china cheat sheet part 1 web

December 16, 2009 Warm Up: Complete the in your Warm Up: Complete the in your life on the back of the three life on the back of the three Philosophies paper. Philosophies paper. China Review of the China Review of the Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet Homework: Super Study Strategies & Study

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December 16, 2009Warm Up: Complete the in your life on Warm Up: Complete the in your life on

the back of the three Philosophies the back of the three Philosophies paper.paper.

China Review of the China Review of the Cheat SheetCheat Sheet

Homework:Super Study Strategies & Study

Page 2: China Cheat Sheet Part 1   Web

1. Himalayan Mountains

2. Yellow Sea3. East China

Sea4. South China

Sea5. Taiwan6. Chang Jiang

(Yangtze River) – Draw it in

7. Huang He (Yellow River) – Draw it in

8. Altay Mountains – Draw it in

9.9. Gobi Desert Gobi Desert 10. Altun

Mountains – Draw it in

11.11. Plateau of Plateau of TibetTibet

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How did the natural defenses help How did the natural defenses help China in all military conflicts? China in all military conflicts?

• Mountains protected it from Mountains protected it from many invaders on the north, many invaders on the north, west and the southwestwest and the southwest

• The Gobi Desert protected it on The Gobi Desert protected it on the Northeastthe Northeast

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What was the man-made What was the man-made defense that helped China?defense that helped China?

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1. Dynasty A. A group of appointed officials who are responsible for different areas of the government

2. Aristocrat B. The way kings were expected to rule (with fairness)

3. Pictograph C. Formal order

4. Ideograph D. Noble whose wealthy came from owning land

5. Bureaucracy E. A character that joins two or more pictographs to represent an idea

6. Mandate F. A line of rulers from the same family

7. Dao G. A character that stands for another object

8. Social class H. Children’s respect for their parents and older relatives, an important part of Confucian beliefs

9. Filial Piety I. Chinese practice of easing pain by sticking thin needles into patient’s skin

10. Legalism J. Chinese philosophy that taught that humans are naturally evil and therefore need to be ruled by harsh laws

11. Acupuncture K. A group of people who share a similar position in society

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In ancient and modern day China In ancient and modern day China many people hold their past ancestors many people hold their past ancestors

in a place of honor and still make in a place of honor and still make “sacrifices” to them.“sacrifices” to them.

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• Founder: Confucius• Philosophy: Put the community

before yourself and strive hard to better your world. To do so you must respect your ancestors and your elders. Have manners and follow the “Golden Rule” to do unto others as you would have done to you.

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• Founder: Laozi• Philosophy: You should follow the

way of nature and meditate. Forget the problems of the world and live a simple life. This will lead to true happiness. The rulers shall not make many rules as this will get in the way of natures laws.

• Ying Yang = Good and BadOpposing forces

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• Founder: Hanfeizi• Philosophy: That all people are by

nature evil and in order to contain that evil is to have strict rules and harsh punishments. There should be a strong ruler who lords over everyone.

• The aristocrats liked this since thewould become the rulers andthen lord over the poor.

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BuddhismBuddhism• Founder: Siddhartha Guatama• Philosophy: Everyone is equal in the

world. That when we die we are reincarnated with our families and our friends. The ultimate goal is nirvana in “heaven.”

• It started in India and spread to China because the Chinese aristocrats were being

greedy and starting wars. This caused the lower class to look for purity in their world.