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• Collectivism


1 Collectivism is discussed extensively by Objectivists.


1 A Cooperative|cooperative enterprise would be an example of horizontal collectivism, whereas a military hierarchy would be an

example of vertical collectivism.[

%20%26%20Collectivism%20I.html Horizontal and vertical dimensions of

individualism and collectivism: A theoretical and measurement refinement] Singelis, T

Collectivism - Typology

1 Primarily, collectivism describes how groups orient themselves naturally within a society

Collectivism - Typology

1 Horizontal collectivism is based on the assumption that each individual is more or less equal, while vertical

collectivism assumes that individuals are fundamentally different from

each other

Collectivism - Typology

1 Horizontal collectivists tend to favour democratic decision-making, while vertical

collectivists believe in a strict chain of command. Horizontal collectivism stresses

common goals, interdependence and sociability. Vertical collectivism stresses the integrity of the ingroup|in-group (e.g. the

family or the nation), expects individuals to sacrifice themselves for the in-group if necessary, and promotes competition

between different in-groups.

Collectivism - Culture and politics

1 We also see, that in regards to a police department, an individual can

be detained whether he or she wishes to or not, overriding their will

as an example of collectivism.

Collectivism - Culture and politics

1 Collectivism does have its advantages as compared to

individualist societies as people in collectivist societies almost always have access to a group and as such are known to be considered happier, less lonely, and have lower rates of

mental illness in studies done by psychologists and political scientists

Collectivism - Classical liberal criticisms

1 There are two main objections to collectivism from the ideas of individualism. One is that

collectivism stifles individuality and diversity by insisting upon a common social identity, such as nationalism or some other group

focus. The other is that collectivism is linked to statism and the diminution of freedom

when political authority is used to advance collectivist goals.Heywood, Andrew. Key

Concepts in Politics. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 122

Collectivism - Classical liberal criticisms

1 Criticism of collectivism comes from liberal Individualism|individualists, such as Classical liberalism|classical liberals,

Libertarianism|libertarians, Objectivism (Ayn Rand)|Objectivists, and Individualist

anarchism|individualist anarchists. Perhaps the most notable modern criticism

of economic collectivism is the one put forward by Friedrich Hayek in his book The

Road to Serfdom, published in 1944.

Collectivism - Classical liberal criticisms

1 As soon as a faction has succeeded in winning the support of the

majority of citizens and thereby attained control of the government machine, it is free to deny to the

minority all those democratic rights by means of which it itself has

previously carried on its own struggle for

supremacy.[ The Fallacy of Collectivism]

Collectivism - Socialist criticisms

1 Socialists argue that modern capitalism and private property, which is based on

Socialization (economics)|socialized production and joint-stock or Corporation|corporate ownership structures, is a form

of organic collectivism that sharply contrasts with the perception that

capitalism is a system of free individuals exchanging commodities.Capital, Volume

1, by Marx, Karl

Collectivism - Socialist criticisms

1 George Orwell, a dedicated democratic socialist,George Orwell|

Orwell, George [

says/whyiwrite.htm Why I Write] believed that collectivism resulted in the empowerment of a minority of

individuals that led to further oppression of the majority of the

population in the name of some ideal such as freedom.

Collectivism - Socialist criticisms

1 It cannot be said too often - at any rate, it is not being said nearly often

enough - that collectivism is not inherently democratic, but, on the

contrary, gives to a tyrannical minority such powers as the Spanish Inquisition|Spanish Inquisitors never dreamt of.George Orwell, review of

The Road to Serfdom (1944)

Collectivism - Socialist criticisms

1 Marxists criticize this use of the term collectivism, on the grounds that all societies are based on class interests and therefore all

societies could be considered collectivist. The Liberalism|liberal ideal of the free

individual is seen from a Marxist perspective as a smokescreen for the collective interests

of the capitalist class. Social anarchists argue that individualism is a front for the interests of the upper class. As anarchist

Emma Goldman wrote:

Collectivism - Socialist criticisms

1 In response to criticism made by various pro-capitalist groups that claim that public ownership or common ownership of the means of production is a

form of collectivism, socialists maintain that common ownership over productive assets does not infringe upon the individual, but is instead a liberating force that transcends the false dichotomy of individualism

and collectivism.

m#individualism Socialists maintain that these critiques conflate the concept of private property in the means of production with personal possessions

and individual production.

Collectivism - Other criticisms

1 She argued that collectivism means the subjugation of the individual to a group, and that throughout history, no tyrant ever rose to power except

on the claim of representing the common good

Issues in anarchism - Individualism vs. collectivism

1 Tucker argues that collectivism in property is absurd: That there is an

entity known as the community which is the rightful owner of all land,

Anarchists deny...I...maintain that ‘the community’ is a non-entity, that

it has no existence..


1 'Collectivist anarchism' (also known as 'anarcho-collectivism') is a

revolutionaryPatsouras, Louis. 2005. Marx in Context. iUniverse. p. 54 doctrine that

advocates the abolition of both the State (polity)|state and private property|private ownership of the means of production. It

instead envisions the means of production being owned collectively and controlled and

managed by the producers themselves.


1 Thus, Bakunin's Collectivist Anarchism, notwithstanding the title,

is seen as a blend of individualism and collectivism.Morriss, Brian

Anarcho-collectivism - Comparison with communist anarchism

1 The collectivist anarchists at first used the term collectivism to

distinguish themselves from the Mutualism (economic theory)|

mutualism of the followers of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon|Proudhon and the state socialists associated with Karl


Bureaucratic collectivism

1 'Bureaucratic collectivism' is a theory of social class|class society. It is used

by some Trotskyism|Trotskyists to describe the nature of the Soviet

Union under Joseph Stalin, and other similar states in Central Europe|Central and Eastern Europe and elsewhere (such as North Korea).

Bureaucratic collectivism - Theory

1 Theorists, such as Yvan Craipeau, who hold this view believe that

bureaucratic collectivism does not represent progress beyond capitalism—that is, that it is no closer to being

a workers' state than a capitalist state would be, and is considerably

less efficient

Bureaucratic collectivism - Theory

1 Bureaucratic collectivism was first used as a term to describe a theory originating in

England, shortly before the World War I|First World War, about a possible future social organisation. After the war, the Russian

Revolution of 1917|Russian Revolution and the rise to power of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union, Hugo Urbahns and Lucien

Laurat both began to critique the nature of the Soviet state in a similar manner.

Bureaucratic collectivism - Theory

1 However, Trotsky doubted that a state of pure bureaucratic

collectivism would ever be reached; he believed that, in the absence of a proletarian revolution to return the

Soviet Union to socialism, a comprehensive counter-revolution

would return the nation to capitalism instead.

Bureaucratic collectivism - Theory

1 Soon after the Workers Party (US)|Workers Party in the United States (later the Independent

Socialist League), led by Max Shachtman, split from the Fourth International, it adopted the

theory of bureaucratic collectivism and developed it. As a result, it is often associated with Shachtmanite|Left Shachtmanism and the Third Camp. Its version had much in common

with Craipeau's, as developed by James Burnham and Joseph Carter (socialist)|Joseph

Carter, but little with Rizzi's.

Bureaucratic collectivism - Theory

1 The theory of bureaucratic collectivism was maintained by

socialists such as Hal Draper, and is now held by sections of Solidarity

(US)|Solidarity in the U.S. and Workers Liberty in the United

Kingdom and Australia.

Bureaucratic collectivism - Theory

1 George Orwell's famous novel Nineteen Eighty-Four describes a fictional society of Oligarchical

Collectivism. Orwell was familiar with the works of James Burnham having

reviewed Burnham's Managerial Revolution prior to writing Nineteen


Bureaucratic collectivism - Criticisms

1 He asserted that the theoretical poverty of the theory of bureaucratic

collectivism is not accidental and tried to show that the theory is only

negative; empty, abstract, and therefore arbitrary

The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism

1 'The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism', by the

character Emmanuel Goldstein, is the fictional book that is used as a thematic and plot element in the

dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), by George Orwell

The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism - Background

1 Initially, he appears as such, especially in giving Winston a copy of

Goldstein's illegal book, which O'Brien says reveals the true,

totalitarian nature of the society the Party established in Oceania: full membership to the Brotherhood

requires reading and knowing The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, the true title of the


The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism - Background

1 The term oligarchical collectivism refers not only to the Party's ideology of Ingsoc (English Socialism) but also

to the ideologies of the other two states (Neo-Bolshevism in Eurasia; in

Eastasia, Death Worship or Obliteration of the Self)

The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism - Chapter I

1 In reality, the social castes are no longer necessary, and collectivism

only serves to prolong the exploitation of the Low

The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism - Later chapters

1 Winston never has the opportunity to finish reading The Theory and

Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, and learn the Why's? of Oceania and the world order in 1984 before the Thought Police arrest him; yet he

believes that the hope of change lies with the proletariat|Proles.

The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism - Author

1 In their torture chamber conversations, he tells Winston that

The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, the book by Emmanuel Goldstein, was written by

a committee that included him

First impression (psychology) - Individualism versus collectivism

1 Similar to the number of viewers present, collectivism versus individualism can influence

impression formation