chapter 4 immigration. immigration: a global phenomenon can be a result of push and pull factors...

Chapter 4 Immigration

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Chapter 4


Immigration: A Global Phenomenon

• Can be a result of Push and Pull factors

• Chain Migration– An immigrant who sponsors other immigrants

who upon their arrival may sponsor still more– Potent factor contributing to immigration


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Patterns of Immigration to the United States

• Three unmistakable patterns– Immigrantion has fluctuated dramatically over

time due to government policy changes– Settlement has not been uniform across the

country; centered in certain regions and cities– The source of immigrants has changed over


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Today’s Foreign-Born Population

• About 12-13% are foreign born

• Six states account for two-thirds of total foreign born population

• Approximately 38.5 million foreign born people are from Latin America

• Europeans account for less than 1 in 7 of the foreign born today

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Early Immigration

• 35% of all immigrants to US eventually emigrated back to their home country

• Not all new arrivals were welcome– Xenophobia– Nativism

• Beliefs and policies favoring native-born citizens over immigrants

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The Anti-Chinese Movement

• Lured by discovery of gold and opening of job opportunities in the West– Railroad provided the greatest demand

• Sinophobes– People with a fear of anything associated with

China– Threat they posed as laborers

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The Anti-Chinese Movement

• Conflict Theory– Chinese were welcomed only when their labor

was necessary– Restrictions were not applied evenly

• Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882– Denied naturalization rights to Chinese in US– Decline in legal immigration

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Restrictionist Sentiment Increases

• The extension of restrictions from the anti-Asian movement to European nationalities

• 1908 – The Gentleman’s Agreement was signed– Prodded by anti-Japanese feelings– Japan halted further immigration to US & US

agreed end discrimination of Japanese in US

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Restrictionist Sentiment Increases

• Two types of immigrants: old and new

• New immigrants were seen as a threat to democracy and the American way of life

• 1917 Congressional Bill on immigration– Included controversial literacy test– Prohibited immigration from South Sea

Islands & other parts of Asia not excluded

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The National Origin System

• Established quotas based on percent of each ethnic group from the 1910 census– Drawn to block growing immigration from

Southern Europe, such as Greece and Italy

• The National Origin System– Quotas went unfilled and immigration dropped– Backlog in other countries

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Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965

• Primary goals were to reunite families and protect American labor market– Also initiated restrictions on immigration from

Latin America

• Naturalization– The conferring of citizenship on a person after


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Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965

• Rules for naturalization– 18 years of age; Continuous resident for 5

years (3 years for spouses of citizens)– Good moral character (absence of criminal

offenses)– Ability to read and write ordinary English– Pass a test in U.S. government and history

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Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965

• Legally admitted for the following reasons:– Citizen Family unification– Spouses of legal residents – Employment based– Refugees/political asylum seekers– Diversity – Other

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Contemporary Social Concerns

• Brain Drain– Skilled workers, professionals, & technicians

desperately needed by their home countries

• H-1B Visas– Permanent work permits to highly skilled

immigrants resulting in an:• Economic & social cost to the developing nations

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Contemporary Social Concerns

• Conflict Theory– Views brain drain as another symptom of the

unequal distribution of world resources– US does not need to take the steps necessary

• To encourage native members of subordinate groups to enter desirable fields of employment

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Contemporary Social Concerns

• Population Growth– US is continues to accept large numbers of

permanent immigrants• Nation’s birth rate has decreased so consequently,

contribution of immigration is more significant

– Immigration accounts for about 50% of nation’s growth

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Contemporary Social Concerns

– To some, US is overpopulated• Sierra Club took position restricting immigration

– Recognizing more people puts greater strain on nation’s natural resources

– Patterns of uneven settlement in US expected to increase

• Mixed-Status Families

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Language Barriers

• Bilingualism: – Use of 2+ languages in work or education and

the treatment of each language as legitimate

• Bilingual education: – Program designed to allow students to learn

academic concepts in their native language • While they learn a second language

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Illegal Immigration

• Control of illegal or undocumented immigrants bitterly debated

• Exact number of undocumented or unauthorized workers subject to estimates

• Illegal and legal immigrants tied by public to almost every social problem in a nation– Unemployment, “drug runners” & “terrorists”

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Illegal Immigration

• Cost of policing borders and locating illegal immigrants is sizable

• Immigration and Reform Act of 1986 (IRCA)– Historic change in immigration policy– Amnesty granted to 1.7 million illegal

immigrants; document long term residency

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Illegal Immigration

• Conflict Theory– Immigrants, primarily poor and Hispanic or

Asian• Are being lodged at the bottom of the nation’s

social and economic hierarchies

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Illegal Immigration

• Functionalist Theory– Employers, by paying low wages, are able to

produce goods and services • That are profitable for industry and affordable to


– Despite poor working conditions often experienced by illegal immigrants:

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Illegal Immigration

• They continue to come because it is in their best economic interest

• Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996– Emphasized more effort to keep immigrants

from entering the country illegally• No access to social security and welfare

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Path to Citizenship

• Naturalization: – Citizenship is conferred on a person after birth– This is a process outlined by Congress and

extends to foreigners the same benefits:• Given to native-born United States citizens

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Economic Impact of Immigration

• Much public and scholarly debate

• Most significant factor is whether a study examines national impact of immigration – Or only its effect on a local area

• Many hold stereotypical belief that immigrants end up on welfare – And cause increase in taxes

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Economic Impact of Immigration

• Remittances (Migradollars)– Money that immigrants return to their country – Widely recognized as critical to the survival to

millions of households worldwide– States have sought legal redress because

federal government has not seriously • Considered granting aid to heavily burdened states

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Economic Impact of Immigration

• Paradoxical situation– Strong economy and concerns about

immigration– Suggests other concerns

• Ethnic & racial tension more important in explaining current attitudes toward immigration

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Women and Immigration

• Men dominate much of labor migration worldwide

• Diversified labor force in US and policies that facilitate relatives coming– US immigration has been fairly balanced

• Second-class status of women in society is reflected in immigration

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Women and Immigration

– 1907-1922• Women who married immigrants who were not

citizens lost their citizenship –not applied to men

• Immigrant women face additional challenges– Responsibility of navigating the new society

when it comes to services for their family

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Women and Immigration

– Males are more consumed with work leaving adult women to navigate bureaucracies

• City services, schools, medical facilities, stores, and markets

– Less likely to seek outside help for medical care or issues of domestic violence

– More likely to be the liaison for the household

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The Global Economy and Immigration

• Globalization– The worldwide integration of government

policies, cultures, social movements• And financial markets through trade, movement of

people, and exchange of ideas

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The Global Economy and Immigration

• Transnationals– Immigrants who sustain multiple social

relationships – Linking their societies of origin and settlement

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The Environment and Immigration

• The public expressed growing concern on a variety of environmental issues– From water quality to global warming

• Environmental factors are behind a significant amount of world migration

• Up to 200 million people may move due to environmental factors from 2005 & 2050

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• People living outside their country for fear of political or religious persecution

• Enough exist to populate an entire nation

• US makes the largest contribution of any nation to worldwide assistance programs– Resettles 70,000 refugees annually

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• US government is officially committed to accepting refugees from other nations

• 1968 United Nations treaty on refugees– Countries obliged to refrain from forcibly

returning people to territories • Where their lives or liberty might be endangered

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• Asylees– Foreigners who have already entered the US

and now seek protection because of • Persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution • Based on race, religion, nationality, social group,

or political opinion

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