t IV, line 3 3, 3 4, 3 5, 3 6, or 37 . Attach t Form 990 See separate instructions.

    D e p a r t m e n t o f t h e T r e a s u r y Open to PublicI n t e r n a l R e v e n u e S e r v i c e Inspecti o Name of the organization Employer identific atio n numberCONFERENCE USA

    36 4 21594Identification o f Disregarded Entities Complete i f th e organization answered Yes o n Form 990, Part IV, l i n e 33.)

    a )N a m e , address, an d EIN o f disregarded e n t i t y

    b ) c ) d) e ) fPrimary a c t i v i t y L e g a l domicile s t a t e T o t a l income End-of-year assets D i r e c t c o n t r o l l i n g

    o r f o r ei g n country) e n t i t y

    Identification o f Related Tax-Exempt Organizations Complete i f t he o r g a ni z a t io n answered Yes o n Form 990, Part IV, l i n e 34 b e c au s e i t h a d o neor more related tax-exempt o r g a ni z a t io n s dur i ng th e ta x y ea r.)

    a ) b ) c ) d e ) fN a m e , address, an d EIN o f r e la t e d organization Primary a c t i v i t y L e g a l domicile s t a t e Exempt Code s e c t i o n P u b l i c c ha r it y s t a t u s D i r e c t c o n t r o l l i n g

    o r f o r ei g n country) i f s e c t i o n 501 c) 3)) e n t i t y

    Se e A d d i t i o n a l D at a T ab l e

    Fo r Privac Act and Pa erwork Reduction Act Notice , see the Instructions f or Form 990 Cat No 5 135Y Schedule R Form 990) 2009

    Schedule R Form 990 2009 Page 2Identification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Partnership Complete i f the organization answered Yes on Form 990, Part IV , l i n e 34

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    because i t had one or more related org niz tions tre ated a s a p rtn rship during the tax year.)

    Name, address, and EIN o fr e l a t e d organization

    b) L e g a l d)Primary a c t i v i t y domicile D i r e c t c o n t r o l l i n g

    s t a t e or e n t i t yf o r e i g ncountry)

    h I Uef g) Disproprtionate Code V-UBI General o rPredominant income Share o f t o t a l income Share o f end-of-year a l l o c a t i o n s ? mount i n bo x 20 o f managing r e l a t e d , unrelated, assets Schedule K-1 p a r t nerexcluded from tax Form 1065)Forms e c t i o n s 512-

    514)Ye s No Yes No

    Identification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Corporation or Trust Complete i f the organization answered Yes on Form 990, Part IV,l i n e 34 because i t ha d on e or more related organizations treated as a corporation or trust during the tax year.)

    a b)Name, address and EIN o f r e la t ed organization Primary a c t i v i t y c d) e

    L e g a l domicile D i r e c t c o n t r o l l i n g Type o f e n t i t y s t a t e or e n t i t y C c o r p , S c o r p ,f o r e i g n o r t r u s tcountry)

    g) h)hare o f t o t a l Share o f Percentageincome end-of-year ownershipassets

    Schedule R Form 990 2009

    Schedule R Form 990 2009 Page Transactions With Related Organizations Complete the organization answered Yes on Form 990, Part IV , l i n e 34, 35, or 36.)

  • 7/22/2019 Conference USA 990 report: Fiscal Year 2009


    Note Complete l i n e 1 any entity is listed in Parts I I , III or IV1 During t he t ax y ea r, did the orgranization engage in any of the following transactions with one or more related organizations listed in Parts II-IV?a Receipt of i interest i i annuities i i i royalties iv) rent from a controlled entityb G i f t , grant, o r capital contribution t o other organization s)c G i f t , grant, o r capital contribution from other organization s)d Loans o r loan guarantees t o o r f o r other organization s)e Loans or loan guarantees by other organization s)

    Sale o f assets t o other organization s)g Purchase o f assets from other organization s)h Exchange o f assets Lease o f f a c i l i t i e s , equipment, o r other assets t o other organization s)

    j Lease of f a c i l i t i e s , equipment, o r other assets from other organization s)k Performance o f services o r membership o r fundraising solicitations f or other organization s) Performance of services o r membership o r fundraising solicitations by other organization s) Sharing o f f a c i l i t i e s , equipment, mailing l i s t s , o r other assetsn Sharing of paid employees

    o Reimbursement paid to other organization for expensesp Reimbursement paid by other organization for expenses

    q Other transfer of cash or pro perty to other organization s)r Other transfer o f cash o r property from other organization s)







    2 I f the answer to any of the above s Yes, see the instructions for information on who must complete this l i n e , including covered relationsh