colorado aliens wor'k at bars pa · 2000. 8. 31. · surh oc:cttn'cncfs not ouly wouud nur 5eic-p....

J \I I I I "" "" iii'< no: IIlr.II (O{ I n \ STl-.UlEN1lliIII 8.\ Itf - IT TEt:t11 f\ r J Jl i t,.. raj r"3liLatJ tha' 01 Ip e" rynb.cre will 1areclly a!f .... t our 1h·... R bask antl- allm pro t r u des hroujCh the papef·thm "cneer , ill our .... rlOl rom· JIIun!ti . Reports (rom Wa hington st.llC L, \ No,ember. IellinR ')1 the :Ie- or the repeal or thc anti· allen land la .... rudely aWRkcncr! U5 \0 Ih" brutal lael thai an wU·rorrlllller I elinz .tiU e .. 1>; ., .., Iba' Icclang - still dlfected ""1ain t us In spite 01 the ap- parent acceptance c.l AJ,\ In 'the c.ommunIty. Here. In Color •• OO. we rcgreUul- Iy Und Ih" 5ame Lo be lrue. In th .. Colorl1a statutes. rnaclro in 1935. there Is a prm1slon tho I an allen be empl(lyed and may not os. l, in any capaci!.Y. a a w, lire or a d,ilh""asher or (1'\'('11 n if Janft.or. in any r tablisbm 'nt Jrren ,,j Lo sell U- quor. In Ille 1()T1;:·a!;o years 01 HilS. e ere still reroverlng lrom thr devastatiog cllec 01 depre <- saon. and an anU-alien prcJudJ"e Igams' "Ioreigners" in tim (,I C OLORADO ALI ENS BARRED FROM WOR'K AT B ARS IIIINnplnyment U lUldf"r· ,,"'abl<, Or in pny pl pce li ce n se d fo se ll liquor, s ay s Ya sui Hut, thl. I W;;t . w" U'''''aht ",," c tlu days of the "n,'y, frunlll"r'·. Whl n we urc coneen .. t I with pc.."<>Pil- ,1 I wle. So. alter .lnA th.· ",,,lIa Ith the liquor bo<,rd, "lIh promlnu" . tate leld I"tors, ,mel with k1ndn-.-1 orAuullnti"n 1I111'Tcstrd in lhl' maUer, Wl' con· ctud,-o th.,t n quiet .pp .. ,,,ch Lo l'liml""t.., t h I.- dbcrlrnlnnLoI-Y (') 11) I \\ould be Lhc be t. Il Srr I'hl \Vrrk ', " Il,- thr Uo ffl" 1 n!':NVl- R.- " .. "vI. loti III Ihl' Colo- "ado l:ltulr- th:,' nn nl1C'n cunnot bl" "'111)110, or ,1 1\1. t in any 1n,><u'1ty. 1'\'l'n ,,\ il wnlh'r. q. dl. h· \'n hr'r or J''"ItOI'. In esl .. bU' m'nt IIn'n. o><! to ,II liquor "'A. lroUJlht h:1 Ua.:hl wht'n II propo AI o OJl('11 n ukh akf hOll.l in Con"PltUl'nlh-, on "PO .:uncudmcnl. n:Curl"lns: ll1 the ol(cndlnR .wtute merdy number wn IntroduClod. To our va 1 nmnlCffil'nl ilnd chal!Tln. we loul\d that down· t.ltc 101l1slaLo .. (rom rural dlstTlcts vehemcnll,) uppo,ed liber all .. ,tlon o( employ· IlIl'nt opportu nities lor aliens. dis- t"fling the "urpooe 01 thc amend· ment nnd en'lnl( o Lt that alicn. could bee ml; bartender - In bar< and hence It would mnke II l'lL ier (or the! enemy to pio III subvcr .... iH: nnd sptc in .... ulncr· :lble plnces! \"r\, frankly. the n.."Qucst tor amcudmcnl or the Colorado lily. .. l"Oi!e out o( a propo.sal to opeln a sukiyaki hou_ e on Denver. with the thought Ulat J< .. at btlde.. and pe rhaps n super· eXll'rt chef lrom Japan migbt Dc , In ployed at such a rt t.:wranl, whleh ,,"'OUld Jncident- 11b' dlspen!-t.:' sake as R port oj the exolic Oriental otmos phere But. In the crucial \'ote In the Statt' Senate, :he amendmenl wu. deteated . OUf naive assumv- tIon tbot legislators in Colorado who enactro the first F,oIr Hou " 109 Law U\ America , and who he ,,'c pass ro Fair Employmenl Practi ces ,\ct>. would be well di posed LoW,lrd.- our miniscule oUen po lulation in Colorado wo s shattered. OTlfER lUNG-OVER.." OF PREJUDl CE Mike Watanabe, oS pre.ldel11 01 the Omaha J ACL. reporLs thaI 'cbraska hu a mlseegenation .tatulc that prohibits marriage: b<:t\\ een w-hltes and person> ho\ '- Ing "onc-eighth or more" Negro. Japane;e or Chinese blood. Tooh Suyematsu. a Ni.-el law- yer In Cbeyenne. Wyoming. has been (Ightin!! for more than a ) car to clarify the cmploymcnl poli..,cs 01 thl ' Unton Pacific Rail- road 111 not biring Japanese on !"Iccll0n LoC.1Uy, In Dpn\'or, to our un· belie"in!: a. InllI. hment, we fwd ., chools innO(l "nt fIr·t to nad b.v l'Ccot.:- llil("., t'a .. such "p. ,I'll', lIal". rtO'. Surh oc:cttn'c nCfS not ouly wouud nur 5eIC-p. leeln. but painlully Jl4lOcturf': our ,;: " 'umpUoo Ihut cvorythin!: b gOIng along pretty well lor A"As. No lhe ell-Impo.ed task 01 U,e JACL to eliminate all IDrm 01 dlscrimmation and pre- judice again,t persons of Japa- nese based upon racial anlecedents. i, not yet complete -In the Rocky Mountain rcglon, or unlortunately elsewhere in the United States Because 01 the .e manllest..- o( prejudice, we are grate - rul to Jim Kunugl 01 San Luis Valley. Lo Byron Kawara 01 Ft. LUI>ton . to Tak Terasakl 01 Dcn- vcr, Lo Mike Watanabe o( Omaha, and to all other loyal JACLers who arc quieUy and congcleD- ti<lusly carrying on the work 01 Ihe JI\CL in the MOlU\\aln-Ploins .IACL dislrlct Our prayer and lervent hOlp" i th.t IIkc-mlndro JACLe" the country wUl con- t/Due their most frequently un- noted and unsuog el!orts Lo help Amrrica a better place lor all of us. m'lCle Il'C't nth A(..,lIt' -1 rQr ;u, amt'lIclntcnt ,,' hp Cdnrildo hi'.\' wn mGdl' with hI.: thou.:hl thal ,H.'rhnp. a . UlX'r 'xpert r hd 11'"on ,luPM and J,lpa · 'wsc soldlur-brldcs be eID ltO\'C'd at II rcsUiara nl , ,ould dlspellse .okr •. I Ht 01 Ihe Odentnt !ltmo.phere And this amel1dment was dcle!lto><! A !\Jill Yasul. Mo" ntain·Plnln District Council ch:tlrmnn. wrltc' In this week's Puellic CItizen. thl leglslntor_ lrom the rural dl trlct, down-:tntc opposed' Ilberall •• ,UolI (employrncnt 0'> oortunlUes lor aliens, churl(lnr that the amendment ",,,uld ,1110\' ,liens to bcC'Omc bm' tcndcl's nnt hence It I\asier (or th. to plnnt ubvcrsivcs {lne spies in \' ulnerable pillces. Yasul. \\ ho I also edILor-publl.h er o( the Mountain-Plain, AJ 1\ New . II monthly publication. re- norll'li Sus l\Jotsumoto and Han) OkuDo hn ve announced plans to opell1 the suklYll ki hou se March at the Sherman Pla za at Ea st Ninth lind Lincoln St PSW presidents to meet with (human at chapter clinic Approximately 60 J ACLers arc expected at the 19t11 pswoc chap- ter cllnic to be held this Sunday at Pinecrest Dining Room In In· dlo. It was revealed yesterday by the JACL Regional Otaee . Easl Los Angeles and Coachella Valley J ACL cbapters arc co-hosts. Fr(lnk Chuman, nationnl presi- donI, wili be the principal spelaker at the evening banquet. TIle Chap- tl'r 01 the Year award wili be presented by Kango Kunitsu!;lI. rommittce chairman . Kay Nnk,,!!iri. PSWDC chairman, will prt':iric at thtt bllsiH(Js..\ m(>("l ... ing srhPduled 10 1:11'1 nl 10 n 111 TIlc rlinil' will be held , UrI' hll1rheon. Cbuman has asked thot chapter presidonts meet with lum in an an(ormal dw-- Ing luncheon. Tho on .ilUalt-d on Slatt Highway It l, wesl oC U.S. H\V\'. 99 The bus chartered (Of the day ha s been cancelled. l.A. NISEI RESIGNS U.S. A HORNEY'S OFFICE SANTA ANA.-Mln Inadomi. who resigned his position with Ihe Unlled States Attorney's OWce lor the Sout hern District 01 Call- lornia last month. has entered general practice 01 law In Oran/!'e County. the Santana Wind re- ported Ihis week. The 30-year-old veteran who served in Ihe Counter IlIleiii- genee Corps is a 1958 graduate oC Unlv. 01 Calilol'nia Schoot 01 Law c Boa It Rall I He is marned to the lormer Tayeko Nod" and they have one girl. Ellzabelh Ann, sLx months old. Th ey reside at 2321 Ramona Ave., La Habra . Ma io r MDe Objectives: 1961 By J" K .. dowaki, Moe Ch ai rm'l n Philadelphia JACL 10 elect officers C1evellllKI rMnatul,UoIl.l In the newly @Iected o(/jcer throughout the chlll>terJ<. Viewing tlw r to:r 01 each !)oarcl and cab net., coogrnlula- tJoru arc also In order \() the members 01 the respecUve chap- ten (ur their line selection 01 Ie; dera \0 guide them thrOJugh th coming year It Is heartening \() ha ve many who will certainly IlIve guldoncc """ oller thelr ex· perlences. Bork ot IOml Th pa t ytJIr hOI brc n mo.1 Inter nc 011111 rpwa rdlng ("r thc Mldwe t D trlrt Actlvltlc !lour i hro in ,II the chapler. with ucee,,_ At Ihl.s Ump. It would I,.. rn I tanding prolfrlml norl actlvl ',f the eight etaapwrs. l' h P r.oJTlt'rntk",. he Inl"r ('hell" .. ur Idr •• h IV" l·r"fl lrl!. ,nend"UI III I)", Inc hi ha ar.eoll,,! ..d {or ti" dl trirt I', b- per h a 1'1 rot Its gre te \ trrllillb In I hI Inry. A pcr on only I" II III .n Moe" Ix".d mc p tlnl1 pa t t I ,tar. I roca;:nll HlvJ f"U" h. "e "rll II.' r'l'ps" ilmmlll th- or.. I' I lI,a11 Iyllllt In h.v" Ih. ... t Ikr r";:o uurl the th II nd ".- Jfk thai I ''''1,,1,'''1 tor lucr. I,ll /un" II"" \ dl .Irt and rhapt.r In- tead Ilf h3vlng (t 'f ",V leadt"" III rJ the d. Iny ," ,IACI. Thl l, I firmly " hal he"n f cLor In Ita IUc.< '51 Th, rf" ,.,,-; lit,,.,. jltr ,,. .... "" hieh tho: MDC III c""rr". tute In 1:1111 1>.11<10' tl> .. c,,"I.b (1) P •• bilc /lul;I' tlons program. '21 Iliel 8t.ory, 13) Youth gfOUp PUl.. tJla 'n and better job In nllr with PHILADELPHlA.-Elec!lon o( 1,96J I«nglhened. WI' lnu.1 do a I other civic organi/ ... tlons on aU officers Is on. tap Lonight at Phlla· leve" nationally, district.-wl se delphia JACL s general meet1l1g _at and e pcciaJJv locallv the International Institute. WIth . . -' . showing of the liim, "Challenge" For a s peakers bu- produced in cooperation wilh JACL r"au In the ch:apters IS a tre- chapters in Los Anlfeles by s tudent. rneadou. of public re- o( the USC Graduate School 01 lati?n. Organl7.atlons such as th." Cinematography. Kl"anls, 1,lons. Rolary, Council Nominees lor the board 01 gov- IIf1 W 0 rid A lIaIr., Iraternal ernors grouI", arc constantly looking lor Mrs . Cbiyo Kolwal. Sbo Maruya. ,pe.akers ma, Tom MurakamI. Nobu Mlyo- I m cert..ln that a corp 01 shl. Allen Okamoto and Kazuo Ho- excellent peake" can be found rita Board members wlll s erve In JACL chaptc," throughout the two-year terms. country_ IHowever. the hlsLory 01 Since the trea s urer and sec r etary the American o( Japane", an arc electro annually, Ben Ohama with I mountalnQu. mao and Marie Mlzulani have eonsenl. I .. rial and Inter",t ,hoold nol cd Lo run again lor these two limit thl IIroup only Lo "ccom- olllec •. respelctively Hiroshi Uve. ..d I lara was nomlnulions commlU.ce For In ,,"mol 11 •• , Too -hltironiln Th, Pt'"krr" hllreau mil t "I ') A slon led hv Henry Tnnl II" lu. Inlrn",1 u r We mu t vlth partkh,.tI"n Irom thc allcli- make Arnrrk,IO!I of Japan" c .tn. 'n('" will follow lh(' .dlOwinU' of " Iry .. .. (ully th.· '("h" lIrn "e". Ihr' horl IIlm trueIng hl.t(",)' 01 h" b/ld UT 11" hl.,t"ry "I 11,,· . 1'1\);'111' 8(' In Ihr' vl\'; ,1 of our ijl'lIl1", nt It Jllllo-" SllIt" Aml'Tlran . Th" r.nct pille. 01 the Mllr 2S Not .... ,y rn', t Ihl bl' (Jill'ol'" II 1;"I,tinn dll1llPr will hr nn· to NI d but to tlH' Sa .. "1 il noullcrd ·'ell. tor Ihry mu t r,..rh Inlv 1 Old a uri new nwrnbpr 01 th,' m rt, . or lh,. drRmnUr 'xCClltiV(' 1)(,);lrd wIll "" \' hl It,.,! and Irlbul .. 1Ion4 \Vhkh Ihelr 11- 8 p.m. at thl.' httmo of MI N. tora elldllTPd "lonl1 wllh Ihe MiY":lhl, 15 Park Ave., HlghlH lld h"p" and t. plroUon we hn vr Park. Up""r Dnrby , Pn . for Ih"m .. nbl'T U,.I olw·thlrd t,I ollr 1<Jdh)' kno'"'' nothltlg III World W., II "r event. prt tt.,<lInK It. Th!! 1s.,,1 Sinry will "-quirt· the o(for'- 01 evaryonl' to make It o. compl"lc II hbtory AI po,. Ihle fkcau;,e on.' "I 1\11 IJUI'pO os is de.lllncd.. "library of In (or· mllt"m lor our I/l,""rntioM t.o 1,,1. 10'11 find to oth"r dhnle I(rnllp. and sclMtla! in .tudying h'J'/.I We lJ(:cume iI r'lIl Pit .. I S AN JOSE STATE NISEI CLUB ADVI S ER TO RETIRE SAN .IOSI,:. ·R""l1lon 01 (ormr r prewllr San Jo. l' Stall' CollcI(e NI ,tudr'nla Ilnd n farewell party (or Mil Clllra Hln,e, tor- m('r adviser of th c St ud"nt Club Who I. Icuvln/! lor h,'r nl'w ""rmanc nt resldrnce In Orl'\lon, will bl' hl'lrJ at Bowl "rlllm Salarl Roam. 10150 8 d, E;I t b;ln ,1 0, (I'd" 11, 7 p.m, ___ . _..J Vol. 52 N o. 6 DILLON MYER OF WRA FAME HEADS CUBAN RELIEF 40,000 refugees of Castro gov ernment reported in Miami \ 1IAMI , FIII-Thl ' unpolnlml'nl 0' ')lIlon S. Myer a< dlrecLor 01 Ihl Cubon Rellol Prollr"", n this \YO' Announced Feb I by Abrnhnm A. Rlblcolr. nry 01 Health, Education a nd Wei ";'1ft'. Myer dir cct.'Ii the War ReIn , tion AUlhority Wor ld W,lI lJ wht'n some 110,000 person ul fl1pnncsl' lIllccstr .v were 'tom the We:t Into Intcrlor iesert camp •. Secre tary Rlblcoll sold Myer. 'lod allreed Lo assume the po t (or a te mporary period. A tormer Commissioner In the Bureau 0' India n Alfol r< . a po,t he served 3fter WRA wa> closed In 194G. \tt Yl!rs was president or the now· ielunct Institute o( Inter-American \ flolr s. (orerunner 01 the Poinl "'our program lor technical "Id )Vcrseas, and directed n health insurance group In Washington. D.C. Secret" ry Ribicoll \Y"s se nt here by President Kennedy to mnkc no on-the-spot stu dy 01 the problems ra ised by tbe In/lux 01 an esti- mated 40.000 Cuban s lieelng their homeland to avoid Uvlnll under th e Fidei Cas tro regime . Riblcoll said provision . to con· linue operation 01 the Cuban Relu - gee Centcr here have been mnde. MIDNIGHT MEETING CALLED FOR TWIN CITIES UCL EDC·MDC CONFAB BOARD MINNEAPOUS.-Twln ClUes UCL convention b 0 r d Wa> assured Lbe Midwesl 0 islrlel COllncil 15 ready 10 a ssis l tht' lo co I .1 J\Cr. .. r make the [orthl'OtnJna: EDC-MDl Joint convenllon next Lobor Day holid < lvs a SlICCCS$. 1lte' ;l ss urancc wa s pel'5011aJly given by MOC Chairman Joe K.- dowaki or Clevvtond 'It a spccial midnight cot'lvenllon boaI'd meet- ing. when he C8me here to InslaU the new chapter oCIicers Jan. 21. Convenlloil co-chairman Tomo Kosobayashi prese nted a progress rel>ort and Kadowaki appea r ed satislied with the deve lopments to date and stated thnl he is Icnkint:: 10rwardLo his ret ul'D to the Twin Cities. Other members 01 the convention board are Sim pcy Kura moto. co- chair man; Sumi Tera moto. James Sugim ura. Mieko F ujita. Kay Ku- shino, Howar d Nom ura. Henry Ma- kino and And rew Sato. Th e Radisson Hotet here will serve as convention hea dquarters . Of!F ICI AC FUSL I CAT I ON : JArAN£SE ' AMERI C AN e lTltHIS EAGUE PA IFI ITIZE 125 Wa ll er 51 .. Rm. 302, Los Ange los 12, Cali f" MA 6·4471 10 CEN1S Friday, Feb. 10, 1 96 \ WH ITE RIV ER V Al l EY JA Cl M AY BE RE VIV ED 'I'ACOMA I, " t"" Nlb lilly ·Ihut the White Vol· loy Civic Leallue ma .v br re· nctlvatt'li. Ilccordlnl( to PUYAllup V.llioy JACL president To h Tsu- bell. who. old 0 preliminary sur- ve)' at 80lapnoose American Inmiliel In the vailey. Wh ite River Valiey was nn aeUve J ACL chapter In the pl'e- wnr yenrs. hnving been organlled In September, 1930, ,l iter the Ifrst bionnlal nntlonal JACL conven- tion held In Seattie . Second try to rid Wash. alien land law commences SEAITLE.-Senate Joint Resolu· lien 21 was Inlrodu eed Jan . :10 al Olympia by t3 membor s 01 the St ate Legls l.ture. It Is " for repeal 01 ullon lond amendments In the Constitution" Chairman Takes hl Kubola 01 th e Seattle J ACL is chairman 01 a commlltee seeking remo",,1 of the ael I I' 0 m the s talute , La .t November. voters 01 the slete Calied Lo P1 SS SenAte Jo,nl ResoluUon 4 which would have re· pealed land ownen;hip restrictions for aUeos. OFFER PRIZE FOR 1962 CONVENTION THEME SEAITLE. - A eootest 101' a slogan-theme to Identily the 1062 National JACL CO/lvenlion was announced this week by Conven- lion Boa rd Chairman Jim Mats u- oka. following the nr sl meeUng oC lbe board called la s t Jan . an . Winning slognn or lheme will be determined by the board and the person submittln/! it will be awarded a $50 b"nd. 'hollid be tllmed inLo Matsuoka al G59 Jaok!!On 51. Yasaki to leave deputy attorney general post Depll ly Attol'l1ey Geneml Joe arlive Soulhwes t L.A JACLe,', will resign his pos'\ In Los Angeles and entcr private practice III Oakland , it was an- nounced by thc West J e{.Ierson Dcmocratic Club. which is soon.<or- Ing a larewell dinner lor the Ya- on Feb. 25. Time and place arc to be announcro. Volunteer fireman QUINCY. Wash. - Tom Ya ma- moto was elected 10urU, in com- ma nd as lieutenant 01 the Quincy volunteer (frc department for 1961. He is a 1 000 Club lile mem ber. JACL to pr ote st res ol uti on still sought for Dr. L echner SACRAMENTO.-A hearing by the Asse mbly Rule. Commillee has beon called by Its chairman Augus- tus Hawkins 10 .• Los Angelesl for next Tues day. 14. Lo recon- .I der thc rcsolution Dr John R Lechner lor his "A merl · canlsm" F. Chum an, naUonol pre.,· I ide nt of the Ja panese American CIUzens Longue. Is expecled be present lor the hea rings to pro- test the pending resoluUon It wa.' inldouced J an. 18 by Assemblyman Lou Francis cR" San MateOI . ' Th e Pacille Citizen had hoped to print extracts of the resolulion. btlt It did not arrive by pre.s time _ The Assembly', weekly hh- tory summar izes House Resolu- tion 11 commending Lechner "I"r his long career fighting the Com- rnunlst conspiracy". I The resolution was relerred to the Rules Committee and released the lollowing ) Ia), for adoption When the ro:olullon appeared for adoption by the House on hn. 24 It was relerred a ;econd time to the Rules Committee by a 53-19 vole al\er JACL lodged lu protc. t The assistant Lo Aoaemblyman Jerome R. Waldie 'D .. AntlOebl. majority caucu.' having recalled Or rdcl.t atti- tude, particularly against person 01 Japanese ancestry. a,ked JACL lor his wartime background And the Inlormullon ..... s promptly (or- warded (human, Tamura, Kanemoto urged for judgeships as Nisei Democrats meei Brown S IMPLICITY MARKS FINAL MILITARY RITES FOR COl. TSUKAMOTO IJACL Service I SAN FRANCISCO. - Here I)n peaceful hUlslde overlookln!! th,' Golden Gate. amnng many other who ha ve .e rved their country wril a. member: "I the armcd force Colonel Walter T Tsukamo1n laId Lo final rest with full mllltarJ hono.. In ceml'lcryar th, historic Pre Idlo 01 S'ID FrancLco at noon. Monday. Fcb. 6 A lIenlle rain gave way '" .·un shine as hi s la. t remain. 1ra/X-cJ by an American nag were bmut(hi InLo the Presidio Protestant Chapd Lt. Col. Frank Sadowski from thr Penta lion accpmpanled the bod) from W,shlngton. D.C .• as specla guard o( honor Member' 01 h L! berea\'ed old frienas. and Armv colieague; a embled In flna l tribute. SACRAMENTO.-Gov. Edmund G Addr essing his remarks Lo the Capt Pi...l M Pea.'e. Presldlo .Brown may appoint ano(her Nisei del egates Irom the larm arc!S. the po.t ChaplaIn, conducted the sim- as a Judge In the loreseeable fu· governor invited them Lo help hi pie ervices In which he reeounW ture. It was reported he re this administration reconcile the diller- Col. T,ukamc\o', civilian IIle 01 past week. ences that exists between the larm· 'ervirc to hIs oeople and hi.· dl ... A group of 28 Ni sei DemoeraUc ers and the union and Indicated tinlluhbed military service Lo hI> leaders from all parts o( the stale that he Is consid ering the lorrna- country mel with the lIovernor at a break- 1100 o( a study commIssion I.G Honorary Pa ll bear er fa st conlerencc here J on 30 as deal with the problem. Honorary pallbearers 'Nere Col. they held a two-<lay series 01 Nisei Democrats attending T ukamoto·. army colleague.. Ma . meeUngs with top state oUicials .• wUekr""r' hl inr General E. Hickman According Lo Arthur Takel oj Oakland-Yone,;;ur.." U.S.A .. Ret.. Col Jolin W HuYf. Los Angel es who pr esided at the S.", Jo c-PCICt "'akalul, •. Wayn. M SOOl1, U.S. Army, Rel _, Col. Del- session s. Mas Yone mura 01 Oak· Konomoto. Cranl Shltnl", ohlne D. Rasco. CoL Win"ton L. land pres ented a reporl to Gov. Kt-t Ko-I Flel .d, U.s. Army, Ret., Col. I,vle. Brown that Included the names 01 rl . KAye UyedJI. Fred Ro.hly"",. E. Cook, JAGC,USAR. Lt. Col three NiseI attorneys who have Yuba Clly-CC<>r,c H M. John J. Madden_ U.S. Army ReI . been recommendro ror judgeship OJt.nmenlG-Wliliam M. M ..... moto. Lt CoL Joho H. Finger, JAGC, by various groups. I-lonry or.kela. Fronk T.nako. T.""anJ I USAR. CWO Francis ,I The three arc' 1'rullla_ and Capt Henry Broderick. JAGC, Frank Chum on 01 Los Angeles M Yoko USAR member o( the .. una, Scllehl Following the cbapel serv lCC. a central commillee and N-ltional Uchlv .... " '""eial honor guard platoon and J ACL president; St ephen Tamura Sa?::dona-Kcnn.,h Wilbur the SLxth Army Presidio b:,nd Pl(- of SanLa Ana. eOllnsel (or I Lo. Ang.l. Frank P Chu""on. Shl- corled the body Lo grave 'Ide. Ornn!:e County, and Wayne Kan e- ,o mori Tamakl. Kunll..... u. Ken The ,;clemn aIler the 1II 0t.o 01 SRII me mber 'l( the "'.1. .... Takel, band's ,ubdued r"odIllon of lIum' tn nelatlons Commission. er My God To Thee" and comrort- Go"c l1I or Impressed J d I 101( ver'eli 01 Scripture reciLfd by tbe gQvernnr inclieat .... 1 apan ecora es Chaplain P ease. was suddenly 51"'1- I tere<! by three sharp In he was hl!!h y impressed wilh th,' military salu te by a rirln!: sqllad. qualifications 01 the thr ee candi- LAM k II h d dales and s tated Ihat he will give •• ary no ea ;\-1embe.. 01 the mlJllary honl.r s erious cons ideration to these !Nard s\oDd at rcspecUul "presenl arm'" a5 several 01 their number wben a vacancy is created In Father Michael J McKillop reverentiy [oldro the American their respec tive dislricts . M_M.. by belni( presenlM the nag which they had been holtUnll John F: Ai so was named Fourth Order 01 the Sa cred Treas- taulove r the coLrU\. Qcaplain Pea '" munICIpal Judge 10 Los Angeles by ure !rom the Ja panese !!overnmenl presentcd the flag Lo Tomoyp then Gov. Earl W.arren and ele- las t week, was honored as the T sukamoLo. and " Taps" echoing vated Lo t.he SUpelTlor co urI bench only CauC<lsian in Southern Call- back inLo the bills sounded the by Gov. GoodWID J. in 1958'l lornia Lo be decorated in conjunc- final obituary. All three are Repubhcans l . _ tion with the lOOth Anniversary oj "We bave affirmed our und.ivided La.bor-manage.ment disputes ':"- the U.S_-Japan Treaty 01 Trade loyalty to the United St ates. To volvlDg Calilorl1la larmers was dl S- and Friendsh lp_ this principle there can be 00 com- eussro also with the governor who I said his administration is attempt- The present paslor 01 Maryknoll promise and regardleliS of the ing Lo bring about an equitable In Los Angeles. he among sacrifices ""blch migbt be eotalled solution that would bring stability the native J apanese w the FaJ' we must not lorget thaI we are to the multi-million dollar industry. Ea st lor 13 vears. Alter the war. Americans first. last, and always", he represenied Catholic weliare be said. Col. Walte r Tsuka moLo Washington Newsletter: by Mike Masaoka agencies lor Licensed Agency for I lived bls stirring credo to his ,-ery Re Uel in Asia. set up by tht last. Japanese Ministry of Weliare and ---------- House Rules Battle Aftermath Was hington LAST WE EK I,Tanuary 3l l, in the (frsl congressional showdown or his new Administration, P rosi- denl Kennedy and his legislative Iieutenanls were barely able to muster a narrow 217 to 212 mar- , ' n vicLory In th eir ellorts to enlar/!'e member ship or the In- fluential House Rules Commitlee f rom 12 to 15. This three-member Increase in members hip Is ca lc ul ated to as- sure tbat the Admlnistration' s New Frontier legislative pl' o- gram will be ronsidered by the luli House. and not t" Ued-up by the historic Souther n Demo- crat-ConservaUve Rep ubi ican coalition to preve nl (foor action . Without doubt, the narrow but notable vlcLory wa s among the mosl Important o( Speaker Sam Rayburn's long public career . At the sa mel Ime. however. poli- tical analysts arc wondering whelher the press ures exerted by the leader ship Lo gain the nar - row marllin will n"l. In the lonl( run, tur n out Lo be a Pyrrhic vlcLory for Ihe Kennedy Admln- Istratkn. Sixty-lour mos tly Irom tho Soulh IIlI d Incillding .Ix (rom his own hnmr Statr or T ex",. voted altulnst Ihe Spraker. w I> II e 22 R,'publl rn n, vol"d Ihplr P"licy Commiltee', rt'commf'ndalionH lo s up I) '1 I' I Chalrmflll Hnwnrd Smilh 01 Illl' Hul eN C'ommlttee "' "1/,1 '; NONJO: .,( iiII' OCIlIO' rratlc Rt!pre!ioltltlliY". (rom th,.. WI· . l('r n volNt agai nst lhl Speak,.r. only Oil!' Rr publi ClI1I ', Iohn Baldwin 01 ('l1l1lrll nnd 5 0 I ;1 n 0 CfJlIlItir 1 brokl' "WilY Imm h I_ Pu r t v', polic,v position to volo l or th ,' Spellker. '!'he vow lItu.lrate. the dlmoul· tleN thllL (ace the Ke lln edy legl lative proll rom . for thoul(h th, IIIcmlJl'rbhlp o( tho COil II110n I. not llatic nnd eo" .. tunl and hl(I> with the various I.Rue8 Involved, I hard core .. Irc'nglh Me. 810n hn unqul'&lIun,Jbly bf'l.'n In erf:'.:1 ed becfluKl' or hlht NOVI'n1 UOI" ctl.,1U, \'. blcb rcpll" man.Y "liberal" Democrats Irom tbe Midwest with "cons crvaUvc" GOPslel's _ The Rules Comm ittee battle may well tighte n the ideological bipartis an bonds 01 this "conse r val ive" alliance and loree the Pres id enl to revise his legislative objectives along less "liberal" and more "conserva- Uve" Unes. especially those in- volving the expe ndit ures 01 money. To of lset this coaHlion, Ole Presidenl h as lhe immense au- thori!'y and pres tige 01 his office to pUl behind his leglslative de - mands . And he has lhe power to pel nallzc. by withholding pa- tronage or projects Irom those who oppose him. And. with the threal 01 a presldenUal veLo re- moved frolll a number of his legislative objectives which were c.onsidered durl nJ! the past two years 01 the Eise nhower Ad- ministration. the New FronUer program may rrcelve more over· all s upporl from both Democrat>; and Republica ns, parllcularly Ihose Irom tbe urban a nd Indus- trial Al'cns o [ the North nnd East. , ·' RJ::"'iNO'S popillar three-te rm n. F. Sisk wilS nRmed us QIW of Ihe two n )\Y Demo- {'ru li<' mcmb ers to th e JI \J usc 1lI,l es Committee by the Speake,- And Ilw Inliuence 01 Los An · nine-te rm Demor l'at Chel IIolilll' llI . who hus been one 01 Ihr leadl'rs 01 the IIber,,1 bloc (01' yeal's In the Ilouse. hns been l'nhnnred by Lills vindication 01 hi s t'llorb lo lorce Ule Rul es ('1mnlittCl' In on lIlent 01 the leodershlp, nl1d nnt ,,( obstruction. AllilOU /! h Lh ore were rurnol's 01 reprisnls by the Speaker nllnlnsl those who volcd I1Killnst him IlI sI week. the tentative list or com- mlltee nsslgnmenl-, drllwn up by the Democratic mem'bcr , 01 the Wny and MClin. CommlUoe, who act d8 Ilte Committee on Com· mille". 01 the 1I 0use. lulled to dlsciosc any (latter n 01 discrimi- nation. DemoCrnt AI Ullman 01 Raker. Oreson, wn gtven one or Ihe when be \I.b uallleU to Was. ilud Means Committee lWO we eks ago. Other tentative assignments 0' Democratic Coogress men who represent large areas 01 con- eenlralion (or Americans of Ja- panese ancestry and which were changed this session from last include : Daniel K. from Bank- ing and Currency Lo Agriculture. It Is said that he wanted a post on the Foreign Alfalrs Com- mittee . David S. King of Salt Lake City Utah and Harold T I Blu l Jobn- son 01 Roseville, Calilornla to the Interior Committee . John F. McFall oL Mantec a, Callfornia to tbe House Admln- istratlon Commiuee Fre shman Ralph R Hardinl(" Blackfoot, Idaho to the Agricul- ture Committee . Newcomer Mrs _ Julia BuUel Hansen o( Cathlamet, Wa shing· Lon to the Interior and Ve lera n. Affairs Committees . Fres hm a n M. Blaine Pelerson 01 Ogden, Utah to the OUie! and Ci vil Service Committee. Fres hman Jame > C_ Corman" Van Nu), s, Calilornia to the SPJce Committee. Republlcnn asslgnml'nts to thl vDrtous com mittee:.; hnve not V(,t becn mude tho House GOP Jel1del'>hll). " All 01 the mumber , who were already on commlltee, lIol about what they "'Quested lind the Ireshmen got the rest: explained the w hell Asked aboul stu ndlng commltte< . I.OS A Om, ES' Chet 1I 01ilieid Is slated to becnme chairman 01 the Jolnt Se nate a nd House Com· mlttee 011 Atomic Energy under the rules which prescribe U'ot the ranking l'lItttOI' lind Reprc- s"ntaU"e alter nate In the chair· mans hip 01 Ihls mosl vital com- mltlee. Last sosslon, the chulr· man was Domocratle Senator ClInLon Andel'son of New 1cxlco. ulLsl session's vice choh'mlln, Carl '1'. 0 u r h a III of NorlJ\ CaroUna, retired from Congres nnd COllgress man Holillcld. ft: thll n"xl rankins Represenlatlve. General MacArthur's Headquar- ters; was s uper ior of MaryknoU I mi ssions in Japan unUl 1954 a Dd transferred to Los several years ago. Presentation was made by Consul G e n era I Yukio Hasumi at his office. Sam Minami 's son elected ir. high school prexy GARDENA.-Students 01 JI -Hillh School ba\'c chosen old Dale Minami to lead then as president next semester Dale is the serond SOD or )'lr and I\lrs. Sam Minami of 162l, Dallon Ave. Outside ot school, Dale parUci pates in the Garden.. Vallev Bat list YTF' and plays second baSI Cor the Pony League all-star base ball team_ !\!lnami's other athlell Interests include lootball, basket bali, and t"nni.. IDAHO EAGLE SCOUT Rodney Mlyllsald. son 01 l\lr . and Mrs . Tommy Miyasaki, active Rexburg J ACLcrs o( Sugor City, Idllho, ls tho lirst Rexburg Son- sei to become 1111 Eagle Scout. A member 01 Troop 1M. he was awarded the pin la,l November lie IIltendl'li the atlonal Jam· bo .. HI prlngs last UmUIPJ", Delay production of 'Opium Eaters' The local groups protesUng parloS IJ I the .cript of Allied Artists· "Confes- sion 01 an Opium Esler" 'S objec- tionable this week claimed a moral victory when produetioa o( the contro\-ersial motioo picture "a> suspended temporarily 'The Los Angeles Chinese Com- mittee , 'gain t Defamation, com· posed of representatives from 20 organizations. mel with produeel Allred Zugsmlth at the AllJed Artists' studio to express tbeir test. Organizations 01 n Francisco', Chinatown bave also retained a lawyer t.o lodge similar protest. with Zugsmith. according to Free Wong 01 the local Chinese rom- mittee The objectionable script came to light recently wben Ch.inese actor> blred for roles brought it Lo thE ltLention 01 Chinese communH., leader'. Production b planned to be resumed In September, pre- sumably with changes in the script. but the Chinese leaders leel ther e wiU be no official approval by them or the rum. Sequoia JACle r electlld to United Cr us od(! g rou p SAN lIIATEO.-Jolln T Ellomoto. active S"'Iuoia JACLer, was elect· ed as n three-year cummunll.· repre.sentaU\'e to the United BII> Area Cru 'adc nominaUn!! comlnll- tee. it Was announced la.'\ "eclt. Tit. chaplers listed below a.p those which mel our ne' deadline •. ud liav • 111 this lssue. Bolo. V"UIIY ChlC','"Q Puyallup VAlle y Solt Loke Cit .• SIUl Benito Lone Be"o" rjlllUt:(, .. ounty Parlier tJ-."",UeJ"i In francl$co .. ('"Ult- Twill Ctut' .. D,C Wc:,;,t l' .'-t.!

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  • '~I J \I I I I "" "" iii'< no: IIlr.II (O{ I n \

    STl-.UlEN1lliIII 8.\ Itf - IT TEt:t11

    f\ r J Jl i t,.. mE'''''~'' ~ell' raj r"3liLatJ tha' I.b~ probl~m, 01

    Ip e" rynb.cre will 1areclly a!f .... t our 1h·... R bask antl-allm ('ntirn~nt pro t r u des hroujCh the papef·thm "cneer , li~aljsm ill our .... rlOl rom· JIIun!ti .

    Reports (rom Wa hington st.llC L, \ No,ember. IellinR ')1 the :Ie-r~~t or the repeal or thc anti· allen land la .... rudely aWRkcncr! U5 \0 Ih" brutal lael thai an wU·rorrlllller I elinz .tiU e .. 1>; ., .. , Iba' Icclang - still dlfected ""1ain t us In spite 01 the ap-parent acceptance c.l AJ,\ In 'the c.ommunIty.

    Here. In Color •• OO. we rcgreUul-Iy Und Ih" 5ame Lo be lrue. In th .. Colorl1a statutes. rnaclro in 1935. there Is a prm1slon tho I an allen c~nnot be empl(lyed and may not os. l, in any capaci!.Y. a a w, lire or a d,ilh""asher or (1'\'('11 n if Janft.or. in any r tablisbm 'nt Jrren ,,j Lo sell U-quor.

    In Ille 1()T1;:·a!;o years 01 HilS. e ere still reroverlng lrom

    thr devastatiog cllec 01 depre ho\'-Ing "onc-eighth or more" Negro. Japane;e or Chinese blood.

    Tooh Suyematsu. a Ni.-el law-yer In Cbeyenne. Wyoming. has been (Ightin!! for more than a ) car to clarify the cmploymcnl poli..,cs 01 thl' Unton Pacific Rail-road 111 not biring Japanese on !"Iccll0n ~~Ln~ S.

    LoC.1Uy, In Dpn\'or, to our un· belie"in!: a. InllI. hment, we fwd SOlnl~ .,chools tcad\in~ innO(l"nt fIr·t .;r3d~r~ to nad b.v l'Ccot.:-llil("., t'a .. ynl~~g ~~ot-d~, such ~ "p. ,I'll', lIal". rtO'. Surh oc:cttn'c nCfS not ouly wouud nur 5eIC-p. leeln. but painlully Jl4lOcturf': our ,;: " 'umpUoo Ihut cvorythin!: b gOIng along pretty well lor A"As.

    No lhe ell-Impo.ed task 01 U,e JACL to eliminate all IDrm 01 dlscrimmation and pre-judice again,t persons of Japa-nese anc~lry, based upon racial anlecedents. i, not yet complete -In the Rocky Mountain rcglon, or unlortunately elsewhere in the United States

    Because 01 the.e manllest..-tion~ o( prejudice, we are grate-rul to Jim Kunugl 01 San Luis Valley. Lo Byron Kawara 01 Ft. LUI>ton . to Tak Terasakl 01 Dcn-vcr, Lo Mike Watanabe o( Omaha, and to all other loyal JACLers who arc quieUy and congcleD-ti oortunlUes lor aliens, churl(l nr that the amendment ",,,uld ,1110\' ,liens to bcC'Om c bm'tcndcl's nnt hence mokln~ It I\asier (or th. c n cm~' to plnnt ubvcrsivcs {lne spies in \'ulnerable pillces.

    Yasul. \\ ho I also edILor-publl.h er o( the Mountain-Plain, AJ 1\ New . II monthly publication. re-norll'li Sus l\Jotsumoto and Han) OkuDo hn ve announced plans to opell1 the suklYllki house durln ~ March at the Sherman Plaza at Ea st Ninth lind Lincoln St

    PSW presidents to meet with (human at chapter clinic Approximately 60 J ACLers arc

    expected at the 19t11 pswoc chap-ter cllnic to be held this Sunday at Pinecres t Dining Room In In· dlo. It was revealed yesterday by the JACL Regional Otaee. Easl Los Angeles and Coachella Valley J ACL cbapters arc co-hosts.

    Fr(lnk Chuman, nationnl presi-donI, wili be the principal spelaker at the evening banquet. TIle Chap-tl'r 01 the Year award wili be presented by Kango Kunitsu!;lI. rommittce chairman.

    Kay Nnk,,!!iri. PSWDC chairman, will prt':iric at thtt bllsiH(Js..\ m(>("l ... ing srhPduled 10 1:11'1 nl 10 n 111

    TIlc ~h"plel- rlinil' will be held , UrI' hll1rheon. Cbuman has asked thot chapter presidonts meet with lum in an an(ormal dl ~c ll ssjo n dw--Ing luncheon .

    Tho lo~alc on .ilUalt-d on Slatt Highway It l, 1f,~-mlle wesl oC U.S. H\V\'. 99

    The bus chartered (Of the day has bee n cancelled.

    l.A. NISEI RESIGNS U.S. A HORNEY'S OFFICE SANTA ANA.-Mln Inadomi. who resigned his position with Ihe Unlled States Attorney's OWce lor the Southern District 01 Call-lornia last month. has entered general practice 01 law In Oran/!'e County. the Santana Wind re-ported Ihis week.

    The 30-year-old veteran who served in Ihe Counter IlIleiii-genee Corps is a 1958 graduate oC Unlv. 01 Calilol'nia Schoot 01 Law c Boa It Rall I He is marned to the lormer Tayeko Nod" and they have one girl. Ellzabelh Ann, sLx months old. They reside at 2321 Ramona Ave., La Habra .

    Maior MDe Objectives: 1961 By J" K .. dowaki, Moe Chai rm'l n

    Philadelphia JACL 10 elect officers • •

    C1evellllKI rMnatul,UoIl.l In the newly

    @Iected o(/jcer throughout the ~1Jawcst chlll>terJ.11 assured Lbe Midwesl 0 islrlel COllncil 15 ready 10 assisl tht' loco I .1 J\Cr. .. r make the [orthl'OtnJna: EDC-MDl Joint convenllon next Lobor Day holid

    arm'" a5 several 01 their number wben a vacancy is created In Father Michael J McKillop reverentiy [oldro the American their respective dislricts. M_M.. by belni( presenlM the nag which they had been holtUnll

    I J John F : Aiso was named Fourth Order 01 the Sacred Treas- taulover the coLrU\. Qcaplain Pea '" munICIpal Judge 10 Los Angeles by ure !rom the Japanese !!overnmenl presentcd the flag Lo ~1rs . Tomoyp then Gov. Earl W.arren and ele- last week, was honored as the TsukamoLo. and " Taps" echoing vated Lo t.he SUpelTlor co urI bench only CauC; and Republica ns, parllcularly Ihose Irom tbe urban a nd Indus-trial Al'cns o[ the North nnd East.

    , ·'RJ::"'iNO'S popillar three-te rm D e","~ r;Jt, n. F. Sisk wilS nRmed us QIW of Ihe two n )\Y Demo-{'ru li

  • ~-PACIFIC CITIZeN 10, 1961


    t • o


    Between Some Bites of Chicken Be Ilcen hltes iOlo' IhL It'nd!'!' chkkl'n :I.'r\'ed :11 thl'

    \'e·1 Lo' ,\ngel-s ,J.\Ci in. tallatlOn dilllll'r, Ihe ReI', Dr J h. ',t Jkl QI Ihe ()mmu'hlt\' :\Iethodisl 'hurch. \\'ho led in

    the \Illoulllon threll' a tou/l'h queslion Illy way. "Do yot! fel,1 thaI J \(,,1. 1\'111 e\l'r lhange it· n:mw'" • .. \nd change it In II lul~' 1 l'lIInh.-red

    III que 114111 w~ looklllg forward III Il'I'haps 10 or 2tl

    IE' when .I.\rr: role would have hl'ell 3n:ompltshl'd and Ole • i. hI' \\holl: 3 ·imll. l!'d 11110 thE: l·ommunil) -at·

    l.lrge 1 took nnolh r lntt' of the . r from now there will be [ewer .Japa

    ne e thurrh(", a uch The lrend is alread~' noted with

    ome • I.! £'1 mmgtcrs III charge of t:ongregations where lhere

    rna ' be fl' or no , I ei members, Pt'rhap .JoIpancse Aml rican organizations will ljnd their

    member 0 {u d with thc Ament:an "melting pot" that th sioner In the S:lutheast Dlslrit,! .

    "The chiel churaclerislic of this Scouter 18 his unswerving loyalty to Scouting and the bD),S it serves, and his ability to In· lect others with this same kind 01 de\·olion."

    In dcscrlbin~ the popularity of Scouting. 1I,1r. Kurimoto s aid there "rc 72,000 scouls in the Ch,cr Seattl" Council. with 5,000 leaders. [n the Southeast Dis· Irict, 01 which he is assistant dl>trlc! commissioner, there are ->,000 Scouts and approximately 500 le.lders. The Dlstrlc.t is one 01 11 in Seattle·King County.

    Mrs Kul'imoto has spent a lifetime of service as m~ln· t,'nance employee of the King Sl\'eet Station He and Mrs Ku· rim I Aki I have just joined the rnnks of venerable grand. parents. Their daughter, Mrs. Bette Yamasaki. 27, Ih'es '" Fire. and a son Bob, 24, an Eagl,· Scout. lives at home, 41~ 20th Avenue South.

    Mayor James B. McKinney 01 Sacramento presented the welcome 01 th~ city. Dr. Roy Slml)SOn swte director of education, brouJlht greetings from State olflclals, who were presenl as guests of the chap-ter, They included ;

    Ke.h·1n Sharpe. oss', exec. o[lIcer, SUitt! Peraqnnet Board; John E, Carr, shue d1reclor of finance: Donald Larn . deputy dlr,; S~te Dept 01 Empto)'. menl.; Roy VOlan. deput)· dl1'.; Cttllt Yuuth Authority. Voshlo T'atsuknwa

    dmin. a.nnlyst, Oept, ot Motor Ve-MC"I>~

    Other special guests introduced by Ralph Nlshimi, toastmasler, were Loui. Ito, Florin JACL presi· dent: and Ellen Kubo, Placer Coun· ty J!,!CL president. Kinva ~o~uchl was dinner chairman, F,'ank Tana·. kn led in the PledJ(e of I\lIegianr~, lind thii Rev. Ablko delivered the nv~c-alion,

    The chapter added a rlghl to 10" to the enilre evening by presenting a gift to Mrs. JerI'), Enomoto,

    PC Letter Box ...............................................

    Holiday Issue

    The 1960 PC Holldav Issue on display In the periodical section of Ihe Seattle Public Library, [ no-ticed, has been read by man~' It Is placed in a positJon where aU who enter cannol fail tn see t in company with Slleh as the

    Tl lustrated Lon don News, The Sphere, and other widely read periodicals.

    The Seattle Pulllic Library is a veritable beehive 01 readers, where p~rsons Irom within and ou tside the cily come In thousands every da)' , except Sundays when the Library is closed.

    ALBERT D . BONUS Seattle, Wash.

    Silver Beaver awards 'He ha an Scout son

    and hH whole 'amlly a!lendcd thc lint nahonal Jamboree 01 t-.. •. B'lv SCC"JUu .,C Javan 11956) In fact he was lInoflicially actlv,· before he became n cltlzen 01 the United States. Since thcn he hlb succe~ 'luHy ..-:t."rv("1 a Ctl'1l1'· man and Commlttf'l'lnan of Ex-ptor,or Pt) ~l B!),r coul Troop and

    In 0111' Jal>lnese cQmmunlty the only olher person 10 b< awarded the Silver Beaver for dl$lingui5hed sel·vice. is the Rev Emery E. Andrews of the Japa· nL'SC Baptist Church Scout Trol~ 53 who rccelvt-d the honor in 1958,

    The Los Angeles Area Council of Boy Scouts bestowed its hIgh· est national award, the Silver Beaver, to Ben M. Ozeki of 3529 Flfth Ave .. wholesale produce deal. er and Pueblo D;strict commis. ;loMr. He Is committee membe,' ,f Trolp 636, sponsored bv Senshin 3uddhisl Church. .

    Fred K, Nak3mura. a Nisei car ;alesman. was similarly honored 0)' the 4ger Council 01 Stockton last week. In scouting since 1924. he was also a"'1rded the 20'yem ser\pice award.

    --------------------Officiallille of new Japanese co~munity welfare agency registered in Sacramento

    ilrrau e the chtrch' Tole is universal, it may be more

    dc Ird],lc to rlrop the de tj!nahon of ",Japanese" and be.

    (Orne mtcgratcrJ III the general bo(ly of I:hurch('s But .JACL· .,

    rf,l(' I p.!rllclliar ahd It IS hani for m(' 10 conceive that ',er. j ' "Japanes American Communit' l '" cmnplekd o. ;oo.n as the Initial

    on of ,Japant (' ance try Will han' attaiOl!ct their ~o(' ial and S('rvlcc "I SOl1thtrn California.' JOard i. lormed, 1>01111(011 ('nel bv 1981) 4UlrI nevt.'r haH! them f(llcs!tonect or 'fhl I. Ihe name that ha bee'l Putllng In month of hord pre.

    reg; t('f~d ofliclatlv with th,' Seerc attackrd (Jur n tlOn' hi.story Imhcatel; this imperfection. '.IIV of Sl,lt" In Call1,,rnia as th, ,"ratory work on behalf of the

    the Re\, . K. Unoura, George Wnki George Watae. Roy Yamadera, KI yo Yamato, Chester Yamauchi, Joe Yasaki and David Yokozekl.

    For Thl!tO$ Japan" .. It J (OmdVolhlc, hnwcvN, thaI Ill(' chuH'ht' can pla y tlU .. I)f tl,.. new welfare agene\' lew agt'ncy In the hrt'n, d board lor lh,~ lucnl enmmunil,y. it W.I~ ~~:bur ;-'(Ol(·ctlon. h.·gi~1 malt~rs.

    a d~'mlm l' part III !.'etng that Ihf' sod:l l and polltic'al e nds ~nnounrl'd Ihl. "".,'k b,Y attorne, ~ .. n with communll~ organ.'zn. Ilf all p 'Ollie In I\mprwa to whu:h dvic group~ Iikr. the ~lark KiKuchi, chairman of the vl,.n .. " p~bhc jnfor~atlon, 1I8"on


    ng 0/ 1t !t'r I Ihrl'" "1'01, .. Ion;, "orl\pr th. jI ~f·nl·\t plan:ot to f'X· , nd nul In tho crltlo ,lIy n"NIl'l1 Itf'l,:.; nt fun VII marlhl nnd t"t.:n-11(1' '0110 loUng.

    'I'hf'! not W "atOn('V hi! bl'('n th( ihJt"d "f tnt"n. Iv! plnnnt"" 11... thf 'ill'r.rtn~ (flmrnltlo' whl

  • .z-FACiFIC CiTiZEN- rr:d:lY, rabrullry TO, 1961

    By Bill Hosokawa

    Oem'cr, Colo.

    RECOGNITION-At a meeting of the Rotary Club in

    Greeley. L'llio , a le\ days :1go, a man I'd never met before (,:lmt: up :mll stud' "no ):ou know Ill': Jo:t1wlIl Hagl!1ara" lie's '3n orthodolltt; t who' opened ;1 pral'tt~e here 111 l,reeley re-

    c'nti}. lJr. lIaglhar:1 is doing :1 great Job. J wUllted ~ll~~ Ih my guest at the meeting .today, bul ~e coulun t make It ,

    1 didn't ml'l!t Dr Jlaglltara but I d hke to some day,

    A lell weeks c;lrliel', ;It the Lions 'Iub III I'ort Mol"

    g:m II itcn' (;"'lU-ge I,atu IS , 1~rogrnll1 dlainnull, !lI~other strangt:I' t"mc up amI as~ed. 11 I kllc\\ Or Roy SugIhara. dentist. lIe is alloth~r Nisei profes.\onal man who has

    round /I niche in one of America's smaller communities.

    Time Ila_ when the hanuful of Nisei who had entered he professions pracllcl!d largely, in the ul'ban ('enters. or,

    tht: w~t, dependinl" almost enlll'cly on issei and Nisei

    clientele. Today Ihey ;Ire branching out into the smaller

    l'ities. 11I3ny ttl areas where there are fell' if :lny

    American f3milies. buildin up a good praclll:(l 13klllg actIVe

    rules in communlly aclivities. ThiS IS tne true integrati.on.

    The man in Greeley and the mall in ForI j\,lorgnn were

    bolh pruud of their fri~ndship with the 1 isei denlists .

    1'h:!l's Wh) Ihc~' wanted me to meet them, thut plus the

    fad that they hath knl'\\, the dentists alltl I were of the

    sau\!' r3t"i.ll batk~roulUl One of 1I11'~l' clays I SUppOSl', Ihe

    fad of l:u131 itlt·ntil~ will not ,'lIlel mel!" mincl' Anfl

    01 •• 1 will he .lHothel sl '\I IUI,I'anl

    • SCUTTLEBUTT -llot rumor out of frigid K01'e3 lS

    toot Dillon S :\I\ ... r, former director of the War Reloca-tion Authontv n;av 'i:it that country In early spring to

    hel!) with 3 ~alion~1 wnrk program to relieve unemploy-ment. Haven'l h:!t1 :l chance to ('heck this out yet. Dillon Myel" was a IUIJ

    tcr hod elecled two Issei leade"" "' chopter preSidents within· the past two years, the lirst chaptel in tbe national orgonizatlon 10 do so with the eleQtlon of Gongorc ~akDmurn in t959, Chumnn reflect· c' • he first to elect a naturalized Issei lender as its ehQPler presl, dent.

    He also extended Lhe greeting~ and gratitude of the National JACL to the Issei for its past support


    PASADENA,-The Pasadella JACL announced new citizens and their spouse will be honored guests on Saturday, Feb, 25, at Cleveland School auditorium. where ! r e e movies will be featured.

    The chapter's installation dinner-dance on Feb. ]8 at the Venetinn Dining Room in Alhldena will com-mence at 6:30 p.m. Tickets at S3.50 per person and reservations are being accepted by Mack Yamagu· chi (SY 7-79491. who will be the 1961 prcsidonL; and Tom Ito ISY 4-71891. the outgoing president.

    Fred Takagi'; daughter

    selected '$irl of Month' SEATl'LE.-Selection of the "Girl of the Month" lor December was announced last week by the South District Lions. They named Irene Takagi, a senior at Cleveland Righ.

    She is the daughter o( Mr. and Mrs, Fred Takagi, 4915 26th Ave. So., manager o( Imperial Lanes.

    Irene is President of the Girls Club. member of the Ali-City Pres· idents Counoil, was Cleveland's delega te to Seabeck, and other ac· tivities include Student Council, Student Court Pep Club and Senior Commencement committee.

    The honor student is a member of the Torch Club. She received a Schola9tic Art Award last year,

    Salt Lake Auxiliary

    hears talk on cancer SALT LAKE CITY.-"Tlme and Two Women," an educational film In color soonsored by the American Cancer Society, was featured at the Salt Lake i1AOL Auxiliary meetlng Feb, 2 at the Japancse Chrlstlan Church hcre,

    Hostesses for Ihe even in/! were the new 1961 o((jcers: Hatsuko Yo-shimoto, ohairman: Fr1nees Take· no, v c.: and Mary Nakai. sec.-trens.

    A. Jones, local Cancer Soclely director. and Mrs, Howard Tribe, s volunteer worker, briefed memo ber. Of the society's three-fold pro, flram of research, education and .srvlee, Dr, Edward I. Hashi moto W2$ a Iso pre.ent to conduct a 'Iuestion-answer period and toll 01 his experiences with cancer,

    The te" lablll's centerpiece ar. rangement by Frances Takeno. It -hould be added, sugj(csted th .. Clut breath ot sprlm,. It featured dc;>wny IIrey PUSRY willows peering Ol'er dellcote, blushing-pink mllmf with heurt.-9haped cookies to com· pl"lL' a St Volentinu mot/!,

    Tommy Kono breaks own

    we.iqhtlifhting press record

    HONOI.UJ.,U. - Tl)mmy K 0 n 0, world, Olvmpl~, Pan' Amerl_nn nomes. national and alate welght-Iittln/( champion In !leverol wolghl

    , IHvl'Jr:.~ •• ,,. In!:m,h,'d n new Am" .. I· .• n "tl'.·· Tt'eorcl or 323 fbs. In

    th" 181·cla .i at the York Tnt.'rnn. i1'II1ol champion hips la~t weck 01 Ih'· Nuuf,nu YMCA aUfllt'lrium

    fT" pr~i "d 200 Ib~ . in hi. "'"and "U"mpt and J23 Ibp In hl ~ third II". Th,· 323-lb. prc~1 i. IWo pound. ,,yer hi,. Own omelt" Amerlcnn "'cord 01 J21 fb . nnd i. '5 IbM, "'".r ~I' "wn oWelul Olympic mltrk ot 308 lb.,

    ond wished the new omce," sue· cess lor the comlngyeor.

    Memorable Vonr Fred Mnt9UO was dinner chair·

    mbn, l"rank SU7.uklda was program chairman, Knl.umn Muknedn. out· going president, oxtend~d his grati· tude to his cablnot and member .. lor the sllPport he had received Ihls past yeur, which Wt!$ memo· rable lor Ihe part tho chapter played In 100lh Anniversary cele· brillion 01 the U.S.-Japan trade It·~nl.y. He was presented the ",,.1 president 's pin and a gav"l from Salchl Fukui.

    Akemi Toni, 1960 NiseI Week ,ucon whO was spo n~orcd by Downtown L.A. JACL, told or her ortvntc oudlcncc wllh C row n P~lnce and Princess of Japan. Sh~ hnd won tllU trip to Jnpan, through ,,,,lIrlesy ot British Overse"s Air· wnys Corp .. lus\ summer rDr being ",Iucted Nisei Weck queen, Sh,· .pCnt live weeks in Jnpnn and Hownli with hcr tather.

    Appointments to various com· mlttees were announced by Fukui IS follow", Mr~. S. Shirukowa. Archie Mlyatoke, fund campaign; Mllkaedo, 1000 Club; Matao Uwal •• 1000 mamb,; Snchlko Hn.hlmoto, ,ue,m contest; nnd SUlukldn, pro-gram. Beb~ Morimoto nnd her Howol·

    Ian combo entertaIned during the dinner. Impromptu vocal solectlons were rendered by Poggy IInumn, behutlrul songslress Jrom Japan no\. studYing at Unlv , or Southern Camornla, and "shlgln" number. by M,'s, Takayo Koto lind K. Yano,

    Easl L.A. reveals scholarship winners For th" second strnight yenr,

    the East Los Angeles J ACL h.1S presented scholarship awards to two Japanese Amerlctln graduates at Roosevelt and Gar/lcld high ;;chool •. AwoI·d. arc made to ou(-standing .tudonl/; or the wInter Jnd sum mol' grnduntinc clnto:sos al both schools,

    At Roo s~ve lt HIgh. the award was presented to Patricia Melko ltatani. daughter o( Dr. and Mrs . Masayoshi Halani of 3162 Blan-zhard SI. Patricia is continuing hel' studies a t Los Angeles Sla te Col· lege and plans to become a nurse. fler father, Dr. Ualanl, is a ,plometrlst In Li'l Tokyo,

    The winner ot the award al Garlield High was Ernest Masumo· to, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Masumoto of 217 S. Bleakwood Ave. The scholarship awards were presented al bolh sohools by Mrs. Mable Yoshizaki, chapter preSi-dent.

    Nisei Relays benefit dance slated Mar. 11


    Snm Shlnllnl deft) rceci",," cong'rntulatlons lrom Dennis Nlshita ns ht' "asses the presldoncy of tho Sun Benito County J ACJ.,.

    -Ken Yamuoka Photo

    Misao Yomane elected

    Cleveland Jr, JACL head

    CLEV11!LAND . - Newlv-elected 01· Cie~r s of Lhe CI~yclalid .1r. JACL were annouliced (It the hl'sl meel· ing of the Y"n" mOl'nlly '"Id In-s U.lled I".t Snturday lit ill!' C!tAr" tel' fnuugul'ol dinner.

    They 1I1'e l\1i900 Yamnn!', preS. outings, and so-cial acUvltles for Its group of 23 rncmbors. Geno 'rakahnshi is /Od· viser,

    Ed Yoshikawa heads Stockton chapter

    STOCKTON -Edward Yoshikawa was Installed president of the Stockton J ACL dul'ing c~remonies in the House oI Murphy last week.

    Yoshikawa succeeded Ted Kami· bayashl, who was master of cere· monies.

    Municipal Judge Bill Dozier was the installlng officer. Je.ry Eno-molo. secretary to Ihe National Board and assistant supervisor al Deuel Vocational Institute, was the speaker.

    Guests Included Mayor and Mrs. Tom Marnoch: Police Chle! and Mrs. Jack O'Keefe: Sheriff and Mrs. Mfcllacl Oanlis, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ota, president of French Camp JACL.

    San Benito County elects Sam Shingai


    SAN JUAN llAU'T'£S1·A. -Som Shlng,,!. woll-km)wn loco I ,'anclt"r, waa Instulled M pr""jdunt of the San Bemto County JACL at the JACL Hall followed by ~ Japanuse dinner,

    Francls Hol. IN, Monterey allor· ney, wa$ lhe gucst speaker lor the "vening. lie is well known us a crusader of human righL •. N~wly elected officers wcre in·

    stalled by Superior Court Judge 8dword Brady with the follOWing orrtcers taking oath. Sam Shingal. pres.: Tsutae Kamlmoto, 1st Y.p" llichol'd Nishimoto. 2nd v.p.: Henry Yamaoka, treas,; Ruby Yamaoka. COl' sec,; Akijt Yamamshi, ree , sec: Frank Nishita, custodian; Mi-sao Shlotsukn, hlst,; Tak Kadanl, pub,: Dennis Nishita, del,; and Kay Kamlmoto, alt. del.

    A (ribute and mom"nt 01 silent meditation was oUered to the late Colonel Walter Tsukamoto by all those present during the installa· lion.

    Howard Harris, loeal rancher, concluded tbe program with his bag of tricks and sleight ol hand.

    Sho Nakamoto served as emcee. Tile dinner was attended by 70 members with many local dlgni· taries present as guests,

    Others seated with Yoshikawa Supplementing the usual Iormat were Al Umino, v.p.; Louise Baba,

    of iinnncing Ihe annual Nisei Re- sec.; Art Nakashima, treas. Ted lays sponsored by the J ACL chal> Ishihara, hist.; Yukle Shinoda. ters in the Los AngeleS ar~a, a pub,: and Dorothy and George Nisei Relays Benefit Dance IS be· Baba, soda!. 109 he ~d on Saturday. ~arch 11, Directors are Dorothy Baba, accordlOg to George FUJIta, chair· George Baba, Fred Dobana, Sam ma~ Of. the Los ~ngeles JACL Co- Itaya, Henry Kusama. Art Naka. ordtnattng CouncIl. In the past, shima. Yoshimi Terashlta. Lou e!lch member chapter of the coun' l Tsunekawa. Richard Yoshikawa, 011 was assessed a set amount and Duke Yoshimura.

    San Luis Obispo (L installs Skip Salo

    SANTA MARI1\.-Pat Nagano of Morro Bay, a past president 01 the San Luis Obispo J ACT., In-sts ned the 1961 oCCicers ot his chapter at Rick's Rancho restau-rant here last Saturdlly. Succeed· ing Ken Kitasako as president is Skip Sato of Arroyo Grande.

    to nuderwrite the Nisei Relays.

    However, the members o[ the council felt. that in ord,:r to gain Luncheon fashion added belter public understandmg o[ the

    Other officers Utstalled were Mrs. Ken Kitasako. 1st v.p.: Kaz Ikeda, 2nd ".p.: Mrs, Aki Hayashi, sec.: Nadine Saruwalari. cor. sec.: Gilbert Kuramitsu, treas.; and Saburo Ikeda, .memb-at.-large,

    ine;reasingly populaIl event and to to keg tourney schedule broaden the base of tlnancing, sponsorship of a public dance wa~ in order. The popular orchestra o[ Aaron Goma lez has been signed for the sports formal . stag-stagette social at the Old Dixie Ballroom.

    Two JAOL members were cited for bringing honor to the Nisei. in the county. Pat Nagano is nOw serving on the San Luis Obispo County Grand Jury and Elllen Ki· shiyama is the honorary mayor of Baywood Park.

    The benefit dance is being held on a coordinated basis with th .. forthcoming Nisei Relays Queen Contest and the 10th annual Nisei Relays. The track and field ex· trdvaganza is schedu led to teke place on Sunday. May 28 at the University High School athletic field in West Los Angeles, The Los Angeles City Finals takes place a week prior to the relays. thus opening the way Ior increased Nisei-Sansel athlete partlCipation In lhe JACL sponsored event.

    Sponsors of the aforementioned events and members of the Los Angeles JACL Coordinating CoUn· cil are: D(>wntown, East Los An· geles, Hollywood, Pasadena, San Fernando Valley, Southwest Lo~ Angeles and the West Los Angeles J ACL chapters.



    BOWLING TOURNAMENT DETROIT,--,EIJI Shlbuta Tolled a sen9ationa l 1916 scries over the Jan. 14-15 weekend in the Mlohigan State Bowling Tournament to take Clrst place in the all-events. HI. scratch scores wcre 625 team, 625 doubles and 666 singles.

    Thomas Fukuda has the tollrna' ment high sIngle game of 280, stal·t-ing with (I strike, sparIng lhe 7· pin left in tho second frame and linishlng with lO .Irlkes In " row

    Japanese skiers

    FOX RIVER GROVE, m.-Two Ja, !)anue youlhs, Kiyolako Sakal nn" Yuklo Knsuyn, both of Tokyo, com· peted tor th,· I1r~t time In th.· ~Qth onnulll Norge ski meet here ,run, 15 but went unpl"c(.'{1. Tho' had r~cord~d Jump" between t62 and 170 I.dl Tlw winni",! 10ill wo, lOG led.

    Garden City golfers SAN JOSE.-BIll Wadu wu ,'h'rt~d pn'sld,'nl 01 lh~ Cm'dull City Gull Club . nccfl"llIuM llolJ SUlllo ul a rllcunt CIUCtlOll moellng,

    SAN JOSE.-A luncheon fashion show will highlight the 15th an· nual National JACL Bowling Tour· nament to be beld under auspices of the San Jose J ACL on March 6-11, il was announced by l-lelen Hinaga, chairman of the event,

    The slyle revue will be held on Wednesilay, March 8, at the Ha· waiian Gardens Terrace Room with the Lanz of California as its spon· sot. Miss Peppy Garner from Lanz of Cali!Qrnin will be commentator.

    Assisting Miss H.inaga on her committee are:

    Dorfs Ito and Mrs. Gordon Saka· moto, hospitality and reception: Ruby Seito and Satoko M\lne. mu· sIc and program; Mrs. Henry Nose, models; Fumy Inouye and June Ol.$uji, door prize and favors: Mrs. Tom Hayamizu and Mrs. Robert Okamoto, decorations and displays,

    Mrs, Clal'k Taketa and Mary Ta-naka, pub. and llckels; Mrs , G\lnjl Togaml and Snchl Ikeda, invs,; May Kur3saki and Lit Hlnaga. gen arr.

    Sansei acrobatic dancer

    A social hour fOllnwed the din· ner and installation ceremony. In charge of table games were Misses Fusa Yamaguchi, Cbiyo Sakamoto and Nadine Sar~w·atari. Identifica-tion of baby pictures of J ACL members evoked protests and pro-vided the conversation for the balance "r the evening.

    Giant daffodils were used for ta-ble decor Lhat were donated 1:Iy Ed Nakamura. Door prizes 01 flowering peach trees were donated by Richard Otsuji. An'angements [or the dinner party was made by Mmes, Mits Snnbonmatsu. Ken Kitasako and Skip Sato.

    EXCLUSIVE BY OWNER A CHARMTNG HOME ON BEAUTI-ful proPC-(t)' , A gurdcnert's par.a.dlscl with ( and sht,de trees-loc~ted In Long Beach in quiet secluded res .. identinl orca. 2 R·2 lots t l30xl30l.

    appears at benefit revue ~::,f:~ . tnr;;~~1 ~~~cl()~Wl!~lr::,~n~.I:~ 'I'URLOCK C th Ok wanl to live together under separate . - a .v nmura' \ l'Oots or {or reli.rerncnt Income. Only daughler 9f Mr. and Mrs. George $25 000, Submit Down. Okamura. acllve COl'tCl' J i\CLers, ' performed on acrobatic dance al Wpitc Box 2233. Long Beach 1. Cal. the recent "TalenL. Unlimited". Phone HEmlock 7-29tl the .annual sc holarshIp benelit per· 01' GArfield 3-8600 (ol'mance sponsored by the local Soroptimlst. .. ........... ...-........ ' ------- -,~

    Cathy, who hns appenred before -.. ............ ~ I. ... o~p~ In Sorrnmcnto, Lod!, StOl'k· WANTED lon, FrCNno !lnd Lo ~ Angeles I NisL'i Wcuk), is n student of June J McV,'y nnd hof'Cs to continue her studies Inlo dl'amnttcs and voice,

    Drama director ll.OSEVlLLE.-Fronk Nimurn 01 AlOmis wn. named dlTector 01

    Roseville Civic Thealer's noxt play, 'A Halful of Roio" to be .,Iaged

    In Murch: The Plllcur Counly Nisei lUll Ihe I""d !'Ole of Snkhu In , locn1 protluclion or "'rcuhollst!' of ill!' AlIllu.t Moon" rocunl1)'

    Farmers Co-Op

    MANAGER By Cortez ero\l'''',,·S J\:::"I1 ., Turlock, CuIU, Ollt' at th~ oldclit. outstanding rnrmor~ co -op eiPl·cr~lIz.tnr. In grAptls. pCllcll('s. nlmondN Mt'lTIbcrshtp or JII" pnnt~(· Amerlcanl nnd CDucnRlnn~,

    nl~r('~~:~rdic bnO:~~~~~nf~~U~!~en~':!~ bUIIII" .. "" oxparlonco. Must hnve Bbl!· ltv III IIRh:s, purchutlng PreviOUS b,"dncl~ o!\.1)orlrnCe n('C:~""'Uln' Ref It'q Snln-n' bnt'lC'd an e.xb. HaUling ("fin bl~ fln n,,.IH'd

    C'cmtntl Ot"nrnl' "un"', cnTC! o( Cor .. l('7. CrO\\ll'rK "\IN n .. III .f, Ilox 1500, 'l'Ut'lnC'~ (·uHi. (or Intl',,"h:"" """"* .... ~ ............

    SWALLY'S Whll not IIlLll~ VOliT rw:rt banquet willi tu

    'I'IfIUW l\ N'Q I' T nonMa ""Ntt~ ' I ' CVlhIN" ~ Nt u. ... \HON,\Ul l Y. 1'1l.t(' IUt

    ()M.I. AN H·GlIM lall S. 1I0\" ,~. L,A, :!3 A( ~ "OHH .rnm\1 Ht!A tU.

    dinner theme picked named outstanding by Chicago JACL ciliren of 1960 CH1CAGO.-'''{'hn Living Bridge" Is .the theme 01 the 1961 Brother. hoOd dinner to be spo/J!;ored b1' Ohicugo J ACL on Sunday, Feb. 20, 5 p,m" nt Ollvot Community Cen. tcr, 1441 N. Cleveland,

    It was felt {hat JapaneSe Amerl· cnns have attnined a stntus where· by they are In n good poSition to help other groups In their adjust· ment to Ihe community, according to dinner committee chairman LIl· lIan Kimura. Jnpanese AmerIcans shl)uld serv" a "living bridge" to unl:Jerstanding between peoples,

    KEARNY. N,J.-Mrs, Shlgo Mat~u· shlt.a 01 671 Fotest S1. has b~on named W".t Hudson County area's outstanding clftzen ot lIMlO. An awa~d was preBen!cd to htr Jar. 21 bY the We!! Hudson Chomtler of Commerce.

    She Is president 01 the United WOlJTen's OrgonlZation ot the B0-rough F Irst PreSbyterian Church, Por many years she hus bedn Dctive In civic and social aLtolrs In the West Hudson area.

    Mrs, Matsushila is the wife 01 Call~ornia-born Reo Matsushita, preSIdent 01 Norlt.~kc 00.. Nfl-\'( Y""k, Last year WDB their 25th wedding anntversary,

    $Ince there Is a grent demand tot tlokets to the Brotherhood Din· ncr enoh year, early reservations ar" being urged. Tickets aTe S3 per person nnd r"'~rvation8 mny be made by "",lllng (he Midwesl JAOL omcc, 21 W. Elm St .. MO ,1-4382,

    On the committee are: A:bl! HOllwarn. Su~y Snbu.nwz .. prog:.;

    ~~J;ItQ~~;:'D~l\~~v·ita~le,s:!~. ~:~~re

    "A$ :on anniversary gilt he took me with him orr a buslr,es,: Imp to iJ'apon," she sotd. "While- he

    Idid his business. I travelL'

    At present she Is a member of the Kearny Women's Club boord

  • 4-MCI"'C CI1"11bl'l I,rUllty 10, 1961

    By M«$IO Salow. N.tional JACL Diroe!or • • •

    PRJ: WL'T OS 111'E 00

    P". ,d.'nt frank Cbuman Is r~all,)' seWnll to d~lt:rr ~rsonJllv some material to l1y v alua ble to us would be a gross understate· m~, Daisy bas been the nicest t/IinjI Utat .... Pl'encd 10 Nal,onal lk,dquarter since oor mO\"lllS Int.o 'San Franpisco in 1:)53.


    The San J",r Cbaptpr has plWird to an aU time member· mIP hillb this "" t lortnishl ,.1lile lamed. ;\br,.svill~ and ~r. ba.e ~fed laSI year. SlIbs&;tnUal fir I reports haH

    8y the Board: Celltinued 'rom Ihe Front Page

    Anauica .. this can be one of im· portant conlributions to our coon· ttt as it lee14 ways and means of. solvlnll 'a most dhtresslng s dal ftlatlonl prob~m in a dem cr.:,y. ~alnnan Shi, Wakam .. tsu wUJ

    r~t1v~ our romplete cooperation towards making this project a Aeons.

    ..... ., AeUft Youths More, ",'ill be placed

    OD OI'lIaa.l:zinll youth g r 0 UPS throughout the dJstrlct. Whether t!\Q' are called Jr. JACL or by ~ namu Is not Important. W~ ar~ aPflroarll,ln2 a pedod "'herdly thp S~n1d mUll soon ,t~p Into a more active tole In oontimJlnll and openlnl1 m 0 r e objectives 01 !!!r J A (' L-and

    ,'Um~ Irorn CIl)\'i , ('nrtez, F'orl l,u!1 1,,11 , ~'o", ler, :l1td·Columbln, PI" c e r, Poc~lell." and Twin Clltc • Of 7,066 members reporl. ed nalionaU.\·, t:!3Z "re lrum the ,'orth"m CUJlornlu,We.'krn Ne· \ada DC.

    CII,,!,lcrs a re r~mlndl'd .,~, in tn rcnut nu~tnht r~hjps Vrom pLly In oro('r to ""·,,lid unciuc dcll'l.\'s in 1'1"0l Accordlog to ,'orman ;\1lncta wIlD i' haodl· im: the b3nqtJel, ad\"duce ticket.:; wll\ be on;alp shorlly through • IACL chapter represenlatives in the Bay area.

    there are programs o( prime im· portance that JACL has nol eVCll scratched the surrace,

    Abe Hal(iwara, who has ooen 'Ippolntcd the MDC Youth Group Chairman, has already had hi! commiltee well underway. He has takan a staU of Chicago .Jr, JACLers to Cleveland, Minneap-olis and Milwaukee to help those chapters organize their youth groups.

    Cleveland, incidentally, was In· stalling Its tirst Jr. JACL oHicers on Feb, 4 along with their eh3p-ter oWeers.

    Labor Day ;.y~kend wlll be 1m· portanl and exclLing [01' Ihe Mid· WC3t and Ea,lprn Distrlcls. 'l'hc EDC-MDC ,loin I Convention will be held. 10 MlnQeapol1s 00 Sept. 2, 3 and ~

    The eonvenllon plans are well underway by the Twin Cille. have ""l'n h< It! .,1 th" Nnw ClnI' InUorr !.I'd In "1I~ndlnll itre I kNI "1 rnJlkr. thllir 1f'ICrvlltll"Jl') Nlt1J IJ,', 'I'yrutll twthlrds 'epresent. Ule 101nls from 20 chap-crs rcportlbll Irom the Northern :allfornla-Western Nt-vadJ :Jlstrlcl :OuncU mprlsed 01 2S ehaplers

    IThe Dlreclor', Report nn page I conl"tns additional ligures.'

    01 the cllthl chaplers willi more 'han 200 members, (Ill are in Ihe '1C·WNOC: Conlra Costn, E den Township, Marysville, Monterey °eninsula, Pincer COllnty, San f'rnncisco, San Jo.", Rnd Sonoma ::Qunly. Therc were 26 chupler. last venr with 200 members or more.

    MallY 01 the ehllplers are in the .,roeess oC clearing up U,e 1961 memberShip cnmpalgn within this month nnd ne"l, to assure their members a (ull year's subscription to the Pocifle CItizen which accom' oanics the membership /rom 1961

    Hollywood JACL sels installation dale

    j NT,.' AN - Or~n~f' CnUJ1h IACI lvill h' tall Ihoir l!MIl : nnd !)r. Fr~ Kobayashi, pasl board choir· man. I .... 1 ...... .

    Prewar Parlier Cl members invited to 25th Ann'y, banquet

    PAR.l..IER - A complete tUI'ke,Y dinner, merry·maklng and 100al tolent arc on U,e menu for Ihe Parlier JACL's 25th Annlversnry ;tnd New Member Initiation par\y on Feb. 18 at the Parlier Central HIgh School banquet room.

    The dinner will be prepared by the WomClI's AuJtiUary, the merry· mnking by local JACLers and the enterlainment by the "Shlrook> Quarlel", musical and skit I(rouos. Community singing and dancing will conclude the fesUvlties.

    The 32 charter members as well as new members will be honored g u est s al this "homecoming" event. Those who were members

    The Hollywood J ACL Is currently of Parlier J ACL of those pioneer undergolnJ( a mail ballot vote to years belween 1935 and 1942 have elect Its 1961 board of go\'ernors. been invited. J(engo Osuml and Chapler members nominated COl Harry Kubo are handUng the In. lIew lerms on the board arc tile vltations. Rev. Grorge AkI, Frank Kuma· I Osumi, cbapter president, an. mok>, A. my Ishll, Larry Nlshlb~ra . nouneed the lollowtng appoint. John EndD, Mrs. Mildred Mlya· ments: Bill Walamura, Tad Kane. hara, Ken Sa to, James Kondo and I moto, Communil.Y picnic to be held Hiros!ti Uratsu. Ar>rll 16 ; Fred Nagare, Bill TsujI,

    Oflicers will be chosen (rom the JAOL booUt at the Buddhist Cburch rank. of the new and hnldovCl bazaar: Gerald Ogata ana Tom members of the board and in· TakRIn, float for American Legion stallation is sel fan 6 p.m. Satur· Roundup Parade. day, Mar. 4 al Ihe Los Felt. In appreciation lor usc of Ute ;\1ichaels restaurant, Lo. Feliz allO social hall And kllchen facilities, 'Rilhllr:;t Aves. In the. GriHith Park the chapter dOD~led a folding ban· area. quvt table to the 10C;l1 Buddll,lsl

    MJwa 'Yan"molo b chairman 01 C1lUrclt . the ~~ per pet"on Lilet milluou din, I n con~lclera lion of c~onotnlc COil' Iter at whicll National JACJ., presi· ditions In this farming cOlt'\munil.Y, den I Frank Cbuman will be in· the chapler has cancolled lts an· stallatJon orUcer, Dooclng wiD nual movie bc.ncllt. round out the evanlng. The chapter Is sponsoring a

    Aiding Mlwa In planning the Women's team in the forthcomins altair arl! Miki FukuShima, Mil· National JACL bowling tour/loment dred Miyahara, Blanche S!tiosakJ being held Mar. 6-11 al San Jose. and Fusae Yamada. Lcd by Capt. Sue MJyak~ . \Va, the

    Reservallons arc being ae-cepted sqtr.ld consists DC Shlz Kimoto, by Miwn at NO 2-0316, Mike Suo Kiku Koga, Irene Kozukl and [to al MA 6-3194 and Fred Taomac Okamura-all wives of ParUer at NO 1-0204. 1000 ClUb members,

    Exciting research projects 01 ocean depths related by naval officer 10 O,e. JACLers

    (We 'UI ve always welcomed detailed TCPOTts oj ·talks J)1'f?-sented at JACL chapter mecthlgs, even thougl. tile subject 11.(18 110 "Jal>a>lc,p allole." The flCllr-ral in/ormano" {mPflTLnd bll tI ... speaker heLp" to make' JACLrrs more awaTe oj the comUluuitu III which "'CII remdc-oup oj the lO po!i~)1 poiuts onunciated bu Nark",al JACL PrrBldcnt Frallk Clmman in I,is column last wcrk-EdiIO'l'.)

    • BY EllUL\' IUGUCm

    WASHINCTON. -An lUuslratcd talk on oceanography was the fea· tured event of the Washington, D.C. JACl" meetJng Jan . 28 at tho YWCA, Capt. C.C. Wilbur of the Navy's Progress Analysis Group IOld 01 the many areas of oceanic knowledge being e)(plored by thc Navy for BclenUlIc, mWtary, and economIc purposes. The talk, "Con, quest of In ncr Sapco," was accom· panied with beaulUul color .Ildes.

    Captain Wilbur said thot the counlry's and thc world's luture may lie In knowledge and contra) o[ lhe wa ters, which eovcr Ihree· Iourths ot the earth·s surfacc. He said that so far, we know mor(' about the moon Ihan We do 01 the ocean depths ,

    Some 01 tho exciting T conduclL-d by the Navy to remedy Ih(' sltuntlon were de-scribed by Wilbur, such as the ,ludlcs done by means or b3thy· ,capos that dCftccnd nearly 36,000 lOCI, and the "Mohole" project nellr Puerto Rico where nn ot, lempt Is being mlldo 10 sond A shall to the bOltom 01 Ihe sea, and complelely throullh the (Wl'lh'~ eru.1 for Ute IIrsl Ume,

    Sc~rch for r'·l)I)tJ. jllln ... I, Wilbur h"ld tltol Navy

    "tp ill ~'" r pl', UH' rnod ·h'·nri n~ po., IbUlllc~ "I Ih~ """, sU(lh a tlt~ U4r' 01 "III,'" and oll,er rro duo Wal mu.t ;.160 be fnund he ; .Id, 10 extract the cnormOlu i .. n'''m~ 1)1 mlner .. 1 thul ;Ire h. !l.en Wrli"t Hnd dC",lO!.ilrd em ON.;'" floor

    1\ l t) In f l' Uhrtldrlnft . rtlulpPI',1 ',IIUh Inn" .. r:lnf;{f' fIll!.!,(I". II fl V ,. "Iu.,' ·d ., "la~llr;o1 , .. volultoo!" In HOITlur,', '"'C'lTIlhtll ('hl>t Wilbur , n.' "ntIJIII .. I'rd the "". ''n, !l ,(, .. clco(cYoshito Fujii, Heltaro Hiklda, Terumitsu Kano, Gcorlte Y. Kawa. chi, Yukio Kuniyukl, WillJam Y. Mlmbu, Dr. T,T, Nakamura, MJ· tsUl1i NOji, Toru Sakollara, Dr. Kay Toda, Paul Tomita and Dr. Ben Uyeno,

    Fremont CL installs Kawaguchi pres.

    FREMONT,-Kaz Kawaguchi was installed as 1961 chapter president ot Fremont JACL at a dinnl!r held Jan. 28 at Gondoller Restaurant In Newark. Henl'Y KalO, NC-WNDC chairman. \Vas instlllling olllccr.

    Micbi Handa was cited as the chapter's outstanding member of 1960, James Seklgohama was pre. senled Ihe past president's pin.

    Othor cabinet omcers elected were Hldco Nakano, i st v.p,: Bon Yamoglwa, 2nd V.p,: Fred Sakuda, tress,: Saehl Fudtmna, cor, soc.: IIHce Nakanlshl, rce, sec.; Sal Seklgaha",,,, hl8t,: MJohl Handll, social: Toyoko Yonekurll, pub,: Yu. t..~ka Handa, nIh, ; Ko •. Shlkano Yasuto 1 the occasion with Its usuai din, but it is 01 happy momenl to noll' that at least it has unified the lliinkinp and the great majority ." the First and Second Gencrallons 10 ignore the vaio attempt 01 thi. minority to waylay anything progressive. Cynicism is not con· structive criticism, but Tin Pan ~~y loses i\S judgment In the

    "The Second Generation are not )rreverent o[ Ihe rea I old pioneers 01 this community aDd oC tho.IOm UI.,I the Hawllliam; have, the prcseotatloD of leis.

    "And Ta.'Uke Yoma.!!at.~, who came an the wny trom H.awali to atlend the convenUon aod 10 eal Seattl@ salmon, brought t~e greetings 01 the HawaU Ci\'\t Association and two leis, wll,lch were presented 10 Takl and to Wylie Hemphill.

    " Yamagat.a certalnQ' proved an InspiCatlon to the malnlaod delegates with hi.> mall,l' valuable sugge>lIoqs.

    "Alld Fl"Om Yakima Vall_y came twcJ' crates of honey· dews to b CllioOl"'d "I 111(' «On· ventloll.

    "Also> il e dwe;:at". ...ho wuuld have ne\'&I' rearhed Sealtie bad thpy COlnu III .Iohn',,,, Shhniw'. l"ord, a~ th~y first hld Vlalwed,

    "\, \ "What's that" "Lotta Alll'lrsauce" "lndt,'(j nu. this I the d~' .;.'

    leeted for till' Clhzc", colI\'elltl~u two yef1r~ hence.

    • 'U Ang In 193~

    "S r I II g )'lIur OWII drltlklllg wah!I' ilnd...l~t' see lh~ OlyntplOto; togctilor"

    '11,. rOO'egol,,!: are some oJ W~I~\" ~ conllllenls, who Is nOI\' the editor 01 thu Engli sh Moilllcbl of TOKyo

    I Wilh rcrerelle~ 10 , .. ,1 weck" "omm,nl In 'Lll'lng with Jt\CL" aboul n vlsl( of thl' ('ouricl' ·,met, Kldo wouldll'l I'QlDembor meet· \oJ: BUI BOlloknwa 1uring the IOJiI COllvcuUon beenll. e Bill did,,'l 1