conference style slides for zap

The OWASP Foundation Copyright © The OWASP Foundation Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the OWASP License. OWASP AppSec Europe 2011 An Introduction to ZAP The OWASP Zed Attack Proxy Simon Bennetts Sage UK Ltd OWASP ZAP Project Lead [email protected]

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Descripción de Herramienta Zap


The OWASP Foundationhttp://www.owasp.orgCopyright The OWASP FoundationPermission is granted to copy, distriute and/or modi!y this document under the terms o! the OWASP "icense.OWASP AppSec#urope $%&&An 'ntroduction to (APThe OWASP Zed Attack ProxySimon )ennettsSage UK LtdOWASP ZAP Project Leadpsiinon*$The 'ntroduction, The statement, -ou cannot ui+d secure we app+ications un+ess how to attac. them, The pro+em, For many de/e+opers 0penetration testing1 is a +ac. art, The so+ution, Teach asic pentesting techni2ues to de/e+opersThan.s to 3oyston 3oertson !or permission to use his cartoon45The Ca/eatThis is in addition to:, Teaching secure coding techni2ues, Teaching aout common /u+nerai+ities6e.g. OWASP top &%7, Secure 8e/e+opment So!tware "i!ecyc+e, Static source code ana+ysis, Code re/iews, Pro!essiona+ pentesting, 9:The (ed Attac. Pro;y, 3e+eased Septemer $%&%, #ase o! use a priority, Comprehensi/e he+p pages, Free, Open source, Cross p+at!orm, A !or. o! the we++ regarded Paros Pro;y, 'n/o+/ement acti/e+y encouraged, Adopted y OWASP Octoer $%&%ersion &.$.% down+oaded ? @5%% times, >ersion &.5.% Aust re+eased, < main coders, &< contriutors, Fu++y internationa+iBed, Trans+ated into = +anguages:)raBi+ian Portuguese, Chinese, French, Cerman, Cree., 'ndonesian, Dapanese, Po+ish, Spanish, Eost+y used y Pro!essiona+ PentestersF, Paros code: G