chapter 12 unit 4. i think

CHAPTER 12: I want to try… 1 Unit 4: I think… Exercise 1: Picture Description What do you see in the picture?

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CHAPTER 12: I want to try…


Unit 4: I think…

Exercise 1: Picture Description

What do you see in the picture?

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Exercise 2: Vocabulary

Repeat after your tutor.

agree đồng ý

I agree with what you said.

think suy nghĩ

What do you think about this news?

believe tin tưởng

Do you believe that winter is the best season?

important quan trọng

It’s important to teach kids to read early.

views cách nhìn,

cái nhìn

We have different views about politics.

allowed được cho phép

Eating isn’t allowed during class.

opinion quan điểm

In your opinion, what is the best restaurant in Japan?

idea ý tưởng

My idea of a fun day is reading at home.

point điểm

For his last point, Arthur talked about saving money.

feeling cảm xúc

I have a feeling that this is the right way.

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Exercise 3: Let’s Talk

A. Read the dialogue with your tutor.

Tutor Let’s have lunch.

Student Where do you want to eat?

Tutor Let’s go to that steak restaurant nearby.

Student Sorry, but I don’t eat meat anymore.

Tutor Really? Why?

Student I think meat is unhealthy.

Tutor I don’t agree with that. Meat can be healthy if you eat a balanced diet.

Student Really? I didn’t know that! Can you tell me more over lunch?

Tutor I think kids shouldn’t play video games. What do you think?

Student I agree. But I don’t think all video games are bad.

Tutor Really? Why do you say so?

Student There are games that teach kids how to read. Here, let me show you.

Tutor Okay, I see your point. I guess not all video games are that bad. Thanks for the information.

Student You’re welcome.

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B. Repeat after your tutor.

1. lunch - | ˈləntʃ | or [luhnch] bữa trưa

2. unhealthy - | ʌnˈhelθi | or [uhn-hel-thee] không tốt cho sức khỏe

3. balanced – | ˈbælənst |or [bal-uh nst] cân bằng

4. diet - | ˈdaɪət |or [dahy-it] chế độ ăn kiêng

5. video - | ˈvɪdioʊ | or [vid-ee-oh] vi-đeo

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Exercise 4: Yes/No

Answer “yes” if the underlined word applies to what you will do. If your answer is “no”, replace the

word with something that you prefer.


Smoking should not be allowed by law.

No. Eating bubble gum should not be allowed by law.

1. I like to read books about European history.


2. My least favorite subject is Math.


3. Politics is boring.


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4. Using cellphones shouldn’t be allowed in schools..

5. Teenagers should be allowed to drink alcohol..

Exercise 5: Is it?

A. Choose the grammatically correct response to the question.


Sugar is sweet, isn’t it? Yes, it is.

Sugar isn’t sour, is it? No, it isn’t.

Example: Eating junk food isn’t healthy, is it? a.


No, it isn’t.

No, it is.

1. Politics is boring, isn't it? a.


Yes, it is.

Yes, it isn't.

2. Running is tiring, isn’t it? a.


Yes, it isn’t.

Yes, it is.

3. Education is important, isn’t it a.


Yes it isn’t.

Yes, it is.

4. This party is fun, isn’t it? a.


No, it isn’t.

No, it is.

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5. A vacation isn’t fun, is it? a. Yes, it is.

b. Yes, it isn’t.

B. Choose the correct response to the question.


A banana is red, isn’t it?

a. No, it isn’t.

b. Yes, it is.

2. The earth is round, isn’t it a. No, it isn’t.

b. Yes, it is.

3. Education is important, isn’t it? a. No, it isn’t.

b. Yes, it is.

4. The sun isn’t cold, is it? a. No, it isn’t.

b. Yes, it is.

5. A fish is an animal, isn’t it? a. Yes, it is.

b. No, it isn’t.

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Exercise 6: Which is correct?

Complete the sentence by choosing the correct opinion. The phrases in bold serve as hints.


Julia: Students sho uldn’t be allowe d to use

the Internet at school.

Jillian: Yes, I agree. The

a. Internet does not help students. It’s a


b. Internet helps a student. It can help with



Mikey: Children should not be allowed to act on TV.

Jacob: Really? I don’t think so. I think .

a. they can balance their studies and acting.

b. they should just be students.


Dustin: Schools should not give homework. It isn’t

good for students.

Keith: Really? I disagree. Homework

a. doesn’t help students at all.

b. helps students to learn more.

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Henry: Schools shouldn’t have uniforms.

Patty: I agree. Students should

a. be allowed to wear anything they want.

b. still wear uniforms.


Jon: Animals shouldn’t be put in cages in the zoo.

Brandon: I disagree. They should .

a. be put in cages. They might attack people.

b. be allowed to live in the wild.


Joy: Students should have an after-school job.

Peter: I don’t agree. Students should

a. work part-time after school.

b. just focus on studying.

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Exercise 7: The Chart

Study the chart below. Complete the sentences based on your understanding of the information in

the table. Read the completed paragraph to your tutor afterwards.



summer is the best season.


5 5 5






Going on a road trip


Eating ice cream

Playing baseball


best season of the year.

winter twenty-one

playing baseball

twenty-three thirteen

For our school homework, we did a survey. We asked 50 people if they consider e.g. summer as

the best season of the year. Most of the people answered “yes.” The second favorite season was 1.

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. Thirty percent answered that they liked winter more than summer. Spring and fall got 2.

percent and one percent of the votes respectively.

The second question we asked was, “What are the top activities in summer?” 3. people

answered “swimming.” The second on the list was “eating ice cream.” 4. people answered ice

cream. Finally, the last three on the list each had five points. They were “going on a road trip”, 5.

, and “shopping.”

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Exercise 8: What will you choose?

Choose between the two answers presented. Provide a short reason for your answer.

Example: The country's budget should be used for defense.

Answer 1: No, the budget should be used for education.

Answer 2: No, the budget should be used for


Reason: I choose Answer 2. The budget should be used for transportation. More people will benefit

from better transportation.

1. A person shouldn't travel abroad.

Answer 1: Yes, the person should travel in his/her own country


Answer 2: No, the person should travel



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2. Kids should work instead of going to college.

Answer 1: Yes, getting a job is more important than


Answer 2: No, college is more important than getting a



3. Classes for boys and girls should be separated.

Answer 1: No, girls and boys should be in the same


Answer 2: Yes, girls and boys should be separated in



4. Junk food should not be allowed in schools.

Answer 1: Yes, only healthy food should be served in schools.

Answer 2: No, kids should be allowed to enjoy their



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5. People should stop eating meat.

Answer 1: Yes, people should only eat fruits and


Answer 2: No, people should still eat meat along with fruits and



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Exercise 9: A Short Story

Listen to the story your tutor will read to you, then answer the questions based on the story. You may

take down notes while your tutor is reading.

1. Who are the two characters in the story?

The two characters are and

2. What were they talking about? They were talking about their .

3. What is their relationship?

They are .

4. What did Joe tell Dan about dogs and cats?

Joe told Dan that dogs are than cats.

5. Why did Dan disagree with the statement above?

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He disagreed because .

6. Why does Joe think that dogs can protect him?

He believes that dogs are animals

7. Does Joe think Kitty can protect Dan?.

8. What does Dan think about cats?

He thinks that cats are than dogs.

9. What did the brothers agree on in the end?

They agreed that cats and dogs are both .

10. In your opinion, which pet is better: a cat or a dog? Why?