com-lette junior college b a n g a l o r e -...

JUNIOR COLLEGE BANGALORE-29 COM-LETTE WRITE THE COMMERCE IN YOU Welcome to the first edition of Comlette for the academic year 2011-12! First of all, a hearty welcome to all the first years who have joined us recently! Just out of school, you must be amazed by the scale of happenings around you! Not to worry! CJC is just too involving to give you time to express your awe and when you do get time, you realize that you've already become a part of the roller coaster ride! You must have all heard about the Commerce newsletter and must be wondering what it is all about? Comlette, the newsletter brought out by Colossus, is a reflection of the thoughts and opinions of the students on various events pertaining to Commerce. This year, the tagline has been chosen as “write the commerce in you” to inspire all you budding writers out there to pen down your thoughts and get them voiced and recognised. For the inaugural edition of this academic year, we were focussed on bringing something new and exciting in the magazine. We took in your suggestions to improve the magazine in order to make it more special. This edition contains a variety of mind blowing articles ranging from topics like 'corporate' to 'lifestyle'. The articles cover events from the business world to the happenings of our very own commerce club, Colossus! And what's more? We even have a few brain teasers to get you thinking! So go on, turn the page and see what's in store for You! Happy reading and exploring! Editors: Rishabh Pagaria II CAME L Shruthi Ashok II CAME L Manish B Shetty II CAME L Editorial Talk COMMERCE DEPARTMENT VOLUME 1, ISSUE 18, July 2011 "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." - Confucius.

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Welcome to the first edition of Comlette for the academic year 2011-12! First of all, a hearty welcome to all the first years who have joined us recently! Just out of school, you must be amazed by the scale of happenings around you! Not to worry! CJC is just too involving to give you time to express your awe and when you do get time, you realize that you've already become a part of the roller coaster ride! You must have all heard about the Commerce newsletter and must be wondering what it is all about?

Comlette, the newsletter brought out by Colossus, is a reflection of the thoughts and opinions of the students on various events pertaining to Commerce. This year, the tagline has been chosen as “write the commerce in you” to inspire all you budding writers out there to pen down your thoughts and get them voiced and recognised.

For the inaugural edition of this academic year, we

were focussed on bringing something new and

exciting in the magazine. We took in your

suggestions to improve the magazine in order to

make it more special. This edition contains a variety

of mind blowing articles ranging from topics like

'corporate' to 'lifestyle'. The articles cover events

from the business world to the happenings of our

very own commerce club, Colossus! And what's

more? We even have a few brain teasers to get you


So go on, turn the page and see what's in store for You!

Happy reading and exploring!

Editors:Rishabh Pagaria II CAME LShruthi Ashok II CAME LManish B Shetty II CAME L







"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." - Confucius.

Page: 2

Colossus InaugurationThere could possibly be no better way to kick start Colossus for its colossal journey in the year 2011-12 than having a

traditional inauguration. The event started on a grand note with the invocation song by the Ambika and group and a

classical dance by Akhila of 2-K. The introductory speech was then delivered by our most beloved teacher and the co-

ordinator of Colossus, Mrs. Salma Sengupta who gave us (especially the 'juniors', that is how I like to call them!) an

informative insight into the working of our larger-than-life Commerce Club!

This was then followed by a truly motivational and engrossing speech by our honourable chief guest for the evening, Mr

Ashok Swaminathan who highlighted the importance of 'holistic development', a philosophy our college has adopted as

its trademark. We were further enlightened on the fact that education is not limited to the black board, text books and

“examinations” and that the real test of character of a person is during testing times with highly informative speeches

from our most-admired teacher from the U.S.A., Prof. Mark McConnell and our revered Principal, Fr. Jose C.C.

The speeches were followed by the announcement of the names of the event managers, COMEX Resource People and nd

last but not the least, the editors of our Comlette for this year! This moment was very special for all the 2 years as it

truly established the excitement of seniority in our minds!!!!

The entertainment segment was given a fitting start by a scintillating dance performances by the students from 2-L. The

dance performance was followed by some feet-tapping music from the students of 2-J and 2-K. It was now time for the

most hilarious part of the show, The Creative Ads Skit, produced, directed and enacted by the students of 2-L…this

hilarious ad campaign for “Mockey Toothpaste” brought the house down! This brought us to the end of the most st ndperfect and encouraging start to the new academic year 2011-12 for both the 1 and 2 year Commerce students of

Christ Junior College.

The moment had arrived! Our juniors were ready to involve; we were ready to evolve and together we hope to ignite!

- Ummera Naveed (II CAME L)

Campus Impressions

“If man makes himself a worm he must not complain when he is trodden on.” - Immanuel Kant.

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Angry Birds!!

Oh gosh! The eggs are gone!

War triggered at the break of dawn;

Those sneaky pigs stole the egg,

How dare they commit the sabotage??!!

Catapulted through the bright blue dome,

Onto the castle-walls of the pigs


I soar through the sky…

Wings eclipse, I'm ready to die!

I attack the pigs as I go spaceward;

You there, don't mess with “the angry bird”!

YES! Angry Birds! The game that made

history worldwide and gave us something to do when we had nothing to do was primarily inspired by a

sketch of stylized wingless birds and then by its very evident success, which has continuously encouraged

its developers at “Rovio Mobile Ltd” to not only come up with additional levels for the game but also

release them across varied platforms such as Android besides Apple on which it was first released in

December 2009.

Angry Birds has been developed by a Finnish Company- “Rovio Mobile Ltd.” as mentioned prior. The

company, which has come into the limelight only recently, was established in the year 2003 and has since

developed many mobile-based games like Bounce and NFS, the upgraded versions of which have always

been eagerly awaited for!

Angry Birds, with its user-friendly interface and intelligently designed graphics has taken just two years to

cross every age barrier and sell close to about 1.5 million copies through the Apple Application Store

alone! Angry Birds has even been analysed by experts and is believed to enhance troubleshooting skills

besides providing addictive yet interactive entertainment. So, if you haven't checked out this fun yet

learning experience yet, go indulge!

Rovio has always provided its products for a cost but most of us end up indulging in piracy which has,

according to reports, not only affected the company's profits but also its ability to provide us with better

games. Hence we should take a pledge to buy the game and encourage the maker by helping him earn

what he deserves. Piracy begins with us, unaware people! Spread the awareness! Stop the crime!

Aditya BankaII CAMS (K)

"Friendship is essentially a partnership." - Aristotle


The Mobile Revolution.Ten to Fifteen years back most people were users of Nokia

handsets. The main reason was lack of choice. Back then, India

was still a nascent mobile handset market and the call rates

were extremely high.

Now it's a completely different story. India is one of the

fastest growing markets for mobile handset use in the world.

This drastic change can mainly be attributed to the increase in

buying-power of the people. In our country people change a

refrigerator once every 5-10 years, but they want to change

their mobile handsets almost every year! Experts say this

phenomenon happens only in Asian countries and India tops

the charts. The probable reason for this is that we Indians love

change and like keeping ourselves updated with every change

in technology around us.

Few years back there were only a few options when it came

to buying a cell phone. The market was blunt. Right now there

are thousands of options for consumers. Experts say that

with the ever reducing call rates and the launch of 3G services

in our country, this market is only bound to explode further.

Another major share in the market is the youth. Yes! We

want the latest gizmo available in the market and the major

handset makers are using this potential market to generate

revenue. For instance, Blackberry has begun targeting the

youth with their Blackberry Messenger, in order to compete

with major players like Samsung, Nokia, and Sony Ericsson. In

fact, some of the premier mobile companies are resorting to a

cut-down on the prices of their phones due to the arrival of

new technology to keep their market share dominant. The

increase in living standards of Indians has made it possible for

every alternate person to possess at least a basic phone.

Abhijith Kambhampati


Facebook- A Marketing Genius!What began as a dorm-room phenomenon has eventually evolved into one of the world's most sought-for business strategy. Due to the mass following of the brand, advertising and pages have positioned the social networking website as a staple in the marketing industry.

According to statistics, Facebook now accounts for

17.1% of the total in the e-marketing sector while

Google lags behind at 12.3%. Facebook has

definitely taken the internet by storm and is turning

social media into the darling of the internet. While

conventional marketing strategies still hold their

importance, large business houses are trying to

exploit Facebook's ability to bring to attention to

account holders, the information about a product

so effortlessly due to its designing brilliance. No

account user can obtain additional information

about a product/service without 'liking' its page.

Facebook is becoming so prominent as a marketing

aide now that it is now being considered

complementary to conventional marketing

strategies! The link between marketing and

Facebook is first of its kind in the e-world and is a

very evident success story.

Possibilities are unlimited. This idiom holds

complete truth and relevance to Facebook as a

giant in the social media marketing platform that

still has a large undefined potential still waiting to be


Akshay Pathi


"There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward." - Albert Einstein.

Page: 5

Building BRICS“You cannot make bricks without straw” says the profound French proverb.

In the present era, 'You cannot make even straws without BRICS' is

apt. Before you misunderstand, BRICS is a grouping acronym for

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. It has been predicted

that the so called 'Big Five’ will propel the economic development of

this century. A term coined by Jim O'Neill of Goldman Sachs in 2001,

BRICS symbolises the shift of economic power from the G7

developed countries.

For starters, BRICS constitute 40% of the world's population, 25% of

the earth's land mass and are some of the largest producers of raw

materials and it can thus be comprehended that the BRICS will

invariably rule this century. But before you feel bored and lose me, I

would like caution that these statistics are mere predictions. It all

depends on how we justify this status. India would rank third on the

list of GDPs in 2050, just behind China and USA. However, our

resources are likely to be exhausted faster than the other BRICS

countries. As a result, we can fall behind even before we have started

to proclaim our position…

Can we in any way help boost India's status? The answer is an

emphatic- YES! To achieve this, our first objective should be to

establish 100% literacy. Back-to-school programmes, e-learning, etc.

are some of the very few initiations that should be promoted

vigorously to earn popular support. Secondly, providing adequate

employment opportunities for the working age group is probably the

trump card for India in this race.

Governance is a highly critical feature. Bad governance, insufficiency

of capital and inefficient leadership could ruin India. Next, the

economic policies of the nation play a pivotal role. With due respect,

the present policies are not completely fool proof. New ideas,

research and studies need to be funded and implemented

successfully. Civic and infrastructural facilities such as sanitation,

transportation and shelter for the citizens and provision of all

conveniences will surely boost the living standards and productivity

of the people of our nation.

With all that we see in our country today, she may soon 'earn' the tag

of a corrupt country, and could as well be shoved off from the

prestigious BRICS group. It all comes down to how we contribute and

stabilise India and help the BRICS support the world brick by brick!

Ajay PaiI CAME (L)

Apple- The Powerhouse of Innovation

“Be a yardstick of quality and innovation. Some

people are not used to an environment where

excellence is expected” - Steve Jobs

Apple, this is one company that needs no

introduction of any sort to testify their passion for

innovation. They let their product do the talking.

So what really makes Apple what it is today? The

answer is very simple. The company is driven by

the most obsessive CEO, Steve Jobs, who wants his

product to be practically perfect in every way. He

believes that if you make something great,

everyone will want to use it and at Apple, he

makes sure that he delivers just that.

This company sets a new standard for the

corporate world with an entirely new business

model: creating a brand, morphing it and

reincarnating it to thrive in today's disruptive age.

Apple has demonstrated how a company can

create real, breath taking growth by dreaming up

products so new and ingenious that they have

upended one industry after another: consumer

electronics, the record industry, and the movie

industry and video and music production.

At Apple, the new-product development starts in

the gut and gets hatched in rolling conversations

which go something like this: What do we hate?

(our cell phones). What do we have to make it

how it needs to be? (A cell phone with a Mac

inside). What would we like to own? (You guessed

it right, an iPhone).

All thanks to Steve Jobs, bringing his mix of genius

and a tendency to play by his own rules into

America's most admired company. His

dedication to discovery and excellence has created

a culture that has made Apple a symbol of

innovation. At Apple, every endeavour is a moon-

shot. Sometimes it misses but the successes are

huge. Apple has not only made technology easy-to-

use, exciting and beautiful, it has become a part of

the lives of millions of people around the world.

And you know what the best part is?.. Steve Jobs is

not done yet.

Shreyans JainII CAME (L)

"Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress."- Mahatma Gandhi.

Page: 6

India 2020 is visualized to be one among the world's greatest economies, bustling with energy, entrepreneurship and

innovations. As per the vision 2020, 1.35 billion people of India would be better fed, dressed and housed, more

educated and have a longer life span than ever before in the country's long history. Illiteracy and all the major

contagious diseases will be eradicated; the school enrolment ratio from age 6 to 14 will near 100% and the dropout

rates will lessen to 1 percent.

Sounds amazing, doesn't it? But is it really possible? Before we even attempt answering this question we need to self-

introspect as a nation as to why India, in spite of being tagged as the tenth most industrialized country in the world, th

having achieved the all-round socio-economic progress during the 64 years of independence, still holds the 119 rank

(as per the World Human Development Report)? Can India even make it up to the 'G' of the GREATEST?? Can 26% of

Indians who are still living under poverty line get access to the basic requirements to push through these poverty lines?

Is it possible for Indians to become an economic super power when we have a parallel economy in the form of “BLACK

MONEY” countering every positive change?

There are many questions, but who is responsible to give an answer? Yet thinking? Well that is the problem with us

Indians! We are extremely good in criticizing and commenting if someone initiated and went wrong. We can easily

blame the politicians for every

defect, but do we realize who is

responsible for choosing these

politicians? Yes, you guessed it right!

It is us, ourselves! We, who

ind i scr im ina te l y was te the

resources available and then create

a hue and cry about the inefficiency

of the civic bodies when those

resources fall short to fulfill our

needs. We, who are too lazy to get

out and vote to elect our

representatives, but are never lazy

to criticize the elected ones when

they go wrong. We, who only speak

about national integration and unity

but at the backdrop, we have hatred

brewing for the next person.

We need to realize that every

problem begins with us and the solution also lies in our hands. It is up to us if we really want to find it. All that is required

to solve our problems is the will to solve them! If we really want to visualize India as a great economic superpower by

2020, then it's totally on us to face these challenges and work towards fulfilling our vision. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be

the change you want to see in the world” because a vision without an action is just a dream, an action without a vision is

waste of time, an action with vision changes the world, why not let the change begin with me?

Prachi Agarwal


India Vision 2020: A Promising Glimpse or a Mere Fantasy?

"Healthy discontent is the prelude to progress."- Mahatma Gandhi.

Page: 7

Oh! Money, Money, Money!!

It is often said that people don't tend to do anything, when

in love. But when the person is in love with money he can

do the most unimaginable things. Having invented the

word himself, for a variety of purposes and for the

common good of the economy, the word has reached a

stage where "wealth" can now 'buy' nothing but 'ruin'


It is even harder to believe that all crimes being

committed now are only out of greed. Why do we

have faulty elevators? Why do we have bad roads?

Why don't we have a proper water supply? Why do

we have corrupt police men? The answer is simple:

corruption. Yes, this is a serious issue that has to be

dealt with. All the money invested in a project is

manipulated by the higher officials, and the little

money that is left is used to undertake a project. What

is the result? An unfinished job or a job finished, but

very inefficient with no follow-up by the authorities


Why is it that people are so much into wealth that

they cannot see beyond this six letter word? Wealth

can buy a lot of things, a big house, a big car, servants,

luxuries and comforts etc. No wonder the entire

world revolves around money. It is the ultimate

dream of a mother that her child be married into a

rich family while a father only dreams that his child

becomes an engineer or a doctor, for how else can

one settle down with a fat pay check? This has also

changed the definition and purpose of education.

What was originally meant to develop a person is now

destroying the most fun days of his life all because of

the greed for money…

There is a urgent need to get out of this notion.

"Wealth" does not buy everything. There are so many

things that are more important to an individual. There

is a dire need for a man to see beyond wealth. Love,

affection, honesty, humility, benevolence are seldom

present in an individual who can think of wealth. After

all, where does he have the time to adopt these

qualities? A greedy person is never honest because his

money is seldom earned by the right ways and means.

Love and affection are foreign languages to him.

Yes, when you think of it, the world is a nasty place.

But that doesn't mean anything, for there are people

who do not want to be spoiled by wealth and are not

affected by the contagious disease called 'greed'.

There might be a dearth of such individuals, but they

are present among us and are trying to cure the world

and purify it. People must get out of this 'false' world

that they live in and face the bitter truth. It is never too

late to act for a noble cause and what could be a better

cause than to fight against the world's misery? It might

be late, but it's truly worth the wait!

Shruthi Nair


An Intelligently “Krafted” Marketing Strategy

“Shattered expectations and disappointment galore” is

what greeted Kraft Foods' (of Toblerone fame) takeover

of the Indian 'sweet'heart- Cadbury for $19 billion. Almost

every chocolate lover in our country was tormented by

the fact that they'd now have to give up on their most

preferred brand and most of all the emotions and

memories associated with it. But Kraft had something

uniquely different in mind!

Citing Cadbury's humongous consumer base, sales and

unmatched goodwill in India, Kraft Foods announced that

they were not yet ready to roll out their products in the

Indian market yet and that Cadbury would function as it did

prior to its sell-out! (much to the relief of the Cadbury

Chocó Fanatics!!!). This decision of Kraft made complete

sense as Cadbury, with an average sale of $500 million, is

far better established than Kraft Foods' which has barely

crossed the $1 million sales mark in India. It would not take

an Einstein to figure out that Cadbury is definitely a

'golden-egg laying hen' for Kraft.

The R&D Department at Kraft understands the value

Cadbury holds in the Indian markets perfectly well and to

make judicious use of that knowledge, it has launched the

international favourite Oreo Cookies in India under the

Cadbury banner and it has proved to be a phenomenal

success! On the outset, Kraft has been very shrewd in

firstly, not crushing the Indian sentiment by dissolving

Cadbury and its products and has secondly, made use of

our own beloved brand to promote their own product!

Now that is a marketing strategy definitely worth some

money and more importantly, the smiles and sentiments of

the people of a Chocó-crazy nation!

Rohit Singh


"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther King.

Page: 8

Brain TeasersBusiness Jokes:

1. A young businessman had just started his own firm. He rented a beautiful office and had it furnished with

antiques. Sitting there, he saw a man come into the outer office. Wishing to appear the hot shot, the

businessman picked up the phone and started to pretend he had a big deal working. He threw huge figures

around and made giant commitments. Finally he hung up and asked the visitor, "Can I help you?"

The man said, "Yeah, I've come to activate your phone lines."

2. All Is Fair In Business

A shopkeeper was dismayed when a brand new business much like his own opened up next door and

erected a huge sign which read 'BEST DEALS.' He was horrified when another competitor opened up on his

right, and announced its arrival with an even larger sign, reading 'LOWEST PRICES.' The shopkeeper

panicked, until he got an idea. He put the biggest sign of all over his own shop. It read: 'MAIN ENTRANCE’

Business Quiz:1. Which car gives you “Fun on the run”?

2. Name the term used for depreciating a company's intangible assets?

3. Name the first Indian woman CEO of a Foreign Bank?

4. Who founded the famous Wall Street Journal?

5. What is an unusual service offered by Bank of Baroda at Tirupati?

6. What is the exchange rate of one currency for another over a fixed period of time called?

7. In which country's coins can you find the following lines imprinted, 'This is the root of all evils'?

8. Which word was derived from the French word 'Bougette' meaning 'Little Bag'?

9. Which country's foreign market is known as 'Rembrandt Market'?

10. Which country's currency is known as Drachma, which in Greek means 'to grasp'?

Send in your answers to the e-mail id: [email protected] within 24 hours. The first three

correct entries will get exciting prizes!

For Private Circulation Only