chapter 3 2 2

Hello and welcome back to the Mariano Legacy. Last time, Orson, Betty Gene, Joanne, Judy and Spencer all got married, fulfilling Ginger’s lifetime want of marrying off six children *phew*. Berjes crashed Spencer’s wedding, and Gene attacked him and whipped his butt. Spencer married Allyn instead of nanny Kendal, much to everyone’s relief. Allyn became pregnant after about 100 times of trying, and Spencer caught himself on fire even though he had ten cooking points. Makoto finally finished the legacy history book *yay*, and Kendal found her way back into the legacy house and threatened Allyn, but was promptly fired. Makoto decided to have inappropriate conversations with his daughter-in-law *creepy*, and Ginger passed away, leaving the whole family devastated. Also, Allyn gave birth to a son named Michael, and twin girls Karen and Kimberly. As you can see, Spencer is greeting the stingiest headmaster in the world…lets see how it goes.

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Post on 05-Dec-2014



Entertainment & Humor

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Birthdays and stalkers are included in this short chapter.


Page 1: Chapter 3 2 2

Hello and welcome back to the Mariano Legacy. Last time, Orson, Betty Gene, Joanne, Judy and Spencer all got married, fulfilling Ginger’s lifetime want of marrying off six children *phew*. Berjes crashed Spencer’s wedding, and Gene attacked him and whipped his butt. Spencer married Allyn instead of nanny Kendal, much to everyone’s relief. Allynbecame pregnant after about 100 times of trying, and Spencer caught himself on fire even though he had ten cooking points. Makoto finally finished the legacy history book *yay*, and Kendal found her way back into the legacy house and threatened Allyn, but was promptly fired. Makoto decided to have inappropriate conversations with his daughter-in-law *creepy*, and Ginger passed away, leaving the whole family devastated. Also, Allyn gave birth to a son named Michael, and twin girls Karen and Kimberly. As you can see, Spencer is greeting the stingiest headmaster in the world…lets see how it goes.

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Spencer decided to make dinner, since he had the most cooking points. Let’s hope he doesn’t catch himself on fire again. I don’t think it would impress the headmaster at all. “I sure do hope the Mr. Jitmakasol likes this lasagna. I’m using extra cheese in here.”

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Makoto volunteered to show the headmaster around.“And this is the living room. This time its not littered with potties and leftover homework.”“WOW! You did a good job with this room! Very impressive!”“Uh….thanks…”

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Checking back on the headmaster visit, Spencer is trying to impress the headmaster by telling him about his College Dean position and…rockets?“You see sir, I am planning on opening the first rocketology course at the university. I believe this class will open up all realms of science and allow science lovers to realize their dreams of going to space.”“Ah…I see.”The headmaster wasn’t really digging the conversation, even though Michael tried to help.Despite the odd conversation, Michael was admitted into private school.

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“Mr. Marino, it was a pleasure to meet you and your grandchild. I do hope to come visit again soon.”“Oh no problem. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you had a good time.”“Yes, I sure did. Hey, do you think your son could put in a good word for me? I have been trying to get a promotion for years!”“Uhh….I will see what I can do.”

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Kendal came long with the lady that was playing chess in the last slide, and immediately went swimming in the pool, totally uninvited of course. When she noticed that Spencer wasn’t busy, she went over to him to cause even more trouble.“Hey, Spencer. Remember me? Your future wife? Well, I bet you are regretting not marrying me now. Look at what you could have had. But it’s too late now. Just dream about this sexy body and weep, loser!”“You are nothing but a whore, Kendal! Leave my house now or you will be sorry. I have no problem throwing you out.”“Fine…but I will get into this family one way or another. Trust me.”Spencer watched her leave, fearing for his young son.

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Soon, it was time for the twins birthday. Franklyn tagged along for the occasion.It was Karen’s turn first, since she was the oldest of the two.“I can’t wait for my sister to grow so I can teach her how to listen to me all the time!”“Mikey, why can’t you just be friends with her?”“Farnklyn, that is being friends!”

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Then it was Kimberly’s turn. She seemed to be everyone’s favourite, with her parents and grandparents fighting to feed her first. Makoto had the honors of helping her spin into toddlerhood this time.“Ready to be a big girl? I bet you are going to be so pretty, yes you are!”“Goo!”

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With the family watching, Makoto and Kimberly blew out the candles. I hope the twins look very pretty.

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This here is Kimberly, and she looks like a perfect mix of both her mother and father. Thank goodness she didn’t inherit her mother’s nose.

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And here is Karen, torturing Ringo the cat. She is a complete clone of her brother Michael, all the way down to the face and personality. Poor kid.

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Still serious like his mother. How cute. Looks like Makoto is falling asleep on his feet lol.

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Michael inherited the serious trait, and likes to spend most of his days playing chess. Well at least he keeps himself out of trouble.“…and if I move this piece…maybe then I can finally get Dad into checkmate! Yes! I think this will work!”Trying to beat a man with ten logic points is going to be very hard, kiddo.

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He even waters the flowers autonomously! How cute! Maybe he is trying to win over the legacy poll voters early on. We will have to see if it works.“I don’t care about the heir poll, I just like being helpful.”Yea…ok sure.

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I think it’s funny when kids read the newspaper, like they are grown or something.“You know, Dad, the new game console stocks have gone up by five points. Perhaps you should invest in some of the stocks before it’s too late.”“Sure Michael….what do you know about stocks anyway?”“Grandpa told me.”*grumblegrumble*Darnfortunesims*grumblegrumble*

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One of Kimberly’s favourite passtimes is sleeping in Ringo’s bed. Although its cute, Ringo doesn’t see the humour in it at all.“Hey you human! Get outta my bed! Don’t you have one?”He stared at her for a good sim hour before he curled up on the floor.

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“Polo!”This is Michael’s cousin, Franklyn. He’s the son of Judy and Weldon. Michael seems to bring him home everyday from school, just to play Marco Polo. I hope he doesn’t turn into the new Marsha Bruenig. That would be scary.

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Seems like Allyn doesn’t care about modesty around her father-in-law. Spencer stood in front of her to block the view.“So…Dad…nice weather, huh?”Allyn: *totally oblivious*“Uh, yea nice view-I mean weather.” Stares*

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“Now Kim, this is how you draw a tree. Not like scribbles but actual lines. See?”“Twees wike this?” *scribblescribble*“NO! Oh forget it. You are still a baby. Maybe when you grow up I will teach you.”“Okway!” *scribbles some more*

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Michael finally notice Ringo and cooed all over him.“He’s a late birthday present to you, Mikey. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed him.”“Sorry grandpa! I guess I was too busy playing chess. What’s his name?”“Ringo.”“Cool!”

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“You and me are going to be good friends.Hello kitty kit-kitty!”“Meow!”*which roughly translates to: put me down you puny human!*

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This is weird. The penguin came by to visit in the middle of summer. I didn’t think that was even possible.

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Dear Journal,

I can feel the days getting closer and closer to the end. I long to be back with my Ginger. Even though I am happy with

my grandchildren, and my hall-of-famer position, I still feel empty inside. I hope and pray that, when I pass, my son

and his family won’t fall into a lot of grief. I hope they know I will be in a better place.

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“Just a B+?! This is an outrage!”How come they always complain about having a B+ on the first day of school! The Mariano kids seem to be a whole lot smarter than most of my sim children.

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“Mom! I missed you!”“Awww I missed you too Mikey. Have you done your homework yet?”“…..”“Get to it!”“Yes mom.”*grumblegrumble*

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The B+ complaint will have to wait, because it’s Mikey’s brithday! A few of the family members were invited, but kept it a small quiet affair.“What should I wish for….hmm…maybe…yes!”Franklyn: hurry up already! I want cake and ice cream!“Wait, man! I’m thinking…Oh yes!” I wish to have lots of fun all the time and meet new people!

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And after a quick change of clothes, Michael grew up…with a shnoz! This is the best side to take a picture at, because a straight shot would be scary… did he get such a nose? His mother and father doesn’t have it…well..maybe it ‘s on Makoto’s side of the family. I still think he grew up handsome though.Stats:Aspiration: Pleasure9-9-10-0-7Turn ons/offs: Women with custom hair colours and makeup/swimwearLTW: Have 50 dream dates

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A month later, Makoto pulled Spencer out to the backyard early in the morning.“Son, I know I am not going to be here much longer, but I thought I should leave something important behind.”“Dad, don’t say that. You still have plenty of years ahead.”“Trust me, I know what I am talking about. But, there is something I must show you. Come with me.”“Alright.”

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“I built this for the family, so that the heirs may have a proper place to get married, and have something to remember me by. I hope you like it.”“Wow! Dad….this is….beautiful. Thanks.”“You are welcome son. Please let my grandchildren know that this is a gift from me. And I hope it stays through all of the generations.”Spencer and Makoto stood there for awhile in silence, just admiring the wedding gazebo.

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I know this picture is random, but I just didn’t know that cats can chase after RC cars lol.“Get it Ringo get it!”I’m trying…stop moving so fast!

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Allyn is a promotion machine! She is moving up the science track very quickly. I sure do hope her kids skill as fast as she does.Who is that lady that came with her today?

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It’s Cassandra Goth-Lothario! Yes, I made her marry Don “walking STD” Lothario…I wanted to see how their kids came out. She’s one of my favourite playables btw. I didn’t realize she was good friends with Allyn though.they were BF’s when she came by.

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How cute! Michael is very attached to his grandpa. They even sleep in the same bed sometimes.Makoto: zzzzzmysonscarisbetterthanmineszzzzzzzhowdarehimzzzzzzzzHe really doesn’t like Spencer’s car for some reason. Maybe because it’s a convertible.

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Since the twins both feared a birthday party, they grew up quietly in the living room. Karen grew up looking just like her brother *first born glitch?* all the way down to the personalities. Kimberly is a nice mix of both of her parents but I thinkshe looks more like Spencer. What do you all think?

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Unfortunately, Allyn the promotion machine got fired due to my lack of chance card skills. Grrrr!! Maybe she will be able to get her job back! “Man, I can’t believe I tried to steal that isotope and claim I discovered it. Geez, I am such a dunce!”

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“Hello? Mr. Smith? This is Allyn Mariano. I would like you to reconsider my dismissal……uh huh….you what?.....Well forget you too then you jerk!”Looks like she didn’t get the job back.

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Kimberly keeps herself busy with he blocks, earning points like crazy.

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While Karen plays chess with questionable people.“So….Karen right? You think I am a nice person, don’t you?”“Well of course Miss Kendal. Check.”“Do you think your brother would be interested in meeting a new person? Like…me for example?”“Umm…sure why not!”“Tell him about me ok? Tell him a very nice woman would like to be his friend.”“Okie dokie. Your turn.”Nanny Kendal! She should be ashamed of herself.

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And I will leave you with a funny picuture of Nanny Kendal stalking the house….or is she stalking Michael?

Thanks to the creators of the CC that I use. Sorry this chapter is so short. I promise the next update will be longer. See ya!