commsday keynote - sdn, nfv and cloud - how telco's can take advantage

Copyright 2013 AlcatelLucent. All rights reserved. @ssneddon Sco= Sneddon Principal Architect, APAC Business Development Lead Nuage Networks SDN, NFV and Cloud How Telco's can take advantage

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My Keynote Presentation from CommsDay Congress in Melbourne, Oct 2014. Discussing SDN, NFV and Cloud and how Telcos need to leverage modern Enterprise IT practices of Software Defined infrastructure and DevOps to make the advances required to keep up with these technologies.


Page 1: CommsDay Keynote - SDN, NFV and Cloud - How Telco's can take advantage

Copyright  2013  Alcatel-­‐Lucent.  All  rights  reserved.    @ssneddon  

Sco=  Sneddon  Principal  Architect,  APAC  Business  Development  Lead    Nuage  Networks    

SDN,  NFV  and  Cloud  How  Telco's  can  take  advantage  

Page 2: CommsDay Keynote - SDN, NFV and Cloud - How Telco's can take advantage

The  “Consump>on  shi@”  

§  Cloud  is  changing  the  way  technology  is  being  consumed  

§  From  “order  and  wait”  

§  To  “instant  gra>fica>on”  

Consumer  expecta>ons  are  shi@ing  

MulBple  personas  

Single  user  

On-­‐demand  personalized  catalogue  

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§  Users  are  Mobile  

§  ApplicaBons  are  Distributed  


The  “Connec>vity  Shi@”  

Tradi>onal  Networks  don’t  adapt  

Opera>onal  models  need  to  change  

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* Based on metro Centralized case with growth of Metros with DC at 20% per year and 60% Video/Web content migration to DC

Source: Bell Labs metro traffic growth story: An architecture impact study

Metro  Traffic  is  growing  faster  then  Backbone  Traffic  

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• .

75%  of  metro  traffic  will  remain  in  the  metro  by  2017  


* Based on metro Centralized case with growth of Metros with DC at 20% per year and 60% Video/Web content migration to DC

Source: Bell Labs metro traffic growth story: An architecture impact study

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Number  of  endpoints  

TradiBonal  ConnecBvity  Models   ConnecBvity  in  the  Cloud  world  

Nature  of  connecBons  

ConnecBon  longevity  

Service  Requirements   Simple   Variable  

Impacts  on  Network  

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Peak  dimensioning  Demand  

An  Exhausted  Model  Capacity  Req




We  can’t  keep  building  for  peak  demand  

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§  Proprietary  hardware  

§  Not  opBmized  for  dynamic  services  

§  Must  be  more  agile  


Telecom  Networks  

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Programmability  Enterprise  IT  has  this  figured  out  

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To  the  Cloud  

§  Enterprise  Compute  is  virtualized  

§  Many  Enterprises  are  leveraging  Cloud  and  Dynamic  OperaBonal  pracBces  (DevOps)  

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Lower  CAPEX   Lower  OPEX   Lower  risk  

…and  they’re  realizing  significant  benefits  

To  the  Cloud  

Page 14: CommsDay Keynote - SDN, NFV and Cloud - How Telco's can take advantage

Network  ConfiguraBon  

Compute    Management  

New  Tenant  /  ApplicaBon  Request  


Compute Request completed in


Help Desk Change Control

IP Address

VLAN Address

Firewall Configuration

LAN (VLAN) Configuration

WAN (IP) Configuration

Security / QA Team

Project Coordinator

Network Change completed in days/Weeks


Service  velocity  is  hindered  by  manual  network  process  

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SDN  to  the  rescue…  

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§  “So_ware  Defined  Networking  (SDN)  is  an  emerging  network  architecture  where  network  control  is  decoupled  from  forwarding  and  is  directly  programable…”  §  Open  Networking  FoundaBon    

Network  ConfiguraBon  

Compute    Management  

New  Tenant  /  ApplicaBon  Request  


Compute Request completed in


SDN Controller

Network Request completed In Minutes

00:01   00:01  

So@ware  Defined  Networking  

The  Network  keeps  pace  with  innova>on  

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The  So@ware  Defined  Data  Center  

Compute    Management  

Tenant  /  ApplicaBon  Request  Networking

Security/ Compliance

Service  velocity  is  not  hindered  by  manual  network  process  


Compute Request completed in Minutes


IP address

WAN interconnect

Policy / Security Zones

L2 /L3 Service AD

Service chaining


SDN Controller  

Policy  Instan>a>on  •  IP  address  10.x.y.z  •  VLAN  configuraBon  •  WAN  configuraBon  •  Security  /  FW  sebngs  •  QoS  parameters  •  …  

Network Change Completed automatically


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How  do  Telecom  Providers  realize  these  same  benefits?  

By  using  many  of  the  same  tools  

NFV  to  the  rescue…  

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Network  Func>ons  Virtualiza>on  

A  Dynamic  Cloud  built  for  Network  Services  

§  “Network  FuncBons  VirtualizaBon  (NFV)  is  a  network  architecture  …  proposes  using  IT  technologies  to  virtualize  enBre  classes  of  network  node  funcBons…”   NFV  Enabled  Cloud  

S   P  M   H  



S   P  M   H  



Page 20: CommsDay Keynote - SDN, NFV and Cloud - How Telco's can take advantage

Data plane services provided in software Data plane services provided by specialize hardware

Tomorrow: Today:

NFV:  Removing  the  Bo^lenecks  

High  Speed,  Op>mized  Virtualized  Data  Plane  Services  

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Core Router


Central Office




Core Metro

Where  are  we  going?  

Web Scale

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Core Router


Web Scale

Access Metro Core


Enterprise TOR  

Central Office

Where  are  we  going?  

Dynamic,  Scalable,  Programable  Capacity  and  Connec>vity  

Web Scale

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But  some  things  need  to  change…  

This  will  introduce  new  Opera>onal  models  and  tools  

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There  are  currently  many  OSS  silos  

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There  are  currently  many  OSS  silos  

Failure  to  change  will  result  in  another  silo  

And  the  business  opportunity  will  not  be  realized  

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Telecom  teams  need  to  work  together  

Learn  from  their  IT  counterparts  

Embrace  new  methodologies  

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…And  get  to  know  a  few  new  ecosystem  partners  

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Flexible Virtualized Network Functions running on an IT infrastructure

End to end automated cloud management, maximizing flexibility and efficiency of applications

SDN, to enable dynamic consumption and programmability of the underlying data center network and transport infrastructure

Virtualized Network Functions




The Goal •  Get to market

faster with new


•  Find new

opportunities in

new markets

•  Significantly

improve the



Alcatel-­‐Lucent  is  Focused  on  leading  the  industry’s  shi@  to  cloud  

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But  we’re  just  gebng  started  

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30  10/13/14  

Thank  You!  

