characterization of materials and masonry …

Proceedings of the 1 st Iberic Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Mechanics and Materials / 11 th National Congress on Experimental Mechanics. Porto/Portugal 4-7 November 2018. Ed. J.F. Silva Gomes. INEGI/FEUP (2018); ISBN: 978-989-20-8771-9; pp. 781-796. -781- PAPER REF: 7395 CHARACTERIZATION OF MATERIALS AND MASONRY ASSEMBLAGES FOR SEISMIC RESISTANT MASONRY INFILLS Luís M. Silva (*) , Graça Vasconcelos, Paulo B. Lourenço ISISE, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Universidade do Minho, 4800-058 Azurém, Guimarães, Portugal (*) Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT This paper, presents the experimental work carried out at University of Minho to characterize the mechanical properties of the materials and masonry assemblages used in two new seismic resistant masonry infill systems. This information about mechanical properties of materials and masonry assemblages is important to understand the experimental results and for further numerical simulations and analytical analysis of masonry infill systems. Besides that, this characterization is important due to the novelty of these two systems, because there is no literature on the mechanical properties of same components used in these new solutions. These new systems are to be used in new construction in Portugal. On first part of paper are presented the solutions and it is presented and discussed the mechanical properties of masonry materials, masonry units and mortar. The mechanical properties include the compressive and flexural strength of mortar and compressive strength of units to different directions of loading. After that starts the presentation and discussion of mechanical properties in masonry assemblages, including the compressive strength in the direction normal to the bed joints based on uniaxial compression tests; tensile and shear strength based on diagonal compression test; flexural strength in the direction parallel and perpendicular to the bed joints based on flexural tests; and shear properties of interfaces through initial shear tests. All mechanical properties are obtained based on standard procedures following European standards. Keywords: Masonry infill, experimental characterization, compression, diagonal shear, flexural tests, initial shear. INTRODUCTION Masonry infill walls are a common solution for enclosures walls in many countries in southern Europe, mainly in Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings, leading to the need of production of thousands of masonry units annually [1]. In the last 60 years, several studies [2], [3] have been conducted to understand the influence of the masonry infill walls in RC structure, and the seismic behaviour of these infill walls. According to several authors, the masonry infill walls contribute significantly to the performance of buildings in terms of interior quality, and have a positive influence in the lateral resistance, in the stiffness and in the energy dissipation in RC frames [4]. However, there are still problems in the behaviour of these walls especially when they are subjected to seismic action [5], because although they are considered non-structural, they contribute to withstand the seismic action. The recent earthquakes in Lefkada in 2003 [6], L’Aquila in 2009 [7], Van in 2011 and Emilia Romagna in 2012 [8], among others, showed that masonry infills walls can affect the global

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Proceedings of the 1st Iberic Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Mechanics and Materials /

11th National Congress on Experimental Mechanics. Porto/Portugal 4-7 November 2018.

Ed. J.F. Silva Gomes. INEGI/FEUP (2018); ISBN: 978-989-20-8771-9; pp. 781-796.





Luís M. Silva(*)

, Graça Vasconcelos, Paulo B. Lourenço

ISISE, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Universidade do Minho, 4800-058 Azurém, Guimarães, Portugal (*)

Email: [email protected]


This paper, presents the experimental work carried out at University of Minho to characterize

the mechanical properties of the materials and masonry assemblages used in two new seismic

resistant masonry infill systems. This information about mechanical properties of materials

and masonry assemblages is important to understand the experimental results and for further

numerical simulations and analytical analysis of masonry infill systems. Besides that, this

characterization is important due to the novelty of these two systems, because there is no

literature on the mechanical properties of same components used in these new solutions.

These new systems are to be used in new construction in Portugal.

On first part of paper are presented the solutions and it is presented and discussed the

mechanical properties of masonry materials, masonry units and mortar. The mechanical

properties include the compressive and flexural strength of mortar and compressive strength

of units to different directions of loading. After that starts the presentation and discussion of

mechanical properties in masonry assemblages, including the compressive strength in the

direction normal to the bed joints based on uniaxial compression tests; tensile and shear

strength based on diagonal compression test; flexural strength in the direction parallel and

perpendicular to the bed joints based on flexural tests; and shear properties of interfaces

through initial shear tests. All mechanical properties are obtained based on standard

procedures following European standards.

Keywords: Masonry infill, experimental characterization, compression, diagonal shear,

flexural tests, initial shear.


Masonry infill walls are a common solution for enclosures walls in many countries in

southern Europe, mainly in Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings, leading to the need of

production of thousands of masonry units annually [1]. In the last 60 years, several studies

[2], [3] have been conducted to understand the influence of the masonry infill walls in RC

structure, and the seismic behaviour of these infill walls. According to several authors, the

masonry infill walls contribute significantly to the performance of buildings in terms of

interior quality, and have a positive influence in the lateral resistance, in the stiffness and in

the energy dissipation in RC frames [4]. However, there are still problems in the behaviour of

these walls especially when they are subjected to seismic action [5], because although they are

considered non-structural, they contribute to withstand the seismic action.

The recent earthquakes in Lefkada in 2003 [6], L’Aquila in 2009 [7], Van in 2011 and Emilia Romagna in 2012 [8], among others, showed that masonry infills walls can affect the global


Track-E: Civil and Structural Engineering Applications


and local behaviour of the RC structures. These earthquakes allowed to observe that contemporary structures in reinforced concrete have a reasonable ability to withstand seismic loads, given that were designed for this purpose according to the current design codes [9]. Sometimes it is possible to observe some kind of damage like soft-story or short column associated with the improper use of masonry infill walls. In case of masonry infill walls, since they are considered non-structural walls, usually it is not made any safety check to the seismic actions. Eurocode 8 [9], is silent in this case and only present a simplified procedure for the calculation of the out-of-plane action, but does not provide design recommendations. On the other hand, this code considers that verification of the safety of non-structural elements is guaranteed if the relative displacements between floors are limited. However, states that appropriate measures should be taken to avoid brittle failure and premature disintegration of infill walls. Seismic events cited above allowed to observe significant damage occurring in this type of walls. The most common pathologies are the separation between masonry panels and structural elements, diagonal cracking, and out-of-plane partial or total collapse. This type of damage can put in danger human life and is also associated with considerable economic losses [10], [11], as happened in the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 and Northridge in 1994, where the costs associated with non-structural damage amounted to 30 million US dollars [12].

Despite masonry infills walls being a widely used construction solution in Portugal, the construction systems for this type of walls remains the same for many years, apart from same minor changes. In Portugal the masonry infill walls, had its great advent in the 60’s, with the massification of reinforced concrete structures. Since then until our days the masonry infills walls do not change, apart from same changes in thickness and introduction of thermal isolation between the leafs. The construction system remains based in cavity walls without any connection between leafs, constructed with horizontal perforated bricks and poor mortars. Masonry units have always been ceramic clay bricks, with horizontal perforation and high percent of voids with weak mechanical properties. In Figure 1, it is possible to see the standardized masonry units used in Portugal. However, their vulnerability under seismic actions is recognized by scientific community and proven whenever an earthquake occurs. Nevertheless, they continue to be used, because until now does not exist any seismic resistant system developed to be used in new construction, with clear design procedures and construction guidelines that contribute to reduction of seismic vulnerability.

Fig. 1 - Horizontal perforated masonry units used in Portugal.

To address the existing problems with masonry infill walls, it is necessary propose and study new systems to use in new construction that can withstand seismic action and propose design guidelines that can be used by structural designers.

To contribute to a change in this situation, two new seismic resistant masonry infill walls systems are present in this paper. These systems are to be used in new construction in Portugal. Besides that, an experimental characterization of materials and masonry assemblages is presented, and results are discussed in detail, since there is no literature on the mechanical behaviour of some of the materials that are used in these new systems.


Proceedings TEMM2018 / CNME2018



During the development of the new systems, three main types of solutions have been

identified for the development of innovative enclosure masonry systems. The main goal is to

solve the above-mentioned problems arising under the point of view of seismic behaviour.

Notwithstanding, problems and aspects also related to the service behaviour and to non-

mechanical behaviour of the infill walls, are tackled.

The main concepts on which the three systems rely are: (1) keeping the enclosure wall rigidly

attached (adherent) to the frame, but using either or both robust units and internal (mainly

steel rebars, as in reinforced load bearing masonry) or external (mainly reinforced plasters)

reinforcements; (2) keeping the enclosure wall rigidly attached (adherent) to the frame, or

slightly disconnected, but allowing the internal deformation of the wall to occur, by means of

special devices, special units, or special sliding or deformable vertical or horizontal joints; or

(3) disconnecting the enclosure system from the top beam and/or from the columns, in order

to allow relative displacements between the wall and the frame to occur without interactions.

It is also possible create hybrid systems using more than one of the solution described above.

At University of Minho were created two systems called UMSystem1, and UMSystem2. The

first system was the UMSystem1 also called Uniko System. This system is composed of a

single-leaf masonry wall, with 100mm thickness, made with a vertical perforated clay

masonry unit. This unit use interlocking along the head joint. It was decided to place the

masonry units aligned in the vertical direction creating a continuous vertical interlocking joint

(see Figure 2(a)), to take advantage of sliding between masonry units, improving the energy

dissipation. The idea of this system is to be capable of release energy, by the sliding of

masonry units along vertical joints. In this case the infill can withstand inter-storey drift

without damage, when traditional infills are already damaged. The out-of-plane behaviour

was improved by adding steel rebars in the face of masonry units, being connected at top and

bottom reinforced concrete beams. Therefore, the masonry infill has dry vertical joints and

mortared bed joints, for which a general-purpose M10 mortar is used.

(a) (b)

Fig. 2 - Masonry infill systems developed at University of Minho: (a) UMSystem1; (b) UMSystem2.


Track-E: Civil and Structural Engineering Applications


The UMSystem 2 proposed at university of Minho, also called Térmico system, use the

concept of maintain the infill rigidly attached to the frame, using internal reinforcement and

connectors between the infill and frame. This system, is a single-leaf clay masonry wall made

with a commercial vertical perforated masonry unit produced in Portugal. The proposed

system uses a M10 mortar in the bed joints, and dry head joint with interlocking. To improve

the in-plane and out-of-plane performance of masonry infill walls, truss reinforcements was

used in the bed joints. Additionally, the walls are connected to the columns by metallic

connectors at each two rows where bed joint reinforcement is applied (see Figure 2(b)). The

masonry infill panel was built with 294x187x140mm bricks with vertical perforation, using

murfor RND 0.5 100 reinforcement and in each two rows, and murfor L +100 anchors to

connect the infill and RC frame at the same levels of reinforcements.

The idea of UMSystem2 is making the infill and the frame one system, increasing the initial

stiffness by using connectors and reinforcement, which not only helps to increase the

maximum load, as to control cracking and the out-of-plane collapse.


Masonry Units

To produce the UMSystem1 and UMSystem2, two different units were used. For UMSystem1

was used a unit produced in Portugal, called Uniko (see Figure 3(a)). In the case of

UMSystem2 was used a unit called Térmico (see Figure 3(b)), that have better thermal

properties and beginning to be used in Portugal.

For characterization of masonry units, the dimensions of the units were measured based on

EN772-16:2000 [13] by taking two measurements near the edges of each specimen. The

information about the measurements of the dimensions of the units is summarized in Table 1.

After measurements, compression tests were performed according to EN 772-1:2011 [14]. For

Uniko unit, twelve units were tested, six for direction 1 (parallel to the holes) and six for

direction 2 (perpendicular to the holes), according Figure 3(a). For Térmico unit, eighteen

units were tested, six in each direction according to scheme of Figure 3(b).

Fig. 3 - Masonry Units. (a) UMSystem1 (Uniko unit); (b) UMsystem2 (Térmico unit).


Proceedings TEMM2018 / CNME2018


The faces of units were regularized with mortar and left to air dry for more than 28 days. The

tests were controlled in displacement control with a pre-defined velocity of 0.01mm/s. The

tests setup used in both cases, are presented in Figure 4. These test setups use two metallic

plates placed on top and bottom part of the masonry unit, using a hinge between the top plate

and hydraulic actuator.



Fig. 4 - Test setup used in compression tests. (a) Uniko units; (b) Térmico units.

The average results of these tests for each direction are presented in Table 1. In the case of

uniko units, the behaviour is strongly orthotropic. In direction 1, the average compressive

strength is 14.04MPa. For direction 2, the direction perpendicular to the holes the average

compressive strength is 0.63MPa. For Térmico masonry units, the average compressive

strength in direction 1 is 6.45MPa, that is the principal direction (parallel to the holes). For

direction 2, which masonry unit is loaded in the head joints, the average compressive strength

is 0.52MPa. In the direction 3, the average compressive strength is 1.57MPa.

Table 1 - Dimensions and compressive strength of masonry units.

Direction Dimensions (mm) Area





(N/mm2) lu hu tu

Uniko units

1 248,81 248,72 98,25 24445,18 342916,67 14,04

2 248,81 248,92 98,19 24442,23 15375,00 0,63

Térmico units

1 293,56 187,42 138,70 40714,52 262800,00 6,45

2 293,64 187,61 138,45 25973,74 13450,00 0,52

3 293,50 187,50 138,61 55031,26 86183,33 1,57


The characterization of the mechanical properties of mortar was carried out on specimens

casted with the mortar used in the construction of the masonry infill and the masonry

assemblages. The construction of masonry infills was carried out by using a commercial

premixed mortar of M10 class. Four different samples have been collected, from the

construction of infill walls and small masonry specimens. Each mould contains three prisms

of 160x40x40mm. The mechanical proprieties (compressive and flexural strength) of this

samples were determined using the test procedure of EN 1015-11:1999 [15]. Eleven mortar

specimens with 160x40x40mm were tested in flexion and the twenty-four half specimens


Track-E: Civil and Structural Engineering Applications


(40x40x40mm) resulting from flexural test, were tested in compression. The specimens were

cured in a climate camber for the first 3 days, and air cured in the remaining days before de

test. The tests were made in displacement control, with a pre-defined velocity of 0.005mm/s.

The test setup used for these tests is shown in Figure 5, and meet the specifications of the




Fig. 5 - Test setup for mortar tests. (a) Flexural test; (b) Compressive test.

The results obtained from the compression and flexural tests are presented in Table 2. Since

the mortar used is an M10 pre-mixed mortar, the results obtained for compressive strength are

around this value. The results range from 7.92MPa, from sample 1, to 12.68MPa, obtained in

sample 3. The average for all sample is 10.38MPa of compressive strength. In the case of

flexural strength, the values obtained range from 2.19MPa, in sample 1, to 4.22MPa in sample

4. The average flexural strength considering all sample is 3.30MPa. It seems that even if

mixing process of the mortar was controlled during the construction of masonry infills, some

scatter was found in hardened properties, but in overall average the compressive strength

respects indicative strength of a M10 mortar.

Table 2 - Mechanical proprieties of mortar.

Mortar Compressive Strength

fc (MPa)

Flexural Strength

ff (MPa)

Sample 1

(Small specimens) 7,92 2,19

Sample 2

(Infill walls) 9,49 3,15

Sample 3

(Infill walls) 12,68 3,63

Sample 4

(Small specimens) 11,44 4,22


Proceedings TEMM2018 / CNME2018


Uniaxial Compression

Since masonry is a composite material made with units and mortar, the compressive strength

and elastic modulus of masonry, was determined by testing 12 wallets, 6 for UMSystem1

(uniko system) and 6 for UMSystem2 (térmico system). These tests were made according to

EN1052-1:1999 [16].

In order to understand the influence of the reinforcements, two different types of specimens

were constructed, for UMSystem1, and UMSystem2, with and without reinforcements. For

UMSystem1 three of the specimens were constructed using mortar at the level of the

horizontal joint, but without any reinforcement. The other three specimens were constructed

using mortar in the horizontal joint and reinforcement positioned in the lateral grooves of the

masonry units. The UMSystem1 specimens were constructed with dimensions of

1000x750mm, having 4 bricks of height by 3 of width. In the case of UMSystem2 the

specimens were constructed with dimensions of 800x600mm, having 4 bricks of height by 2

of width. All specimens were air cured in laboratory ambient conditions for more than 28

days. The tests were performed in displacement control with a test speed of 0.01mm/s.

The test setup used is shown in Figure 6(a) for UMSystem1 and Figure 6(b) for UMSystem2

and is composed of a steel frame with a hydraulic actuator with a capacity of 500 kN. A metal

beam was placed on top of the specimen, in order to obtain uniform distribution over the

entire length of the specimen. Deformations on the specimens were measured using four

vertical LVDTs, two in each face of specimens. One horizontal LVDTs, were placed to

measure horizontal deformations.



Fig. 6 - Test setup used in uniaxial compression tests. (a) UMSystem1; (b) UMSystem2.


Track-E: Civil and Structural Engineering Applications


The stress-strain diagrams obtained for all specimens are shown in Figure 7, and the values of

compressive strength and elastic modulus are presented in Table 3. The stress-strain diagrams

obtained for all specimens of both systems are very similar. The difference is higher in the

case of UMSystem1. For UMSystem1, comparing the specimens without reinforcement

(wallet 1 to 3), with the reinforced specimens (wallet 4 to 6), it is possible to conclude that the

addition of the reinforcing steel rods caused an increase in the modulus of elasticity,

compared to the specimens without the reinforcement, but the compressive strength

decreased. This decrease is due to the localized effects on masonry units due to the interaction

between units and reinforcement rods.



Fig. 7 - Stress-Strain diagrams under uniaxial compressive loading. (a) UMSystem1; (b) UMSystem2.

In case of UMSystem 2 the results show, that there is not much difference between reinforced

and non-reinforced specimens. In this case the compressive strength and elastic modulus is

almost the same, and the behaviour of the specimens is more brittle comparing with

UMSystem1 The average compressive strength is around 5MPa, and elastic modulus have an

average value around 2,8GPa.

Table 3 - Mechanical proprieties of wallets for UMSystem1 and UMSystem2.

Specimen Dimensions Area







(MPa) l (mm) t (mm)




1 749,70 99,90 74895,03 272250 3,64



3892,35 2 749,90 99,70 74765,03 353420 4,73 5057,17

3 750,10 99,90 74934,99 320310 4,27 2569,07



4 749,80 100,10 75054,98 246300 3,28



4491,82 5 749,80 99,70 74755,06 271260 3,63 3431,71

6 749,90 99,80 74840,02 204110 2,73 6289,37




1 600,75 139,43 83759,57 425720 5,08



2845,89 2 602,50 139,00 83747,50 405500 4,84 2,62

3 602,75 138,75 83631,56 448140 5,36 2,72



4 602,25 137,50 82809,38 409400 4,94



2798,56 5 602,75 138,25 83330,19 417240 5,01 2,56

6 603,25 139,13 83927,16 418620 4,99 2,68


Proceedings TEMM2018 / CNME2018


Flexural Tests

To evaluate the flexural strength of the masonry walls, 18 tests were performed, according to EN1052-2: 1999 [17], 9 tests for UMSystem1, and 9 tests for UMSystem2. For each system, were built specimens for flexion parallel to bed joint and specimens for flexion perpendicular to bed joint. All specimens only use mortar in the bed joints, for head joints both system have interlocking joints. For UMSystem1 the specimens for flexure parallel to the horizontal joints were constructed with the dimensions of 1300x750mm, and the configuration is presented in Figure 8(a), and have 3 specimens without reinforcement and 3 specimens with reinforcement in the lateral groves of units, in the case of bending perpendicular to the horizontal joints, the test specimens have the dimension of 1000x750mm as shown in Figure 8(b). The specimens were air cured, for more than 28 days.



Fig. 8 - Specimens used for flexural tests of UMSystem 1. (a) parallel to bed joints; (b)

perpendicular to bed joints.

For UMSystem2, the configuration of specimens, for flexural tests parallel to the bed joint is

presented in Figure 9(a). The dimensions of these specimens are 1000x600mm. In case of

flexural tests perpendicular to bed joints, the configuration of specimens, is presented in

Figure 9(b). The dimensions of these specimens are 1200x800mm. In this case 3 specimens

were constructed without reinforcement and 3 specimens were constructed with reinforcement

in the first and third row.



Fig. 9 - Specimens used for flexural tests of UMSystem 2. (a) parallel to bed joints; (b)

perpendicular to bed joints.


Track-E: Civil and Structural Engineering Applications


The tests were performed in displacement control with a velocity of 0.01 mm/s. The test setup

shown in Figure 10, is composed of a reaction structure where the specimen to be tested is

placed. This structure allows the adjustment of the supports to fit the different sizes of the test

pieces. The hydraulic actuator used in the test is anchored in the reaction wall, and at the end

of the actuator, a metal beam is placed with the supports that apply the load to the specimen.

Four lvdt’s were used to control de displacement of the specimen, two under the loading

sections (lvdt1 and 3) and two on the middle span (lvdt 2 and lvdt4) of the specimen (one on

each side). The force is measured using a loading cell at the end of hydraulic actuator.

Fig. 10 - Test setup for flexural tests.

The force displacement curves of the flexural strength are presented in Figure 11, for

UMSystem 1, and in Figure 12 for UMSystem 2. The results obtained in all tests for both

systems are presented in Table 4. From the results is possible to see that for UMSystem 1, the

flexural strength parallel to bed joint is higher than flexural strength perpendicular to bed

joint, even without the reinforcement. The addiction of reinforcement in the direction parallel

to the bed joint increase a lot the value of flexural strength that change from 0.317MPa to

0,809MPa. In the other direction perpendicular to bed joint the flexural strength is 0.157MPa.

In this case the flexural strength is only guarantee by the interlocking mechanism of masonry




Fig. 11 - Force displacement curves from flexural tests in UMSystem1. (a) parallel to bed

joint; (b) perpendicular to bed joint.


Proceedings TEMM2018 / CNME2018


For UMSystem 2, the value of flexural strength, perpendicular to bed joints is higher than for

direction parallel to bed joints. In this case the value of flexural strength parallel to bed joint is

0,227MPa, and in direction perpendicular to bed joint is 0,486MPa, for the specimens without

reinforcement and 1,674MPa, for specimens with reinforcement. In this case for direction

perpendicular to bed joints, the addiction of reinforcement increase more than 300% the value

of flexural strength.



Fig. 12 - Force displacement curves from flexural tests in UMSystem2. (a) perpendicular to

bed joint; (b) parallel to bed joint.

Table 4 - Mechanical proprieties of uniko system for flexural tests.

Specimen Dimensions (mm) Fmax.



(N/mm2) l1 l2 b tu





1200 600 750 100

2433 0,292

0,317 ll2 --- ---

ll3 2845 0,341



ll4 6457 0,775

0,809 ll5 7661 0,919

ll6 6105 0,733

with mortar



900 400 750 100

1662 0,166

0,157 T2 1433 0,143

T3 1602 0,160





1050 400 800 140

6267 0,390

0,486 T2 9989 0,621

T3 7194 0,447



T4 27473 1,708

1,674 T5 26715 1,661

T6 26554 1,651

with mortar



900 300 600 140

3237 0,248

0,227 II2 2964 0,227

II3 2712 0,208


Track-E: Civil and Structural Engineering Applications


Diagonal Compression

The shear strength of the walls was measured according to the American Standard ASTM

E519 [18]. For this purpose, the walls were subjected to diagonal compression. In Figure 13,

the test setup and the instrumentation used in these tests are presented. The tests were

controlled in displacement. The load was applied through a hydraulic jack with maximum

capacity of 500kN. In case of instrumentation, the deformations on the diagonals of wallets

were measured by lvdt’s. Four transducers were used to measure deformations on the

diagonals of the walls (two lvdt’s in each face).



Fig. 13 - Test setup for diagonal compression. (a) UMSystem1; (b) UMSystem2.

A total of 12 specimens were constructed (6 for each system). For both systems 3 specimens

were constructed without reinforcement and 3 with reinforcements, in case of UMSystem1

the reinforcements are in lateral grooves of unit, and for UMSystem2, the reinforcements are

in first and third mortar joints. The dimensions of the specimens take in to account

dimensions of the masonry units are: length=750mm, height=750mm, thickness=100mm, for

UMSystem1, whereas the dimensions of UMSystem2 specimens are: length=830mm,

height=830mm, thickness=140mm. The walls are constructed following the normal


The results of these tests are presented in Table 5. As shown in results the presence of

reinforcement result in a higher shear strength. In terms of rigidity modulus this difference

isn’t so clear. For UMSystem 1, the average value of shear strength is 0,272MPa for the

specimens without reinforcement and 0,426MPa, for the specimens with reinforcement. For

the UMSystem2 the values are similar, for the specimens without reinforcement the average

value of shear strength is 0,299MPa, and 0,417MPa for the specimens with reinforcement, the

rigidity modulus is almost equal in both cases around 0,65MPa.


Proceedings TEMM2018 / CNME2018


Table 5 - Mechanical proprieties obtained from diagonal compression tests.

Specimen Fmax.















1 27850 -0,835 0,565 0,493


1,400 0,352

0,399 2 21780 -0,614 0,272 0,386 0,886 0,436

3 22470 -0,674 0,300 0,398 0,974 0,409



4 19810 -0,420 0,154 0,351


0,574 0,612

0,294 5 9670 -2,126 1,895 0,171 4,021 0,043

6 16640 -0,770 0,517 0,295 1,287 0,229




1 28050 -0,253 0,317 0,398


0,570 0,698

0,649 2 19030 -0,237 0,153 0,270 0,390 0,693

3 16170 -0,184 0,228 0,229 0,412 0,555



4 28030 -0,350 0,662 0,395


1,012 0,391

0,674 5 27360 -0,314 0,337 0,389 0,651 0,597

6 32700 -0,306 0,144 0,466 0,450 1,036

Initial shear along joints

To characterize the interfaces between masonry units, 18 specimens (9 each system) were

tested. The mechanical proprieties (friction angle and cohesion) of these interfaces were

determined using the test procedure of EN 1052-3:2002 [19]. In the case of the UMSystem1,

the vertical interface was characterized, to model the behavior of continuous vertical joints.

For the UMSystem2 was characterized the horizontal mortared joint. The tests were

performed on triplets as it is possible to see in Figure 14. The specimens were air cured more

than 28 days before de test. Test setup used for these tests is shown in Figure 14, and meet the

specifications of the standard.



Fig. 14 - Test setup for initial shear test, (a) UMSystem1, (b) UMSystem2.

All tests were made in displacement control, with a pre-defined velocity of 0.01mm/s in the

vertical actuator. The horizontal pre-compressive force was maintained constant during the

test. Three different pre-compressive forces were used, to make possible plot the shear

strength versus pre-compressive stress, as shown in Figure 15.


Track-E: Civil and Structural Engineering Applications




Fig. 15 - Relation between shear strength and pre-compressive stress for: (a) UMSystem1; (b) UMSystem2.

From results, plotted in the diagrams of Figure 15, using linear regression, is possible to get

the value of cohesion and friction angle of this interface. For UMSystem1 the friction angle is

43,84 degrees, and the value of cohesion in 0,0047MPa. In the case of UMSystem2 the value

of friction angle is 20,09 degrees, and the cohesion have a value of 0,3888MPa.


This paper presents and discuss the results obtained from a material characterization of two

new masonry infill system, to be used in new construction in Portugal. From the analysis of

the results the following conclusions were made: the real thickness of the bricks is different

with their nominal thickness reported by the manufacturer, representing significant

differences in same cases. This is a result of poor quality control in production phase. From

compressive tests in both masonry units, was possible verify that these units present

anisotropic behavior at different directions.

The addiction of reinforcement in uniaxial compression tests, do not affect significantly the

value of compressive strength, but change the elastic modulus to higher values. In the case of

Flexural tests and diagonal compression the addiction of reinforcement contributes to higher

values of flexural strength and shear strength, that in the case of UMSystem2 was more than

the double. It is also concluded that the flexural strength of the specimens in direction of

perpendicular to the bed joints are significantly higher than their flexural strength in direction

of parallel to the bed joints, for the case of UMSystem2, for UMSystem1 is different due to

the fact of masonry apparel are rotated 90 degrees.

Finally, in initial shear test, higher amount of confining stress in the specimens increased the

initial shear strength of the specimens. Based on different levels of confining stresses different

behaviors in terms of force-sliding curves were obtained. For UMSystem1, as expected the

value of friction angle was higher than for UMSystem2. The opposite happened in the value

of cohesion, where the UMSystem1 have almost 0 do to the inexistent of mortar in the

interface, and UMSystem2 presented a higher value.


Proceedings TEMM2018 / CNME2018



The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding from the European Union’s Seventh

Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under

grant agreement No 606229, which support this work.

This work was also supported by FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology),

within ISISE, project UID/ECI/04029/2013, and through a doctoral scholarship reference



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