cim annual report 2012


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Canadian Institute of Mining,Metalllurgy and Petroleum

Table of Contents5 CIM – The Community for Leading Industry Expertise

7 President’s Remarks

8 Message from the Executive Director CIM Council 2011-12CIM Committees

9 CIM Council 2012-13CIM National Office Executive

10 We are CIM11 Membership 12 Cyber Membership14 Student Membership13 CIM Branches 14 Individual Membership16 Corporate Members17 CIM Societies

20 Our Business21 Finance & Administration 22 Publications & Media 23 Events 26 2012 Sponsors28 IT 29 Social Media

30 Sustaining the Industry 31 Corporate Social Responsibility32 International Development34 M4S – Mining for Society36 Distinguished Lecturers Program36 Leadership Development 37 The Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Foundation38 Industry Standards40 Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards Based on Merit42 Giving credit

44 Financials

46 Going Forward ON THE COVER left to right:Christine Baribeau, photo courtesy of

OSISKO Mining; Christine Baribeau,photo courtesy of OSISKO Mining;

Christine Baribeau, photo courtesy ofOSISKO Mining

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Long before the dawn of the modern-day concept of the social network, CIM has servedas an invaluable conduit for personal and professional interaction among members of

the Canadian mining and minerals community. For 115 years, it has served as a wellspringof new thoughts and ideas, an incubator for innovation, and the foremost voice for theadvancement of leading industry expertise through its technical meetings, world-classevents and award-winning publications.

Still, CIM remains true to its core objectives to:

• Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and technology• Foster networking, professional development and fraternity• Recognize excellence and outstanding achievements

Drawing upon the broad range of skills and specialized knowledge that serves as thefoundation of our 10 technical societies and more than 35 branches, CIM members areshaping the quality, safety, productivity and sustainability of the mining and mineralsindustries. Now bolstered by improved business processes and expanded membership andIT support capabilities at the national office, CIM is able to respond more promptly andeffectively to the requests and needs of both its members and external constituents.

We are also bringing the CIM brand beyond our borders, partnering with international sistersocieties, Canadian and foreign government representatives, academic institutions andvarious communities of interest, to create a new global dynamic in networking,technological advancement and knowledge exchange.

No matter where our volunteer members are situated, they remain the bedrock of ourcommunity. Our growth and development is a testimony to their engagement, widespreadexpertise and diverse perspectives.


CIM – The Community for Leading Industry Expertise





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President’s Remarks

Our growing community On the economic front, 2012 saw world economies continue

to recover from the global crisis of 2008. By the end of theyear, the U.S. had avoided the fiscal cliff and housing startswere increasing. Europe – after near-death experiences inGreece, Italy and Spain – was stabilizing, and China wasmoving back to eight per cent GDP growth.

This bodes well for the mining and metallurgical industry,which should see a resumption of increased demand goingforward into 2013 and beyond. However, uncertainty persists!The risk inherent in our industry was apparent as majormining companies saw important writedowns of their assetvalues due to ill-timed acquisitions or to increasing capitalcosts and performance issues related to expansion projects.

As the premier technical society for mining industryprofessionals, CIM is well placed to support both corporateand individual members as they navigate these turbulent andchanging times. We accomplish this primarily by putting onfirst-rate technical meetings, providing high-qualitypublications and offering strong networking opportunities formining professionals. CIM Magazine and the CIM Journal havebecome essential reading and our newly launched website( provides easy access to important events, information and people.

Turning to the highlights of the past year, the financial results for 2012 are very positive,driven by increased event and advertising revenues. We had a very successful annualconference and exhibition in Edmonton and are looking forward with great anticipation tothe 2013 CIM Convention in Toronto. Membership in CIM has reached the record level ofmore than 14,400 members, including over 210 corporate members, and membershiprevenues have risen by 29 per cent over the last two years.

Given that 70 per cent of Canadian-owned mining assets are located outside of Canada,CIM has adopted an international development strategy. To serve our members globally,an international district was created for Africa and new branches have been establishedin Dakar (Senegal) and Lima (Peru).

Finally, in order to improve communications and strengthen ties with the branches, CIMis in the process of restructuring into three districts – East, Centre and West – with eachdistrict having two VPs, who will be supported by CIM ambassadors.

In conclusion, CIM is alive and well and has now been in existence for 115 years. At theupcoming CIM Convention in Toronto, we will launch a review of CIM’s strategic plan inorder to map out the way forward for the next 10 years. Our past and ongoing successcomes from our dedicated volunteers, such as those who are active at our branches andsocieties, sit on CIM’s Council, participate in various committees, serve as peerreviewers, present at our world-class conferences, and last, but surely not least, ourdynamic national office staff in Montreal. I thank them all!

I extend a warm welcome to Robert (Bob) Schafer, your CIM president for 2013-14. It wasan honour and a privilege serving as CIM president, and I look forward to continuing tocontribute to CIM – the Community for Leading Industry Expertise.

Terence Bowles



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Message from the executive director

Growth & global leadershipThe past year saw a great many

developments, numerous discoveriesand major progress in areas key to thelong-term growth and sustainability ofCIM.

Two significant areas of developmentwere in the areas of business processesand membership services. Just twoyears ago, the CIM National Office didnot have either an IT or membershipdepartment; these were largelyfunctional, handled primarily by ouradministrative group. On themembership side, we have since madeconsiderable improvements in retentionand witnessed a growth in both thenumber of members and revenues. Onthe IT side, with the integration of a newstate-of-the art system, we now have amuch better “engine” to handle thetransactions for our products andservices, and to provide key tools to assist volunteers.

In the time since the CIM website went live in July 2012, we have gainedincreased confidence in the system and are certain it will evolve into avalued resource that people regularly turn to for knowledge,complementing our print publications (CIM Magazine and CIM Journal),Technical Paper Library and world-class conferences and events.

The past 12 months also saw a solidifying of our relationship with someof the world’s other leading learned mining societies, the results ofwhich are already proving very valuable. The needs and the appetite forwhat our industry provides are global. The resources available are tooscarce and too limited for each of us to work in silos. The foundation,processes and valuable connections we are putting in place will enableus to collaborate more closely on projects. The advances being made onthe Global Mining Standards front are one solid result of this, as is thecontinued commitment for working together on international events.

Globally, we have witnessed positive outcomes from our strategicdecision to expand our international presence to Latin America andAfrica, with a particular focus on Francophone and West Africa.Canadian mining companies, suppliers and our government are all


EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT: ChuckEdwards, AMEC Americas Limited •PRESIDENT-ELECT: Terence Bowles,Saint-Lawrence Seaway ManagementCorporation • INCOMING PRESIDENT-ELECT: Robert Schafer, HunterDickinson Inc. • IMMEDIATE PAST-PRESIDENT: Chris Twigge-Molecey,Hatch Ltd. • FINANCE CHAIR: MichaelCinnamond, PricewaterhouseCoopersLLP • DIRECTOR AT LARGE: James L.Popowich, The Mosaic Company

VICE-PRESIDENTS DISTRICT 1:John Fleming, Cornerstone CapitalResources Inc. • DISTRICT 2: DanielGagnon, Met-Chem Canada Inc. •DISTRICT 3: Adam Tonnos, CorporateSymphony International • DISTRICT 4:Robert Carey, RJC Industrial DesignLtd. • DISTRICT 5: Tim Joseph, JPiMine Equipment • DISTRICT 6:Christopher Ryan, Teck Resources Ltd.• INTERNATIONAL: Nathan Stubina,Barrick Gold Corporation

SOCIETIES CANADIAN MINERALPROCESSORS SOCIETY: Janice Zinck,CANMET - Mining and MineralSciences Laboratories •ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIALRESPONSIBILITY SOCIETY: JaniceZinck, CANMET - Mining and MineralSciences Laboratories • GEOLOGICALSOCIETY: Garth Kirkham, KirkhamGeosystems Ltd. • MAINTENANCEAND ENGINEERING SOCIETY: CharlesE. (Ted) Knight, Hatch Ltd. •MANAGEMENT & ECONOMICSSOCIETY: Alicia Ferdinand, ProvenReserves • METALLURGY ANDMATERIALS SOCIETY: Greg Richards,Teck Metals Ltd. • MINING SOCIETYOF NOVA SCOTIA: Dan MacLeod,Atlantic Tractors & Equipment Ltd. •ROCK ENGINEERING SOCIETY: JohnHadjigeorgiou, University of Toronto •SURFACE MINING SOCIETY: RaymondA. Reipas, Teck Resources Limited •UNDERGROUND MINING SOCIETY:Tony George, Lucara Diamond Corp.


CIM COMMITTEESExecutive Committee • Governance Committee • Finance Committee •Compensation Committee • Audit & Risk Management Committee • TechnicalPublication Committee • Standing Committee on Mineral Reserve & MineralResource Definitions • International Advisory Committee • Special Committee onthe Valuation of Mineral Properties (CIMVAL) • Estimation Best PracticeGuidelines Committee • CIM/CSA Working Committee • CIM Mining Standardsand Guidelines Committee (MSGC) • Ad Hoc task forces



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EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT: Terence F.Bowles, Saint-Lawrence SeawayManagement Corporation •PRESIDENT-ELECT: Robert Schafer,Hunter Dickinson Inc. • INCOMINGPRESIDENT-ELECT: Sean Waller,Candente Copper Corp. • IMMEDIATEPAST-PRESIDENT: Chuck Edwards,AMEC Americas Limited • FINANCECHAIR: Michael Cinnamond,PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP •DIRECTOR AT LARGE: James L.Popowich, The Mosaic Company

VICE-PRESIDENTS DISTRICT 1: John Fleming, Cornerstone CapitalResources Inc. • DISTRICT 2: DanielGagnon, Met-Chem Canada Inc. •DISTRICT 3: Adam Tonnos, Toromont •DISTRICTS 4 & 5: Tim Grain Joseph,JPi Mine Equipment • DISTRICT 6:Patty Moore, Tetra Tech – WardropEngineering • INTERNATIONAL:Nathan Stubina, Barrick GoldCorporation

SOCIETIES CANADIAN MINERALPROCESSORS SOCIETY: Janice Zinck,CANMET - Mining and MineralSciences Laboratories •ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIALRESPONSIBILITY SOCIETY: JaniceZinck, CANMET - Mining and MineralSciences Laboratories • GEOLOGICALSOCIETY: Jason Dunning, Alamos GoldInc. • MAINTENANCE ANDENGINEERING SOCIETY: Charles E.(Ted) Knight, Hatch Ltd. •MANAGEMENT & ECONOMICSSOCIETY: Alicia Ferdinand, ProvenReserves • METALLURGY ANDMATERIALS SOCIETY: Greg Richards,Teck Metals Ltd. • MINING SOCIETYOF NOVA SCOTIA: Matt Ferguson,Shaw Resources • ROCKENGINEERING SOCIETY: JohnHadjigeorgiou, University of Toronto •SURFACE MINING SOCIETY: RaymondA. Reipas, Teck Resources Limited •UNDERGROUND MINING SOCIETY:Robert Carey, RJC Industrial Design Ltd.


joining forces with us to facilitate the transfer of knowledgeand the promotion of best practices abroad, and to providebetter business environments and opportunities for Canadianorganizations.

We are also enjoying increases in international membershipand delegates at our CIM events in Canada. Acquiring andmaintaining a solid and substantive international presence is achallenge for any learned societies – the societies that havesucceeded in becoming global all testify to this. CIM is at acrossroad and is traversing that road with confidence. We havewitnessed the assimilation or demise of Canadian learnedsocieties in other sectors that did not make the strategicdecision to go global. CIM is determined that this will not bethe case on the mining landscape. Whatever shape theevolution of the new global mining leadership group takes, CIMwill be front and centre, and a solid player within.

To do this well will still require further changes, courage andleadership. In the area of leadership, I am very proud of allthat CIM has accomplished, including the development androllout of the CIM Leading in Mining program, whichcelebrated the successful graduation of its first cohort thispast year. We have also made solid progress towards theinclusion of more youth and the promotion of greater diversityin our industry, and set the stage for our annual CIMConvention 2013, whose theme – “Global Leadership: thecourage to change” – says it all.

Thank you all for a successful, rewarding and at timestumultuous 12 months. Against the current global backdrop, itappears that the next few years are likely to be similarlychallenging. Growth – while good – is one of the most difficultthings to manage. Growth born from development, rather thansimple organic expansion, is even more difficult to manage, asit necessitates the need for speed, innovation, experimentationand, equally importantly, the ability to learn from mistakes.But if there is one thing we in the mining industry know about,it is the complex process of exploration, discovery and evenfailure. So if there is one sector that is well-equipped to handlesuch growth it is mining, and never has the global economyneeded it so much.

Finally, many thanks to all of the CIM staff, Council membersand our countless (and invaluable) volunteers and corporatesupporters. Your unbounded energy, loyalty and participationare at the very heart of what we do.

Jean Vavrek

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We are CIM




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This past September, the CIM National Office staff were given an opportunity to visit two minesites in northern Quebec: Agnico-Eagle Mines’ Lapa underground operation in Val-d’Or andOsisko’s Canadian Malartic open-pit mine in Malartic. The trip, attended by 23 staff, provideda glimpse of the daily workings of a mine, allowing participants to develop an enhancedunderstanding of the industry they serve. It was made possible by Agnico-Eagle and Osiskostaff, and Air Creebec, which provided transportation.

MembershipStrength in NumbersThe collective power of our volunteers is the root of CIM’s evolution and success. Ourbranches, societies and student chapters rely on these dedicated individuals who workdiligently towards CIM’s objectives. We are thankful for their invaluable contributiontowards the institute’s mission. In an effort to improve the efficiency and the caliber ofthe service we provide to our members, a great deal of emphasis was placed onimproving the management and processes around our membership services in 2012. Weare confident these changes will help us establish a solid foundation that will enable usto support our continued growth and the increases in membership that we anticipate. InApril 2012, we made the decision to dedicate a resource towards monitoring renewalnotices and supporting retention. This initiative has contributed significantly to the 29 percent increase in membership revenues in 2012.

The continuous improvement of the quality of our service remains one of our toppriorities. To help accomplish this, we developed a new management tool for localadministrators (such as branches and societies). Additionally, an improved version of the“One Membership” program – scheduled for implementation mid-2013 – should helpstrengthen and unify the CIM community and facilitate the efforts of our volunteers. Ourobjective is to offer a range of services to support the work of our volunteers.

In addition to membership retention – which will remain a priority in 2013 – several otherinitiatives are currently under development for implementation in the coming year. Toaccomplish this, a resource was recently added to provide greater support to ourbranches, to enhance the value of our affinity program offering, to optimize our websitesystems and capabilities, and to improve our efficiency.

Throughout the year, CIM has worked towards expanding member services that helpenhance our corporate members’ visibility and recognize their organizations as leaderswithin our industry. New services in 2012 include: The CIM Source Guide – our newlydesigned print version of the former CIM Directory features our corporate members’logos and company profiles; the Corporate Member section of the website – onlineprofiles with links to company websites; Priority Points program – offers a priorityappointment to reserve booth location at our events; enhanced visibility at our annualCIM Conventions.


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Membership (Geographical) as of December 29, 2012





Territories: 78

USA: 915International: 1,629






Creating connectionsOur deep connection to our local mining communities is what distinguishes CIM. Withover 35 active branches, currently grouped within six districts across Canada and oneinternational district, CIM Branches represent a wide range of sectors and reflect thediversity of the communities they serve, while addressing the local needs of ourmembers.

CIM Membership is the entry point to a global community of leading industry expertise –a community of peers, partners and experts who can help them grow their career andbusiness.

We help our members at every level of their career path, from students to youngprofessionals just entering the industry or academia, to senior executives guiding theirorganizations or institutions.

Branching outIn 2012, we continued to build our branch network in Canada and abroad with theaddition of three new branches and the creation of an African district to support CIM’sinternational developments on that continent. The three new branches included:• Amos (Quebec) Branch in January 2012 • Dakar (Senegal) Branch in October 2012 – the launch of CIM’s first African Branch was

announced during Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s official visit to Dakar, Senegal.• Lima (Peru) Branch in November 2012

@Cyber membershipSpecifically designed for industry professionals residing outside of North America, CIM Cyber Membership providesdirect access to esteemed professionals and global expertise throughthe institute’s extensive information resources. This will become anincreasingly valuable asset as CIM continues with its internationaldevelopment plans.

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Branches DISTRICT 1 NEW BRUNSWICK Chair: SeanMcClenaghan • Vice-Chair: Robert McVeigh(Sam McEwan, outgoing) • Past-Chair:Barbara Rose • Secretary: Kristen Banks •Treasurer: Michelle Coleman (Dustin Ceretti,outgoing) • Directors: Sam McEwan, Paul M.Rennick, Kathleen G. Thorne, Brian Roulston,Ron Phillips, Dustin Ceretti • LABRADORChair: Mark Blake • NEWFOUNDLAND Chair:Bob Kelly • Vice-Chair: Bruce Dumville • Past-Chair: Tayfun Eldem • Secretary: LenMandville • Treasurer: Gary Snow DISTRICT2 AMOS President: Robert Cloutier • FirstVice-President: Ghislain Macameau • SecondVice-President: Francis Provencher •Secretary: Émilie Bélanger • Treasurer:Michaël Lavoie • Directors: Donald Blanchet,Luc Mercier, Martin Veilleux, Sébastiend’Astout • CHAPAIS-CHIBOUGAMAUPresident: Patrick Houle • Vice-President:Pierre Folco • Secretary: Laury Schmitt •Treasurer: Laury Schmitt • HARRICANAPresident: Marcel H. Jolicoeur • Vice-President: Johanne Voyer • Past-President:Gérald Lefrançois • Secretary/Treasurer:Francine Fontaine • Communications Director:Josée Plouffe • Directors: André Bernard, LucDeslauriers, Josée Provencher, TafadzwaGomwe, Carol Lemieux, Vincent Jourdain,Sabrina Charette • MONTREAL President:Hani Mitri • Vice-President: Dany Bélanger •Past-President: Martin Poirier • Secretary:Lise Chartrand • Treasurer: Ian Turner •Finance Committee: Frank Kruzich, MackenzieWatson, Ian Turner • Student LiaisonCommittee: Ferri Hassani, Richard Simon,René Dufour • Publication RelationsCommittee: Daniel Gagnon, Dany Bélanger,Martin Poirier • QUEBEC NORD-ESTPresident: Patrice Tremblay • Vice-President:Annie Lévesque • Past-President: BertrandLessard • Secretary: Martin Lévesque •Treasurer: Luc Gagnon • QUEBEC President:Louis Marcoux • Vice-President: CarolineBoudrias-Chapleau • Past-President: PierreVerpaelst • Secretary: Jean-François Wilhelmy• Treasurer: Pierre Verpaelst • Directors:Michel Robinson, Jean-Yves Labbé, MarcelLaflamme, Serge Nantel • ROUYN-NORANDAPresident: Claude Gagnier • Vice-President:Sylvain Bergeron • Past-President: JeanGoutier • Secretary: Sylvain Lépine •Treasurer: Serge Cotes • SAGUENAYPresident: Steve Thivierge • Vice-President:Jeannette See • Secretary/Treasurer: Marie-Line Tremblay • Director: Michel Tremblay •Officers: Bernard Lapointe, Claude D’Amours,Daniel Boulianne, Daniel Verreault, FrançoiseLange, Benoît Lafrance, Pamela Tremblay,Jonathan Tremblay • THETFORD MINESPresident: Normand Boutet •Secretary/Treasurer: Jovette Marois •Directors: Daniel Pelchat, Jean Tardif

Membership progession as of December 29, 2012

2009 2010 2011 2012



















Empowering our branches – One Membership Developed to build solidarity, streamline operations andactively engage branches within our organization, CIM OneMembership reduces our branch volunteers’ workloads andgives them the opportunity to explore growth strategies andeffective outreach projects.

In 2012, we moved forward in our One Membership initiativeand developed a new membership management system tomeet the needs of our local branches, which is expected to beavailable in 2013.

A new structureIn late December2012, CIM Councilpassed a resolutionproposing CIM’s six-district structure tobe reconfigured tothree districts. Thisalso resulted in arevision of thegovernance structure. Each ofthe three districts will have two vice-presidents serving two-year, overlapping terms.The vice-presidents will also be supported by “ambassadors” –a new role created to support the vice-presidents. Thesechanges are scheduled to take effect in May 2013.

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Three ways to engage at CIM• Individual Branch Membership: Increase your level of

commitment, explore new business opportunities, meetpeople and cultivate your networks.

• Individual National Membership: Ignite your career, stay upto date on industry trends, enhance your technical knowledge(does not include student and cyber memberships).

• Corporate Membership: Increase your company’s visibility,expand your team’s strengths, position your products andservices at local, regional and international levels, influencethe future of the industry.

CIM Individual Membership CIM Members represent the entire mining life cycle and broadspectrum of our industry. CIM Individual Membership providesminerals, metals and energy professionals with the networkingopportunities, expert insights and technical information theyneed to succeed in an increasingly competitive market.Individuals benefit from CIM’s leading-edge resources to helpthem get recognized, broaden their knowledge base, sharpentheir skills, and become true strategic partners within theirorganization or academic institutions.

CIM members can belong to any one of our 10 technicalsocieties. Society memberships enable our members to remaincurrent on best practices within their chosen fields, to keep intouch with their peers and to benefit from lessons learned fromothers who share common goals and interests.

Individual members have voting privileges that enable them togain a voice and help influence CIM’s community.

Student MembershipAgainst the backdrop of a growing skills shortage in the miningindustry that the Mining Industry Human Resources Councilprojects will be in the order of 145,000 by the year 2023, morethan ever students represent the future of our industry. CIMcontinues to support the next generation of mining professionalswith free student membership that offers benefits such as free


Branches DISTRICT 3 COBALT Chair: Todd Steis •Secretary/Treasurer: Don Hillier • Directors:Richard Spence, Roger Breau, Roger Smirle •GTA WEST Chair: David Chinloy • Vice-Chair:Gerry Son Kee • Past-Chair: Catharine Shaw •Secretary: Sonya Kopecky-Duff • Treasurer:Eunice Son Kee • Directors: Peter Salmon,Stefan Hlouschko, Mohammed Ali, Betty Lin •HAMILTON Chair: Shannon Clark • Vice-Chair:Jane Wood • Secretary: Shannon Clark •Treasurer: Barry Branston • Directors: JohnLennartz, Jeff Mayberry, Jane Wood, ErhanUlvan, John Thomas, Mick Bancroft •NORTHERN GATEWAY Secretary: Rick Evans •Treasurer: Robert Gibson • Immediate Past-Chair: Roy Slack • Facilities: BrendaPatterson-Mack • Membership: Nathalie Bester• Publicity: Chelsa Mayhew • Scholarship: DonWinter • Social Programs: Bernie Robertson •Sponsorship: Kevin J. Melong • OTTAWA Chair:John E. Udd • Vice-Chair: Fady G. Haddad •Secretary/Treasurer: Daniele Cambareri •Facilities: Aartee Khandelwal • PORCUPINEChair: Shannon Campbell • Vice-Chair: AdrianWhite • 2nd Vice-Chair: Rob Des Rivieres •Secretary: Laura Krupka • Treasurer: RoseHasting • Directors: Paul Magny, Kyle Buckoll,Joshua Toner, Bill Schweng, Wayne Mohns,Andrew Smith • SUDBURY Chair: GeorgeDarling • Vice-Chair: Trang Tran • Past-Chair:Christine Bertoli • Secretary: Darryl Witow •Treasurer: Neil Milner • SUDBURY GEOLOGICALDISCUSSION GROUP Chair: Phil Thurston •Vice-Chair: Mike Lesher • Secretary: LindsayHall • Treasurer: Ruth Debicki • Directors: EdPattison, Tom Hart, Tobias Roth • TORONTOChair: Tom Rannelli • Vice-Chair: AliciaFerninand • Past-Chair: Rick Hutson •Secretary: Nancy Mcnab • Treasurer: NickMiseros • Directors: Joe Hinzer, Larry Smith,Peter Broad, Terng Chen, Peter Frasunkiewicz,Blair Ferris, David Clarry, Irene Gosende Seeney,Catharine Shaw, Steve Slama, Mike WilsonDISTRICT 4 RED LAKE Chair: Ron Sinkiewicz •Vice-Chair: Janice Wallgren • Secretary:Monique Pharand • Treasurer: LindsayChowaniec • Directors: Jeanette Marcotte, VivianSpinelli, Carmen Storey, Andreas Lichtblau,Reagan Nault, Mark Epp • SASKATOONGEOSECTION Chair: Cory Kos • Past-Chair: GaryYeo • Secretary: Alison Donmez • Treasurer:Chris Hamel • SASKATOON Chair: Jeff Spence •Vice-Chair: Michelle Sturby • Past-Chair:Michael Castleberry • Administrator: TaraStratton • Treasurer: John Cairns • THOMPSONChair: Inge Robinson • THUNDER BAY Chair:Mark Smyk • Vice-Chair: Peter Hollings • Past-Chair: Andrew Mitchell • Secretary/Treasurer:Dorothy Campbell • Directors: Bill McCrindle,Andrew Mitchell, Michele Tuomi, Bob Chataway •WINNIPEG Chair: Ed Huebert • Treasurer:Hannah Giesbrecht • Directors: Art Stacey,Wayne Nyysola, David Benson

Edmonton 2012 CIM Convention:Women in Mining & VIP Recepton



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Branches DISTRICT 5 CALGARY Chair: TheresaLavender • Vice-Chair: Patrick Landry •Treasurer: James Faraday • Secretary:Nevin Henn • Website: Erin Golko •Publicity: Royden Brousseau • TechnicalProgram: Edward Alberts • Sponsorship:Charles Ibrahim • Membership: StuartWigmore • Directors: Win Fraser, LouiseMichaud, Anant Prasad, Wes Funk, RobMedley • EDMONTON Chair: Tim Joseph •Vice-Chair: Coralee Laubman • Past-Chair:Fenna Poelzer • Technical Chair: JenniferDornstauder • Treasurer: Laura Joseph •Director: Gord Morris • MembershipIndustry: Laura Joseph • Students: CoraleeLaubman • Public Relations: RamtinNouzari • OIL SANDS Chair: Sanil Sivarajan• Vice-Chair: Paul Taylor • Past-Chair:Christian West • Secretary: NagenderDasyam • Treasurer: Cameron W. Newton •Directors: Mark Wyllie and NatashaBouliane • Members: Roya Iranitalab, IsaacBussin • YELLOWKNIFE Chair: DavidWatson • Past-Chair: Diane KathrynBaldwin • Treasurer: C. Arlene Laudrum •Technical Program: Joe HeimbachDISTRICT 6 CROWSNEST Chair: JeffreyColden • Vice-Chair: Todd Parks •Secretary: Lawrence Chow • Treasurer:North Jones • Directors: Stephen Jarvis,Alex Millar, Allan Potzold • NORTHCENTRAL BC Chair: Jerome LaMarre • Vice-Chair: Christy Smith • Past-Chair: JoeHines • Secretary: John Davidson, AndrewBalance • Treasurer: Trent Bilodeau •Directors: Glen Wonders, Rob Piccolo,Anoop Buttar • SOUTH CENTRAL BC Chair:Richard Weymark • Vice-Chair: VanessaRoeland • Secretary: Randy Lynds •Treasurer: Wade Hordal • Bursary: RodAllen, Cam Hergott • Ladies Program:Nancy Lynds • Paper Selection: TomShouldice, Jason McCleery • TechnicalSystems: Mike Larkin, Gerry Wong • TRAILChair: Marvin Neufeld • Vice-Chair: TonyHeim • Secretary: Kris Heale • Treasurer:Roberta Spence • VANCOUVER Chair: KenRoberts • Vice-Chair: Grant Carlson • Past-Chair: Tom Broddy • Secretary: WaldemarJonnson • Treasurer: Michael Warner •Director: Michal WypychINTERNATIONAL LOS ANDES-CHILEChair: John Selters • Secretary: PaulaQuijada • Vice-Chair: Simon Tarbutt •Treasurer: Fernando Pau • Directors:Carlos Hernandez, Pedro Lasota, GonzaloMuñoz, Mario Sanchez • DAKAR-SENEGALInformation not available at time ofpublication • LIMA-PERU President:Bertrand de Windt • Vice-President:Siegfried Arce • Treasurer: Joe Pezo •Secretary: Carlos Tambini • Members: MelfiVillanueva, Terry Murphy, EdmundoRodriguez


subscription to CIM Magazine, online access to the CIM Journal,access to valuable networking opportunities and information onover $200,000 in scholarships, bursaries and awards. During2012, we enhanced our online student application and renewalprocesses to ensure accurate information updates.

Student chapters CIM Dalhousie University •McGill University • Queen’sUniversity • University of British Columbia • University ofSaskatchewan • University of Toronto • METSOC LaurentianUniversity • Memorial University • McGill University • UniversitéLaval • University of British Columbia • University of Winsor

CIM Student Chapters help take education beyond theclassroom. Through chapter events, meetings and field trips,students can hone their networking skills and develop the criticalknowledge essential for attaining their career goals. Many of ourstudent members are also very active on social media platformsand have created valuable discussion groups. The relationshipbetween our student chapters and our local companies andsupporters is very important to the vitality of our generation.

To date, CIM has 12 student chapters: six CIM national chaptersand six Metallurgy and Materials Society (MetSoc) chapters. In2012, we further developed our student network and launched anew student chapter in November: University of British-Columbia.

Scholarships and bursariesOver 60 scholarships and bursaries were up for grabs in 2012.See page 40 for further details.

Edmonton 2012 CIM Convention:Student-Industry Luncheon



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CIM Corporate MembersThe involvement and support of our corporate members

is essential to the vitality and growth of CIM.

48e Nord International • A & B Mylec Incorporated • Abresist Kalenborn Inc. • Accenture • Accetis International •Acier St­Michel Inc. • Aciers Ssab Suédois Ltée • ACP Applied Products Ltd. • Adrok Ltd. • Aecon Mining • Akzo NobelChemicals Ltd. • Alberta Innovates ­ Technology Futures • Alexander Proudfoot • Alexis Minerals Corporation • AMECE & C Services Ltd. • ArcelorMittal Canada Mines • Atlantic Industries Ltd. • Atlas Copco Mines et Excavation du RocCanada • Ausenco Minerals Canada • Axter Coletanche Inc. • Bantrel Co. • Barrick Gold Corporation • BASFConstruction Chemicals Ltd. • BAT Construction Ltd. • Bay6 Solutions Inc. • BHP Billiton Canada Inc. • BiodiskCorporation • BlackRock Metals Inc. • Boart Longyear Canada • Boreal Informations Stratégiques • Bradken • BraultMaxtech Inc. • Caledonia Mining Corporation • Canadian Salt Co. Ltd. • Candente Copper Corporation • CamecoCorporation • CDC Information Center • CEMI ­ Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation • CG Industrial SpecialtiesLtd. • CK Logistics • CMD Gears Canada Inc. • Colossus Minerals Inc. • Conspec Controls Ltd. • Copper DevelopmentAssociation Inc. • COREM • Corporate Symphony International • Cullen Diesel Power Ltd. • CWA Engineers Inc. •Cypher Environmental Ltd. • Davidson Drilling Limited • De Beers Canada Corporation • Delsaer ­ Gestionnaires deProjets Inc. • Domik Exploration Ltd. • Downeredi Mining ­ Mineral Technologies • Duratray International • DynoNobel Inc. • Eco Waste Solutions • Falco Technologies Inc. • FGI Supply Ltd. • FLSmidth • FLSmidth Knelson • FountainTire Mine Service Ltd. • Frontline Integrated Services Ltd. • Fusionex • Genrep Ltd. • GenX/Menitik • GeohartConsultants Pty Ltd. • GEOVIA • Global Inspections­NDT, Inc. • Goldcorp Inc. • Golder Associates Ltd. • GrahamGroup Ltd. • Groupe CLR • Gundlach Equipment Corp. • Harry Winston Diamond Corporation • Hatch Ltd. • HellaInc. • Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems Canada Inc. • Hewitt Equipment Ltd. • HLS Hard­Line Solutions Inc. • IBKCapital Corporation • IDS North America • IMAFS • Industries Atlantic Ltée • Intergraph Canada Ltd. • IQ ­Investissement Québec • Iron Ore Company of Canada • Ironstone Resources Ltd. • J.F. Comer Inc. • J.S. RedpathLimited • Jennmar of Canada Inc. • Joy Global, Canada • JPi mine equipment • Kal Tire • Key MaintenanceTechnologies • Kinross Gold Corporation • Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd. • KPI Industrial Controls Inc. • Lafarge CanadaInc. • Laforest Nova Aqua • Laird Constructors • Laird Technologies Inc. • Laurel Steel, Division of Harris Steel • LevertPersonnel Resources Inc. • Lubrifiants Saint­Laurent Inc. • Mabarex Inc. • Maptek • McCarthy Tétrault • S.E.N.C.R.L.,s.r.l. • Micromine Ltd. • Mine Cable Services Corporation • Mine Radio Systems Inc. • Mine Site Technologies (USA)Inc. • MinePros Personnel Inc. • Mining Publications International • MISTRAS • Métaltec • Mullen Trucking LP •National Mine Service of Canada • Newalta Corporation • NL Department of Natural Resources • NorsemanStructures • North Fringe Resources Inc. • NTN Bearing Corporation of Canada Ltd. • Nuna Logistics Limited • OboniRiskope Associates Inc. • Outotec (Canada) Ltd. • P.R. Engineering Ltd. • Pacific Bit of Canada Inc. • Parkland FuelCorporation • Paul F. Wilkinson & Associates Inc. • PhotoSat Information Ltd. • Pincock, Allen & Holt • Pionera •Pneuma­Tool Inc. • Polar Mobility Research Ltd. • Polar Star Mining Corp. • Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan •Praetorian Construction Management • PROVIX, Division of Winsted Group • Purves Redmond Limited • RAXEnterprises Inc. • Raymac Environmental Services Inc. • Resource Engineering & Maintenance Magazine • Richwood• Rio Tinto Iron and Titanium Inc. • Rockhound Limited • Rocking Horse Energy Services Inc. • Rockwell Automation• RSM Richter Chamberland • RW Consulting and Training Services Ltd. • Schlumberger Water Services • SentryEquipment Corp • Service aux entreprises Harricana • Siemens Canada Ltd. • Sinergeo Lda. • SKF Canada Limited •SMS Equipment Inc. • SNL Metals Economics Group • Snowden Group • Spicer Solution Providers Inc. • SRKConsulting (Canada) • Stellar Recruitment • Stewart Craike Management Inc. • STM Associates • StonewaterResources Ltd. • Suncor Energy Inc., Oil Sands • Surplec HV Inc. • Synthesarc Inc. • Talent Intelligence • Team PowerSolutions •Teck Resources Limited • Tega Industries Canada • Tenaquip Limited • Tetra Tech • Texel Géosol • TheMosaic Company • Thibault & Associates Inc. • Thyssen Mining Construction of Canada Ltd. • Ultra Seat Corporation• Vale Newfoundland & Labrador Limited •Vals Drilling Ltd. • Veyance Technologies Canada Inc. • Victaulic Companyof Canada Ltd. • Wabush Mines •Wajax Corporation • Wajax Power Systems •Waterous Power Systems •Watts,Griffis and McOuat Limited •Wenco International Mining Systems Ltd. •WesTech Engineering, Inc. •Western PotashCorp. •Westfalia Separator Canada Inc. • Wilkinson Steel & Metals Ltd. •Wire Rope Industries Ltd. • Women inResource Development Corporation • Wugang Canada Resources Investment Ltd. • Xstrata Process Support • Xylem

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CIM Societies CIM’s 10 technical societies promote the development of the many facets of Canada’sminerals, metals, materials and petroleum industries. Technically driven, CIM Societiesorganize specialized conferences, courses and publications and tackle the issues thatimpact their respective fields, pertaining to the discovery, production and use ofresources.

CANADIAN MINERAL PROCESSORS SOCIETY Chair: Pierre Julien • First Vice-Chair: TadCrowie • Second Vice-Chair: Paul Blatter • Past-Chair: Erin Legault • Secretary: JaniceZinck • Treasurer: Ray MacDonald • Directors: Donald Leroux, Stuart McTavish, JohnStarkey, Chuck Edwards, Cassandra Spence, Pete Lahucik, Pramod Kumar, Jan Nesset,Scott Martin, Brent Hilscher, Ernie Marcotte, Eddy Joe, Katherine Hopkins, Colin Hardie,Lorne Schwartz, Michael Sue, Richard Fostokjian, David Cataford, Johnna Muinonen,Lucky Amaratunga, John Folinsbee


“In January of this year, the Canadian Minerals Processors OperatorsConference celebrated its 45th anniversary by inviting past-chairs to a specialluncheon in their honour during the conference. Year after year, attendance atthe conference continues to grow. Nearly 650 delegates came together inJanuary to share experiences and expertise, both personal and technical. It’s agreat place to be!”C


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ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY SOCIETY Chair: Janice Zinck • Vice-Chair: David Forrester • Communications: Vernon Banks • Secretary: Mireille Goulet •Directors: Ian Middleton, Michael Sudbury, Alistair Kent, Eric Hinton, Glen White, IanHorne, Jay Cooper, Kenning Marchant, Rick Siwik

GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Chair: Jason Dunning • Vice-Chair: Serge Perrault •Past-Chair: Garth Kirkham • Councillors: Dave Lentz, Hendrik Faulk •Publications: Dave Sinclair • EMG editor: Steve McCutcheon

MAINTENANCE & ENGINEERING SOCIETY Chair: Ted Knight • First Vice-Chair: Jo-Anne Boucher • Second Vice-Chair: Andy Lemay • Treasurer:Dick McIvor • Secretary: Ed Patton • Past-Chair: Mel Harju,energy/membership • Directors: Jean Beliveau, Marcel D’Jivre (M/Epublications), Luc Gagnon (Sept-Iles M/E Branch), Brad Kingston(communications director), Ben Kubica, Rob Lipic, Glenn Lyle, BennettMcLaughlin, Jacek Paraszczak (education, student papers andscholarships), Bob Pronovost, Eric Schraml, Tom Shumka, Bill Wright, Jean Vavrek

MANAGEMENT & ECONOMICS SOCIETY Chair: Alicia Ferdinand • Past-Chair: Keith N.Spence • Treasurer: Rodrigo Rojas • Education: Jacqueline Allison • Technical program:Alicia Ferdinand, Lawrence D. Smith, Jane Spooner, Dennis H. Waddington, MarkLamoureux

METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SOCIETY President: VladPapangelakis • First Vice-President: Priti Wanjara • Second Vice-President: Boyd Davis • Third Vice-President: Mary Wells • Past-President: Greg Richards • Immediate Past-President:Cesar Inostroza • Secretary: Connie Barry • Treasurer: ChrisKennedy • Publications: Peter J. Lind


SOC“The Society’s highlight

moment of 2012 was its organization of its annualConference of Metallurgists in Niagara Falls, Ontario, inOctober. The conference featured six symposia, threeshort courses, a trade showand three industrial tours,

and attracted 700 people in total fromaround the world.”



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COM 2012

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TOTAL 14,554

Membership by Society as of December 29, 2012




MINING SOCIETY OF NOVA SCOTIA President: Willie McNeil • First Vice-President:Regan Isenor • Second Vice-President: Ed Carey • Secretary/Treasury: Florence Sigut

ROCK ENGINEERING SOCIETY Chair: John Hadjigeorgiou • Chair-Elect: DennisThibodeau • Past-Chair: Jamie Archibald • Secretary: John Henning • Treasurer: MartinGrenon • Directors: Ferri Hassani, Steve McKinnon, Luc Beauchamp • Publications:Doug Milne

SURFACE MINING SOCIETY Chair: Ray Reipas • Vice-Chair: Tom Broddy • Treasurer:Bruce Bernard • Directors: Tim Skinner, Dave Leslie, Zoli Lukacs

UNDERGROUND MINING SOCIETY Chair: Robert Carey • Vice-Chair: Carol Plummer •Immediate Past-Chair: Tony George • Secretary: Gary Poxleitner • Treasurer: William H.McNeil • Directors: Donna Beneteau, Donna Cortolezzis, Charles Graham, Vern W. Evans,Peter M. Cain, Fran Yungwirth, Kevin J. Melong, Garston H. Blackwell, Ferri Hassani

“The highlight of the 2012 year for the Mining Society of Nova Scotia wasits 125th AGM held at Keltic Lodge, Ingonish, Cape Breton. Under thecapable direction of president Matt Ferguson, it was the largest attendedAGM in recent years.”M





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Our Business



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Finance & AdministrationBackbone of CIM National OfficeThe Finance and Administration Department is an integral part of the CIM machine. Theworkload in the department steadily grew throughout 2012 due to: the increase in thenumber and scale of both CIM events and international events on which CIM partners,as well as an increase in services offered to CIM branches – such as bringing thehandling of their finances in-house. The four-person team also handles the finances forthe Canada Mining Innovation Council, the Canadian Mining and MetallurgicalFoundation, and the Global Mining and Standards Group.

With a goal of providing its employees with an enjoyable and productive environment inwhich to work, where they can experience a sense of achievement and contribution, in2012 CIM National produced a HR Guidelines and Reference Handbook. Also, to ensurethat the organization is in accordance with the Quebec Government’s Pay Equity Act,CIM enlisted the services of the Hay Group, which began the process of reviewingNational Office job descriptions and salaries.

The Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act requires all federal not-for-profit entitiesto comply with a new set of rules. CIM, created under a Special Act of Parliament, fallsunder a grandfather clause that does notrequire it to transit to the new act. CIMCouncil has decided to continue beinggoverned by its bylaw and to take moretime to review its governance policiesand possibly, down the road, make thetransition to the new Not-for-Profit Act.


CIM NATIONAL OFFICE STAFF Front row: Joëlle Cyr, Robertina Pillo, Laura Foley, Jean Vavrek, AngelaHamlyn, Marjolaine Dugas, Jo-Anne Watier; Second row: Lorent Dione, Brigitte Farah, Maria Olaguera,Anne Brosseau, Zoë Koulouris, Mireille Goulet, Lise Bujold, Alexandra Cyr, Deborah Smith-Sauvé, MartinBell; Third row: Robert Garcia, Gérard Hamel, Carol Lee, Zoë Macintosh, Lucie Vincent, Dinah Zeldin,Catherine Thibault, Elaine Kinsella, Lamiche Tremblay, Nadia Bakka, Chantal Murphy; Back row: RononaSaunders, Herb Mathisen, Ryan Bergen, Peter Braul, Rian Desourdie, Magali Gloutnay, Nathan Hall, SergeMajor. Missing from photo: Carole Boyer, Martin Doré, Andrea Nichiporuk

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Publications & MediaNew pages The year was one of evolution and expansion for the Publications and Media Department, including changes to the editorial team; the introduction of a new product (CIM Source Guide); the publication of a special Uranium-themed issueof CIM Journal; and the decision to expand CIM Magazine from eight to nine issues. Wealso published our first Special Report (“Mining in Quebec”) in the November issue ofCIM Magazine.

In January 2013, Ryan Bergen became the editor-in-chiefof CIM Magazine and CIM Journal, freeing Angela Hamlynto focus on expanding the organization’s communicationsand media mandates. Andrea Nichiporuk took the role ofmanaging editor and past-intern Herb Mathisen joined thedepartment as a section editor.

We also took bold new steps into the digital world with thelaunch of an online version of CIM Magazine (available inboth English and French) thatenables reader feedback, andthe revamping of our TechnicalPaper Library – now poweredby a custom-built engine withenhanced search capabilities –

both developments made possible with the mid-year launchof the new CIM website.

Readers respondCIM Magazine’s latest 2012 reader survey results indicatethat we are still the industry’s go-to resource for miningnews:• NINE OUT OF 10 respondents find CIM Magazine’s content

a valuable source of information• 75 PER CENT of respondents report the content is relevant to their profession• 62 PER CENT visit a website after reading the magazine• Two thirds keep the magazine for future use and

65 PER CENTrefer back to an issue – up to five times per year

• 54 PER CENT pass it on to someone else

RecognitionTABBIES 2012 Award Winner in Best Issuecategory for November 2011 “Plan Nord” issue


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EventsGrowth in size, reach and influence2012 was a year of growth – both in knowledge and new skills – for the EventsDepartment. In addition to producing the annual CIM Convention, our six event staffmembers now plan many society events, topic-specific conferences, special events, co-hosted programs, exhibitions and meetings – all for the benefit of our members, themining community at large and stakeholders involved or interested in the various stagesand aspects of mining.

In recent years, CIM’s increasing international visibility has resulted in a growing numberand variety of outside sources –such as academic and research institutions, sisterorganizations and other associations – turning to CIM to host and produce nicheconferences, international conventions and congresses. This has extended CIM’s reachand influence around the globe. CIM is increasingly recognized for its expertise inplanning and effectively delivering strategic industry gatherings. This necessitates thatwe continually re-evaluate the needs and requests for knowledge based on geographyand demographics.

Target marketing to massesAs CIM grows in size and diversity, our target audiences are sub-segmenting constantly.As a result, the integration of a comprehensive and strategic marketing strategy hasbecome an integral component of our event management. Not only have we diversifiedthe messages and means by which we deliver them, but we are also building new and

Edmonton 2012 CIM Convention:Job Fair N






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remote “knowledge communities” that are discussing issues, making valuablecontributions to program topics, and promoting best practices from anywhere in theworld – before, during and after an event.

Knowledge without bordersBy modelling CIM events, we are able to further serve as an even more effectivemechanism through which we deliver on one of the institute’s core missions – gatheringand disseminating knowledge. By providing a dynamic networking environment forthousands, our events help foster CIM’s mandate as the community for leading industryexpertise. Bringing on-site and remote attendees together through technologytranscends previous barriers for knowledge sharing, which is especiallycritical for our technical programs that continue to be at the heart of allCIM conferences.

Business and beyondThe CIM Exhibition and Job Fair is where the business of mining happensin Canada. While thousands participate and visit the CIM Exhibition eachyear, the waiting list of companies seeking to take part grows. In 2012,there were more than 300 companies on our waiting list!

2012 HighlightsCIM CONVENTION 2012 – CONFERENCE, M4S & TRADE SHOW CIM’s signatureannual convention was held in Edmonton, Alberta, with a Minerals for All Seasonstheme. A total of 4,025 participants took part in what is the last time the CIM Conferencewill be held in Edmonton.

MASSMIN 2012 – CONFERENCE & TRADESHOW Providing leading technicalknowledge on practical results andresearch that improve mass miningworldwide, the Sixth InternationalConference & Exhibition on Mass Miningattracted 934 participants in Sudbury,Ontario, in June.

QUEBEC MINES 2012 – CONVENTION, M4S &SPECIAL EVENTS In partnership with theQuebec government’s Ministry of NaturalResources, CIM hosted its M4S – theeducational public show on mining,minerals, metals and materials – duringQuébec Mines 2012. CIM also hosted agala event at which CIM presidentTerence Bowles and several governmentofficials gave official addresses. There itpresented James W. Hewitt, chairmanand CEO of Hewitt Equipment Ltd., with the 2012 M4S Recognition. Attendance at QuébecMines totalled 2,203 people.

MassMin 2012: exhibition

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44TH ANNUAL CANADIAN MINERALPROCESSORS OPERATORS’CONFERENCE A record-breaking560 attendees took part in the44th edition of the CMPConference. Due to the enhancedformat of its short courseprogram – covering three themesinstead of one – attendance roseby 140 per cent.

CANADIAN MATERIALS SCIENCE CONFERENCE (CMSC) 2012 MetSoc co-sponsored the 24thCanadian Materials Science Conference. With a theme of Materials: Atoms toApplications, CMSC was held at Western University. This student-centered conference onmaterials in Canada attracted 196 participants.

CONFERENCE OF METALLURGISTS 2012 COM’sprogram featured 177 presentations on issues suchas obstacles to true innovation and potentialimprovements to mining technologies andprocesses, and included a rare earth symposium.More than 700 industry professionals took part inthe 51st edition of COM.

MINING SOCIETY OF NOVA SCOTIA 125TH ANNUALMEETING A record-breaking 200 attendeescelebrated Canada’s first professional miningassociation’s 125th anniversary. Highlights of theevent included: a presentation by Howard Donahue,past MSNS president, on the society’s history; aspeech on mining’s role in Nova Scotia by NovaScotia’s Natural Resources Minister Charlie Parker; and CIM president Terence Bowleson Canada’s role in the global mining industry.

A sampling of 2012 CIM Branch activities• 3 OYSTER PARTIES: Cobalt, Harricana and

Rouyn-Noranda branches• CMP held technical meetings at 9 CMP BRANCHES• 16 GOLF TOURNAMENTS in: Amos, Crowsnest,

Edmonton, Harricana, Montreal, New Brunswick, North Central BC, Oil Sands, Porcupine,Quebec Red Lake, Saskatoon, South Central BC,Sudbury, Thetford Mines, Toronto

• 4 CURLING BONSPIELS: Crowsnest, New Brunswick,North Central BC, Thetford Mines

• 2 LOBSTER DINNERS: Red Lake and Sudbury branches• SMS held 3 GLOBAL MINING STANDARDS AND


Saskatoon, Toronto, Vancouver branches


2012 Canadian MineralProcessors Operators’Conference

2012 Conference of Metallurgists



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RockEng DSI • IDS • ITASCA • King • Minova • Talisman Energy

MassMin DIAMOND: Atlas Copco • Hatch • Sandvik • GOLD: AMC Mining Consultants • AMEC • Beck •Caterpillar • Iamgold • Normet • Redpath Mining Contractors and Engineers • SILVER: Cementation Canada •Noront • Stantec • SRK Consulting • BRONZE: Newcrest • Vale • FRIEND: Mansour Mining • Mining Excellence •NETWORKING EVENT: Cypher Canada • WiFi SPONSORSHIP: Emerson • CLOSING LUNCHEON: IBM •LANYARDS: Bestech COFFEE BREAK: Mining Excellence • MPI Mobile Parts • Roche • School of Mines atLaurentian University • TRANSIT: Sudbury

China Finance Day Hatch • Watts, Griffis and McOuat • China Technology • TSX Inc.

CIM SOCIETIES METSOC Avalon Rare Metals, Barrick Gold, BBA, Cameco, FLSmidth, Hatch, Hazen Research,Hudbay Minerals, Molycorp, Praxair, SNC Lavalin, Teck, University of Toronto, Vale, Xstrata Process Support •MINING SOCIETY OF NOVA SCOTIA Acadian Mining, Amirualt Ventures, Atlantic Cat, BGC Engineering Inc., CBCL,Conestage-Rovers & Associates, DVD Gold, Enterprise Cape Breton (ECBC), GoGold Resources Inc., GreyTopCommercial, Logan Drilling, Maxxam Analytics, Merrex Gold, National Gypsum, Navigator Technologies, OrmacIndustrial Supply Inc., Selwyn Resources, SENES, Shaw Resources, Stantac • SURFACE MINING SOCIETY GMSCsponsors: 3D-P, Agnico-Eagle, Atlas Copco, Barrick, CNRL, Freeport McMoRan, Goldcorp, Ivara, Jigsaw Leica, JoyGlobal, Kal Tire, KGHMi, Kinross, Liebherr, Mining Systems International, Mosaic, Newmont, RungePincockMinarco,SAP, Shell, Suncor, Syncrude, Teck, Total E&P, Vale, Wenco/Hitachi

BRANCHES DISTRICT 1 NEW BRUNSWICK: Blanchard Group, BMI, Boart Longyear, Cementation, Industrial Rubber,MacLean Engineering, MTI, Orica, Atlas Copco, Port of Belledune, PotashCorp, Xstrata Zinc • DISTRICT 2 AMOS: Arkys,Assurance CGL Inc., Centre du Camion Amos, Construction G. Proulx & Frères Inc., Desjardins Caisse d’Amos, Dessau,Fabrimac 2000, Géoposition arpenteurs-géomètres, Groupe Abitem, Hamel Arpentage Inc., Les matériaux 3+2,Management 360, Mazac Géoservices Inc., National Location Élite Inc., Polyplast, Produit Pétrolier Harricana,Promutuel l’Abitibienne, Québec Lithium, Service aux entreprises Commission Scolaire Harricana • HARRICANA: Plusd’une cinquantaine de commanditaires par activité sociale • QUEBEC: Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited, Association minièredu Québec, COREM, Fasken Martineau, Golder Associés, Instrumentation GDD, Mines Virginia, Osisko, Roscoe Postle &Associés, Sodémex, Soutex, Roche • QUEBEC NORD-EST: Alouette, Cliffs, Équipement Nordique, Groupe Porlier, IOC,Mine Arnaud, Port de Sept-Îles, Roche, Tata Steel ROUYN NORANDA: Abitibi Géophysique, Actlabs, Agnico-Eagle,Agrégats RN, Blais Industries, Dessau, Deteor Gold, Globex, Groupe Financier Abi-Témi, Iamgold, Manseau et Perron,Mines Abcourt, Mines Richmont, Moreau, Plastiques Industriels G Plus, Québécor Média, Reflex, Xmet, RNC Média,Services Exploration, Stavibel, Techni-Lab, Xstrata Copper, Yorbeau • SAGUENAY: Iamgold (Niobec mine) •

CIM Convention 2012

Thank you to our sponsors





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DISTRICT 3 COBALT: Mining Technologies International Inc., Northern College/Haileybury School of Mines, SMC CanadaLtd. • GTA WEST: Airborne Imaging, Century Iron Mines Corp., Dynamic Mutual Funds, Golder Associates, Hatch, NorthernCast Parts Company Inc., Raymond James/Landmark Wealth Management • PORCUPINE: Cameco, Hatch • SUDBURY:Atlas Copco, BESTECH, Cardinal Mining & Equipment Supply, Chess Controls, Corporate Symphony, Cubex, DMC Mining,DSI, Golder Associates, Hard Line Solutions, Hatch, Honeywell, Industrial Fabrication, Mine RP Canada Ltd., MTI, Normet,Orica, Sandvik, SNC Lavalin, SRK Consulting, Stantec, Symboticware, Technica Mining, Tesman Inc., Toromont, Tracks andWheels, Victaulic, Wabi • TORONTO: Luncheons: Cementation Canada Inc., IBK Capital Corp., Micon International Limited,Polar Star Mining, SNC Lavalin, The Peruvian Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Torex Gold Resources Inc.; FebruaryStudents Luncheon Sponsors: Reception Sponsor – Sandvik, Gold Sponsors – Barrick Gold, Franco-Nevada, Hatch, HudBay,IBK Capital, Kinross, PDAC, SNC Lavalin, Stantec, Wardrop/Tetratech, Xstrata, Silver Sponsors – Coffey Mining, DeBeersCanada, Deloitte, Golder Associates, Jacob’s Engineering, Royal Nickel; Tastes of Toronto Event Sponsors: PlatinumSponsors – Barrick, Hudbay, Jacobs, Gold Sponsors – Hatch, Heenan Blaikie, Kinross, PDAC, SNC Lavalin, Stantec, SilverSponsors – DeBeers Canada, Pincock Allen & Holt, RungePincockMinarco, Royal Nickel • DISTRICT 4 RED LAKE:AMC/Reflex, Atlas Copco, Boart Longyear, DMC Mining Services, Dyno Nobel, EECOL Electric, ESG, Goldcorp, Hatch, Hy-Tech Drilling, Orica, RC Moffat Supplies, Redpath, Rubicon, SGS, Sling-Choker, Tetra Tech • SASKATOON: GOLD: Stantec;SILVER: Hatch, K+S Potash Canada GP, SNC Lavalin; BRONZE: Applied Industrial Technologies, Bentley Systems Inc., CDMSystems Inc., RJC Industrial Design; WINE: Akzo Nobel Chemicals Ltd., AMEC, CDM Systems Inc., Cementation, EngComp,Front Line Industrial Solutions, JNE Welding, Kramer Ltd., Magna IV Engineering, McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.,Points Athabasca, Precision Electro Mechanical, Redhead Equipment, Tetra Tech, Victaulic, Western Process Equipment •THUNDER BAY: Goldcorp Inc. Musselwhite mine • DISTRICT 5 CALGARY: Golder Associated Ltd., Norwest Corporation,P&H MinePro Services Canada Ltd., Runge Mining Canada, Snowden Group, Teck Coal Limited, Terracon Geotechnique,Weir Minerals, Worley Parsons • EDMONTON: Graham Group, Imperial Oil • DISTRICT 6 CROWSNEST: Cummins, Finning,Maxxam, P&H, Teck • NORTH CENTRAL BC: The Friends of Children Society, Yes 2 It Program • SOUTH CENTRAL BC: ALSMetallurgy, Atlas Copco, BC Bearing Engineers - Div. of Motion Canada, Boundary Equipment, Caterpillar, Cool Creek &Rocky Mountain Agencies Ltd., Drillwell, Equipment Sales and Service, Finning, Global Inspections-NDT, Inc., HighlandValley, International Sales and Service, Joy Global/P&H, Kal Tire, KGHM Ajax Mining Inc., ME-Elecmetal, Moly-cop Canada,Motion Metrics, New Afton, Norcan, Pacific Coast Heavy Truck, Peck Tech Consulting Ltd., Petro-Canada Lubricants, PlowePower, Polycorp Ltd., Quadra Chemicals, Redson Mining Supply, Rock Construction, Shaws Enterpises, SMS Equipment,Trinity Mining and Construction Equipment, United Gear & Machine Works Ltd., Univar Canada Ltd., Wajax Equipment,Wenco, Wesco, Westwind • INTERNATIONAL LOS ANDES - CHILE: Atlas Copco • Barrick Chile • Bechtel Chile • Editec yBoyden • Golder • Hatch Ingenieros y Consultores • Lumina Copper • Minera Tres Valles • Redpath, Donwning Teal •Sadvick • SGS Minerals • SNC Lavalin • SRK Consulting • Teck Exploraciones




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Information TechnologyAll systems go!2012 was a pivotal year for CIM on the informationsystems and technology front. All of the systemsin support of operations were replaced to makeway for state-of-the art technology.

Changes of such great magnitude bringchallenges in all organizations, and CIM iscertainly no exception. Despite a few hiccups anddelays along the way, we can be very proud of allwe accomplished over the past year. All of thefollowing systems that were implemented in thevarious business units are operating and are ontrack to be fully integrated: Microsoft DynamicsGP (Accounting); Aptify (Member ManagementSoftware); Sitecore (Web Content ManagementSystem); Expocad (Online management forcommercial tradeshow booths); SharePoint(Document Management System).

A fresh new faceThe launch of the new, completely revamped CIMwebsite in July 2012 was definitely the most visibleaspect of the extensive IT changes to the national office systems. Even though the accessand functionality may appear to be similar for most members, the elimination of datareplication and the necessity of re-keying data from one system to another have resultedin much greater efficiency and the ability to increase the volume of transactions for thenational office staff.

The systems put in place also reduced theorganization’s dependence on an externalthird-party web provider that CIM hadengaged for over a decade. This autonomyhas certainly allowed us greater control andflexibility, which will increase as our systembecomes completely independent in 2013,enabling CIM to rely on our own internal ITresources to support and develop ourcurrent and future operations.

During 2013 and 2014, the IT team will alsocontinue the forward momentum towardsthe integration of key functional componentsincluding the management of: events,communications, publications, the TechnicalPaper Library, membership, businessstrategy, human resources, and accounting.


Newly redesigned CIM homepage

Member dashboard

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Social MediaCIM goes viralCIM entered the realm of social media in 2012, building communities on LinkedIn, Twitterand Facebook. The institute used social media channels to reach a global audience, toshare expertise, to provide a forum for discussion on topical industry issues, and topromote events.

Profiles on all three social media channels were created and managed atthe CIM National Office. The fastest growing channel – LinkedIn – hasattracted over 9,000 members to date, 60 per cent of whom are in themining and metals industry and 25 per cent of whom occupy a seniorposition. The CIM Group hosted a range of discussions where members

engaged on topics ranging from technical advancements and best practices to sharingachievements.

CIM’s Facebook fan page attracted over 500 fans from countries includingCanada, Pakistan and Peru, and featured content on local industry events,employment and scholarship opportunities for students, and professionaldevelopment advice. The fan page was also used as a venue to shareinformation about the institute’s activities, including posting CIM Magazinearticles to attract new readers.

CIM Magazine staff also participated in the organization’s social mediaactivity by creating individual Twitter accounts that were used to promotemagazine content, to stay on top of industry trends and to identify sourcesfor future stories. Magazine editors’ Twitter content was shared by industryprofessionals, effectively increasing unique page views of articles on the

website and building a wider readership.

Events in which CIM and some of its societies played an active role were promoted acrosssocial media platforms by event marketing firm Creativesenses. LinkedIn, Facebook andTwitter were utilized to raise event visibility, increase and broaden attendance, growengagement with participants, create hype around the events and build partnershipopportunities on local, national and international levels. Social media campaigns werecreated for the Sixth International Conference andExhibition on Mass Mining (MassMin2012) and the51st Annual Conference of Metallurgists(COM2012). The campaigns played a major role inhelping surpass participant targets forMassMin2012, which were exceeded by 136 percent. On Twitter alone, the MassMin2012 profilereached an audience of nearly 25,000 industryprofessionals. Content was focused on the technicalprogram, registration information, exhibitor detailsand sponsor recognition, and was updated severaltimes per week leading up to the event.

Social media campaigns for three 2013 events werelaunched in October 2012. Creativesenses ismanaging the promotion of the 2013 CIMConvention (TO13), the 23rd World Mining Congressand its sister show, the 30th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics inConstruction. Performance of the campaigns is being tracked, and online engagement ispicking up pace. Content sharing by followers, such as The Mosaic Company, whichcommunicated event details to its 1,400 followers, is helping the campaign reach abroad, international audience.

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Sustaining the IndustryW

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Corporate Social Responsibility CIM reflects the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for its members bypromoting the integration of responsible practices into all of their activities. The 2012CIM Convention featured a CSR-focused plenary session as well as an entire track of thetechnical program dedicated to the field. Both were developed in cooperation with theCIM Environmental and Social Responsibility Society (ESRS).

The CIM Convention also included a sustainability-themed pavilion as part of its Miningfor Society (M4S) public educational show. In cooperation with the Mining Association ofCanada (MAC), CIM held workshops on MAC’s Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM)program and on their Guide to the Management of Tailings Facilities. CIM underscoredthe importance of diversity through the Women in Mining (WIM) forum and a workshopunder the aboriginal initiative, Learning Together.

CIM recognizes excellence and leadership in sustainability through its annual SyncrudeAward for Excellence in Sustainable Development, which is presented to individuals,communities, organizations, corporations or academics working for positivesustainability effects in all industry sectors across Canada. In 2012, CIM nominated ChrisTwigge-Molecey as a CIM Distinguished Lecturer for the 2013-14 season, who willpresent on conflict minerals in CSR.

CSR is a field often covered in CIM Magazine and is an important component of Leadingin Mining – CIM’s leadership development program. It is also at the core of the institute’sinternational development activities. For example, in November 2012, CIM sponsored tworesearch projects on local supply chains and governance in Senegal, West Africa, incollaboration with Montreal’s Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC) and the CentreAfricain d’Études Supérieures en Gestion (CESAG).

CIM is also a strategic partner of the international coalition led by the University ofBritish Columbia, Simon Fraser University and École Polytechnique, and selected by theCanadian International Development Agency (CIDA) last November to operate the newCanadian International Institute for Extractive Industries and Development (CIIEID)announced by Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2011.

The Centre for Excellence in CSRCIM serves as the Secretariat of the Centre for Excellence in Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR) – a Government of Canada initiative announced in May 2009 as oneof the four pillars of the government’s strategy on CSR – and provides a coordinator forthe centre who is based at the national office. In line with its goal to help the extractiveindustry improve its social and environmental practices, the centre hosts face-to-facemulti-stakeholder dialogues to develop an inventory of leading CSR resources and toencourage practitioner dialogue and exchange through a web-based portal. Workingcommittees advance the work of the centre between executive committee meetings.

Following the success of its workshops on CSR in early exploration and on theimplications of the Guiding Principles for Implementation of the UN Framework for CSRin the Canadian extractive sector, the centre held a workshop on transparency in Ottawain February 2012. A second, more extensive workshop on this topic was held jointly withPricewaterhouseCoopers at the 2012 CIM Convention.

The centre embarked on the development of guidelines from a multi-stakeholderperspective on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECDMultinational Enterprise Guidelines, and the Voluntary Principles on Security and HumanRights. The centre’s Progress and 2012 Priorities Report is available on the centre’swebsite (


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April 2012 marked the end of the federal government’s provision of the core funding forthe centre through the Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada’s (DFAIT) GlobalPeace & Security Fund (GPSF). The executive committee is reviewing organizational andfunding models to help the centre adapt to this financial restraint.

International development: CIM expands global reachThe expansion of CIM’s international profile was among CIM’s top priorities for 2012. Theinstitute responded to our members’ growing need to be present in the global arena byestablishing partnerships with international organizations and government bodies in keyregions, namely West Africa and Latin America. We were involved in a variety of significantmultinational initiatives, collaborating on and hosting an array of global industry events –in Canada and abroad – and opened two new CIM branches and one new chapter outsideof Canada.

Close collaboration with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade(DFAIT) and the Government of Canada’s Trade Commissioners Service allowed theinstitute to connect with local governments and industry stakeholders on the ground inSenegal, Guinea, Mali and Côte d’Ivoire, and to support industry and member needs for astrong supply chain in West Africa.

Meeting with local government officials, such as Augusto Morelli, head of Peru’s consularpost in Vancouver, and deputy Armando Ludena, enabled the institute to identify commongoals for the industry’s development.

CIM also joined forces with various organizations located outside of our borders toencourage the exchange of knowledge and best practices. For example, the Global MiningProfessional Alliance (GMPA) – composed of CIM, the Society for Mining, Metallurgy andExploration (SME), the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AUSIMM), and theSouthern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) – began work to supportglobal industry needs by collaborating on a number of projects.







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Round table on business climate in West Africa, international competitiveness, CSR and Canadiandevelopment of strategic interests in the region

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Other initiatives included the formation of the InternationalMining Valuation Committee (IMVAL) in July, which is devoted toharmonizing approaches to valuation standards and integratingdevelopments in international accounting, and participation inthe Global Mining Standards Group (GMSG), a group driving thecreation and application of global standards and guidelines foroperating practices and procedures, technology methods andother key aspects that advance operational and financialperformance of mining projects.

To build its international profile presence in the industry, CIMhas been participating in, as well as actively and successfullyobtaining, hosting privileges for a multitude of internationalevents. In January, CIM held in the First Precious MetalsInvestment Summit in Dubai, forging ties with the Middle EastTrade Development Agency. In June, CIM hosted the SixthInternational Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining (MassMin2012), attracting over 900 attendees. In October, the institutepartnered with SME on the Second Annual Safety andResponsibility Conference, which was held in Minneapolis. TheCIM Third Annual China Mining Finance and Capital MarketsConference was held in Beijing in November and received awarm reception.

Active collaboration with international organizations andparticipation in global events created an appetite for CIMpresence on the ground in other jurisdictions, leading to thecreation of two new CIM branches: in Lima, Peru, and in Dakar,Senegal. Also, a chapter of the Management and EconomicSociety of CIM (MES) was opened in Hong Kong. The newbranches have established CIM’s territorial presence by hostingevents that brought international companies operating in theregion and local government representatives together around thecommon goal of defining affordable strategies to increaseefficiency and profitability, while mitigating risks.

International CIM branch activity included two well-attendedevents at the Lima, Peru branch: the official branch openingceremony, held on November 12, drew many high-profile miningsector professionals, and government representatives includingCanada’s Minister of State of Foreign Affairs Diane Ablonczy.Innovation in Mining 2013: Latin America, the Lima branch’sinaugural event which was held from November 20 to 30, alsoattracted a lot of attention and featured speakers from Norway,Canada, the U.S., Argentina and Peru. The event was sponsoredby Golder, Barrick, Antamina, Newmont, SNC-Lavalin, Hatch,Anglo, SGS, and local mining and mining support businesses.

In the coming year, CIM will continue to develop its internationalpresence, focusing on opportunities in West Africa and LatinAmerica.


CIM in West AfricaJANUARYCIM participates in EduCanada, an annualevent organized by the CanadianAssociation of Community Colleges (CCCA)and DFAIT to bring educationalopportunities to African youth.

CIM executive director Jean Vavrek signs amemorandum of understanding withCentre Africain d’Études Supérieures enGestion (CESAG) to collaborate ondeveloping mining-focused curriculums.

MAYWest African delegates attend CIMConvention 2012 in Edmonton to meet withlocal suppliers and to attend educationsessions.

JUNECIM participates in a trade mission toSenegal, Guinea and Côte d’Ivoire to meetwith industry and government executivesand to identify opportunities forknowledge sharing and supply chaindevelopment.

OCTOBERPrime Minister Stephen Harper invitesCIM to participate in a round tablediscussion in Dakar, Senegal, to seekinsight on strategies for collaboration withWest Africa.

CIM Branch opening in Dakar isannounced and CESAG is appointed as thebranch’s secretariat. The new branch istasked with leading two research projectsdeveloped by HEC Montreal and CESAG.

CIM presents at the First CSR Forum inAbidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

NOVEMBERThe West African district is created by CIMCouncil and the Dakar branch opens.

The CIM Gold Symposium, the first miningsymposium held in Dakar, and the CIMBranch’s inaugural event, is hosted byCESAG.

Being a CIM member means having the opportunity tointerrelate with the different disciplines and trades inthe mining world and to exchange views on a widerange of subjects.

– CIM Los Andes AG

MOU signing atCESAG, Dakar,Senegal



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M4S – Mining 4 SocietyThe public educational show on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Materials expandsCIM’s highly acclaimed M4S (Mining 4 Society) show educates thousands of peopleacross the country annually – including students and the general public. Since mining isonly one aspect of the intricate cycle, the show also incorporates the positivecontribution made by minerals, metals and materials as well, demonstrating the positiveimpact of the sector on daily life.

What an experience!M4S is offered free of charge as a means of increasing public knowledge of the entiremining cycle – from exploration and extraction to processing and reclamation. Theinteractive activities at each of the thematic pavilions make for an enjoyable, educativeand unforgettable experience. In addition, with over 145,000 jobs to fill in our sector byyear 2023, M4S allows CIM to showcase varied careers available directly and indirectly inthe mining industry.

During the show’s eight years, M4S has been held in conjunction with the annual CIMConvention in May and has greeted tens of thousands of visitors. In recent years,societies and branches have also requested to have editions of the event tailored andintegrated into their programs – with great success.

A growing demandThe demand for such free interactive events – especially in remote communities – hascome to exceed the means and resources at hand. In 2012, we were able to add one M4Sshow to our lineup – which took place in Quebec City in conjunction with Québec Minesfor all. CIM is frequently asked to broaden M4S’s reach and provide easier access to morepeople. Industry continues to reaffirm the importance of M4S, motivating staff to re-evaluate the model towards diversification and feasibility.

Regardless of how the M4S message is delivered, the primary objective remains toprovide factual information in an educative, enjoyable and engaging context. When peopleunderstand how activities of the mining cycle enhance their lives, they can also morereadily appreciate the measures adopted by industry to ensure sustainable miningpractices at each stage of the cycle.


M4S in Edmonton 2012



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Industry support neededEducating pays off but it costs. CIM finances the bulk of all costs involved to produce M4Sshows, including school transportation; exhibitors participate for free. The cost toproduce one show ranges from $70,000 to $150,000. Years of partial support fromvarious sponsors and partners hasmade M4S possible. However,dedicated and significant fundinghas yet to be confirmed, whichlimits our potential to fully carry outthe M4S mission. In cooperationwith leading industry partners,government, mining companies andsuppliers, as well as with thesupport of the Canadian Mining andMetallurgical Foundation (CMMF),CIM is investigating ways in which itcan vary the M4S model and addonline resources to complement thecurrent show format .

Only sustained and sufficientfunding would allow the M4S teamto develop exciting new educationalmaterials, community-specificactivities and online resources thatcan help expand its inspiring message to go beyond informing. With 10 technicalsocieties and over 35 branches, our members have an opportunity to help shape, leadand connect Canada’s mining industry with society – both within our borders and acrossthe globe.

In 2013, an interactive website exclusive to M4S will be launched and a social mediacommunity will be built to further our reach. Mining companies are invited to partnerwith CIM to make all M4S initiatives possible.


M4S 2012Held in conjunction with the 2012 CIM Convention (Edmonton)

Welcomed 3,200 students and teachers and 500 visitors

M4S QUEBECHeld in conjunction with Québec Mines for all

Welcomed 2,300 students and teachers and 500 visitors

“Wow, it's like the Olympics of mining. Thanks for including us this year, it was great!”

– Frank Sabino, teacher

M4S 2012

M4S 2012



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Distinguished Lecturers ProgramCIM Distinguished Lecturers are chosen on the basis of theiraccomplishments in scientific, technical, management oreducational activities related to the minerals industry. They speakat CIM Branch, CIM Society, CIM Student Chapter and universitymeetings across the country.

The CIM Distinguished Lecturers program is sponsored by AtlasCopco and the Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Foundation(CMMF).

During the 2012-13 season, 47 lectures were presented – anincrease of 27 per cent compared to the previous season – at 14CIM Branch meetings and 11 university functions.

Leadership DevelopmentCIM continued to support and deliver courses and programsgeared towards the continued professional development of miningprofessionals in 2012 including:• Edumine online certified courses, which qualify for continuing

education credit (CEU) units• McGill Seminar Series program run by the McGill University

Department of Mining and Materials Engineering

CIM also launched an exciting new leadership developmentprogram tailored for mining professionals in February 2012. CIM’sLeading in Mining is a 12-month program that fosters real-timetransformation in leadership behaviour and enhanceddevelopment. Spearheaded by CIM past-president Chuck Edwards,the program was developed in collaboration with Executive Workspresident Rosie Steeves.

The program is comprised of three intensive workshops andextensive personality and leadership assessments. In betweenworkshops, participants are coached and develop coaching skills,complete journals, and hold online discussion groups gearedtowards developing leadership skills. They also perform aleadership analysis following a mine site visit.

Leading in Mining is unique in that it is industry-specific, includesparticipants from a variety of organizations and encourages ahierarchical mix, all of which helps facilitate vertical growth anddevelopment. The first cohort was a success: participants feelbetter equipped to reflect on their leadership, develop a vision, andface the challenges of today’s global industry.

A second Leading in Mining cohort is scheduled to commence inMay 2013 in Toronto.

With Leading in Mining, CIM hopes to create a community ofleaders that will spearhead a positive evolution in leadershipbehaviour throughout the industry.


From top left:

n Klaus Kacy, senior technicalconsultants, ABB Inc., Westbank,B.C. Modern Hoisting system

n Barbara Kirby, senior director,MiHR Council, Ottawa, ON, and JimUtley, vice-president, TeckResources Limited, Vancouver, B.C.Canadian Mining Credentialsprogram, Certification:Recognizing and Retaining Skills

n Bernhard Klein, assistant professorand graduate advisor, University ofBritish Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.Energy Efficiency in Mining

n Hamid Mumin, professor, BrandonUniversity, Brandon, MB Iron OxideCopper-Gold Deposits in GeneticContext

n William Westgate, specialistservices and technology application,Hatch Ltd., Mississauga, ONProcesses and collaborationpropelling innovation throughexecution

DistinguishedLecturers 2011-12 SEASON

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The Canadian Mining &Metallurgical FoundationThe Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Foundation (CMMF) wasfounded in 1972, and is a non-profit charitable organization dedicatedto promoting and supporting education as well as best practices inthe many facets of the mining world. Through a variety of activitiesand programs, the foundation promotes mining as an enviable careeroption at all levels from primary school to University. Although aseparate legal entity from CIM, CMMF was established and continuesto be funded by CIM Individual Members.

CMMF had a busy and landmark year. In partnership with differentorganizations across Canada, the foundation launched the MineralCard Project: collections of informative mineral photo-cardsdesigned for primary and high school students.

The first set of cards depicts minerals from around the world. Thisset was distributed to teachers, and individual cards with access tothe online site were given to students at CIM’s Mining for Society(M4S) educational fair held during the 2012 CIM Convention. TheMineral Card Project became the point of reference for CMMF’smandate: to promote industry and support education. Following thecreation of this initial set of cards, many other collaborativeendeavours were organized to promote prominent Canadiancollections and to showcase some of our countries’ finest minerals.Thanks to the support of generous sponsors and donors, the mineralcards are available free of charge to educators, students and thegeneral public at cards.

CMMF also began touring with M4S, showcasing the Mineral CardProject and providing students with the opportunity to see theimportant role minerals play in their daily lives. In addition to the CIMConvention, CMMF participated in the M4S fair held at Québec Mines.It also participated in the CIM Exhibition, MassMin Conference, andCOM 2012, offering information about the foundation, its mandate, itsprograms and its activities. In line with its mission to raise funds topromote the mining industry and educational activities, in addition tothe Annual Campaign, CMMF has added hosting silent auctions to itsgrowing fundraising activities. The foundation continued to awardscholarships to deserving mining students and helped establish twonew scholarships for CIM’s Montreal Branch. These two newscholarships will be awarded to students studying mining in theprovince of Quebec

In 2012, the Hydrometallurgy Society, the CanadianMineral Processors Society and the CIM MontrealBranch decided to use CMMF as a vehicle throughwhich to administer their scholarships. CMMF iscurrently in discussions with other CIMconstituents to offer its services for themanagement of their funds.


From top left:

n Cheryl Allen, principal ventilationengineer, Vale, Sudbury, ONApplying automation technology tounderground ventilation systems

n George (Tony) Eltringham,consultant, Tony EltringhamConsulting, Walnut Creek, CA Fourdecades, Four Continents, FourCopper Operations – a PersonalPerspective on Constraints

n Wayne Goodfellow, researchscientist, Geological Survey ofCanada, Ottawa, ON Sedimentary-Exhalative (SEDEX) Deposits –Current Concepts on their Geology,Genesis and Exploration

n Michel Jébrak, professor, Universitédu Québec à Montréal, Montreal, QCInnovation in Mining Exploration

n Sergei Shipilov, professor,University of North Texas, Denton,TX Materials Degradation andCorrosion in a Sustainable Society

n Philip Thwaites manager, processcontrol, Xstrata Process Support,Sudbury, ON Manual Control,Process Automation – orOperational PerformanceExcellence?  What is the difference?

DistinguishedLecturers 2012-13 SEASON


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Industry StandardsCIM has long been in a leadership position in our contribution to the development andarticulation of industry standards and best practices in the areas of: mineral resourceand mineral reserve definition; estimation best practice guidelines; and mineralevaluation and reporting.

With the increasing globalization of the mining industry, international reportingstandards and definitions have been developing at a rapid pace, with many countries andorganizations establishing their own systems.

In 2012, CIM continued its efforts towards the harmonization of international MineralResource and Mineral Reserve definitions. These efforts were greatly facilitated by CIM’srepresentative on the Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards(CRIRSCO), Deborah McCombe, who is also currently serving as the CRIRSCOchairperson. Paul Bankes also represents CRIRSCO and CIM on the United NationsExpert Group on Resource Classification.

During 2012, the CIM – Standing Committee prepared an updated committee mandateand terms of reference and continued working with the technical staff from the CanadianSecurities Administrators, answering concerns associated with possible Li-brine reserveand resource definitions. The CIM – Standing Committee on Mineral Reserve and MineralResource Definitions also completed an update of all of the CIM definitions and guidancereferenced by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.Proposed changes to the definitions reflect requests for clarification and guidance fromindustry, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) and international organizations.The CIM – Standing Committee will begin a 90-day period of consultation with industryand CIM members on May 5, 2013.The committee plans to ask the CIM Council toapprove final definitions in late 2013.





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The CIM – Estimation Best Practice Guidelines Committee, led by Garth Kirkham, alsopublished several updates on best practice guidelines over the past year. Both BestPractices and Guidance for Mineral Processors Completion and Estimation BestPractices for Brine Resources and Reserves were reviewed by the committee andpublished. Also, the CIM – Estimation Best Practice Guidelines Committee worked on thedevelopment of Estimation Best Practices for Potash – an initiative that is still inprogress.

The CIM – Special Committee on the Valuation of Mineral Properties (CIMVal) continuesto set internationally recognized mining valuation standards; compliance with thecommittee being required by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange as well as the Toronto StockExchange – Venture. CIMVal was revamped in 2012, with co-chairs continuing to be KeithSpence and William Roscoe, but with a new secretary: Eden Oliver.  The committeecontinues to include members from a mix of disciplines, all of whom are involved inmining valuation. CIMVal is part of global efforts to have convergence among the keyinternational mining valuation standards and is working with organizations in Australia,South Africa, the U.K. and the U.S., as part of the International Mining ValuationsCommittee (IMVAL). IMVAL is expected to have a draft document in 2013. Once IMVALestablishes international convergence, CIMVal will tackle the process of revising theStandards and Guidelines.

Global Mining Standards and Guidelines Group (GMSG)This past year saw the official launch of the Global Mining Standards and GuidelinesGroup (GMSG) – an international organization for the mining community to endorse,advocate, facilitate, collaborate, educate, communicate research and develop miningindustry standards and guidelines for use by mining stakeholders, with the aim ofimproving operational and financial performance. Part of CIM’s Surface Mining Society(SMS), GMSG utilized the society’s funds asseed money. Its scope includes safety, systems,technology methods, measures, and operatingpractices and procedures.

In its first year, GMSG focused on establishingand building the foundations of the organizationto pave the way for concrete projects to moveforward in 2013. That being said, GMSG hasalready realized a number of tangibleaccomplishments including survey results anda prototype design for a common user interfacefor large shovels, not to mention a fast-growingglobal network that is bringing together acommunity of experts from around the worldand from a variety of backgrounds. Over thepast year three additional partner organizations– the Society of Mining and MetallurgicalEngineers, the Australasian Institute of Miningand Metallurgy, and the Surface MiningAssociation for Research and Technology – havejoined CIM in providing support, along with thefollowing companies: Total E&P, Shell Canada,Barrick Gold, Hitachi, Syncrude Canada,Suncor, Vale, 3D-P, Mosaic, Goldcorp, Agnico-Eagle, Joy Global (P&H), Newmont, Teck, FreeportMcMoRan, Jigsaw Leica, Kinross Gold, Liebherr, Wenco, Kal-Tire, Mining InformationSystems (MIS), KGHMi, RungePincockMinarco, SAP, and Atlas Copco.


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Scholarships, Bursaries & Awards Based on MeritCIM National, its societies and branches, as well as the Canadian Mining and MetallurgicalFoundation (CMMF), offer numerous annual scholarships, bursaries and financial awards.Scholarships are awarded to deserving students pursuing a career in particular facetsof/or related to the mining industry. These scholarships are made possible thanks to thegenerosity of corporate donors wishing to foster excellence in mining.

NATIONAL CIM NATIONAL/CAMECO: Cameco Mines and Mineral ProcessNorth American Engineering Scholarship, $30,000 • DE BEERS CANADAAND DIAVIK DIAMOND MINE (A JV BETWEEN RIO TINTO AND HARRYWINSTON): Taking Flight Scholarship, $4,000 • CMMF CMMF/CaterpillarInc. and its Canadian Dealers: Caterpillar Inc. and its Canadian DealersScholarship, $2,000 • CMMF/SCOTIABANK AND SCOTIA CAPITAL:Scotiabank and Capital Markets Scholarship, $2,000 • CMMF/MCINTOSHENGINEERING INC.: McIntosh Engineering Scholarship – technical,$15,000 • CMMF/MCINTOSH ENGINEERING INC.: McIntosh EngineeringScholarship – university, $60,000 • CMMF: Irene and Arthur FoleyScholarship for Polytechnique, $3,000

SOCIETIES UNDERGROUND MINING SOCIETY: Walter Bish, $1,500 • METALLURGY ANDMATERIALS SOCIETY: MetSoc Masters Student Scholarship, $3,000 • MetSocMetallurgical Doctoral Student Scholarship, $4,000 • Student Poster Prize, Amount mayvary • MATERIALS SECTION OF THE METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SOCIETY: D.A.R. KayMemorial Iron & Steel Section Award, $2,500 • HYDROMETALLURGY SECTION OF THEMETALLURGY AND MATERIALS SOCIETY: Hydrometallurgy Undergraduate Scholarship,$5,000 • Gordon M. Ritcey Award, $3,000 • MAINTENANCE AND ENGINEERING SOCIETY:Centennial Scholarship, $1,998 • J.D. Pat Patterson Memorial Scholarship, $1,500 • KenHildenbrant Memorial Scholarship, $2,000 • CANADIAN MINERAL PROCESSORSSOCIETY: André Laplante Memorial Scholarship, $5,000 • CMP Essay Contest, $2,000 +


In 2012, just over $200,000 in scholarships,bursaries andawards wereoffered.



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Lindsey Taylor - Queen’s University$2,000 Caterpillar and its Canadian Dealers Scholarship

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expenses to CMP Conferences, $1,750 • TORONTO BRANCH: Canadian MineralProcessors Mineral Processing Scholarship, $2,500 • MINING SOCIETY OF NOVA SCOTIA:Donald W. MacFadgen Memorial Scholarship, $500 • Frank Shea Memorial Scholarship,$500 • Centennial Scholarship Medal CIM, Medal • GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY: Actlabs BestStudent Paper Award, $1,000 • SASKATOON BRANCH: Wolfgang Sotereau MemorialScholarship, $1,000

BRANCHES CALGARY: U of C - Scholarship in Geology, $1,000 • U of C - Scholarship inEnvironmental Science, $1,000 • COBALT: Cobalt Branch CIM Instrumentation EntranceScholarship, $200 • Cobalt Branch CIM Mining Entrance Scholarship, $200 •CROWSNEST: CIM Scholarship (Crowsnest), $3,000 • CIM Trades Scholarship, $1,000 •EDMONTON: Edmonton Branch Mining Engineering Scholarships, $4,000 • EDMONTON(with ALBERTA CHAMBER OF RESOURCES & UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA SCHOOL OFMINES): Ian Muirhead Memorial Scholarship, $3,000 • Resource Industry Scholarship,$1,000 • Harold E. Lake Memorial Award, $300 • HAMILTON: Bay Area Science &Engineering Fair, $200 • HARRICANA: Les bourses d’études Roch Bélanger, $750 • Lesbourses d’études Roch Bélanger, $1,500 • MONTREAL: CIM Montreal Women’sAssociation Scholarships, $2,000 • NEW BRUNSWICK: Rory Kempster Memorial EarthScience Scholarship, $2,000 • NEWFOUNDLAND: Canadian Institute of Mining,Metallurgy and Petroleum Entrance Scholarship (Newfoundland Branch), $1,000 •Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Bursary (Newfoundland Branch),$1,000 • Golden Jubilee Scholarship, $2,000 • Silver Jubilee Scholarship, $2,000 •NORTHERN GATEWAY: CIM Northern Gateway Branch Student Awards Program, $500 •CIM Northern Gateway Branch Student Awards Program, $2,500 • QUEBEC: Bourse ICMSection de Québec, $1,000 (divided among four finalists) • RED LAKE: John KovalaMemorial Scholarship, $1,000 • SASKATOON: CIM Saskatoon Branch DependentChildren and Student member Scholarship Program, $5,000 (multiple) • SOUTHCENTRAL BC: Canadian Institute of Mining (Kamloops Branch) Bursary, $750 • Canadian

Institute of Mining (Kamloops Branch) Bursary, Amountvaries • Canadian Institute of Mining (Kamloops Branch)Bursary, $750 • SUDBURY: Canadian Institute of Miningand Metallurgy Bursary, $1,150 • Bourse de l’Institutcanadien des mines, de la metallurgie et du pétrole,$2,400 • Canadian Institute of Mining and MetallurgyBursary $796 • CIM – Maintenance Division Bursary forEngineering, Amount varies • Rudolph (Rudy) KneerMemorial Bursary, $2,400 • Jim Harling Memorial

Bursary, $1,200 • THETFORD MINES: Bourse d’études àl’intention des étudiants en géologie, génie géologique, génieminier et génie métallurgique ICM-TM, $1,500 • Bourse d’étudesà l’intention des étudiants en technologie minérale ICM-TM, $750• THOMPSON: CIM Scholarship for RDPC High School students,

$600 • THUNDER BAY: CIM Thunder Bay Branch Student Paper Night, $50 •VANCOUVER: Grad Studies Award, $6,000 • Undergrad Book Prizes, $7,500 • UndergradTurnbull Cup Photo Contest, $750


"I have spent several years trading mining stock on NorthAmerican exchanges in an effort to gain an appreciation ofmarket forces as they pertain to stock price valuation in theindustry. I'm realizing that good news in the fielddoesn't mean that the stock is going up."

– Nicholas Joyce, University of British ColumbiaNicholas Joyce, Universityof British Columbia$2,000 Scotiabank andScotia Capital MarketsScholarship



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Giving CreditHonouring industry’s bestThe celebration and recognition of excellence within the mining and minerals industry isa tradition of which CIM is extremely proud. Given out at every level of the organization –national, society and branch – the CIM awards honour industry’s finest for theiroutstanding contributions in various fields. Their achievements and dedication are whatmake Canada’s global mineral industry a force to be reckoned with.

In 2012, CIM developed and launched a new online awards nomination system, designedto simplify the nomination and selection process.

Initiated in May 2012, the Hatch-CIM Mining & Minerals Project Development SafetyAward will be awarded for the first time at the 2013 CIM Awards Gala. The awardrecognizes proactive efforts to achieve safety excellence in mining and mineral projectsdevelopments in the execution of a significant Canadian project.

Awards RecipientsNATIONAL John T. Ryan Trophies, Canada Trophy for Metal Mines: Xstrata Zinc Canada,Brunswick Mine • John T. Ryan Trophies, Canada Trophy for Select Mines: CanadianGypsum Company, Little Narrows • John T. Ryan Trophies, Canada Trophy for CoalMines: Sherritt Coal, Paintearth Mine • Mel W. Bartley Award: South Central B.C.Branch • Syncrude Award for Excellence in Sustainable Development: Britannia MineMuseum • CIM Distinguished Lecturers: Cheryl Allen, George Anthony Eltringham,Wayne Goodfellow, Michel Jébrak; Sergei Shipilov, Philip Thwaites • CIM-BedfordCanadian Young Mining Leaders Awards: Adam Tonnos, Benjamin Gelber, Sean Samson,Heather White • District 3 Distinguished Service Award: Stuart Greaves • UndergroundMining Society Award: Charles Graham • Barlow Memorial Medal: Li Zhen Cheng •Robert Elver Mineral Economics Award: Deborah McCombe • Julian Boldy MemorialAward: Garth Kirkham • J.C. Sproule Memorial Plaque: Shawn Ryan, Cathy Wood • A.O.Dufresne Award: Alex C. Brown • Members Award: Robert Lipic • Selwyn G. BlaylockMedal: Stephen Quin • Vale Medal: Alfonso Grau • CIM Distinguished Service Medal:


2012 CIM Convention: CIM Awards Gala



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Robert Onucki • CIM Fellowship: Akram Alfantazi, Alan Beavan, David Forrester, DavidRobertson, Edmond Lam, Edward Patton, Edward Yates, Georges Houlachi, JohnHadjigeorgiou, Jean-Pierre Martin, Luc Gagnon, Nathan Stubina, Tadeusz Dabrowski •Fifty-Year Club: Largo Albert, Lorne M. Ames, Arthur E. Ball, Leonard Bednarz, MerwinBernstein, Howard H. Bird, Robert L. Blake, Robert E. Buckley, Victor B. Cook, M. BarryDent, David J. Emery, Karl Glackmeyer, William Hendry, Eitel E. Hippler, H. DeanJourneaux, Norman A. Jull, Tad Kawase, Klaus V. Konigsmann, J.S. Livermore, A.W.Lockhart, John A. Macdonald, Hugh McQueen, John A. Nightingale, D.W. Niosi, A.R.Pasieka, Leslie G. Price, L.H. Rajala, J.S. Redpath, Robert J. Rodger, Douglas C. Ruse,Donald William Tully, William J. Wolfe

TECHNICAL SOCIETIES CANADIAN MINERAL PROCESSORS SOCIETY: MineralProcessor of the Year: Denis Cimon • Bill Moore Special Achievement: Brent Hilscher •Ray Macdonald Volunteer Award: Richard Robillard • Lifetime Achievement Award:Ernie Marcotte • Past-Chair: DonaldLeroux • Best Presentation: Robert J.Visintainer • Student Essay Award: SyedSaad Ali • GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY: Barlow:Li Zhen Cheng • Boldy: Garth Kirkham •JC Sproule: Sean Ryan and Cathy Wood •Distinguished Lecturer: Wayne Goodfellow• A.O. Dufresne: Alex Brown • SelwynBlaylock: Stephen Quin • METALLURGYAND MATERIALS SOCIETY (METSOC):Airey Award: Phillip J. Mackey • Rio TintoAlcan Award: David S. Wilkinson • SilverMedal: Andre Allaire • BrimacombeAward: Lukas Bichler • CIM DistinguishedLecturers: George A. Eltringham, SergeiShipilov • CIM Fellowship: AkramAlfantazi, Georges Houlachi, Edmond K.Lam, Jean-Pierre Martin (1951-2011),Nathan Stubina • SherrittHydrometallurgy Award: Eberhard Krause• Teck Environmental Award: V.I.Lakshmanan • ArcelorMittal DofascoAward: Michel Rigaud • MetSoc Best Paper Award: Muhammad Rashid, John B. Medley,Norman Y. Zhou • Non-Ferrous Pyrometallurgy Best Paper Award: Nubia Cardona,Pascal Coursol, Phillip J. Mackey, Roberto Parra, Juan Carlos Vargas • Light Metal BestPaper Award: Mihaita Matei, Augustin Gakwaya, Julie Levesque, Michel Guillot •Outstanding CIM-MetSoc Student Chapter: Université Laval • Gordon M. Ritcey Award:Thomas Feldmann • Best Student Poster Award: Paul Wu (First Best Poster), AminOliazadeh (Second Best Poster) • MINING SOCIETY OF NOVA SCOTIA: The Frank SheaAward: Erin Adlakha • The Mining Society Medal: Tony Barrett • A Life MemberCertificate: Fenton Isenor

BRANCHES NEW BRUNSWICK: NB Severity Award for Mine Safety: PotashCorp •QUEBEC NORD-EST: Bourse Excellence Hector Blake pour le 50ieme anniversaire de lasection: Adrian Predolu • HAMILTON: BASEF 2012 CIM Hamilton Branch AwardWinners: Ariana Spytkowsky, AbdelAziz Hendy • SUDBURY: Distinguished Lecturer:Cheryl Allen • Distinguished Lecturer: Phil Thwaites • THUNDER BAY: Student PaperPresentations: Robert Cundari, Robert Scott, Victoria Stinson • EDMONTON: EdmontonBranch Lifetime Achievement Awards: Gordon Morris, Chantal Murphy • NORTHCENTRAL B.C.: Northern B.C. Mentor Award: Christy Smith • VANCOUVER: CIMDistinguished Service: Bob Onucki


2012 CIM Convention: CIM Awards Gala



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FinancialsCanadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum

Statements of Revenues and ExpendituresYear ended December 31



Consolidated Branches, Societies and National Office

2012Revenues Conference, meetings and social activities $ 4,980 Advertising $ 1,636 Membership dues $ 1,070 Subscription & book sales $ 110 Investment income & gain or loss on exchange $ 165 Miscellaneous $ 28 ––––––––––––Total revenues $ 7,989

Expenses Conference, meetings and social activities $ 2,358 Commissions and sales expenses $ 472 Publications, subscriptions and mailings costs $ 858 Bank charges $ 71 Promotion and internet $ 136 Office expenses $ 860 Salaries and fringes $ 2,800 Professional fees $ 200 Awards, scholarships and program expenses $ 242 Council, business and travel expenses $ 143 ––––––––––––Total expenses $ 8,140 ––––––––––––Net results $ (151) –––––––––––– ––––––––––––

The above financial summaries was prepared by CIM from information provided by the CIM National Office, participating CIM Branches and CIM Societies.

Participation of branches and societies is not consistent year on year, and may impact the comparability of results presented.

These reports have not been audited.

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Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and PetroleumBalance Sheet

as at December 31($000)


Consolidated Branches, Societies and National Office


Current Cash $ 1,299 Short-term investments $ 1,013 Interest receivable $ 49 Accounts receivable $ 534 Sundry receivable $ 105 Prepaid expenses and sundry assets $ 699 –––––––––––– $ 3,699

Investments $ 4,014 Capital assets $ 2,024 ––––––––––––Total assets $ 9,737 –––––––––––– ––––––––––––

Liabilities Current Accounts payable $ 1,136 Members dues received in advance $ 329 Subscriptions received in advance $ 30 Deferred revenues $ 2,220 ––––––––––––Total liabilities $ 3,715

Members Equity

Internally restricted net assets $ 1,736 Reserve $ 2,000 Unrestricted net assets $ 2,286 ––––––––––––Total members equity $ 6,022 ––––––––––––Total liabilities and members equity $ 9,737 –––––––––––– ––––––––––––

The above financial summaries was prepared by CIM from information provided by the CIM National Office, participating CIM Branches and CIM Societies.

Participation of branches and societies is not consistent year on year, and may impact the comparability of results presented.

These reports have not been audited.

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Message from the incoming president (2013-14)

Doing business a better wayIn the year leading up to my term as 2013-14 CIM president, several initiatives were set

in motion that will positively impact the institute and its members when they reachfruition in the next 12 months or so.

Four years ago, CIM developed a blueprint laying out a plan for modernization andgrowth that has proven to be very productive. It enables us to bring our staffing,

information resources and business processes into the21st century. As a result of this strategic exercise, weidentified ourselves as “The Community for LeadingIndustry Expertise,” and all of our activities since havebeen advanced to achieve this goal. During 2013-14, CIMwill re-energize our strategic efforts. We will not be re-inventing our strategic plan because it remains asrelevant as ever, but rather, we will be looking at itthrough a fresh lens to help us define new and improveways in which we can do our business “a better way.”

At the end of this process, “a better way” will lead to anaction plan that consolidates our expertise and bestpractices within the CIM community – including ourmembers, committees, branches, societies, industrypartners and supporters – so that we could maximizeour core values over time, using all of the resources athand through the facilitation of the volunteer leadershipand the professional staff.

In addition to focusing the energies of our membership,societies and financial supporters within CIM, we arealso seeking to expand Canadian leadership in miningbeyond our borders. CIM is engaged in dialogues with

sister societies and institutes in several countries, paving the way for greatercommunication and the exchange of ideas and technologies. This will assure that theimplementation of the high standards of performance demanded at our domesticoperations will be translated to mines and jurisdictions around the globe. In addition, wewill explore ways for sharing many member benefits across these mining societies. Inthe end, we can help improve operational efficiencies, environmental stewardship,education and outreach, community responsibility and governmental transparencyacross the global minerals industry, thereby solidifying our ability to earn the sociallicence to operate wherever we wish to do business. We hope to complete a basicmultilateral agreement for cooperation among these institutes by the end of 2013.

In 2013, in Canada, CIM will also undergo a restructuring, reducing the number of itsdistricts from six to three. Each district will be represented by two vice-presidents whowill serve overlapping, staggered two-year terms. In addition, a new role was developedfor CIM “ambassadors.” This will be an honorary role to be held by long-standingmembers of the institute who have been active at a national level on council and/or

Going forwardCo


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through the societies. They will be individuals who are knowledgeable about district andnational activities and interests, who desire to remain active in a support and mentoringrole to the district vice-presidents, and occasionally, who will serve as the representativeat branch or district activities and events. The combined efforts of the two vice-presidents and ambassadors will help improve the connection and communicationbetween the CIM National Office and the branches, bringing greater value tomembership in the institute. In addition, we plan to hold a CIM Leadership Congress inMay 2014, in conjunction with the annual CIM Convention that will bring branch, district,society and council leaders together to address the business of the institute. It will alsoinclude an orientation and mentoring program for leaders – on all levels. We seek tomake this a regular event at our annual convention.

The strong interest in green mining technology and emerging technologies that requireutilization of rare earths and other minerals will enable us to provide more content inthese areas while working in close collaboration with Natural Resources Canada and theCanada Mining Innovation Council. The strong emerging business case for diversity,coupled with indications of the high value CIM can bring to areas, such as gender andaboriginal inclusion, should see us developing more activities and content here as well.In addition, the continued dialogue and experience working more closely with tradecommissioners will see us continuing to strengthen our relationships with variousfederal ministries and agencies.

Finally, beginning in 2014, the CIM Convention will commence a two-city rotation over a10-year period, alternating annually between Montreal and Vancouver. In conjunctionwith this decision, a new model for developing and managing the technical programmingwas deemed necessary. In response, a new Technical Program Planning Committee isbeing established that will include a member from each CIM Society as well asmembers-at-large. The position of general chairman and committee membership will befilled through succession planning involving a three-to-four-year rotation. Branchmembers will be committee membership, encouraged by the branches to participate onthis national level committee, and one need not reside in one of the host cities to be amember.

Over the past few years I have had a terrific opportunity to learn about the important rolethat CIM plays in mining – both in Canada and worldwide – from some great mentors. Ihave discovered that CIM has more to offer to its members and the industry that goesbeyond quality technical publications and national and local meetings. Keeping abreastof CIM lifts the performance of the mining professional, and by working with CIM, miningindustry leaders can have an immensely positive influence on public awareness andgovernment policy that impacts our industry.

I am looking forward to meeting and working with many members in the coming year. Itwill be exciting and rewarding to work with CIM’s volunteer leadership and its great staffto advance the agenda outlined for 2013-14.

I strongly encourage every member to seek ways to become involved in CIM – at the localand national levels. It is a wonderful way to get to know the organization and recognizeits many benefits. In that way, all members can make CIM their “Community for LeadingIndustry Expertise.”

Robert Schafer

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