cmos circuit design, layout and simulation

UCSB HEP ASIC Class Slide 1 CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation Sam Burke UCSB HEP Group

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CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation. Sam Burke UCSB HEP Group. References. Text CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation by R. J. Baker, Li and Boyce IEEE Press Oct 2002 ISBN-81-203-1682-7 URL The Well. P Type Wafer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation

Sam Burke


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• Text CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation by R. J.

Baker, Li and Boyce IEEE Press Oct 2002 ISBN-81-203-1682-7


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The Well

• P Type Wafer boron acceptor atoms (25


• Transistors Nmos Transistors on p-

substrate Pmos Transistors on n-well

• Diode formed between the n-well

and p-substrate

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Historical Methods

• Point Contacts 1948

• Grown Junctions 1950

• Alloy Junctions 1952

• Planar Technology or Junction Technology 1953

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A Little History

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• Start with clean bare wafer

• Grow Oxide wet oxide dry oxide

• Apply Resist

• Photo-resist pattern

• Expose

• Develope

• Etch to remove oxide

• Ready for Diffusion

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Growing an N-Well

• Donor Atom Diffusion Donor valance=5

– Phosphorus Si valance=4

• N Well Resistivity 0.75 ohm*cm

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The N-Well

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The Well Resistor• R=[p/t]*L/W

R=Resistance p=resistivity

• R=Rsq*L/W Rsq=sheet resistance


• For N-Well p=0.75ohm*cm t=3um L=100um W=10um R=2500*100/10=25kohms

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Si Resistivity

• Experimental Data N-Type

donor concentration shown for resistor example

• Ref: Grove, A.S “Physics and Tech - -

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N-Well Cross Section

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• Demo the creation of an N-Well using L-Edit Error checking

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Design Process

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Well and Contacts

• N-Well contact on left metal1 active

• Bulk contact on right metal1 active P Implant

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PN Junction Depletion

• Carrier drift

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PN Junction Voltage

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Diode Junction Capacitance

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Diode V/I Equation

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Forward Biased Diode

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Net List of Diode Circuit

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Diode Storage Time