chapter 3 organizational environments and culture management principles craig w. fontaine, ph.d

Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D.

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Page 1: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Chapter 3Organizational Environments and Culture

Management Principles

Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D.

Page 2: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Characteristics of External Environments

• Environmental change• Environmental complexity• Resource scarcity• Uncertainty

Page 3: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Environmental Change

The rate at which a company’s general and specific environments change.

•Stable– slow rate of change

•Dynamic – fast rate of change

Page 4: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Punctuated Equilibrium Theory


Dynamic Change


Dynamic Change Dynamic


Page 5: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Environmental Complexity

• Simple – few environmental factors that

affect organizations

• Complex– many environmental factors that

affect organizations

Page 6: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Resource Scarcity

The abundance or shortage of critical resources in an organization’s external


Page 7: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D


The extent to which managers can understand or predict the external changes and trends affecting their


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Page 9: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

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Page 10: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D


• A growing economy provides a favorable environment for business growth.

• Business confidence indices show how confident managers are about future business growth.

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Technological Component

• Technology– an umbrella term for the knowledge, tools, and

techniques used to transform inputs into outputs

Changes in technology can help companies provide better products or produce their products more


Page 12: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Sociocultural Component

• Demographic characteristics, general behavior, attitudes, and beliefs of people in a particular society

Page 13: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Political/Legal Component

• The legislation, regulations, and court decisions that govern and regulate business behavior

• Many managers are unaware of the potential legal risks associated with traditional managerial decisions like recruiting, hiring, and firing employees.

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Specific Environment

• Customers• Competitors• Suppliers• Industry regulations• Advocacy groups

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Customer Component

• Reactive customer monitoring– Identifying and addressing customer

trends and problems after they occur

• Proactive customer monitoring– Identifying and addressing customer

needs, trends, and issues before they occur

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Page 16: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Competitor Component

• Competitors– companies in the same industry that sell

similar products or services

• Competitive analysis– a process of monitoring the competition

that involves identifying competition, anticipating their moves, and determining their strengths and weaknesses

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Page 17: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Supplier Component

• Suppliers– companies that provide material, human,

financial, and informational resources to other companies

Supplier dependencevs.

Buyer dependence

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• Opportunistic behavior– when one party benefits at the expense

of another

• Relationship behavior– focuses on establishing a mutually

beneficial, long-term relationship between buyers and sellers

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Industry Regulation Component

Regulations and rules that govern the practices and procedures of specific

industries, businesses, and professions

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Federal Regulatory Agencies and Commissions

• Consumer Product Safety Commission• Department of Labor• Environmental Protection Agency• Equal Employment Opportunity

Commission• Federal Communications Commission• Federal Reserve System• Federal Trade Commission• Food and Drug Administration• National Labor Relations Board• Occupational Safety and Health

Administration• Securities and Exchange Commission

Page 21: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Advocacy Groups

Concerned citizens who band together to try to influence the business practices of specific

industries, businesses, and professions

•Public communication

•Media advocacy

•Product boycott

Page 22: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Making Sense of Changing Environments

• Environmental scanning• Interpreting environmental factors• Acting on threats and opportunities

Page 23: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Environmental Scanning

Searching the environment for important events or issues that might affect an


•Managers scan the environment to reduce uncertainty.•Organizational strategies affect environmental scanning.•Environmental scanning contributes to organizational performance.

Page 24: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Interpreting Environmental Factors

• Threat or opportunity?

• Threat– managers typically take steps to protect the

company from further harm

• Opportunity– managers consider strategic alternatives for

taking advantage of those events to improve performance

Page 25: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D
Page 26: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Creation and Maintenance of Organizational Cultures

• Primary source of organizational culture is the company founder.

• Organizational culture is sustained by…– organizational stories– organizational heroes

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Page 28: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D
Page 29: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Changing Organizational Cultures

• Behavioral addition

• Behavioral substitution

• Change visible artifacts

• Hiring people with values and beliefs consistent with desired culture

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Business Leadership and

Organizational Behavior

Dimensions of National Culture

Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D.

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National Cultural ClusteringHuntington’s civilization clustering

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National Cultural Clustering

Ronen and Shenkar’s culture clustering

Page 33: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Hofstede’s Dimensions of Culture• Geert Hofstede’s cultural typology is the

most often used. • It is based upon a study of 100,000 IBM

employees who work in IBM divisions throughout the world.

• Hofstede’s survey revealed five underlying dimensions of culture: – Power Distance– Individualism/Collectivism– Masculinity/Femininity– Uncertainty Avoidance– Long-Term Orientation

Page 34: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Hofstede’s Culture Dimensions


Power Distance Tolerance for inequity among the people of a nation.

Individualism The extent to which people prefer to act as individuals instead of members of groups.

Masculinity/ Femininity

The degree to which “masculine” values prevail over “feminine” values.

Uncertainty Avoidance

The preference of people in a country for structured rather than unstructured situations.

Long-Term Orientation

The values people hold that emphasize the future, as opposed to short-term values focusing on the present.

Page 35: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Power Distance (PD)• Power Distance is the extent to which hierarchical

differences are accepted in society and articulated in term of deference to higher and lower social and decision levels in organization.

• Artifacts of high PD:– Centralization– # Org. Levels- Height– # Supervisors– Wage Differentials– Values, White & Blue Collar Work

Page 36: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Power Distance (PD)Power distance: country examples and organizational implications

Page 37: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Power Distance (PD)Rank distinctions among the Japanese:

Page 38: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Uncertainty Avoidance (UA)

• Uncertainty Avoidance is the extent to which uncertainty and ambiguity are tolerated.

• Artifacts of high UA:– Standardization– Structured activities– Written rules– Specialists– No risk tolerance– Ritualistic behavior

Page 39: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Uncertainty Avoidance (UA) Uncertainty avoidance: Country examples and

organizational implications:

Page 40: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Individualism/Collectivism (I/C)• I/C is the extent to which the self or the

group constitutes the center point of identification for the individual.

• Individual self interest is pursued individually, or as a part of a group.

• Artifacts of I/C– Firm as “family”– Utilitarian decision making– Group performance

Page 41: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Individualism/Collectivism (I/C) Individualism/collectivism: country

examples and organizational implications

Page 42: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Masculinity-Femininity (M/F)

• Refers to the extent to which traditional masculine values, like aggressiveness and assertiveness, are valued.

• Artifacts of M/F– Sex Roles Minimized– More Women In Jobs– Interpersonal Skills Rewarded– Intuitive Skills Rewarded– Social Rewards Valued

Page 43: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Masculinity-Femininity (M/F)Masculinity/femininity: Country examples

and organizational implications

Page 44: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Long-Term Orientation (LTO)• Originally called Confucian Dynamism

because of anchoring in the Confucian value system.

• Represents such values as thrift, persistence, and traditional respect of social obligations.

• Organizations likely to adopt longer planning horizon, with individuals ready to delay gratification.

Page 45: Chapter 3 Organizational Environments and Culture Management Principles Craig W. Fontaine, Ph.D

Long-Term Orientation (LTO)

Country scores on long-term orientation)