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  • 7/31/2019 Chem Article


    Melting Antarctic icebergs fight back against global warming

    Kenyon WallaceToronto Star

    May, 2011

    As the earth slowly loses its polar ice caps, the very ice that is melting away is putting up its own

    fight against global warming, surprising new research has found.

    Iron in the meltwater from Antarctic icebergs is spurring the growth of algae that suck up carbon

    dioxide from the atmosphere and eventually deposit organic carbon on the bottom of the sea

    floor, according to the first comprehensive study of the phenomenon.

    The five-year study, which will appear next month in a special issue of the journalDeep Sea

    Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, found that as the meltwater mixes with sea

    water, the iron fertilizes the growth of phytoplankton and algae, converting the once mineral-

    starved water into biological communities abundant with life.

    The nutrients contained in the meltwater come out and enhance the growth of micro-

    organisms, which, through the food chain, increases the number of shrimplike krill and even

    birds,Ken Smith, a marine biologist at CaliforniasMonteray Bay Aquarium Research Institute

    and the studys lead researcher, told the Toronto StarFriday.

    As they grow, the plankton and algae take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere that has

    dissolved into the sea water. As organisms consume the now plentiful plankton and algae, they

    create waste in the form of organic carbon that eventually settles on the sea floor almost like

    a natural carbon sequestration program, Smith explained.

    The researchers conducted three month-long cruises to theWeddell Sea, part of the Southern

    Ocean, the southernmost tip of the Atlantic Ocean, just off the coast of Antarctica, in 2005, 2008

    and 2009. The area is known as iceberg alley for its inhospitable climate.

    Using remote controlled aircraft, boats, small submarines and GPS, the team tracked icebergs

    as they drifted northward after calving off the Antarctic ice sheet.

    Every year, global climate change causes thousands of icebergs to break off from shrinking

    Antarctic ice shelves and drift northwards into the Weddell Sea.

    As the icebergs drift and melt, iron contained in sediment collected by the ice tens of

    thousands of years ago when glaciers moved over land is released, sometimes creating trails

    of nutrient-rich clouds in the sea nearly 20 kilometres long.
  • 7/31/2019 Chem Article


    The researchers used a device called a Lagrangian sediment trap that sinks to about 600

    metres below the ocean surface while an iceberg floats above. The instrument then rises to the

    surface, collecting sediment, algae and other debris left in the wake of the iceberg.

    Scientists have calculated that the melting icebergs deposit up to 120,000 tonnes of biological

    material into the Southern Ocean every year. That material, in turn, is believed to spur the

    growth of enough plankton to remove more than two billion tonnes of carbon dioxide from the


    Smith said the phenomenon may have implications for global climate models.

    Were essentially measuring the amount of organic carbon that is being exported, he said. But

    its too early to tell if this is having any impact on the overallatmosphere.