chapter 7 nouns

Vocabulary Worksheets Understanding and Using English Grammar, 4th Edition Chapter 7: Nouns Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Worksheet 1. Reading 1: Laughing is Good for You and Your Child Read the article about laughter from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Then review the glossary and complete the exercises that follow it. Laughter is good for you and your child’s mental and physical well-being. Some mental health professionals say humor is one of the best ways to relieve stress, and research proves that laughter plays a key role in human life. A good laugh loosens muscles, lowers blood pressure, and may lower levels of hormones that create stress and weaken immunity. When you laugh, your body moves blood to your heart and lungs, boosting your energy level and making you feel better instantly. It also aids communication and creates a sense of closeness between you and the people you’re laughing with. Until recently, researchers knew that laughing was good for us, but they didn’t really understand how. New evidence points to changes in the brain—not the imaginary funny bone—as the source for laughter. Researchers found that when people laugh, a part of the brain’s reward system is triggered. In this reward system, a person feels pleasure and wants to have the same pleasant feelings over and over again. Laughing and fun go hand-in-hand. Laughing together as a family will bring you closer together, and improve your mental and physical health. Look for laughs to stay healthy. Glossary Line 5 hormone — a chemical substance produced by your body that influences its growth, development, and condition Line 11 funny bone — an expression that refers to a person’s sense of humor Line 12 reward system — a consistent way of giving positive feedback Line 14 hand-in-hand — in close partnership; together Comprehension practice Circle the numbers of the statements that are true, according to the reading. 1. Laughter is good for your physical and mental health. 2. When you laugh, your blood pressure goes up. 3. When you laugh, your heart and lungs receive more oxygen. 4. Laughter causes physical changes in the brain. 5. Laughter helps in socializing with people.

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Page 1: Chapter 7 Nouns

Vocabulary Worksheets Understanding and Using English Grammar, 4th Edition

Chapter 7: Nouns

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Worksheet 1. Reading 1: Laughing is Good for You and Your Child

Read the article about laughter from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Then review the glossary and complete the exercises that follow it.

Laughter is good for you and your child’s mental and physical well-being. Some

mental health professionals say humor is one of the best ways to relieve stress, and

research proves that laughter plays a key role in human life.

A good laugh loosens muscles, lowers blood pressure, and may lower levels of

hormones that create stress and weaken immunity. When you laugh, your body

moves blood to your heart and lungs, boosting your energy level and making you feel

better instantly. It also aids communication and creates a sense of closeness between

you and the people you’re laughing with.

Until recently, researchers knew that laughing was good for us, but they didn’t really

understand how. New evidence points to changes in the brain—not the imaginary

funny bone—as the source for laughter. Researchers found that when people laugh, a

part of the brain’s reward system is triggered. In this reward system, a person feels

pleasure and wants to have the same pleasant feelings over and over again. Laughing

and fun go hand-in-hand. Laughing together as a family will bring you closer together,

and improve your mental and physical health. Look for laughs to stay healthy.

Glossary Line 5 hormone — a chemical substance produced by your body that influences its growth, development, and condition Line 11 funny bone — an expression that refers to a person’s sense of humor Line 12 reward system — a consistent way of giving positive feedback Line 14 hand-in-hand — in close partnership; together

Comprehension practice

Circle the numbers of the statements that are true, according to the reading. 1. Laughter is good for your physical and mental health. 2. When you laugh, your blood pressure goes up. 3. When you laugh, your heart and lungs receive more oxygen. 4. Laughter causes physical changes in the brain. 5. Laughter helps in socializing with people.

Page 2: Chapter 7 Nouns

Vocabulary Worksheets Understanding and Using English Grammar, 4th Edition

Chapter 7: Nouns

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 2. Reading 1: Definition practice Write the letters of the correct completions in the blanks. 1. In Line 1, well being means that you are ____. a. tired b. rich c. healthy in mind and body 2. In Line 2, an example of a mental health professional is a ____. a. sick person b. heart doctor c. psychologist 3. In Line 2, humor is something a person has when s/he ____. a. reads a lot b. laughs at things c. is always tired 4. In Line 3, a key role refers to something that is ____. a. very important b. very strange c. unknown 5. In Line 4, loosen means ____. a. relax b. make tighter c. strengthen 6. In Line 5, weaken means to make less ____. a. easy b. pretty c. healthy 7. In Line 5, immunity means that you have ____. a. weak health b. protection from police c. protection from disease 8. In Line 6, boosting means ____. a. lowering b. losing c. raising 9. In Line 10, evidence means ____. a. proof b. a guess c. a story

10. In Line 10, imaginary means ____. a. not real b. true c. difficult 11. In Line 11, source means ____. a. the beginning b. the middle c. the end 12. In Line 12, reward refers to something you get that is like a ____. a. punishment b. prize c. bill 13. In Line 12, triggered means ____. a. started b. killed c. ended 14. In Line 13, the opposite of pleasure is ____. a. health b. pain c. strength 15. In Line 13, if you do something over and over again, you do it ____. a. every day b. rarely c. repeatedly 16. In Line 14, the opposite of hand-in-hand is ____. a. separately b. together c. physically

Page 3: Chapter 7 Nouns

Vocabulary Worksheets Understanding and Using English Grammar, 4th Edition

Chapter 7: Nouns

Worksheet 3. Reading 2: Laughter Linked to Health, Happiness

Read the article about laughter from the Voice of America. Then review the glossary, and complete the exercise that follows it.

What’s so funny? Nothing, really, except the laughter itself. There’s an old saying that

laughter is the best medicine. No matter whether it’s triggered by a good joke, a cute

child or pet, or a pie in the face of a comedian, the simple act of laughing offers

therapeutic benefits. Laughter has been shown to reduce stress and help people lose

weight. It’s a special tonic for older people, who are prone to loneliness and sad


















In fact, in more than 1,000 American communities, and a few thousand more around

the world, entire clubs have been formed so that people can get together and laugh

out loud! Clubs in the U.S. have names like Laugh-a-holics, the Ha-Ha Spa, and Judy’s

Joyful Laughter Club. The idea started in India, where laughing—a good belly laugh—

is added to yoga exercises along with discipline and mind power.

Laughter is certainly contagious. Only a determined grouch could avoid at least

smiling when others around him are laughing till it hurts. That’s why members of

laughing clubs don’t just get together to howl with laughter themselves. They meet on

street corners, in train stations, and in other public places. They laugh their heads off,

and invite everyone around them to join in.

Glossary Line 2 no matter whether — whether or not Line 3 pie in the face — a reference to old comedy acts, in which one comedian throws a pie in the face of another comedian Line 15 laugh their heads off — laugh extremely loud and for a long time

Comprehension practice

Circle the numbers of the statements that are true, according to the reading. 1. There is an old saying that laughter is the best medicine.

2. Only a few funny things can give you therapeutic benefits from


3. Laughter is especially beneficial to older people.

4. Laughing clubs started in China.

5. When one person laughs, it encourages others to laugh.

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Page 4: Chapter 7 Nouns

Vocabulary Worksheets Understanding and Using English Grammar, 4th Edition

Chapter 7: Nouns

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 4. Reading 2: Definition practice Write the letters of the correct completions in the blanks.

1. In Line 2, cute means ____. a. small and pleasing b. smart c. energetic 2. In Line 3, a comedian is someone on a stage who ____. a. makes jokes b. sings songs c. is a serious actor 3. In Line 4, therapeutic means ____. a. large b. beneficial c. expensive 4. In Line 4, reduce means ____. a. increase b. lower c. multiply 5. In Line 5, a tonic is something that ____ . a. adds weight b. causes sleepiness c. gives quick energy 6. In Line 5, prone means ____. a. immune from b. likely to c. close to 7. In Line 7, communities are similar to ____. a. schools b. hospitals c. neighborhoods 8. In Lines 8 and 9, laugh out loud means to laugh ____. a. silently b. in private c. making noise 9. In Line 11, yoga is a kind of ____. a. exercise b. government c. religion

10. In Line 11, discipline is ____. a. self-control b. control over others c. physical exercise 11. In Line 11, mind power is the power of your ____. a. neck muscles b. chest muscles c. brain 12. In Line 12, contagious is something that easily ____. a. spreads among people b. can be stopped c. is killed 13, In Line 12, determined means that you have ____. a. intelligence b. a very strong desire c. weakness 14. In Line 12, a grouch is a person who is ____. a. pleasant b. unpleasant c. sick 15. In Line 14, get together means ____. a. meet b. telephone c. separate 16. In Line 14, howl means to ____. a. make a soft sound b. speak c. make a loud sound

Page 5: Chapter 7 Nouns

Vocabulary Worksheets Understanding and Using English Grammar, 4th Edition

Chapter 7: Nouns

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 5. Reading 1 and Reading 2. Vocabulary practice: Count/noncount nouns These nouns appear in the two readings about laughter. Check the column to indicate whether the noun is count or noncount.

Noun Count noun Noncount noun

1. laughter √

2. humor

3. stress

4. role

5. laugh

6. muscle

7. immunity

8. blood

9. heart

10. lung

11. evidence

12. pleasure

13. feeling

14. health

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Vocabulary Worksheets Understanding and Using English Grammar, 4th Edition

Chapter 7: Nouns

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Answer Key

Worksheet 1 True statements are 1, 3, 4 5.

Worksheet 2 1. c. healthy in mind and body 2. c. a psychologist 3. b. laugh at things 4. a. very important 5. a. relax 6. c. healthy 7. c. protection from disease 8. c. raising

9. a. proof 10. a. not real 11. a. the beginning 12. b. prize 13. a. started 14. b. pain 15. a. separately 16. c. repeatedly

Worksheet 3 True statements are 1, 3, 5.

Worksheet 4 1. a. small and pleasing 2. a. makes jokes 3. b. beneficial 4. b. lower 5. c. gives quick energy 6. b. likely to 7. c. neighborhoods 8. c. making noise

9. a. exercise 10. a. self control 11. c. brain 12. a. spreads among people 13. b. a very strong desire 14. b. unpleasant 15. a. meet 16. c. make a loud sound

Worksheet 5 Count nouns 4. role 5. laugh 6. muscle 9. heart 10. lung 12. pleasure 13. feeling

Noncount nouns 1. laughter 2. humor 3. stress 7. immunity 8. blood 11. evidence 14. health

Page 7: Chapter 7 Nouns

Vocabulary Worksheets Understanding and Using English Grammar, 4th Edition

Chapter 7: Nouns

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Word List

beneficial bill blood boost comedian community contagious cute determined discipline disease energy evidence exercise feeling get together grouch guess hand-in-hand health heart howl humor imaginary immunity increase key laugh laughter likely loosen lower

lung mental health professional mind power multiply muscle no matter out loud over and over pain pleasure prize prone proof psychologist punishment reduce relax repeatedly reward role self-control source strange strength stress therapeutic tight tonic trigger weaken weight well-being yoga