commands in ems

Command Listing The command line interface of the administration tool allows you to perform a variety of functions. Note that when a system uses shared configuration files, the actions performed using the administration tool take effect only when connected to the active server. Many of the commands listed below accept arguments that specify the names of users, groups, topics or queues. For information about the syntax and that apply to these names, see Naming Conventions . Note that SSL commands are not listed in this table. SSL commands are listed in several tables in Chapter 18, Using the SSL Protocol . The following is an alphabetical listing of the commands including command syntax and a description of each command. add member add member group_name user_name [,user2,user3,...] Add one or more users to the group. User names that are not already defined are added to the group as external users; see Administration Commands and External Users and Groups . addprop factory addprop factory factory-name properties ... Adds properties to the factory. Property names are separated by spaces. See factories.conf on page 226 for the list of factory properties. An example is: addprop factory MyTopicFactory ssl_trusted=cert1.pem ssl_trusted=cert2.pem ssl_verify_host=disabled addprop queue addprop queue queue-name properties,... Adds properties to the queue. Property names are separated by commas. For information on properties that can be assigned to queues, see Destination Properties . addprop route addprop route route-name prop=value[ prop-value...] Adds properties to the route.

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Command ListingThe command line interface of the administration tool allows you to perform a variety offunctions. Note that when a system uses shared configuration files, the actions performed using the administration tool take effect only when connected to the active server.Many of the commands listed below accept arguments that specify the names of users,groups, topics or queues. For information about the syntax and that apply to these names, seeNaming Conventions.

Note that SSL commands are not listed in this table. SSL commands are listed in severaltables inChapter18, Using the SSL Protocol.

The following is an alphabetical listing of the commands including command syntax and adescription of each command.add memberadd member group_name user_name [,user2,user3,...]Add one or more users to the group. User names that are not already defined are added tothe group as external users; seeAdministration Commands and External Users and Groups.addprop factoryaddprop factory factory-name properties ...Adds properties to the factory. Property names are separated by spaces.Seefactories.confon page226for the list of factory properties.An example is:addprop factory MyTopicFactory ssl_trusted=cert1.pem ssl_trusted=cert2.pem ssl_verify_host=disabledaddprop queueaddprop queue queue-name properties,...Adds properties to the queue. Property names are separated by commas.For information on properties that can be assigned to queues, seeDestination Properties.addprop routeaddprop route route-name prop=value[ prop-value...]Adds properties to the route.Destination (topic and queue) properties must be separated by commas but properties ofroutes and factories are separated with spaces.You can set thezone_nameandzone_typeparameters when creating a route, but you cannot subsequently change them.For route properties, seeConfiguring Routes and Zones.For the configuration fileroutes.conf, seeroutes.confon page232.addprop topicaddprop topic topic_name properties,...Adds properties to the topic. Property names are separated by commas.For information on properties that can be assigned to topics, seeDestination Properties.autocommitautocommit [on|off]When autocommit is set toon, the changes made to the configuration files are automatically saved to disk after each command. Whenautocommitis set tooff, you must manually use thecommitcommand to save configuration changes to the disk.By default, autocommit is set toonwhen interactively issuing commands.Enteringautocommitwithout parameters displays the current setting of autocommit (onoroff).Regardless of the autocommit setting, the EMS server acts on each admin commandimmediately making it part of the configuration. The autocommit feature only determines when the configuration is written to the files.

commitcommitCommits all configuration changes into files on disk.compactcompact store_name max_timeCompacts the store files for the specified store. Compaction is not available for stores oftypemstore.Since compaction can be a lengthy operation, and it blocks other database operations,max_timespecifies a time limit (in seconds) for the operation. Note thatmax_timemust be a number greater than zero.If truncation is not enabled for the store file, the compact command will not reduce the filesize. Truncation is enabled using thefile_truncateparameter in thestores.conffile. Seestores.confon page234for more information.We recommend compacting the store files only when theUsedSpaceusage is 30% or less (seeshow storeon page156).If you have not configured your EMS server application with multiple store files, thecompactcommand syntax is:compact store_type max_timewherestore_typeis:a,async, orasynchronousto compact the asynchronous file.

s,sync, orsynchronousto compact the synchronous file.

The file will not be compacted unless thestore_truncateparameter is enabled in thetibemsd.conffile.

connectconnect [server-url {admin|user_name} password]Connects the administration tool to the server. Any administrator can connect. Anadministrator is either theadminuser, any user in the$admingroup, or any user that has administrator permissions enabled. SeeAdministrator Permissionsfor more information about administrator permissions.server-urlis usually in the form:protocol://host-name:port-numberfor example:tcp://myhost:7222The protocol can betcporssl.If a user name or password are not provided, the user is prompted to enter a user name andpassword, or only the password, if the user name was already specified in the command.You can enterconnectwith no other options and the administrative tool tries to connect to the local server on the default port, which is7222.create bridgecreate bridge source=type:dest_name target=type:dest_name [selector=selector]Creates a bridge between destinations.typeis eithertopicorqueue.For further information, seebridges.confon page221.create durablecreate durable topic-name durable-name [property, ... ,property]Creates a static durable subscriber.For descriptions of parameters and properties, and information about conflict situations,seedurables.confon page225.create factorycreate factory factory_name factory_parametersCreates a new connection factory.For descriptions of factory parameters, seefactories.confon page226.create groupcreate group group_name "description"Creates a new group of users.Initially, the group is empty. You can use theadd membercommand to add users to the group.create jndinamecreate jndiname new_jndiname topic|queue|jndiname nameCreates a JNDI name for a topic or queue, or creates an alternate JNDI name for a topicthat already has a JNDI name.For example:create FOO jndiname BARwill create new JNDI nameFOOreferring the same object referred by JNDI nameBARcreate queuecreate queue queue_name [properties]Creates a queue with the specified name and properties. The possible queue properties aredescribed inDestination Properties. Properties are listed in a comma-separated list, as described inqueues.confon page231.create routecreate route name url=URL [properties ...]Creates a route.Thenamemust be the name of the other server to which the route connects.The local server connects to the destination server at the specified URL. If you haveconfigured fault-tolerant servers, you may specify the URL as a comma-separated list of URLs.The route properties are listed inroutes.confon page232and are specified as a space-separated list of parameter name and value pairs.You can set thezone_nameandzone_typeparameters when creating a route, but you cannot subsequently change them.If a passive route with the specifiednamealready exists, this command promotes it to anactive-activeroute; seeActive and Passive Routes.For additional information on route parameters, seeConfiguring Routes and Zones.create rvcmlistenercreate rvcmlistener transport_name cm_name subjectRegisters an RVCM listener with the server so that any messages exported to atibrvcmtransport (including the first message sent) are guaranteed for the specified listener. This causes the server to perform the TIBCO Rendezvous calltibrvcmTransport_AddListener.The parameters are:transport_name the name of the transport to which this RVCM listener applies.

cm_name the name of the RVCM listener to which topic messages are to be exported.

subject the RVCM subject name that messages are published to. This should be the same name as the topic names that specify theexportproperty.

For more information, seetibrvcm.confon page238andRendezvous Certified Messaging (RVCM) Parameters.create topiccreate topic topic_name [properties]Creates a topic with specified name and properties. SeeDestination Propertiesfor the list of properties. Properties are listed in a comma-separated list, as described intopics.confon page238.create usercreate user user_name ["user_description"] [password=password]Creates a new user. Following the user name, you can add an optional description of theuser in quotes. The password is optional and can be added later using theset passwordcommand.User names cannot contain colon (:) characters.

delete alldelete all users|groups|topics|queues|durables [topic-name-pattern|queue-name-pattern]If used asdelete all users|groups|topics|queues|durableswithout the optional parameters, the command deletes all users, groups, topics, or queues (as chosen).If used with a topic or queue, and the optional parameters, such as:delete all topics|queuestopic-name-pattern|queue-name-patternthe command deletes all topics and queues that match the topic or queue name pattern.delete bridgedelete bridge source=type:dest_name target=type:dest_nameDelete the bridge between the specified source and target destinations.typeis eithertopicorqueue.SeeDestination Bridgesfor more information on bridges.delete connectiondelete connection connection-idDelete the named connection for the client. The connection ID is shown in the first columnof the connection description printed byshow connection.delete durabledelete durable durable-name clientIDDelete the named durable subscriber.When both the durable name and the client ID are specified, the EMS Server looks for adurable namedclientID:durable-namein the list of durables. If a matching durable subscriber is not found, the administration tool prints an error message including the fully qualified durable name.See also,Conflicting Specifications.delete factorydelete factory factory-nameDelete the named connection factory.delete groupdelete group group-nameDelete the named group.delete jndinamedelete jndiname jndinameDelete the named JNDI name. Notice that deleting the last JNDI name of a connectionfactory object will remove the connection factory object as well.SeeChapter12, Using the EMS Implementation of JNDIfor more information.delete messagedelete message messageIDDelete the message with the specified message ID.delete queuedelete queue queue-nameDelete the named queue.delete routedelete route route-nameDelete the named route.delete rvcmlistenerdelete rvcmlistener transport_name cm_name subjectUnregister an RVCM listener with the server so that any messages being held for thespecified listener in the RVCM ledger are released. This causes the server to perform the TIBCO Rendezvous calltibrvcmTransport_RemoveListener.The parameters are:transport_name the name of the transport to which this RVCM listener applies.

cm_name the name of the RVCM listener to which topic messages are exported.

subject the RVCM subject name that messages are published to. This should be the same name as the topic names that specify theexportproperty.

For more information, seetibrvcm.confon page238andRendezvous Certified Messaging (RVCM) Parameters.delete topicdelete topic topic-nameDelete the named topic.delete userdelete user user-nameDelete the named user.disconnectdisconnectDisconnect the administrative tool from the server.echoecho [on|off]Echo controls the reports that are printed into the standard output. Whenechoisoffthe administrative tool only prints errors and the output of queries. Whenechoison, the administrative tool report also contains a record of successful command execution.Choosing the parameteronoroffin this command controlsecho. Ifechois entered in the command line without a parameter, it displays the currentechosetting (onoroff). This command is used primarily for scripts.The default setting for echo ison.exitexit (aliases: quit, q, bye, end)Exit the administration tool.The administrator may choose theexitcommand when there are changes in the configuration have which have not been committed to disk. In this case, the system will prompt the administrator to use thecommitcommand before exiting.grant queuegrant queue queue-name user=name | group=name permissionsGrants specified permissions to specified user or group on specified queue. The namefollowing the queue name is first checked to be a group name, then a user name.Specified permissions are added to any existing permissions. Multiple permissions areseparated by commas. Enterallin thepermissionsstring if you choose to grant all possible user permissions.User permissions are:receive



For more information on queue permissions, seeTable39inUser Permissions.Destination-level administrator permissions can also be granted with this command. Thefollowing are administrator permissions for queues.view





For more information on destination permissions, seeDestination-Level Permissions.grant topicgrant topic topic-name user=name | group=name permissionsGrants specified permissions to specified user or group on specified topic. The namefollowing the topic name is first checked to be a group name, then a user name.Specified permissions are added to any existing permissions. Multiple permissions areseparated by commas. Enterallin thepermissionsstring if you choose to grant all possible permissions.Topic permissions are:subscribe




For more information on topic permissions, seeTable40inUser Permissions.Destination-level administrator permissions can also be granted with this command. Thefollowing are administrator permissions for topics.view





For more information on destination permissions, seeDestination-Level Permissions.grant admingrant admin user=name | group=name admin_permissionsGrant the named global administrator permissions to the named user or group. For acomplete listing of global administrator permissions, seeGlobal Administrator Permissions.helphelp (aliases: h, ?)Display help information.Enterhelp commandsfor a summary of all available commands.Enterhelpcommandfor help on a specific command.infoinfo (alias: i)Shows server name and information about the connected server.jaci clearjaci clearEmpties the JACI permission cache of all entries.jaci resetstatsjaci resetstatsResets all statistics counters for the JACI cache to zero.jaci showstatsjaci showstatsPrints statistics about JACI cache performance.purge all queuespurge all queues [pattern]Purge all or selected queues.When used without the optional pattern parameter, this command erases all messages inall queues for all receivers.When used with thepatternparameter, this command erases all messages in all queues that fit the pattern (for example:foo.*).purge all topicspurge all topics [pattern]Purge all or selected topics.When used without the optional pattern parameter, this command erases all messages inall topics for all subscribers.When used with thepatternparameter, this command erases all messages in all topics that fit the pattern (for example:foo.*).purge durablepurge durable durable-namePurge all messages in the topic for the named durable subscriberpurge queuepurge queue queue-namePurge all messages in the named queue.purge topicpurge topic topic-namePurge all messages for all subscribers on the named topic.remove memberremove member group-name user-name[,user2,user3,...]Remove one or more named users from the named group.removeprop factoryremoveprop factory factory-name propertiesRemove the named properties from the named factory. SeeConnection Factory Parametersfor a list of properties.removeprop queueremoveprop queue queue-name propertiesRemove the named properties from the named queue.removeprop routeremoveprop route route-name propertiesRemove the named properties from the named route.You cannot remove the URL.You can set thezone_nameandzone_typeparameters when creating a route, but you cannot subsequently change them.For route parameters, seeConfiguring Routes and Zones.For the configuration fileroutes.conf, seeroutes.confon page232.removeprop topicremoveprop topic topic-name propertiesRemove the named properties from the named topic.resume routeresume route route-nameResumes sending messages to named route, if messages were previously suspended usingthesuspend routecommand.revoke adminrevoke admin user=name | group=name permissionsRevoke the specified global administrator permissions from the named user or group. SeeChapter8, Authentication and Permissionsfor more information about administrator permissions.revoke queuerevoke queue queue-name user=name | group=name permissionsrevoke queue queue-name * [user | admin | both]Revoke the specified permissions from a user or group for the named queue.User and group permissions for queues arereceive,send,browse, andall. Administrator permissions for queues areview,create,delete,modify, andpurge.If you specify an asterisk (*), all user-level permissions on this queue are removed. Youcan use the optionaladminparameter to revoke all administrative permissions, or thebothparameter to revoke all user-level and administrative permissions on the queue.For more information, seeChapter8, Authentication and Permissions.revoke topicrevoke topic topic-name user=name | group=name permissionsrevoke topic topic-name * [user | admin | both]Revoke the specified permissions from a user or group for the named topic.User and group permissions for topics aresubscribe,publish,durable, use_durable, andall. Administrator permissions for topics areview,create,delete,modify, andpurge.If you specify an asterisk (*), all user-level permissions on this topic are removed. Youcan use the optionaladminparameter to revoke all administrative permissions, or thebothparameter to revoke all user-level and administrative permissions on the topic.For more information, seeChapter8, Authentication and Permissions.rotatelogrotatelog Force the current log file to be backed up and truncated. The server starts writing entries tothe newly empty log file.The backup file name is the same as the current log file name with a sequence numberappended to the filename. The server queries the current log file directory and determines what the highest sequence number is, then chooses the next highest sequence number for the new backup name. For example, if the log file name istibems.logand there is already atibems.log.1andtibems.log.2, the server names the next backuptibems.log.3.set passwordset password user-name [password]Set the password for the named user.If you do not supply a password in the command, the server prompts you to type one.To reset a password, type:

set passworduser-nameType a new password at the prompt.To remove a password, use this command without supplying a password, and presstheEnterkey at the prompt (without typing a password).

Passwords are a significant point of vulnerability for any enterprise. We recommendenforcing strong standards for passwords.For security equivalent to single DES (an industry minimum), security expertsrecommend passwords that contain814characters, with at least one upper case character, at least one numeric character, and at least one punctuation character.

set serverset server parameter=value [parameter=value ...]Theset servercommand can control many parameters. Multiple parameters are separated by spaces.Table16describes the parameters you can set with this command.Table16Set server parameters


password [=string]Sets server password used by the server to connectto other routed servers. If the value is omitted it is prompted for by the administration tool. Entered value will be stored in the main server configuration file in mangled form (but not encrypted).To reset this password, enter the empty string twiceat the prompt.

authorization=enabled|disabledSets theauthorizationmode in thetibemsd.conffile.After a transition from disabled to enabled, theserver checks ACL permissions for all subsequent requests. While the server requires valid authentication for existing producers and consumers, it does not retroactively reauthenticate them; it denies access to users without valid prior authentication.

log_trace=trace-itemsSets the trace preference on the file defined by thelogfileparameter. Iflogfileis not set, the values are stored but have no effect.The value of this parameter is a comma-separatedlist of trace options. For a list of trace options and their meanings, seeTable64, Server Tracing Options.You may specify trace options in three forms:plainA trace option without a prefix character replaces any existing trace options.

+A trace option preceded by+adds the option to the current set of trace options.

-A trace option preceded by-removes the option from the current set of trace options.

ExamplesThe following example sets the trace log to onlyshow messages about access control violations.log_trace=ACLThe next example sets the trace log to show alldefault trace messages, in addition to SSL messages, but ADMIN messages are not shown.log_trace=DEFAULT,-ADMIN,+SSL

console_trace=console-trace-itemsSets trace options for output tostderr. The values are the same as forlog_trace. However, console tracing is independent of log file tracing.Iflogfileis defined, you can stop console output by specifying:console_trace=-DEFAULTNote that important error messages (and some othermessages) are always output, overriding the trace settings.ExamplesThis example sends a trace message to the consolewhen a TIBCO Rendezvous advisory message arrives.console_trace=RVADV

client_trace={enabled|disabled}[target=location] [filter=value]Administrators can trace a connection or group ofconnections. When this property isenabled, the client generates trace output for opening or closing a connection, message activity, and transaction activity. This type of tracing does not require restarting the client program.The client sends trace output tolocation, which may be eitherstderr(the default) orstdout.You can specify a filter to selectively trace specificconnections. Thefiltercan beuser,connidorclientid. Thevaluecan be a user name or ID (as appropriate to the filter).When the filter and value clause is absent, thedefault behavior is to trace all connections.Setting this parameter using the administration tooldoes not change its value in the configuration filetibemsd.conf.

max_msg_memory=valueMaximum memory the server can use for messages.For a complete description, seemax_msg_memoryintibemsd.confon page171.Specify units asKB,MBorGB. The minimum value is8MB. Zero is a special value, indicating no limit.Lowering this value will not immediately freememory occupied by messages.

msg_swapping=enabled|disabledEnables or disables the ability to swap messages todisk.

track_message_ids=enabled|disabledEnables or disables tracking messages byMessageID.

track_correlation_ids=enabled|disabledEnables or disables tracking messages byCorrelationID.

ssl_password[=string]This sets a password for SSL use only.Sets private key or PKCS#12 file password used bythe server to decrypt the content of the server identity file. The password is stored in mangled form.

ft_ssl_password[=string]This sets a password for SSL use with FaultTolerance.Sets private key or PKCS#12 file password used bythe server to decrypt the content of the FT identity file. The password is stored in mangled form.

server_rate_interval=numSets the interval (in seconds) over which overallserver statistics are averaged. This parameter can be set to any positive integer greater than zero.Overall server statistics are always gathered, so thisparameter cannot be set to zero. By default, this parameter is set to 1.Setting this parameter allows you to averagemessage rates and message size over the specified interval.

statistics=enabled|disabledEnables or disables statistic gathering for producers,consumers, destinations, and routes. By default this parameter is set to disabled.Disabling statistic gathering resets the total statisticsfor each object to zero.

rate_interval=numSets the interval (in seconds) over which statisticsfor routes, destinations, producers, and consumers are averaged. By default, this parameter is set to 3 seconds. Setting this parameter to zero disables the average calculation.

detailed_statistics=NONE |PRODUCERS,CONSUMERS,ROUTES,CHANNELSSpecifies which objects should have detailedstatistic tracking. Detailed statistic tracking is only appropriate for routes, channels, producers that specify no destination, or consumers that specify wildcard destinations. When detailed tracking is enabled, statistics for each destination are kept for the object.Setting this parameter to NONE disables detailedstatistic tracking. You can specify any combination of PRODUCERS, CONSUMERS, ROUTES, or CHANNELS to enable tracking for each object. If you specify more than one type of detailed tracking, separate each item with a comma.

statistics_cleanup_interval=numSpecifies how long (in seconds) the server shouldkeep detailed statistics if the destination has no activity. This is useful for controlling the amount of memory used by detailed statistic tracking. When the specified interval is reached, statistics for destinations with no activity are deleted.

max_stat_memory=numSpecifies the maximum amount of memory to usefor detailed statistic gathering. If no units are specified, the amount is in bytes, otherwise you can specify the amount using KB, MB, or GB as the units.Once the maximum memory limit is reached, theserver stops collecting detailed statistics. If statistics are deleted and memory becomes available, the server resumes detailed statistic gathering.

setprop factorysetprop factory factory-name properties ...Set the properties for a connection factory, overriding any existing properties. Multipleproperties are separated by spaces. SeeConnection Factory Parametersfor the list of the properties that can be set for a connection factory.setprop queuesetprop queue queue-name properties, ...Set the properties for a queue, overriding any existing properties. Any properties on aqueue that are not explicitly specified by this command are removed.Multiple properties are separated by commas. SeeDestination Propertiesfor the list of the properties that can be set for a queue.setprop routesetprop route route-name properties ...Set the properties for a route, overriding any existing properties. Any properties on a routethat are not explicitly specified by this command are removed.You can set thezone_nameandzone_typeparameters when creating a route, but you cannot subsequently change them.Multiple properties are separated by spaces. For route parameters, seeroutes.confon page232andConfiguring Routes and Zones.setprop topicsetprop topic topic-name propertiesSet topic properties, overriding any existing properties. Any properties on a topic that arenot explicitly specified by this command are removed.Multiple properties are separated by commas. SeeDestination Propertiesfor the list of the properties that can be set for a bridgeshow bridge topic|queue bridge_sourceDisplay information about the configured bridges for the named topic or queue. Thebridge_sourceis the name of the topic or queue established as the source of the bridge.The following is example output for this command:Target Name Type Selectorqueue.dest Qtopic.dest.1 T "urgency in ('high', 'medium')"topic.dest.2 TThe names of the destinations to which the specified destination has configured bridgesare listed in the Target Name column. The type and the message selector (if one is defined) for the bridge are listed in the Type and Selector bridgesshow bridges [type=topic|queue] [pattern]Shows a summary of the destination bridges that are currently configured. Thetypeoption specifies the type of destination established as the bridge source. For example,show bridgestopicshows a summary of configured bridges for all topics that are established as a bridge source. Thepatternspecifies a pattern to match for source destination names. For exampleshow bridges foo.*returns a summary of configured bridges for all source destinations that match the namefoo.*. Thetypeandpatternare optional.The following is example output for this command:Source NameQueue TargetsTopic TargetsQ queue.source1 1T topic.source 1 2Destinations that match the specified pattern and/or type are listed in the Source Namecolumn. The number of bridges to queues for each destination is listed in the Queue Targets column. The number of bridges to topics for each destination is listed in the Topic Targets channelshow channel channel-nameShow the details of a specific multicast channel. Thechannel-namemust be the exact name of a specific channel. Wildcards and partial names are invalid.This command prints a table of information described inTable17.Table17Description of output fields


ChannelName of the multicast channel.

AddressThe multicast group IP address and port destination to whichmessages are broadcast, in the form::

TTLThe maximum number of number of network hops allowedfor data on the channel.

PriorityThe transmission priority of messages on this channel whenthe EMS server allocates bandwidth.The highest priority is -5 and the lowest is 5.

Max RateThe maximum rate at which the server broadcasts messagesover the channel.

Max TimeThe maximum length of time, in seconds, that the serverholds sent messages for retransmission.

InterfaceThe IP address over which the server sends multicast trafficon this channel. A value of0.0.0.0indicates that the default interfaces is being used.

StatusThe status of the channel, eitheractiveorinactive.

Server BacklogThe number of messages and the total number of bytespending broadcast over the channel.SeeMulticast and Flow Controlfor more information about controlling backlog.

TransmittedThe total number of bytes sent on the channel. This numberdoes not include retransmissions.

RetransmittedThe total number of bytes sent in retransmissions on thechannel.

Retransmission BufferThe total number of bytes that are currently buffered forretransmission.

show channelsshow channelsPrint a summary of the servers multicast channels, including each channels multicastaddress and configshow configShows the configuration parameters for the connected server. The output includes:configuration files

server database

server JVM

server JDBC database

listen ports

configuration settings

message tracking

server tracing parameters

statistics settings

fault-tolerant setup

external transport setup

server SSL setup

server LDAP parameters (GONE?)

show consumershow consumer consumerIDShows details about a specific consumer. TheconsumerIDcan be obtained from theshow consumersshow consumers [topic=name | queue=name] [durable] [user=name] [connection=id] [sort=conn|user|dest|msgs] [full]Shows information about all consumers or only consumers matching specified filters.Output of the command can be controlled by specifying thesortorfullparameter. If thetopicorqueueparameter is specified, then only consumers on destinations matching specified queue or topic are shown. Theuserand/orconnectionparameters show consumers only for the specified user or connection. Note that while the queue browser is open, it appears as a consumer in the EMS server.Thedurableparameter shows only durable topic subscribers and queue receivers, but it does not prevent queue consumers to be shown. To see only durable topic consumers, use:show consumers topic=> durableThesortparameter sorts the consumers by either connection ID, user name, destination name, or number of pending messages. Thefullparameter shows all columns listed below and can be as wide as 120-140 characters or wider. Both topic and queue consumers are shown in separate tables, first the topic consumers and then the queue consumers.Table18Description of output fields


IdConsumer ID.

ConnConsumer's connection ID or '-' if this is a disconnected durable topic subscriber.

SessConsumer's session ID or '-' if this is a disconnected durable topic subscriber.

TConsumer type character which can be one of:For topic consumer:T - non-durable topic subscriber.

D - durable topic subscriber.

R - system-created durable for a routed topic.

P - proxy subscriber on route's temporary topic.

For queue consumer:Q - regular queue receiver.

q - inactive queue receiver.

P - system-created receiver on global queue for user receiver created in one ofroutes.

Topic/QueueName of the subscription topic or queue.

Name(Topics Only.) Durable subscription name. This column is shown if at least one topicsubscriber is a durable subscriber.

SAS[NMB]Description of columns:S - '+' if consumer's connection started, '-' otherwise.

A - acknowledge mode of consumer's session, values are:

N - no acknowledge

A - auto acknowledge

D - dups_ok acknowledge

C - client acknowledge

T - session is transactional

X - XA or MS DTC session

Z - connection consumer

S - '+' if consumer has a selector, '-' otherwise.

N - (TOPICS ONLY) '+' if subscriber is"NoLocal."

M - (TOPICS ONLY) '+' if subscriber is receiving multicast.

B - (QUEUES ONLY) '+' if consumer is a queue browser.

PrePrefetch value of the consumer's destination.

Pre DlvNumber of prefetch window messages delivered to consumer

Msgs SentCurrent number of messages sent to consumer which are not yet acknowledged byconsumer's session.

Size SentCombined size of unacknowledged messages currently sent to consumer. Value isrounded and shown in bytes, (K)ilobytes, (M)egabytes or (G)igabytes.

Pend Msgs(Topics Only.) Total number of messages pending for the topic consumer.

Pend Size(Topics Only.) Combined size of messages pending for the topic consumer. Value isrounded and shown in bytes, (K)ilobytes, (M)egabytes or (G)igabytes.

UptimeUptime of the consumer.

Last SentApproximate time elapsed since last message was sent by the server to the consumer.Value is approximate with precision of 1 second.

Last AkcdApproximate time elapsed since last time a message sent to the consumer wasacknowledged by consumer's session. Value is approximate with precision of 1 second.

Total SentTotal number of messages sent to consumer since it was created. This includes resendsdue to session recover or rollback.

Total AckedTotal number of messages sent to the consumer and acknowledged by consumer'ssession since consumer created.

show connectionsshow connections [type=q|t|s] [host=hostname] [user=username] [version] [address] [counts] [full]Show connections between clients and server.Table20describes the output.Thetypeparameter selects the subset of connections to display as shown inTable19. Thehostanduserparameters can further narrow the output to only those connections involving a specific host or user. When theversionflag is present, the display includes the clients version number.If theaddressparameter is specified, then the IP address is printed in the output table. If thecountsparameter is specified, then number of producers, consumers and temporary destinations are printed. Specifying thefullparameter prints all of the available information.Table19show connections: type Parameter


type=qShow queue connections only.

type=tShow topic connections only.

type=sShow system connections only.

absentShow queue and topic connections, but not system connections.

Table20Description of output fields


LThe type of client. Can be one of the following:J Java client

C C client

# C# client

- unknown system connection

VersionThe EMS version of the client.

IDUnique connection ID. Each connection is assigned a unique, numericID that can be used to delete the connection.

FSXTConnection type information.TheFcolumn displays whether the connection is fault-tolerant.- not a fault-tolerant connection, that is, this connection has no alternative URLs

+ fault-tolerant connection, that is, this connection has alternative URLs

TheScolumn displays whether the connection uses SSL.- connection is not SSL

+ connection is SSL

TheXcolumn displays whether the connection is an XA or MS DTC transaction.- connection is not XA or MS DTC

+ connection is either an XA or MS DTC connection

The T column displays the connection type.C generic user connection

T user TopicConnection

Q user QueueConnection

A administrative connection

R system connection to another route server

F system connection to the fault-tolerant server

SConnection started status,+if started,-if stopped.

IP AddressShows client IP address.Theaddressorfullparameter must be specified to display this field.

HostConnection's host name. (If the name is not available, this columndisplays the hosts IP address.)

AddressConnection's IP address.If you supply the keywordaddress, then the table includes this column.

UserConnection user name. If a user name was not provided when theconnection was created, it is assigned the default user nameanonymous.

ClientIDClient ID of the connection.

SessNumber of sessions on this connection.

ProdNumber of producers on this connection.Thecountsorfullparameter must be specified to display this field.

ConsNumber of consumers on this connection.Thecountsorfullparameter must be specified to display this field.

TmpTNumber of temporary topics created by this connection. For clientsprior to 4.4 this is not known and shows"?."Thecountsorfullparameter must be specified to display this field.

TmpQNumber of temporary queues created by this connection. For clientsprior to 4.4 this is not known and shows"?."Thecountsorfullparameter must be specified to display this field.

UncommNumber of messages in uncommitted transactions on the connection.Thecountsorfullparameter must be specified to display this field.

UncommSizeThe combined size, in bytes, of messages in uncommitted transactionson the connection.Thecountsorfullparameter must be specified to display this field.

UptimeTime that the connection has been in effect.

showdbshow dbPrint a summary of the servers databases. Databases are also printed byshow stores, the preferred command.See theshow storeon page156for details about a specific durableshow durable durable-nameShow information about a durable subscriber.Table21show durable Table Information


DurableSubscriberFully qualified name of the durable subscriber. This nameconcatenates the client ID (if any) and the subscription name (separated by a colon).

SubscriptionnameFull name of the durable subscriber.

Client IDClient ID of the subscribers connection.

TopicThe topic from which the durable subscription receives messages.

Typedynamiccreated by a clientstaticconfigured by an administrator


UsernameUsername of the durable subscriber (that is, of the clientsconnection).If the durable subscriber is currently offline, the value in thiscolumn isoffline.

Consumer IDThis internal ID number is not otherwise available outside theserver.

No Localenabledthe subscriber does not receive messages sent from its local connection (that is, the same connection as the subscriber).disabledthe subscriber receives messages from all connections.

SelectorThe subscriber receives only those messages that match thisselector.

Pending MsgsNumber of all messages in the topic. (This count includes thenumber of delivered messages.)

Delivered MsgsNumber of messages in the topic that have been delivered to thedurable subscriber, but not yet acknowledged.

Pending MsgsSizeTotal size of all pending messages

show durablesshow durables [pattern]If a pattern is not entered, this command shows a list of all durable subscribers on alltopics.If a pattern is entered (for examplefoo.*) this command shows a list of durable subscribers on topics that match that pattern.This command prints a table of information described inTable22.Table22show durables Table Information


Topic NameName of the topic.An asterisk preceding this name indicates a dynamic durablesubscriber. Otherwise the subscriber is static (configured by an administrator).

DurableFull name of the durable subscriber.

UserName of the user of this durable subscriber. If the durablesubscriber is currently offline, the value in this column isoffline.For users defined externally, there is an asterisk in front of the username.

MsgsNumber of pending messages

SizeTotal size of pending messages

For more information, seeDestination factoryshow factory factory-nameShows properties of specified factoriesshow factories [generic|topic|queue]Shows all factories. You can refine the listed output by specifying only generic, topic, orqueue factories be jndinameshow jndiname jndi-nameShows the object that the specified name is bound to by the JNDI jndinamesshow jndinames [type]The optional parametertypecan be:destination






When type is specified only JNDI names bound to objects of the specified type are shown.When type is not specified, all JNDI names are groupshow group group-nameShows group name, description, and number of members in the group.For groups defined externally, there is an asterisk in front of the group name. Onlyexternal groups with at least one currently connected user are groupsshow groupsShows all user groups.For groups defined externally, there is an asterisk in front of the group membersshow members group-nameShows all user members of specified user messageshow message messageIDShows the message for the specified message id.This command requires that tracking by message ID be turned on using thetrack_message_idsconfiguration messagesshow messages correlationIDShows the message IDs of all messages with the specified correlation ID set asJMSCorrelationIDmessage header field. You can display the message for each ID returned by this command by using theshow messagemessageIDcommand.This command requires that tracking by correlation ID be turned on using thetrack_correlation_idsconfiguration parentsshow parents user-nameShows the users parent groups. This command can help you to understand the queueshow queue queue-nameShows the details for the specified queue.If the queue is a routed queue, specify only the name of the queue (do not specify theserver using thequeue-name@serverform).

Table23show queue Table Information


QueueFull name of the queue.

Typedynamiccreated by a clientstaticconfigured by an administrator

PropertiesA list of property names that are set on the queue, and their values.For an index list of property names, seeDestination Properties.

JNDI NamesA list of explicitly assigned JNDI names that refer to this queue.

BridgesA list of bridges from this queue to other destinations.

ReceiversNumber of consumers on this queue.

Pending MsgsNumber of all messages in the queue, followed by the number ofpersistent messages in parenthesis.These counts include the number of delivered messages.

Delivered MsgsNumber of messages in the queue that have been delivered to aconsumer, but not yet acknowledged.

Pending MsgsSizeTotal size of all pending messages, followed by the size of allpersistent messages in parenthesis.

show queuesshow queues [pattern-name [notemp|static|dynamic] [first=n|next=n|last=n]]If apattern-nameis not entered, this command shows a list of all queues.If apattern-nameis entered (for examplefoo.*) this command shows a list of queues that match that pattern. You can further refine the list of queues that match the pattern by using one of the following parameters:notemp do not show temporary queues

static show only static queues

dynamic show only dynamic queues

When apattern-nameis entered, you can also cursor through the list of queues using one of the following commands, wherenis whole number:first=n show the firstnqueues

next=n show the nextnqueues

last=n show the nextnqueues and terminate the cursor

The cursor examinesnqueues and displays queues that match thepattern-name. Because it does not traverse the full list of queues, the cursor may return zero or fewer thannqueues. To find all matching queues, continue to usenextuntil you receive aCursor completemessage.Theshow queuescommand prints a table of information described inTable24. A * appearing before the queue name indicates a dynamic queue.Table24show queues Table Information


Queue NameName of the queue. If the name is prefixed with an asterisk (*), then the queue is temporary or was created dynamically. Properties of dynamic and temporary queues cannot be changed.

SNFGXIBCTPrints information on the topic properties in the order(S)ecure (N)sender_name or sender_name_enforced (F)ailsafe(G)lobal e(X)clusive (I)mport (B)ridge (C)flowControl (T)raceThe characters in the value section show:- Property not present+ Property is present, and was set on the topic itself* Property is present, and was inherited from another queueNote that inherited properties cannot be removed.

PrePrefetch value. If the value is followed by an asterisk (*), then it is inherited from another queue or is the default value.

RcvrsNumber of currently active receivers

All Msgs

MsgsNumber of pending messages

SizeTotal size of pending messages

Persistent Msgs

MsgsNumber of pending persistent messages

SizeTotal size of pending persistent messages

For more information, seeDestination routeshow route route-nameShows the properties (URL and SSL properties) of a routesshow routesShows the properties (URL and SSL properties) of all created routes.These commands print the information described inTable25.Table25show routes Table Information


RouteName of the route.

TType of route:Aindicates an active route.

Pindicates a passive route.

ConnIDUnique ID number of the connection from this server to the serverat the other end of the route.A hyphen (-) in this column indicates that the other server is not connected.

URLURL of the server at the other end of the route.

ZoneNameName of the zone for the route.

ZoneTypeType of the zone:mindicates a multi-hop zone.

1indicates a one-hop zone.

show rvcmtransportledgershow rvcmtransportledger transport_name [subject-or-wildcard]Displays the TIBCO Rendezvous certified messaging (RVCM) ledger file entries for thespecified transport and the specified subject. You can specify a subject name, use wildcards to retrieve all matching subjects, or omit the subject name to retrieve all ledger file entries.For more information about ledger files and the format of ledger file entries, see TIBCORendezvous rvcmlistenersshow rvcmlistenersShows all RVCM listeners that have been created using thecreate rvcmlistenercommand or by editing servershow server (aliases: info, i)Shows server name and information about the connected statshow stat channel name [topic=name]show stat consumers [topic=name|queue=name] [user=name] [connection=id] [total]show stat producers [topic=name|queue=name] [user=name] [connection=id] [total]show stat route name [topic=name|queue=name] [total] [wide]show stat topic name [total] [wide]show stat queue name [total] [wide]Displays statistics for the specified item. You can display statistics for consumers,producers, routes, destinations, or channels. Statistic gathering must be enabled for statistics to be displayed. Also, detailed statistics for each item can be displayed if detailed statistic tracking is enabled. Averages for inbound/outbound messages and message size are available if an interval is specified in therate_intervalconfiguration parameter.Thetotalkeyword specifies that only total number of messages and total message size for the item should be displayed. Thewidekeyword displays inbound and outbound message statistics on the same line.SeeWorking with Server Statisticsfor a complete description of statistics and how to enable/disable statistic gathering storeshow store store-nameShow the details of a specific store. This command can be used to get details about eithera file-based store or a database store.Thestore-namemust be the exact name of a specific store.This command prints a table of information described inTable26.Table26show store Table Information


StoreName of the store.

TypeType of store:fileindicates a file-based store.

dbstoreindicates a database store.

mstoreindicates an mstore.

Message CountThe number of messages that are stored in the file.

Swapped CountThe number of messages that have been swapped fromprocess memory to store file.

Average Write TimeAverage time in seconds a write call takes. (Not available forasynchronous file stores.)

Write UsageThe ratio between time spent within write calls and the timespecified by theserver_rate_interval. (Not available for asynchronous file stores.)

Headings specific to file-based stores

FileFile name associated with this store file, as it is set by thefileparameter in thestores.conffile.

Access Modeasynchronousthe server stores messages in the file using asynchronous I/O calls.synchronousthe server stores messages in the file using synchronous I/O calls.

Pre-allocationMinimumThe amount of disk space, if any, that is preallocated to thisfile.

CRCenabledthe server uses CRC to validate checksum data when reading the store file.disabledthe server does not validate checksum data when reading the store file.

Periodic Truncationenabledthe EMS server occasionally truncates the store file, relinquishing unused disk space.disabledthe EMS server does not truncate the store file to relinquish unused disk space.

Destination DefragBatch SizeThe size of the batch used by the destination defrag feature.

File SizeThe size of the store file, including unused allocated filespace.

Free SpaceThe amount of unused allocated file space.

FragmentationThe level of fragmentation in the file.

Used SpaceThe amount of used space in the file.

Message SizeTotal size of all messages in the file.

Swapped SizeThe total size of swapped messages in the file.

Disk Write RateThe number of bytes written per second.

Headings specific to mstoresNote that output for mstores includes many of the same fields available to file-basedstores.

Discard Scan IntervalThe maximum length of time that the EMS server takes toexamine all messages in the mstore. This interval is controlled with thescan_iter_intervalparameter in thestores.conffile.

Discard Scan IntervalBytesThe bytes read and processed every Discard Scan Interval.This number is proportional to the mstore file size, and must be kept within the limits of your storage medium. SeeUnderstanding mstore Intervalsfor more information.

First Scan Finishedtrueall the data in the store has been examined at least once since the EMS server startup.falsenot all data has been examined since the EMS server last started. Whenfalse, certain server statistics (such as the Message Count field) may be underreported as a result of expired or purged messages still in the store. SeeImplications for Statisticsfor more information.

Disk Write RateThe number of bytes written per second.

Headings specific to database stores

JDBC Driver NameThe name of the JDBC database server.

JDBC URLThe location of the JDBC database server.

UsernameThe username that the EMS server uses to access thedatabase.

DialectThe SQL dialect used to construct SQL commands.

show storesshow storesPrint a list of the servers topicshow topic topic-nameTable27show topic Table Information


TopicFull name of the topic.

Typedynamiccreated by a clientstaticconfigured by an administrator

PropertiesA list of property names that are set on the topic, and theirvalues. For an index list of property names, seeDestination Properties.

JNDI NamesA list of explicitly assigned JNDI names that refer to thistopic.

BridgesA list of bridges from this topic to other destinations.

ConsumersNumber of consumers on this topic. (This count alsoincludes durable consumers.)

Durable ConsumersNumber of durable consumers on this topic.

Pending MsgsThe total number of messages sent but not yetacknowledged by the consumer, followed by the number of persistent messages in parenthesis. These counts include copies sent to multiple subscribers.

Pending Msgs SizeTotal size of all pending messages, followed by the size ofall persistent messages in parenthesis.

The server accumulates the following statistics only when the administrator hasenabled statistics. Otherwise these items are zero.

Total Inbound MsgsCumulative count of all messages delivered to the topic.

Total Inbound BytesCumulative total of message size over all messagesdelivered to the topic.

Total Outbound MsgsCumulative count of messages consumed from the topic byconsumers. Each consumer of a message increments this count independently of other consumers, so one inbound message results innoutbound messages (one per consumer).

Total Outbound BytesCumulative total of message size over all messagesconsumed from the topic by consumers. Each consumer of a message contributes this total independently of other consumers.

show topicsshow topics [pattern-name [notemp|static|dynamic] [first=n|next=n|last=n]]If apattern-nameis not entered, this command shows a list of all topics.If apattern-nameis entered (for examplefoo.*) this command shows a list of topics that match that pattern. You can further refine the list of topics that match the pattern by using one of the following parameters:notemp do not show temporary topics

static show only static topics

dynamic show only dynamic topics

When apattern-nameis entered, you can also cursor through the list of topics using one of the following commands, wherenis whole number:first=n show the firstntopics

next=n show the nextntopics

last=n show the nextntopics and terminate the cursor

The cursor examinesntopics and displays topics that match thepattern-name. Because it does not traverse the full list of topics, the cursor may return zero or fewer thanntopics. To find all matching topics, continue to usenextuntil you receive aCursor completemessage.Theshow topicscommand prints a table of information described inTable28.Table28Show topics table information


Topic NameName of the topic. If the name is prefixed with an asterisk (*), then the topic is temporary or was created dynamically. Properties of dynamic and temporary topics cannot be changed.

SNFGEIBCTMPrints information on the topic properties in the order(S)ecure (N)sender_name or sender_name_enforced (F)ailsafe(G)lobal (E)xport (I)mport (B)ridge (C)flowControl (T)race (M)ulticastThe characters in the value section show:- Property not present+ Property is present, and was set on the topic itself* Property is present, and was inherited from another topicNote that inherited properties cannot be removed.

SubsNumber of current subscribers on the topic, including durablesubscribers

DursNumber of durable subscribers on the topic

All Msgs

MsgsThe total number of messages sent but not yet acknowledged by theconsumer. This count includes copies sent to multiple subscribers.To see the count of actual messages (not multiplied by the numberof topic subscribers) sent to all destinations, use theshow servercommand.

SizeTotal size of pending messages

Persistent Msgs

MsgsThe total number of persistent messages sent but not yetacknowledged by the consumer.

SizeTotal size of pending persistent messages

For more information, seeDestination transactionshow transaction XIDShows a list of messages that were sent or received within the specified transaction. Thiscommand returns information on transactions in prepared, ended, and roll back states only. Transactions in a suspended or active state are not included.Table29describes the information shown in each column.Table29Show transactions table information


Message IDThe message ID of the message.nullindicates the message ID could not be obtained or was disabled.

Consumer IDThe consumer ID of the Consumer that is consuming the message.Zero indicates that the consumer is offline.

DestinationThe destination name to which the message was sent.nullindicates that destination could not be found.

TypeThe destination type to which the message was sent:Qqueue


JMSTimestampThe timestamp indicating the time at which the message wascreated.

show transactionsshow transactions Shows the XID for all client transactions that were created using the XA or MS DTCinterfaces. Each row presents information about one transaction. The XID is the concatenation of the Format ID, GTrid Len, Bqual Len, and Data fields for a transaction. For example, if show transactions returns the row:State Format ID GTrid Len Bqual Len DataE062branchidthen the XID is0 6 2 branchid. Note that the spaces are required.Table30describes the information shown in each column.Table30Show transactions table information


StateTransaction state:Aactive


Rrollback only



Suspended transactions can be rolled back, but cannot be rolled forward(committed).

Format IDThe XA transaction format identifier.0 = OSI CCR naming is used>0 = some other format is used-1 = NULL

GTrid LenThe number of bytes that constitute theglobal transaction ID.

Bqual LenThe number of bytes that constitute thebranch qualifier.

DataThe global transaction identifier (gtrid) and the branch qualifier (bqual).

show transportshow transport transportDisplays the configuration for the specified transport defined intransports.conf.SeeConfiguring Transports for RendezvousandConfiguring Transports for SmartSocketsfor transportsshow transportsLists all configured transport names usershow user user-nameShows user name and description. If no user name is specified, this command displays thecurrently logged in user.For users defined externally, there is an asterisk in front of the user usersshow usersShows all users.For users defined externally, there is an asterisk in front of the user name. Only currentlyconnected external users are shown.showacl adminshowacl adminShows all administrative permissions for all users and groups, but does not includeadministrative permissions on destinations.showacl groupshowacl group group-name [admin]Shows all permissions set for a given group. Shows the group and the set of permissions.You can optionally specifyadminto show only the administrative permissions for destinations or principals. Specifyingshowacl adminshows all administrative permissions for all users and groups (not including administrative permissions on destinations).showacl queueshowacl queue queue-name [admin]Shows all permissions set for a queue. Lists all entries from theaclfile. Each entry shows the grantee (user or group) and the set of permissions. You can optionally specifyadminto show only the administrative permissions for destinations or principals. Specifyingshowacl adminshows all administrative permissions for all users and groups (not including administrative permissions on destinations).showacl topicshowacl topic topic-name [admin]Shows all permissions set for a topic. Lists all entries from theaclfile. Each entry shows the grantee (user or group) and the set of permissions. You can optionally specifyadminto show only the administrative permissions for destinations or principals. Specifyingshowacl adminshows all administrative permissions for all users and groups (not including administrative permissions on destinations).showacl usershowacl user user-name [admin | all | admin-all]Shows the user and the set of permissions granted to the user for destinations andprincipals.showacl userusername displays permissions granted directly to the user. (An administrator can use this form of the command to view own permissions, even without permissions to view any other user permissions.)showacl userusernameadmin displays administrative permissions granted directly to the user.showacl userusernameall displays direct and inherited (from groups to which the user belongs) permissions.showacl userusernameadmin-all displays all administrative permissions for a given user (direct and inherited)The output from this command displays inherited permissions prefixed with a '*'.Inherited permissions cannot be changed. An attempt to revoke an inherited permission for the principal user will not change the permission.

shutdownshutdown Shuts down currently connected server.suspend routesuspend route route-nameSuspends outgoing messages to the named route.Message flow can be recovered later using the commandresume route.timetime [on | off]Specifyingonplaces a timestamp before each commands output. By default, the timestamp isoff.timeouttimeout [seconds]Show or change the current command timeout value. The timeout value is the number ofseconds the Administration Tool will wait for a response from the server after sending a command.By default, the timeout is 30 seconds. Whentimeoutis entered with the optionalsecondsparameter, the timeout value is reset to the specified number of seconds. When entered without parameter, the current timeout value is returned.transaction committransaction commit XIDCommits the transaction identified by the transaction ID. The transaction must be in theendedorpreparedstate. To obtain a transaction ID, issue theshow transactionscommand, and cut and paste the XID into this command.transaction rollbacktransaction rollback XIDRolls back the transaction identified by the transaction ID. The transaction must be in theended,rollback only, or thepreparedstate. To obtain a transaction ID, issue the show transactions command, and cut and paste the XID into this command.Messages sent to a queue withprefetch=noneandmaxRedelivery=numberproperties are not receivednumbertimes by an EMS application that receives in a loop and does an XA rollback after the XA prepare phase.

updatecrlupdatecrlImmediately update the servers certificate revocation list (CRL).whoamiwhoamiAlias for the show user command to display the currently logged in user.