commercial trade area report - ·...

COMMERCIAL TRADE AREA REPORT Cleveland, TN 37323 Presented by Hien Pham Tennessee Real Estate License: 334776 Mobile: (865) 591-1158 Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

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Page 1: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually


Cleveland, TN 37323

Presented by

Hien PhamTennessee Real Estate License: 334776

Mobile: (865) 591-1158

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.


Page 2: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

Criteria Used for AnalysisIncome:Median Household Income

Age:Median Age

Population Stats:Total Population

Segmentation:1st Dominant Segment

$39,695 40.0 31,445 Southern Satellites

Consumer SegmentationLife Mode UrbanizationWhat are thepeople like thatlive in this area?

Rustic OutpostsCountry life with older families, olderhomes

Where do peoplelike this usuallylive?

RuralCountry living with older families, low density and lowdiversity

Top TapestrySegments Southern Satellites

HeartlandCommunities Middleburg Salt of the Earth Traditional Living

% of Households 5,374 (46.1%) 3,373 (29.0%) 2,111 (18.1%) 417 (3.6%) 393 (3.4%)

% of Bradley County 7,173 (18.1%) 3,503 (8.9%) 4,847 (12.3%) 8,096 (20.5%) 1,082 (2.7%)

Lifestyle Group Rustic Outposts Cozy Country Living Family Landscapes Cozy Country Living Hometown

Urbanization Group Rural Semirural Semirural Rural Metro Cities

Residence Type Single Family orMobile Homes

Single Family Single Family Single Family Single Family

Household Type Married Couples Married Couples Married Couples Married Couples Singles

Average Household Size 2.65 2.38 2.73 2.58 2.5

Median Age 39.7 41.5 35.3 43.1 34.8

Diversity Index 38.6 29.6 46.3 18.3 53.1

Median Household Income $44,000 $39,000 $55,000 $53,000 $37,000

Median Net Worth $70,000 $55,000 $89,000 $134,000 $29,000

Median Home Value $119,000 $89,000 $158,000 $134,000 $79,000

Homeownership 78.6 % 79.3 % 74.3 % 83.7 % 60.1 %

Employment Services, Professionalor Administration

Services or Professional Professional orServices

Professional orServices

Services,Administration orProfessional

Education High School Graduate High School Graduate College Degree High School Graduate High School Graduate;Some College

Preferred Activities Go hunting,fishing. Own a petdog.

Go hunting, fishing;ridemotorcycles. Participatein local activities.

Buy children's toys andclothes. Go hunting,bowling, targetshooting.

Go fishing, hunting,boating,camping. Tackle homeimprovement projects.

Go camping; visit thezoo. Eat fast food.

Financial Shop at Walmart Buy insurance fromagent

Carry some debt;invest for future

Buy insurance fromagent

Carry credit cardbalances, studentloans

Media Listen to countrymusic; watch CMT

Listen to country music;watch CMT

Watch country,Christian TV channels

Access Internet by dial-up modem

Watch QVC, CMT,Game Show Network

Vehicle Own, maintain truck Own domestic truck,SUV

Own trucks, SUVs Own truck, ATV Own 1-2 vehicles

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 3: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

Who We AreSouthern Satellites is the second largestmarket found in rural settlements, typicallywithin metropolitan areas located primarilyin the South. This market is generally non-diverse, slightly older, settled married-couple families, who own their homes.Almost two-thirds of the homes are single-family structures; a third are mobilehomes. Median household income andhome value are below average. Workersare employed in a variety of industries,such as manufacturing, health care, retailtrade and construction, with higherproportions in mining and agriculture thanthe U.S. Residents enjoy country living,preferring outdoor activities and DIY homeprojects.

Our NeighborhoodAbout 79% of households are owned.Married couples with no children are thedominant household type, with a number ofmulti-generational households.Most are single-family homes (65%), with anumber of mobile homes.Most housing units were built in 1970 or later.Most households own 1 or 2 vehicles, butowning 3+ vehicles is common

Socioeconomic TraitsEducation: almost 40% have a high schooldiploma only; 41% have college education.Unemployment rate is 9.2%, slightly higherthan the U.S. rate.Labor force participation rate is 59.7%, slightlylower than the U.S.These consumers are more concerned aboutcost rather than quality or brand loyalty.They tend to be somewhat late in adapting totechnology.They obtain a disproportionate amount of theirinformation from TV, compared to othermedia.

Market ProfileUsually own a truck; likely to service itthemselves.Frequent the convenience store, usually to fillup a vehicle with gas.Typical household has a satellite dish.Work on home improvement and remodelingprojects.Own a pet, commonly a dog.Participate in fishing and hunting.Prefer to listen to country music and watchCountry Music Television (CMT).Read fishing/hunting and home servicemagazines.Partial to eating at low-cost family restaurantsand drive-ins.Use Walmart for all their shopping needs(groceries, clothing, pharmacy, etc.).

An overview of who makes up this segment across the United States

The demographic segmentation shown here can help you understand the lifestyles and life stages of consumers in a market. Data provider Esri classifiesU.S. residential neighborhoods into 67 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Data Source: Esri 2015. UpdateFrequency: Annually.

This is the

#1dominant segmentfor this area

In this area

46.1%of households fallinto this segment

In the United States

3.2%of households fallinto this segment

About this segment

Southern Satellites

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 4: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

Who We AreWell settled and close-knit, HeartlandCommunities are semirural andsemiretired. These older householdersare primarily homeowners, and manyhave paid off their mortgages. Theirchildren have moved away, but they haveno plans to leave their homes. Theirhearts are with the country; they embracethe slower pace of life here but activelyparticipate in outdoor activities andcommunity events. Traditional andpatriotic, these residents support theirlocal businesses, always buy American,and favor domestic driving vacations overforeign plane trips.

Our NeighborhoodRural communities or small towns areconcentrated in the Midwest, from olderRustbelt cities to the Great Plains.Distribution of household types is comparableto the U.S., primarily (but not the majority)married couples,more with no children, and a slightly higherproportion of singles that reflects the aging ofthe population.Residents own modest, single-family homesbuilt before 1970.They own one or two vehicles; commutes areshort.

Socioeconomic TraitsRetirees in this market depress the averagelabor force participation rate to less than 60%,but the unemployment rate is comparable tothe U.S.More workers are white collar than blue collar;more skilled than unskilled.The rural economy of this market providesemployment in the manufacturing,construction and agriculture industries.These are budget-savvy consumers; they stickto brands they grew up with and know the priceof goods they purchase. Buying American isimportant.Daily life is busy, but routine. Working on theweekends is not uncommon.Residents trust TV and newspapers more thanany other media.Skeptical about their financial future, they stickto community banks and low-risk investments.

Market ProfileTraditional in their ways, residents of HeartlandCommunities choose to bank and pay theirbills in person and purchase insurance from anagent.Most have high-speed Internet access at homeor on their cell phone but aren't ready to gopaperless.Many residents have paid off their homemortgages but still hold auto loans and studentloans. Non-interest checking accounts arecommon.To support their local community, residentsparticipate in public activities.Home remodeling is not a priority, buthomeowners do tackle necessary maintenancework on their cherished homes. They haveinvested in riding lawn mowers to maintaintheir larger yards.They enjoy country music and watch CMT.Motorcycling, hunting and fishing are popular;walking is the main form of exercise.To get around these semi-rural communities,residents prefer domestic trucks or SUVs.They prefer to travel in the U.S. and favor theconvenience of packaged deals.

An overview of who makes up this segment across the United States

The demographic segmentation shown here can help you understand the lifestyles and life stages of consumers in a market. Data provider Esri classifiesU.S. residential neighborhoods into 67 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Data Source: Esri 2015. UpdateFrequency: Annually.

This is the

#2dominant segmentfor this area

In this area

29.0%of households fallinto this segment

In the United States

2.4%of households fallinto this segment

About this segment

Heartland Communities

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 5: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

Who We AreMiddleburg neighborhoods transformedfrom the easy pace of country living tosemi-rural subdivisions in the lastdecade, when the housing boom reachedout. Residents are conservative, family-oriented consumers. Still more countrythan rock and roll, they are thrifty but willingto carry some debt and are alreadyinvesting in their futures. They rely on theirsmartphones and mobile devices to stayin touch and pride themselves on theirexpertise. They prefer to buy American andtravel in the U.S. This market is youngerbut growing in size and assets.

Our NeighborhoodSemi-rural locales within metropolitan areas.Neighborhoods changed rapidly in theprevious decade with the addition of newsingle-family homes.Include a number of mobile homes.Affordable housing, median value of $158,000with a low vacancy rate.Young couples, many with children; averagehousehold size is 2.73.

Socioeconomic TraitsEducation: 66% with a high school diploma orsome college.Unemployment rate lower at 7.4%.Labor force participation typical of a youngerpopulation at 66.7%.Traditional values are the norm here--faith,country and family.Prefer to buy American and for a good price.Comfortable with the latest in technology, forconvenience (online banking or saving moneyon landlines) and entertainment.

Market ProfileResidents are partial to trucks, SUVs, andoccasionally, convertibles or motorcycles.Entertainment is primarily family-oriented, TVand movie rentals or theme parks and familyrestaurants.Spending priorities also focus on family(children's toys and apparel) or home DIYprojects.Sports include hunting, target shooting,bowling and baseball.TV and magazines provide entertainment andinformation.Media preferences include country andChristian channels.

An overview of who makes up this segment across the United States

The demographic segmentation shown here can help you understand the lifestyles and life stages of consumers in a market. Data provider Esri classifiesU.S. residential neighborhoods into 67 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Data Source: Esri 2015. UpdateFrequency: Annually.

This is the

#3dominant segmentfor this area

In this area

18.1%of households fallinto this segment

In the United States

2.8%of households fallinto this segment

About this segment


Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 6: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

Who We AreSalt of the Earth residents are entrenchedin their traditional, rural lifestyles. Citizensare older, and many have grown childrenthat have moved away. They still cherishfamily time and also tending to theirvegetable gardens and preparinghomemade meals. Residents embracethe outdoors; they spend most of their freetime preparing for their next fishing,boating or camping trip. The majority hasat least a high school diploma or somecollege education; many have expandedtheir skill set during their years ofemployment in the manufacturing andrelated industries. They may be expertswith DIY projects, but the latest technologyis not their forte. They use it whenabsolutely necessary but seek face-to-face contact in their routine activities.

Our NeighborhoodThis large segment is concentrated in theMidwest, particularly in Ohio, Pennsylvaniaand Indiana.Due to their rural setting, households own twovehicles to cover their long commutes, oftenacross county boundaries.Home ownership rates are very high. Single-family homes are affordable, valued at 25percent less than the national market.Two in three households are composed ofmarried couples; less than half have childrenat home.

Socioeconomic TraitsSteady employment in construction,manufacturing, and related service industries.Completed education: 42% with a high schooldiploma only.Household income just over the nationalmedian, while net worth is double the nationalmedian.Spending time with family their top priority.Cost-conscious consumers, loyal to brands theylike, with a focus on buying American.Last to buy the latest and greatest products.Try to eat healthy, tracking the nutrition andingredients in the food they purchase.

Market ProfileOutdoor sports and activities, such as fishing,boating, hunting and overnight camping tripsare popular.To support their pastimes, truck ownership ishigh; many also own an ATV.They own the equipment to maintain theirlawns and tend to their vegetable gardens.Residents often tackle home remodeling andimprovement jobs themselves.Due to their locale, they own satellite dishes,and many still require dial-up modems toaccess the Internet.These conservative consumers prefer toconduct their business in person rather thanonline. They use an agent to purchaseinsurance.

An overview of who makes up this segment across the United States

The demographic segmentation shown here can help you understand the lifestyles and life stages of consumers in a market. Data provider Esri classifiesU.S. residential neighborhoods into 67 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Data Source: Esri 2015. UpdateFrequency: Annually.

This is the

#4dominant segmentfor this area

In this area

3.6%of households fallinto this segment

In the United States

2.9%of households fallinto this segment

About this segment

Salt of the Earth

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 7: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

Who We AreResidents in the Traditional Livingsegment reside primarily in low-density,settled neighborhoods in the Midwest. Thehouseholds are a mix of married-couplefamilies and singles. Many familiesencompass two generations who havelived and worked in the community; theirchildren are likely to follow suit. Themanufacturing, retail trade and health-caresectors are the primary sources ofemployment for these residents. This is ayounger market--beginning householderswho are juggling the responsibilities ofliving on their own or a new marriage,while retaining their youthful interests instyle and fun.

Our NeighborhoodMarried couples are the dominant householdtype, but fewer than expected from theyounger age profile and fewer with children;however, there are higher proportions of single-parent and single-person households.Average household size is slightly lower at2.50.Homes are primarily single family or duplexesin older neighborhoods, built before 1940.Most neighborhoods are located in lower-density urban clusters of metro areasthroughout the Midwest and South.Average commuting time to work is slightlyshorter.Households have one or two vehicles.

Socioeconomic TraitsOver 70% have completed high school orsome college.Unemployment is higher at 10.9%; labor forceparticipation is also a bit higher at 64.6%.Over three quarters of households deriveincome from wages and salaries, augmentedby Supplemental Security Income and publicassistance.Cost-conscious consumers that are comfortablewith brand loyalty, unless the price is too high.Connected and comfortable with the Internet,they are more likely to participate in onlinegaming or to access dating websites.TV is seen as the most trusted media.

Market ProfileThey shop for groceries at discount stores suchas Walmart supercenters; Kmart is also afavorite for apparel and sundry household andpersonal care products.Convenience stores are commonly used forfuel or picking up incidentals like lottery tickets.They tend to carry credit card balances, havestudent loans and pay bills in person.Half of households have abandoned landlinesfor cell phones only.They watch their favorite channels includingQVC, CMT and Game Show Network.They're fast-food devotees.They enjoy outdoor activities such as campingand taking trips to the zoo.

An overview of who makes up this segment across the United States

The demographic segmentation shown here can help you understand the lifestyles and life stages of consumers in a market. Data provider Esri classifiesU.S. residential neighborhoods into 67 unique market segments based on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Data Source: Esri 2015. UpdateFrequency: Annually.

This is the

#5dominant segmentfor this area

In this area

3.4%of households fallinto this segment

In the United States

2.0%of households fallinto this segment

About this segment

Traditional Living

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 8: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

20152020 (Projected)

Total PopulationThis chart shows the total population inan area, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

20152020 (Projected)

Population DensityThis chart shows the number of peopleper square mile in an area, comparedwith other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

20152020 (Projected)

Population Change Since 2010This chart shows the percentage changein area's population from 2010 to 2015,compared with other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

20152020 (Projected)

Average Household SizeThis chart shows the average householdsize in an area, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Cleveland, TN 37323: Population Comparison

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 9: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

20152020 (Projected)

Population Living in FamilyHouseholdsThis chart shows the percentage of anarea’s population that lives in ahousehold with one or more individualsrelated by birth, marriage or adoption,compared with other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Women 2015Men 2015Women 2020 (Projected)Men 2020 (Projected)

Female / Male RatioThis chart shows the ratio of females tomales in an area, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 10: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

20152020 (Projected)

Median AgeThis chart shows the median age in anarea, compared with other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

20152020 (Projected)

Population by AgeThis chart breaks down the population ofan area by age group.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Cleveland, TN 37323: Age Comparison

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 11: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually


Married / Unmarried AdultsRatioThis chart shows the ratio of married tounmarried adults in an area, comparedwith other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

MarriedThis chart shows the number of people inan area who are married, compared withother geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Never MarriedThis chart shows the number of people inan area who have never been married,compared with other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

WidowedThis chart shows the number of people inan area who are widowed, comparedwith other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

DivorcedThis chart shows the number of people inan area who are divorced, compared withother geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Cleveland, TN 37323: Marital Status Comparison

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 12: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

20152020 (Projected)

Average Household IncomeThis chart shows the average householdincome in an area, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

20152020 (Projected)

Median Household IncomeThis chart shows the median householdincome in an area, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

20152020 (Projected)

Per Capita IncomeThis chart shows per capita income in anarea, compared with other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Average Disposable IncomeThis chart shows the average disposableincome in an area, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Cleveland, TN 37323: Economic Comparison

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 13: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

Bradley CountyTennesseeUSA

Unemployment RateThis chart shows the unemploymenttrend in an area, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: Bureau of Labor Statisticsvia 3DLUpdate Frequency: Monthly

Employment Count byIndustryThis chart shows industries in an areaand the number of people employed ineach category.Data Source: Bureau of Labor Statisticsvia Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 14: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

Less than 9th GradeThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area who have less than aninth grade education, compared withother geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Some High SchoolThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area whose highesteducational achievement is some highschool, without graduating or passing ahigh school GED test, compared withother geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

High School GEDThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area whose highesteducational achievement is passing ahigh school GED test, compared withother geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

High School GraduateThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area whose highesteducational achievement is high school,compared with other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Some CollegeThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area whose highesteducational achievement is somecollege, without receiving a degree,compared with other geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Cleveland, TN 37323: Education Comparison

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 15: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

Associate DegreeThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area whose highesteducational achievement is an associatedegree, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Bachelor's DegreeThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area whose highesteducational achievement is a bachelor'sdegree, compared with othergeographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Grad/Professional DegreeThis chart shows the percentage ofpeople in an area whose highesteducational achievement is a graduateor professional degree, compared withother geographies.Data Source: U.S. Census AmericanCommunity Survey via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 16: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

Median Estimated Home ValueThis chart displays property estimates foran area and a subject property, whereone has been selected. Estimated homevalues are generated by a valuationmodel and are not formal appraisals.Data Source: Valuation calculationsbased on public records and MLS sourceswhere licensedUpdate Frequency: Monthly

12-Month Change in MedianEstimated Home ValueThis chart shows the 12-month change inthe estimated value of all homes in thisarea, the county and the state. Estimatedhome values are generated by avaluation model and are not formalappraisals.Data Source: Valuation calculationsbased on public records and MLS sourceswhere licensedUpdate Frequency: Monthly

Median Listing PriceThis chart displays the median listingprice for homes in this area, the countyand the state.Data Source: On- and off-market listingssourcesUpdate Frequency: Monthly

12-Month Change in MedianListing PriceThis chart displays the 12-month changein the median listing price of homes inthis area, and compares it to the countyand state.Data Source: On- and off-market listingssourcesUpdate Frequency: Monthly

Cleveland, TN 37323: Home Value Comparison

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016

Page 17: Commercial Trade Area Report - · 7/29/2016  · information from TV, compared to other media. Market Profile Usually

Best Retail Businesses

This chart shows the types of businesses that consumers are leaving an area to find. The business types represented by blue bars are relatively scarce in the area,so consumers go elsewhere to have their needs met. The orange business types are relatively plentiful in the area, meaning there are existing competitors for thedollars that consumers spend in these categories.Data Source: Retail Marketplace via Esri, 2015Update Frequency: Annually

Indexed Values From -100 to 100

Cleveland, TN 37323

Copyright 2016 Realtors Property Resource® LLC. All Rights Reserved. Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity. 7/29/2016