charla en ingles

Carlos: Oh¡¡¡ men, I have had a very bad day Ricardo: I don´t care shut up¡¡¡ I have my problems! Arturo: Seriously, what happened with you today? Carlos: I had 3 exams and I didn´t know nothing, and then I had to present my oral exam but the teacher failed me because I said Oh¡¡ men Ricardo: Talking about that, do you remember of our math teacher? Arturo: I don´t remember which one? Carlos: The one who made you an extraordinary Ricardo: No, the other one Arturo: ahhhh¡¡ the teacher who didn´t receive your portfolio. Ricardo: No, the one who failed me because I didn´t stand up when he arrived to the classroom. Arturo: Yeah I can remember now, the same who applied us his “injection exam”. But what about that? Ricardo: Nothing, Just saying hahahahaha Carlos: What´s wrong with you guys? Don´t you care about my problems? Ricardo: yeah yeah right¡¡ But we are all in the same situation. We are in the same classroom. Arturo: No Richard, that isn´t true. Carlos has a complicated problem; his score will decrease at the end of the semester. Ricardo: Your grades! In fact the mine too! Hahahaha Arturo: Oh my god¡ listening to that, I remember that we have to go to the National Art Museum¡ Ricardo: Carlos and I have already gone and it´s not as boring as it seems to be. Arturo: Wait¡¡ you went there without me¡¡?? Ricardo: That was decided by Carlos. Arturo: I don´t believe this¡¡ Carlos: Take it easy¡¡¡ Now we will tell you about the museum which you didn´t go. Arturo: You´re right, friends are for helping each other’s, today for me, tomorrow for you. And…Is it boring the museum?

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Post on 20-Jul-2016




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Page 1: Charla en Ingles

Carlos: Oh¡¡¡ men, I have had a very bad day

Ricardo: I don´t care shut up¡¡¡ I have my problems!

Arturo: Seriously, what happened with you today?

Carlos: I had 3 exams and I didn´t know nothing, and then I had to present my oral exam but the teacher failed me because I said Oh¡¡ men

Ricardo: Talking about that, do you remember of our math teacher?

Arturo: I don´t remember which one?

Carlos: The one who made you an extraordinary

Ricardo: No, the other one

Arturo: ahhhh¡¡ the teacher who didn´t receive your portfolio.

Ricardo: No, the one who failed me because I didn´t stand up when he arrived to the classroom.

Arturo: Yeah I can remember now, the same who applied us his “injection exam”. But what about that?

Ricardo: Nothing, Just saying hahahahaha

Carlos: What´s wrong with you guys? Don´t you care about my problems?

Ricardo: yeah yeah right¡¡ But we are all in the same situation. We are in the same classroom.

Arturo: No Richard, that isn´t true. Carlos has a complicated problem; his score will decrease at the end of the semester.

Ricardo: Your grades! In fact the mine too! Hahahaha

Arturo: Oh my god¡ listening to that, I remember that we have to go to the National Art Museum¡

Ricardo: Carlos and I have already gone and it´s not as boring as it seems to be.

Arturo: Wait¡¡ you went there without me¡¡??

Ricardo: That was decided by Carlos.

Arturo: I don´t believe this¡¡

Carlos: Take it easy¡¡¡ Now we will tell you about the museum which you didn´t go.

Arturo: You´re right, friends are for helping each other’s, today for me, tomorrow for you. And…Is it boring the museum?

Carlos: Certainly not, it was very interesting; even I saw a fascinating picture that was painted by Da Vinci, it´s called the Gioconda.

Arturo: Boring….

Ricardo: Not as much as you think, I recommend that is better that you go, the exposed art masterpieces have a deep meaning like the painting of the Pantheon in Rome which has a peculiar and meaningful architecture.

Carlos: Open your mind, don´t be negative. The art is to sensitize humans. Believe me when I say the art of this museum is for awakening feelings that you didn´t know were living within.

Page 2: Charla en Ingles

Arturo: You´re right ¡¡¡ if I have time I will go, I’d like to see the Gioconda, sounds great! Months ago I read a book about Da Vinci´s inventions and art.

(We stay quiet, the conversation ends and Carlos stays thinking)

Ricardo: What are you thinking? You have stayed in silent for a long time

Carlos: It´s just that I´m wondering what will happen with us in the future, we are growing up and I’m near of the 18 years

Ricardo: Quite easy, I will be an astronaut to become the first man that walked on Mars

Arturo: Well, send my greetings to the UFOS! Hahahahaha…and what about you Carlos?

Carlos: I will be a marine of the U.S Navy, I want to save people or maybe be a president, I don´t know.

Ricardo: Hahahah you never will become in an American marine, you´re Mexican.

Carlos: You will see in the future (laughing), I can be whatever I want! I´m sure

Carlos: And what will you be Arturo?

Arturo: I think that I will be a successful doctor; I will study in Harvard or Oxford, I will be better than Dr. House hahahaha

Ricardo: With those grades I don’t think so hahaha

Carlos: You are the person who has less right to say something about grades! Hahaha

Ricardo: Come on! Give me a break! I have gotten better grades than you men…. At least the teacher doesn´t punish me for being present in the classroom hahahahaha

(Both laugh)

Carlos: Ha ha ha it´s not funny, she punished me two weeks!

Arturo: But you deserved it! You are the kind of person who likes troubles! Remember when you were arrested for two days because you accidentally hit a cop.

(Everyone laugh)

Ricardo: (Turn to see the clock) Ohhhh guys¡¡¡ it´s too late, I have to watch a movie tonight. (He stands and they goodbye)

Arturo: What movie?

Ricardo: Not of your business

Arturo: Ok, but please don´t kill me. Well, I should go too, I got lots of homework.

Carlos: Sure, me too¡¡ I don´t wanna fail the semester.

Ricardo: See you tomorrow¡¡

Arturo: bye¡¡

Carlos: good night¡¡