chapter10: social interaction and social processes

Chapter 10: Social Interaction and Social Processes

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Social Interaction and Social Processes


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Chapter 10: Social Interaction and Social


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Social Interaction refers to the process by which people mutually or reciprocally influence one another’s attitudes, feelings, and actions. This is the lie between the individual and society.

 There are three situations for social interaction:Person-to-person (P to P).Person-to-group (P to G).Group-to-group (G to G).

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Literature on social interaction gives the following approaches to a better understanding of social interaction:

Symbolic Interaction-it refers to the communication of

thoughts and feelings between individuals that occurs by means of symbols – such us words, gestures, facial expressions, and sounds.

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Specific approaches under symbolic interaction include: 1. Definition of the Situation

-it refers to the sociological perspective that views the people attribute to a social setting; a stage of mental examination and deliberation in which we size up a situation so as to devise our course of action. This process is called “negotiated interaction”.

 2. Dramaturgy

-it is a sociological perspective that views social interaction as resembling a theatrical performance in which people stage their behavior in such a way as to elicit the responses they desire from other people.

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3. Ethno methodology-it is a sociological perspective that studies the procedures people use to make sense of their everyday lives and experience. These procedures are the taken-for-granted, routine activities of our daily lives and the understandings that lie behind them.-it comes from the Greek word “ethnos” meaning “folk” or “people”, methodology refers to the procedures used in doing something.

 4. Social Exchange

-it is a sociological perspective that portrays interaction as a more or less straightforward and rationally calculated series of mutually beneficial transactions.

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◦Functionalist View

-human interaction involves little more than people acting out roles based on social script, much as theatrical actors take their lines from a play.

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The Nature of Social Process Social Process – refers to the

recurrent and patterned interactions or responses of individuals to one another which have attained stability.

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Social process is classified according to certain bases:

 1. Based on formationUniversal or basic processesDerived social processes

2. Based on unity or oppositionConjunctive social processesDisjunctive social processes

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BASED ON FORMATION1. Basic or universal processes – refers to

patterned and recurrent responses observable in all human societies.

 There are three (3) universal social processes: a.) cooperation, b.) competition and c.) conflict.

 a. Cooperation. It involves two or more persons

joining their intelligence, efforts talents and resources together to attain a goal which can be shared. It is a kind of conjoint action or a alliance of person or groups seeking some common goal or reward.

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Types of cooperation:Informal cooperation. It is characterized as

spontaneous and involves mutual give and take.Formal cooperation. It is characterized as a

deliberate contractual nature and prescribes the reciprocal rights and obligations of members.

Symbolic cooperation. It is a situation where two or more persons live together harmoniously and are supportive and interdependent, resulting in mutual self-interest. It involves interdependent activities, but the people involved may not be aware that their activity is a form of cooperation.

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Function of Cooperation

It makes for social cohesion and integration among the members of a group.

It contributes to social stability and order.

It fosters consensus and compromise in various social issues.

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b. Competition. It is a form of impersonalized struggle or opposition to secure a reward or goal which cannot be shared.

 Types of Competition: Personal competition. It involves direct,

face-to-face contact between opposing parties.

Impersonal competition. It involves a struggle between persons or groups not directly aware of each other.

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Functions of CompetitionCompeting individuals or groups try to outdo

each other and thereby innovate ways to do so.

Competition can be a driving force to persons to develop their potentials to the fullest and attain maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Competition can develop productivity, creativity, and ingenuity.

Competition of member of a society for certain goals and the competition for scarce resources lead variation or differentiation.

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c. Conflict. It is a form of highly personalized and emotionalized struggle or opposition between individuals or group to attain scarce goals or values.

Functions of Conflict Conflicts may help establish unity and cohesion

within a group which has been threatened by hostile and antagonistic feelings among the members. “Conflict with the outside brings peace in the inside.”

Internal conflict becomes a stabilizing and integrating mechanism in certain instances.

Conflict provides an outlet for the expression of suppresses emotions and frustrations.

Competition and conflict promote social change.

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2. Derived social processes – refers to secondary social processes that arise out of the basic social processes.

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The following are the derived social processes which arise out of the basic social processes:

Acculturation. It is a social process where a group blends in and takes on some characteristics of another culture. It is also called cultural borrowing or cultural imitation.

Assimilation. It involves some kind of interpenetration or fusion of cultural elements whereby persons or groups accept the cultural traits, attitudes, beliefs and sentiments of another through direct, friendly and continuous contacts.

Amalgamation. It refers to some kind of biological fusion through intermarriage of persons coming from different groups.

Differentiation. It refers to the creation of interests resulting in individuals or groups needing or wanting different things or services rather than the same thing.

Accommodation. It refers to the social process whereby competing or conflicting individuals or groups thresh out difficulties in order to minimize, if not stop, the conflict.

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Types or Kinds of Accommodation DominationTruce or PactCompromiseMediationConciliationArbitrationToleration

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BASED ON UNITY OR OPPOSITION Conjunctive Social Processes –they

refers to patterned forms of social interactions which lead to unity organization, cooperation and harmony.

Disjunction Social Processes –they refer to patterned forms of social interactions which lead to disunity, disorganization, division, and disharmony.

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THE END!!!...