child right violation and migration problem @ common wealth games sites

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    A Research study conducted to examine the conditions of workers andchildren living at the Commonwealth site with a special emphasis on

    Migration and Child Right Violations.

    ( A Summer Internship Report )Under

    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course

    Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Session: 2009-2011)

    P roject GuideMs. Smita Sinha

    Faculty GuideMr. Avijit Chakravarti

    Submitted ByLal it Singh

    Ro ll No.29047PGDM (2009-2011)

    NIILM Centre for Management StudiesPlot No- 53, Knowledge Park 5, Greater Noida, UP




    A Research Study conducted to examine the conditions of

    workers and children living at the Commonwealth site with a

    special emphasis on Migration and Child Right Violations.





    1) Name of the Org anization:- CRY Indi a (Chi ld Rights and You).

    2) Address of the Org anization - CRY Indi a, DDA S lum Wing [B ar at Ghar], Bapu Park , Kot la Mub ar ak pur , New De lhi 110 003 , India

    3) Phone No. of the co mpa ny- 24693137/3159/4790

    4) Date of internshi p Commencement-15 st May 2009

    5) Date of internshi p Completion- 30 th June 2009

    6) Signatures & N ame of the industry Guide- Ms. S mita Sinha

    7) Design ation of the industry Guide- Advoc acy Manager

    8) Students N ame- Lal it Singh

    9) Students Ro ll Num ber-29047

    10) Students E- ma il ID- singh lal it4@g ma m

    11) Students Mobi le/ residence nu m bers- 9911100446





    August 12, 2010

    T his is to certify th at dissert ation re port on A Research study conducted to examine the

    conditions of workers and children living at the Commonwealth site with a special emphasis

    on Migration and Child Right Violations . Prepared by Lalit Singh, Roll No.29047 of

    PGDM 2009-2011 Batch is his origin al work under my guid ance and su pervision.

    Signature of the Faculty Signature of the Student

    (Ms. Avijit Chakravarti) (Lalit Singh)

    NIILM Centre for Management StudiesPlot No- 53, Knowledge Park 5, Greater Noida





    T his project is the outcome of sincere efforts, hard work and constant guidance of not only me

    but a number of individuals. First and foremost, I would like to thank NIIL M-CMS, N ew Delhi

    for giving me the platform to work with CRY and understanding Non- P rofit Sector. I am thankful

    to my faculty guide Mrs A vijit Chakravarti, NIIL M-CMS for providing me help and support

    throughout the internship period.

    I owe a debt of gratitude to my company guide Ms Smita Sinha who not only gave me valuable

    inputs about the industry but was a continuous source of inspiration during these two months,

    without whom this P roject was never such a great success.

    I would also take the opportunity to thank the entire staff of CRY who helped and shared their

    knowledge about the industry for which I am highly grateful.

    Last but not the least I would like to thank all my Faculty members , friends and family members

    who have helped me directly or indirectly in the completion of the project.

    L alit Singh PGDM 2009-2011

    NIIL M-CMS, N ew Delhi





    INFORMA T ION SHEE T ........................................................................................................................ 3

    CER T IFICA T E OF COMP LET ION ........................................................................................................ 4

    ACKNOW LEDGEMEN T ....................................................................................................................... 5

    Executive Su mma ry: ................................................................................................................................ 9

    Abstr act:- ............................................................................................................................................... 10

    Pur pose and Sco pe of study:- ................................................................................................................. 11

    Introduction :- ........................................................................................................................................ 1 2

    Commonwe al th G ames- ......................................................................................................................... 1 2

    Chi ld Rights and You:- .......................................................................................................................... 1 5

    Vision:- ............................................................................................................................................. 1 6

    Mission:- ........................................................................................................................................... 1 6

    Areas of Work:- ................................................................................................................................. 1 6

    Delhi :- CWG Pro mise for Indi ans ......................................................................................................... 17

    Soci al Sector or Non Profit Sector:- ....................................................................................................... 19

    Social sector in Indi a:- ....................................................................................................................... 19

    Migr ation:- ............................................................................................................................................ 22

    Offici al estima tes of migr ation:- ......................................................................................................... 23

    Other patterns revealed by the census were: ............................... ........................... ....................... 23

    Past Rese arch:- ...................................................................................................................................... 24

    Research methodo logy:- ........................................................................................................................ 25

    Findings:- .............................................................................................................................................. 2 7

    La bor C lassific ation ........................................................................................................................... 2 7

    Data sheet of 18 in-de pth and val id Interview. ........................................................................................ 28

    Set :-2 ................................................................................................................................................ 3 0

    SET 3:- .............................................................................................................................................. 32

    Set 4:- ................................................................................................................................................ 34

    Key Findings:- ................................................................................................................................... 36

    Case Studies fr amed out of the a bove data:- ........................................................................................... 3 7

    CASE 1. Meet Re al hero..."ANI L KAPOOR" ...................................................................................... 3 7




    CASE-2 I COOK FOR EVERYONE .................................................................................................. 38

    CASE 3:- DJ by n ature ....................................................................................................................... 38

    CASE 4:- NOOR JAHAN ................................................................................................................... 3 9

    CASE 5:- M anoj ................................................................................................................................ 4 0

    CASE 6 :- K aml esh ............................................................................................................................. 4 1

    CASE 7:- Sur a j .................................................................................................................................. 4 1

    Findings after Interviewing Chi ldren at the Site:- ................................................................................... 4 1

    Educ ation .......................................................................................................................................... 45

    Heal th ................................................................................................................................................ 45

    Hygiene ............................................................................................................................................. 45

    Housing ............................................................................................................................................. 46

    CASE S TU DIES ................................................................................................................................... 46 Case 1:- She is just nineteen and mother of five. ................................................................................. 46

    Case 2:- T ired of b a bysitting her sib lings , Chameli wants to play again .............................................. 4 7

    Case 3 :- Go mti who is sc ared of choco lates. .................................................................................. 48

    Case 5 :- Sunit a misses Miss K anta from Mobi le Crches. .............................................................. 4 9

    Case 6:- Bonding of two brothers ....................................................................................................... 5 0

    Case 7:- Me y aha ayi kyuki seher me bade bade doctor h ai ............................................................. 5 1

    Case 8:- Hindu Mus lim is not re all y Bhai Bhai at CWG site .............................................................. 5 1

    Case 9:- Nee lesh c arries w ater for his parents ..................................................................................... 52

    Limitation: ............................................................................................................................................. 54

    Reco mm endations: ................................................................................................................................ 54

    Bib liogr aphy:......................................................................................................................................... 56

    Web logr aphy:- ....................................................................................................................................... 56

    A ppendix ............................................................................................................................................... 5 7

    I .Chi ld Right Questionn aire .............................................................................................................. 5 7

    II Migr ation Questionn aire :- .............................................................................................................. 58







    Executive Summary:

    Commonwe alth games is multi crore projects , around 6-7 lakhs la bour are invo lved in this

    direct ly or indirect ly. Fo llowing rese arch w as undert aken to underst and the condition of la bours

    and the chi ldren of these la bour. Soci al Sector or Non Profit Org anization are playing a vital ro lein he lping the govern ment in policy for mulation and contributing in the soci al deve lo pment of

    the country. Des pite the best of intentions and tri llions of do llars worth of assets , non profits

    have been un a ble to so lve many of society's worst i lls. A new c asebook by 4 H arvard Business

    Schoo l professors argues th at the soci al sector shou ld take an entre preneuri al app roach.

    Societ al prob lems are incre asing ly large and co mplex, taxing the a bility of non profit

    org anizations to so lve the m.

    A new mode l for the soci al sector b ased on entre preneurshi p wou ld allow org anizations

    to cre ate more value with their limited resources and t ap addition al resources not direct ly

    under their contro l.

    MBA students are incre asing ly interested in courses and careers re lated to soci al

    enter prise.

    Non- profit org anizations h ave long played an important ro le in the lives of wo men, chi ldren ,

    under privi leged , or phans in many parts of the wor ld.

    In Indi a, many import ant changes in or phan chi ldrens lives are a direct resu lt of the intervention

    of NGOs (non profits often referred to as NGOs in Indi a). NGOs in Indi a dealing with

    Chi ldrens issues often focus on advocacy for chi ldrens rights or are direct ly invo lved in

    providing services and care for chi ldren. A lthough legis lation in Indi a does in most inst ances

    protect and promote chi ldrens rights (such as access to free educ ation , prohibition of chi ld

    la bor , etc) NGO intervention aids in enforcing such rights.

    Many of the local NGOs th at focus on issues re lated to chi ldren ( and wo men) are

    founded by wo men (C arr , Chen and Jh a bavala, 1996). Co mmon we alth games is one of the

    billion do llar project.




    Abstract:-T he study was conducted at the Common Wealth Games site Siri Fort Stadium. In this study I

    investigated the conditions of workers working at Commonwealth sites and the conditions of the

    children living in these construction sites, I also looked out the child right violations and

    reported the cases of Child Labour. I used P ersonal interview and Observation as a research

    methodology. We interviewed around 25 children and 30 workers. I found that all the children

    were school drop outs, with some even not knowing what school is.

    I found children living in the workers temporary camps living without quality food, safe water,

    sanitation, quality formal schooling or daycare, healthcare and a safe environment - basically

    without a childhood. T he Housing conditions are very poor with tin and plastic sheets being

    used as housing materials.

    T he workers compositions includes worker from U P , Bihar, Madhya P radesh, Rajasthan,

    Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal etc. T he workers came to the site due to lack of

    opportunities in village and some came to earn a extra buck during off-season of agriculture

    reducing the burden of seasonal unemployment. Most of the workers earn Rs 100-150 per day

    whereas skilled workers earn from Rs 200 to Rs 300 per day. Most of the skilled workers are

    from Rajasthan and unskilled are from West Bengal and Uttar P radesh. Most of the workers

    have come here through a contractor, were contractor use to give Rs 5000 for 50 days, which

    includes their food expenses and tickets.

    T he ratio of male and female workers was almost 3:2. Most of the children was left alone the

    whole day with no one to take care of them. Most of the children were suffering from sun burns,

    and other skin diseases. T he children eat just twice a day that too modest pulses and rice. With

    veggies, milk and fruits clearly absent from their diet.

    According to the Construction workers Act of 1986, Facilities such as First Aid, Clean Drinking

    water, sanitation, Creches for Children, Safety Regulations and pension plans.

    No clean drinking water facilities were available. One death has been reported of a worker of

    jaundice at the site. Some workers claimed there is first aid facility available on the site other

    workers did not know about it. Around five workers lost their lives due to accidents at the Siri

    Fort Site.




    Purpose and Scope of study:- Purpose of the study was to analyze the prob lem f aced by the workers working for

    Commonwe alth Games in the ye ar 2010 are to be he ld in New De lhi, the cap ital of Indi a. T his is

    an intern ational event where many ty pes of g ames are played by partici pants fro m different

    nations. New De lhi is the city which h ad been the offici al host of the Asi an Games in the ye ars

    1951 and 1982. So , there is a lot of ex pectations and excite ment reg arding this aus picious event

    of Co mmonwe alth G ames in the s ame city. High lighting the issues of migr ations and chi ld

    rights vio lations are the ma jor focus area.

    Scope of study is very large r anging fro m policy for mulation for the migr ants worker to how

    compa nies invo lved in the construction sites c an have a great mode l for their CSR activities.

    How the la bour living with their f am ily can have the per manent h a bitation and the progr ams for

    their chi ldren.

    Business Mode l can be deve lo ped kee ping in view the strength of Migr ants workers , according

    to the offici al records around 4.5 lakhs workers are working in the co mmonwealth G ames sites ,

    and according to a re port in De lhi on ly around 8 lakhs la bors are present. In my study on an

    aver age a f am ily of la bour ( la bour , wife and 2 chi ldren) s pends around Rs 1500-1700 per month

    on food. Just t aking the ex ampl es of providing meal to these la bour at the r ate of 10-15 ru pees is

    feasib le, and with the availa bility of econo mies of sc ale the profit a bility of this mode l can be


    A young la bor s pends around Rs 1500-2000 on food and other stuff like Cig arettes and Guttk a.

    Construction sites are the ma jor area of chi ld rights vio lation and the frequency is also very high.

    In migr ants worker de mand for good meal and at the good r ate w as very persistent.

    Great sco pe is there to underst and the psycho logic al behaviour of work and pressure on these

    la bour and their f am ily.




    Introduction :-

    Commonwealth Games-

    The Commonwealth is an association of over fifty n ations fro m around the g lobe , together

    comprising a little under a third of the wor lds po pulation , that work together for the promotion

    of de mocr acy, good govern ance, human rights , rule of law, and wor ld peace.

    The Commonwealth Games is the wor lds third largest multinational s porting event. It is he ld

    once every four ye ars by a Commonwealth host n ation who invites to p athletes fro m other

    countries to co mpete in a num ber of s ports. T he 2010 g ames wi ll be he ld in De lhi fro m October

    3rd to the 14th , and wi ll feature over a dozen s ports, including archery , aquatics, badminton ,

    boxing , cyc ling, e lite athletes with a disa bility (EAD) events , gymnastics , hockey , lawn bow ls,

    netball, rugby 7s shooting , squash, ta ble tennis , weight lifting , and wrest ling.

    T he ma in motto of org anizing Co mmon We alth G ames is the s pread of Friendshi p and Fr aternity

    among the N ations. T he 19th Co mmon We alth G ames 2010 are going f ar beyond the fee ling

    of friendshi p and fr aternity , this ti me they are going to fight indirect ly against the terror also.

    None of the wor lds country is left untouched fro m the de mon of terroris m; it has extended its

    feet everywhere. T hreats of terror attack are very co mmon on the occ asion of any intern ational

    leve l mega event and same is the c ase with XIX Co mmon We alth G ames 2010.

    India, the hosting n ation for XIX Co mmon We alth G ames 2010 h as been continuous ly

    threatened against the s mooth org anization of this mega event but as usu al terror thre ats are

    una ble to sh ake strong deter minations of partici pating n ations and players of this mega event.




    The Commonwealth Games and Construction Workers A study by Bui lding and

    Woodworkers Intern ational estima ted th at 300,000 workers will be needed for this leve l of

    activity , over 3 ye ars, for 300 d ays/ye ar. A mong the m wi ll be 100,000 unskilled construction

    workers , at least 10,000 of who m wi ll be women , and their 20,000 migrant children . In all, 5

    lakh jobs are to be cre ated (air lines , air ports , touris m, tr ans port , inter preters , etc.) 1

    T he Co mmonwealth Games are just one part of the bigger construction boo m hitting Indi a,

    ex pected to grow the do mestic construction industry fro m $70 to $120 bi llion U SD a year by

    2012. Source: Indias Construction Industry: Growth, Opportunity & Constraints,

    ASSOCHAM). T he boo m is going to gener ate a huge amount of we alth for many. But if the

    current trend continues , India s 32 million construction workers wi ll find the mse lves no better

    off in a few ye ars when the boo m slows th an they do now , meaning they wi ll still be working in

    dangerous conditions for less th an minimum wage without job security , and living without b asic

    living amenities such as ma ternity and chi ld care.

    The Building and other Construction Workers Act of 1996

    In 1996 , a Centr al Act w as passed as a legal fr amework for provision of soci al security to

    workers in the construction industry , and their f am ilies. So me of its measures inc lude provision

    for c lean drinking w ater on construction sites , crches for sites with over fifty fe male workers , first- aid f acilities , safety regu lations , and pension plans. Fo llowing are det ails on the s low

    implementation of the Act in De lhi (u pdate A pril 2008).

    T here are 6-8 lakh construction workers in De lhi. (Source: NM P S, SEWA Delhi - workers

    unions )

    T he Centr al Act c ame into place in 1996 and the De lhi Construction Workers We lf are Bo ard

    was for med in Se ptem ber 2002. It he ld its last two meetings in October 2007 and Febru ary 2008.

    Worker registr ation st arted in Oct 2005 and tod ay, 8,500 workers are registered in De lhi.

    (Source: Labour Commissioner, Delhi, NC T )

    Cess co llection st ands at over Rs.130 crores. ( Source: Labour Commissioner, Delhi, NC T )

    1 Building and Woodworkers Intern ation al re port




    First ti me benefits were re leased on Nov 23 , 2007 at the T hyagar a ja S ports Co mplex to 90

    workers (over a decade after the act was passed into law). T hey consisted of te mpor ary r ation

    cards and life insur ance policies.

    T he Co mmonwe alth is an association of over fifty n ations fro m around the g lobe , together

    comprising a litt le under a third wor lds po pulation , that work together for the promotion of

    democr acy, good govern ance, human rights , rule of law, and wor ld peace.

    T he co mmonwe alth games 2010 are touted to be the biggest s ports extr avaganza of Indi a ever.

    With aver age invest ment being more th an10 ,0000 crores. According to news re port the

    ex penditure h as crossed 30 ,000 crore which is around 525 ti mes more th an actual allocation.

    S ports Authority of Indi a, DDA , and NDMC are the ma jor venue ho lders for co mmonwealth

    games. T he ma in st adiums for the g ames wou ld be J awahar lal Nehru St adium where theinaugur al cere mony t akes place, Indir a Gandhi Indoor St adium, Siri Fort s ports co mplex, R.K

    Khanna s ports co mplex, Yamuna s ports co mplex, Dr.K arni Singh Shooting R ange , Ma jor Dhy an

    Chand N ational Stadium, Shiv a ji St adium, Saket S ports Co mplex, T alk ator a Stadium and Dr SP

    Mukherjee swi mm ing st adium. 2

    Due to security re asons we cou ld on ly manage entry at Siri Fort S ports Co mplex.DDA is the

    venue ho lder.

    DDA h as de legated res ponsibi lity of construction to a private fir m B.E Me morial. B.E Me morial

    further e mployed sever al agencies working under the m. Str ange ly B.E Me morial does not h ave

    any web presence.

    Around 500 la borers were st aying at the site. T he offici al estima tes given out by B.E Me morial

    were around 300 la borers.

    We found around 200 f am ilies st aying on the site .Around 20 f am ilies were st aying outside the

    site on August Kr anti ro ad ma inly doing street scr ap ing work. Others st ayed at Sh ah pur Jat in rented


    2CWG official report.




    Child Rights and You:-

    Child Rights and You (for mer ly Child Relief and You , till 2005) , common ly a bbrevi ated

    as CRY is a non- profit org anization in Indi a that aims to restore chi ldren's rights in Indi a. T he

    org anisation w as est a blished in 1979. T he org anization partners with gr ass-roots Non

    govern mental org anizations to u plift thous ands of Indi an chi ldren denied b asic chi ldren's rights.

    It works tow ards restoring b asic rights to chi ldren , es pecially fro m India and works across leve lsfrom direct action to advoc acy, mobi lizing pub lic o pinion and policy ch ange.

    It w as started by Ri ppan K apur , who died in 1994 at a very young age of 40.

    It focuses ma inly on the 4 b asic rights of surviv al, deve lo pment , protection and partici pation

    which were defined by the U nited Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) , an

    intern ational human rights tre aty which h as been r atified by 192 countries. In 1979 , seven friends

    made a simpl e decision to ch ange the lives of Indi a's under privi leged chi ldren. Led by a 25 ye ar

    air line purser , Ri ppan K apur , Rs. 50 and a dining t a ble as their resources and a belief that each

    one c an make a difference in a child's life, they aimed to en a ble all children to re alize their fu ll

    potenti al. T his w as how CRY beg an.

    T he founders of CRY choose not to fund a gr assroots- leve l implementing org anisation working

    direct ly with and for under privi leged chi ldren. Inste ad, they o pted to make CRY a channe l or a

    link between the millions of individu als who cou ld provide resources and the thous ands of

    dedicated fie ldworkers who were strugg ling to function for lack of the m.




    Vision:- A happy, healthy and creative child whose rights are protected and honoured in a society that

    is built on respect for dignity, justice and equity for all.

    Mission:- T o en a ble peo ple to t ake res ponsibi lity for the situ ation of the de prived Indi an chi ld

    and so motivate the m to confront the situ ation through co llective action thereby giving the chi ld

    and the mselves an o pportunity to re alise their fu ll potenti al.

    T o work in partnershi p with individu als and org anisations , and su pport the m financially / non-

    financially as we ll as with peo ple fro m all walks of life, who be lieve in the rights of chi ldren.

    Within CRY too , each function works in unison tow ards ensuring the vision of equ al rights for

    all children.

    Areas of Work:-T he key functions of Deve lo pment Su pport (gr ant making) and Resource Mobi lisation

    (fundr aising) along with the other su pport functions - Co mmunications , Human Resources ,

    Youth and Vo lunteer action , Finance , Planning and Infor ma tion T echno logy , Po licy and

    Rese arch , Docu mentation , T he CRY Sho p - all play a critical ro le in our org anisation bui lding


    It works tow ards restoring b asic rights to chi ldren , es pecially fro m India and works across leve ls

    from direct action to advocacy, mobi lizing pub lic o pinion and policy ch ange. It focuses ma inly

    on the 4 b asic rights of surviv al, deve lo pment , protection and partici pation which were defined

    by the U nited N ations Convention on the Rights of the Chi ld.

    T he CRC is bui lt on cert ain "found ation princi ples" th at under pin all other chi ldren's rights.




    Delhi :- CWG Promise for Indians

    De lhi the c ap ital of Indi a is the host of forth co ming co mmon we alth g ames and has beeninvo lved in its memor a ble org anization since its dec lar ation in 2006.De lhi which is also known

    as the politic al center of Indi an Po litics h ad also been the proud org anizer of Asi an Games twice

    in 1952 and 1981.

    T he org anization of 19th co mmon we alth games has marked Indi a, es pecially De lhi as the most

    happening place in the wor ld map . T he deve lo pments and f acilities availa ble in De lhi wi ll

    indirect ly de pict the picture of deve lo pments in Indi a in front of who le wor ld.

    T he pre par ation of such a big event h as not been a cu p of coffee for any nation , and Indi a cannot

    be an exce ption to this. Since , the dec lar ation of co mmon we alth g ames, Indian govern ment

    started its ende avor to successfu lly org anize this event without any soci al, political or

    econo mical hurd le.

    S pecial Games Vi llage is being deve lo ped along the e ast bank of the River Y amuna near po pular

    Aksh ardham T emple by the De lhi Deve lo pment Authority (DDA) and a Commonwe alth G ames




    delivery partner.

    T his s pecial Games Vi llage wi ll ref lect the b lend of tr aditional Indian hos pital ity and modern

    comfort in front of all partici pants of XIX Co mmon We alth G ames 2010. T he Games Vi llage is

    stretched to the tot al area of 158 .4 acre covering 14 b locks , 34 towers and 1 ,168 air-conditioned

    residenti al f lats to co mforta bly accommodate 8 ,000 athletes and te am offici al. T he

    total estima ted construction cost is ex pected to be 40 million U S do llars.

    No doubt wining is the desire of every player but more important is the s pirit to partici pate in the

    games and re present the n ation. T he org anization of such large events does not on ly encour age

    players to co mpete but also deve lo ps the fee ling of friendshi p among the m.

    Common We alth G ames are played in friend ly atmos phere ; there is no place for person al

    differences. Every ye ar num ber of partici pating countries is incre asing in such events. T his ti me

    72 countries are going to mark their presence in the XIX Co mmon We alth G ames 2010 without

    discri mination of any continent , religion , region or size of the n ation.

    T he successfu l implementation of Co mmon We alth G ames 2010 lies in the h ands of five

    stakeho lders who are account a ble for an adequ ate happening of g ames. T hese five key st ake

    ho lders are:

    Commonwealth G ames Feder ation (CGF)

    Indian O lymp ics Associ ation (IOA)

    Organizing Co mm ittee (OC)

    Government of the N ational Cap ital T erritory of De lhi (GNC T D)

    Government of Indi a (GoI)

    T hese st akeho lders are required to look after all necess ary o per ations associ ated with the g ames.

    T he st akeho lders wi ll also get su pport fro m sever al ministries , de partments and agencies

    of Govern ment of Indi a and sever al local and munici pal bodies of Govern ment of the N ational

    Cap ital T erritory of De lhi.




    Social Sector or Non Profit Sector:- T he soci al sector is big business. In the U nited St ates alone so me 1.5 million non profits and

    other soci al ventures h ave co m bined revenues of $700 bi llion and contro l assets v alued at

    $2 tri llion a seeming ly subst antial arsenal to t ack le prob lems in cruci al areas such as

    education , poverty , and he alth care.

    But the truth is th at many of these efforts , des pite best intentions , have not so lved the issues

    they t arget , says Harvard Business Schoo l professor J ane Wei-Ski llern. " T r aditional

    app roaches are sti ll f all ing short , es pecially as the intensity and co mplexity of soci al

    prob lems has grown." 3

    Social sector in India:- T he soci al and deve lo pment sector in Indi a tod ay gives you ano pportunity to not on ly contribute tow ards the better ment of the society but also allows

    as pir ants to ex plore the v arious c areer pros pects th at this sector h as to offer. According to

    Indiv ar Mukho padhyay, Head-HR , Save the Chi ldren , Bal R aksha, Bhar at, Indi a has had,

    tr adition ally, a very vibr ant civi l society presence which is more th an subst antiated by the presence of lakhs of NGOs in the country. T oday, awareness and consciousness a bout

    human deve lo pment issues concerning the country is g aining incre asing signific ance. More

    so , with the incre asing profession al isation of this sector , there are un precedented leve ls of

    interest fro m profession als fro m the ma instre am cor por ate sector to co me in , join and

    contribute. In Indi a, the soci al and deve lo pment sector h as been i mpa cted signific antly in

    the last dec ade through the socio econo mic contribution of the I T /IT ES industry. As the

    industry grows in st ature and size , it wi ll be ex pected to play an even larger ro le, es pecially

    in contributing to the margin al ised and vu lner a ble sections of the co mmunity , ex presses

    Rufin a Fernandes , CEO , NASSCOM Found ation (NF). For Nee lam Makhijani, Progr amm e

    and Consu lting Services Director , T he Resource A lliance, T he social sector is one of the

    leading sectors in I ndia aiming at social welfare. I t is considered as a passion rather than




    2 0

    a profession.

    T he Indi an social sector is boo ming and current ly, it is going at a pheno menal s peed and

    its time for peo ple to consider a career in the soci al sector as a very vi a ble o ption , s ays

    Chanchalapathi Dasa, Vice Chairman, T he A kshaya Patra Foundation . An

    NGO/Intern ational Non Profit Org anization (INGO) h as to be run profession ally as any

    other org anization to en a ble it to achieve its objectives and as pir ations. Kee ping th at in

    mind, an org anization like Chi ld Rights and You , Save the Chi ldren , Bal R aksha, Bhar at

    offers a r ange of e mployment o pportunities as co mmon to most profession ally run

    org anizations which inc lude jobs in the marketing and fundr aising , finance, HR ,

    administr ation and IT de partments and so me which are s pecific to the wor ld of

    NGOs/INGOs which in the c ase of S ave the Chi ldren , Bal R aksha, Bhar at revo lve aroundthe princi ple of chi ld rights , emergencies , advocacy and policy, infor ms Mukho padhyay. 4

    *** 5Comprehensive Report on Commonwealth Games Launched in Delhi: Panel of Experts Questions Secrecy and Undemocratic Nature of CWG Process

    New De lhi, 13 M ay 2010: Housing and Land Rights Network (H LRN) launched a re port tit led,

    "T he 2010 Co mmonwe alth Games: Whose We alth? Whose Co mmons?" For mer Chief Justice ,

    De lhi High Court , Justice A.P. Sh ah, offici ally re leased the re port at an event which w asfollowed by a Panel Discussion ch aired by Mi loon Koth ari, for mer U nited N ations S pecial

    R app orteur on Adequ ate Housing. Other panelists consisted of Dr. A mita bh Kundu , Professor of

    Econo mics, Jawahar lal Nehru U niversity ; Dunu Roy , Director , Hazards Centre ; Dr. Sh alini

    Mishr a, Senior Rese archer , HLRN ; and Shiv ani Ch audhry , Associ ate Director , Housing and

    Land Rights Network. T he 2010 Co mmonwealth Games (CWG) wi ll be he ld in New De lhi,

    India, from 3-14 October 2010. Given the many un answered questions th at have marked the

    CWG process , HLRN undertook a study on v arious di mensions of the G ames. T he H LRN study

    questions the r ationale for s pending thous ands of crores of ru pees on a one-ti me s porting event ,

    which inste ad of de livering any benefits to the masses is resu lting in multi ple vio lations of

    human rights , es pecially of the most margin alized sections of society.

    4 T he ti mes of Indi a, Mum bai, Date: June 4 , 2008 , Section: T imes Ascent5 Housing and La nd Rights Network (H LRN) launched a re port tit led, "T he 2010 Co mm onweal th Gam es: Whose We alth? Whose Co mmons?"



    2 1

    T he ma in findings of the re port inc lude:-

    India 's decision to bid for the Co mmonwealth G ames 2010 w as non-tr ans parent and

    unde mocr atic and cost the country Rs. 137 crore. Indi a offered U S $7.2 million to tr ain

    athletes of all Commonwealth n ations - an offer which alleged ly clinched the bid in

    Indias f avour.

    T he Govern ment of Indi a and De lhi decided to underwrite costs and budget shortf all of

    the G ames, des pite the f act that the Ministry of Fin ance , De partment of Ex penditure ,

    Govern ment of Indi a, cautioned against it in 2003.

    T he budget for the CWG h as risen fro m an initi al projection of Rs. 1 ,899 crore to an

    offici al figure of Rs. 10 ,000 crore and inde pendent ex pert esti ma tes of Rs. 30 ,000 crore.

    T he ex penditure on s ports infr astructure is already 2 ,160% of the initi al projected budget.

    T he incre ase in the U nion Budget allocation for the CWG fro m the Ministry of YouthAff air and S ports rose by 6 ,235% fro m 2005-06 to 2009-10.

    T otal ex penditure on infr astructure , beautific ation projects , and security is unknown but

    likely to be hundreds of crores.

    A Ju ly 2009 re port of the Co mptro ller and Auditor Gener al of Indi a (CAG) r aised

    questions on cert ain fin ancial as pects of the G ames, including s ponsorshi ps and revenue

    gener ation.

    Over one lakh f am ilies have already been evicted due to CWG re lated projects. 44 more

    JJ c lusters are to be re moved before the G ames and an esti ma ted 30 ,000 - 40 ,000

    f am ilies wi ll be dis placed.

    'Begg ars' and ho meless citizens are being arrested and arbitr arily det ained under the

    Bom bay Prevention of Begg ary Act 1959. T he De partment of Soci al We lf are has

    announced 'no-to ler ance zones' in De lhi and plans to send the m back to their st ates of


    T here is r ampa nt ex ploitation of workers at CWG construction sites , including low pay,

    inadequ ate living conditions , and lack of s afety equi pment.

    Ex perience fro m around the wor ld has de monstr ated th at mega s ports events resu lt in

    losses for the host country , es pecially when security costs are f actored in. Indi a's

    ex penses for the CWG are likely to cre ate a negative fin ancial legacy for the n ation , the

    effects of which are already visib le in the for m of higher cost of living and taxes for




    De lhi residents.

    T he Games are un likely to i mprove s ports in Indi a since invest ment is concentr ated onstadiums, which lie large ly unused after the event , as in the c ase of the 1982 Asi anGames.

    Migration:-Migr ation in Indi a is not new and historic al accounts show th at peo ple have moved in se arch of

    work , in res ponse to environ mental shocks and stresses , to esc ape re ligious persecution and

    political conf lict. However i mproved co mmunications , tr ans port networks , conf licts over n atur al

    resources and new econo mic o pportunities h ave cre ated un precedented leve ls of mobi lity. 6

    Although signific ant in recent ye ars, growth h as been unequ al in Indi a (Bal isacan and Duc anes

    2005) , char acterized by industry in deve lo ped st ates such as Gujar at, Mahar ashtr a and Punj a b

    dr awing la bour fro m agricu ltur ally backward and poor regions such as eastern U ttar Pr adesh ,

    Bihar , southern M adhya Pr adesh , western Oriss a and southern R a jasthan. High productivity

    agricu ltur al areas (green revo lution areas) continue to be i mport ant destin ations , but rur al

    urban migr ation is the f astest growing ty pe of migr ation as more migr ants choose to work in

    better paying non-f ar m occu pations in urb an areas and industri al zones. De lhi and the st ates of

    Gujar at and M ahar ashtr a are to p destin ations for inter-st ate migr ant la bour. La bour mobi lity has

    grown and wi ll proba bly continue to grow once the econo my recovers fro m the current crisis.

    Migr ant la bour makes enor mous contributions to the Indi an econo my through ma jor sectors such

    as construction , texti les, small industries , brick- making , stone qu arries , mines , fish and pr awn

    processing and hos pitality services. But migr ants re ma in on the peri phery of society , with few

    citizen rights and no political voice in sh ap ing decisions th at impa ct their lives (K a beer 2005).

    U nlike countries in Southe ast Asi a and E ast Asi a, the bu lk of the migr ant workforce in Indi a has

    little or no educ ation (Sriv astava 2003). In f act migr ants are poor ly endowed all-round: they

    come fro m poor f am ilies where access to physic al, financial and hu man cap ital is limited and

    where pros pects for i mproving living st andards are constr ained by their inferior soci al and political status. Historic ally disadvantaged co mmunities such as the Schedu led C astes , Schedu led

    T ribes 7 and Other B ackward C astes are he avily re presented in migr ation. Poor migr ants are

    a bsorbed in infor mal sector jobs , much mal igned for being insecure , poor ly paid and

    6 United Nations Development Programme Human Development Reports Research Paper 2009/13 April 2009




    un productive but offering the on ly o ption for la borers to i mprove their c apa bilities.

    Official estimates of migration:-T he two ma in sources of d ata on migr ation are the N ational Census and the N ational Sampl eSurvey (NSS) and most esti ma tes of migr ation are based on these.

    T he tot al po pulation of Indi a at the last Census w as over a billion. According to the N ational

    Census for 2001 30% of the po pulation or 307 million were migr ants. Of these , near ly a third

    had migr ated during the previous dec ade. It is to pical to note at the outset th at both the N ational

    Census and the N ational Sampl e Survey (NSS) use definitions of migr ation th at are not

    employment re lated. T hese are change in birth place and change in last usu al place of residence.

    Second ly they give on ly the ma in reason for migr ation and thus miss second ary re asons whichare often work re lated particu lar ly in the c ase of wo men, third they count migr ant stocks and not

    f lows which are actually more import ant for policy and fin ally, they serious ly underesti ma te

    categories of work th at employ migr ant workers. T he findings of the Census and NSS on

    migr ation must be viewed against this b ackdro p.

    Other patterns revealed by the census were:

    T here were 65.4 million female migrants and 32.8 million male migrants. However a

    majority (42.4 million) of female migrants had not migrated for work and had cited

    marriage as the main reason for the change in residence. Among males the most

    important reason for migration was Work/Employment given b y 12.3 million male


    Rural to rural migration still dominated and accounted for 53.3 million; Rural to urban

    7 T hese grou ps accounted for more th an 250 million peo ple in Indi a in 2001 (167 million SCs , 86 millions S T s andother minorities). Offici al statistics show th at SCs and S T s are more de prived th an other soci al grou ps. At the all India level, poverty am ong S T s was a bout two ti mes higher th an non SC/S T s, the poverty g ap r atio being 2.10 and1.7 times higher am ong SCs co mpa red to non SC/S T grou ps. But there were v ariations across st ates. T he dis parity

    between SCs and nonSC/S T grou ps was particu lar ly high in Punj a b, Haryana, and R a jasthan with poverty dis parityr atios of 5.31 , 3.98, and 3.72 res pective ly. T hus, poverty among the SCs w as a bout five ti mes higher in Punj a b, a bout four ti mes higher in H aryana, and a bout two and half times higher in R a jasthan than the rest of the nonSC/S T po pula tion ( T hor at and M ahamall ik 2005).




    migration: 20.5 million Urban to rural migration: 6.2 million and Urban to urban

    migration: 14.3 million.

    Interstate migration has grown by 53.6%. T he total number of interstate migrants was

    42.3 million. Uttar P radesh (-2.6 million) and Bihar (-1.7 million) were the two states

    with the largest net outmigration.

    Table 1 The Economic Contribution Of Migrant Workers By Sector Sector N umber of migrant Value Added per

    Worker in theUnorganised Sector

    TotalContributionto the Economy(millions)

    A GR I CU L T URE At least 10 ,000,000Migr ant f ar m workers1000 ,000 cane cutters500 ,000 cottonseedworkers 2 ,000,000cashew processors

    $ 385.73 (World Development I ndicators Database)= Rs 18745


    Ind. Division (NIC 1998) Mining&Qu arrying 6,000,000 21534 129204Manuf acturing 35 ,000,000 texti le

    workers 21933 767655

    Electricity , Gas&Water 231186 Construction 40 ,000,000 38263 1530520T r ade, Hote ls &Restaur ants

    10,000,000 streetvendors

    62923 629230

    T r ans port,Comm unication& Stor age

    8,000,000 ricksh aw pullers

    77677 621416

    FIREBS 102627 (1.91%)

    Social,Community andPerson al Services

    20,000 ,000 do mesticworkers

    45155 (6.67) 903100

    T otal 4834182 Source ;- U N DP Report on Migration, 2009

    T he contribution of migr ant workers to the Indi an econo my is at least Rs 4834182 Mi llion ($

    99,479 million ). T he tot al value of Indi as GDP w as Rs 47 ,131 ,480 million which means that

    migrant labourers contribute 10% of the GDP .

    Past Research:- Studies are conducted by the v arious org anization and institutes on the

    common we alth games, some focused on the money invo lved in the g ames, some studies




    deve lo pmental cost , NGO s conducted many rese arch to underst and the re-h a bitation and

    migr ation issues. Few org anization conducted rese arch to re port the c ases of Chi ld la bour

    and irregu larities made in the w ages made to the la bour working in construction sites.

    Chi ldren who migr ate on their own or migr ate with their parents miss schoo l. T here are no

    offici al estima tes of the nu m bers of migr ating chi ldren out of schoo l but 6 million is now a

    wide ly acce pted figure for Indi a (AIF 2006). T he ina bility to educ ate chi ldren per petuates

    poverty beyond the present gener ation into the next one and the govern ment of Indi a

    recognises the need to re ach migr ating chi ldren , at least through legis lation. T he under lying

    assump tion is th at educ ating the chi ldren of poor workers wi ll interru pt the intergener ational

    tr ansmission of poverty. T he sche me for univers al primary educ ation, the S arva Shiksh a

    Abhiy an (SSA) and the Educ ation Gu ar antee Sche me and A lternative and Innov ative

    Educ ation (EGS & AIE) progr amm e promise a num ber of f acilities to make educ ation moreaccessib le to mobi le chi ldren. T hese inc lude mobi le schoo ls, exam inations on de mand;

    bridge courses , residenti al camp s and dro p-in centres for street and s lum chi ldren. T he go als

    of the SSA are shown in Box 1. Within these progr amm es, three ex periments are reviewed

    across very different st ate contexts in ter ms of the political milieu. 8

    Research methodology:-T

    he study is a qual itative study. Person al interview were conducted on the pre deter minedquestionn aire.

    T he motive of the study w as to study Migr ation of workers and its i mpa ct on chi ld rights at the

    comm onwe al th site at a predeter mined questionn aire. T he questionn aire of the chi ldren w as fr amed

    kee ping in mind the four b asic rights according to a child.

    Chi ld Rights and You defines the chi ld rights as

    1) Surviv al

    2) Protection

    3) Deve lo pment

    4) Partici pation

    8 U NDP re port on Educ ation , 2008-2009 and AIF (2006) Locked Ho mes and Emp ty Schoo ls. Zub aa n /America India Found ation,

    New De lhi.




    T he questionn aire for migr ation w as fr amed taking into account par ameters such as

    1) Educ ation

    2) Heal th

    3) Income

    4) Ex penditure

    5) Conditions in which their f am ily was living.

    We interviewed around 25 chi ldren and 45 adults. T he sampl e does not qu alify for a large s ampl e size

    qual itative d ata was more cruci al for this study. In-de pth interviews were conducted. In this rese arch

    I study the la bours , their wife and chi ldren. We ask the fo llowing questions:

    We fr amed case studies with the availa ble data.

    ** The Study is entirely based on primary research.

    1. N ame of the Res pondent.

    2. N ative place.

    3. Educ ation B ackground ( liter ate/ i lliter ate).

    1. Ski lled or U nski lled.

    2. Married or U nmarried

    2.1 Where f am ily stays?

    2.2 How many chi ldren?

    2.3 Do they go to schoo l?

    2.4 Where? If not then wh at they do in d aytime?

    2.5 He althy/ M alnourished ?

    2.6 Is doctor availa ble on construction sites?

    2.7 Aw areness reg arding polio vaccination , chicken pox, measles?

    4. Working fro m the age of (victi m of chi ld la bor or not).

    5. Me m bers in the f am ily.

    6. D aily Wages?

    7. Ex penditure on food and Other ex penditure? ( Cig arettes , liquor , guttk a) etc.



    2 7

    8. Regret for not studying?

    9. How many time in a year goes b ack to ho me?


    Graph 1 indicating migration details of children at the Siri Fort Stadium..

    As the gr aph indic ates out of tot al 25 interviews conducted 14 chi ldren migr ated fro m U ttar Pr adesh , around 3 chi ldren migr ated fro m Chhattisgarh, 2 from Bihar ,1 chi ld fro m R a jasthan and 5 fro m Madhya Pr adesh.

    Most of the workers fro m West Beng al and R a jasthan did not bring their f am ilies to the site. We

    interviewed so me Beng ali workers and asked a bout their f am ilies. Most of the workers s aid that their

    wives made beedis at home and chi ldren do not go to schoo l.

    Labor Classificationa) U n-Ski lled

    b) Ski lled

    Most of the ski lled workers c ame from R a jasthan and M adhya Pr adesh where as unski lled workers c am efrom West Beng al, Bihar and U ttar Pr adesh.




    2 0%


    Children composition at CWG site









    Skilled Laborers R a jasthan, Madhya Pr adeshUnskilled Laborers West Beng al, U ttar Pr adesh , Bihar , Chhattisgarh

    Graph 2 indicating migration details of labours at the Siri Fort Stadium..

    Data sheet of 18 in-depth and valid Interview.

    Set :-1

    Se.No Questions S.1 S.2 S.3 S.4 S.5

    1. Name of the

    Res pondent

    Sur a j Balr am Phu li Jaghmoh


    R a jnesh

    Kr Y adav

    2. Native P lace R a jasthan(dho lpur)

    R a jasthan Jhansi U P Dadri, U P

    Bihar , sama sti pur

    2.1 Age 17 23 20 22 19






    11 %










    2 9

    2.2 Sib lings 3 Sister

    3 brothers

    Sister and2


    1 e lder brother

    1 bother 3 brothers

    & 1 sister

    3. Educ ation I lliter ate 7 th pass Pri maryleve l

    Illiter ate Went to

    schoo l

    3.1 Ski lled or unski lled U nski lled Ski lled U nski lled U nski lled U nski lled

    3.2 M arried/ U nmarried U nmarried U nmarried U nmarried U nmarried

    U nmarried

    3.2.1 Where f am ilystays?

    R a jasthan R a jasthan Sites D adri Bihar

    3.2.2 Where are the


    -------------- ------------- Ne phew


    -------- -------

    3.2.3 Do they go toschoo l?

    -------------- ------------ No --------- -------

    3.2.4 Where? If not thenwhat they do whenyou are at work?

    -------------- ------------- Construction sites

    -------- -------

    3.2.5 He althy or mal nourished?

    ---------------- ------------ M al nourished

    -------- -------

    3.2.6 Is doctor availa bleon the site?

    No No No No No

    3.2.7 Aw arenessregarding poliovaccination , measles, chicken pox?

    -------------- ------------ No -------- -------

    4 Working fro m theage of (victi m of child la bor or not).

    12 victi m of child la bour..

    15 ( 7 ye ar ex periencefirst pay =90 Rs present Rs250-275

    16 Se asonal worker ,

    back homeswork infields.

    12-13 ye ar

    Rs 1800

    per month

    to Rs 6000

    5 Me m bers in the Father , 3sister

    Father mother ,

    Father , mother ,

    Father , mother

    Mother ,



    3 0

    f am ily. married , 2 bother studying.

    sister , 2 bothersstudying.

    brother , bha bhi , ne phew

    brother. 3brothersn 1 sister

    6 Daily Wages? Rs 190 per day. Rs 250 -275 100 2500+foodmonth ly

    Rs 200

    7 Ex penditure onfood and others (Cigarettes , liquor , guttk a) etc.

    40 Rs per day and Rs20 on others.

    1500 per months

    1000 per months

    Rs 100 1200 Rs

    8 Regret for notstudying?

    yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    9 How many time ina year goes b ack tohome?

    2 times in a year

    From last5 year workingin De lhi.

    Once in a year

    T wice ina year

    T wice in a


    Set :-2

    Se.No Questions S.6 S.7 S.8 S.9 S.10

    1. Name of the

    Res pondent

    Pr ak ash Shiv R am Sing la

    Ani l kumar

    Surya Kishor

    2. Native P lace Dho lpur R a jasthan

    Bhar at pur R a jasthan

    Gaya, Bihar

    Muzz af ar pur , Bihar

    Malda, Beng al

    2.1 Age 24 38 33 ye ar 26 ye ar 40 ye ar

    2.2 Sib lings None None Brother 3 Sister (married)and two



    3. Educ ation Noschoo ling

    12 th pass. 12 th pass 5 th class Illiter ate



    3 1

    3.1 Ski lled or unski lled Ski lled Ski lled U nski lled(security)

    Ski lled(DJ)


    3.2 M arried/ U nmarried M arried M arried M arried M arried Married

    3.2.1 Where f am ily stays? Dho lpur Fam ilystays indelhi.(Rentedroo m)

    Brother indelhi, nrest b ack home.

    Muzz af ar pur Wife inmalda



    3.2.2 Nu m ber of kids andWhere are they?

    One (b ack home)

    2 kids 3 kids , Back home

    1 kid atconstruction site.

    Son with


    work in


    3.2.3 Do they go to schoo l? Yes Not now Yes No No

    3.2.4 Where? If not thenwhat they do whenyou are at work?

    --------- St ays athome withmother

    ______ Stays withmother

    Work in



    3.2.5 He althy or mal


    Healthy _______ ______ M al



    3.2.6 Is doctor availa ble onthe site?

    No No No No No

    3.2.7 Aw areness reg arding polio vaccination , measles, chicken pox?

    Yes Yes Yes Yes No

    4 Working fro m the ageof (victi m of chi ldla bor or not).

    12(12 ye ar ex periencein stone


    9 year ex perience. Back

    home useto work onfields.

    Lost hisf ather atthe ear ly

    age, leftschoo l, andstartedworking.

    Last 5year. W asthe DJ

    back home. Butleft due toseasonal nature.

    From last20 ye ar working

    under oneT ekhed ar .

    5 Me m bers in thef am ily.

    Father , mother ,

    Mother , f ather ,

    Mother , wife , 3

    Father , wife and 2

    Wife and




    wife , onekid)

    wife , 2kids

    kids , one brother.

    brother and onekid.

    one son.

    6 Daily Wages? 275 Rs 300 Rs 250 Rs +food

    250 Rs Rs 100 +


    7 Ex penditure on foodand others (Cigarettes , liquor , guttk a) etc.

    1500-2000 per months

    2000 per month.

    T ake careof brother ex pensesand sendmoney

    back home.

    2000 Rsand sendsmoney for

    brother education.


    2000 per






    8 Regret for notstudying?

    Yes ______ Yes , wanted to

    beco melawyer.

    Yes Yes

    9 How many time in a year goes b ack tohome?

    Whenever getstime.

    During theharvesting.

    Once in a year.

    Once in a year


    ever gets


    SET 3:-

    Se.No Questions S.11 S.12 S.13 S.14 S.15

    1. Name of the

    Res pondent

    K aml esh Sunder Noorj ahan Nir mal Singh

    R akesh

    2. Native P lace Bih ar , Patna

    Beng al Ja balpur MP

    Allaha bad U P

    Bilas purCattisg arh

    2.1 Age 38-40 14-17 28-30 30-35year

    15-19 ye ar




    2.2 Sib lings None None None None T wo

    3. Educ ation I lliter ate T ill primaryleve l

    Went tomadarsa


    No schoo l

    3.1 Ski lled or unski lled U nski lled U nski lled U nski lled Ski lled U nski lled

    3.2 M arried/ U nmarried M arried U nmarried M arried M arried U nmarried

    3.2.1 Where f am ily stays? Construction sites

    No one inf am ilyvictim of Marxis m.

    Construction sites

    Stays inAllaha bad, 2 kids

    Bilas pur

    3.2.2 Nu m ber of kids and

    Where are they?

    3 kids

    stays atthe ho me.

    ______ 2 sons 6

    year and 8year.

    2 kids

    back home.



    studying n



    3.2.3 Do they go to schoo l? No ______ In eveningWent tonear bymadarsa.

    Dont goto schoo l.


    3.2.4 Where? If not thenwhat they do whenyou are at work?

    T hey playwith other kids atsite.

    ______ Duringday timekids he lp their parents.

    Back homestays athome.


    3.2.5 He althy or mal nourished?

    Mal nourished

    ______ Weak _______ _


    3.2.6 Is doctor availa ble on

    the site?

    No No No No No

    3.2.7 Aw areness reg arding polio vaccination , measles, chicken pox?

    No ______ No Yes No

    4 Working fro m the ageof (victi m of chi ld

    17 ye ar Last 4years

    _______ From last4 year he

    From lastyear he is




    la bor or not). is inDe lhi.

    De lhi.

    5 Me m bers in thef am ily.

    Wife , 2daughter , 1son.

    None (gotkilledduring political inst a bility)

    Husband, 2 kids ,

    brother inlaw, f ather in law.

    Wife , 2kids , f ather , mother.

    Father , mother ,


    6 Daily Wages? Rs 150 Rs 100 Rs 150 per day.

    200 Rs 5000 Rs

    per month.

    7 Ex penditure on foodand others (Cigarettes , liquor , guttk a) etc.

    1500 Rs T akehed ar providesfood.

    3000 Rson entiref am ily.

    1000 Rson food.

    Rs 2000+

    8 Regret for notstudying?

    Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    9 How many time in a year goes b ack tohome?

    Once intwo ye ar.

    _______ T wice in a year.

    T wice ina year.


    ever gets


    Set 4:-

    Se.No Questions S.16 S.17 S.18

    1. Name of the

    Res pondent

    Manoj H ari Moh an Vij ay Yadav

    2. Native P lace Bastar Bih ar Patna, Bihar Mirz apur U P

    2.1 Age 16 ye ar 32-35 ye ar 30 ye ars

    2.2 Sib lings 1 brother None None

    3. Educ ation Pri mary leve l Never went toschoo l

    Primary leve l




    3.1 Ski lled or unski lled U nski lled U nski lled Ski lled

    3.2 M arried/ U nmarried U nmarried M arried M arried

    3.2.1 Where f am ily stays? F ather is de ad, mother n brother stays in b astar.

    At Constructionsites. (juggis)

    Construction sites(Juggis)

    3.2.2 Nu m ber of kids andWhere are they?

    Brother 3 kids 3 kids. St ays withhim.

    3.2.3 Do they go to schoo l? Yes No No

    3.2.4 Where? If not thenwhat they do whenyou are at work?

    Bastar St ays in juggis and play with other kids.

    Stays in juggis bui lt near theconstruction sites.

    3.2.5 He althy or mal nourished?

    ______ Mal nourished. M al nourished

    3.2.6 Is doctor availa ble onthe site?

    No No No

    3.2.7 Aw areness reg arding polio vaccination , measles, chicken pox?

    No No No

    4 Working fro m the ageof (victi m of chi ldla bor or not).

    12 victi m of chi ldla bor. From lastyear working indifferentconstruction sites.

    From the age of 13.Father mother diedin young age.Looked after bygr andmother. Who isalso no more.

    17-18. c ame todelhi in se arch of work with hisfriends. Gotmarried after getting the work.After the de ath of

    both mother andf ather he bringthe f am ily toDe lhi.

    5 Me m bers in thef am ily. Mother and brother Wife and three kids. Wife and 3 kids.

    6 Daily Wages? 150 Rs Rs 150 Rs 250




    7 Ex penditure on foodand others (Cigarettes , liquor , guttk a) etc.

    1000 Rs per month.

    Rs 2000- 2500 per month

    Rs 2000

    8 Regret for notstudying?

    Yes No (f ate) (kis metma in jo likha hai)


    9 How many time in a year goes b ack tohome?

    When ever getstime.

    Once in ye ar. Butafter d adi deathnever been to hisvillage.

    Once in a year todo puja.

    Key Findings:-

    Mixed concentr ation of la bors from different part of the country. M a jor states inc ludes

    R a jasthan, U ttar Pr adesh , Bihar , Beng al, Chhattisg arh. U sing person al interview we tried to find

    out the ex act Nu m ber. We c ame u p with fo llowing figures.

    States Total people working at Sri fort Stadium

    Bihar 200

    Rajasthan 200-250

    Uttar Pradesh 200

    Chattisgarh 150

    West Bengal 150-200

    Madhya Pradesh 100

    NOT E:- It is also required to t ake into consider ation th at Sri fort st adium work w as alm ost 80 Percent w ascompl eted at the ti me of study. So the la bour demand and concentr ation w as much lesser and different th an thedemand at the beginning of the work.



    3 7

    Case Studies framed out of the above data:-Case 1. Meet Real hero..."ANIL KAPOOR"

    Ani l is fro m Gaya, Bihar , 12th pass, working as a la borer at CWG site. He cou ldn't continue hisstudies bec ause he lost his f ather at a young age. He h ave been working since the age of 18years. T oday he is 33.

    He is a nice and an inte lligent man, he wants to continue his studies , says bahut la jjit hon a parta hai hume sama j me, hum shiksh a se vanchit r ahe.

    He says he w as a bright student in schoo l wanted to beco me a Lawyer.

    Ani ls f am ily stays back ho me in G aya, his mother looks after his wife and two kids , both goesto schoo l.

    Inc ludes lots of R ama yan and M aha bar ata inst ances in his t alk. He s pent his entire life in e arning bread for his f am ily and to make his brother study , and wanted to see his brother as an IASofficer. Present ly his brother c leared SCC ex am . Fro m last 4 ye ars Ani l's brother is in De lhiPre paring for CS ex ams, Entire ex penditure of his brother w as carried out by hi m.

    He s peaks hindi very f luent ly.T his man ins pired me a lot..... best thing a bout hi m was he be lieves in " Forgiving and

    forgetting " , " I ndia is great country, all religions are followed " , " smay hi bhagwan hai " .




    Ani l is very re ligious man, he to ld me that atma sai honi chaiye, sab lo prem rup se rahenachiye, Sadhu wahi hai jo ek dusre ko sahara de

    Ani l pr actices Yog a every d ay and he also to ld me th at he cre ated a medicine usingJARIB UT IT ES i.e.. Herbs , locally availa ble in his vi llage. T his he lps the aged cou ple in

    bearing chi ldren.

    He is very f amous amongst his co workers , peo ple recognize hi m by "Ani l K apoor" , and his co-workers to ld me that Ani l is very ne at n c lean man by he art.

    Ani l took my G.K test , he asked me many question like Who made Indi a Gate? When SecondWor ld W ar came to an end? Who g ave the s logan JAI JAWAN JAI KISAN? Etc..

    Another interesting inst ance Ani l taught me the re al meaning of Hero. According to hi m HEROStands for- H=he althy , E=Efficient ly, R= Rich , O= Obedient

    Case-2 I COOK FOR EVERYONE Kishore is a 40 ye ar o ld man fro m Malda West Beng al. He h as been working as a la bourer for more th an 20 ye ars. Kishore h as worked in all places in Indi a. He liked lucknow the most out of all the places he visited.N awob k a seher h ai

    Kishore is like an o lder brother to most young la borers working. Kishore cooks for all the 150la borers working there at the site.

    His f am ily lives in M alda, wife makes bidis. Chi ldren do not go to schoo l. One chi ld work in theCWG site along with hi m. Chi ld age is so mewhere around 15-16 ye ars. Other chi ld he lp hismother in the bidi making. Age is around 10-12 ye ar as to ld by Kishore. Both the kids never went to schoo l, cou ldnt afford to sent the m to the schoo l.

    He w ants to set u p his own te a stall and Beng al i rest aur ant in De lhi.

    He e arns Rs 5000 for a 60 day contr act with a local T ekhed ar. He to ld us th at he is going to hisvillage for e lections. T he local MLA contesting for e lections h ad paid the m Rs 5000 per f am ilyfor voting in f avor of hi m. A c lear case of VO T E BU YING.

    CASE 3:- DJ by natureT hese were the words of Surya young migr ant la bour fro m Muzz af ar pur , Bihar. Studied ti ll primary leve l (class five).

    Surya back ho me was the DJ , playing music during the occ asions like Birthd ay, Weddings , etc.

    T hough in vi llage he use to e arn good amount but the e arning w as not continuous. F ather took the loan for mothers Kidney o per ation ; the re payment of loan was to be made by Sury a and his



    3 9

    f ather. Sury a lost her mother. T hey have to se ll their Medic al Sho p to re pay the loan, loanamount w as very big. So he c ame to De lhi for the work. Sury a has 3 sisters all married and 2

    brother , he as pires educ ation for hi m. He regrets his studying d ays did not like studying bec ausehe was in the b ad co mpa ny then , said Sury a. Sury a is married and live with his wife and one kid.Kids age is around 4 ye ar who m they t ake with the m where ever they go for work. Sury a and hiswife both work in the site. F am ily stays in the jugggis ne ar the construction Sites.

    He w as quite u pset whi le talking to me because he lost his ce ll phone last night. He h ates Laoo(Laloo Pr asad Yadav) bec ause he ruined Bih ar. He likes Nithish , with the co ming of NithishBihar is progressing very f ast and cri me, law and order h as imp roved a lot. He also st ated th atStates like Ker ala and West Beng al are very good in ter ms of Educ ation St andards. Bih ar has poor educ ation st andards. He also to ld me that no NREGA sche mes are present in his Vi llage.

    Mehangayi bahut hai jaan le rahi hai, Man mohan ke Raj main bahut mehangayi ho gayi hai.

    He enjoys cricket , and want to w atch match in a stadium at Ferozsh ah Kot la in De lhi. He is a bigf an of S aur av Gangu ly. Loves hi m, think he is the gre atest C aptain Indi a ever h ad. He also to ldme he won Rs500 through local betting.

    He also said Co mmon We alth G ames is a waste , they shou ld have invested this amount ingener ating e mployment and deve lo ping Vi llages.

    He had seen Indi a gate , Qutub Min ar , Red Fort. And w ant to go to Mu m bai.

    Case 4:- NOO R J AHAN Her person al ity is very true to her n am e; Noor J ahan is a gr acefu l young lady. She is the mother of twochildren Irf aan and Ar maa n.She is extre mely soft s poken be longs to the city of N awa bs Lucknow.She gotmarried at the age of 18 in J a balpur M.P.Her husb and is an electrici an working at Commonwe al th site.She along with her f ather in law and brother in laws works at the site.

    Since Noor J ahan and her f am ily are Mus lims they do not st ay where the other workers st ay. T hey st ayse par ately. T en f am ily mem bers st aying under a sing le tent made of plastic sheets. T he f am ily is notallowed to use the s anitation f acilities availa ble to workers at the site.

    The chi ldren c am e here to visit parents on a holiday.

    The chi ldren go to schoo l in vi llage and their gr and parents t ake care of the m. She s ays she misses her boys.

    She te lls me that a noble man who is also a mem ber of the Siri Fort c lub gave the boys Rs 2000 for purchase of new c lothes. T he boys were h app y with their new c lothes , so was Noor J ahan.

    Noor J ahan claimed their individu al earning per day was Rs 150 to Rs 200.Month ly ex penditure on foodis Rs 3000. Noor J ahan was a caring mother. She made sure th at kids e at we ll and always inc luded milk and curd in their diet.



    4 0

    Picture showing Noor J ahan with Irf an

    Case 5:- ManojManoj h ails fro m Buxs ar Bihar. He is on ly sixteen . He lost his f ather at a very young age. His unc le whoworked in the city brought hi m.

    He is the so le bread earner for his f am ily after the de ath of his f ather 5 ye ars back. His younger brother and sister go to schoo l. He h ad to discontinue his studies when he w as class VI then.

    He worked as a child la borer at the construction sites. He to ld us th at he knew a bout chi ld rights. He h adread the m in schoo l, but he hi mself did not live his chi ldhood like a child.

    He does not drink or s moke is very conscious a bout his he alth. He does not h ave a mobile. He e arnsaround Rs 150 per day s pends Rs 1000 on food and living ex penses rest of the money sends ho me.He s aidhe wou ld like to study if given a chance. He loves we aring new c lothes.

    Picture showing M anoj t aking a break fro m work.



    4 1

    Case 6 :- KamleshK aml esh is around 38-40 ye ars o ld. He h as two d aughters. None go to schoo l.K aml esh is new to Siri Fort.

    He ear lier worked in Rohini at the CWG site.

    K aml esh is extre mely poor , daughters just move around the site in under g ar ments and bare

    footed.K aml esh hi mself does not h ave footwe ar.

    He lost his wife due to Dengue two ye ars b ack. After which he c am e to the city after he lost his

    agricu ltur al land due to a loan he h ad taken for his wifes tre atment. E lder daughter is 9 ye ars o ld and

    younger d aughter is 7 ye ars o ld. Both do not go to schoo l. Both the d aughters s pend their d ay doing

    househo ld activities.

    K aml esh earns Rs 150 per day; he says he wou ld buy his d aughters ch appal s next month.

    Case 7:- SurajSur a j is around 18 ye ars of age. He be long to Dho lpur , R a jasthan. He e arns around Rs 190 per day.He h as

    been working since four ye ars. His on ly am bition in life is to e arn money. It is his second ti me at the Siri

    Fort site He h as worked in other places in De lhi too. He h as seen the Indi a Gate and T a j Mahal.He visits

    his ho me town thrice a year.

    He is h app y and contented at what he does and also very proud th at he is a skilled worker. He studied ti ll

    seventh c lass later dro pped out of schoo l because he did not like studying. T wo of his brothers work with

    him at the site. F ather also works at a stone f actory in Dho lpur.He h as three sisters out of which one is


    Findings after Interviewing Children at the Site:-




    Graph 3 indicating age details of children

    Out of the tot al 25 chi ldren ,7 were be low 5 ye ars of age,14 were fro m 5-10 ye ars and 4 were a bove 10years of age.

    ** T here were many chi ld la borers working on the site but they were given strict instructions to not totalk to any str anger.And if anyone asks their age to answer its more th an 14 ye ars.But in so me cases wecou ld clear ly make out they were less th an 14 ye ars of age.

    For the question no 3 in our question aire Since how much ti me you h ave been at the site?

    Most of the chi ldren were their on the site for less th an one ye ar.M aximum time was answered as oneyear which on ly 3 chi ldren s aid out of 25.




    No of children in different agecategory

    10 years




    Graph 4 I ndicating time spent by the children at the site.

    For question nu m ber 4 where we asked if both parents worked at the site or not?

    Most of the chi ldren answered as both their parents worked at the site. We observed th at there w as noelder ly person availa ble at home to t ake care of the m

    Older sib lings took c are of younger sib lings and wo men cam e every hour to kee p a check on the chi ldren.

    Most of the chi ldren s pent their d ay playing around the site.

    Most the gir ls took c are of sib lings did c leaning and cooking to he lp their brothers.

    Most of the boys accompa nied their parents on the site and assisted the m at work.

    For the question When do parents co me back fro m work?

    T here were large ly two ti mings when workers got free fro m work 5:00 PM and 9:00 PM. T he chi ldrentold us th at workers got extr a payment on working in the night.

    6 0%

    4 0%

    Since how much time you areat the site.

    Less than 6 months

    6 months -1 year




    Graph 5:- indicating when do parents come back from work?

    T he gr aph indic ates th at around 10 chi ldren out of tot al sampl e size of 25 indic ated th at there parentscome back at 5:00 PM .And around 15 indic ate parents return at 9:00 pm.

    Some chi ldren indic ated th at they were sc ared of being alone es peciall y when parents c ame late fro m work. And so me chi ldren were sc ared to get w ater alone which w as a little f ar from where the workerswere st aying.

    When we asked Did parents discuss migr ation with the m?

    T he o lder chi ldren s aid that migr ation w as discussed with the m. T he reasons they to ld us werey City is very big.

    y Greater o pportunities are availa ble.

    y Better medical f acilities are availa ble.

    y More money cou ld be e arned.

    y Cousins st ay here.


    I can go to a better schoo l.y I can see the air plane st aying in the city.

    Migr ation w as not discussed with the younger chi ldren.

    T o the question Do you like being in the vi llage or in the city?

    4 0%

    6 0%

    When do your parents come back from work.

    5 :00pm 9:00pm




    Most of the chi ldren s aid that they liked being in the vi llage more. T hey cou ld pla y and study in thevillage. A lso h ad better houses in vi llage.

    T he o lder chi ldren were more am bitious and liked the city more bec ause they cou ld earn big money here.

    EducationEduc ation is an extre mely imp ortant par ameter. One of the b asic chi ldrens right. We cou ld see a ma jor violation of chi ldrens right in ter ms of educ ation.

    Almost all the chi ldren were dro pped out of schoo l.

    We asked a question Do you know wh at schoo l is?

    Almost all children knew wh at a schoo l was. T hanks to a local NGO c alled Mobi le Crches o per atingat the site. A lot of chi ldren who h ad never been to a schoo l cou ld go to schoo l again.

    T he chi ldren loved going to the schoo l that was o per ating at the site. T he schoo l was o per ating fro m

    Nove m ber 2009 to M arch 2010.T

    he schoo l was discontinued due to r ap id construction work.T o the question Do you w ant to study? /Do you like studying?

    T he chi ldren loved studying and wanted to pursue higher studies further. We observed th at none of thechildren h ad any as pir ations.


    T here were no medic al f acilities availa ble at the site. I s aw most chi ldren suffering fro m skin dise ases , sun burns and other skin dise ases.

    No polio camp on 23 rd may was set u p too for giving polio vaccination to chi ldren.

    Re ported ly there w as one de ath at the site due to j aundice.M anik fro m Malda died of j aundice at the site.T he workers to ld us 45 accidents at the CWG site which ti ll today rema ins un-re ported.

    We asked a question if there w as a doctor visiting the m at the site?

    All the kids s aid that no doctor visits the m at the site.

    However first aid f acility is availa ble at the site. So me workers s aid that they c annot afford a doctor , somegot un prescribed medicines fro m the sho p and so me waited to get b ack to the vi llage to be tre ated.

    HygieneT here w as lack of hygiene at the site. Most of the cooking w as done outside the house. T he chi ldrenhardly wore foot we ars. So me did not we ar clothes to be at the he at. In turn suffering fro m sun burns andother dise ases.

    T o the question Wh at do you e at?




    T he chi ldren re plied a modest diet of d al and roti.None of the chi ldren took milk in their diet nonveget arian was on ly cooked by one Mus lim f am ily fro m Ja balpur st aying on the site.

    Most of the chi ldren e at just twice a day and ski pped their bre akf ast. So me had samosa and bre ad pakor a in their bre ak f ast fro m the ne arby sho p o per ating at the site.

    HousingMost of the workers lived with their f am ilies at the site. T heir houses were made of asbestos sheets.However so me f am ilies indu lged in street scr app ing work lived on the lanes of the ro ad inside plasticsheets.So me lived in rented roo ms at Shah pur Jat (a near by co lony)


    Case 1:- She is just nineteen and mother of five. R amvati came to De lhi fro m Jhumar , in Bih ar a month b ack with her husb and Hir a Lal and 5children , 2 gir ls and 3 boys.Hir a Lal worked as an attendant in a local sho p; he earned a meager inco me of Rs 500. He migr ated to De lhi along with his f am ily for better o pportunities.

    R amvati is now 27 ; she has never been to schoo l. She got married at the age of fifteen. She ismother to 5 chi ldren. R amvatis youngest boy girish who is just 8 months o ld suffers fro m malnutrition.

    Before co ming to De lhi R amvati had ho pes that in the city she wou ld find qu alified doctors for girish and send rest of her chi ldren to schoo l. T oday she s ays Ek j ani ki k ama i, aur meheng aik aise bheze b acho ko schoo l, a bi tak toh chote ki k amzori ke liye doctor bi n ai dikh a paye, yuhisa b sikh j ayenge j aise hu m sikh g aye

    Picture 1:- R amvati with her five chi ldren



    4 7

    Case 2:- Tired of babysitting her siblings, Chameli wants to play againI met Ch ameli the very first d ay of my visit to Siri Fort S ports Co mplex. I s aw four youngchildren loitering around the dustbin. I noticed th at Chameli was the o ldest one ; I went c loser toher and asked her age she did not know her age; she see med to be around seven. Both her parentswork at the site. She s aid that she h ad never gone to a schoo l back in her vi llage in Bi las pur inMadhya Pr adesh , but she went to a schoo l o per ating at the site by a local NGO.

    She te lls me that she enjoyed schoo l; she loved the ski pping and counting. She s ays given a chance she wou ld go b ack to schoo l again.

    I ask her wh at she does the who le days, she te lls me e la bor ately that she c leans u p the house , cooks for her sib lings , helps the m take a bath, feeds the m and kee ps a watch on the m the who leday.

    She is so occu pied with househo ld chores and taking c are of her sib lings th at she does not h ave

    time to play.She does not know why she c ame to the city , but she liked vi llage more bec ause she cou ld playmore in vi llage.

    Picture 2 Ch ameli with her youngest brother S andee p

    Picture 3 Ch ameli with her younger sib lings Dee pak ,

    Gomti and Sandee p




    Case 3 :- Gomti who is scared of chocolates.Gomti is a 4 year o ld chi ld, chamelis sister she does not inter act with me. She h as a veryuncanny beh avior. I ask her for choco lates she refuses to t ake the m. She gets sc ared , after whichshe st arts ro lling on the ro ad and cries I ask ch ameli a bout it she s ays she never e ats choco lates.

    Chameli says Go mti does not h ave friends and does not play with anyone.

    Gomti is sc ared of her f ather and brother Dee pak bec ause she gets be aten u p by the m.

    Next d ay I meet Go mti again, I greet her again. She is h app y that I re mem bered her n ame. Shedoes not inter act with me smiles and walks away.

    Picture 4 Go mti who h ates choco lates

    Case 4:- Ruhan seven month old baby under the water tank.

    In the scorching he at of 47*C a ba by is lying alone under the w ater t ank , as I walk u p to him. Hecries for his mother. After ten minutes I see his mother co ming hurried ly to pick hi m u p.

    Both his parents are fro m Jhansi, both of the m are unski lled earning a bout Rs 100 per day.

    Wo man is 4 months pregnant with another chi ld. T wo o lder d aughters are in Jh ansi withgr and parents.

    I ask her why she is working , she s ays kh ane ko n ai milta isliye is h ala t me k am k ar na par r aha hai mazboori h ai.



    4 9

    Ruhan has not been given polio vaccination even once. Mother s ays she does not know a bout polio.

    She s ays no medical f acilities availa ble for chi ldren on the site.

    Picture 5 Little Ruhan with Mother

    Case 5 :- Sunita misses Miss Kanta from Mobile Crches.

    Sunit a loves to study ; she has as pir ations of beco ming a teacher. She used to go to schoo l back in

    her vi llage in D adri, U ttar Pr adesh. She is ne atly dressed gir l who h as many friends at the site.She te lls me that she re mem bers all the t a bles by he art.

    She loves to re ad stories. But her story is th at of a gir l who is being de prived of her b asic righti.e. Right to educ ation.

    She misses K anta Madam who t aught Eng lish at the site. T he entire d ay she plays around at thesite whi le both her parents are at work. She h as an o lder brother who studies at a private institutein Lucknow. I asks her why she c ame here to De lhi; she s ays she is young so her mother did notwant to leave her alone in the vi llage.