comenius our story 2013-2015


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1. Foreword ……………………………………………………………………..….5

2. Characters………………………………………………………………..………6

3. The First Story

The Sultan’s Beauty Daughter: Aykız…………………………………9

4. The Second Story

A Strange Case in Venice………………………………………………..31

5. The Third Story

The Great Symphony……………………………………..……………….56

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Three stories which form this book are the product of 'Our

Story' topic in Comenius Project 2013-2015.

Our aim was to bring together folk heroes who have important

positions in Italian, Slovenian and Turkish cultures at the same

story. So this book is the result of two years of work.

Stories were composed with iteration tecnique. Each part of the

story was written by a different country and the final form was

given by the coordinator country, Turkey.

Story plots and the drawings were done by students and all

work was done in cooperation.

In our project in which we believe that it will develop the

awareness to other cultures and prevent the prejudice against

foreigners. We thank to our headmasters, teachers, students

and everyone contributing efforts.

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a fictional character, became a

folk hero

a very strong man

a very simple and honest man

has got a mare to travel around


a smuggler by proffesion

(illegally transports English salt

from the Adriatic sea coast to

Slovenia and Austria)

beats Brdaus, a brutal warrior

from Austria, by his strength

and ingenuity


look old and ugly, curious,

strange woman, a bit weird, very

pleased to be able to become

invisible, gossipy, clever, deft,

strong, tenacious, never tired

a little' FAIRY and a little WITCH

- annoyed because the dirty


- admired by the mission they

have to accomplish

- that would remain in her


- regret for having missed a great


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fluffy and brat, whiner,

impulsive, lying, disobedient,

naive, curious, kind, cheerful

cheeky, dupe

made of wood, has skinny legs ,

has a cap of bone bread , small

ears , his nose gets longer every

time he says lies


Wise man, humorous, cheerful,

Sincere, tolerant, honest,

his waggery and ready replies,

his aim is to make people think

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Hardworking, decisive, active, sworn enemy of injustice and the powerful defender of nature

He has an optimistic point of view even in the hardest situations.

He smiles,he never stops laughing and singing


a kind, hard-working boy from

a very poor family

a shepherd but is not very


bullied and beaten by other

young shepherds

helps a beautiful girl, in fact, a


gets strength from the fairy,

now he is brave but not


stays loyal to his mother, still

helping her on the farm

defeats all of the invading

Turkish armies and saves the

entire region from Ottoman


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That day there was a different hurry in The Ottoman country

where people live in tranquility, rivers gurgle, nightingales chirp

in harmony, people approach love and respect each other. In

Günkırı Village, people were approaching the town

crier(someone who invites people to something shouting loudly

publicly) in groups and by telling each other. Whenever there

was a edict(imperial order) to read, people filled the square and

before the edict was read they started to comment themselves.

Keloğlan woke up early in the morning like the other days.

Keloğlan who is so precious for his mother, breadwinner, a

source of joy of the girls in the village couldn’t relieve tiredness

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of the previous night. His mother tried to awaken him with

various kinds of beautiful words. He was in the middle of a

beautiful dream according to smiling on his face. Finally he half-

opened his eyes. Just then he heard the words of the town crier,

standing in front of his wood door. “There is a message from the

sultan. Everybody should gather at the square. ” The sultan was

the father of the girl who Keloğlan fell in love. The name of this

beauty girl was Aykız.

Before he didn’t see her, he was in love with Aykız who had

legendary beauty, golden hairs reaching out her waist and was

tall and slim. Exactly today there was a chance for Keloğlan. It

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was possible that he would be closer to her and get the chance

to live the things which he even hadn’t in his dreams by means

of his decision. Keloğlan’s eyes were bright with desire. He got

dressed swiftly and run fast the square.

In the edict, it was referred that a contest would hold to

determine the luck man who will get married to beauty Aykız. It

was a contest that everybody from not only Ottoman country

but also all the other countries could participate in. Everbody

who relied on his mind, power, oneself and knowledge could

participate in the race.

A smile suddenly appeared the face of the people hearing the

race at the square. At the same time an uneasiness. Everybody

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was sure that this race wouldn’t be easy. The race was for he

beauty Aykız who was the sultan’s unique daughter.

Keloğlan was full of beans. He was so exciting without

knowing how the race would be. He should have gone to home

immediately and tollen his mother about the race. He run the

home will all his power. He found out his mother sitting in front

of the window.

- Mother! Mother! Mother!

- Tell me what happened, crazy boy!

- Mother! Mother!

- Keep calm! Tell me now.

- Mom, i am going to go to Aykız. Can you prepare

something for trip?

- What are you saying? Where are you going? When? Why?

Tell me?

- The sultan is holding a race for his daughter. He will

choose the man who will get married with Aykız. I want

to participate in this race. I want to get married with

beauty Aykız.

- Don’t do this crazy boy! Don’t go, please! Everytime he

was like this. He should have done something putting his

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mind. He also did. He was a fearless young man. On the

other hand his mother was sensible and wise woman. She

didn’t want Keloğlan’s going. But she hadn’t power to

cease him.

She sat Keloğlan down and started talking:

- Sonny! Can the sultan’s daughter get married with a bald boy

like you? Can you believe this? Be sensible! Don’t go leaving

your unique mother!

But she couldn’t persuade Keloğlan. He would absolutely go.

She thought how she could change his son’s mind. Just then she

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said loudly Nasreddin Hodja. Nasreddin Hodja was such a wise

man who has a subtle mind, repartee. He was also loved by

everybody and he could help his son by using his mind. So she

should have gone immediately, found the Hodja and persuaded

him to help Keloğlan. She knew that his crazy son made up his

mind to get married with Aykız.

The next day Keloğlan and his mother went to Hodja and

explained the race. The Hodja who liked adventure didn’t refuse

this wish. They set off.

In the meanwhile the message of the race got round all the

countries. The brave men from different countries even set off.

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In the meanwhile in Italy the young boy Pinocchio, was

coming back to school! He wasn’t a puppet anymore but he had

become the dearest boy, Geppetto , his father, could ever desire!

So, on his way home, he saw a group of boys looking at an edict

on the wall! GOOD NEWS: the Great Turkish Sultan calls a

competition to win the hand of his beloved daughter Aykiz! All

the young boys from all over Europe can try and win Aykiz‘s

hand! Pinocchio loved adventure and on his opinion, this was a

good opportunity to become rich! He would become the son in

law of a Sultan and he could also help his father Geppetto to have

a beautiful new carpentry! He rushed home shouting: “Father,

father, I’m going to leave for Turkey and I’m going to marry the

beautiful Aikiz , the Sultan ‘s beautiful daughter!”

Geppetto was unable to stop Pinocchio ‘s excitement! He

was so happy to see his son so full of joy and said:” Dear son, go

and enjoy! But please don’t go alone. You need someone who

takes care about you, someone who can give you good advices

and help you! A wise woman…Why don’t we ask Befana to come

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with you? She is the wisest woman I know and she is always very

concerned with people happiness and… she is a good Witch …

she can help you!

“ Yes father!” Pinocchio replied “ That’s a wonderful idea!

Let’s Go!

Befana lived in an old house in the forest where she

prepared her gifts for the Italian children. That day she was

baking some cakes in her kitchen when Pinocchio and Geppetto

arrived. She listened very carefully to them and after thinking a

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little bit she said:” Ok ! I’ll go with Pinocchio I know he will need

my help! So they got on her flying broomstick and like a

lightning they flew to Turkey living the poor Geppetto all alone

in the forest!

The news of the competition was spreading very fast all over

Europe and it also reached a small village in Slovenia where the

kind and hardworking boy Peter Klepek was helping his dear

mother looking after his flock in the grassy hills around the

Kolpa River! An old shepherd passing by told him he heard

about a good opportunity for young boys to marry Aykiz, the

beautiful daughter of the Turkish Sultan!

“Mother” Peter said “ It’s the right time for me to have a wife!

I want to leave for Turkey and try the contest! I’m strong and

wise enough! I can win and then I will come back here rich and

with a beautiful wife! Please give me your blessing!”

“Dear son” she replied “ your happiness is mine! Go, but not

alone! You need someone who helps you and protects you ! A

hero! The famous Martin Krpan! He’s very strong and clever and

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will be a good travel buddy! Let’s go and find him!” So they lef t

and found Martin carrying some salt on his loyal mare , he was

a smuggler you know! When Peter and his Mother arrived, he

carefully listened to them and decided to accept the challenge!

By using both, his strength and his ingenuity, he could help

Martin in the competition and they’ll win! Of course!

So they moved to the Mediterranean sea and from there,

they sailed on a ship to Turkey…

It was a sunny day when all the contestants gathered in the

Sultan’s palace together with their helpers!

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The Sultan was sitting on his golden throne and beside him

there was what it seemed to be a veiled young woman! “This is

my beloved daughter “ he said “ the best thing I have! It’s time

for her to get married, to have a husband who ‘s going to love

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her forever! But I’m not looking for a normal man or a rich one!

I want the best for my dear daughter, I want a very clever person

but also strong and sensitive and loyal! For this reason , all of

you, young fellows who are gathered in front of me, should face

very difficult and dangerous contests. There will be three

different kind of them: strength , wit and knowledge contests!

Get ready!”

In the Palace hall there was a great silence! It wasn’t so easy

to win Aykiz ‘s hand so many of the contestants decided to leave

and went home but few of them weren’t afraid at all and

accepted the challenge! Between them Keloglan, Peter and

Pinocchio : they were bold and brave and they could count on

the support of their famous helpers: Hoodia, Befana and


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The Sultan added: "But you must be careful not to break any

of the rules. And the rules are: no cheating, no gossiping and no

bribes! If you break one, you will be disqualified."

"You have 72 hours until the beginning of the competition. Start

training. The contest starts early in the morning," added Aykiz.

When she stopped talking the remaining contestants went to

their apartments to get all the things they needed to start their


One hour later the Sultan's beautiful daughter Aykiz was

heading to the training arena to see how their training was

going on. The first thing she saw when she walked in the arena

was Pinnochio and La Befana seating at the table. "What's

3638365.44:7538,5?" asked La Befana. And Pinnochio knew

the answer instantly:"It's 482.637851," he said.

"Hm, he's smart, I like that," thought Aykiz.

Then she walked to Peter Klepec, she was very surprised

what she saw. Peter Klepec was lifting a concrate slab only with

one hand. But that was not all - Martin Krpan was sitting on it

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and a bird was sitting on Martin's hat. "Wow, he's strong, I like

that," thought Aykiz.

Still amazed at Peter Klepec, she went to see what Keloglan was

doing. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Keloglan

drawing a labyrinth. "Why aren't you getting ready for the

competition?" asked Aykiz.

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“But I am,” said Keloglan mysteriously. "Hm, he's weird, I like

that," thought Aykiz.

And so the day of competition came. At 5 o'clock a.m. there was

a short but amazing opening ceremony. And then they began

the quiz that would determine who was the smartest.

The Sultan and his daughter were the judges and the royal

advisor asked the first question.

"How many legs does a snake have?"

Pinnochio pressed the big red button and answered him:" It

doesn’t have legs." And with that he gained a point.

"Solve this riddle: What's white and has black stripes?" asked

the royal advisor.

"A zebra!" yelled Peter Klepec and that was correct.

The royal advisor asked all other 98 questions, and every

question was harder to answer. The 15th question was:

“Kassandra is whipped by wind and heavy rain but

Kassandra bears that patiently.

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After a freezing night Kassandra still doesn’t complain. How is

this possible?”

Pinnochio answered:" Kassandra is a boat." And the answer

was correct.

"So after 100 questions Pinnochio is in the lead with 97 correct

answers," said the royal advisor. "That gives Pinnochio one

point and the lead. But don't give up yet there're still two

competitions," added Aykiz.

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There was a 30 minute break between disciplines and Peter

Klepec was looking forward to lifting all the weights in the

strength competition.

"Welcome to the strength competition!" said another royal


"Now this task is simple, you must lift all the things in this row

in the following order: a golden stick, a tree branch, a tree, two

trees, Martin Krpan, a coach, a concrete block, etc.

"Any questions?" asked the Sultan.

"Do we really have to lift Martin Krpan?" asked Pinnochio. "Yes,

yes you do," answered the Sultan.

And so they started lifting the things. Pinnochio could only lift

the golden stick and the tree branch. Keloglan lifted everything

up to the two trees. And Peter Klepec lifted everything in that

row (including 10 ton ball). "This point goes to Peter Klepec,"

said Aykiz.

"Now let's eat!" said the Sultan.

After lunch it was time for the last discipline.

"For this discipline you must find a big red diamond in the

maze and bring it back to me. But be careful in this maze there

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are traps such as quicksand pits and various animals like lions,

snakes and spiders.

“Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favour," said the

Sultan and off they went.

In one hour Keloglan came out of the labyrinth with the


So he won. When Peter Klepec and Pinnochio came back, they

all followed the Sultan.

"The contest is over. And my daughter's hand goes to …, " said

the Sultan, before he could end the sentence, Aykiz whispered


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"Excuse me for a second," said the Sultan and left the room with

his daughter.

"She picked me!" said Keloglan, Pinnochio and Peter Klepec all

at once. Before they could argue the Sultan and his daughter

came in.

"When I was thinking who should I marry I realized that all of

you are great. And if I choose only one of you the other two

would be sad. So I choose ... not to choose," said Aykiz and

everyone was shocked. "I don't want to get married this year,

so there will be a similar competition in 365 days so keep on

training," Aykiz explained.

"Well I'm not coming next year," said Pinnochio and Peter and

Keloglan totally agreed.


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Venice I was wandering through the narrow streets of Venice, the

beautiful Italian lagoon, so fascinated by

the incredible feast of this cold period: the Carnival. Known

throughout the world for its light veil of mystery and magic , I stared

more and more amazed at the amount of people who stopped to watch

the street performers I admired them ,not only for their extraordinary

talent , but also because of their innate , I think , ability to do this job

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so I remained to look at them like a child. In Turkey there are fancy

dress parties, I 've seen some but not so big and beautiful!. It’s not easy

to see such things so I , overcame my fatigue , and I said to myself :

- Nasreddin, When will you have another opportunity to enjoy all

this? Keep walking around and , enjoy the breathtaking view in front

of you! -.

But that magic moment was immediately broken, like all the

perfect things , by the quarrel between a young boy and an old hook-

nosed (bağlı , as we would say ) lady with the skin full of wrinkles and

pimples! She was reproaching him, as if she had known him for a long

time ! The poor boy continued to justify himself, , for not having done

something they had agreed a long time before.They did not even notice

me and I , like a chameleon , hid myself into the crowd and headed for

a big shop of Venetian masks .

The shop

This shop was run by a sinister man , they say that it is a

smuggler , called Martin Krpan and he’s told to have lifted with his

strength his horse for the royal carriage to pass , getting a big prize in

reward by the King .

The store was large and high-ceilinged and there was no shelf

that was not occupied by a mask! But the most particular one was

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closed and jealously guarded in a glass case It was covered with thin

gold threads , the bottom was creamy white and there were beads

around the edge of the orbit of the right eye . I decided that it was going

to be mine, and I asked the help of the shopkeeper who , in very abrupt

tone ,replied :

" Impossible, this mask is special, I care too much , I can’t sell it ! "

"Why not? ' I exclaimed ," I can pay more for it!”

Although Martin said NO , I quickly opened the case to take it and then

run away I was not used at it , but I did it!. But I was hit on the hand by

Martin who was faster than me!. The mask fell to the ground and I

noticed a stain of blood that covered the beads inside of the right eye .

I did not have

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time to react, because Martin was chasing me quickly. I began to run

through the narrow streets of Venice very worried about what I had

seen on the mask …

I stopped tired after my race run. I was in a very narrow and dark alley

, when suddenly I heard two familiar voices speaking secretly behind

the backdoor of the mask store " Are you ready for tonight?" Said a

hoarse voice of a woman " Of course! ," replied briskly a child.

" Kill Keloglanstealthily without anyone noticing ! No one should be

suspicious of the two of us but especially of Martin ! "

"Where can I find him? "

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" His house overlooks the river . "

" Well, I hope it is in the house "

" I can not wait to die infamous " said the woman who I recognized as

the Befana , lurking behind the door.

"It has to stop investigating because sooner or later he will discover

us! Sure , "said Pinocchio, the child I recognized too!

"Do not worry , nothing will happen if you do the work as it should "

I was shocked An old lady who instructed an innocent child to kill

another man who was investigating their shady dealings!. I had to stop

them, but how could I do?

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As I tried to get out of the alley, I saw a street sweeper. He was very

tall and wore a T-shirt with a picture of his name " PETER " .

He was a strong gentleman and I noticed that he had a piece of

paper in his handswith a name printed on " KELOGLAN ." I found him

! I immediately asked Peter for more information !

"It 's the best lawyer in the city. Every day he won a court case and

often investigates the shady dealings of some smugglers who live here.

" " I've to see him immediately! "

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"He’s in the Court now ;If you want I can bring you there! "

" Thank you Peter for your help, My name is Nashreddin " I introduced

myself .

" Nice to meet you , my name is Peter ! "

Keloglan was in Court during his closing argument he was talking so

wisely wittily !We were surprised to listen to him!

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However, I still had to save it ,he ‘s clever but not immortal!

And for this reason , I was now running to the office of Keloglan with

Peter , who got involved in the situation more than ever, despite not

knowing the details .

His room number 45 was half open ...

We opened the door. The room was quite large and very bright , full of

documents and papers

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In that room there was everything except him. The man I had the duty

to save , who was fighting against justice just some minutes before. It

was very strange that there was no one inside also because I had seen

him enter the room… "Mr. lawyer You are in danger! "

No answer came , the office was empty.

" But where is he? " said Peter

" Do not tell me that they have already killed him! "

" Killed ? What do you mean ? "

" Nothing Peter , I'll tell you then , it's too long and complicated to

explain … " I had to be more careful….

In the company of the faithful Peter , I was wandering through the

valley of the river. I was looking for any clues that might lead me to the

house of Keloglan . In fact, I remembered the words of the Epiphany

overwhelming :

" His house is on the river"

It had to be the pretty little house that I was now staring at. We

approached , and the name Keloglan was written on the gate , and

thanks to the surprising strength of Peter , now that house was also

open . Even here there was none. We called aloud but no one

answered.At once I heard some quick steps in the garden. I

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Reconnected everything , the shop , the conversation I had overheard

, the office empty like the house , the child, Keloglan , and immediately

I suspected a possible ... Nothing was safe .My mind was full of fears …


Too many thoughts, too many information!

When I felt the cup is full I usually take some time for myself.

So we left Keloglan's house because I had to think about what was

going on.

When we were walking back to my hotel we passed Peter’s house

and said goodbye.

I came to my hotel and ordered a cup of black tea with chocolate chip

cookies. I sat down in my comfortable couch.

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My eyes were getting heavier and heavier each minute. Just before I

fell into deep sleep I wrote down some important questions about

the situation to find the answers in my dreams. It always works.

Question number 1: Why was the mask bloody?

Question number 2: Why did Pinnochio and LaBafana want to kill


Question number 3: Who was Peter Klepec and why did he know so

much about Keloglan?

Question number 4: Where was Keloglan?

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I put the note with the questions under the pillow and went to sleep.

And that night everything was explained in my dreams, or so I


First I dreamt of the bloody mask. It was a voodoo doll. Every time it

fell someone would bleed.

Next, I dreamt of LaBefana and Pinnochio planning to kill Keloglan.

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high school LaBefana and Keloglan were dating, and he left her for

another girl. She wanted revenge.

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Then I dreamt who Peter Klepec really was and why he knew so

much about Keloglan. He was a spy agent who was kidnapped by

Russians and they trained him to become a mask thief.

The last thing that I realised was where Keloglan really was. He was

watching the awful carnival.

The only thing I didn't find out in my dreams was what happened in

Keloglan's house. It was because I didn't write down that question. I

forgot about it. I was too tired.

Of course, it was up to me to correct my mistake so I decided to visit

him next day and do some more investigation on the spot.

In the morning I went through the questions on the list again,

collected all new information from the dreams and planned my next

step. I locked the door of my room and I walked through the main

entrance. I stopped in front of it and I was asking myself:

»Am I ready to find out the truth?«

The answer was easy - I was never more ready for finding out the

truth. I went on a clue finding adventure. I went for a walk through

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the park, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, the people

around me were smiling and it was such a beautiful spring day.

I was so relaxed and calm, than a boy threw a ball at my head –


It came to me!!! I was wrong, I was completely wrong! How could I

be so wrong!!

When I rushed to the hotel everything was clear.

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The mask wasn’t bloody because it was a voodoo doll. I remembered

that before I ran away from Martin Krpan on that street, the carnival

passed. They didn’t like it soangry pepole threw tomatoes. The mask

fell on one, so it looked like blood.

I knew that Pinnochio was a sweet boy and he wouldn’t kill Keloglan,

that’s why my dream was incorrect. I also knew that LaBefana’s

house was infested with rats called Keloglans. So she asked

Pinnochio to kill them because he was younger and more flexible

than her.

I finally knew that Peter Klepec wasn’t kidnapped by Russians. He

was an ordinary citizen who was sentenced for a murder that he

didn’t commit, so hired Keloglan to help him.

The last thing I realised was where Keloglan really was. I

remembered that there was someone else in the mask store, and that

someone was Keloglan, buying the mask that I later stole. It was a

mask sent from the Wien emperor to Keloglan, who helped the

emperor in court once.

Finally I knew the truth. I headed to Keloglan’s house.

I rang the doorbell and Keloglan opened the door, but there......

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Keloğlan was in panic. However he tried to hide this, he couldn’t

success this.

Unfortunately, we were late to say to Keloğlan that he was in danger.

But this wasn’t the end of everything. We could stil help him. As

possible as i do i tried to stall him at the door and in the meantime i

started to think how i can help him. To have much more time:

--- Do you know Peter, don’t you?

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---I am sorry, but ı don’t. Is he one of my clients?

---Yes. You saved him from being punished back in the days. Because

he didn’t commit. Besides none of us thougt he could commit.

However all the evidences show that he is guilty. You helped him. I

can’t thank you enough. Thank you very much.

--- You are welcome. It is my job. I never want an innocent man to go

prison. I am sure another person can do the same thing.

It was understood from Keloğlan’s behaviours that he wanted to talk

much more. He continued another question:

--- Are you acquaintance with him?

--- I had to tell a lie by saying ‘Yes, i am his elder brother’. I came here

to meet and thank you for your help for him.

None of us didn’t know what would happen at the end of the


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I couldn’t do anything altough i knew Martin’s plan about Keloğlan.

Martin had grabbed Keloğlan’s store. The case about this grabbing

stil continued. But Martin was trying to do everything he could do.

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At the last fancy-dress ball Keloğlan participated it was committed a

murder. The ball was so crowded and everybody had a mask so

nobody could know who is the murderer.

In the meantime Keloğlan who is near the case couldn’t know what

he would do because of his confusion. He dropped his mask while he

was running within panic and fear.

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Martin who realized the stain on the mask, got the mask and took

away the store. He wanted everyone to believe that the murderer

was Kaloğlan. Fort his aim he would use the blood stain on the mask

as an evidence . All in all everybody liked his mask and there was a

bloood stain on the mask and on the next day he came Keloğlan’s

house to threat him.

Meanwhile Peter was trying to do something. He wanted to

discharge the duty of loyalty so he got some informations about this

case. Beisdes i was wrong that there was insect invasion at La

Befana’s home. La Befana was not in the case . Absolutely she never

liked Keloğlan but the only thing she wanted is to take his revenge

and it wasn’t important whoever could do this.

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Martin was so impatient because he still supposed that there was a

blood stain on the mask. But he didn’t know it wasn’t blood and it

was the tomato stain. Because while he was watching the carnaval, a

tomato splashed Keloğlan’s mask. With this plan he thought he could

hide his blame. But he was shocked because Peter came Keloğlan’s

home and told him everything. He listened the conversation behind

the house.

Peter told Keloğlan that there was nothing to be afraid of. After

Martin listened them, he moved away there . All in all his plan was

thrown a monkey wrench in the works.

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After a while, two cases were concluded. The murderer in the fansy

dress ball was found and Keloğlan had his store again. This case was

a lesson for La Befana and she never thought to do bad things like



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Once upon a time in Turkey, there was a leader who wanted to

rule the world. He had a great army and one of his bravest

soldiers was Deli Dumrul. He was fearless and strong. He had a

long black hair and moustache. He had two sons but he was

very worried because one of them didn't want to become a


He only wanted to sing, dance and admire the nature. He was

quite the opposite of his brother, who was brave, strong and he

always wanted to fight his younger brother. 1

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A which from Italy (La Befana), who was visiting her friend in

Turkey, heard about the two brothers and how the elder was

always annoying the younger. The children didn't know that she

was a fairy and witch.

She decided to help the younger brother, who was sensitive. One

day she watched the Deli Dumrul's family. Deli was at home,

saying goodbye to his sons because he was going in a battle. He

came into his older and bravest son's room and said:

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''Oh, my son! I'm so proud of you. I know you will be a good

soldier someday just like me.''

His son was so happy and said: '' I won't let you down!''

Later he came to his younger son, who was playing the flute. The

father was furious when he saw that.

He said:'' You'll never be a soldier!! What shall I do with you?!''

Deli Dumrul was so angry that he broke his flute and threw it


The younger son was so sad and lonely. Deli Dumrul’s wife was

not happy to see that but she said nothing.

La Befana saw everything and knew that she had to help Deli

Dumrul's younger son. She made the plan.

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Meanwhile Deli Dumrul went to fight for his sultan.

The Turkish leader started another war and wanted to conquer

the world. Many countries feared that Turkish soldiers would

come. The Turkish army was moving towards Habsburg border,

while they ran into some merchants, who were sitting around a

fire. Among them was also Martin Krpan, who was carrying big

bags on his horse.

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Deli Dumrul, who was the leader of the Turkish army, ordered

his soldiers to stop. They wanted to know what goods were in

the bags.

Martin Krpan, who was the biggest and the bravest, said: “ We

are all travelling around the world to sell some goods, but I have

something special for your sultan, but nobody can see my bags

except the sultan.”

They did not believe him. He showed Deli Dumrul the letter from

Sultan. After long negotiations they let him go and gave him two

Turkish soldiers to accompany him.

They took the other goods and merchants for their slaves.

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Martin Krpan was riding for few days and finally came to Turkey.

Soon after they crossed the border, some robbers attacked them.

Two Turkish soldiers were fighting well but robbers were

stronger. Martin Krpan was very strong, he was fighting with

four men, but two of them grabbed him and he couldn’t move.

He thought that was the end. Suddenly a man on the horse came

and shouted four words. Krpan did not understand them. Four

men ran and never came back.

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So that is how Krpan met Nasreddin Hodja. They started talking.

Martin Krpan was a simple man but he was also clever and he

soon realized that Nasreddin Hodja had an influence on people

and he sometimes gave advice to the Sultan. He was very wise


Martin Krpan told Nasreddin Hodja about the Turkish army in

his country and that was moving towards Venice. He told him

everything about what happened and that he has something for

the sultan. Nasreddin Hodja couldn't believe Krpan’s words.

Because he was good wise man he gave him a good advice and

they decided to do everything that was in their power to bring

peace to every country.

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In fact, Martin was carrying a special gift for the Turkish

leader(sultan)’s wife thanks to this special permission. It was a

jewellery which was made from valuable stone and had a special

design. Naturally, he couldn’t say to Hodja anything at the first

time. But now as he relied on Hodja’s sincere, he could say to

Hodja the thing he was carrying in his bag. Hodha didn’t believe

in his hearings a lot but the thing he saw was so wonderful that

he couldn’t believe in his eyes. After he saw the sultan’s

signature, he could believe Martin’s words from now on. He

smiled by saying “This beautiful gift will make my sultan happy.”

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Deli Dumrul’s little son was so sad because of his livings. He

got further away from his home by thinking about why his

father didn’t understand him and disrespected his ability, he

couldnt be a soldier like his father and wanted to be alone. He

came the shadow of a big tree with his broken flute and heart.

He was trying to give his father right but on the other side he

knew that he didn’t have to be like his brother. Whatever he

lived he wouldn’t leave the music.

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La Befana who saw this boy’s sadness felt sorry for him. She

thought again she had to help him. It was time to carry out her

plan. At first she needed somebody to help her. She knew who

could help her. Immediately she sent a message to his best

friend in Italy. She wrote him that he had to come to Turkey as

soon as possible, she needed his support and if he came he

could have fun.

Pinocchio who got the message was so exciting both he would

see a new country and he loved dancing and music so much but

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there was a obstacle. How would he persuade his old father

Geppetto? At first he offered him to go there together. But

Geppetto refused him because of his senescence. When he saw

Pinocchio was so willing he thought preventing him was

nonsense and he let him go. Pinocchio danced on air he heard

it. Immediately he started to prepare for the travelling.

In the meantime Turkish army came a long way. They came

closer Slovenian land and encountered interesting occasion.

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Deli Dumrul’s beloved son was attacked by bandits. The man,

shepherd Peter, who saw this event intervened in the attack

and saved Deli Dumrul’s son. His struggle against the bandits

started to be talked in the army.

Deli Dumrul was so curious about this boy. The sultan heard it

and ordered to find this hero. When Peter came into the

sultan’s presence, the sultan was so happy. He conversed with

Peter and was effected by Peter’s personality and courage. He

told that he would award him and continue the peace between

this two country. He interviewed with the Slovenian leader and

expressed him this hero would keep alive the relationship of

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the countries. He knew so much that sovereignty of the world

could found with affection and respect. Additionally he didn’t

forget to invite the scientist and artists to his country.

In the meantime, Pinocchio came Turkey and met his friend, La

Befana. They helped the boy improve himself in music. The boy

was developing himself quickly. The musics he composed

started being talked about. The people were listening them

fondly. But one side of his heart wasn’t happy with his

achievements. All in all his achievements would never be

appreciated by his father. But nothing wouldn’t prevent his

music love.

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Pinocchio was so happy with his life. He danced a lot and sang

songs. He had a new friend. He was proud of himself. He was

supporting his friend that he had to be determined and said “If

you dont occupy with the thing you love, you never be happy.”

Keloğlan had attended to this happy and beautiful group after

he came to see his friend, Deli Dumruls’s son.

The sultan had already ordered his army to come back their

country after Peter’s courageousness. Henceforth the peace

would continue. The mutual promises was given and the gifts

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were presented each other. Surely he would get the most

beautiful gift when he came back his country.

During the way and travelling deli Dumrul and the sultan

evaluated the situation. Both of them believed sincerely that

the decisions they made were the most correct decisions. For a

moment they mentioned Dumrul’s little son. Dumrul showed

humility. He said he could never accept his little son’s thoughts.

Indeed he knew he thought wrong but he couldn’t accept this.

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The sultan said to him “You should encouraged your son about

this occasion. Everybody didn’t have to be a good warrior like

you.” Besides he said “After returning the country i will meet

the little son and if i like his musics, i can get him to the palace.”

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In the meanwhile in Turkey La Befana, Pinocchio, Keloglan and

Peter thanks to whom Peace had spread again in the world,

were singing , dancing and having fun together with Deli

Dumrul’s younger son who was really very good at playing the

flute now! But the boy was still so sad because he knew his

father was coming back from the war and he wouldn’t have

been so happy and good with him and his music! What should

he do? La Befana, the oldest and wisest of the group, thought it

would be a good idea to ask Hodja for a good advice! . The wise

man knew that the Turkish Sultan was very fond of art and

music, so he suggested to organize a little show to celebrate the

return of the Sultan and Deli Dumrul from the war!

The group worked very hard to get everything ready for the

return of the soldiers! Keloglan, suggested to make a Special

Edit : All the young boys of the city who were able to play a

musical instrument had to meet in the square of the city for a

very important communication!

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No one suspected that the square would be full of such a crowd

of young musicians who usually played their instruments in the

secret of their houses! They were so excited! La Befana and

Hodja the wisest people of the group started to speak to such

an audience!

“Dear boys, we are very happy to see so many of you who like

music and hate war and fight!” said La Befana

“We have heard that the Sultan and Deli Dumrul are coming

back home and that a long period of Peace will begin from now

on thanks to Peter, our Slovenian friend-continued Hodja- so

it’s time for us to celebrate their arrival with songs , dances

and flowers instead of weapons and bullets! So let’s get

organized!” All the young Turkish boys began to play music

with their flutes and Pinocchio, Keloglan and Peter started

dancing the typical dances of their own countries!

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All of them practiced for days, from morning to night, to get the

show the most beautiful one ever seen!

The day arrived when the soldiers, the Sultan and Deli Dumrul

made their entrance in the city! All the streets were empty and

silence was everywhere! “That’s strange “ said the Sultan”

Where are all? What happene to my reign? The army marched

silently towards the big square when, all at once, a choir of

young singers , a group of dancers and a band of musicians

invaded the square! At the head of such a show there was Deli

Dumrul’s younger son playing his flute beautifully!

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“What a surprise “exclaimed the Sultan” who’s that boy?

“It’s my younger son” Deli replied proudly!

“He so good in playing the flute! It will be an Honour for me to

have him in my Palace as The chief of my musicians! The Sultan

said and continued:” from now on My town will be the most

peaceful town of Turkey: no more wars, no more conflicts, only

Peace, Love and Music!

All my soldiers must learn to play an instrument because the

real joy comes from a good heart and only a good hearth can

love and play Music! You are very lucky Deli Dumrul to have

such a good son!” Deli couldn’t believe what he was hearing to!

He get off his horse and ran to his son asking to be forgiven!

La Befana and Hoodia were in a corner of the place looking at

such a beautiful scene! They were so happy: their plan worked

well! Love always wins!

From that day on the Sultan’s city was called SIMPHONY a

place where people were happy and friendly and from that

moment on , each year, they celebrated the beginning of this

new life with songs and dances under the guide of Deli

Dumrul’s younger son!

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If you believe in you and in what you really like Never say

never…in your Life!


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"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not

doing anything very innovative."

Woody Allen


"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work."



"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long

and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one

which has opened for us."

Alexander Graham Bell