chapter 5 sections 1 and 2

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  • 8/7/2019 chapter 5 sections 1 and 2


    Chapter 5: The Young Republic;

    Sections 1 and 2

    Bell Workp. 191

    Native American Removal MapAnswer the 2 questions

  • 8/7/2019 chapter 5 sections 1 and 2



    National Road First majortransportation project by the federalgovernment


    Robert Fulton creates TheClermont

    Makes upstream travel easier

    Iron Horse

    Peter Cooper creates Tom Thumb

    People complained that it wasnoisy and unhealthy

    Probably the biggest contributor towestward expansion

  • 8/7/2019 chapter 5 sections 1 and 2


    Industrial Revolution


    Hand tools Machines

    Artisans Organized workforce

    Shops Factories

    Local National and international

    Examples of Industrialization in the United States

    Eli Whitney invents interchangeable parts for gun manufacturing (early 1800s)

    Samuel F. B. Morse perfects the telegraph and invents Morse code (1832)

    Immigrant labor nativist societies Greater work opportunities for women in factories and publishing industry

    Creation of labor unions who organized strikes which was declared illegal by theSupreme Court in Commonwealth v. Hunt (1842)

  • 8/7/2019 chapter 5 sections 1 and 2



    Cotton = top cash crop

    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin in 1793 (p.182)

    Production goes from 6,000 bales in 1792 to 100,000 bales in 1801


    Congress outlawed foreign slave trade in 1808

    Task system allowed some slave free time to be artisans, keep gardens, or hunt

    Gang system forced cotton slaves to work sunup to sundown

    A driver was put in charge of the gang

    Nat Turner enslaved minister

    Believed he was chosen to lead his people from bondage (think Exodus)

    Led a slave rebellion August 22, 1831 that killed more than 50 white people

    Caught October 30 and was quickly tried and hung

  • 8/7/2019 chapter 5 sections 1 and 2


  • 8/7/2019 chapter 5 sections 1 and 2


    John Quincy Adams

    #6 (1825-1829) 1824 Election No majority in electoral college so

    decision goes to the House ofRepresentatives

    Henry Clay is fourth and thus eliminated,so he takes his position as Speaker of theHouse

    Adams wins and makes Clay theSecretary of State

    Jackson cries foul and accuses Adams ofa corrupt bargain

    Few accomplishments

    States expand voting rights and tripleeligible voters

    Adams and Jackson resort to mudslinging,or personal attacks, in 1828

  • 8/7/2019 chapter 5 sections 1 and 2


    Andrew Jackson

    #7 (1829-1837) Old Hickory Jackson used the spoils system, promoting

    people based on loyalty and support

    Upset about the tariff of 1828, SouthCarolina threatened to secede from the


    John C. Calhoun advocated nullification(neither worked)

    1830 - Indian Removal Act

    Supreme Court upheld NativeAmerican land rights in 2 cases

    Jackson said, now let himenforce it, and Van Burenordered the army to begin theTrail of Tears

    Jackson withdrew government money fromthe National Bank killing it and causingfuture economic instability

  • 8/7/2019 chapter 5 sections 1 and 2


    Martin Van Buren

    #8 (1837-1841) Whig Party emerges proposing

    stronger federal government andcentralized economy, butJackson's popularity boosts VanBuren to the presidency instead

    Before leaving office, Jacksonpasses Specie Circular whichmandated that all payments to thefederal government be in gold orsilver

    Lack of a paper economy Panicof 1837 which Van Buren did littleto help since he wanted smallerfederal government

    Tippecanoe and Tyler too win in1840