colonel laurie moe buckhout department of the army chief, army electronic warfare division 2009 dod...

Colonel Laurie Moe Buckhout Department of the Army Chief, Army Electronic Warfare Division 2009 DOD Spectrum Symposium: Warfighter Panel Discussion Electronic Warfare: Electromagnetic Spectrum Ops 15 October 2009 Army Electronic Warfare – Establishing an Enduring Core Competency for Today’s Fight…and Tomorrow’s

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Page 1: Colonel Laurie Moe Buckhout Department of the Army Chief, Army Electronic Warfare Division 2009 DOD Spectrum Symposium: Warfighter Panel Discussion Electronic

Colonel Laurie Moe Buckhout Department of the Army

Chief, Army Electronic Warfare Division

2009 DOD Spectrum Symposium: Warfighter Panel Discussion

Electronic Warfare: Electromagnetic Spectrum Ops15 October 2009

Army Electronic Warfare – Establishing an Enduring Core Competency for Today’s Fight…and Tomorrow’s

Page 2: Colonel Laurie Moe Buckhout Department of the Army Chief, Army Electronic Warfare Division 2009 DOD Spectrum Symposium: Warfighter Panel Discussion Electronic

Threat - Global(Open Source)

China EW Threat Al Qaeda EW Threat

Iranian EW Threat Others…

• Jan 07 – Anti Satellite Weapon• UHF-band Satellite Comms Jammers• PLA is investing in electronic countermeasures, defenses against electronic attack (e.g., electronic and infrared decoys, angle reflectors, and false target generators)• "Gaoxin Project" - Y-8 EW Aircraft series• Manpack Direction-Finding (DF) system for the Very- High-Frequency (VHF) Band• Portable Signal Collection System for Locating and "Fingerprinting" Radars

• Iran has an array of ground based jammers• Hizballah's Iranian systems neutralized Israeli EW• Iranian EW installed radar stations blocked the Barak anti-missile missiles aboard Israeli warships• Hezbollah's use of Iranian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) • Iran Electronics Industries (IEI) makes electro-optics and lasers, communication equipment, telecommunication security equipment, electronic warfare equipment, new and refurbished radar tubes, and missile launchers

• 2004 – Emergence of IEDs / VBIEDs• Composition: artillery, mortar shells or homemade explosive, complex explosives poured into concrete • Triggers & Methods: mobile phones, washing machine timers, pagers, garage door openers, burglar alarms, key fobs, doorbells, or remote controls for toy cars• Increase in remote detonation, command detonated, radio, cell phone, victim operated, infrared• Man portable air defense systems (MANPADS)

• _______ has high power laser operated systems, the _______ and the _____ that are designed to neutralize hostile radars and neutralize attack systems that use electronic signals.• Radio Frequency Directed–Energy Weapons• Improved anti-air and anti-ship missiles with sophisticated tracking and guidance radars that incorporate EW countermeasures.• Has deployed anti-satellite weapons and is developing anti-satellite jamming weapons

Page 3: Colonel Laurie Moe Buckhout Department of the Army Chief, Army Electronic Warfare Division 2009 DOD Spectrum Symposium: Warfighter Panel Discussion Electronic

Some Thoughts on Change

There is nothing more difficult to execute, nor more dubious of success, nor more dangerous than to introduce a new system of things… It is simple to convince people of something, but difficult to hold them in their conviction.


Victory smiles upon those who anticipate change in the character of war, not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after the changes occur.

Giulio Douhet

The simplest solutions are not always the best answer!


Page 4: Colonel Laurie Moe Buckhout Department of the Army Chief, Army Electronic Warfare Division 2009 DOD Spectrum Symposium: Warfighter Panel Discussion Electronic

"One of the enduring features of any future battlefield will be determined (by) resourceful enemies attempting to undermine our

will by leveraging the electronic spectrum. Building an EW structure within the Army will greatly enhance our ability to proactively

counter these threats. A commitment to EW allows us to tightly integrate non-kinetic and kinetic capabilities across the Army and

as part of joint operations.“GEN Peter Chiarelli, Vice Chief of Staff of the US Army

"We must adapt and make tradeoffs among systems originally designed for the Cold War and those required for current and future challenges. We need greater

investment in advanced technology, ... like unmanned aerial vehicles and electronic warfare capabilities.“

President Barack Obama, Commander-in-Chief

Senior Leadership Support for EW

Page 5: Colonel Laurie Moe Buckhout Department of the Army Chief, Army Electronic Warfare Division 2009 DOD Spectrum Symposium: Warfighter Panel Discussion Electronic

The Electromagnetic Operating Environment (EMOE)

• Fact: The Electromagnetic Spectrum environment has become a critical domain within conflict at all levels. We have presumed freedom of maneuver in this domain for decades, using it for:

- Targeting - Weapons guidance systems- Detection/Sensing - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles- Command and Control - Navigation

• Assumptions: – The adversary’s use of the spectrum in the current persistent conflict and across the entire realm of spectrum operations will not decline.– The spectrum is a part of the today’s operational environment and the Army needs to leverage its advantages and protect its vulnerabilities.– An area the size of this room…

…Or is the EMOE really a Domain?

Page 6: Colonel Laurie Moe Buckhout Department of the Army Chief, Army Electronic Warfare Division 2009 DOD Spectrum Symposium: Warfighter Panel Discussion Electronic


Compass Call

Electromagnetic Domain

Airborne Laser






Defensive Ops

Stability Ops

Civil Support Ops

















Persistent Surveillance

• Control• Protect• Deny• Deceive• Disrupt• Degrade• Destroy

Offensive Ops


Big Crow


EW Effects




Requirement: Train EW Professionals to plan, coordinate, synchronize and deconflict EW support to Full Spectrum Operations

Page 7: Colonel Laurie Moe Buckhout Department of the Army Chief, Army Electronic Warfare Division 2009 DOD Spectrum Symposium: Warfighter Panel Discussion Electronic

The soldiers ability to move, shoot and communicate-

A Day without the Electromagnetic Domain