chipley banner. (chipley, florida) 1898-08-06 [p...

1 ls a E- Zima rab1eUF- TIIE L N ER PS A UhII1Sl- JU1I1 Trolns Leave Pensaoola No BIust Moll 610 n m No 21Mixed 1165 pm Arrrivu lit ClllPLEY No 3Yust Mall 1913 u m No 21XIUed 000nm Arrive River Junction No8Fast Mall 1140 n m- Nn21Mixed 815am e SOUTH Trains Leave Klver Junction No 2Past Mall 520 p m No 2Mlxed luOOom- UilveatCIIlPLEY No 2Fast Mall 047pm No 22Mixed 1242pm Arrive Penaacola f- No2 FostMall 1103 p ru No22 Nixed OS5pru Tralu No 3 South makes Immediate ieetlonwith the V C A P for Jocksonvlllcn- nd all points South Tram Sg 2 North makes connection at Llomaton with tralrt via Montgomery for ill points both East and Welt also with rube for Mobile New Orleans and tho South- West Trains No 3 nud No2 carry sleeper- For further Information mldiuss 0 J W LURION- Penftacola Fla LoGdl aijd Personal I The political pot Is hi lnnlng to bile Mr TE Gainer of Econflna was a Istor hero last Saturday C G Allen and J L Hall visited Pen acola last week on business- J j E Mlnchcn has been appointed reg nation office for precinct No 7 L J L Ball left Thursday morning for the country to look up some oflenders Remember one thing we are not re- sponsible ¬ for the views of our correspond ents- 1docateYour Itowtli With Cutraret r Candy U0CCialldruggtstsretuadmonor Work en tho now brick block Is beln delayed on account of the failure of lime f to come Sayl dont forget that Campbell < But- ler Is here with goods and prices to suit the times Mr J R Wells came In Sunday from Atlanta Ga where had been spending porno days- Esquire D J Jones Sheriff Allen T Y Watts W 0 Butler Esqr and others visited Vernon Monday Mr Fooser has been hero with his crew of bridge men several days making some I repairs to railroad bridges Our town presented a lively appearance lest Saturday a large number of people from tho country were here Tne Rev W B Costley ol Stockbrldne- Ga while attending to his pastoral duties at Ellenwood that state was attacked by choleramorbus Ilu says By chance I happened to get bold of a bottle ol Chain berlalns Colic Cholera and Dlnrrnocn Rem edy nnj I think it was the means of spy lag my life It relieved me nt once For sale by J R Fnrrlor Some of our merchants suffered consld arable In the storm Wednesday their f goods being damaged by water Messrs E N Dclilc and A R Wells left Tuesday morning for Orlando to at end the State Democratic convention Mr Eason Tharp and David Katzen aye openedup a general merchandise business In Mr C Thaws new building- Mr T L Davis brought us a stalk of corn this week which had nine well de ¬ veloped ears on It He has quite a lot of this kind- T Y Watts deputy US Marshal camp In Saturday from DeFunlak where he had been to carry some violators of Uncle Sams statutes Somebody said they thought that ex Senator Call candidate limited would speak somewhere In this county some ¬ time in the future Two Millions a Year Wnen < buy try and buy again it means theyre The of the United States are now buying CtiscareU Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million a year and it will be three million be- fore New Years It meant merit proved that Cascarets are the most delightful regulator for aboxx year emote A- Udruggiltllc 25c roc cure Mr G A Danley brought us Tuesday samples of corn from a ro acre Held ot his that would do credit to any rich bottom- land The talks have two to three large ears to the stalk and everyone who has seen bis field of corn says it will yield at least twently bushels to tho acrp possibly more and this is made on common pine I land This shows what Industry will do He also brought samples of Kaffir corn and Mlllftt that is as fine as we have ev- er ¬ seen Mr Dnley Is a fine farmer and what he grows will show an ><one what can be done by coupling perseverance with Intelligence i t t CABINET EXPECT PEACE SPAINS AN8WEB WIIJ rilODABLV DE WADE 11118 WEEK Washington Ang IJThe Cabinet ses- sion ¬ today which had promised to be Im- portant ¬ In view of tho pending peace propositions proved to bo uneventful It occupied an hoar and ten minutes and was devoted largely to talking over mi- nor ¬ war details The Informal exchange of views of in- dividual ¬ members during the meeting In ¬ dicated strong belief In peace though- no word of any kind hnd yet come from the Spanish government- One member of the Cabinet said after the meeting that ho expected the Spanish reply would be made to this Government some day this week but that when peace could be made operative Is problematical AMERICAS TERMS The follnwlng Is tho official statement given out by authority of tho President- at the State Department as to the terms- of peace offered by tho United States- In order to remove any misapprehen ¬ slon In regard to the negotiations us to race between tho States and Spain It Is deemed to sa tho terms offered by tho United States to Spain In tho not handed to the French Ambassador on Saturday last are In sub sta co as follows The President docs not now put forward any claim for pecuniary Indemnity but requires the relinquishment of all claim of sovereignty over the Island of Cuba as well as Immediate evacuation by Spain of the Island tho cession to tho United States and Immediate evacuation- of Porto Rico and other Islands under Spanish sovereignty In the Nest Indies and the like cession of an Island In tho Ladrones Thin United States will occupy and hold tho city bay and harborof Ma ¬ nila pending the conclusion of a treaty of peace which shall determine tho con trol and government of thn Philippines If these terms are accepted by Spain In their entirety It Is stated that the commissioners will be named by thn United States to moot commissioners on the part of Spain for the purpose of con ¬ a tr of peace on basis above Indicated- An Cncxrtln DUemM There is no disease more uncertain In its nature than dyspepsia Physicians that the symptoms of no two cases It is therefore most difficult to make a correct diagnosis No matter how severe or under whatdhgulsedppepsteattaeksyou Browne cure In all diea of the stomach Hood and nerves Browns Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers Mr C GAlleD has contracted with Mr J W Newton to clear offtho debris from his stable lot and rebuild tho house blown down by Wednesdays storm We are gird to see this spirit exhibited there Is no use to quit because of misfortune Tho following Is from the health officer- of this county to Dr J Y Porter State Health Officer and It shows conclusively- that the health of Washington county Is Rood From all the Information I can gather there Is some Improvement In the general health of tho county for this month There are still a few cases of Ty ¬ phoid and Malarial fevers Tho smallpox- I reported to you at this place Is really not In Washington county but In Jackson county just across time line close to Chip Icy Wo have Smallpox or other con- tagious ¬ disease In this county The san ¬ itary condition of tbo county Is good COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS July 51809City Council met at 8 pm Present R C Horne chairman J Uax ley T D White and T E Langston Mlnutts of last regular meeting read and approved Moved and seconded that R C Horne examine the Clerks books and report at the next meeting It was or- dered ¬ that the town of Chipley pay Mr Paynes account as rendered amount f2- It was also ordered that R C Homes ¬ count bo paid Motion that Mrs S Col ¬ liers property be reduced from tSOO as as- sessed ¬ now to fOOO It was ordered that the Marshals accounts bo paid for the months of March April May and June amounting to 11824 THE STORM Wednesday morning at about oclock one of the worst wind storms we have ev- er experienced struck our town It blew from the northeast until about oclock when It veered to the south then to the southwest Nearly all fencing In town was leveled to the ground numerous shade trees and other timber was uproot- ed ¬ and several buildings were blown down But the most serious damagedono was to the large new twostory livery stable ol Mr C 0 Allen The wind flat careened the building west then when the wind shifted It was turned back and blown to the ground It will be a total loss bo also lost two now buggies and two backs This falls heavy on Charlie- as he had Jnst commenced to put In good lot of stock and buggies Alautone month ago my child which Is fifteen mcntbsold hdan attack of diar ¬ rhoea accompanied by vomiting I gave It such remedies 01 are usually given in such cases but nothing gave relief we Bent for a physician and It wai under his care foraweeltAt this time the child bad been sick for ten days and was hav- ing ¬ about twentyflve operations of the ton els every twelve hours and we were convinced that unless soon obtained re- lief ¬ It would not live Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was recom- mended ¬ and I decided to try It I soon no tlced a change for the better by its contin- ued ¬ use a complete cure was brought about and now It la perfectly healthy C L Boos Stumptown Gilmer Co W Va For sale Uy It 1L Farrior r 4i > 1 i 0- q 1P COMMfNICATED i FROM ASOLDIERBOY- Fcnwidltm Fla Aim 11SS nlroR HANNEJI- I> cartrI suppose some of tour ndfr8 would like to user from tho situ left Chlnlcy with the Intention of go- UK to the war and who arc sadly disap- pointed ¬ at not liavlngBono yet ¬ we will not got to go more wo arq getting of eating hard tack Foldlor trots sleeping In the sand and meeting people and not being to bv any of them But this Is an actual fact or at least has been Before we left Tampa wo were not rec- ognized ¬ as being people of tho white race tis truo we were very dark but some o wasnt born of the United States for tho respectable pcoplo would not notice us And wile pun- ishment ¬ of this kind from them for a ¬ dy couldnt fo on tho streets without be ¬ ing Insulted by some soldier I dont mean to say we deserved this punish- ment ¬ but they had to treat all alike In order et the right ones Vc find the people hero very different to those at Tampa They treat us very well Indeed and seem to do everything possible to make it pleasant for us ore camped between town and the beach Our bathing facilities cant be excelled at any place nnd morn- Ing between five oclock there Is- fromroo to ooo of Uncle Sams boys bath- ing In the old ocean We- T Monday to be ready to hoardtransports Thursday orto Rico a good many of us didnt think wo would go but Crazy Rlplny known In as Prof J M said he be ¬ lieved we would BO N worth yester- day ¬ I thanked him for tho lull amount grieved him vorymucjt you can Im magma bow a man to lose five dollars who Is too stingy to wear under clothes and socks when are given to himWe have two new members from Chip this makes twentythree In all who have proved to be far tho average soldier In conduct drilling and In sever- al ¬ other ways that could mention Very near all the Chl le boys were ex- pressing ¬ their regret tho when wo the news that Mr Horne was not nominated fot Treasurer and all say If hn Is not yet elected Washington county will lose a most efficient ofllco We havo only had one real snd occur ranco In our company and that was the death of which occurred yesterday Ho was looked upon as bring one of our bostmen and we regretted much to glvo him up but I am glad to say there was ono man In Co who was prepared In every respect to die It was private Stokes ONE OF EM C JONES Esqr Chlploy Fin Dear Sir In tho MANNER of July 30th you unwittingly do Injustice to a majorl- tv ¬ of tho Republicans who mass meeting at Vernon on Tho mooting was calledhto order at 120 m In tho R L Scar ¬ lett The vote on and perma ¬ nent organization demonstrated that J II Brown had 01 to R L Searle It 70 votes Mr Scarlett participated securing per- manent ¬ organisation and the meeting was harmonious until that was reached Mr Scarlett then bolted his friends In the meeting and In the GALLERY follow- ing ¬ him to the schoolhouse There Is no antiLong faction In Washington county known to tho writer- In fact the action of the Ware faction so culled In case to the people In mass meeting was In accord ¬ ance with views of Judge Long as ex ¬ to the writer when tho Judgoad- vised ¬ that wo harmonize and avoid send- ing ¬ contesting delegations to the Conven ¬ tion The writer having been the recipi- ent ¬ of Judge Longs courtes has room In his heart for only tho kindliest feelings towards ono who reflects credit on honorable position ho holds By giving publicity to the foregoing you will add to your reputation for fairness and greatly oblige Yours respectfully ARE- EDITOR BANNER Dear SlrI notice In your Issue of Ju ly 30th an article InreferencetoaReIubI- Ican ¬ mass meeting nt vernon July 23rd stating that after some trouble tho Long and antilong factions But It seems that the Long men are ahead as on a poll taken It showed the Long fac- tion ¬ 105 antiLong 78 The above Is the most grievous mis- statement of the truth ever accredited to any one making a pretense to truth Al ¬ low me to make the correction The mass meeting referred to was nei ¬ ther a Lon nor an meeting but K meeting called bv R L for the purpose of electing delegates to the State and Congressional conventions to to held In the near future To this meet ¬ ing tho Republicans of this county turn ¬ ed out with the avowed purpose reu- niting ¬ the already and disorgan- ized ¬ Republican ranks and presenting to the an unbroken front This meeting was called to order by R L Scarlett votes were taken for ¬ and permanent organization In which Hon J H Brown was elected as chairman by a majority of perhaps twen ¬ ty votes at this R L with his faction Including Democrats and Populists the meeting passed res ¬ extollng the President tho Ar ¬ my and Navy Judge Long and others and the Ware faction AntiLong This miserable attempt to curry favor with Jndge tlmo is too contempt ¬ ible for further notice I have to state that tho only Inter- est ¬ the Ware faction of the Republican party of this has Is to the together and with the greatest re- spect ¬ to Judge Long and other leaders of our party In Florida we propose to stand by without fear or favor Yours L WISELOGEL- The Information which constituted the body and sense of the article referred ID above was given us by R L Scarlett on Monday after the meeting and wo pub- lished ¬ It In good faith thinking what be told us was correct Wo publish the cor ¬ rection wlh pleasure as it Is not or will to do Injustice to any one EDITOR Deantr Ia Blood Deep Clean blood means a clean akin No beauty without It CatcareU Candy Cathar- tic ¬ clean your blood and keep it clean by stirring up lazy liver and driving all im- purities ¬ from to pimples boils blotches blackhead and bilious complexion by taking Caecaretsbeauty for ten cents All drug gusts guaranteed 6Oc From all directions wo can hear of the disastrous effects of Wednesdays storm Fencing down stock In fields corn and cotton laid flat to the ground The loss to the country through which It passed will be great 1 i F i f i <1 6 cr 1 CAMPBELL BUTLER Stiocssori 13 N Dcklo LEADERS OF LOW PRICES Always Alive TO TI1K WANTS OF THE PEOPLE- We 0 o Invite You to come and see tfre ezcellent values we are offering in AU Unite of FoolwBUrr O o OurCLOTIING Is Fresh and Clean OUR PRICES THE LOWEST PROMPT find OAUEFUIi attention CAMPHJj BDTIIR We are very glad to note tho Improved condition of Mrs Chaflh Cotton who has been very sick We hope the Im- provement ¬ will bo steady and that In u short time she will be entirely woll THE BENT REMEDY FUR FLUX Mr loan Matblas a well known stock denier of Pulnskl Ky says After euf ferine for over a week with flux nod my physician having Inllnd to relieve me I was advised to try Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and have the pleasure ot stating that the hair of one bottle cured me For sale by J ItFarrlor NOTICE- An examination for teachers will be- held In the courthouse at Vernon begin- ning ¬ at 0 oclock on Tuesday tho Oth day of September and lasting not less than throe 3 da s Examinees must provide themselves with Ink legalcap pa- per ¬ and written endorsements of good moral character Examination foe Is one dollar Tho examination In Theory and Practice of will be taken from Brownings Educational Theories pub- lished ¬ bv Kellogg Co Now N Y W C LOCKEY Supt Pub Inst Washington Co NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- Land Office at Gainesville Flo June 27 IS5t Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Inten- tion ¬ to make duns proof of his claim nnd that sold proof wilmade be- fore Clerk Circuit Court at Vernon Fin cu August 13188 viz fnmuel W Jones of Duncan Fin hid No 21900 for the W K of- N1VyandNEyorNlVy See 2 Tp aN- R 14lY lJe names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resldenco upon and cultivation of Mid land viz M A Bowen I Joseph White John White Isaac Shores nil of Duncan Flow ROBINSON Ed lee paid Register NOTICE FOIL FUIIUOATION Land Otllce atUalnesvllle Fla August 11898 Notice Is heieby given that tho following named settler has tiled notice of his Inten- tion ¬ to make final proof In support of his claim and that said proof will be made be- fore D D Melvin County Judge at Vernon Kla on September 17th 1893 viz s Thomas Jefferson iv ilcnx of Wausau Fin Hd No 24004 for the > KK Sec SO TI 8N R14 W He names the following witnesses to prm his continuous residence and cultivation of said land vizi Joha Tiller Thomas Jones James Lay Iverson Malner alt of Wausau FlaW G KOBINSON Register NOTIBE F K PUBLICATION- Land Office at Gainesville Fla August 1 1998 Notice is hereby given that tl o following named settle has tiled notice of his lntnt- lon to make final proof In support of his claim and that be¬ fore Clerk Circuit Court at Vernon Fla on September 17th lEOS vizr John Kent of lid No 2300 for tbo W M of 8W Sec 8 Tp 8 X U12 W He names following witnesses to his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Bild land vis WT Brook James Steward J W Waters William lung all of Orange Hill Fla W HOBlNSON Ed fee paid Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Laad Office at Gainesville Fla August 118i 8 Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has led notice of his Inten- tion ¬ tp mnke final proof In support of his claim nnd that be- fore Clerk of Circuit Court at Vernon Fa on eptember 17th 18T8 viz Harris Kent of pJeylI1n lid No 23098 for the 8WK Sec L Tp 8N H12 W He names the following witnesses to prot his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land vizi W T Brock Jaraer Steward J W Waters William Long all of Orange Hill Flu W G ROBISEOV Ed fee paid Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICAHON Land Office etGaloesvllle Fla August 11818 Notice U herebylrtveolbat the following named has notice of tlon to mokefinal root In support ot his claim and teat said proof will bo made be- fore Clerk of Clrcnlt at Vernon Fla on September 17tb l18f1S viz Wes Kent of iooio for the SK Sec Tp 8 V 7 1112W- He names following wltueises to prove his continuous residence upon cultivation of said land viz T hock James Steward J W WaUrs William Long all of Orange Bill Fla W G BOBLM50N Ed fee Paid Register 4- h > I j Notice of Election I ViiKiiKA8 The Legislature of 1811iIn ¬ tier the of 1P85 of the State of Florida did pass Three Joint Resolutions proposing Amendments to tho Constitution ot Florida nnd the sirae were agreed by n vote threeUfths of nil the Members abated to each House that the vote on amid Joint Resolutions wore enter ed upon their respective Journals with the yeas and nnjs and they did deter ¬ mine nnd direct that the said Joint Resolu- tions ¬ bo submitted to the Electors of the auto It the General Election In November 1803 Now Therefore I John L Crawford Secretary of Stnte of the State of Florida hereby give notice that n 1110 OENUUAL ELECTION 1 will be held III each county In Florida on Tuesday next succeeding the tint Monday I nber A D 1803 tho said Tuesday being the- I ElGUTd DAY OF NOVEMBER for the Htultlcatloit or Rejection of tbo said I Jolit Resolutions proposing Amendments to the Constitution of State of Florida las follows viz ARTICLE XII 1 Section 13 of ArtlcloXVI shall bo and le- amended so as to rend as follows i Section 13 The sureties the official bonds of all State county and municipal of fleets shall bo residents ol and have suffi- cient ¬ visible property unencumbered with I lii the State not exempt from solo under le- gal process to make good their bonds nod the sureties upon the official bonds of nil county nod municipal officers shall reside within the county where their principals upon such bonds reside nnd ¬ ficient visible and unencumbered property In such county that Is not exempt from sale under legal process to good their liability on such bonds Provided That any duly organized and responsible Guar- antee ¬ or Company foreign or domestic lawfully doing In this State may become nnd e accepted na sur- ely ¬ on all such official ARTICLE XIII Section 8H Article V of tbo Constitu- tion ¬ of the Sta te of Florida Is hereby amend cd so IB to rend an follows Section 35 No courts other thnn herein specified shall be established In this Sate except that the Legislature clothe any Railroad CommissIOn with Judicial Powers In all matters connected with the functions of their office > ARTICLE XIV Add the following as Section 84 of Arti- cle ¬ III Section 81 Immediately upon tbo Im- peaehment ¬ of any Officer the house of Representatives he shall be disqualified- from performing of the duties of his of- fice until acquitted by the Senate and too Governor shall nc once ap- point ¬ an Incumbent to fill such office pond irK Impeachment proceedings In case of the Impeaohment of the Governor the PicBldentof the Senate or la case of the death resignation or Inability of the Presl Identof the Senate the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall sot as Gov- ernor pending the Impeachment Proceed- ings ¬ against thj Governor The votes cast In compliance with said proposed canvass and returns thereof shall be subjected to the same regulations nnd re strlctlous as are provided bv law for gener- al elections In the State of Florida The attention of the Sheriff Is called to the Inw requiring him to cause a Notice of said Election to bo published In a Newspa- per ¬ printed In the county If there be a pa ¬ per county and there be no paper published In county he shall cause at copies of tide Notice In the most public In the county In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand affixed the Great Soul of the State nf Florida at Tallahassee tbo Capital this the 80th day of July 1803 L S JOHN L CRAWFORD Secretary of State To 0 G ALLEN Sheriff Washington County The BNNER prints all kinds ot office eta tlonery Give us an order NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at Gainesville Via July 111806 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler ha tiled notice of loten tuition to make fiual proof In support nf his claim and that said proof will bo beg tore Clerk Circuit Court at Vernon Fla on August 27th19O8 viz William G Grant ham of Wauian Fla hid No 28310 for the YM of NEK Sec 24 Tp 8 N R 14 W He names the following witnesses to cultivation continuous of snld land viz Nu1Taylor TL ones W N Carter Levi Brock all of Wauau Fla W Q ROB1N8ON Resister- REGISTRATION NOTICE The Registration Books for Washing Ington were opened at Vernon Qn t Monday August 1 1899 and will be i open as the law directs The books will at the different precincts on the first Monday In Scprombcrandkeptopen as cD DOS TICK Registration officer Washington C Do You fi Take THE BANNER 4 If not I Why notW- o will send TILE BANNER post paid- to any address for 11 per year We for six months 25c for three months OrWo will send THE BANNER and the New Yrok TbriceaWcek World one year r lor 105 i OrWe will send TUB BANNSR and the Atlanta Weekly Journal ono year for 140 OrII you want all three papers Tins BANNER The Now York World The At- lanta ¬ t Journal We will make the extreme- ly low price of only 200 fQr the three paM- pers i C You r You never good papers worse V than you need them now While tbo war cloud hangs over tbe Nation you should + hear the thunder nod see the flashes and in order to do this you must toad good papers 1 Today is tho acceptable limo to subscribe i for t THE BANNER Chlpley FJa 1 BENJ S lU > DUN JOIN EAGAN ExChief Justice Atty anti Con State of flu suitor at Law Liddoii Iuguij t Attorneys Counselors At Law Pensnroln Florida WfcWill practice In nil time Courts of First Judicial Florida in the United States Court lit Pensacoln and Tallahassee and In the Supreme Courol tbo State of Florida Judge Liddon will give attention to business In Washington Holmes Jackson and counties Mr Engan will vivo special nttentlon to business the United States court w- a J C COTTON > V ATTOHNEY AT LAW WESTyJLLE FLORIDA Has U years experience pOf co In Court house AD CARMICHAEL Attorney at Law Collections a Specialty Jhiploy Fla D JONES p ATTORNEYATLAW R CHIVLEY FLA Ji Mi CcTTBir MUSIC HOUSE Largest Line and Lowest Prices In the SOUTH The lender In Low Prices on Standard High Grade Pianos and Organs Among our other pianai TheSmith Barnes Pianos give best satisfaction for the least mon- ey ¬ Price low end terms easy 8imba11Organsfr- om 5500 up Terms D per mont- haWrite us before buying We can save you money J M CLUTTER 112 k 114 So Palalox St PEXSACOLA FLORIDA WE DO P DILL LETTER HEADS R HEADS NOTE ENVELOPES I IlEADS BUSINESS STATEMENTS N CARDS CIRCULARS PAMPllLESI T MILL OMMISSARY f CIIECIts I CHECKS RECEIPTS DRAFTS N WEDDING VISITING INVITATIONS G CARDS I TO ORDERF- OR OVER FIFIY YEARS- Mrs Windows Soothing been used by mRBonsotmother forretheir chll dren while thingwith perfect success It soothes the child softens the gums allays all pain cures wind colic and Is the but remedy for Diarrhoea It will relieve the i poor sufferer Immediately Sold by Druggist every part of the world 25c a Be sure sal ask for Mrs Windows Soothing Syrup and take no other toed t V 1 V w p + t

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Page 1: Chipley Banner. (Chipley, Florida) 1898-08-06 [p ] remedies 01 are usually given in such cases but nothing gave relief we


ls aE-

Zima rab1eUF-TIIE


JU1I1Trolns Leave Pensaoola

No BIust Moll 610 n m

No 21Mixed 1165 pmArrrivu lit ClllPLEY

No 3Yust Mall 1913 u mNo 21XIUed 000nm

Arrive River JunctionNo8Fast Mall 1140 n m-

Nn21Mixed 815ame SOUTHTrains Leave Klver Junction

No 2Past Mall 520 p mNo 2Mlxed luOOom-

UilveatCIIlPLEYNo 2Fast Mall 047pmNo 22Mixed 1242pm

Arrive Penaacolaf-

No2 FostMall 1103 p ru

No22 Nixed OS5pru

Tralu No 3 South makes Immediateieetlonwith the V C A P for Jocksonvlllcn-

nd all points SouthTram Sg 2 North makes connection at

Llomaton with tralrt via Montgomery forill points both East and Welt also withrube for Mobile New Orleans and tho South-

WestTrains No 3 nud No2 carry sleeper-

For further Information mldiuss0 J W LURION-

Penftacola Fla

LoGdl aijd Personal

I The political pot Is hi lnnlng to bile

Mr TE Gainer of Econflna was aIstor hero last Saturday

C G Allen and J L Hall visited Penacola last week on business-

Jj E Mlnchcn has been appointed reg

nation office for precinct No 7

L J L Ball left Thursday morning for

the country to look up some oflenders

Remember one thing we are not re-



for the views of our correspondents-

1docateYour Itowtli With Cutraretr Candy


Work en tho now brick block Is belndelayed on account of the failure of lime

f to come

Sayl dont forget that Campbell < But-

ler Is here with goods and prices to suitthe times

Mr J R Wells came In Sunday fromAtlanta Ga where had been spendingporno days-

Esquire D J Jones Sheriff Allen T Y

Watts W 0 Butler Esqr and othersvisited Vernon Monday

Mr Fooser has been hero with his crewof bridge men several days making some

I repairs to railroad bridges

Our town presented a lively appearancelest Saturday a large number of peoplefrom tho country were here

Tne Rev W B Costley ol Stockbrldne-Ga while attending to his pastoral dutiesat Ellenwood that state was attacked by

choleramorbus Ilu says By chance I

happened to get bold of a bottle ol Chainberlalns Colic Cholera and Dlnrrnocn Remedy nnj I think it was the means of spylag my life It relieved me nt once Forsale by J R Fnrrlor

Some of our merchants suffered consldarable In the storm Wednesday their

fgoods being damaged by water

Messrs E N Dclilc and A R Wellsleft Tuesday morning for Orlando to atend the State Democratic convention

Mr Eason Tharp and David Katzenaye openedup a general merchandisebusiness In Mr C Thaws new building-

Mr T L Davis brought us a stalk ofcorn this week which had nine well de ¬

veloped ears on It He has quite a lot of

this kind-

T Y Watts deputy U S Marshal camp

In Saturday from DeFunlak where he hadbeen to carry some violators of Uncle

Sams statutesSomebody said they thought that ex

Senator Call candidate limited wouldspeak somewhere In this county some ¬

time in the future

Two Millions a YearWnen < buy try and buy again it

means theyre The of theUnited States are now buying CtiscareUCandy Cathartic at the rate of two million

a year and it will be three million be-fore New Years It meant merit provedthat Cascarets are the most delightfulregulator for aboxx yearemoteA-Udruggiltllc 25c roc cure

Mr G A Danley brought us Tuesdaysamples of corn from a ro acre Held ot histhat would do credit to any rich bottom-

land The talks have two to three largeears to the stalk and everyone who hasseen bis field of corn says it will yield atleast twently bushels to tho acrp possiblymore and this is made on common pine


land This shows what Industry will doHe also brought samples of Kaffir cornand Mlllftt that is as fine as we have ev-


seen Mr Dnley Is a fine farmer andwhat he grows will show an><one whatcan be done by coupling perseverancewith Intelligence

i t





Washington Ang IJThe Cabinet ses-



today which had promised to be Im-


In view of tho pending peacepropositions proved to bo uneventful Itoccupied an hoar and ten minutes andwas devoted largely to talking over mi-



war detailsThe Informal exchange of views of in-



members during the meeting In ¬

dicated strong belief In peace though-

no word of any kind hnd yet come from

the Spanish government-

One member of the Cabinet said afterthe meeting that ho expected the Spanishreply would be made to this Governmentsome day this week but that when peacecould be made operative Is problematical


The follnwlng Is tho official statementgiven out by authority of tho President-at the State Department as to the terms-of peace offered by tho United States-

In order to remove any misapprehen ¬

slon In regard to the negotiations us torace between tho States and

Spain It Is deemed to sa thoterms offered by tho United States toSpain In tho not handed to the FrenchAmbassador on Saturday last are In substa co as follows

The President docs not now put forwardany claim for pecuniary Indemnity butrequires the relinquishment of all claimof sovereignty over the Island of Cuba aswell as Immediate evacuation bySpain of the Island tho cession to thoUnited States and Immediate evacuation-of Porto Rico and other Islands underSpanish sovereignty In the Nest Indiesand the like cession of an Island In thoLadrones Thin United States will occupyand hold tho city bay and harborof Ma ¬

nila pending the conclusion of a treatyof peace which shall determine tho control and government of thnPhilippines If these terms are acceptedby Spain In their entirety It Is stated thatthe commissioners will be named by thnUnited States to moot commissioners onthe part of Spain for the purpose of con ¬

a tr of peace on basisabove Indicated-

An Cncxrtln DUemMThere is no disease more uncertain In its

nature than dyspepsia Physicians thatthe symptoms of no two cases It istherefore most difficult to make a correctdiagnosis No matter how severe or underwhatdhgulsedppepsteattaeksyou Browne

cure In alldiea of the stomach Hood and nervesBrowns Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers

Mr C GAlleD has contracted with Mr

J W Newton to clear offtho debris fromhis stable lot and rebuild tho house blowndown by Wednesdays storm We aregird to see this spirit exhibited there Is

no use to quit because of misfortune

Tho following Is from the health officer-

of this county to Dr J Y Porter StateHealth Officer and It shows conclusively-

that the health of Washington county Is

Rood From all the Information I cangather there Is some Improvement In thegeneral health of tho county for thismonth There are still a few cases of Ty ¬

phoid and Malarial fevers Tho smallpox-

I reported to you at this place Is reallynot In Washington county but In Jacksoncounty just across time line close to ChipIcy Wo have Smallpox or other con-


disease In this county The san ¬

itary condition of tbo county Is good


July 51809City Council met at 8 pmPresent R C Horne chairman J Uaxley T D White and T E LangstonMlnutts of last regular meeting read andapproved Moved and seconded that RC Horne examine the Clerks books andreport at the next meeting It was or-



that the town of Chipley pay MrPaynes account as rendered amount f2-

It was also ordered that R C Homes ¬

count bo paid Motion that Mrs S Col ¬

liers property be reduced from tSOO as as-


now to fOOO It was ordered thatthe Marshals accounts bo paid for themonths of March April May and Juneamounting to 11824


Wednesday morning at about oclockone of the worst wind storms we have ev-er experienced struck our town It blewfrom the northeast until about oclockwhen It veered to the south then to thesouthwest Nearly all fencing In townwas leveled to the ground numerousshade trees and other timber was uproot-ed


and several buildings were blowndown But the most serious damagedonowas to the large new twostory liverystable ol Mr C 0 Allen The wind flatcareened the building west then whenthe wind shifted It was turned back andblown to the ground It will be a totalloss bo also lost two now buggies andtwo backs This falls heavy on Charlie-as he had Jnst commenced to put In goodlot of stock and buggies

Alautone month ago my child which Isfifteen mcntbsold hdan attack of diar ¬

rhoea accompanied by vomiting I gave Itsuch remedies 01 are usually given in suchcases but nothing gave relief we Bentfor a physician and It wai under his careforaweeltAt this time the child badbeen sick for ten days and was hav-ing


about twentyflve operations of theton els every twelve hours and we wereconvinced that unless soon obtained re-


It would not live Chamberlains ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was recom-mended


and I decided to try It I soon notlced a change for the better by its contin-ued


use a complete cure was brought aboutand now It la perfectly healthy C L BoosStumptown Gilmer Co W Va For saleUy It 1L Farrior


4i > 1

i 0-q 1P



Fcnwidltm Fla Aim 11SSnlroR HANNEJI-

I>cartrI suppose some of tourndfr8 would like to user from thositu left Chlnlcy with the Intention of go-UK to the war and who arc sadly disap-


at not liavlngBono yet ¬

we will not got to go more wo arqgetting of eating hard tack Foldlortrots sleeping In the sand and meetingpeople and not beingto bv any of them But this Is an actualfact or at least has been

Before we left Tampa wo were not rec-ognized


as being people of tho white racetis truo we were very dark but some o

wasnt born of the UnitedStates for tho respectable pcoplo wouldnot notice us And wile pun-ishment


of this kind from them for a ¬

dy couldnt fo on tho streets without be ¬

ing Insulted by some soldier I dontmean to say we deserved this punish-ment


but they had to treat all alike Inorder et the right ones

Vc find the people hero very differentto those at Tampa They treat us verywell Indeed and seem to do everythingpossible to make it pleasant for us

ore camped between town andthe beach Our bathing facilities cantbe excelled at any place nnd morn-Ing between five oclock there Is-

fromroo to ooo of Uncle Sams boys bath-ing In the old ocean



Monday to be ready tohoardtransports Thursday ortoRico a good many of us didnt think wowould go but Crazy Rlplny known In

as Prof J M said he be ¬

lieved we would BO N worth yester-day


I thanked him for tho lull amountgrieved him vorymucjt you can Immagma bow a man to lose fivedollars who Is too stingy to wear underclothes and socks when are given tohimWe have two new members from Chip

this makes twentythree In all whohave proved to be far tho averagesoldier In conduct drilling and In sever-al


other ways that could mentionVery near all the Chl le boys were ex-


their regret tho whenwo the news that Mr Horne was notnominated fot Treasurer and all say Ifhn Is not yet elected Washington countywill lose a most efficient ofllco

We havo only had one real snd occurranco In our company and that was thedeath of which occurredyesterday Ho was looked upon as bringone of our bostmen and we regrettedmuch to glvo him up but I am glad tosay there was ono man In Co whowas prepared In every respect to die Itwas private Stokes


C JONES EsqrChlploy Fin

Dear Sir In tho MANNER of July 30thyou unwittingly do Injustice to a majorl-tv


of tho Republicans whomass meeting at Vernon on

Tho mooting was calledhtoorder at 120

m In tho R L Scar ¬

lett The vote on and perma ¬

nent organization demonstrated that JII Brown had 01 to R L Searle It 70 votesMr Scarlett participated securing per-manent


organisation and the meeting washarmonious until that was reachedMr Scarlett then bolted his friends Inthe meeting and In the GALLERY follow-ing


him to the schoolhouseThere Is no antiLong faction In

Washington county known to tho writer-In fact the action of the Ware faction soculled In case to thepeople In mass meeting was In accord ¬

ance with views of Judge Long as ex ¬

to the writer when tho Judgoad-vised


that wo harmonize and avoid send-ing


contesting delegations to the Conven ¬

tion The writer having been the recipi-ent


of Judge Longs courtes has roomIn his heart for only tho kindliest feelingstowards ono who reflects credit onhonorable position ho holds

By giving publicity to the foregoing youwill add to your reputation for fairnessand greatly oblige

Yours respectfullyARE-

EDITOR BANNERDear SlrI notice In your Issue of July 30th an article InreferencetoaReIubI-


mass meeting nt vernon July23rd stating that after some trouble thoLong and antilong factions ButIt seems that the Long men are ahead ason a poll taken It showed the Long fac-tion


105 antiLong 78The above Is the most grievous mis-

statement of the truth ever accredited toany one making a pretense to truth Al ¬

low me to make the correctionThe mass meeting referred to was nei ¬

ther a Lon nor an meetingbut K meeting called bv R L forthe purpose of electing delegates to theState and Congressional conventions toto held In the near future To this meet ¬

ing tho Republicans of this county turn ¬

ed out with the avowed purpose reu-niting


the already and disorgan-ized


Republican ranks and presenting tothe an unbroken front

This meeting was called to order by RL Scarlett votes were taken for ¬

and permanent organization Inwhich Hon J H Brown was elected aschairman by a majority of perhaps twen ¬

ty votes at this R L withhis faction Including Democrats andPopulists the meeting passed res ¬

extollng the President tho Ar ¬

my and Navy Judge Long and othersand the Ware faction AntiLong Thismiserable attempt to curry favor withJndge tlmo is too contempt ¬

ible for further noticeI have to state that tho only Inter-


the Ware faction of the Republicanparty of this has Is to the

together and with the greatest re-spect


to Judge Long and other leaders ofour party In Florida we propose to standby without fear or favor


The Information which constituted thebody and sense of the article referred ID

above was given us by R L Scarlett onMonday after the meeting and wo pub-lished


It In good faith thinking what betold us was correct Wo publish the cor¬

rection wlh pleasure as it Is not or willto do Injustice to any one EDITOR

Deantr Ia Blood DeepClean blood means a clean akin No

beauty without It CatcareU Candy Cathar-tic


clean your blood and keep it clean bystirring up lazy liver and driving all im-purities


from topimples boils blotches blackhead

and bilious complexion by takingCaecaretsbeauty for ten cents All druggusts guaranteed 6Oc

From all directions wo can hear of thedisastrous effects of Wednesdays stormFencing down stock In fields corn andcotton laid flat to the ground The lossto the country through which It passedwill be great

1 i F i f i< 1 6 cr


CAMPBELL BUTLERStiocssori 13 N Dcklo




We0 o

Invite Youto come and see tfre ezcellent values we are offering in

AU Unite of FoolwBUrrO o

OurCLOTIINGIs Freshand CleanOUR



We are very glad to note tho Improvedcondition of Mrs Chaflh Cotton whohas been very sick We hope the Im-


will bo steady and that In ushort time she will be entirely woll


Mr loan Matblas a well known stockdenier of Pulnskl Ky says After eufferine for over a week with flux nod myphysician having Inllnd to relieve me Iwas advised to try Chamberlains ColicCholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and havethe pleasure ot stating that the hair of onebottle cured me For sale by J ItFarrlor

NOTICE-An examination for teachers will be-

held In the courthouse at Vernon begin-ning


at 0 oclock on Tuesday tho Oth dayof September and lasting not less thanthroe 3 da s Examinees must providethemselves with Ink legalcap pa-per


and written endorsements of goodmoral character Examination foe Is onedollar Tho examination In Theory andPractice of will be taken fromBrownings Educational Theories pub-


bv Kellogg Co NowN Y W C LOCKEY

Supt Pub Inst Washington Co

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION-Land Office at Gainesville Flo

June 27 IS5tNotice Is hereby given that the following

named settler has filed notice of his Inten-tion


to make duns proof of hisclaim nnd that sold proof wilmade be-fore Clerk Circuit Court at Vernon Fin cuAugust 13188 viz fnmuel W Jones ofDuncan Fin hid No 21900 for the W K of-

N1VyandNEyorNlVy See 2 Tp aN-R 14lY

lJe names the following witnesses toprove his continuous resldenco upon andcultivation of Mid land viz M A Bowen


Joseph White John White Isaac Shoresnil of Duncan Flow ROBINSONEd lee paid Register

NOTICE FOIL FUIIUOATIONLand Otllce atUalnesvllle Fla

August 11898Notice Is heieby given that tho following

named settler has tiled notice of his Inten-tion


to make final proof In support of hisclaim and that said proof will be made be-

fore D D Melvin County Judge at VernonKla on September 17th 1893 viz s ThomasJefferson iv ilcnx of Wausau Fin Hd No24004 for the > KK Sec SO TI 8N R14 W

He names the following witnesses toprm his continuous residence andcultivation of said land vizi Joha TillerThomas Jones James Lay Iverson Malneralt of Wausau FlaW G KOBINSON


NOTIBE F K PUBLICATION-Land Office at Gainesville Fla

August 1 1998

Notice is hereby given that tl o followingnamed settle has tiled notice of his lntnt-lon to make final proof In support of hisclaim and that be¬

fore Clerk Circuit Court at Vernon Flaon September 17th lEOS vizr John Kentof lid No 2300 for tbo W Mof 8W Sec 8 Tp 8 X U12 W

He names following witnesses tohis continuous residence upon and

cultivation of Bild land vis WT BrookJames Steward J W Waters Williamlung all of Orange Hill Fla

W HOBlNSONEd fee paid Register

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONLaad Office at Gainesville Fla

August 118i 8Notice Is hereby given that the following

named settler has led notice of his Inten-tion


tp mnke final proof In support of hisclaim nnd that be-fore Clerk of Circuit Court at Vernon Faon eptember 17th 18T8 viz Harris Kentof pJeylI1n lid No 23098 for the 8WKSec L Tp 8 N H12 W

He names the following witnesses toprot his continuous residence upon andcultivation of said land vizi W T BrockJaraer Steward J W Waters WilliamLong all of Orange Hill Flu

W G ROBISEOVEd fee paid Register

NOTICE FOR PUBLICAHONLand Office etGaloesvllle Fla

August 11818Notice U herebylrtveolbat the following

named has notice oftlon to mokefinal root In support ot hisclaim and teat said proof will bo made be-fore Clerk of Clrcnlt at Vernon Flaon September 17tb l18f1S viz Wes Kentof iooio for the SKSec Tp 8 V

7 1112W-He names following wltueises to

prove his continuous residence uponcultivation of said land viz T hockJames Steward J W WaUrs WilliamLong all of Orange Bill Fla

W G BOBLM50NEd fee Paid Register


h >

I j

Notice of ElectionI

ViiKiiKA8 The Legislature of 1811iIn ¬

tier the of 1P85 of the State ofFlorida did pass Three Joint Resolutionsproposing Amendments to tho Constitution

ot Florida nnd the sirae wereagreed by n vote threeUfths of nil theMembers abated to each House that thevote on amid Joint Resolutions wore entered upon their respective Journals with theyeas and nnjs and they did deter ¬

mine nnd direct that the said Joint Resolu-tions


bo submitted to the Electors of theauto It the General Election In November1803 Now Therefore I John L CrawfordSecretary of Stnte of the State of Florida

hereby give notice that n1110 OENUUAL ELECTION1 will be held III each county In Florida onTuesday next succeeding the tint Monday

I nber A D 1803 tho said Tuesdaybeing the-

I ElGUTd DAY OF NOVEMBERfor the Htultlcatloit or Rejection of tbo said

I Jolit Resolutions proposing Amendmentsto the Constitution of State of Florida

las follows vizARTICLE XII

1 Section 13 of ArtlcloXVI shall bo and le-

amended so as to rend as followsi Section 13 The sureties the officialbonds of all State county and municipal offleets shall bo residents ol and have suffi-cient


visible property unencumbered withI lii the State not exempt from solo under le-

gal process to make good their bonds nodthe sureties upon the official bonds of nilcounty nod municipal officers shall residewithin the county where their principalsupon such bonds reside nnd ¬

ficient visible and unencumbered propertyIn such county that Is not exempt fromsale under legal process to good theirliability on such bonds Provided Thatany duly organized and responsible Guar-antee


or Company foreign ordomestic lawfully doing In thisState may become nnd e accepted na sur-ely


on all such officialARTICLE XIII

Section 8H Article V of tbo Constitu-tion


of the Sta te of Florida Is hereby amendcd so IB to rend an follows

Section 35 No courts other thnn hereinspecified shall be established In this Sateexcept that the Legislature clothe anyRailroad CommissIOn with Judicial PowersIn all matters connected with the functionsof their office

> ARTICLE XIVAdd the following as Section 84 of Arti-


IIISection 81 Immediately upon tbo Im-


of any Officer the house ofRepresentatives he shall be disqualified-from performing of the duties of his of-fice until acquitted by the Senate and tooGovernor shall nc once ap-point


an Incumbent to fill such office pondirK Impeachment proceedings In caseof the Impeaohment of the Governor thePicBldentof the Senate or la case of thedeath resignation or Inability of the PreslIdentof the Senate the Speaker of theHouse of Representatives shall sot as Gov-ernor pending the Impeachment Proceed-ings

¬against thj Governor

The votes cast In compliance with saidproposed canvass

and returns thereof shall besubjected to the same regulations nnd restrlctlous as are provided bv law for gener-al elections In the State of Florida

The attention of the Sheriff Is called tothe Inw requiring him to cause a Notice ofsaid Election to bo published In a Newspa-per


printed In the county If there be a pa ¬

per county and there be no paperpublished In county he shall cause at

copies of tide NoticeIn the most public In the county

In Testimony Whereof I have hereuntoset my hand affixed the Great Soul ofthe State nf Florida at Tallahassee tboCapital this the 80th day of July 1803

L S JOHN L CRAWFORDSecretary of State

To 0 G ALLENSheriff Washington County

The BNNER prints all kinds ot office etatlonery Give us an order

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONLand Office at Gainesville Via

July 111806Notice is hereby given that the following

named settler ha tiled notice of lotentuition to make fiual proof In support nf hisclaim and that said proof will bo begtore Clerk Circuit Court at Vernon Fla onAugust 27th19O8 viz William G Grantham of Wauian Fla hid No 28310 forthe YM of NEK Sec 24 Tp 8 N R 14 W

He names the following witnesses to

cultivation continuousof snld land viz Nu1Taylor

T L ones W N Carter Levi Brock allof Wauau Fla

W Q ROB1N8ONResister-

REGISTRATION NOTICEThe Registration Books for Washing

Ington were opened at Vernon Qn tMonday August 1 1899 and will be iopen as the law directs The books will

at the different precincts on thefirst Monday In Scprombcrandkeptopenas

cD DOSTICKRegistration officer Washington C

DoYou fi

TakeTHE BANNER 4If not

IWhy notW-

o will send TILE BANNER post paid-to any address for 11 per year We for sixmonths 25c for three months

OrWowill send THE BANNER and the

New Yrok TbriceaWcek World one year rlor 105 i

OrWewill send TUB BANNSR and the

Atlanta Weekly Journal ono year for 140

OrIIyou want all three papers Tins

BANNER The Now York World The At-lanta

¬ tJournal We will make the extreme-

ly low price of only 200 fQr the three paM-

pers i C

You r

You never good papers worse Vthan you need them now While tbo warcloud hangs over tbe Nation you should


hear the thunder nod see the flashes and inorder to do this you must toad good papers 1

Today is tho acceptable limo to subscribe i

for t


Chlpley FJa 1

BENJ S lU > DUN JOIN EAGANExChief Justice Atty anti Con

State of flu suitor at Law

Liddoii Iuguijt

Attorneys CounselorsAt Law

Pensnroln FloridaWfcWill practice In nil time Courts of FirstJudicial Florida in the UnitedStates Court lit Pensacoln and Tallahasseeand In the Supreme Courol tbo State ofFlorida Judge Liddon will giveattention to business In WashingtonHolmes Jackson and countiesMr Engan will vivo special nttentlon tobusiness the United States court w-




Has U years experiencepOf co In Court house

AD CARMICHAELAttorney at Law

Collections a Specialty

Jhiploy Fla





Largest Line and Lowest Prices In theSOUTH

The lender In Low Prices onStandard High Grade Pianos andOrgans Among our other pianai

TheSmith Barnes Pianosgive best satisfaction for the least mon-ey


Price low end terms easy

8imba11Organsfr-om 5500 up Terms D per mont-

haWrite us before buying We cansave you money

J M CLUTTER112 k 114 So Palalox St










Mrs Windows Soothing beenused by mRBonsotmother forretheir chlldren while thingwith perfect successIt soothes the child softens the gums allaysall pain cures wind colic and Is the butremedy for Diarrhoea It will relieve the ipoor sufferer Immediately Sold byDruggist every part of the world 25c a

Be sure sal ask for Mrs WindowsSoothing Syrup and take no other toed





