commission itjzt - evols at university of hawaii at manoa ...i i f a "c t si rs w...

i i f a "c t si rs w 'A .SSit&SsSSiB f ill 14 ill ,11 ' ,H '1 tl !! v i il fcw2--i:T-- w f I I i 11 HI II It 111 fi II II fl i a 2 I WAX I ill1 S 4 . ye HO! lttift NO." PRICE 5 CENTS rTvTIL 14. "fffwa ISLAXDS L888. mi w PROGRESS OF ELECTRICITY. ;Plicrtisrattnts. THE daily fastness 0ants. Konola taiertial Advertiser Q. P. CASTLE. The recent convention of tbe American Fleetric Liirht Association brought Vork City more . ttaa h r in three hundred electricians, the most striking eviaence of thernder J. B. ATHKRTON. et. PUBLISHED Walker & KedwaTd, 8- - V. CASTtE. LEWIS & CO.- - FORT STREET, he fa & COOKE, Lpiug Except Sundays. ful advance ot practical v .v - o! . riec- - .of the i 'or Jill CASTL arK&V for Vising electric companies has . Merchants, 6 00 one year ;.UTSIME six u.outha 3 00 -- Ml Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions. mi order. permouia li3 foreign (in 6 00 1 uct 1 T . . T 1111 llll' " . Contractors & Builders Brick, Stone and Wooden Building Estimates JiTen. g Jobbing Promptly Altonaea to. 76 KING STKEET. S"r&u,.l.oSute. invariably iu Artyaiice. U 1 .1 J!nn iiassense" snipping' and Commission IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Greneral Merchandise " , , Thprd I -- lS ii r l. . 1 w t3-Ic- e House QMMjfe a Specialty e . 181-t- f HAWUIAN GAZETTE CO., wrnb6 carried on J Ugbt M nonoiuiu, ia. x. Bell Telephone No. 2. 6PPy1??- - every mW. 1 P. O. Box 421 ?11 tf ALSO, AGENTS FOR- - ' nor go ouv Qrove Ranch Plantation, R. Halstead's Plantation. A. H. Smith & Co.,KoIoa. Kan., not dbcw .. & COOKE, B. LEVY & SON, Importers, "Wholesale Dealers and Commission Merchants In Foreign and Domestic FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Hated . eiecn-v- . Kohala 8ugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co.. Paia Plantation, stations, two inillio. the industry i. the expei Part Beach Hotel Opposite Kapiolaul Pnrk, AValkiki. ors to Lewers & Dickson) O. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. heir oiu IXriiftn Vir. Papaikou Sugar Co. a Dealers in Lumber 1 rr,nu nf Hnildintf Materials. - pruuiem ot insu. will neither llickei circumstances 1ms Some persons wlio subsu lor yas ijiive grown tired meut and have gone back to i. ltf I I STEEET. Honolulu. itjzt" Iasurance c" f san Fr-- ci- The New nd Mutual Life Insurance Co.. of Boston. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. : The ew York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Line. Honolulu and Ran Vr, WOLULU MARKET, Finest Bathing Place on the Islands. tesJors to William McCandless.) our lin1.6 prePare to fi orders of all kinds in and make kinds of fruit for long a dlstanci specialty mitSH. S all atSnTion? UlAnd Patronge will receive special P. ofBoxd17,SanSOme St" SaD rraDcl8Co- - ns-Rr-r, Em L MARSHALL, Honolulu, Agent for Hawaiian Islands. Dealers in Etc. 1,1 Beff, eai, Jiuiion, WlW & Gibbs, Kemington ami Wheeler & Wilson Medicine,. SEWING MACHINES Queeu street, Fish Market, cnity wil be overcome. Again. tliv of electric lights stands in the s toro. 8 T.e-a- I la.(IoHtion especially' in obJect," will nave to bo removed if electric lights are tZF1 ami U.isdue to truthSo "ay progress is being made toward cheapening the new light. Elegant Rooms, gas and water In each, Extensive Grounds, well shaded; The Table is supplied with the best the market affords. uj shipping orders carefully attended siMi luruisbed to vessels at short - . ..;,Lj tf all L'frwlo aiirtnlin.l tf " to PIONEER li ltf Billiard Room and Bowling Alley I ALFRED MAG00N, I Attached. Steam Cariij Facforj A ND ornev at " Juaw, xne application of electricity as a rao- - tuelye years since visitors Cen- tennial Exposition at Philadelphia tra- veled round the fair grounds propelled by electricity ; but in February labt there were only tliirty-fou- r electric ra. roads in all the country, with 138 miles of single track. There . are in pro-- CASH Of r.(incti-i,..(- ; t Full information ci-a- to tonHura oo Wo- - 105 Fort "5 Street, Honolulu. Aew Pianos, New Organs, New Parlor Sets, ,MercLaut Street, Honolulu. ltf tt it T I'dnitnm nTTr'nti ilearth BAKERY -- l ju vv TABLS Lr, Agent to Take Busses ftnrl ciin-iiirto- . n:n v . . .... r;r u vvi VliiMn o "tuuii loriynine new roads cial rates for ..I.urui8ne,a. at spe New Diningroom Furniture . ZiE? A, f?Petejl. will have 189 l(kuoiifflaueiit, Etc. XT . 1 V n ttt O.I T--i .. ""-'- J c'ULIltJ 11 ill'K I hor.i o HORN-- , wagoos will meVverr.teamXTcfarSS ProeTSrh?"' A onee'wiUbe8 guests at special rates. "CtUre "ooMtaK. and Frames, Easels, Brackets rUrmtUre- - be ..neU.iii lacking to .nafcTthe idea i:a Capitol Bitting, adjoining General font uaaw- - .i-ai- u m?5Ct,ia-- l S?nectloner' Patry Cook and Baker. vw viou xuaae oy ateain. C N. ARNOLD, Prop. 30-l- m :)1V T. WATERH0USE, "u,-CB-O- costs as much to get the dynamos working as it would do to propel the cars by steam. Some day some one of the ingenious and persever- ing mechanical engineers who are devot- ing their energies to the subject will so ve the problem of making anelectri- cal railroad an economical success. But 71 Hotel Street." Both Teleplionew 74. Iciporkr ad Dealer ia -- Lambreq mns a Specialty. 'EE AL MEEC H . FILTER PRESSES. We ii&tt Queen Street, nonoiuiu. lif of this kind here, 3 a aDO Auner and Polish as ever did work K. HACKFELD & CO., JAPANESE GOODS! ii w nut yet a success. Mayor Hewitt, in his address of wel- come to the Association, did not trans- cend the fact that when he said that al- though the wonders performed by the ?'ftn e,eotrician surpass a marvels of the old astrologer, the science is yet on the threshhnM f itL Paauhau Plantation, i II A W A TT fiiTvt O iooj -- -" lOOO. ) ciLIrn and Locomo-v- e Works, San Fran- - bill Commission Agents Gentleman Tf v . of yourSO- - chambPd T?n We have Just Received an Assortment r TV T oasex mis entires i?' b&Udled and ar oAi eouor BEST GUITAR made in S-".- . friort Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf no improvement on tnem CD recominend vi .ruie Japanese Fancy - Goods ' . . r.wUO u tome into universal uso to BEAVER SALOON. o vSiuz,e mo reauines . .... . nuu Wliiuil SO- - v ery respectfully yours. (signed) A. Moobe, Manager Paauhau Plantation. trt. Opposite M ilder fc Co.'w, All of Our Goods Sold on the Instalment Plan. SUCH AS H. J, NOLTE, PROPRIETOR. i.iet.v ih utilizing every practical applica-n.i.f1.elect"it- yf and to surprise tho of the future. New York laper. it touches Served with Tea, Coffee, Japanese Green Tea, put up in fancy HT rjj MTWiZ-iXTQIT- Iwwrvci. 4.1. K! t G. WEST & CO., 105 Fort Street. -- ier, lunger Ale or Milk. Hon nln In on1 o aniA , itfl Vn very low price nf jin i ii i i n Iro. u 3 a. ui. till 10 p. ui. pi CEsCIlUiVlOIl. Paper, Silk, Satin Screen and Hanging - v.. 1 iucci i Lie ucizianu. A consignment is now on the way. Frg'Rq.-usite- s a Specialty. ltf FOR SALE ! Hisdon Iron & Loco. Works, 82 12342m San Francisco. R. W. FRAZER, Handkerchiefs ot Japanese Silk. Blinds madft of Split BamDoo. Variety of Bamboo Articles. Fans of every description. Boxes and Jars covered with beautiful r 3 I KHAXT TAIL0E, The Nicaragua Canal. The division of opinion on the Isth- - wla? al (luestio which formerly ex- isted has now passed uway. The fate which has befallen the French scheme at Manama has demonstrated that the American engineers were right in oppos- ing de Lesseps. The powerful clique supporting the great engineer forced the Manama route upon the congress which met to consider the problem. That the tide leye canal there ia impracticable is conceded, and tfm t,,;... i . Slag nd Alakea Honolulu. colored straw. Tape for hats. etc.. made of colored EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE, .11a -- V.. I marge, good workiaanaiilp and a straw. t'IiiliMlit.,,l ltf " V L. , -- And Jut Landed in Pitie UrUer.- - Fancy Hardware of all kinds. Silk CreDe and Satin Cloth, fnr mepr. GEKMANIA MARKET. k n ing chairs, tables, doors and windows. Different kinds nf Pnrplni METROPOLITAN abandoned by the .company. With the Barrel Shooka and Heads, - wwh MUU a - - m-- 1 1 n-- w. A A. "iU,ulVus. expenditures already made tnere it is extrpmplv a Galvanized Barb Wire. Galvanized Cut Nails, Galvanized Cut Spikes, Galv. Clinch Boat Nails, Iron Cut Nails fasst'd) Horse Shoe Nails. . i . . , uuuunui nuciuar r A.FP. . . . PROPRIETOR. I Fort st-et- , Honolulu. p'. MUTTON AND VEAL. I ffb Sausage, iwir I cap to complete the work can be ax Handles, Pick Handle, Hoe Handles, Canal Baarows, Nests Trunks. iucicu ware, uic, eiu. SAKUEAI & Co., JCexi door to Castle & Cooke, 108-- 1 m King St., Honolulu. ahana dipping Berved on short Meat Company, SUN FIRE OFFICE, vuwwueu. ine leads' ship railway scheme, which, but for the reputation of the projector of that remarkable enter- prise, would never have been seriously discussed, having failed to obtain the aid of Congress in the May of guarantees of its bonds, has passed out of sight. The true American project the Nicaragua -- anal is now being pressed forward, and operations will be begun speedily after the passage of the charter. The great lake which lies on that isthmus seems to Have been placed there to indicate the natural crossing between the two oceans " Located ftUffiripntlv f-j- r nfV. 1 Second-han- d Iron Safes. Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber, Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing, Metalic Paint. Fire Clay, Marble Dust. OF LONDON. jLU IRON WORKS CO., (fcfeam Engines, I n,Snaff1r Mllls Coolers, Brass Leaa C'nstliiBs, KAularLV,?7 description made to NL rk executed on the shortest 81 KING STKEET, Established 1710. Insurance effected upon every description of property at current rates of premium. Total Sum Insured in 1885 327,333,700 ltf tne trade winds, so essential to the movement of sailing craft, and in a healthv ronntrv ha1 tU. f4. ui i. i "Electric5 Kerosene Oil. "Downer's Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil, Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each). Plaster, Bosendale Cement, Portland Cement " j i .v. me ioli uiai a JOCK Canal roilld nnt Ka K:i . IEE ROYAL SALOON, V "vini. iiu any point been connndpd in tho lArt t anrt Merchant street Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns. ; w- - . io uuuzress. there would have been a large majority VOte for NlVarntrna Tl. AS rn3erManagementof Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic- tion of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. Gr. J. WALLER, Which was rerftnt v BOr,f vr:lJ . W vv oxter. resurvey the route of this canal and re- - vise the estimates of the cost formerly made has enmnleti 1. , - ebest Wlnpn. t-- v-v U3 v uik., ana tne results are mnaf Ba;cr..4. on draught at Cumberland Coal. Straw Wrapping Paper, 20xS0in., Grindstones, Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black, Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, 3-p- ly, Ox Bows, Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks), - - Kunoiatnrjf. xi was lound that nv the mncivnAt: r i MANAG EE. TU and - lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands. THOMAS LINDSAY Has Removed His Manufacturing across the Jnon i , ., ltf - -- ici mere wouia De added to the free navigation of the lake nitV-fil- X milP9 rY al.jol-- ...i : A XT Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches. - aicx navigation. Ihe number of locks is reduced to five, and the length of canal excavation to -- Ar5mile8? whi,e the cost is Put at only OO.OOO.OOf) ry loco I... ir r ishment Jewelry MI) "ia, Book -- tannr Extension Top Hand Carts, Baby Carriages, Bashes, Blinds, Doors, and Five Carriages the best ever consigned to us and a First-clas- s Carriage. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL al ready been spent on the Panama Canal. -w, viicdiia Picayune. (tTp sUlrs) ltf C. BFirewFUR & CO, From Xnnsnn Street to Thomas Block, King Street. Particular attention paid to repairing. 66 tf BUTCHEES H. E. Mclntyre & Bro., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS 117 DAVIS & WILDEE, 52 FORT STREET. Groceries, Provisions and Feed, IMPORTERS CAKTY Can be fonnd next door to the P. C. A. OClce, Merchant Street. ! ';3 Nos.18, 37,66, 75, 180 Ayr-- VAQONETTE 110. AKP EAST COftNER FORT AND KINO STREETS. Grocers d; Provision Dealers. N- - Jo v.wu iweireu uy every pacret rrom Stated and KSimtis Produce by every steamer. Ail f.ithfni- i- JavL . .. .. resh Callforn'a ir rr rr t . i . " 'W' : 7. ' rr?"" w uu vjouua uenvereo loanv cart of thm Navy Contractors, w Police Station. Idf :?cT; ; oloraone 204, Mutual 590. 203-t- f ' Telephone No. W ' UIue" "" uction tuaranUed. PoatoCce Boi Ko. 416 TFEESH GOODS BY EVERY STEAB."E1 -- WW

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a"c t si rs w 'A

.SSit&SsSSiB f ill 14 ill ,11 ' ,H '1 tl !! vi il fcw2--i:T-- w f I I i 11 HI II It 111 fi II II fl

i a 2

I WAX I ill1S 4 .


lttift NO." PRICE 5 CENTSrTvTIL 14. "fffwa ISLAXDS L888.mi



;Plicrtisrattnts.THE daily fastness 0ants.Konola

taiertial AdvertiserQ. P. CASTLE.

The recent convention of tbe AmericanFleetric Liirht Association brought

Vork City more . ttaah r in

three hundred electricians,the most striking eviaence of thernder

J. B. Walker & KedwaTd, 8- - V. CASTtE.

LEWIS & CO.- -

FORT STREET,he fa & COOKE,Lpiug Except Sundays. ful advance ot practical v .v -

o! .riec- -.of the i'orJill CASTL arK&V for Vising

electric companies has .

Merchants,6 00one year;.UTSIME six u.outha 3 00

--MlImporters, Wholesale and Retail

Dealers in

Groceries and Provisions.miorder. permouia

li3 foreign (in6 00

1 uct1 T . . T 1111 llll' " .

Contractors & BuildersBrick, Stone and Wooden Building

Estimates JiTen. gJobbing Promptly Altonaea to.


S"r&u,.l.oSute.invariably iu Artyaiice.U 1 .1 J!nn iiassense"

snipping' and CommissionIMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN

Greneral Merchandise" , , ThprdI --lS ii r l. . 1 w

t3-Ic-e House QMMjfe a Specialty e. 181-t- fHAWUIAN GAZETTE CO., wrnb6 carried on J Ugbt

M nonoiuiu, ia. x.

Bell Telephone No. 2. 6PPy1??-- every mW. 1

P. O. Box 421?11 tf


' nor go ouvQrove Ranch Plantation,R. Halstead's Plantation.

A. H. Smith & Co.,KoIoa. Kan.,not dbcw ..


B. LEVY & SON,Importers, "Wholesale Dealers and

Commission MerchantsIn Foreign and Domestic


Hated.eiecn-v- .

Kohala 8ugar Co.,Haiku Sugar Co..

Paia Plantation,

stations,two inillio.the industry i.

the expeiPart Beach HotelOpposite Kapiolaul Pnrk, AValkiki.

ors to Lewers & Dickson) O. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. heir oiuIXriiftn Vir. Papaikou Sugar Co.a Dealers in Lumber

1 rr,nu nf Hnildintf Materials.-

pruuiem ot insu.will neither llickeicircumstances 1msSome persons wlio subsulor yas ijiive grown tiredmeut and have gone back to i.

ltfI I STEEET. Honolulu.itjzt" Iasurance c" f san Fr--ci-The New nd Mutual Life Insurance Co.. of Boston.Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

: The ew York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Line. Honolulu and Ran Vr,WOLULU MARKET, Finest Bathing Place on the Islands.

tesJors to William McCandless.)

our lin1.6 prePare to fi orders of all kinds inand makekinds of fruit for longa

dlstancispecialty mitSH. S all

atSnTion? UlAnd Patronge will receive special

P. ofBoxd17,SanSOme St" SaD rraDcl8Co- -


Em L MARSHALL, Honolulu,Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

Dealers inEtc.1,1 Beff, eai, Jiuiion, WlW & Gibbs, Kemington ami Wheeler & Wilson


SEWING MACHINESQueeu street, Fish Market,

cnity wil be overcome. Again. tlivof electric lights stands in thes toro.

8 T.e-a- I la.(IoHtion especially' inobJect," will nave to boremoved if electric lights are

tZF1 ami U.isdue to truthSo "ayprogress is being made towardcheapening the new light.

Elegant Rooms, gas and water In each,Extensive Grounds, well shaded;

The Table is supplied with the bestthe market affords.

uj shipping orders carefully attendedsiMi luruisbed to vessels at short

- . ..;,Lj tf all L'frwlo aiirtnlin.l tf "to PIONEER liltf

Billiard Room and Bowling AlleyI ALFRED MAG00N,IAttached.Steam Cariij Facforj


ornev at " Juaw,

xne application of electricity as a rao- -

tuelye years since visitors Cen-tennial Exposition at Philadelphia tra-veled round the fair groundspropelled by electricity ; but in Februarylabt there were only tliirty-fou- r electricra. roads in all the country, with 138miles of single track. There

.are in pro--

CASH Of r.(incti-i,..(- ; t

Full information ci-a- to tonHura oo

Wo- - 105 Fort "5Street, Honolulu.Aew Pianos, New Organs, New Parlor Sets,

,MercLaut Street, Honolulu. ltf

tt it T I'dnitnm nTTr'ntiilearth

BAKERY --l ju vv TABLSLr, Agent to Take Busses ftnrl ciin-iiirto- . n:n v . . .... r;r u vviVliiMn

o "tuuii loriynine new roadscial rates for ..I.urui8ne,a. at spe New Diningroom Furniture . ZiE?A, f?Petejl. will have 189l(kuoiifflaueiit, Etc. XT . 1 V n ttt O.I T--i .. ""-'- J c'ULIltJ 1 1 ill'K I hor.i oHORN-- , wagoos will meVverr.teamXTcfarSSProeTSrh?"' A onee'wiUbe8

guests at special rates."CtUre "ooMtaK. and Frames, Easels, Brackets rUrmtUre- - be ..neU.iii lacking to .nafcTthe ideai:a Capitol Bitting, adjoining General

font uaaw- - .i-ai- u

m?5Ct,ia--l S?nectloner' Patry Cook and Baker.vw viou xuaae oy ateain. C N. ARNOLD, Prop.

30-l- m


"u,-CB-O- costs as much toget the dynamos working as it would doto propel the cars by steam. Some daysome one of the ingenious and persever-ing mechanical engineers who are devot-ing their energies to the subject willso ve the problem of making anelectri-cal railroad an economical success. But

71 Hotel Street."Both Teleplionew 74.

Iciporkr ad Dealer ia --Lambreq mns a Specialty.'EE AL MEEC H . FILTER PRESSES. Weii&tt Queen Street, nonoiuiu. lif of this kind here, 3 a aDO Auner and Polish as ever did workK. HACKFELD & CO., JAPANESE GOODS!

ii w nut yet a success.Mayor Hewitt, in his address of wel-come to the Association, did not trans-cend the fact that when he said that al-though the wonders performed by the?'ftn e,eotrician surpass a

marvels of the old astrologer,the science is yet on the threshhnM f itL

Paauhau Plantation, iII A W A TT fiiTvt O iooj-- -" lOOO. )

ciLIrn and Locomo-v- e Works, San Fran- -bill Commission Agents Gentleman Tf v .of yourSO- -chambPd T?nWe have Just Received an Assortmentr TV T oasex mis

entires i?' b&Udled and ar oAi eouor BEST GUITAR made in S-".-.friort Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltfno improvement on tnem CD recominend

vi .ruie Japanese

Fancy - Goods ' . . r.wUO u tome into universal uso toBEAVER SALOON. o vSiuz,e mo reauines. .... . nuu Wliiuil SO--v ery respectfully yours.

(signed) A. Moobe,Manager Paauhau Plantation.trt. Opposite M ilder fc Co.'w, All of Our Goods Sold on the Instalment Plan.SUCH ASH. J, NOLTE, PROPRIETOR.

i.iet.v ih utilizing every practical applica-n.i.f1.elect"it- yf

and to surprise thoof the future. New touches Served with Tea, Coffee, Japanese Green Tea, put up in fancyHT rjj MTWiZ-iXTQIT- Iwwrvci. 4.1. K! t

G. WEST & CO., 105 Fort Street.-- ier, lunger Ale or Milk.Hon nln In on1 o aniA ,

itflVn very low pricenf jin i ii i in Iro. u 3 a. ui. till 10 p. ui. pi CEsCIlUiVlOIl.Paper, Silk, Satin Screen and Hanging

- v.. 1 iucci i Lie ucizianu.A consignment is now on the way.Frg'Rq.-usite-s a Specialty. ltf FOR SALE !Hisdon Iron & Loco. Works,

82 12342m San Francisco.R. W. FRAZER, Handkerchiefs ot Japanese Silk.Blinds madft of Split BamDoo.Variety of Bamboo Articles.Fans of every description.Boxes and Jars covered with beautiful


3 I


The Nicaragua Canal.The division of opinion on the Isth- -

wla? al (luestio which formerly ex-isted has now passed uway. The fatewhich has befallen the French schemeat Manama has demonstrated that theAmerican engineers were right in oppos-ing de Lesseps. The powerful cliquesupporting the great engineer forced theManama route upon the congress whichmet to consider the problem. That thetide leye canal there ia impracticable isconceded, and tfm t,,;... i .

Slag nd Alakea Honolulu. colored straw.Tape for hats. etc.. made of colored EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE,.11a -- V..

I marge, good workiaanaiilp and a straw.t'IiiliMlit.,,l ltf" V L. ,--And Jut Landed in Pitie UrUer.- -

Fancy Hardware of all kinds.Silk CreDe and Satin Cloth, fnr mepr.GEKMANIA MARKET.

k n

ing chairs, tables, doors and windows.Different kinds nf Pnrplni METROPOLITAN abandoned by the .company. With theBarrel Shooka and Heads,- wwh MUU

a - - m-- 1 1 n-- w. A A. "iU,ulVus. expenditures already madetnere it is extrpmplv a

Galvanized Barb Wire.Galvanized Cut Nails,

Galvanized Cut Spikes,Galv. Clinch Boat Nails,

Iron Cut Nails fasst'd)Horse Shoe Nails.

. i . . , uuuunui nuciuar

r A.FP. . . . PROPRIETOR.I Fort st-et- ,

Honolulu.p'. MUTTON AND VEAL.I ffb Sausage, iwir

I cap to complete the work can be

ax Handles,Pick Handle,

Hoe Handles,Canal Baarows,

Nests Trunks.

iucicu ware, uic, eiu.

SAKUEAI & Co.,JCexi door to Castle & Cooke,

108--1 m King St., Honolulu.ahana dipping Berved on short


vuwwueu. ine leads' ship railwayscheme, which, but for the reputation ofthe projector of that remarkable enter-prise, would never have been seriouslydiscussed, having failed to obtain the aidof Congress in the May of guarantees ofits bonds, has passed out of sight. Thetrue American project the Nicaragua--anal is now being pressed forward, andoperations will be begun speedily afterthe passage of the charter. The greatlake which lies on that isthmus seems toHave been placed there to indicate thenatural crossing between the two oceans "Located ftUffiripntlv f-j- r nfV. 1

Second-han- d Iron Safes.Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber,

Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum,Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing,

Metalic Paint. Fire Clay, Marble Dust.OF LONDON.

jLU IRON WORKS CO.,(fcfeam Engines,I

n,Snaff1r Mllls Coolers, BrassLeaa C'nstliiBs,

KAularLV,?7 description made to

NL rk executed on the shortest

81 KING STKEET,Established 1710.

Insurance effected upon every description ofproperty at current rates of premium.

Total Sum Insured in 1885 327,333,700

ltf tne trade winds, so essential to themovement of sailing craft, and in ahealthv ronntrv ha1 tU. f4. ui i. i

"Electric5 Kerosene Oil."Downer's Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil,

Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each).Plaster, Bosendale Cement, Portland Cement

" j i .v. me ioli uiai a JOCKCanal roilld nnt Ka K:i .IEE ROYAL SALOON, V "vini. iiu any pointbeen connndpd in tholArt t anrt Merchant street Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns.

; w-- . i o uuuzress.there would have been a large majorityVOte for NlVarntrna Tl. ASrn3erManagementof

Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paidwith promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic-tion of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.Gr. J. WALLER, Which was rerftnt v BOr,f vr:lJ .

W vv oxter. resurvey the route of this canal and re- -vise the estimates of the cost formerlymade has enmnleti 1. , -ebest Wlnpn. t-- v-v U3 v uik., ana tneresults are mnaf Ba;cr..4.on draught at

Cumberland Coal.Straw Wrapping Paper, 20xS0in., Grindstones,

Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black,Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, 3-p-

ly, Ox Bows,Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks),

- - Kunoiatnrjf. xi waslound that nv the mncivnAt: r iMANAG EE.TU and -

lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

THOMAS LINDSAYHas Removed His Manufacturing

across the Jnon i , . ,ltf - -- ici mere wouia Deadded to the free navigation of the lakenitV-fil- X milP9 rY al.jol-- ...i :


Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches.- aicx navigation.Ihe number of locks is reduced to five,and the length of canal excavation to

-- Ar5mile8? whi,e the cost is Put at onlyOO.OOO.OOf) ry loco I... ir rishmentJewelry MI)"ia, Book--tannr Extension TopHand Carts, Baby Carriages, Bashes, Blinds, Doors, and Five

Carriages the best ever consigned to us and a First-clas-s Carriage.WHOLESALE AND RETAIL al ready been spent on the Panama Canal.

-w, viicdiia Picayune.(tTp sUlrs) ltf C. BFirewFUR & CO,From Xnnsnn Street to

Thomas Block, King Street.Particular attention paid to repairing.


DAVIS & WILDEE,52 FORT STREET.Groceries, Provisions and Feed, IMPORTERS

CAKTYCan be fonnd next door to the P. C. A.

OClce, Merchant Street.

! ';3 Nos.18, 37,66, 75, 180Ayr-- VAQONETTE 110.


EAST COftNER FORT AND KINO STREETS. Grocers d; Provision Dealers.N-- Jo v.wu iweireu uy every pacret rrom Stated and KSimtisProduce by every steamer. Ail f.ithfni- i- JavL . . . . . resh Callforn'a

ir rr rr t . i . " 'W' : 7. ' rr?"" w uu vjouua uenvereo loanv cart of thmNavy Contractors,w Police Station. Idf :?cT; ; oloraone 204, Mutual 590.203-t- f ' Telephone No. W ' UIue" "" uction tuaranUed. PoatoCce Boi Ko. 416 TFEESH GOODS BY EVERY STEAB."E1

-- WW


We do not bold ourselves responsible for thestatements made, or opinions expressed by ourcorrespo nde nts. JUST APJUYjJlThe Planters Labor and Supply Com-

pany Organization and HearingKeports The First Day. PEi BASE

H. Hackfeld, from U-- BEST-

Fe Wire.


.lt 7

Galvanized BUck

Best Coii. w'

The nival Feetlers.Mr. Editor: I noticed in your issue

of the 27th inst. a letter from Mr. W. H.Corn well, of Waikapu plantation, Maui,as a testimonial anent the workmanshipand performance of a Risdon Iron Works'two roller mill. With that I have nofault to find; but I cannot allow theanswers to inquiries on same to pass un-

noticed.The hexagonal roller spoken of for

feeding the trash into the two roller mill,at Waikapu (said to be the smallestmaceration mill in the kingdom), is thesame contrivance that was used on thelargest diameter two roller mill in thekingdom, by the same makers. Now itis quite true that the contrivance men-

tioned will feed a two roller mill, if thereis not too much pressure on the upperroller, and the crushing in three rollermill is not too well done; it is also nodoubt true, that mills of that make havethe qualification of " groaning" and" trembling," when there is more trashthan they can put through. This isconvenient, for it is understood to be a" warning" for the attendant to pull oiT

At the annual meeting of the Stock-

holders or the Planters' Labor andSupply Company held at the office of

the Company in the rooms of the Cham-ber of Commerce, Honolulu, October 29,

16SS, at 10 o'clock a. m., PresidentBaldwin in the chair. The following

members responded to the roll call:II. P. Baldwin, President; H. F. Glade,

Vice-Presiden- t; P. C. Jones, Treasurer;I A. Scbaefer, W. O. Smith, Secretary;J. B. Atherton, Auditor; R. Halstead,J. M. Horner, Col. Z. S. Spalding, T. R.Walker, E. C. Bond, S. W. Wilcox, H.H. Wilcox, G. C. Williams, C. M. Cooke,

B. F. Dillingham, H. M. Whitney,representing 12,446 shares, out of thetotal of 15,Uo shares represented by theCompany.

The reading of the minutes of lastmeeting being next in order Mr. W. O.

Smith called attention to the fact thatthey had been published in the Planters'Monthly and that only the minutes of


Finance Department.HOSOLI-M--

, H. 1

Per SteamerMr

Tax Collector District ofSir: The Komi filed by you having been

accepted, your Commission i.--s herewith en-

closed.By this Conveyance the Finance Depart-

ment send forward to your address theTax Iteceipt Hooks and Dog Tags for yourDistrict for 1SSS.

Your attention is directed to the Tenderyou may accept for Taxes in accordancewith Law. You may receive any .sura notexceeding Ten Dollar ($10.00) in UnitedStates or Hawaiian Silver Coin.

For any amount over Ten Dollars youwill receive only Cold Coin. All HawaiianCertificates Deposit above the denomina-tion of Ten Dollars are equivalent to GoldCoin, and you will accept them accordingly.

(j. W. Maciarlaiie & (


GENUINEAbsolutely Pure,

Dec. 3. paid H. M. Whitney, editingPlanters' Monthly for November oO 0)

Jan3'?; paid Gazette adyerti?eruent.f 3 00

March 31. paid Gazette forb wMonthly

May 19. paid II. M. Whitney, editor,'for 6 months (December to Ma )

t $ oO3. oo j fBalance cash on hand J

$792 45

Debts due and to become due, ad-

vances by Brewer & Co. . . . wDue H. M. Whitney account riant- -

era' Monthly June to November o00 00Expenses annual meeting esti- -

mated .v. 00

$503 30Cash on hand 33 40

Total, net debt $529 90

In conclusion he said that as very fewof the assessments "were paid last year,and it being supposed that it was thebusiness of the Treasurer to collect thesefunds he thought he should have somehelp in the matter.

On motion of W. O. Smith the reportwas referred to the Auditor.

On motion of Mr. .Spalding the meet-ing adjourned to 1 :30 p. m. for executivesession.

Afternoon Session.Meeting opened in executive session at

1:30 p.m. The subject of a change inthe organization of the Company wasbrought up and discussed, when theregular order of business was taken up.

Mr. T. R. Walker presented and reada report on Forestry.

On motion of Mr. W. O. Smith thereport was accepted and ordered to beprinted.

Mr. Baldwin in remarking on the sub-ject said that Hilo grass kept out lan-tan- a.

Hilo grass will spread whereverthe timber is cut, and choke out every-thing. Cattle, mules and horses will eatthe bark and leaves of young trees inpreference to any kind of grass unless itis very rich, and he thought the Govern-ment ought to do something to protectour forests, as cattle were destroyingthem as fast as they could grow, even tothe roots. He favored the drawing of abill to be presented to the next legisla-ture for the protection of our forests.

Mr. J. M. Lydgate, chairman of thecommittee on fertilizers, sent in a re-Io- rt,

not being able to be present, whichwas read by the secretary, Mr. W. O.Smith.

On motion of Mr. T. R. Walker thereport was accepted and ordered printed.

Mr. Geo. Williams said that in Hiloformerly 1,000 pounds were used, butnow they had found that 300 or 400pounds were sufficient. They found theywere overdoing it. They ought to fer-tilize when the cane was about two or

f or quicK raising, the Royal Baking Powder issuperior to all other leavening acents. It is ab-

solutely pure and wholesome and of the highestleavening power. It i always uniform instrength and quality and never fails to makelight, sweet, most palatable and nutritive food.Rrori i.iaz-ni- a muffing, rake. etc.. raised with

Yours trulv,

the surplus trash from the carrierThe ooint sought to be made by both Royal' Baking Powder may be eaten hot withoutMinister of Finance.

3t 1212-l- t1& FLORIDAdistressing results to the most delicate digestive WATE


the special meetings needed to be read,those of May 2d and of September 24thheld at the office of H. Hackfeld & regard to correspondence of the Trus-tees in relation to letter of Hawaii Anti-Asiat- ic

Union to meet a committee ofthat Union, which were read and ap-proved.

Mr. P. C. Jones, Treasurer, on beingcalled for his report, asked that the time


Pacific Commercial Advertiser.

organs. It will keep in any climate wnnouideterioration.

Prof. U. A. Mott, U. 8. Government Chemist,after examining officially the principal bakingpowders of the coifatry. reported:

"The Roval Baking Powder i absolutely pure,for I hate go found it in many tests made bothfor that company and the United States Govern-ment.

"Because of the facilities that company havefor obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, andfor other reasons dependent upon the properproportions of the game, and the method of itspreparation, the Koyal Baking Powder is un-doubtedly the purest and most reliable bakingpowder offered to the public.

"Db. HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D.,"5 U. S. Government Chemist.


PERFUMEfor the reading ol Ins report be delayedBe just e.nJ fear not:

Let all the enJs thou aim'st at beThy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's. until the afternoon, which was granted

Keport or Committee on Labor wasFOR THEalso delayed on account of there being

no one present representing that comOCTOBER GO, 1SSS.TUESDAY, mittee.

Handkerchief, ToilMr. Z. S. Spalding moved that theelection of officers be proceeded with and

the letter and answers to inquiries is, toshow that a common slat carrier withthis hexagonal roller does just as well asthe " automatic trash feeder" patentedby me in 1SS5, and of which the HonoluluIron Works Company have already madeand applied 33, with the most satisfac-tory results; two more are bving built.As an olfset to answer to inquiries referredto above, let me state that the KisdonIron Works in 1S35 built a 40 diametertwo roller mill, with the same kind ofslat carrier trash feeder, for the Koloaplantation ; this was, and is now the larg-est diameter two-roll- er mill in the king-dom. The Koloa Plantation Companyran said mill for a whole season, duringwhich time quantities of cane wereweighed off more than once, under thesupervision of Mr. Williams, who repre-sented the makers of the Kisdon IronWorks mill, and taken from the samepile of cane at the mill, for competitiontests, between o?ie of the Honolulu IronWorks Co.'s 30in. x GOin. two rollermills, fitted with my feeder and work-ing behind a 24in. x 4Sin. three rollermill at the Hanamaulu plantation, twelvemiles distant from the Koloa mill. TheKoloa three roller mill was 'J6in. x 54in.

regular Honolulu Iron Works makeand the above mentioned 40in. K. I. W.

that the atternoon session be an execu INrOTICE.tive session for the discussion of the AND THEcondition of affairs of the Company.Carried. BATH.On motion of Mr. Spalding the ruleswere suspended and the Secretary in

TTvURING THE TEMPORARY ABSENCE OFVJ our Mr. Wm. G. Irwin from the Kingdom,

Mr. W. Giffard will act for our firm underpower of attorney.

WSI. G. ITiWIN & CO.Honolulu. Oct. 23. 1S88. 128-S- w

NOTICE.structed to cast the ballot for the incumbent trustees, with the exception ot Mr.

TN TROPICAL COUNTRIES IT HAS ACE21J. a greater popularity than any oifcer U

J. M. Lydgate who asked permission towithdraw, Mr. R. Halstead being selectedin his stead. The trustees for 18S8-- 9 ana is jooKea upon by tt jthave once experienced the pleasure of iu- -now are: II. P. Baldwin, H. F. Glade, ABSENCE OFDRING THE TEMPORARY a necessity of elegant and comfortable tiis--D our Mr. W. G. Irwin from this KinsrJoiu,P. C. Jones, J. B. Atherton, CM. Cooke,Z. S. Spalding. R. Halntead and F. A. Mr. Frank P. Hastings will act for our Bank n

all matters of business.CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.Schaefer.

Honolulu, Oct. 2, 1888. 1C8-3- W For SaleMr. J. M. Horner here read a reporton cane cultivation, which on motion or three feet high. Too much fertilizer

burns the cane. Lime is good on redMr. Spalding was accepted and ordered soil it requires it. It does not do out Notice to Creditors.printed in the Planters' .Monthly. BY ALL DKUUGISIside of red soil. A fertilizer called sheep2so member of the committee on canewasti does well makes a great deal otcultivation being present, Mr. B. F. difference.Dillingham presented his report on Live

Anrl Dealers in Fancy GooditStock. Mr. Baldwin thought that lime killsthe borer if used when the cane is two

two roller maceration mill behind it.Everything, as will be seen from dimen-sions, was in favor of the Koloa mills,except the method of feeding; and tothat one thing the patent automaticfeeder was due the showing of about 5per cent, in favor of the H. I. W. tworoller mill, even with the small threeroller mill, from which it took the trash.

My information is from Mr. E. Kopke,who together with Mr. Williams sujer-intende- d

all the tests; and than whom amore qualified and experienced planta-tion engineer is not in the Kingdom. It

iOn motion of Mr. Schaeier the report 119 1240-l- y

or three feet high. Thought that soilswas accepted, and thinking it of so much ought to be analyzed more thoroughly,interest to stock raisers, also moved that in fact ought to have a man for that pur

E UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN DULYI appointed and qualified as Administrators

with the Will annexed of the estate of SamuelGardner Wilder, late of Honolulu, deceased,hereby notify all persons having claims againstsaid deceased to present the same, duly authen-ticated, with the proper vouchers if any exist,even if secured by mortgage, to Wm. F. Allen,Esq.,at the bank of Bishop & Co., Honolulu,within six months from this date or they will beforever barred. A. F. JUDD. .

W. F. ALLEN,Administrators with the Will annexed of the

Estate.of S. G. Wilder, deceased.Honolulu, Oct. 11, 1S88. 1240-5- t 120-l- ni

it be printed in the Planters' Monthly. pose. J ii st Arrived.Mr. Whitney spoke of the benefit ofMr. Ba'd.un ar,d Mr. Spalding also

spoke in the same line with Mr. Dilling-ham, and especially favored the raising

Cattle are low. That is a fact andthere are by no means very prosperoustimes before our ranchers. Something,however, miht be done if they couldbreak down a monopoly or two. Whenarticles are low, the consumption islarger, and the profit can be made byselling a larger quantity. That of coursecan only be done by selling at a reducedrate, for cheapness increases the demand.But however low the stock raiser maysell at, the consumer is still obliged topay high rates. The consequence is thatthe stock raiser has a limited market.How low cattle are may be judged whena considerable number of well growncalves changed hands the other day atfive dollars a head. The ranch that wasdoing the business found that it paid tosell as low as that, but it did not suit themanipulators elsewhere, and a stop wasput to the sale. Yet at this price theranch was doing rather better than byshipping to Honolulu. However, it is notonly the outlet at Honolulu that our cat-

tle men should look to. There are largecattle laDds here that would carry farmore stock than they do now. If someproper and profitable outlet could befound, the amount of stock on the vari-ous runs could be advantageously in-

creased.The country imports a large quantity

of salt beef and a considerable quantityof tinned beef. The curing of beef wassome twenty or thirty years ago a profit-able business, and men like Macy &Xouzada, of Hawaii, and Krull,of Kauai,for many years realized handsomelyfrom it. Then came a period of depres-sion, after the collapse of the whalingfleet in 1872, for it was to the whalingfleet that the beef used to be sold, andthe industry died a very gentle andpeaceful" death. Everyone was eager tomake money out of suar. There was a

using bone meal and the benehts derived to cane in relation to drouth.of hay on these Islands. Ex Baric " C. E. BishoKMr. Williams presented a short reportThere being considerable comment inof the growth of the sugar crop for 1SS9regard to different grasses for feed, a total of over 120,000 tons.

The President then notified the meetWalker asked some few questions, andthen read a short, letter on the different

Two of those well-know- nfeed grasses from Mr. Ernest Burchardt, ing that the questions of reorganizationand Portuguese immigration would beof which the following is an extract :the first to be brought forward on openi nave no great laitti in any grasses ing to-morr- morning, after which theoeing aoie to resist tne imo grass, as II,report of Mr. Spalding on sugar.

should also be mentioned, that the KoloaSugar Co., after having had sufficienttrial of the slat carrier with hexagonalroller and running through a whole sea-son, called upon me to put on my auto-matic feeder, for which they paid the H.I. W. Co. $977.78, and to me, personally,$2,000 royalty besides. Close? mill man-agers don't do such things without dueconsideration, and certainty of advan-tage. The manager of Koloa plantation,after having started up with the auto-matic feeder, writes to me as follows:

"Dear Sir: I take great pleasure ininforming you that, after having put onyour automatic feeder on our macerationmill, the mill gives great satisfaction."

The reason the two roller mills "groan"and "tremble" so frequently, and reject

cattle will eat almost any other before On motion of Mr. W. O. Smith thethat and it so gets a better chance than meeting adjourned to meet at 10 a. m.the others. I have seen a fine crop of



Broiled Steaks and ChopsMorfiing and evening. Also,

Hot Dinner from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m.Ar.d best Coffee, Tea and Chocolr.te in town.

12A-t- f


jDiriino: Eooms

w.clover come up where the Hilo grass has 3 Tot Sale byED. UOFFSCnLAEGER 4C0.

been burnt, but it was crowded out againin a few years. To a limited extent the Kingnd Bettel8tr

MISSIONS.Hilo grass can be plowed out and better

Tlie Meeting of the American lioard. atseeds planted, but the former would in II Cx ' CorannaCleveland.time get in again. On land that couldbe easily worked it might pay to do this rimThe religious papers give full accountslor pasture. I have cocksfoot or orchardgrass growing well on fern soil under of the seventy-nint- h annual meeting of

the feed, is because of the irregularitywith which they manage to get hold ofthe trash. At Spreekelsville, where thesame kind of carrier between the mills is

Liverpool,"Fromthe American Board at Cleveland. It isohia trees. It seems to be rather a lateV . . mrrrvivs Ir K rprv ntirnfimia I ho cnol the first under the new arrangement, no A Fresh Supply ofused, they relieve the hydraulic pressureprovision being now made for the gratuigrown in New Zealand is very highly

spoken of. Australian prairie grass also ?J t,?"er,-an?- , let h thuh Is the Best Restaurant in Honolulu.and "trembling'' com- -tous entertainment of those who at GUIMES S' STOHi -does fairly well on fern soil here andgrows an immense crop on some manured tbetended. But the attendance of corporate ratingmences ; tins is better than

surplus trash off the carrier.jEirsi-ciis- s uonee, lea, i;nocoiie auu vutu

at all hoiirs.

Full, It appears to be an early trrass members was very large, and the prodemand for cattle for the plantations and A mixture of English eras? is doinr well ceedings were harmonious and enthusithe ranchers found it more profitable to by W. E. JohOion S Co . Llv.rpii. --jbut have kept it cropped short. I shouldastic. The financial prosperity reporteday rye grass was not worth planting, asraise working oxen than to sell fresh cha :m:p.a .gnwas encouraging, the total receipts reachit is too expensive. A point to be at

Which includes a variety ot food onlyto be had here,- -

ISoard by the Week, - - 84. SO.ST Civil and attentive waltei s and first-clas- s

cooka employed. Give us a trial.123-3- a CHUN ' HE. Prop.

J4tended to is sowing various grasses tobeef. But that halcyon time could notlast forever. The plantations have gone ing let tne demands ot the CbalonJ'SOf

CUloni;Of Benj. and. Eng. Perrier,Of Joseph P Trier Fils & Co.gether to get a succession ot good grasses work are so increasingly urgent, that theinto the cattle business for themselves,

V A 1 a 1 1 .lor a long period. My prairie grass wasearlier than anv of the others were. For call of the secretaries for $150,000 in-

crease in annual donations was felt to be

Without taking too much of your valu-able space, I would ask to be allowed tosay further, that two roller mills of anysize, fitted with my automatic feeder,will take their feed steadily from morn-ing till night, doing the same quality ofwork throughout, making no differencehow great the pressure on the rollers,and needing no attendant to regulate thetrash ; and this cannot be done with anyother method of feeding in existence, andfor the class of work sought to be donein these days, no mill should be without"Young's patent automatic feeder" fortwo-roll- er trash mills.

I would also beg to state that the said

dry land I know of nothing to beat

Of Veuve Aralot, Cbalons,x S"For Si ile by

Ed. Hoftschlae gernone too much. The number of mismanienie. Any grass that will prow with

or nave taicen controlling interests incontiguous lands, and raise their ownworking cattle and supyly their ownbeef. The ranchman pure and simple

sionaries sent out, twenty-nin- e, is onlya little rain and have better fattening about the average for the last fourteenproperties win ie a great gain to us. We STREETS'years, and men as much as money are MJJG AND BETHEL150 1 203-t- fconsider it good horse feed but very poor needed for the, tnereiore, in a nam case, ins pro-

duct is good. Why cannot he make a stuti to tatten cattle.

The Liverpool and Lon-

don and Globe;


The annual report recognized the needMr. Spalding sieaking further saidprofit on his labor? He must face the of new laborers for the Hawaiian Islands,while lamenting the lack of anv suitablepresent position. Combination would Waikapu maceration mill is not themen for the work. The special papers smallest in the kingdom, for the macera Ora:ad

that he thought that we ought to givemore attention to grass-growin- g on theIslands as we are paying too muchmoney into the hands" of Californianswhen that staple can just as well be

very soon break down the monopoly. presented were on the nnanciai outlook, tion mill at llilea. Hawaii, beini? onivDetermination would soon enable him to Assets. .8and on the special opportunities in Indiaand in China. Higher education in In 252n. x 4oirt. rollers, is the smallest,

which is fitted with the " automaticfind a market for his product in some raised here and at a profit if gone into in dia demands increased expenditure. ARTfeeder," Young's patent; and accordingthe proper way. Our grass must be impreserved form. We have suggesteii rr--

,000,000,O7J,000.609, OOO

e by Firedwellingsarms.

China is feeling the pressure of Occi to the Manager's report does as coodproved. e raise too many cattle to theBailing or corning, mere is no reason dental civilization, but seems to be offi- -acre now, and cattle will starve rather

-- ei income 9Claims Paid ...'.".. '.. 112

Tates Risks against Lo88 o Damaon Buildings, Machinery, Sugar Mills,)and Furniture, on the most favorable t

Bisliop & Cc1188-6- m

11 i i r iwhy this country should not tin beef. work as the 30in. x GOin. at Honuapo.Besides, with the two now beintr built.ciauy snutiing nseu more and morethan eat tough grass. Our grasses oughtBoth for salt and tinned beef there is a against the regenerating influences ofto be raised in smaller fields and raised G. W. Macfar k Co.lane

,n of oral"1Messrs.Christian truth and Christian nounce a grand exbibiticthere will also be four maceration mills2Gin. x 54in of our make with Young'sfeeder, in the kingdom.

well rather than in large fields and haveBteady demand here, as witness our CusA IT i ItTI 1 i a poor crop and one that the cattle will

scarcely touch. He thought thev wanted Rev. Dr. Storrs has proved a very effiiom iiouse returns. ny siiouiu wego abroad for our supplies, when we can PAOILAlex. Young.

Honolulu, Oct. 27, 1883.cient as well as acceptable presidinga grass that would grow like the Hiloproduce them here just as well. grass. orncer. borne changes were made inthe by-la- ws to bring them into harmonywith present usages of administration.

Mr. Dillingham thought that a millet I Fop flongkoD Waterteagrass would answer the purpose perfect The old officers were re-elect- ed unaniColors,


Gravily, provided it is put in in small fields,but not in large ones. Horses will leave mously. A committee of fifteen was ap irespointed to consider in what way theCalifornia hay for the millet. It ought lioard may possibly be brought intoto be cut when green," when the seed is ,orExnibiTO LET.closer relations with the churches and be offered the milk ; also that it ought to be ex

at their Sa.esrooindividuals that support it.perimented with more. The Union AlMiThe Nippon Yusen KaisT

Steamship iFeed Co. will take all that can be raised A T NO 7 CHAPLAIN' STREET, ONE LARGE.r. furnished front room; also, a small suite of OctoberA LADY $15 per ton and be glad to get it. rooms suitable for a small family im 1 On Friday,z j iox-ii- ii

Jir. jxuuwm uunKs mat mere is "Takasago 1 iaru"money in the millet hay, and that more estMiss Hitchcock Admitted to the II a- -farmers ought to go into it.waiian Bar The Pioneer of Her IT. J. OEDWAY,Mr. P. C. Jones, Treasurer, then read


the following report :

RECEIPTS. Miss Almeda E. Hitchcock, dauhtpr BANJO INSTHUCT0E,a

BROWN, Comma- -

Will lie due here from To'the 13th of November, a

above ports, po.'


of Hon. D. H. Hitchcock, of Hilo, wasbalance cash on hand Oct. 17,1887. . $ 31 00

A Former Local Minister.Itev. Eli Corwin, D. D. (formerly

of Honolulu), has resigned the pas-torate of the First CongregationalChurch at Racine. Immediately uponhis resignation he was offered the posi-tion of President of the CongregationalTheological Seminary in Chicago, andhas accepted the flattering offer. Dr.Corwin brings to the discharge of hisnew duties just the qualities that shouldrender him successful a winning per-sonal presence, strong common sense,large oratorical ability and a warm heart.

Christian at Work, October 4th.

Supreme Court At Chambers.Monday, Oct. 29.

Divorce Division. Before Mr. JusticeMcCully. Kahananui vs. Kahanantii.Creighton for plaintiff; Rosa for defend-ant. Ordered that defendant have fourweeks from date to pay into Court $100for counsel and witness fees.

Probate Division. Before Mr. JusticePreston. Estate Charles Brenig. Pro-

bate of will. C. Brown for proponent;V. V. Aslsrd and A. Rosa for the heirs.Hearing ordered continued one week.

LoD.lo. "unlet, --Artetf'

. ....... a .

xohama on or aboutwill leave for

rfkively. on

17, 1888.Assessments collected for the year.. 7G1 45 Will receive a few pupils on the Banju Leaveorders with E. Lycan at West h Cc'a ' io. Z iO-l-l

yesterday admitted to practice in theCourts of this Kingdom. She submittedto the Judges of the Supreme Court her TheKuestCoUfi

$792 45EXPENSES.

1837.Oct. 17, paid W. O. Smith for ser- -

vices $ 50 00Oct. 20, paid Gazette for Planters'

Monthly for September 52 65

For Rent or For Sale. III

diploma as Bachelor of Laws from AnnArbor University, Michigan, ateo herlicense to practise law in the Circuit andSunreme Courts of that ?tatf W.ivla

theseChinese passengers

transferred at Yokobing that port.

' for llongbong willAoSa 'l y first steamer lear tor broughtve

Nov. 1, paid Gazette for Planters' denoting the masculine cender. in thMonthly for October 52 65 be Picture9,;111 Publi

7 " CZS 1 " " - V

blank forms of the Court for admission,had for the first time to be altered withNov. lr paid H. M. Whitney for A PLEASANT COTTAGE

In Perfect Onler. ed. l APlanters' Monthly for Septem-ber and October 100 00 in'

S3T For Freig'ior accomniodatic

Wm.127-t- f

A few minutes walk from the Post Office.Dec. 3, paid Gazette for Reports 45 50the pen in order to suit the case of this,the pioneer lady lawyer of the Kingdom.Miss Hitchcock will be installed in herfather's office at Hilo.

rtVor t6sage having supex

ts, appIyto

L ilrwin & Co.,AGENTS- -

'Apply to" Planters' Monthly forNovember 52 65 153 tf HUGO STANQENWALD, M.D

PAIL PA01FIO CoaiMBliniAr. A.WPTTrTff -- nn .nrrr 30, 1888.m-u- i rituu niT

L0UAL AND GENERAL.H. I- - THE AKI CLAIM.dverfiscments.Advertisements.


"Progress of Electricity" is the title ofan article on the first page.

The King will probably leave forKuilua by the steamer W. G. Hall


Lightning flashed almost incessantlv' KaliUlm andAT THEwerewist lojiit, aim snowers 01 ram


IeciSi of tbe Full Court AgaingtDefendants - Unparalleled JudicialBrevity.

The opinion of the full Court was filedyesterday, upon the appeal of defend-ants against Judge Preston's decree, thatordered the $71,000 claim of heirs of Akiplaced among His Majesty's debts forpro rata liquidation. The opinion isprobably one of the very shortest finaldecisions in all the books, containingoutside of titles and signatures only eight-words-


It is against the King's Trustees,appellants, the whole document beino- - asfollows : ?

Mull 'Kill,Ir Popular Millinery House, 104 Fort Street,

Comes all the way on ICK fromSt. Louis.

Highest Premium


" fur

fe'iUu a"'1 Mauiosr. s. 3?rop.SACHS,Oahu.

A score of lepers were taken by thesteamer Mokolii for Molokai. They in-cluded one white man and a Chinaman.

The first social, new series, of theHonolulu Social Club will be held atMclnerny Hall on Thursday eveningnext. 0

$Awarded Wherever Exhibiteo.(S- -.

its.Maui ami COURT OF THE HAWAIIAN IS--7,j for

L'- -



A Fine Assortment of

ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCINGS, in white, cream and ecru ;


With materials and edgings to match ;

NEW SHAWLS and SCARF SHAWLS, cream light blue and pink;

Itii TERM,for Kauai, at

, for Kilaueat'.i hi

Captain Graham and officers of theU. y. S. Alert give a reception withdancing on board from 3 to 7 o'clock thisafternoon.

A writ of mandamus is likely to beserved upon the .Minister of the Interior,to compel him to issue a license to theKey stone liquor saloon.

;si. Koulau,

1. tf.-.- Hosiery,torLot- -

n r.rva. Corsets & TTnclerwearAll Sizes and Qualities;

"Judd , C. J. ; McCully, Preston, Bick-erton and Dole, JJ.

"A. H. Loo Ngwaket al. vs. A.J.Lartwnght et al., Trustees. Opinion ofthe full Court. The decree appealedfrom herein is hereby affirmed.

"A. F. Judd,L. McCully,Edward Preston,Kich'd F. Bickerton.Sanford B. Dole.

"A. S. Hartwell for plaintiffs; Hatchand Neumann for defendants.

" Honolulu, October 29, 18S3."


Portuguese woman, refusing to livewith Portuguese man; two Chinese,perjary; one kanaka, drunk, constituted,, "ii Kin'- -

t fromiD'" ... 11. iirit Columbia :30uie ciiarge list at the station up to 11

p. on..lapan.1; Wii

CaUao, o .a.r.l

in Francisco.V ir:. MIL'.

;- -!- Ih.nskonjr.

The late Charles Brenig's will is con-tested by the widow and children.Hearing was continued yesterday for aweek. Hon. S. M. Damon is one" of thedevisees of the will.


o-:- 0t; Newcastle.

Ladies' Jersey Vests, Silk and Merino, at Special Low Prices! .


ljatest Style Hats and Bonnets,TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED.






:"'v.Jvhall. l'ort lownseiKl.1J CJ. . . x . .

1 Tt'V.

Another Expedition Fruitless HousesSearched in Vain.

Marshal Soper, Police Captains Lar-se- n

and Hopkins, and Health OfficersReynolds and Ku started from town be-fore 3 o'clock Monday morning for Ewa,to make another effort to overtake Aiku-ala- ni

and Manuela Liilii. Before day-light they searched at their destinationfour or five houses suspected of harbor-ing the defiers of the law. No trace ofthem could be found, however, and af-

ter taking needed rest the party returnedto town, arriving at 3 p. m. Printedposters were put up in the district offer-ing $100 reward for the arrest of eitherof the men.

Judge Bickerton will leave on theKinau to-da- y to preside at the WaimeaCircuit Court, Hawaii, opening on Tues-day, Nov. 0th. Most of the town law-yers to attend will probably go bv latersteamers.

The diffusion plant of the Makee SugarCompany, Kealia, will be enlarged bythe addition of two batteries for whichroom had been left at the erection of theplant when the material for them ar-rives from the makers.

Foreign lorts.,cte.l from1 ' Due.Where Horn.

,rc Callao. Oct. .Oct,l.L'lnll ..


!Sia iTtmii) &B-r- V

C E N'f Eh H r A f jfc"! jB

V$., ecMissc &Sff3


"i r S.ui Francisco. Oct

' 'i:'.,.t,-- FebHunil' NvI't Towiiseiiil .Nov









Fancy and Staple Dry Goods.Fancy Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Millinery,

Will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices in order to make room for New Goods.

Chief Justice Judd on leaving SupremeCourt Chambers last evening carried inhis hand three fine large oranges on onestem. They were presented to him byJudge Bickerton, who grew them upon atree four or five feet in height in hisHarden.

' Nov.jnui Francisco.j

an Franci.M'o.Nov:kels San Francico Nov

55'iun.I uet'

San Francisco. Oct;ler lircnu-i- i Nv'Lie .Nanaiiiu) Oct

..,,,-o- n an Francisco.Sei't' ...Kurcka ejt

Fit ect'.Sa a Franei seo.e J t30

Police Court.Monday, Oct. 29.

R. Robinson, Nawahine, John Austin,Keapahani, John Erickson, Kaana andKahalewai (w.), $G each; Wm. Crewsanil Daniel Bone, $11 each ; all fordrunkenness.

Ah Jim and Ah Kim, opium in posses-sion. Ah Kim released and Ah Jimsentenced to $51 and be imprisoned 20days at hard labor.

For Sale on Draught, atIf30

The bark C. D. Bryant will sail at 2o'clock to-da-y for San Francisco. Shetakes a mail, closing at 1 o'clock. TheWeekly Gazette will be out at 8 o'clock

m 1- rancisco.eii1 .verv. . .

'J .ur l.ivirnooi i'et--

'.v York. . . .lec







i U6








THE "PANTHEON."'to Ind'n IFnk'.DecHongkong Oct

30-- tf

Haumea is lectured and discharged for

We will offer the biggest Bargains in Dry and lancy Goods in this country.

Our $5 Hats will be sold for $2.75 ; our $6 Hats, $3.75 ; our $3 Hats, $1 . 75 ;

our $10 Hats, $6; $15 Hats, $8.75.


Boy's Fine Straw Hats only 25 Cents each ;Our Linen Lawns Take the Cake! Price our Ribbons:

Our Stock of Ribbons is Complete and you may expect Bargains.

We MUST and we WILL sell in order to make room for New Goods.

florgin his wife.J ii!y Keceipts of Trod uo'.lus siifc'ar. Hags rice. Mis. pKgs. Ah Pau, assault and battery with an

Tlie Hisdonand Locomotive Works,

this morning ready to mail. CaptainLee says he will beat the next steamerover fully a week.

Col. Spalding will read a reporton the diffusion experiment at Ke-

alia, this morning at 10 o'clock at theroom of the Planters' Association, whichwill no doubt prove interesting. He in-

tends to make such verbal explanationsas mav be called for.

ItJi'UKl? I'M)Si'7

ax handle on Paai, is discharged on ac-

count of conflicting evidence. This isone of two rows between natives and450M.!rri

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,

San Francisco CaliforniaChinese, in both of which blood wasspilled, on Sunday, Sept. 30th.

W. II. TAYLOR residentR. S. MOORE Superintendent


ye: tmr Likehke, Oct 2'JL'ii!e. Master W K Castle, A L

The Satirical IJIrd.The Owl for October is more variegated

in plumage than former numbers, and:Ha!ui!l. Miss I E Lamb, Mrs J Miihuur suuYck passengers.


CHA.S. J. FISHELA Chinese prisoner, who was appar-

ently of a caste above the average, diedin jail on Saturday last. He was fromKohala and serving a second term withina short period. His ailment was asthma,complicated with other affections, aggra-vated with opium using.

therefore is more attractive goes down,in fact, much easier than "crow" would.It pecks at whatever head is disclosed in 61-t- fSMITING XOTKS.the dim light suited to tne optics 01 misbird. Its usefulness would be greater if

Builders of Steam machineryIn all its branches.

Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & Boilers,High Pressure or Compound.

STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,with hulls ot wood, iron or composite.

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con-

structed with reference to the trade in whichthey are to be emj loyed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade afte. the most approved plans- - Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any

'juf the Lark Lillian are beingit ceased to rail at the virtuous e.g.,CUUKT.TAX API'EALthe conductors of the local daily press

:i Fnret Queen will finish un- - HEALTHand reserved all its beak force for grapTwo Cases Adjusted at the AVaialua hing with evils that perhaps satire can::;ht to-da- y.

K'i Amy Turner is unloadingBrewer's wharf.

aer-- i W'.O. Hall and Iwalanibait reach.Session.

Police Justice Dayton returned on"bv IoiarisliingIs BestSunday from holding the session of theuiurnin for wind- - JS1 aintained

FOODY. 31. C. A. Welcome Social.

A social will be held at the Y. M. C.Tax Appeal Board at Waialua. Therewere only two cases adjudicated upon, A. parlors this evening at 7 :30 o'clock,


;:kV. Y. C'O Ifrey will come along-- c

alwliarr to-da- y to unload her

H. Haokfold's tlonkev enginethe decisions in both being acquiesced for the purpose of giving a welcome homein bv all the parties.

-'-fenreiiaired. he is now unload- - In the first case the Assessor hadto Mr. C. M. Cooke, the Association'sdelegate to the World's Convention atStockholm, Sweden. All members areexpected, and all friends of the Associa- -doubled the valuation given by the

Ranch Commnv. makincr it

?it the same..wipr J. A. Cummins takes this

?' ffii.ju for the new smoke-:Ui- e

Hfia SUg;ir mill."icaaliarkentine Mary Winkel-I'yrebori- r.

to-l;i- v in

tion cordianjf inviieu.2S.000. This proved to have been donefrom a misapprehension of the law as it

In this Climate something more than Food is required.


-. MALT .-



size, made in suitable lengtns lor connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork being far superior to hand work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, StrainWinches. Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificCoast of the Home Safety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for Irrigation orcity works' pun oses, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.

J. N. S. Williams Honolulu.Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckt.i Block.

41 -- 3m Affent for the Hawn. Inlands.


SPECIAL BUSINESS stands, and the Board restored theappellants' valuation of $14,000, thatbeing on the statutory basis of the real

J A. McKenzie. Plumber. Gasfitter andvalue of the property.The other case was that of Mr. James Tinner. Bethel street, is prepared to do all

kinds of repairing in his line, as he has in

':rtTuvvn,rid, W. T.Mokolii brought 807 bags

twd tattle, ti calves, 21 sheep, 40from Molokai.

kxt W. (;. ii;lu was loweredI1 K iilwav October 29th

wen cleaned and repainted.; Jf:can bark C. I). Brvant, Cap-ail.- s

at 2 o'clock this after- -

W. Gav's ranch, in which the Assessor'shis employ a hrst-clas- s worKnian. n

valuation was somewhat reduced. Ihetwhirtinn did not come up to the claim

with the Least Possibleof the appellant, as it was found during Contains ALL the Nutrieut Properties of MALTAmount of Alcohol.the investigation that he owned i,ouu

u.- i- sugar ana a large acres more than he was htmseli aware' yvtruvrs tor FpfinpUrn. --:o:-- ' V V A x V of. When this discovery was made,

which came about through a citation 01 A.. K. WEIR,facts latelv elicited in a Supreme Court Agents.BENSON, SMITH & CO,F MANDAMUS. RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY HIS

e public generally tnat netrial, the appellant gracefully gave up yirotJLDthe contest on that particular point. h:pK?e"d?SedB2

Importer niul Ieuler In

Chinese & Japanese Goods125-- Stana airingc nuuyWant Case-H- ow Many Appeals fnrn-prl- v ronducted bv A. Morcan at Nos. 79 and

tfl Kinc street, where he Is now prepared to docn le Taken? dramatists afloat. all kinds of Carriage Painting and Trimming:," rememhorfiil tlmt. "Tr Rosa Carriage and Heavy wagon ana uenerai

Blacksmithing witn promptness ana aispuu.Projecte! Tour of the tilone y star 42 NUUANU STREET.HAWAIIAN GAZETTE'the Supreme Court against Satisfaction guaranteed. 11'"Performers Honolulu the First Stopctioa for larceny of a client,ping: Police Court. The Have constantly on hand Silk, Satin,It is rumored that some time next;rear,i ona law point andde- - Annual Meeting --i Craie, Urass Cloth, .LmDroicierea ano

Book ana Job Printing Establishment s g aansnrin an expedition composed of somest the appellant in banco Waihee Sugar Co.of the best actors and actresses of the

Ar rrtTTTi TT 4 TTTT?!?f.t wyton for a certificate of appeal United States will fit out a vessel for thepffi.;,a the f;lc- - The maps- - purpose of traveling around the world,rb;?nPcerftt!fle?the appeal in the wn shows at the principal seaport

ANNUAL Mr.tiiiNi j.xixTHE Co. will be held on MONDAY, Novem-

ber 12. 188S, at the office of C. Brewer & Co., 27 Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. I.ti.i .'. wmi?rHii iitt mid no I rrm r A 11! nlniA tt-- ill Queen street, lionoiuiu. i iu u . .

" I towns, lneir nrsi caning wcTTnnniiiln. where thev will remain aboutlUlt and therefore declined

S'M eertifii-atft- . YMtorrlnv.i wppt-ma- vbe two. Taking it into con- -'"-f- V -

. Slip,-- ...... , .a wru ot nianua- - B;,lpration that they will be all "stars" Boat For Sale.ill be out tor a vacation, TAXES, 1888!something fine in the

as thev will be able to";i r.p.tlu s,10w cause why he "

v.' issue tl.. line of acting,

and Scarfs.A great variety of Chinese and Japa- -

nese Tea Sets, Vases, Bronze and Lac-quered Wares.

Ivory, Sandalwood and Tortoise ShellCard L'ases, Paper Cutters, Fans andJewelry Cases.

Gold" and Silver Jewelry, setting witlxTiger Claws, Cats' Eyes and Amber,such as Scarf Pins, Earrings, Bracelets,Necklaces, Etc.

An assortment of Chinese and Japa-nese Nick-Nack- s and Curiosities too nu-merous to specify.

Chinese Matting a specialty.Ebony and Marble Furniture in sets

Tables, Chairs and Settees.A full assortment of Flower Pots, Arti-

ficial Flower Baskets, Lacquered andBamboo Goods, Etc.

New Goods received by even' steamer.The public are respectfully invited to

THE BOAT SAVED FROMthe wreck of the "DunnotarCastle," and sold at auctionn h Kinsr. has been re- -

" ."l-ai- JC i..,v nnvthinir from lngh trageay to va--.. il is a


WHOLESALE GROCERSu 1 11 not unprece-- Thv will run their own boat,n cm" courts, ltie issue 1 . v: ftA omwsfllv fortflllIl III l IX- ; llLLll f I fitted, coppered anddecKea over oy air.

and is for sale cheap for cash by ..."3 rerii'i lon oi opening the doorthem regardless of cot, and carry their

nC.i mny cases, from the Tax Collector s Noticeown scenes and turnisii meirowuum-nrpw- .Thev are making every-'-tie ulc wiucn ottierwise

is fl ... as fowwr ihmidpd Purchasing Agents.iirranement and will release themselves DRESSMAKING.from engagements they have as last as:hsi;S0a ?f so much importance''fcrj. ,v-(ner-

al will appear toDayton. . possible. t

Thanks.District of Honolulu, Island of Oahu. inspect our goods. n'3mM. B. CAMPBELL HAS COMMENCED

MRS business of Dressmaking, Cutting andFittimL at her residence, No. 73 Beretania streetian Gazette. Tha tlmnks of our reporter are heartily

Sole Agents for

Simpson's Top-o-Ca- n Brand

Diamond Creamery


AZETTE, just OUt, COn- - J. H. Keist, secondaccorded to Mr. opposite the Hotel. The patronage 01 merespectfully solicited. Satisfaction

j :nt anJ a five-colum- n deputv cierk of the Supreme Co nt, for"'PtoL, C.ntaU,s the fullest re" mnnr'favo at his hands during the late


NOTICE.Supreme Court 4 e ,lfu:M, h kent the records.PAYERS IN THIS DISTRICT ARETAX notified that the Taxes for the cur-

rent year will be due rul payable at the office ofJi5tcel ai I iciuii vji n uv" 1

a great variety of .1 . i .. 1,00 o rlcrhf, to exnect

The Bk. H. Hackfeld

Has Just Arrived with a

Cargo of


- - i wiiiie me prea uo.o ..0 -Editorial articles treatment at the AND AFTER OCTOBER 1, 1888. CHU GEM

(J is alone authonzl to sign the firm namennhlic ofiicials. the clerk of the. term inof various.

hevond that 14-l- m

rpHIS CELEBRATED BUTTER ISJL of the finest quality, made upon tbe

Danish and American systems combined.Packed in hermetically sealed tins, andwarranted to keep in hot climates.

,ichh,: T aPpear in full offir-iallv- . fremientlv bv eoinu out of his way savea. RiiTv, . . . : "'J I fthe reporter long waits for verdicts orenv AtT B

lMiea Uaa been giv

the undersigned, rio. aa aiercnant street, ttlscity, on the .FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D.1888. Office open from 8 a. m. to 5 p. in. daily.Any person desiring to pay his taxes before theabo-v- mentioned date can do so at the collec-tor's office as above indicated'.

f3TAll amounts remaining unpaid after theFIFTEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER NEXT willbe liable to an ADDITIONAL TEN PER CENT,and costs of collection.

CHAS. T. GULICK,Tax Collector, District of Honolulu.

Honolulu, Not. 75, 1848. 131-6- t 1242-- 3t

W-A.JSTTE-D.nShvia,:. is an unusu decisions. This is our penouiuai

r, f.r-- nfL'nnwlml?in2 COI1- -, , -- FOR-L Li 11 1 L V . iXinU, - ,

w I oster,IT.head of th. Clerk's otli26 and 28 California St,

SAN FRANCISCO, : : CAL.168 1206-1- 7

. XT H. HACKFELD & CO.123-l- w

1 iho V.rt. DeDUtv Cierk. 3ir. im uySMALL FAMILY, A JAP-- A

"ferr,,! if he can speak EnglishIrTplyTo J. T- - and II. Waterhonae, Queen street,wharf. ins

Oct. 22, i,11 oa hp firf-nrime- d iziiueIC;;???1?? corresr.,?-..,t- of . I - wfern itii, 3? w

man abovo.auairs.


cnmil 2lborrttsnitcnts.

LEWIS & CO. Australian Mail Service. (3 rp J--J g PUBLIC B.F.EHLEES.

CIlave Just Ileceived ex S. S. --Just KeceivAil -a -Pnii xme

Mariposa," On account of tho extreme dull times, which has 0f--

now lasted for several months, LADIES'. . uiMiLiimiM'js v ANDFOR SAN FRANCISCO. Ma v CHlLlN. Z. Smoked Haddock .1


Cha new and fine Al Bteel steamship m cotton --Bat- hingv Suits-Andi-D,

. .J C--fx iL- - OA

New Zealand Potatoes 6 fc MAJRrPOSA." rJMsSVi Has arrnmnlated so that it is too large ior me dwuiC' . . . thp ponnliisioni -- .Vri - 1 T 1 t 1 Knrafnra rrvm to: i ? . i - ' -- ---- mat 1 Keep: a iuwow v.ww - ALSO- -

Sftf to sell all myOf tna Oceanic Steamship Company, will be doe Ladies' Black Diamonri

at Honolulu from Sydney and Aucklandon or about Sydney Stock and Kellegore Saddles U1 - -


H NTEKPBIS 0 tSTln future Mrs. E. G. Small will be1-- tf

prepared to lo futtiS and Fitt.AT SYDNEY PRICES. AND ALSO, MY


READY-MAD- E HARNESSAt Reduced Prices for 60 days only.

ALAKEA, NEAR QUEEN STREET. J174 Telephone 55.a Iov. 18th, 1888,

Pioneer - Shirt Factory, of Honolai3STo. 17 Emma Street.

And will leave for the abve port with malls andSugar Plant Jfor Sale. passengers on or abou t that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to As my Harnesses have stood trial here for ten year3, it is of no use to me to

make any comments on my class of work . Only, I will say, they are made outof the very best of material, and by the best workmen in the Kingdom, andsuperintended by myself.

The undersigned begs to inform the public of these islands w ,agurement. Directions for self-measureme- nt will be given on a vmak,n5sJWin. (x. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS. White Shirts, Over Shirts and Night Go

With this guarantee, I will give you a chance to buv Saddles, Saddle Bags,School Bacs. Riding Bridles and Martino-als- . and Ridins Legcins of all kinds, and

VFor Sytlliey ailtl AUCkland. Harnesses at reduced prices. All parties ordering from the islands will have the A fit guaranteed by making a sample Shirt to every order. isia: Osame ueneut at muse nere.

With this assurance on my part, will you come and look for yourself.


A--M. MELLlgST Bell Telephone 140

The Entire Plant of the

STAR MILL CO.Kohala, Is offered for sale. The machinery id

In perfect working order, and consists of

One 2'x48 Mill with Engine, Trash-carrie- r,

etc., complete.One pair of boilers, 6x20.One Double Effect, 6 and 7 ft. Pans.One Vacuum Pan 6 with Blake Purnp.Three Weston Centrifugals and Engine.

Together with the usual assortment of ClarifleiCleaning Pans, Coolers and other Machinetusually found In a well appointed Mill.

Also, a number of

California anil I.slantl Mules.

The new and fine Al steel steamship

'ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

Nov. 22, 1888.Old Corner Harness Shop.118-2- m WINGr WO CHAN & Co., NUIJAXU


Anrl will huVA nromn rtlmatpn urftH mafia anCan Carts and General Plantation Implements, j assengers for the above ports.

... . . . I For freight or passage, Laving SUPERIOR AO



u., .in u Kiveu Miter iiw crup ub i COaLMODATlONS, apply tobeen harvested, say about July 1. 1889. I NEW G-OOD-gl

Suitable for Christmas and New Year's piWin. Gr. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS

For further particulars apply to

Jolin Hind,Manngcr Star Mill,



JOS. TIoSTKER,Family & Shipping Butcher

113 Xuuanu Street, opposite Emma Hall


Chinese & Japanese Goods,Walfaiam Watches, Elgin Watches, Etc., Etc. Something new in Honolulu;

Extension "Veranda Chair:At Exceedingly Low Prices.CLOCKS BEAUTIFUL MARBLE CLOCKS.

A Special Line of Alarm Clocks at $1.75 Each.o

Fire Crackers, New Designs in Cups andSaucees, Tea, Cigars, and all kinds of FancyGoods

At Greatly Reduced Prices.

Ebony and Marble Diningroom Sets,Matting in all variety and colors,

Silks, Satins and Pongee,Silk Crepe, in all shades;

Mantel and HearthThese Goods have all been personally selected in the States, euaran

City Market, Nuuanu St.Prime Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb,

Dairy-fe- d Pork and Cambridge Sausage,fresh every day.

Corned Beef and Pickled Tongue alwayson hand and put up in quantities to suit.


i : .u 1 ,. 1 : i i r i k- -' i i tittcmg mereuy a cuuice selection 01 ine newest ana latest uesigns.Regular shipments by every steamer. Having every facility requisite for a first-clas- s Jewelry Manufacturing Estab- - KQQT llAlAncr T'oo f,Vifinn 11011 i In f1

lishment, we feel confident that we cai manufacture anything that may be 4 yJUlVUg V(lj KJHUlijKj Iflctlllld jlZrequireu m me oeweiry anu ouverware JLine. llG-l-y


Watch Repairing and Engraving in our well-know- n manner.GOMES & WICHMAN, Fort Street.P. O. Box 343. 106BTJHACH!

ID? N. B. All meats delivered everymorning within a radius of three milesof the city.

My prices are as reasonable as any-where, and all orders attended to withpromptness and dispatch. 114-l-m


GENERAL MERCANTILEBeware of Imitations,

Which are being put upon the market.Stands First An the Leading Life Assnrance Companies of the Worlfl,

COMMISSION AGENTS.In Outstanding Assurance, in New Business, in Surplus, in Total Income,

in Premium Income, in the annual Increase in Surplus andAssets, in the Percentage of Assets to Liabilities,

and in all other Important Respects.Assets. Dec. 31, 1887, $84,478,904 85.LIST OF OFFICERS:

P. O. Jones. Jr President and ManagerJ. O. Carter Treasurer and SecretaryHon. W. f. Allen Auditor

It having come to our notice, that an inferior

quality of Gin, purporting to be J. J. Melchers'"Elephant" Brand, ig being offered for saleiathis market, we have to

Caution tlie 3?n"blicThat we are the Sole Agents in the Hawaiian Is-

lands, for the said Brand, and that every genuinebottle bears our " Sole Agency " label.

w. c. PEACOCK & Co.,

Sole Agents for J. J. Melchers'

Schiedam, W. Z.


sold onlj by

Bin, Smith & Co.

Sole Agents In the


Outstanding Assurance 8483,029,562New Business of 1887 138,0 23,105Surplus (4 per cent. Standard) 18,104,255Increase in Surplus during the Year l,748,37tIncrease in Assets during the Year 8,868,432Total Income 23,240,849Premium Income 19,115,775Percentage of Assets to Liabilities 127

A Careftil Study of the abore Proves Conclusively that the Equitable Society


Hon. C. B. Bishop. lion. H. Waterhouse

PACIFICBardwapft f!nnii)flnv I'd

i ue must, rromauie anu secure Aiiie AssuranceCompany for intending Assurers.



Have Just Opened and Mfg. Co. ORGANIZED 1850.J

STOCKTON, CAL.78 auel2tf

The Manhattan Life Insurance Companyof jSTew York.

New Lines of GoodsWhich will repay inspection. JOHN INT OTT,

t& Assets over 811,000,000.In th Salesrooms on the second floor aramany arlole entirely new to this market.

3T Net Surplus over 82,000,000.

Claus yprecfcels Wm. G. Irwin.



POSITIVE RESULTSSpecial Goods at Special Prices!Of a Policy in the Manhattan Life on the New Plan. - rHousehold I Goods in large variety Honolulu HAWAIIAN ISLANDS

a. , js v

Complete LinesI - Fill1 i r PF--Draw Exchange on the principal parts o the i 1 rt U. tut " J ifHardware, Agricultural M- - I'

f if . mm m am n Wilin Tr rmr t - t , ,Implements, Etc.

Age, 30; amount of Policy, $10,000; term, 20 years.

The Annual Premium will be 9 301 8The 20 payments will amount to q qsq qqAt the end of that time the Company will return to the holder in cashll .l 5700 00Thus the $10,000 Insurance will have been secured at the net cost for 20


years of only 336 OQor $1.68 for fl, 000 insurance per year,or if the Cash be not drawn the Policy will become paid up for 10,050 00

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

Deposits bearing Interest received In their SavIngs Department subject to published rules andregulations. 17oc3tf

Plantation Supplies, Kerosene Oil ofbest quality.

9O 1238 Pacific Hardware Co.. L'd.. Honolulu

LOVE'S BAKERYAo. 73 Nnnann Street.

These Tesults are not estimated, but are fixed in a Positive Contract, the full face Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Gofls.HOA OJL (JJj U MAKKET. iS n forfeiture of payments on discontinuance of policy after three years, a

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron WMBS. ROBT. LOVE, ... Proprietress.

(Successor to Wm. McCandless.)

'So. 6 queen Street, Fish market, Ho

Cash or Paid up Value being Guaranteed by the Terms ofthe New York Law.

For examples at other ages, and also on the 10 and 15 years' plans, write or annlvat the Office of the Agent. J

67Inolulu, H. I.

1876. GEO W. LINCOLN.NOTE. The Manhattan's is the simplest form of policy in existence, and Incon-testable after 6 years, this feature having been originated and adopted by this Comnanover 20 years ago. v 3


Every Description of Plain and Fancy

Bread and Crackers,F RES H

Soda CrackersA N D J

Saloon BreadAlways on Hand.

Choicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, Fish


Always Kept on Hand.86-t-f 1235-t-f UILDEB

Family and Shipping orders CarefullyAttended to. HonoH. . . -The Weekly Gazette and Daily P. C. Advertiser 75 and 77 Kino-- Street,Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at shortnotice.


Island Order Promptly AUendedpto.172-S-n

Ar thm Finett Advfertlsine Mediums In the ilhsdoinxTelephones No. 212 6i