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Learn Have Fun During the Holidays Class-I Promoted to Class II Cold Region Session 2014-15 Army Public Schools and Colleges System Secretariat

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Learn Have Fun During

the Holidays


Promoted to Class II

Cold Region

Session 2014-15

Army Public Schools and Colleges System


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Army Public Schools & Colleges System

Curriculum Development Department

Instructions for Learn & Have Fun during the Holidays

·  All assignments have been carefully planned in such a way that students continue

the learning process during the vacations, using a variety of interesting activities.

·  Parents are expected to explain each of the homework to the child.

·  Students are expected to bring back their charts / posters / scarp book and other

 projects to school after the winter holidays.·  All activities / projects must be the work of the child . Parental help and guidance

to be provided only where indicated / needed.

·  Where a particular movie / book is not available, another movie / book of

educational value may be seen / read.

·  All creative work (book reports, essays, sentences) should be the work of the

child.·  It is mandatory for students to practise a page of handwriting twice a week.

·  Students should use loose sheets to do these assignments / activities.

·  Students should make their own scrap book (parents to help the children).

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Ladybird Readers

·  The Happy Prince.

·  The Three Billy Goats Gruff

·  The Ugly Duckling

·  The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse

·  6C 





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Instructions for making scrap book:

·  Take twenty white or coloured A-4 sheets.

·  Punch them on the left side.

·  Put a ribbon through the holes and tie into a knot.

·  Use old Eid / Birthday cards to decorate the cover of your scrap book.

·  Your scrap book is ready for use.


·  Any other book of the child's intellectual / comprehension level/interest can be selected.

·  During the winter holidays, students may read other novels / stories by the author of the

novel prescribed in the literature syllabus of their respective class. The internet is a useful

resource to tap information on other works by the same author.


Instructions: Read and learn 10 words per week.

ai ea oa fl fr

rain fleas toad flag frown

gain please croak fly from

 pain ease road flower front

chain dream goat flutter fruit

main cream boat flame fridge

train speak coat flute frog

stair lead soap flap frost

chair hear roast flat french

fairy bear boast flew frystain tear toast fleet frame

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Book Report Proforma

For Class I, II, III 


Write Book Report according to the following format on loose sheet.

Title: ____________

Author: __________

1)  Did you find the book interesting? If so, why, and if not, why not?

2)  Is it a funny / adventurous / informative story?


How many characters are there?

4)  Who is the main character? Do you like him / her? If so, why?

5)  How much time did you take to read the story?








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Learn & Have Fun during the Holidays

Class    I (Session 2013   2014)


To be done on loose sheets.

1.  Make a list of activities you would love to do during the holidays. Draw or paste pictures

on your sheet. Write a sentence about why you want to do them.

2.  Read and Learn ten words per week from the given list.


Read your favourite story book and write the names of the characters in the story.4.  Help your mother make a sandwich or noodles or any drink of your choice. Write down

the ingredients and the steps of the recipe. Paste or draw pictures of the ingredients you

used in it.

5.  Watch the cartoon movie Ben Ten!  and Barbie!. Draw 5 characters from the story.

Colour them and write the names of the characters.

6.  Make an outline of your hand and foot print. Write down some of the things you can do

with your hands and feet inside the prints drawn.

7.  Make two webs of the following:-

a.  toys you have

 b.  different flavors of the ice-cream you like.


1. Practise counting in the following manner:


What comes after …?

·  What comes before …?

·  What is in between …?

2. Write in words, the numbers 1-100.

3. Learn and write the multiplication tables of 2, 5 and 10.

4. In your scrap book:

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a. Make four clocks and show the times: 2 : 00, 4 : 30, 10 : 15, 8 : 45

 b. Draw a circle, triangle, square and rectangle. Label and colour them.

c. On different shapes, show one whole, one half, one quarter and one third by

shading the given fractions.


1.  Keep a record of the litter you throw away in your home during the week. Then, fill in the

table given below:

Sr. # Days Litter

1.  Monday



3.  Wednesday

4.  Thursday

5.  Friday

6.  Saturday

7.  Sunday

·  Sort out big and small items from the litter you collected from your home.

Sr. # Big items Sr. # Small items









·  Make a list of different types of homes in which people live.

·  Find the habitats of different animals in your surroundings:

·   butterfly ·  grass-hopper ·  sparrow ·   parrot

·  spider ·  lady-bird

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·  Make a list of articles used in your kitchen and name the materials they are made

of in the table given below.

Sr. No. Article Material

2.  In your scrap book write the name of the capital of Pakistan, and its provinces. Draw or

 paste pictures of people wearing dresses of the four provinces of Pakistan.

3.  In your scrap book paste pictures of 2 insects, 3 birds, 3 animals that live in water & 3

animals which live in the forest.

4.  In your scrap book draw different body parts and write the function of each part.


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