circle of animal lovers

Circle of Animal Lovers The Organization Circle of Animal Lovers is a registered non-profitable, non-political, charitable animal welfare Non-Government Organisation working since 1992 for the cause of animals to ameliorate their condition. The organisation was set up with the aim to prevent cruelty against animals. The main activity of our society is to control the stray dog population through a programme of sterilisation. Mrs. Irani Mukherjee, the Hon. Founder Chairperson, started it all by herself with her own resources. Gradually she was successful in gathering few more people and got the society registered and recognized. The organisation is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. The Genesis Mrs. Irani Mukherjee, since childhood, grew up with dogs and she pledged herself to dedicate her entire life for welfare of animals. She and her husband started off with very little money and almost no help. She began tending animals at her home, and later started moving them to a makeshift clinic, but that wasn't enough. Moreover, she felt single- handed, as she had to take care of every activity. She appealed to the members to help her in possible ways. Her extreme love and devotion for animals has enabled the society to establish three shelters for which she had to even sell off some of her property. Most of the dogs when brought here were acutely sick and are now recuperating and healthy.  The Mission At, CAL we believe in action. We are not publicising through pamphlets, not holding meetings, conferences or seminars but we are demonstrating love, compassion and sacrifice. We everyday offer food to 100s of stray animals, pick sick and deceased animals from the road, treat them either in our mobile van or take them to our shelter home for treatment. Animal birth control is our major activity so that the number of stray dogs can be reduced. We protest killings of dogs and hence, we advocate animal birth control as a feasible option. With our regular sterilisation programme we have been successful in reducing stray-animal population.  Aff ilation and Membership Animal Welfare Board of India, Madras (under the Ministry Environment and Forests) recognized circle of Animal Lovers in 1993. We are affiliated to Royal Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), London, U.K. The society is also a member of World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), London, U.K. Organizational Strength The society has highly qualified veterinary doctors, including surgeons who are on a round the clock duty. We have one residential doctor (Surgeon) and two full time surgeons, three-

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Circle of Animal Lovers The Organization Circle of Animal Lovers is a registered non-profitable, non-political, charitable animal welfareNon-Government Organisation working since 1992 for the cause of animals to amelioratetheir condition. The organisation was set up with the aim to prevent cruelty against animals.The main activity of our society is to control the stray dog population through a programmeof sterilisation. Mrs. Irani Mukherjee, the Hon. Founder Chairperson, started it all by herself with her own resources. Gradually she was successful in gathering few more people and gotthe society registered and recognized. The organisation is registered under the SocietiesRegistration Act, 1860.

The Genesis Mrs. Irani Mukherjee, since childhood, grew up with dogs and she pledged herself todedicate her entire life for welfare of animals. She and her husband started off with verylittle money and almost no help. She began tending animals at her home, and later startedmoving them to a makeshift clinic, but that wasn't enough. Moreover, she felt single-handed, as she had to take care of every activity. She appealed to the members to help herin possible ways. Her extreme love and devotion for animals has enabled the society toestablish three shelters for which she had to even sell off some of her property. Most of thedogs when brought here were acutely sick and are now recuperating and healthy. The Mission At, CAL we believe in action. We are not publicising through pamphlets, not holdingmeetings, conferences or seminars but we are demonstrating love, compassion andsacrifice. We everyday offer food to 100s of stray animals, pick sick and deceased animalsfrom the road, treat them either in our mobile van or take them to our shelter home fortreatment. Animal birth control is our major activity so that the number of stray dogs can bereduced. We protest killings of dogs and hence, we advocate animal birth control as afeasible option. With our regular sterilisation programme we have been successful inreducing stray-animal population.  Aff ilation and Membership Animal Welfare Board of India, Madras (under the Ministry Environment and Forests)

recognized circle of Animal Lovers in 1993. We are affiliated to Royal Society of Preventionof Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), London, U.K. The society is also a member of World Societyfor the Protection of Animals (WSPA), London, U.K.

Organizational Strength The society has highly qualified veterinary doctors, including surgeons who are on a roundthe clock duty. We have one residential doctor (Surgeon) and two full time surgeons, three-

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office staffs, two compounders, three drivers and fifteen helpers. Number of persons to lookafter the dogs, their cleanliness and their food. Our staff enjoys May Day Celebrations as aholiday with special meals and gifts. However, as is desirable, the shelters were cleaned,food was prepared and dogs were taken for walk, while our attendants were free to relaxand enjoy. We also organize brief Orientation Programmes for our staff, where lecture onanimal welfare activity by experienced person. The society has total membership of 112

persons, out of which 70 are life members and 42 are casual members. School and collegechildren were junior members.

 I n f rastructure y  Animal Shelters : We have three Animal Homes - cum -Hospitals. The building are

three storied & quite airy. We have twenty-five rooms, open terrace and balcony forour dogs. We never use cages in our shelters and always try to avoid catcher. Wealso have separate building for treatment and boarding for private owner ownedDogs.

y  Hospital Building : At our Hospital we have an "Operation Theatre" which is fullyequipped for any type of surgery. All the equipments are very sophisticated and areused for complicated diagnosis. We also have our own "Pathology & X-ray Facilities"in our hospital.

Ambulance & Mobile Clinic : Two Ambulance and one mobile clinic van which is fully

equipped, runs day and night, reaches every corner of Delhi and attend lots of injured

animals. Our mobile clinic is perhaps the only one in Delhi that runs all twenty-four hours

and attends to big animals regularly.

Our Services and  Activities The co-existence with man is day-to-day becoming a hardship for the animals. Undersuch circumstances, it is unacceptable for us to see animals roaming on roadsides anddying due to accidents or starvation. Everyday at some or the other location theneighborhood dogs are poisoned, beaten to death and tortured. To resist suchgruesome activities against animals, we are pledged towards bringing relief to thesesuffering creatures. Our activity comprises of all sorts of efforts to bring relief tosuffering animals, whether big or small. Our main activity is Animal Birth Control(sterilization) and Immunization. We pick up animals in different conditions from allparts of Delhi. Either people call us or our members inform us about the animals,whether owned pet or any stray. Our daily pick up vary between 10 to 30 different type

of animals, among them hit and run cases, treatment, rehabilitation of old, infirm, sick,puppy, and other abandoned animals. We pick up stray dogs from the road, sterilizethem and give them anti-rabies injection. This serves a dual purpose. It reduces thenumber of stray dogs without killing them and anti-rabies injections make them safefor human cause. In case of accidents, the victimized animals are provided with on thespot treatment and brought to our Animal Shelter as and when required. Everyday wetreat and feed around 30-40 large animals and quite a large number of small animals.Expensive injections are given to all the animals at the home of Mrs. Irani Mukherjee,

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Feeding Stray Dogs

Our vans distribute about 200 packets of food everyday to the stray animals. Around165 packets are distributed for small animals, which include dogs and cats. About 35packets are daily served to various types of large animals. Feeding is done in Delhi andnearby areas and majorly in the South Delhi Area. Till today dogs are fed very

punctually outside the School in Lodhi Estate, where Mrs. Irani Mukherjee, our Hon.Founder chairperson, used to teach.

Various beneficiaries that we attend include dogs, cats, cows, buffaloes, pigs, equines,elephants, birds, rabbits, and any other animal in need of our treatment and care.


Due to their huge population the dogs happen to be our most frequent visitor. From thevery beginning, our services were devoted to the welfare of dogs and also for the cats.We serve the stray dogs as well as pet dogs. At our shelters, we have housed dogs inmuch more numbers than any other animal. As human beings, all other animals also

have a right to live. There had been cases of poisoning where we tried to take legalaction and even educate the offenders.


Next to dogs, the cats form the second largestpopulation among the animals housed in our shelters.Cats are also sterilised and the ones that do not find anycaretaker in the civil society are kept under our care andprotection. These animals are most susceptible to thegruesome attitude of many people who poison the catsin their locality. We promptly take legal steps to express

our disregard for such criminal activity of these people.


The livestock like cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep¶s are a bit fortunate lot among allthe animals, as people appreciate their economic value in the form of several foodproducts. However, we treat all ailments of these animals. We attend to any roadaccidents, where sometimes we are required to provide on-site treatment andmedication. We also arrange programmes for monitoring cruelty against these animalsby their owners. Several of these livestock are neglected by the owners and are left onthe streets. Regarding cruelty by owners, pigs are the worst sufferers as they areconsidered to be low-value in term of economic benefits. We reach the sites and wecounsel those owners so as to do justice to their livestock. Lots of cows are there inHauz Rani, Begumpur villages. Our Mobile Clinic gives door to door service to poorowners of cows, pigs, etc.


We have been serving several equines. The horses and donkeys both face much bitterexperiences with their owners. These animals are used to drag carts as goods carrier.Many a times these animals are made to over work without water and food. Even the

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small mules are also made to run with these carts. We have tried to counsel fewowners to have mercy on the condition of the animals, especially their young ones. Ourmobile clinic also serves the poor owners of horses and donkeys. We regularly attend tohorses in Tonga stands in Karbala, New Delhi and Old Delhi Railway Stations.


At regular intervals we visit the Yamuna Pushta area (river bank) in Delhi where weinteract with the owners of the largest animal on earth, the elephants. We survey theconditions in which these human friendly and one of the most intelligent animals arekept. We educated their owners regarding the ways to maintain healthy upkeep of theelephants that had been in a very long association with the human society. Wesensitize the owners regarding cruelty against animals and persuade them to havemercy on the elephants.


We attend to many birds that are injured in road accidents. Birds are very prone to

accidents as there is less vegetation and more of physical structures and fixtures in theurban area. Moreover, in Delhi due to very high number of vehicle presence on theroads, birds get hurt every now and then. Even large birds like eagles are prone toaccidents and our doctors attend them. As per our activism towards the right tofreedom for these flying animals we visit parts of Old Delhi where many rareendangered species are kept for sale. We had set free many birds and wheneverrequired we have been active in taking legal steps to punish the culprits.

Other Small Animals

We are sensitive towards all animals and thus take care of small animals too. The smallanimals include hares and the poultry such as hen, cock, etc. We attend to any

ailments or accidents. We look majorly into the matters of slaughter of these animals.We had been active towards legal process to stop slaughtering. Thus, to ensure theliving rights of these poultry animals we widely advocate vegetarianism.

F ree Checkup Vaccination Camps Every year about three-four times we organise Free Animal Check Up and Anti-Rabies Vaccination Camps. The main attractions of the camps are dogs, cats, cows,buffaloes, and every other type of small and big animals. Vaccination programme isconducted only for dogs. These free camps had been organised in several parts of Delhi, Gurgaon and even NOIDA. From Friends Colony to Naraina we have covered alarge span of Delhi. Our camps also benefit a large segment of the rural population

living on the periphery of Delhi. These camps are aimed at making people moresensitive towards the needs and required care of the animals. The camps wereorganised in Neb Sarai, Sainik Farms, Naraina, Raghubir Nagar, Mayapuri, SanjayColony, Madangir, Khirki Extn., Ber Sarai, Panchsheel Park, Khel Gaon, Masjid Moth,Mehrauli, Green Park, Friends Colony, Chhattarpur Village, JNU, South Extension, KotlaMubarakpur, and many other places. Most wide coverage of our services had been inthe South Delhi area. We had also been organising free mobile anti-rabbiesvaccination and clinic services f or animals, at various places like New FriendsColony, Shahpurjat, Under Hill Road. Since, the initial days of the programme around

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1000 dogs and 150 cats had been vaccinated. At an average we vaccinate 40 to 50dogs every month. 

 Animals Care Vs Human Care

Everytime a vital question is raised to her by many a

people, which focuses that during time of much humansufferings why at all should one be bothered about thesufferings of the animals, which many a times are a bignuisance. But in response, what Smt. Irani has to sayis that the human beings are gifted with intelligence tofend for themselves. Then there is help available forthe human beings. No one is prepared to touch anyanimal on the roads. Even the Delhi Administration hasresponsibility to look after orphaned children but notanimals. They are left totally neglected. 

Irani Mukherjee opened the door of her shelters for those who never had love, care, andcomfortable life. It is said 'Every dog has its day' but in Irani Mukherjee's shelter "Every dayis the Dogs' Day". Though all animals are cared and treated in her hospital and shelter, butlack of space was the reason to venture for bigger place and she crossed Delhi, reachedHaryana and started a big hospital in 5110 sq.m. of land and the hospital construction is inprogress. Animals enjoy the hill-side view, open area, treatment and of course the love andcare of Mrs. Mukherjee. Her two hands will not stop caring till the end day of her life. Shehas donated by will all her property some after her death.  

 An  A ppeal  Our society is still in its growing stage. We need more people to participate for our cause.We are not only looking after their daily welfare, but are also fighting for cruelty towardsany animal and are fighting for a co-citizenship right for the animals. Our vision is such thatthe animal should live in freedom and dignity and they should get police law and stateprotection. We need more members, more donors and more animal welfare activists. At oursociety we are genuine, honest and committed to the cause. We appeal to every citizen tocome and join us and see how we work. Many a times we receive telephone calls to getstrays driven out of their area. This does not go with our ethics, but we can ensure thatthey are fed, disinfected, sterilised and evenly distributed. However, for ill animals, peoplemay contact other concerned organisations or us. In case of accidents, people should call us

instead of just driving past the suffering animal.

We believe that sterilisation of dogs should be conducted on war footing. People must reachout and help NGOs or individuals that are working in this direction. People need to changetheir attitudes towards animals. They must realize that both humans and animals are anintegral part of the ecosystem. They have a right to share the earth in peace and harmony.As far as possible fresh food should be handed out to the dogs, cats, etc. Overnightleftovers could be given. People should not throw food wrapped in plastic bags. The straycows often die after consuming them because polythene causes intestinal blockade. 

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According to the rules of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, dogs have to bekilled by a "humane method". Moreover, dogs to be killed should be only rabid and ferociousdogs, and not the healthy ones. The MCD should first inform the voluntary organisations.The dogs have to be put to sleep in front of a veterinarian, and the killing must not be inpublic view, say the rules. Police is supposed to help us and we also appeal to them to besympathetic towards the cause of animals. According to MCD statistics, in three months

about a hundred dogs and cats are either sterilised or vaccinated, while at Circle of AnimalLovers we treat approximately 200 dogs a month. We request every person to spread themessage that one should tolerate the neighbourhood dog and give them support to live, andatleast they should not be tortured. Most stray dogs get killed because of the myth that allof them have rabies. Residents even add rat poison in sweets and feed the dogs to "get ridof the nuisance". Most stray dogs have skin diseases and are harmless. As a precaution, weadvise people to get the strays in their area vaccinated at the earliest. Stray dogs are theunpaid guards of a residential area and are extremely loyal. All they need is a little affectionand care. Mass adoptions, anti-rabies injections and sterilisation can help the cause of thestray dogs.

Anyone interested in adopting animals, which are treated and cured at our shelters are mostwelcome. This helps the animals to live a better life, as there is no replacement for personallove and care. We welcome help in any form be it money, food, medicine, voluntary work,even gunny bags for the animals to sleep on or newspaper, towels, bed sheets. Our Societyis registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), and Under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.

Join CAL as Donors, members, patrons and activists. We look forward to your co-operationand help.

Our membership lists comprises of very well known and renowned persons. y  Film star Mithun Chakraborty y  Play back singer Kavita Krishna Murty, y  Mother of ex Miss Universe Sushmita Sen y  Mr. Deepak (Music shop owner , Khan Market) y  Tarini Boutique y  Phoenix shoe shop y  People tree, Connaught Place y  Dinesh Paul (HMV) y  Mrs. Manjusha Ghose

ADD ONS Those who believe in god, has to believe that we can reach Him only by showing ourcompassion and care for all His creatures. "All things bright and beautiful

All creatures great and small

All things wise and wonderful The Lord God made them all" OUR VISION

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y  All animals should experiencey  Freedom and Dignityy  State Protectiony  Applicable Police Law 

Our Bene f iciaries 

Various beneficiaries that we attend include dogs, cats, cows, buffaloes, pigs, equines,elephants, birds, rabbits, and any other animal in need of our treatment and care.

Dogs Due to their huge population the dogs happen to be our most frequentvisitor. From the very beginning, our services were devoted to thewelfare of dogs and also for the cats. We serve the stray dogs as well aspet dogs. At our shelters, we have housed dogs in much more numbersthan any other animal. As human beings, all other animals also have a

right to live. There had been cases of poisoning where we tried to takelegal action and even educate the offenders.

Cats Next to dogs, the cats form the second largest population among theanimals housed in our shelters. Cats are also sterilised and the ones thatdo not find any caretaker in the civil society are kept under our care andprotection. These animals are most susceptible to the gruesome attitudeof many people who poison the cats in their locality. We promptly takelegal steps to express our disregard for such criminal activity of thesepeople.

Cows/Buffaloes The livestock like cows, buffaloes, goats and sheeps are a bitfortunate lot among all the animals, as people appreciate theireconomic value in the form of several food products. However,we treat all ailments of these animals. We attend to any roadaccidents, where sometimes we are required to provide on-sitetreatment and medication. We also arrange programmes formonitoring cruelty against these animals by their owners.Several of these livestock are neglected by the owners and areleft on the streets. Regarding cruelty by owners, pigs are theworst sufferers as they are considered to be low-value in term of 

economic benefits. We reach the sites and wecounsel those owners so as to do justice to their livestock. Lots of cows are there inHauz Rani, Begumpur villages. Our Mobile Clinic gives door to door service to poorowners of cows, pigs, etc.


We have been serving several equines. The horses and donkeys both face much bitterexperiences with their owners. These animals are used to drag carts as goods carrier.

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Many a times these animals are made to over work without water and food. Even thesmall mules are also made to run with these carts. We have tried to counsel fewowners to have mercy on the condition of the animals, especially their young ones. Ourmobile clinic also serves the poor owners of horses and donkeys. We regularly attend tohorses in Tonga stands in Karbala, New Delhi and Old Delhi Railway Stations.

Elephants At regular intervals we visit the Yamuna Pushta area (river bank) inDelhi where we interact with the owners of the largest animal on earth,the elephants. We survey the conditions in which these human friendlyand one of the most intelligent animals are kept. We educated theirowners regarding the ways to maintain healthy upkeep of the elephantsthat had been in a very long association with the human society. Wesensitize the owners regarding cruelty against animals and persuadethem to have mercy on the elephants.


We attend to many birds that are injured in road accidents. Birds are very prone toaccidents as there is less vegetation and more of physical structures and fixtures in theurban area. Moreover, in Delhi due to very high number of vehicle presence on theroads, birds get hurt every now and then. Even large birds like eagles are prone toaccidents and our doctors attend them. As per our activism towards the right tofreedom for these flying animals we visit parts of Old Delhi where many rareendangered species are kept for sale. We had set free many birds and wheneverrequired we have been active in taking legal steps to punish the culprits.

Other Small Animals

We are sensitive towards all animals and thus take care of small animals too. The smallanimals include hares and the poultry such as hen, cock, etc. We attend to anyailments or accidents. We look majorly into the matters of slaughter of these animals.We had been active towards legal process to stop slaughtering. Thus, to ensure theliving rights of these poultry animals we widely advocate vegetarianism. 

Our Strength 

Our main strength and success is that we have a track record of a very low death rate inour hospitals and shelters. Almost all the dogs sterilized at our hospitals survive. The deathrate of puppies is also very low, which remains a challenge in any hospital environment. TheMunicipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) uses metal tongs and lifts them with a crane, which isextremely painful to the animals. In a contrast, while catching stray dogs, we use a specialcatcher which is a long loop-like structure and is thrown around the dog's neck and thenslowly pulled towards the catcher.

Other Facilities

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Circle of Animal Lovers is a registered non-profitable, non-political, charitable animalwelfare Non-Government Organisationworking since 1992 for the cause of animalsto ameliorate their condition. The organisationwas set up with the aim to prevent cruelty

against animals. The main activity of oursociety is to control the stray dog populationthrough a programme of sterilisation. Mrs.Irani Mukherjee, the Hon. FounderChairperson, started it all by herself with herown resources. Gradually she was successfulin gathering few more people and got thesociety registered and recognized. Theorganisation is registered under the SocietiesRegistration Act, 1860.

Apart from our pick up, medication, operation, boarding, and adoption services we alsoprovide all types of dog accessories. We keep almost all medicines, even quite costly ones,for all animals and general people may avail them in requirement of any treatment for theirpets. We have a good stock for dogs. We keep dog food and coats for dogs. Since thesearticles are not easily available, we felt a need to keep a good stock at our shelters andhospitals so that it is convenient for the pet owners.

Facility outside Delhi

We have a Hospital-cum-Animal Home at Sohna in Gurgaon (Haryana). We plan to workmore for large animals and other species like birds, turtles, monkeys and rabbits. The plothas an area of 5110 sq.m. The resident veterinarian treats over 100 animals of the localvillagers. The shelter also has a resident keeper to look after the animals

 Hospitals and Shelters We run a small hospital and three animal homes in Neb Sarai. This Hospital-cum-Shelter in

Neb Sarai was started in 1996. There are three buildings with three storeys each. Theupper balconies have been converted into grilled cage-like structures to prevent the animalsfrom jumping out. Present capacity of our shelters is around 200 small animals and about15-20 large animals. The hospital is fully equipped for any type of surgery and treatment.Our animal home is not just a dormitory. It is a home. Here animals get special love, care

and attention from specially trained attendants. They even have playtime. It is like five-starliving for these animals. Their food and health care is under the direct control of three fully

qualified veterinary surgeons. This is all under the regular supervision of the Honorary

Founder Chairperson Smt. Irani Mukherjee.

When everybody walks past the stray animals with hands on their nose, and hatred in theireyes Circle of Animal Lovers hunts for them to help them live again. We take special caretomaintain cleanliness in the shelters. Each shelter is disinfected thrice a day. The societycan boast that there had been no outbreak of any disease in our shelters inspite of housing

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sickdogs. Another unique thing about our shelters is that the dogs are never caged orchained, but are allowed to move freely.

The occupants of the three shelters are dogs, with occasional visitors like cats, cows,donkeys, rabbits, monkeys, etc. Each occupant is provided with three meals a day includingmilk, bread, rice, chapati and meat. They are taken out for walks regularly, provided with

coolers and fans in summer, clean drinking water and round the clock medical care.Fortunately, we could tie up with a five-star hotel that provides meat to feed more than 150

wards totally free of cost. Be it a case of accident or prolonged illness, each animal isproperly looked after at the shelter, checked up at the hospital and kept there until fully

cured. Thereafter they are returned to the original place from where they were picked up.

Sometimes back we were facing a major constraint of space. We required a bigger piece of land to build more shelters to lodge the animals comfortably. Now, a new Shelter-cum-Hospital for different type of animals and birds is being constructed on a land of 5110 sq.m.area in Sohna District, Gurgaon (Haryana). 

 Amazing  Animal F acts

A house fly lives only 14 days. Sharks are immune to cancer. The bee hummingbird of Cuba is the smallest bird in the world. An ostrich can run up to 70 km/h (43mph). An ostrich egg can make approx. eleven and a half omelets. An annoyed camel will spit at a person. A rat can live without water longer than a camel can. Mammals are the only animals with flaps around the ears. 

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 African elephants only have four teeth to chew their food with. Elephants are the only animal that can't jump. An elephant can smell water three miles away. The tongue of a blue whale is as long as an elephant.  There are about one billion cattle in the world of which 200 million are in India.  The oldest breed of dog is the Saluki. A dog was the first in space and a sheep, a duck and a rooster the first to fly in a hot airballoon. The world's smallest dog is the Chihuahua, which means "tiny dog in the sky." An ant's sense of smell is as good as a Dog's.  There are 701 types of pure breed dogs. There are about 54 million dogs in the US, and Paris is said to have more dogs than

people. Pea crabs (the size of a pea) are the smallest crabs in the world.  75% of wild birds die before they are 6 months old. The pig is rated the fourth most intelligent animal but are mentioned only twice in theBible. In Denmark there are twice as many pigs as people. Pork is the world's most widely-eaten meat. A giraffe can clean its ears with its 50cm (20 in) tongue. The South American giant anteater eats more than 30,000 ants a day. The sailfish is the fastest swimmer, reaching 109 km/h (68 mph). The slowest fish is the Sea Horse, which moves along at about 0.016 km/h (0.01 mph).  Dolphins can reach 60 km/h (37 mph).

Of the 650 types of leeches, only the Hirudo medicinalis is used for medical treatments. The heart of a blue whale is the size of a small car.

A crocodile's tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth and cannot move it.  Sharks are immune to all known diseases. Animals also are either right-handed or left-handed. Polar bears are left-handed - andso is Kermit the Frog.

Fish and insects do not have eyelids - their eyes are protected by a hardened lens.  Millions of trees are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts and then forgetwhere they hid them. There are more than 150 million sheep in Australia, a nation of 17 million people.  

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 New Zealand is home to 4 million people and 70 million sheep. A kangaroo can't jump unless its tail touches the ground. A lion's roar can be heard from five miles away. Alligators can live for more than 100 years. A giraffe's tongue is about 21 inches long. A shark can grow a new set of teeth in a week. A crocodile's tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth.  A snail can sleep for 3 years. A strand of spider web may be stronger than an equal diameter of steel.  Starfish don't have brains. A hummingbird weighs less than a penny. A crocodile's tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth and cannot move it.  A hedgehog's heart beats 300 times a minute. An adult blue whale's heart beats about 6 times a minute. A cockroach can go nine days without eating. A horse has 18 more bones than a human. Alligators cannot move backwards. All polar bears are left-handed. Penguins can jump as high as 6 feet in the air. A blue whale is the loudest animal. More people each year are killed from bees than from snakes. A blue whale's tongue is so large that 50 people could stand on it. It is possible for one female cat to be responsible for the birth of 20,736 kittens in fouryears. Turtles can breathe through their butts. Tiger sharks can have anywhere from 10 to 80 young in one birth. An ant can lift 50 times its own weight. It takes seven years for a lobster to grow 1 pound. Some bird species, usually flightless birds, have only a lower eyelid, whereas pigeonsuse upper and lower lids to blink. Sheep are mentioned 45 times and goats 88 times in the Bible. Dogs are mentioned 14times and lions 89 times, but domestic cats are not mentioned. 

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