city of dripping springs founder’s day commission bi ... · signed contract received. d. parade...

1 City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi-Monthly Meeting January 11, 2016 Attending: Brenda Medcalf, Stephanie Holtzendorf, Paul Sanchez, Brad Thomas, Mike Monaghan, DeNae Lee, Sharon Goss, EvanTaddia, DeNae Lee, Trent Edwards. Absent: Chris Nuccio, AJ Bergeron. I. Call to Order: 6:35 pm by Brenda Medcalf II. Presentation of Citizens: None. III. Minutes: Minutes of the November 9, 2015 meeting were read. Mike made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting as read. Trent seconded. Minutes accepted. IV. Business A. Approval of Electrical Upgrades Required by Pedernales Electric Cooperative for 2016 Founders Day Festival. Mayor Purcell reported that PEC determined that some of the electrical loops and some equipment on the poles need to be upgraded. These improvements need to begin as soon as possible. Approximate cost is $5000. Mike made a motion to accept the electrical upgrade. Brad seconded. Motion passed unanimously. B. Proposal from KDRP Radio for Festival Advertising There was discussion regarding advertising for the 2016 Founders Day Festival. The Commissioners agreed that radio advertising is not needed. Paul made a motion that no FD budget should be spent on radio or television advertising for this year’s festival. Mike seconded. Motion passed unanimously. C. Approval of 2016 Founders Day Festival Sponsorship Levels. There was discussion on having a title sponsor for Founders Day. The Commissioners agreed that this is something to look into for this year and the future. Brad made a motion to accept the current sponsorship levels and add the level of title sponsor with the amount and benefits of this level to be determined later. Trent seconded. Motion passed unanimously. D. Approval of 2016 Founders Day Sponsorship, Vendor, Food Vendor and Parade Application Forms. Sponsorship letter-letter and levels approved with the sponsorship deadline being February 29, 2016 and adding the level of Title Sponsor. Food Vendor application approved with updates. Vendor form approved with updates.

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Page 1: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”


City of Dripping Springs

Founder’s Day Commission

Bi-Monthly Meeting

January 11, 2016

Attending: Brenda Medcalf, Stephanie Holtzendorf, Paul Sanchez, Brad Thomas, Mike Monaghan, DeNae

Lee, Sharon Goss, EvanTaddia, DeNae Lee, Trent Edwards.

Absent: Chris Nuccio, AJ Bergeron.

I. Call to Order: 6:35 pm by Brenda Medcalf

II. Presentation of Citizens: None.

III. Minutes: Minutes of the November 9, 2015 meeting were read.

Mike made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting as read.

Trent seconded. Minutes accepted.

IV. Business

A. Approval of Electrical Upgrades Required by Pedernales Electric Cooperative for 2016

Founders Day Festival.

Mayor Purcell reported that PEC determined that some of the electrical loops and some

equipment on the poles need to be upgraded. These improvements need to begin as soon

as possible. Approximate cost is $5000. Mike made a motion to accept the electrical

upgrade. Brad seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

B. Proposal from KDRP Radio for Festival Advertising

There was discussion regarding advertising for the 2016 Founders Day Festival. The

Commissioners agreed that radio advertising is not needed. Paul made a motion that no FD

budget should be spent on radio or television advertising for this year’s festival. Mike

seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

C. Approval of 2016 Founders Day Festival Sponsorship Levels.

There was discussion on having a title sponsor for Founders Day. The Commissioners

agreed that this is something to look into for this year and the future. Brad made a motion to

accept the current sponsorship levels and add the level of title sponsor with the amount and

benefits of this level to be determined later. Trent seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

D. Approval of 2016 Founders Day Sponsorship, Vendor, Food Vendor and Parade Application


Sponsorship letter-letter and levels approved with the sponsorship deadline being

February 29, 2016 and adding the level of Title Sponsor.

Food Vendor application approved with updates.

Vendor form approved with updates.

Page 2: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”

Founders Day

Monthly Meeting



Parade entry form not approved at this time. Brenda made a motion to table this until the

next meeting as changes need to be made regarding fee, rules, etc. Trent seconded. Motion

passed unanimously.

Paul made a motion to approve all forms except the parade form which will be tabled until

next meeting. Brad seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

DaNae will send out the new contract forms from the City in order to get bids for Founders

Day Services, equipment and supplies.

Standing Committee Reports

A. Site Plan:

No report.

B. Food:

Everything went smoothly. Had issues with one particular vendor.

C. Entertainment:

There will be a new sound person this year who also has a stage that can be made into

an size . $1340 for that stage and includes everything needed for set up.

Brad is still looking for a band for Saturday night.

D. Arts & Crafts:

No report.

E. Business Booths:

No report.

F. Parade

No report.

G. Publicity

No report.

H. Sponsorship/Underwriting

No report.

I. Sanitation

No report.

J. Security :

No report.

K. Traffic/Parking:

No report.

L. Volunteers:

No report.

Page 3: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”

Founders Day

Monthly Meeting



VI. Adjourn

Motion to Adjourn made by Brad. Seconded by Trent. Meeting adjourned at 745 pm.

Next meeting will be January 25 at 6:30 at City Hall.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Holtzendorf

Stephanie Holtzendorf

Founders Day Commissioner

Page 4: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”


City of Dripping Springs

Founder’s Day Commission

Bi-Monthly Meeting

January 25, 2016

Attending: Brenda Medcalf, Stephanie Holtzendorf, Paul Sanchez, Mike Monaghan, DeNae Lee, Sharon

Goss, EvanTaddia.

Absent: Chris Nuccio, Brad Thomas, AJ Bergeron, Trent Edwards.

I. Call to Order: 6:38 pm by Brenda Medcalf

II. Presentation of Citizens:

Eric Morris of Present Day Productions, a local business owner in Dripping Springs, brought his proposal for

the commission to review. He would like for his company to be responsible for the sound at Founders Day

this year and last year. Eric has communicated with Brad and given Brad the proposal as well.

Eric did indicate the tent arriving late last year caused issues getting sound ready for the parade as well as

having it ready to go for the bands after the parade.

III. Minutes: Minutes of the January 11, 2016 meeting were not available. Minutes will be read at next


IV. Business

A. 2016 Founders Day Participation Contracts

Knights of Columbus – Beer/Wine Sales – due to competition with other venues selling

beer/wine they would like to become a food vendor. They are prepared to do the beer sales

this year but would like to move to food vendor next year.

Evan made a motion for the City to continue classifying the Knights as a food vendor

under the Lions Club umbrella and no longer pay 25% to the City. Treat as a regular food vendor.

Brenda pointed out that selling beer still requires insurance, license, etc.

This motion will be tabled until the next meeting. Knights will investigate insurance costs,

etc. and Brenda will talk to Ginger.

St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church - Vendor and Business Booths – Mike made a

motion to accept the vendor contract as written. Chris seconded. Contract accepted.

Dripping Springs Lions Club – The Mighty Thomas Carnival – Evan made a

motion to accept the vendor contract as written. Chris seconded. Contract accepted.

Dripping Springs Lions Club - Food Booths - Evan made a motion to accept the

vendor contract as written. Chris seconded. Contract accepted.

Standing Committee Reports

A. Site Plan:

No report.

B. Food:

Everything went smoothly. Had issues with one particular vendor.

Page 5: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”

Founders Day

Monthly Meeting



C. Entertainment:

There will be a new sound person this year who also has a stage that can be made into an size . $1340 for

that stage and includes everything needed for set up.

Brad is still looking for a band for Saturday night.

D. Arts & Crafts:

Mike received a call inquiring about the sale of live animals. Up to the Mike/AJ if they want to allow that.

E. Business Booths:

No report.

F. Parade

Locktite has offered to put up safety fencing along the parade route. Brenda will talk with Locktite but the

fencing is not really what is needed for the parade.

The parade form will be changed as the rules are going to have to change. Drivers of the parade floats

must attend the parade meeting this year. If not, that entry will not be participating.

G. Publicity

Sponsorship letters are out and some sponsorships should start to come in soon.

H. Sponsorship/Underwriting

No report.

I. Sanitation

Valero contracted with the City again so Valero will be used for trash pick up for Founders Day.

The cardboard boxes will be used again for garbage cans/

J. Security :

Gary job Corp will do security for Founders Day again

Evan will try and get the donation to the group that works Founders Day.

K. Traffic/Parking:

No report.

L. Volunteers:

No report.

VI. Adjourn

Motion to Adjourn made by Brenda. Seconded by Evan. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Next meeting will be February 8 at 6:30 at City Hall.

Page 6: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”


City of Dripping Springs

Founder’s Day Commission

Bi-Monthly Meeting

February 8, 2016

Attending: Brenda Medcalf, Stephanie Holtzendorf, Paul Sanchez, Mike Monaghan, DeNae Lee, Sharon

Goss, EvanTaddia.

Absent: Chris Nuccio, Brad Thomas, AJ Bergeron, Trent Edwards.

I. Call to Order: 6:40 pm by Brenda Medcalf

II. Presentation of Citizens:


III. Minutes: Minutes of the January 11, 2016 meeting and January 25, 2016 meeting minutes were

presented. Evan made a motion to approve both meeting minutes. Mike seconded.

Minutes approved as submitted.

IV. Business

A. Recommendation to Appoint Jake Adams to the Founders Day Commission, Term to Expire

June 2017.

Stephanie made a motion to appoint Jake Adams to the Founder Day Commission.

Evan seconded. Motion passed.

B. Founders Day Festival Facilities Use Agreement Between the City of Dripping Springs,

Dripping Springs Lions Club and Dripping Springs Independent School District.

Motion made by Evan to accept the Agreement between the City, Lions Club and DSISD.

Seconded by Sharon. Motion passed.

C. 2016 Founders Day Participation Contracts

1. Knights of Columbus for Beer and Wine Sales

Still researching the insurance issue.

2. Dripping Springs Cook Off Club for Cook Off

Signed contract received.

D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival

The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’” – it had been decided in an earlier meeting.

E. Parade Application Form for 2016 Founders Day Festival

There are still many changes to be made to the form as the rules will be changing for

this year. Brenda will make the changes and send the form to DeNae.

Standing Committee Reports

A. Site Plan:

No report.

Page 7: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”

Founders Day

Monthly Meeting



B. Food:

No report.

C. Entertainment:

No report.

D. Arts & Crafts:

Mike would like to put a directory of the arts and crafts vendors on the website and the

location of the vendor’s booth.

List of the booths that are still available.

E. Business Booths:

No report.

F. Parade

No Report

G. Publicity

Sponsorship letters are out and some sponsorships should start to come in soon.

H. Sponsorship/Underwriting

$9,750 in sponsorship to date.

I. Sanitation

No Report

J. Security :

Meeting in first week of April to speak with the fire department and EMS to have them

present at Founders Day.

Evan will try and get the donation to the group that works Founders Day.

K. Traffic/Parking:

No report.

L. Volunteers:

No report.

VI. Adjourn

Motion to Adjourn made by Mike. Seconded by Brenda. Meeting adjourned at 7:13 pm.

Next meeting will be February 22 at 6:30 at City Hall.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Holtzendorf

Stephanie Holtzendorf

Founders Day Commissioner

Page 8: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”


City of Dripping Springs

Founder’s Day Commission

Bi-Monthly Meeting

March 7, 2016

Attending: EvanTaddia, Stephanie Holtzendorf, Trent Edwards, Paul Sanchez, Brad Thomas, DeNae Lee,

Brenda Medcalf, Jake Adams.

Others: Lal Rambeau (City), Eric Moriss, (PD Productions), Robert Steepe (City).

Absent: Mike Monaghan, Chris Nuccio, AJ Bergeron, Sharon Goss

I. Call to Order: 6:45 pm by Evan Taddia

II. Presentation of Citizens:


III. Minutes: Minutes of the February 8, 2016 meeting were presented. Trent made a motion to

approve the minutes. Chris seconded. Minutes approved as submitted.

IV. Business

A. 2016 Founders Day Contracts

1. Discussion and Recommendation to City Council Regarding A Contract for

Entertainment Sound Productions.

Eric Morris with PD Productions spoke regarding his company receiving the contract for

Founders Day for sound production. Eric is local to the Dripping Springs area and did

receive the contract for last year’s festival.

Brad spoke regarding several issues from last year. He and Eric could get together to

discuss those if needed.

After more discussion Brad recommended that we use Jeremy Parker. Trent made a

motion to use Jeremy Parker for the sound production for the 2016 Founders Day

Festival. Paul seconded. Motion passed.

2. Discussion and Recommendation to City Council Regarding Entertainment Contracts.

Brad has a contract with People’s Choice to play Friday night. Trent made a motion to

accept the contract with People’s Choice to play Friday night at the Founders Day

Festival. Chris seconded. Motion passed.

Brad will have the remaining contracts at the next meeting.

Standing Committee Reports

A. Site Plan:

The DS Cook Off Club would like to allow cookers to leave after the awards are

announced. The Cook Off Club will attend the next meeting to discuss.

Robert (City) had questions regarding power need changes and to make sure food

vendors will have enough power.

Page 9: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”

Founders Day

Monthly Meeting



B. Food:

There needs to be a staging area for the food vendors as they come in on Friday.

C. Entertainment:

There was discussion on using the stage that Jeremy Parker can provide and not use the

Home Depot stage. Brad will look at the budget to see if there will be any funds left after

entertainment contracts, etc. are finalized.

Most of the bands have been booked and the schedule can go on the website.

D. Arts & Crafts:

There was a request from Party Supply that rents equipment, etc. for parties, wanting to

have a margarita machine and give away samples of margaritas. Mike will need to check

with the City regarding alcohol giveaways. In the past the FD Commission has not

allowed food/drink samples to be given away in the arts/crafts vendor section.

E. Business Booths:

No report.

F. Parade

16 parade entries have been received to date.

G. Publicity

$26,750 in sponsorships received to date. 37,250 Budgeted.

Most of this amount is new sponsors. Several sponsors from the past have not committed

as yet.

H. Sponsorship/Underwriting

$9,750 in sponsorship to date.

I. Sanitation

Robert from the City was in attendance and discussion was had regarding electricity,

amount of trash barrels, hand washing stations, etc. Also wanted to know if we could

keep attendees from bringing in glass bottles. It is posted not glass but there is no way to

police this. Paul will be getting the cardboard trash barrels again this year so there will be


More trash barrels need to be stationed around the stage and dance area.

Paul has a bid from Moore cleaning, street sweepers, and they will be returning again this


For trash Paul had bids from Tx Waste Partners, United Site Services and TX Disposal.

Paul recommended to go with the lowest bid which was United Waste Services.

Youth group will be returning for cleanup of the FD festival area (cook off area still in

question at this time) but they would like more money. Would like to increase to $2500.

J. Security :

Meeting to be held on 3/10 at City Hall

Page 10: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”

Founders Day

Monthly Meeting



K. Traffic/Parking:

The Rotary Club received permission to use the high school parking lot for parking cars

during the festival. They will charge for the parking and shuttle to the administration

building. The school district is charging the Rotary Club $1200 to use the parking lot.

The Rotary Club will be responsible for cleaning the high school parking lot.

Have not had contact with Chad regarding parking on Old Fitzhugh.

L. Volunteers:

Steve is now in charge of the Burke Center and will have 20 boys available to help with

the putting in posts and putting up fencing around the festival area.

Steve would like to have t-shirts for the volunteers. Brenda will see if there is enough

money in the budget for 50 shirts.

VI. Adjourn

Motion to Adjourn made by Evan. Seconded by Brenda. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.

Next meeting will be March 28 at 6:30pm at City Hall.

Meet Saturday. April 16 at 9:00 am at City Hall to put up fencing.

Parade meeting will be held April 14 at City Hall at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Holtzendorf

Stephanie Holtzendorf

Founders Day Commissioner

Page 11: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”


City of Dripping Springs

Founder’s Day Commission

Bi-Monthly Meeting

March 28, 2016

Attending: EvanTaddia, Stephanie Holtzendorf, Paul Sanchez, DeNae Lee, Brenda Medcalf, Chris Nuccio,

Jake Adams, Sharon Goss.

Others: Lali Rambeau (City)

Absent: Mike Monaghan, AJ Bergeron, Brad Thomas, Trent Edwards.

I. Call to Order: 6:38 pm by Brenda Medcalf

II. Presentation of Citizens:


III. Minutes: Minutes of the March 7, 2016 meeting were presented. Evan made a motion to

approve the minutes. Chris seconded. Minutes approved as submitted.

IV. Business

A. Discussion and Recommendation Regarding Entertainment Contracts

Brad was not at the meeting therefore no contracts to discuss.

B. Emergency Action Plan Discussion – Kay Allen, Emergency Management Coordinator

Kay Allen was not at the meeting therefore no discussion on Emergency Action Plan.

C. Contract for Sanitation Services with United Site Services for the Founders Day Festival

Paul made a motion to accept the contract from United Site Services for Sanitation

Services for Founders Day as they were the lowest bid and providing same amount of

stations as the festival did last year. Chris Seconded. Contract accepted.

Standing Committee Reports

A. Site Plan:

VFW Hall will not be available for the judging for the cook off. Alternative locations are

being discussed.

B. Food:

Booths are full.

Staging will be on Old Fitzhugh

C. Entertainment:

No Report

D. Arts & Crafts:

Booths are full.

Page 12: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”

Founders Day

Monthly Meeting



E. Business Booths:

No report.

F. Parade

60 parade entries have been received to date.

G. Publicity

Banners for sponsors need to be ordered soon so that they can go up in the triangle in


Press releases will go out regarding carnival tickets, parking, etc.

H. Sponsorship/Underwriting

$31,500 in sponsorship to date.

I. Sanitation

Youth group will not be cleaning the cook off area.

J. Security :

Meeting with EMS and Fire will be 03/29/2016.

K. Traffic/Parking:

The Rotary Club received permission to use the high school parking lot for parking cars

during the festival. $5.00 donation per car.

Rotary Club will be responsible for cleaning the lot after the festival.

L. Volunteers:

No Report

VI. Adjourn

Motion to Adjourn made by Brenda. Seconded by Jake. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Next meeting will be April 11 at 6:30pm at City Hall.

Meet Saturday. April 16 at 9:00 am at City Hall to put up fencing.

Parade meeting will be held April 14 at City Hall at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Holtzendorf

Stephanie Holtzendorf

Founders Day Commissioner

Page 13: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”


City of Dripping Springs

Founder’s Day Commission

Bi-Monthly Meeting

April 11, 2016

Attending: EvanTaddia, Stephanie Holtzendorf, Paul Sanchez, DeNae Lee, Brenda Medcalf, Chris Nuccio,

Jake Adams, Sharon Goss, Mike Monaghan, Trent Edwards.

Others: Lali Rambeau (City)

Absent: AJ Bergeron, Brad Thomas.

I. Call to Order: 6:35 pm by Brenda Medcalf

II. Presentation of Citizens:


III. Minutes: Minutes of the March 28, 2016 meeting were presented. Chris made a motion to

approve the minutes. Jake seconded. Minutes approved as submitted.

IV. Business

A. Contracts for Entertainment

Chris made a motion to accept all contracts (Bobby Pounds Band, Jim Halfpenny Band,

Jimmy and the Mustangs, Lonnie Atkinson Band) for entertainment and audio production

(Jeremy Parker) for the Founders Day Festival. Trent seconded. Contracts approved.

B. Contract with VFW for Parking at the Triangle

Evan made a motion to accept the contract with the VFW for parking for the Founders

Day Festival. Trent seconded. Contract approved.

C. Contract with Church of the Springs for Trash Pick Up

Paul made a motion the accept the contract with the Church of the Springs for trash pick

up for the Founders Day Festival. Evan seconded. Contract approved.

D. Contract with Rotary Foundation for Shuttle Services

Paul made a motion the accept the contract with the Rotary Foundation for Shuttle

Serives for the Founders Day Festival. Evan seconded. Contract approved.

Standing Committee Reports

A. Site Plan:

Notices, parking permits, and posters will be distributed to Mercer Street

businesses/residents next week.

Cook off Club will be using part of the Stevenson Building for judging.

B. Food:

Need to make sure there is enough electricity available.

Will need to have the picnic tables used last year brought to the festival.

Page 14: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”

Founders Day

Monthly Meeting



C. Entertainment:

No Report

D. Arts & Crafts:

Completely full.

E. Business Booths:

No report.

F. Parade

87 parade entries have been received to date.

Parade meeting April 14, 6:30 at City Hall.

This year participants will have to sign for their packet. Packets not picked up will result in

those entries not participating in the parade.

Need volunteers for the parade.

G. Publicity

Banners for sponsors need to be ordered soon so that they can go up in the triangle in


Press releases will go out regarding carnival tickets, parking, etc.

H. Sponsorship/Underwriting

$35,500 in sponsorship to date.

I. Sanitation

Everthing is ready to go.

J. Security :

Meeting with Gary Job Core next week to go over security information.

K. Traffic/Parking:

Dance hall needs 4 spaces for band on Saturday night at parking lot on Bluff.

Commissioners parking will be at Stevenson Building again this year.

L. Volunteers:

Burke center volunteers will be helping with the fencing on Saturday April16.

Will also be available on Sunday and maybe for Parade on Friday.

VI. Adjourn

Motion to Adjourn made by Jake. Seconded by Brenda. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Meet on April 16 at 9:00 am at Stevenson building for fencing.

Parade meeting will be held April 14 at City Hall at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Holtzendorf

Stephanie Holtzendorf

Page 15: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”


City of Dripping Springs

Founder’s Day Commission

Wrap-Up Meeting

May 9, 2016

Attending: EvanTaddia, Stephanie Holtzendorf, Paul Sanchez, DeNae Lee, Brenda Medcalf, Chris Nuccio,

Jake Adams, Sharon Goss, Mike Monaghan, Brad Thomas.

Absent: AJ Bergeron, Trent Edwards.

I. Call to Order: 6:40 pm by Brenda Medcalf

II. Presentation of Citizens:


III. Minutes: Minutes of the April, 2016 meeting were presented. Chris made a motion to

approve the minutes. Paul seconded. Minutes approved as submitted.

IV. Business

A. 2016 Founders Day Festival Post-Event Wrap-Up

List of Founders Day Improvement Comments form Staff Discussion and Suggestions List

dated 4/26/2016 was reviewed and discussed. List is attached with comments.

Comments regarding this year’s festival are also in the Standing Committee Reports


Standing Committee Reports

A. Site Plan:

½ of arts and crafts vendors start leaving at 5:00 pm on Sunday. Need a route for those

to get out of the area other than the end of Mercer.

B. Food:

Electricity was better this year. No major issues.

C. Entertainment:

Benny Hudson was upset about the stage being in front of the Masonic Lodge.

No other issues.

D. Arts & Crafts:

Mike would like to have a merchant’s meeting a couple of weeks prior to Founders Day.

Need to work on traffic flow.

E. Business Booths:

No report.

F. Parade

Need larger and more barricades at the corners.

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Founders Day

Monthly Meeting



Too many large gaps in the flow of the parade – those watching thought the parade was over and

started leaving.

G. Publicity


H. Sponsorship/Underwriting

Most of the sponsorship money has been received. Waiting on just a few.

I. Sanitation

Chris believe we do no need the hand washing stations – it is too hard to keep them

stocked with paper towels and soap.

The number of port-a-potties was good.

Toilet paper needs to be replaced more often.

The port-a-potties located at the parade staging area got a lot of use as this is where the

shuttle was dropping/picking up for the shuttle service.

Need more garbage cans.

J. Security :

Next year increase budget for security.

Approximately 12 – 13,000 spent for Hays County this year.

K. Traffic/Parking:

RR12 was blocked on Friday (set up times) by cookers causing a fire truck to not be able to

get through when going on a call. Set up times will need to be looked at and adjusted.

L. Volunteers:

Burke center volunteers did an outstanding job with set up, tear down and help during the


Wrist bands were much appreciated.

VI. Adjourn

Motion to Adjourn made by Paul. Seconded by Jake. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm.

Meet on June 11 at 6:30 am at City Hall.

Founders Day 2017 – April 21-23.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Holtzendorf

Stephanie Holtzendorf

Page 17: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”


City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission

Monthly Meeting

November 14, 2016

Attending: Brenda Medcalf, EvanTaddia, Michael Monaghan, Chris Nuccio, Stephanie Holtzendorf, Brad Thomas, Jake Adams, Paul Sanchez, Sharon Goss, Bonnie Gonzalez.

Absent: AJ Bergeron, Chris Schmidt

Nothing will be voted on – Agenda not posted prior to meeting – Work session only.

I. Call to Order: 6:30 pm by Brenda Medcalf

**Approval of Minutes left of Agenda and no minutes provided.

II. WorkshopA. Review of Fiscal Year 2017 Founders Day commission Budget

• Discussion of budget items and amounts that may need to be changed. Revenues: Food BoothRevenue will increase; Alcohol Sales will decrease; Craft Booths will decrease. Expenses: Port-a-Potties will increase; Bands/Music/Sound will increase.

• Changes will be made to the budget; any additional changes should be emailed to Brenda. Votingon the budget will occur at the next meeting.

B. Review of Fiscal Year 2017 Meeting Calendar• Next meeting will be Monday November 28th.• Meeting Schedule: January 9th, 23rd

February 13th, 27th March 13th, 27th April 10th – will determine if additional meetings are needed in April.

C. Review of Sponsorship Levels for 2017 Founders Day Event• After a discussion on last year’s sponsorship levels it was determined by the commission to leave

the levels as they are.

D. Standing Committee Reports1. Site Plan:

• Mike, Brenda, and Evan2. Food:

• Chris and Sharon3. Entertainment:

• Brad4. Arts & Crafts:

• Mike and Jake

Dated IncorrectlyShould be November 7, 2016

Page 18: City of Dripping Springs Founder’s Day Commission Bi ... · Signed contract received. D. Parade Theme for 2016 Founders Day Festival The parade theme is “Destination Drippin’”

Founders Day Monthly Meeting 05/09/2016


5. Parade • All Commissioners

6. Publicity • Bonnie

7. Sponsorship/Underwriting • Ginger, Jake, Bonnie, Sharon, and Brenda

8. Sanitation • Paul and A.J.

9. Security : • Evan and Brenda

10. Traffic/Parking: • Evan and Brenda

11. Volunteers: • A.J.

Other • Rotary Club will do parking again. • Need to meet with Hays County to see what can be done to keep people from parking on

290 – rules, information to be posted, can it be enforced, etc. • Need a parade theme – Founders Day 30th Anniversary this year. • Need to see if Pun will do logo this year. • Verify Port-a-Potties can be delivered on Thursday evening instead of Friday morning.

(Check with Dan Tays and maybe others about early delivery). III. Adjourn Motion to Adjourn made by Paul. Seconded by Jake. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm. Next meeting November 28, City Hall, 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Holtzendorf Stephanie Holtzendorf