classification and pixel-based segmentation to evaluate

Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 11, No. 13; 2019 ISSN 1916-9752 E-ISSN 1916-9760 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education 186 Classification and Pixel-Based Segmentation to Evaluate Soybean Seeds Submitted to Tetrazolium Test Davi Marcondes Rocha 1 , Lúcia Helena Pereira Nóbrega 2 , Maria de Fátima Zorato 3 , Vitor Alex Alves de Marchi 1 & Arlete Teresinha Beuren 1 1 Computer Science Department, Federal University of Technology-Paraná, Santa Helena, Paraná, Brazil 2 Tec. and Exact Sciences Center, Western Paraná State University, Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil 3 Biologist, Seed Science & Technology, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil Correspondence: Davi Marcondes Rocha, Computer Science Department, Federal University of Technology-Paraná, Santa Helena, Paraná, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] Received: April 25, 2019 Accepted: June 3, 2019 Online Published: August 15, 2019 doi:10.5539/jas.v11n13p186 URL: Abstract Production and use of high quality seeds are essential for the soybean crop. Thus, the quality control system in seeds industry must be reliable, precise, and fast. Tetrazolium test evaluates not only seeds viability but also their vigor, as well as provides information concerning agents that cause their quality reduction. Although this test does not use expensive devices and reagents, it requires a well-trained analyst. Its precision depends on knowledge of all techniques and required procedures. Besides, also necessary is the observer’s subjectivity. So, this trial aimed at developing a computational tool that could minimize the implicit subjectivity in carrying out this test. It also contributes to generate a greater credibility of information and to guarantee precise answers. Algorithms of supervised classification were applied based on extraction of digital images characterization of tetrazolium test. This procedure aimed at producing pixel-based segmentation of those images, to produce a digital segmented image of tetrazolium test according to damage classes. This tool allows, based on image of tetrazolium test, to identify damage on soybean embryos, as well as its site and extension on tissues, so that the interpretation is less subjective. The applied method allowed identifying damage on images of tetrazolium tests in a straightforward way, as well as extracting safer information about those damages and carrying out management control of tetrazolium test according to a seed data file. Keywords: machine learning, patterns recognition, seeds vigor 1. Introduction Soybean crop has much contributed to the Brazilian commercial agriculture. It helped on crop mechanization speed, as well as it modernized transportation, expanded agricultural boundaries, and has taken part in the technological evolution and in another crops production. It also helped the development of Brazilian poultry and swine farming (Dall’Gnol, 2000). Its high protein content (40%) is considered a raw material to feed domestic animals, and although it does not have a high oil content (about 20%), soybean and palm are the greatest oil producers (Roessing, Dall’Agnol, Lazzarotto, Hirakuri, & Oliveira, 2007). According to Marcos-Filho (2015), seed technology has as main objective the development of efficient mechanisms for the productive chain, using high-quality batches. Quality seeds are those that contain high germination potential and vigor, with high physical and genetic purity, characteristics that can be analyzed by multiple tests, following rigorous norms (Marcos-Filho, 2015; FAO, 2013). The tetrazolium test has stood out among the quality tests adopted by the seed industry, especially for soybeans. This occurs not only because of its accuracy and speed when compared to other tests, but also because of the substantial number of information provided as diagnostic of potential causes for quality reduction (mechanical damage, deterioration due to humidity and bed bug damage) and the possibility of evaluating seed batches’ quality and vigor (França Neto, Krzyzanowski, & Costa, 1998). This test enables to distinguish between vigorous (bright red-carmine colored) and deteriorating (deep red) tissues, and dead or heavily deteriorated tissues (which retain their whitish color) (Deswal & Chand, 1997), and it has been shown that each type of damage is associated with typical patterns of injury (Figure 1).

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Page 1: Classification and Pixel-Based Segmentation to Evaluate

Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 11, No. 13; 2019 ISSN 1916-9752 E-ISSN 1916-9760

Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education


Classification and Pixel-Based Segmentation to Evaluate Soybean Seeds Submitted to Tetrazolium Test

Davi Marcondes Rocha1, Lúcia Helena Pereira Nóbrega2, Maria de Fátima Zorato3, Vitor Alex Alves de Marchi1 & Arlete Teresinha Beuren1

1 Computer Science Department, Federal University of Technology-Paraná, Santa Helena, Paraná, Brazil 2 Tec. and Exact Sciences Center, Western Paraná State University, Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil 3 Biologist, Seed Science & Technology, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil

Correspondence: Davi Marcondes Rocha, Computer Science Department, Federal University of Technology-Paraná, Santa Helena, Paraná, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]

Received: April 25, 2019 Accepted: June 3, 2019 Online Published: August 15, 2019

doi:10.5539/jas.v11n13p186 URL:

Abstract Production and use of high quality seeds are essential for the soybean crop. Thus, the quality control system in seeds industry must be reliable, precise, and fast. Tetrazolium test evaluates not only seeds viability but also their vigor, as well as provides information concerning agents that cause their quality reduction. Although this test does not use expensive devices and reagents, it requires a well-trained analyst. Its precision depends on knowledge of all techniques and required procedures. Besides, also necessary is the observer’s subjectivity. So, this trial aimed at developing a computational tool that could minimize the implicit subjectivity in carrying out this test. It also contributes to generate a greater credibility of information and to guarantee precise answers. Algorithms of supervised classification were applied based on extraction of digital images characterization of tetrazolium test. This procedure aimed at producing pixel-based segmentation of those images, to produce a digital segmented image of tetrazolium test according to damage classes. This tool allows, based on image of tetrazolium test, to identify damage on soybean embryos, as well as its site and extension on tissues, so that the interpretation is less subjective. The applied method allowed identifying damage on images of tetrazolium tests in a straightforward way, as well as extracting safer information about those damages and carrying out management control of tetrazolium test according to a seed data file.

Keywords: machine learning, patterns recognition, seeds vigor

1. Introduction Soybean crop has much contributed to the Brazilian commercial agriculture. It helped on crop mechanization speed, as well as it modernized transportation, expanded agricultural boundaries, and has taken part in the technological evolution and in another crops production. It also helped the development of Brazilian poultry and swine farming (Dall’Gnol, 2000). Its high protein content (40%) is considered a raw material to feed domestic animals, and although it does not have a high oil content (about 20%), soybean and palm are the greatest oil producers (Roessing, Dall’Agnol, Lazzarotto, Hirakuri, & Oliveira, 2007).

According to Marcos-Filho (2015), seed technology has as main objective the development of efficient mechanisms for the productive chain, using high-quality batches. Quality seeds are those that contain high germination potential and vigor, with high physical and genetic purity, characteristics that can be analyzed by multiple tests, following rigorous norms (Marcos-Filho, 2015; FAO, 2013). The tetrazolium test has stood out among the quality tests adopted by the seed industry, especially for soybeans. This occurs not only because of its accuracy and speed when compared to other tests, but also because of the substantial number of information provided as diagnostic of potential causes for quality reduction (mechanical damage, deterioration due to humidity and bed bug damage) and the possibility of evaluating seed batches’ quality and vigor (França Neto, Krzyzanowski, & Costa, 1998). This test enables to distinguish between vigorous (bright red-carmine colored) and deteriorating (deep red) tissues, and dead or heavily deteriorated tissues (which retain their whitish color) (Deswal & Chand, 1997), and it has been shown that each type of damage is associated with typical patterns of injury (Figure 1).

Page 2: Classification and Pixel-Based Segmentation to Evaluate


(Figure 1

The stainin(high and characterisembryonic

Seeds are humidity iregion (IST

Although tperceptionabnormaliteliminate tresults, als

Techniquecapture, prhave madeattractive aprocessing

Image segassigned toare based performingimportant Zaboleeva

As stated damage, thonly the daccuracy.

In this reseimproving

Corrêa, CíconcludedEvaluated effective in

Pereira, Sshowed thallowing to

Silva, Barrusing comuniformityalternative


a) Mechanical1. Damage patt

ng tonality of low vigor) an

stics, enables c tissues (Moor

considered nin regions of aTA, 1985).

the establishedn (tetrazolium tty seedling anthe implied subso in addition t

es to analyze irocessing, and e the image anautomated wayg, besides the e

gmentation is o these region

only on pixg segmentatioalternative to

a-Zatova, 2014

by Cícero anhis promising pdamaged areas

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ícero, and Abd the system is

mechanical an detecting the

aito, and Bughat the proposeo automate and

ros, Albuquermputerized imay of seedling e for obtaining

l damage terns found in

f embryos tissund non-viable.the determinare, 1973; Fran

non-viable wheapical and root

d criteria are ftest, fast greennd vigor, resubjectivity in soto reduce the ti

mages are preinterpretation

nalysis systemsy. These technextraction of in

defined as a s (pixel set), w

xel intensity ion. For this ro improve the 4; Arganda-Car

nd Banzatto-Juprocedure is ps’ analysis bu

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bud (2017) hava viable altern

and stink bug e damages stud

gatti (2016) sted frameworkd accelerate it

que, Marcos-Fage analysis an

development consistent inf

Journal of A

(b) Deteriorsoybean embr


ues submitted . Observing su

ation of presennça Neto, Krzy

en contain met meristem, em

followed (ISTAn) varies from olting in greateome tests woulime spent for c

esented as a prn of images. Ths that perform niques allow grnformation, wh

decompositiowhich share sonformation, breason, recentaccuracy of t

rreras, Kaynig

unior (2003) wossible becaus

ut also the loc

fic papers in wextraction infor

ve evaluated tnative to assess

damage in sodied in soybean

tudied an imagk presented no

the process.

Filho, Gomes nd concluded

and on seedformation on th

Agricultural Sci


ration by humidryos submittedski and Costa

to tetrazoliumuch color nuance, location, zanowski, & C

echanical dammbryonic axis,

A, 1985; Françone individualer or less clasld contribute toclassification.

romising technhe agility in prclassification

reater precisiohich is impossi

on process intome visual chabut human betly, trainable the areas labe, Schindelin, C

when using imse each seed iscation and ext

which digital prrmation in seed

the cottonseeds the seed vigooybean seed un seed.

ge analysis frotable contribu

Junior, and Nthat system pr

dling growth he physiologic


dity d to the tetrazol(1998)

m test can be uances, combine

and nature ofCosta, 1998).

mage, sting byalong the cen

ça Neto, Krzyl to another, asssification rigoo the best infor

nology due to ocessing plus and evaluationn in the analysible to be obse

to non-intersearacteristics. Meings, naturall

segmentation eling process Cardona, & Se

mage analysis s analyzed inditent of their d

rocessing and d quality tests.

d vigor througor. Pinto, Cicerusing x-ray an

ramework clasutions to the s

ascimento (20rovided data oindicating thaal potential of


(c) Bed bug dlium test. Sour

used to classifyed with the knf the damages

y bed bug, anntral cylinder,

yzanowski, & Cs well as the cror. Thus, toolsrmation credib

the improvemthe reduction on of agricultursis, intrinsic toerved (Carvalh

ecting regions,Most traditionally, use other

methods hav(Alekseev, Orung, 2014).

techniques toividually, suggdamage, with

image analysis.

gh computer iro, França Netnd concluded

ssification of oybean vigor

017) evaluatedon indexes of at automated f seeds.

Vol. 11, No. 13;

damage rce: França Ne

fy seeds into vnowledge of ss that can occ

nd deterioratioand in the vas

Costa, 1998), riteria of norms that minimizbility and guara

ments in systemof acquisition ral products a o the computatho, 2010).

, where a labl targeting metinformation w

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o characterize gesting in detai

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seed damagesdefinition pro

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on by cular

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ms of costs more tional

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seed il not ee of


s and 2009) was

s and ocess,

vigor r and liable

Page 3: Classification and Pixel-Based Segmentation to Evaluate Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 11, No. 13; 2019


Given this context, it is possible to use computational systems based on digital processing and image analysis to help obtaining information from quality tests carried out on the studied seeds.

2. Methodology Tool development and experimental tests were carried out in the Seed and Plant Evaluation Laboratory from UNIOESTE (Western Paraná State University)-Campus Cascavel-PR and in the Teaching Laboratories of Biology and Chemistry from UTFPR (Federal Technological University of Paraná), Campus Santa Helena-PR.

The proposed tool, named SATTz (System of Support for Tetrazolium Test), consists on a base system to classify seeds submitted to the tetrazolium test due to the need for an automation source for this test, to assist the analyst in the decision-making process to classify damages present in soybean embryos samples, and to carry out the test control during the batches’ evaluation.

Thus, specific tools were used for each step and, to reduce development cost, open and/or free source technologies were chosen since an open source software is ideal in scientific development, as it can be freely reviewed, modified, and redistributed (Schindelin, Rueden, Riner & Eliceiri, 2015).

Java object-oriented programming language version 1.8.0_91, in the Integrated Development Environment (Eclipse) version 4.5.2, was applied for this system development. This language was chosen because it is a multiplatform, which allows using and integrating libraries and frameworks for system development and digital image analysis.

The maintenance of data was carried out in the MySQL data file managing system, version 6.3. This system uses a relational database, thus, it was necessary to draw a mapping system of an oriented model to the developed application object for the relational model of MySQL data file. This mapping used Hibernate version 4.3.5, open source framework for object relational mapping, which allows keeping an object-oriented application. Also, that changes on the database do not imply in profound consequences on their application (O’Neil, 2008).

The ImageJ platform is a software distributed freely under GPL (General Public License) and has a dynamic users’ community, made up of researchers from several areas of knowledge. Its use allows several applications, ranging from data visualization to advanced image processing and statistical analysis. Due to its extensibility, it attracts biologists and computer scientists who efficiently implement specific image processing algorithms (Schindelin et al., 2015).

Libraries of the FIJI software was used in the process of image analysis, an ImageJ software distribution that adds several functionalities, which make easier scientific image analysis. This software was proposed as a productive collaboration platform between computer science researchers and the research communities on biology (Schindelin et al., 2012).

To perform the image segmentation process, the TWS (Trainable Weka Segmentation) plug-in was used (Arganda-Carreras et al., 2016), which is an integrating part of FIJI software. This plug-in act as a link between the machine learning fields and the digital image processing, providing the framework needed to use and compare the classifiers that make the image segmentation. This combines a collection of machine learning algorithms with a set of image characteristics to produce pixel-based segmentations, by using a set of methods to extract statistical properties from an image based on pixel samples (Arganda-Carreras et al., 2011; Arganda-Carreras et al., 2014). The WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) is an open source software consisting of a range of machine learning algorithms destined for data mining, which includes tools for data preprocessing, classification, regression, clustering, rules of association and visualization (Hall et al., 2009). All WEKA classification, regression, and clustering algorithms can be used by TWS (Arganda-Carreras et al., 2014).

In this trial, the classification algorithm based on Random Forest decision trees was used, a classification and regression technique created by Breiman (2001) and composed of a set of decision trees, in which the class prediction for new values is based on a voting system. After the generation of many trees (forest), the class is chosen, based on most tree votes (Breiman, 2001). According to the same author, a Random Forest is a classifier consisting of a set of tree-based classifiers, formally described as h (x, Θk), where h is the decision tree, x is the input to be sorted and Θk is the k-th identically distributed random vector. Thus, each tree votes in the most popular class for x input to be classified.

Random Forests are obtained by means of a multi-variant version of a predictor, known as bagging (bootstrapping aggregating) (Breiman, 1996), where the final forecast is performed by the average B predictions (Equation 2) or by taking the majority vote (Equation 1) (Goldstein, Polley, & Briggs, 2011).

Page 4: Classification and Pixel-Based Segmentation to Evaluate


where, ft(x

where, f*b


The basic Olshen, &capacity o(Equation without pr

where, N: examples.

where, Pi:

The TWSreduction. delimitinginto four pof image d

where, p: p

The propotraining ofregistration

The tetrazknown as The stocksuggested subsampleconditionsseeds wereAfterward

where, TS

After the ithrough th


x): function wit

(x): function w

algorithm of tr& Stone, 1984)of generalizatio

4) indices (Hruning procedu

set examples;

: frequency of

plugin allowSATTz extra

a radius (1 toparts (32, 64, 1data. This proc

probability of

osed system (Ff a classifier tn and manipul

olium test wascarriers of spe

k solution at 1by Associatio

es of 50 seedss for 16 hourse put in plastic

ds, the tempera

: Tetrazolium

ideal staining, he embryonic a

th the characte

ith the charact

ree constructio), which has aon, using as c

Han, Pei, & Kaure.

; M-number o

each class in e

ws the extractioacts the imag

o 8 pixels) arou28, 256 interv

cedure is param

each histogram

Figure 2) is cthrough the TWlation of the da

Figure 2

s carried out oecific damages1.0% was prepon of Official s each). The s in a BOD (B

c bags to receivture was betwe

solution; SS: S

the seeds wereaxis, with a sc

Journal of A


eristic to be stu

fbag x

teristic to be st

on is the Classas particularitycriteria for theamber, 2003).

Impurity N =f classes; ωi: n


each knot; M:

on of image ges characterisund each pixe

vals in the histomount in the cl


m part.

composed of aWS interface ata on batches,

2. Analytical sy

on soybean sees. They were ppared by mixiSeed Analystsseeds were pa

Biochemical Ove 0.075% (Eqeen 35 and 40


Stock solution

e removed fromcalpel. The cot

Agricultural Sci


m(x)= 1

T∑ f

tTt=1 (

udied; T: Numb= 1

B∑ f

*bBb=1 (

tudied; B: Num

sification and Ry the ability toe best feature In the forests

= -∑ Pω




number of exa

(N)=1– ∑Mi=1

number of cla

characteristicsstics using TWl of the imageogram). Then, assifier learnin

= ∑ – plog2(p

a graphical usand the printin, samples, repl

ystem manage

eds of cultivarprovided by aning 10.0 g of s [AOSA] (19acked in mois

Oxygen Demanquation 6) tetra°C for 150-18

= SS75ml + D

n; DW: Distille

m the solutiontyledons were



ber of training


mber of bootstr

Regression Treo generate higselection the Is, the CARTs

log 2 Pω



amples at ith p




s by edge deteWS/FIJI core,e to obtain the the system cal

ng process.


ser interface, wng of the tetralications, and s

ement framewo

s from agriculn official seed f tetrazolium s83) 100 seeds

sture germinatnd) type oven azolium solutio80 minutes (2.5


ed water.

n, washed with arranged on a


g samples.

rap samples.

ees (CART) (Bgh-performancImpurity (Equare expanded

partition; t: tota

ectors, texture, by HSB cohistogram of

lculates the En

which allows, azolium test eseeds.


ltural propertieanalysis laborasalt in 1.0 L s of each samption paper and

at 25 °C. Afton to stay com5 to 3 hours) u

tap water, anda blue and squ

Vol. 11, No. 13;

Breiman, Freadce trees, with uation 3) and Gd to the maxim

al number of N

e filters, and nolor attributes,

that circle, divntropy (Equatio

in addition tovaluation card

es, as well as satory in the redistilled waterple were used d kept under fter this period

mpletely submeuntil the stainin

d cut longitudiuared sheet of




dman, great GINI mum,


N set


noise and vided on 5)


o the d, the

seeds gion. r. As (two these

d, the ersed. ng.


nally EVA

Page 5: Classification and Pixel-Based Segmentation to Evaluate


(Ethyl Vinnecessary embryos s(bedbug, mtraining imof repetiticovering m

The imageExmor R(Arganda-related to t

The characused classFastRandooptimizes images usethe previou

3. ResultsThe set upresented humidity d

During thidamage (4humidity ccreating a classifier p


nyl Acetate) (Fto previously

samples (in remechanic, and

mage (Figure 3on I (Figure 3

mechanic, hum

(a) Repet

es were obtaineR™ CMOS S

Carreras, 201the tetrazolium

cteristics of thsifier was the omForest is aspeed and memed in the systeus process.

and Discussised has severbackground p

damage, and ti

is process, 39 r48.005 pixels),category (30.3training data s

pattern and, as

Figure 3). Eachtrain a classif

eplication imad humidity) anc). It was obta3a) and II (Fi

midity, and bed

tition I


ed using a SonSensor, witho6) was used,

m test.

e analyzed imaFastRandomF

a multitaskingmory usage (Aem and the bu

on ral damages thpatterns were ssue without l

regions from t, two regions i354 pixels) andset with 143,29a result, the cl

Journal of A

h cotyledon pafication modelages) were send healthy seeained from the igure 3b) that

dbugs’ damage


3. Arrangemen

ny HX200V 18out flash. Fo

allowing cha

ages are color Forest beginning reimplementArganda-Carreuilding of deci

hat, in some identified in esions.

the bottom clain mechanic dd eight region91 instances tolassified traini

Agricultural Sci


air was placed as the TWS ulected, represe

eds that take pcomposition osatisfactorily

s, and healthy

Repetition II

nt of embryos

8.2 Mega Pixeor the traininaracteristics ex

in HSB patterng with 200 trtation of Raneras, 2016). Thision trees, bas

cases, were fothe training i

ss of image (6damage class (ns related to tho describe the cing image was


in a rectangleuses superviseenting the mapart on the tesof 16 embryosdescribed theseeds.

in EVA patter

els camera withng stage of xtraction and

rn and Entropyrees and two

ndom Forest, his process aimsed on the cha

found in the simage, bed bu

68.236 pixels),(470 pixels), 5he class of damclasses. The trobtained (Figu


e (2.5 × 2.8 cmed classificatioajor informatist to create a s image, selectee pattern in th

(c) Trainin


h Charge-Coupthe classifierclassifier trai

y with rmax=8random characreated by F

ms to extract tharacteristic vec

same embryosug damage, de

, 141 regions o59 regions in dmage per bedbraining was perure 4).

Vol. 11, No. 13;

m) of pattern. Iton technique. Ton about damnew image, ced from the imhe tetrazolium


pled Device (Cr, TWS inteining for attrib

8 and rmin=1acteristics per Fran Supek, whe characteristictor constructe

s. The regionseterioration du

of the class wideterioration dbug (2.775 pixrformed to obt


t was Thus,

mages called mages


CMD) rface butes

. The knot.

which ics of ed by

s that ue to

thout ue to xels), tain a

Page 6: Classification and Pixel-Based Segmentation to Evaluate


Figure 4.and em










. Training imagmbryos withou


(a) MD

c) BBD

(e) HD

(g) HD

i) BBD

(k) HD

m) HD

(o) MD

ges with mechut damage (WDtion; Green-be

Journal of A

hanic damage (D), with respecedbug damage

Agricultural Sci


(MD), humiditctive segmente; Blue-mechan


ty deteriorationed images: Grenic damage; Ye


(b) HD

(d) BBD

(f) BBD

(h) WD

(j) HD

(l) HD

(n) HD

(p) HD

n (HD), bedbuey-backgroundellow-vigor tis

Vol. 11, No. 13;

ug damage (BBd; Red-humiditssue


BD), y

Page 7: Classification and Pixel-Based Segmentation to Evaluate


The registcarried outinference informatioanalyzed aboundariesthe inform

The informdefinition bedbug daalso possibanalyst’s in


tration of batct through the bin any soybea

on was extracas from the cs where there w

mation extractio

mation extractto the seed)

amage, and humble to make a nference proce

ch samples anbatch creationan cotyledons

cted from cotyclassification was a seed coton interface to


tion interface from the cotymidity deteriovisual comparess or to verify

(a) Emb


Journal of A

nd their replicn interface, afte

sample. Oncyledons containterface (Figtyledons pair, help on the cl

5. Soybean em

of embryos (Fyledons image

oration) as welrison between y if the classifi

bryos informatio

6. Embryos in

Agricultural Sci


ations (consiser obtaining thce the batch wained in their gure 5), usinghence obtaininassification pr

mbryos classifi

Figure 6) alloe segmented il as the percensegmented an

ication has bee


nformation extr


sting of two imhe classificatiowas registered

replications. g the system ng informationrocess of the te

ication interfac

ows the decisiointo classes (hntages of pixelnd original emben correctly pe

raction interfac


mages of tetraon pattern that

with its respThe replicatioindividual seln about the emetrazolium test


on-making (vihealthy seed, ls classified inbryos (Figure rformed.

(b) Origin


Vol. 11, No. 13;

azolium test) serves as basi

pective sampleons I and II lection tool in

mbryos display.

igor (Note 1)mechanic dam

n these classes6b) to improv

nal image


were is for e, the were

n the ed in

class mage, . It is

ve the

Page 8: Classification and Pixel-Based Segmentation to Evaluate


To improvthe test, thclassificati

The imagehealthy seare uniformCosta, 199

It can be oand 0.67%of a more Figure 7b deteriorati

The interpstriations (function oand lesion

Areas of mthey are a 1998).

It can alsopattern, are


ve the predictivhe characteristiion process, th

es labeled by ed was higherm and superfic98).

(a) Healt

observed that % with humidit

intense red codid not show

on class (0.35%

pretation of hu(evidenced by f expansion (hin cotyledons

more intense rresult of smal

o be seen in Fe those that giv

ve properties oics extraction

he data set reco

the pattern arr than 99.33% cial, indicating

thy seeds (99.33

Figure 7. S

in Figure 7a, ty deteriorationolor in one ofw any deterior%).

umidity deterithe test in dar

hydration) and . This kind of

red or milky wll striations inc

Figures 8a andve to pixel hum

Journal of A

of the classifierwas carried ou

orded 230.388

re shown in Fand represente

g slow penetra


Segmented ima

the soybean en. When compf the cotyledonration. Howev

ioration in tetrk red carminecontraction (dpattern may be

white staining crease and cau

d 8b images wmidity deterior

Agricultural Sci


r pattern, durinut in some iminstances (add

Figures 7a anded seeds of vigation of the tet

ages classified

embryos recordpared with the ns, originatingver, some pix

trazolium test e), caused by dehydration) cye found in emb

are also charause a greater d

whose most appration patterns


ng the classificmages to feed thding 87.097 ins

d 7b, whose pgor class 1. Thtrazolium salt

(b) Hea

d as without da

ded 99.33% ooriginal image

g from humiditxels were clas

can be descrcompression oycles, whose rbryonic axis an

acteristic patterdamage (Franç

parent charact.


cation process he training setstances to the i

ercentage of pheir external c(França Neto

althy seeds (99.6


f pixels labelee, there were tty deterioratiosified as belo

ribed by someof integument esults are wrinnd cotyledons.

rns of this detça Neto, Krzyz

teristics, labele

Vol. 11, No. 13;

of the 100 seet. At the end oinitial tests set

pixels classifiecolor character, Krzyzanowsk


ed as healthy stwo small striaon. The embryonging to hum

e patterns, sucon cotyledons

nkles in integu.

terioration. Mozanowski, & C

ed by the clas


eds in of the t).

ed as istics ki, &

seeds ations os of


ch as s as a ment

ostly, Costa,


Page 9: Classification and Pixel-Based Segmentation to Evaluate


In Figuresclustered iin these re

In Figures with the ostriations adeterioratisegmentatiimages.

The mechaprocessingWhen recein cotyledCharacteri

Pixels clasadjacent toand its oppimage, tha

In Figure 9(vascular rAnd whenhappened humidity i

In general,


(a) Humidity deregion


s 8a, it is possin the oppositegions, charact

8b, it is obseroriginal image and bands in don. When loion generated

anic damage rg process identent, they are codons as in emistic embryos w

ssified as meco the attachmenposite region; oat the mechanic

9b some pixelsregion), plus an analyzed theduring some

in its cotyledon

, pixels with th

eterioration on thto embryonic ax

ure 8. Segmen

ible to observe region to emberistics of hum

rved that the em(without dama

darker red carmoking at imaby the system

result from imtified in the tetolored in dark

mbryonic axis with this kind o

chanic damagnt point. Thereon the other hac damage cam

s classified as a substantial exe original imagof the produc


his pattern of d

Journal of A

he opposite xis

nted images wi

ve the number bryonic axis. I

midity deteriora

mbryonic axisage), it is possmine color an

ages set that corroborates w

mpacts, cuts, antrazolium test

k red carmine, (Bewley & Bof damage are

e can be obsee has been recoand, it is not de from an abra

mechanic damxtent of deterige, it was recction processe

damage were w

Agricultural Sci



ith humidity de

of pixels clasn the non-segmation.

also presentedsible to observ

nd whitish partpresented humwith the real lo

nd abrasions arpresents charaor white in ca

Black, 1994; F presented in F

erved in one orded humidityistributed throasion in seed.

mage can be seioration due toorded that me

es, and that th

well identified


b) Humidity det

eterioration ch

ssified as humimented image,

d pixels classifve, both in thets (dead tissuemidity deterioocation and ex

rising from thacteristic patterase they have nFrança Neto, KFigures 9a to 9

cotyledon (Figy deteriorationughout its leng

een in the regioo humidity disechanic damaghe seed also h

and classified


terioration on em


idity deteriora, striations and

fied in this wae cotyledons ane), which are aoration, it is xtension of dam

e harvesting, trns such as cranot been recenKrzyzanowski


gure 9a), in thn in cotyledonsgth. It can be s

on just above hstributed betwege is due to sehas deterioratio


Vol. 11, No. 13;

mbryonic axis

ation in cotyledd bands can be

ay. When compnd embryonic aspects of hum

observed thamage in the ori

trail, transportacks and abrasntly identified, i, & Costa, 1

he vascular res in embryonicseen, in the ori

half of the embeen the cotyledeeds kneadingon patterns du


dons, seen

pared axis,

midity t the ginal

, and sions.

both 998).

egion c axis ginal

bryos dons. g that ue to

Page 10: Classification and Pixel-Based Segmentation to Evaluate


The damagyellowish The embry

Pixels claspart of theobserved areach a noembryonicoriginal imsome case

After the interface. TThe systemvigor percmost appar

After selecresults (Fig


(a) Mechanic da


ge caused by bcolor, as well

yos that were s

(a) Sting bed

ssified as bedbe soybean embaround this daon-vascularizedc axis. It is pomages of theses the red ring a

embryos wereThis data sheem generates thcentages are rerent ones.

cting the batchgure 11).

amage in vascul

Figure 9. Segm

bedbug sting i as an intense

segmented with

dbug in vascular

Figure 10. Se

bug damage arbryo in a cotyleamage are alsod region of coossible to obsee segmentationaround the dam

e classified, thet is based on this data file auegistered. It als

h and sample,

Journal of A

lar region

mented images

is easily identired carmine r

h this characte

r region

egmented imag

re found in cotedon and a smo classified as otyledons, as cerve that pixens, both for bmage was iden

he results interthe tetrazolium

utomatically, coso identifies an

the system gen

Agricultural Sci


with mechanic

ified by typicaring around it eristic pattern a

ges with bedbu

tyledons, as obmall part in the

humidity detecan be observels were correc

bedbug damagntified as a dete

rface of the tem test data file onsidering thend quantifies t

nerates a Porta


(b) Mechanic d

c damage char

al lesions, with(França Neto,

are shown in F

(b) Sting bedb

ug sting charac

bserved in Figue central positierioration. Pixed in Figure 1ctly classified e and humiditerioration patte

etrazolium test(França Neto

e previous clasthe kinds of da

able Documen


damage in centra


h circular patte, Krzyzanowsk

Figures 10a and

bug below vascu


ure 10a. They ion of the othexels classified 0b, in the regby the visual

ty deterioratioern by humidit

t was generate, Krzyzanowsk

ssification, in wamages, as we

nt Format (PDF

Vol. 11, No. 13;

al portion

erns and whitiki, & Costa, 1d 10b.

ular region

are in the super cotyledon. Pas bedbug damion opposite tl analysis fromon. Even thougty.

ed by the repoki, & Costa, 1which viabilityell as highlight

F) file with the


sh or 998).

perior Pixels mage o the

m the gh in

orting 998). y and ts the

e test

Page 11: Classification and Pixel-Based Segmentation to Evaluate


The reportgerminatiothe sum oestablished

4. ConclusConcerninseeds clasthe segmeof tetrazolshows itse

AcknowleAuthors aCoordinatisupporting






t determines ton potential upof the levels d.

sion ng the developesification for tnted images pium test repor

elf as a potentia

edgements are thankful tion for the Img this research.

es A. V., Orlova

od for Conteference JCKBS

Carreras, I., Centation. Retri

Carreras, I., Knable_Segment

the percentagep from the sum

from 1 to 3

ed software, ittetrazolium tes

provides valuabrt from the clasal automation t

to Western Pmprovement o.

a, Y. A., Rozaext-Sensitive ISE, Volgograd,

Cardona, A., ieved from http

Kaynig, V., tation: Release

Journal of A

Figure 11. T

e of seeds, clam of estimated v

, following w

t can be conclust, since perceble informatiossified sampletool in researc

Paraná State Uof Higher Ed

aliev, V. L., &Image Analys, Russia. https

Kaynig, V., ps://

Rueden, C., e v3.1.2 Retrie

Agricultural Sci


etrazolium tes

assified in eacvalues in the c

what França N

uded it presententages extracton in the deciss saves time in

ch and commer

University, Feducation Perso

& Zaboleeva-Zis (pp. 331-3://

Rueden, C., t/Trainable_W

Schindelin, eved from https


t report

ch viability clclasses from 1 Neto, Krzyzan

ts an alternativtion of classifision making. Mn the extractinrcial environm

ederal Univeronnel/Araucári

Zotova, A. V. (340). Paper p007/978-3-319

& SchindelinWeka_Segment

J., Cardona, s://


lass, and the sto 5, and the v

nowski, and C

ve to performinfied pixels for Moreover, Autg process of te


sity of Technia Foundation

(2014). Two-Spresented at t9-11854-3_28

n, J. (2011). ation

A., & Seun/record/59290

Vol. 11, No. 13;

software calcuvigor is obtaineCosta (1998)

ng a less subjedamage classetomated generest information

nology-Paranán (CAPES/FA

Stage Segmentthe eleventh

Trainable W

ng, H. S. (2#.XO6-cohKiU


ulates ed by have

ective es by ration n and

and ) for

ation Joint


2016) Uk

Page 12: Classification and Pixel-Based Segmentation to Evaluate Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 11, No. 13; 2019


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Notes Note 1. The assignments of seed vigor classifications based on the information extracted by the system were according to the methodology of tetrazolium test for soybean seeds (França Neto, Krzyzanowski, & Costa, 1998).

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