chapter 1

DRAW A DIAGRAM 9 1 1 Draw a Diagram Diagrams are often the key to getting started on a problem. They can clarify relationships that appear complicated when written. Electrical engineers draw diagrams of circuit boards to help them visualize the relationships among a computer’s electrical components. 2722_KC_Johnson_Ch01 9/22/03 10:57 AM Page 9

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11Draw a Diagram

Diagrams are often the key to getting started on a problem. They can clarify relationships that appear complicated whenwritten. Electrical engineers draw diagrams of circuit boards to help them visualize the relationships among a computer’selectrical components.

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ou’ve probably heard the old saying “One picture is worth a thousand words.” Most people nod in agreement when this

statement is made, without realizing just how powerful a picture, or a diagram, can be. (Note that words in bold type are terms that aredefined in this book’s glossary.) A diagram has many advantages oververbal communication. For example, a diagram can show positionalrelationships far more easily and clearly than a verbal description can.To attempt to clarify ideas in their own minds, some people talk tothemselves or to others about those ideas. Similarly, a diagram can helpclarify ideas and solve problems that lend themselves to visualrepresentations.

One of the best examples of a diagram in the professional world is a blueprint. An architect’s blueprint expresses ideas concisely in avisual form that leaves little to interpretation. Words are added only to indicate details that are not visually evident. A blueprint illustratesone of the strengths of diagrams: the ability to present the “wholepicture” immediately.

Problem solving often revolves around how information is organized.When you draw a diagram, you organize information spatially, whichthen allows the visual part of your brain to become more involved inthe problem-solving process. In this chapter you will learn how youcan use diagrams to clarify ideas and solve a variety of problems. You’llimprove your diagramming abilities, and you’ll discover that a diagramcan help you understand and correctly interpret the informationcontained in a problem. You’ll also see the value of using diagrams as a problem-solving strategy.

Solve this problem by drawing a diagram.


Andrew and his friends have formed a fantasy basketball league in which eachteam will play three games against each of the other teams. There are seventeams: the (Texas A&M) Aggies, the (Purdue) Boilermakers, the (Alabama)Crimson Tide, the (Oregon) Ducks, the (Boston College) Eagles, the (AirForce) Falcons, and the (Florida) Gators. How many games will be played inall? Do this problem before reading on.


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As you read in the Introduction, you’ll see many different problemsas you work through this book. The problems are indicated by an iconof an attentive dog. To get the maximum benefit from the book, solveeach of the problems before reading on. You gain a lot by solvingproblems, even if your answers are incorrect. The process you use tosolve each problem is what you should concentrate on.

You could use many different diagrams to solve the VirtualBasketball League problem, but you could also solve this problem inways that do not involve diagrams. As you also read in the Introduction,throughout this book you will see some of the same problems indifferent chapters and solve them with different strategies. You willbecome a better problem solver in two ways: by solving many differentproblems and by solving the same problem in many different ways. Inthis chapter, the solutions involve diagrams. If you solved the VirtualBasketball League problem without using a diagram, try solving itagain with a diagram before reading on.

What comes next is a solution process that is attributed to a student.The people mentioned in this book are real students who took aproblem-solving class at either Sierra College in Rocklin, California, orat Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, California. In thoseclasses, the students presented their solutions on the board to theirclassmates. Ted Herr and Ken Johnson, two of the authors of this book,taught these classes. Our students presented their solutions because wefelt that the other students in class would benefit greatly from seeingmany different approaches to the same problem. We didn’t judge eachstudent’s solution in any way. Rather, we asked each member of theclass to examine each solution that was presented and decide whichapproach or approaches were valid or, perhaps, better. The purposebehind shifting this responsibility from the instructor to the students is to give the students practice in evaluating problem solving.

We have tried to re-create the same learning atmosphere in thisbook. Sometimes you’ll see several different approaches to a problemin this book, but for the most part those approaches and the resultingsolutions won’t be judged. You are encouraged to evaluate the qualityof the approaches. You may have been led to believe that there isalways one right way—and many wrong ways—to solve problems.This notion couldn’t be further from the truth. There are many rightways to solve problems, and you are encouraged to solve the problemsin this book more than once, using different methods.

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Here’s how Rita solved the Virtual Basketball League problem: She drew a diagram that showed the lettersrepresenting each team arranged in a circle.

She then drew a line from A to B to represent the games played between theAggies and the Boilermakers. Then she drew a line from A to C to represent thegames played between the Aggies and the Crimson Tide.

She finished representing the Aggies’ games by drawing lines from A to D, E, F, and G.

Next she drew the lines for the Boilermakers. She’d already drawn a linefrom A to B to represent the games theBoilermakers played against the Aggies, sothe first line she drew for the Boilermakerswas from B to C.

She continued drawing lines to represent the games that the Boilermakers playedagainst each other team.




































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From C she drew lines only to D, E, F, and G because the lines from C to A andfrom C to B had already been drawn. Shecontinued in this way, completing herdiagram by drawing the lines needed torepresent the games played by the rest ofthe teams in the league. Note that when she finally got to the Gators, she did notneed to draw any more lines because the games the Gators playedagainst each other team had already been represented with a line.

She then counted the lines she’d drawn. There were 21. Shemultiplied 21 by 3 (remember that each line represented three games)and came up with an answer of 63 games. Finally, Rita made sure thatshe’d answered the question asked. The question was “How manygames will be played in all?” Her answer, “Sixty-three games will beplayed,” accurately answers the question.

Mirka solved this problem with the diagram below. She also usedthe letters A, B, C, D, E, F, and G to represent the teams. She arrangedthe letters in a row and, as Rita did, she drew lines from team to teamto represent games played. She started by drawing lines from A to the other letters, then from B to the other letters, and so on. She drew21 lines, multiplied 21 by 3, and got an answer of 63 games.


Esther’s model train is set up on a circular track. Six telephone poles are spacedevenly around the track. The engine of Esther’s train takes 10 seconds to gofrom the first pole to the third pole. How long would it take the engine to goall the way around the track? Solve the problem before reading on.









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If you read the problem quickly and solved it in your head, youmight think the answer is 20 seconds. After all, the problem states thatthe engine can go from the first pole to the third pole in 10 seconds,which is three poles out of six and apparently halfway around thetrack. So it would take the engine 2 times 10, or 20 seconds, to go allthe way around the track. But this answer is wrong. The correct answerbecomes apparent when you look at a diagram.

Rena’s diagram is shown at right. Rena explained that thetrain goes one-third of the wayaround the track in 10 seconds,not halfway around the track. So the train goes around the entire track in 3 times 10 seconds, or 30 seconds.

Phong drew the same diagram,but he interpreted it differently.He explained that if it takes 10 seconds to go from the first pole to the third pole, then it takes 5 seconds to go from the first pole to the second pole. So it takes 5 seconds to go from pole to pole. There are six poles, so it takes thetrain 30 seconds to go all the way around the track.

Pete interpreted the problem as Phong did, but he didn’t draw adiagram. Thus, he neglected the fact that the train must return fromthe sixth pole to the first pole in order to travel all the way around the track. Therefore, he got the incorrect answer 25 seconds.

The diagram helped Rena and Phong solve the Model Train problem.If you used a diagram to solve the problem, you probably got thecorrect solution. If you were able to get the correct solution withoutdrawing a diagram, think back on your process. You probablyvisualized the train track in your mind, so even though you didn’tactually draw a diagram, you could “see” a picture.

10 SECS.


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Do you get the picture? Do you see why diagrams are important?Research shows that most good problem solvers draw diagrams for almost every problem they solve. Don’t resist drawing a diagrambecause you think that you can’t draw, or that smart people use only equations to solve problems, or whatever. Just draw it!


Curly used a shovel to dig his own swimming pool. He figured he needed a pool because digging it was hard work and he could use it to cool off afterworking on it all day. He also planned to build a rectangular concrete deckaround the pool that would be 6 feet wide at all points. The pool is rectangularand measures 14 feet by 40 feet. What is the area of the deck? As usual,solve this problem before continuing.

Jeff drew the diagram below to show the correct dimensions of thedeck and pool, which together are 12 feet longer and 12 feet widerthan the pool alone.

The diagram helps show the difficult parts of the problem.However, Jeff solved the problem incorrectly by finding the outsideperimeter of the pool and the deck together, then multiplying theperimeter by the width of the deck.

52 feet + 26 feet + 52 feet + 26 feet = 156 feet156 feet x 6 feet = 936 square feet

His approach is incorrect because it counts each corner twice.

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Rajesh used the same diagram, but he solved the problem by firstcomputing the area of the deck along the sides of the pool, then addingin the corners of the deck.

Two lengths: 40 ft x 6 ft x 2 = 480 sq ftTwo widths: 14 ft x 6 ft x 2 = 168 sq ftFour corners: 6 ft x 6 ft x 4 = 144 sq ft

Total 792 sq ft

May’s diagram shows the corners attached to the length of the deck.

She calculated the area as follows:

52 ft x 6 ft = 312 sq ft

312 sq ft x 2 = 624 sq ft for extended lengths

14 ft x 6 ft = 84 sq ft

84 sq ft x 2 = 168 sq ft for widths

Total = 624 sq ft + 168 sq ft = 792 sq ft

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Herb solved this problem by first computing the area of the pool and the deck together, then subtracting the area of the pool, leaving thearea of the deck.

Area of entire figure = 52 ft x 26 ft = 1352 sq ftArea of pool alone = 40 ft x 14 ft = 560 sq ftArea of deck = 1352 ft – 560 ft = 792 sq ft


Farmer Ben has only ducks and cows. He can’t remember how many of each he has, but he doesn’t need to remember because he knows he has 22 animals and that 22 is also his age. He also knows that the animals have a total of 56 legs, because 56 is also his father’s age. Assuming that eachanimal has all legs intact and no extra limbs, how many of each animal doesFarmer Ben have? Do this problem, and then read on.

Trent drew the following diagram:

He then explained his thinking: “These 22 circles represent the 22 animals. First, I made all of the animals into ducks.” (Trent is not

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much of an artist, so you just have to believe that these are ducks.) “I gave each animal two legs because ducks have two legs.”

“Then I converted the ducks into cows by drawing extra legs. Theducks alone had 44 of the 56 legs initially, so I drew 12 more legs, orsix pairs, on 6 ducks to turn them into cows. So there are 6 cows and16 ducks.”

Of course, Farmer Ben might have a problem when his father turns 57 next year.

Draw a Diagram

Any idea that can be represented with a picture can be communicatedmore effectively with that picture. By making visible what a person is thinking, a diagram becomes a problem-solving strategy. A diagramclarifies ideas and communicates those ideas to anyone who looks at it. Diagrams are used in many jobs, especially those that require aplanning stage. Occupational diagrams include blueprints, project flowcharts, and concept maps, to name a few. Diagrams are often necessaryto show position, directions, or complicated multidimensionalrelationships, because pictures communicate these ideas more easilyand more clearly than words.

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If you can visualizeit, draw a diagram.

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Problem Set AYou must draw a diagram to solve each problem.

1 . WO R M J O U R N E Y

A worm is at the bottom of a 12-foot wall. Every day theworm crawls up 3 feet, but atnight it slips down 2 feet.How many days does it takethe worm to get to the top ofthe wall?

2 . U P S A N D D OW N S O F S H O P P I N G

Roberto is shopping in a large department store with many floors. Heenters the store on the middle floor from a skyway and immediatelygoes to the credit department. After making sure his credit is good, hegoes up three floors to the housewares department. Then he goes downfive floors to the children’s department. Then he goes up six floors tothe TV department. Finally, he goes down ten floors to the main entranceof the store, which is on the first floor, and leaves to go to another storedown the street. How many floors does the department store have?

3 . F O L L OW T H E B O U N C I N G B A L L

A ball rebounds one-half the height from which it is dropped. The ball is dropped from a height of 160 feet and keeps on bouncing. Whatis the total vertical distance the ball will travel from the moment it isdropped to the moment it hits the floor for the fifth time?

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4 . F L O O R T I L E S

How many 9-inch-square floor tiles are needed to cover a rectangularfloor that measures 12 feet by 15 feet?

5 . S TO N E N E C K L AC E

Arvilla laid out the stones for a necklace in a big circle, with each stonespaced an equal distance from its neighbors. She then counted thestones in order around the circle. Unfortunately, before she finishedcounting she lost track of where she had started, but she realized that she could figure out how many stones were in the circle after shenoticed that the sixth stone was directly opposite the seventeenthstone. How many stones are in the necklace?

6 . DA N G E RO U S M A N E U V E R S

Somewhere in the Mojave Desert, the army set up training campsnamed Arachnid, Feline, Canine, Lupine, Bovine, and Thirty-Nine.Several camps are connected by roads: Arachnid is 15 miles from Canine, Bovine is 12 miles from Lupine, Feline is 6 miles from Thirty-Nine, Lupine is 3 miles from Canine, Bovine is 9 miles from Thirty-Nine, Bovine is 7 miles from Canine, Thirty-Nine is 1 mile from Arachnid, and Feline is 11 miles from Lupine.No other pairs of training camps are connected by roads.

Answer each of the following questions (in each answer, indicateboth the mileage and the route): What is the shortest route from

Feline to Bovine? Canine to Thirty-Nine?

Lupine to Thirty-Nine? Lupine to Bovine?

Canine to Feline? Arachnid to Feline?

Arachnid to Lupine?

7 . R AC E

Becky, Ruby, Isabel, Lani, Alma, and Sabrina ran an 800-meter race.Alma beat Isabel by 7 meters. Sabrina beat Becky by 12 meters. Alma finished 5 meters ahead of Lani but 3 meters behind Sabrina.Ruby finished halfway between the first and last women. In whatorder did the women finish? What were the distances between them?

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8 . A W H O L E L OT TA S H A K I N ’ G O I N ’ O N !

If six people met at a party and all shook hands with one another, howmany handshakes would be exchanged?

9 . H AY W I R E

A telephone system in a major manufacturing company has gonehaywire. The system will complete certain calls only over certain sets of wires. So, to get a message to someone, an employee of thecompany first has to call another employee to start a message on aroute to the person the call is for. As far as the company can determine,these are the connections:

Cherlondia can call Al and Shirley (this means that Cherlondia can callthem, but neither Al nor Shirley can call Cherlondia). Al can call Max.Wolfgang can call Darlene, and Darlene can call Wolfgang back. Sylvia can call Dalamatia and Henry. Max can get calls only from Al.Carla can call Sylvia and Cherlondia. Shirley can call Darlene. Max can call Henry. Darlene can call Sylvia. Henry can call Carla.Cherlondia can call Dalamatia.

How would you route a message from

Cherlondia to Darlene? Shirley to Henry?

Carla to Max? Max to Dalamatia?

Sylvia to Wolfgang? Cherlondia to Sylvia?

Henry to Wolfgang? Dalamatia to Henry?

1 0 . RO C K C L I M B I N G 1

Amy is just learning how to rock climb. Her instructor takes her to a 26-foot climbing wall for her first time. She climbs 5 feet in 2 minutesbut then slips back 2 feet in 10 seconds. This pattern (up 5 feet, down 2 feet) continues until she reaches the top. How long will it take her to reach the very top of the wall?

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1This problem was written by Jen Adorjan, a student at Sierra College in Rocklin,California.

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1 1 . C I R C U L A R TA B L E

In Amanda and Emily’s apartment, a round table is shoved into thecorner of the room. The table touches the two walls at points that are17 inches apart. How far is the center of the table from the corner?

1 2 . T H E H U N G RY B O O K WO R M

Following is an expansion of a well-known problem:The four volumes of The World of Mathematics by James R. Newman

are sitting side by side on a bookshelf, in order, with volume 1 on theleft. A bookworm tunnels through the front cover of volume 1 all theway through the back cover of volume 4. Each book has a front coverand a back cover that each measure 1⁄16 inch. The pages of each bookmeasure 11⁄8 inches. How far does the bookworm tunnel?

1 3 . BU S I N G TA B L E S 2

Brian buses tables at a local café. To bus a table, he must clear the dirtydishes and reset the table for the next set of customers. One night henoticed that for every three-fifths of a table that he bused, anothertable of customers would get up and leave. He also noticed that rightafter he finished busing a table, a new table of customers would comeinto the restaurant. However, once every table was empty (no dinerswere left in the restaurant), nobody else came into the restaurant.Suppose there were six tables with customers and one unbused table. How many new tables of customers would come in before the restaurant was empty? After the last table of customers had left,how many tables were unbused?

1 4 . W R I T E YO U R OW N P RO B L E M

In each chapter you’ll be given the opportunity to write your ownproblem that can be solved by using the strategy you studied in thatchapter. The book will give you suggestions for how to go aboutwriting these problems. Each time you write your own problem, solveit yourself to be sure that it’s solvable. Then give it to another studentto solve and, as needed, to help you with the problem’s wording.

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2This problem was written by Brian Strand, a student at Sierra College in Rocklin,California.

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Create your own Draw a Diagram problem. Model it after eitherthis chapter’s Worm Journey problem or Ups and Downs of Shoppingproblem.


1 5 . T H E W E I G H T O F A B R I C K

If a brick balances with three-quarters of a brick and three-quarters of apound, then how much does the brick weigh?

Adapted from Mathematical Puzzles of Sam Loyd, vol. 2, edited by Martin Gardner.

1 6 . T H E M OTO R C Y C L I S T A N D T H E H O R S E M A N

A motorcyclist was sent by the post office to meet a plane at theairport. The plane landed ahead of schedule, and its mail was takentoward the post office by horse. After half an hour, the horseman metthe motorcyclist on the road and gave him the mail. The motorcyclistreturned to the post office 20 minutes before he was expected. Howmany minutes early did the plane land?

Adapted from The Moscow Puzzles by Boris Kordemsky.

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