chaminade high school yearbook 1943


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Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943


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Editors ..... . ....... ...H..... ~ rear~l! f.°{a:~~ Faculty Moderator ... John J. Lucier S. M.

Business Manager H •••• H ••• H ••• ··. H • Edward C. Spang Business Advisor ......... Edward F. Malone S. M.


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Our world and our way of life are threatened, during these times, by the Nazis, the Facists and the Nipponese-by those forces which would replace kindness with barbarism, love with hate, respect with contempt, freedom with slavery, right with might and God with nothing.

In truly Catholic manner, Chaminade has, as always, taken means to combat these forces. Now, as ever, it dedicates itself to the training of those men who fight now so that in the future they may establish kindness, love, respect, freedom, right and God among all men of the whole world. Now, as ever, Chaminade dedicates itself to the defense and preservation of the Four Freedoms as expressed by the leaders of America and of England in the Atlantic Charter- Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship, Freedom from Want and Freedom from Fear.

Let us, the seniors of 1943, earnestly and openly thank God that He has allowed us the privilege of such an education.

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S. M.

Vice Principal

BRO. JULIUS F. MAYS. M. Principal


S. M.


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Mr. Gerard A . Faust Mech. Drawing. Civ ics, Ph y s i c a I Ed., Head Coach of Footb ,ill and Basketball

Bro. John F. Hall S. M. Shorthand, Typing

Bro. Louis A. Hettich S.M.

Bro. Bernard W. Rombach S. M.

Physics, Ma thematics La tin, H i s t or y, Booster Club, Cheer Leaders

Bro. Bernard Diethorn S. M. Lat in , Relig ion

Bro. Martin Brewi S. M. Math. , Physical Ed., Athle tic Director

Bro. William V. Ambrose S.M.

Art Ins tructor

Bro. James A. Imhof S. M. Engl ish, Relig ion

Bro. Henry J. Honnert S. M. Mathematics

Bro. Raymond H. Nartker S. M.


Bro. Robert H. Springman S.M.

Math., C h u r c h History, First Aid, Band

Page 9: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943

Bro. William J. Klueber S. M.

Buyer, Cafe teria

Bro. Frank Kreipl S. M. History, Eng ., Ge rman

Bro. James Loughran S. M. Maintenance

Bro. J. Lucier S. M. Chemistry, Pre-Flight Aeronau tics, Science, Basic Math., Fencing Moderator, Dramatics Moderator. Adviser of The Eagle

Bro. Stephen Sheehy S. M. Dean of Boys, Bookkeeping, Relig ion, Assistant Athle tic Director

Bro. Andrew H. Schratz S. M. Typ~ng ;;

• ,.- I ~

Bro. Bernard J. Reckert S: M. Treasurer

Bro. George M. Ruby S. M. Science, Re ligion, Algebra

Rev. John F. Mueller S. M. Religion, La tin , C. S. M. C. Mode rator

Bro. Edward F. Malone S. M.

En g l is h, G e n era I Science, First Aid, Ad­viser of The Chaminade News, Business Ad­viser of The Eagle, Speech Moderator

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from Fear


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s~ etault)43 SENIOR OFF.ICERS

Daniel F. Palmert, James D. Fulwiler, Edward C. Spang, President, Jerome L. Lause

JOHN V. ANGEL Immaculate Conception


Commercial; Paper Drive 2; Turkey Raffle 2, 3; Football 2; Intramural Basketball I , 2, 3; Golf 2, 3; Track 2: 4; Mile Relay Record; Intramural Bowling 2; Monogram Club.

Scientific; Honor Society; Honor Student I, 2, 3, 4; Chaminade News 3, 4; Eagle Staff 4; Dramatics 3, 4; CSMC Study Club; CSMC Officer; Turkey Raffle 2, 3; Never Tardy I, 2 , 3.

FRANK R. BAKER Corpus Christi



Academic; Library Staff 2, 3; CSMC Officer; Never Tardy; Perfect Conduct I, 2, 3, 4.

Commercial; Library Staff 1,2; Booster Club 1,2; Never Absent; Never Tardy; Quota Club.

EDWARD M. BOLAND Corpus Christi

Scientific; Eagle Staff 4; Intramural Basketball I, 2, 3; Band 2, 3, 4; Quota Club I, 2, 3.


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DAVID W. BORCHERS Corpus Christi


Scientific; Glee Club 3; CSMC I , 2, 3; Boos ter Club 2; Quota Club I, 2, 3, 4.

CARROll C. BURTON Immacu la te Conception Commercial; Foo tball 1, 4; In tramural Basketball I; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; High Jump Record; Intramural Bowling 2, 3; Class Officer I , 2, 3; Monogram Club 3, 4; Student Council 4.

DONALD B. BUTLER Immacu la te Conception Scientific; Honor Student I , 2, 3, 4;' Chaminade News 3, 4; Paper Drive Prize Winne r 3; Turkey Raffle Prize Winner 2; Intramural Basket­ball 2, 3; Class Officer I , 2; CSMC Officer I, 2, 3, 4; Conference President 2; Pa ladin Award.

WILLIAM R. COOPER Holy Family Scientific; Glee Club 2; Track 3; CSMC; Quota Club.

ROY l, DEARDORFF Sf. Agnes Commercial; Honor Student 4; CSMC; Quota Club '4.



WILLIAM R, BUDDE Corpus Christi Scientific; Basketball 3, 4; Track 3; Monogram Club 3, 4.

FARROll F. BURTON Immaculate Conception Commercial; Football I, 4; Intramural Basketball I; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Track 2 , 3, 4; Intramura l Bow ling 2, 3; Class Officer I, 2, 3; Monogram Club 3, 4; Honorary Footba ll Capta in 4.

lEONARD N. CORMIER Sacred He art Scie ntific; Honor Society Member; Honor Stu­dent I, 2, 3, 4; Chaminade News Staff 2, 3, 4, News Editor 4; Eagle Staff 4; Dramatics 3; Turkey Raffle Prize W inner 4; Track 3, 4; Fe ncing 3, 4; Glee Club 2, 3; CSMC Officer 4.

PAUL H. CONNAIR Holy Trinity Scientific; Honor Society Member Chaminade News 2, 3, Ed itor 3; Eagle Staff 4, Co-Editor; Drama tics 4; Turke y Raffle Prize Winner 2; Intramura l Baske tball 2, 3; Track 3, 4; Class Officer 4; CSMC Officer 4; Booster Club 2; Never Absent 4; Never Tardy 4.

SAMUEL K. DE HART Our Lady of Mercy Scien tific; Chaminade News 2, 3, 4; Eagle Staff 4; Drama tics I , 4; Libra ry Staff 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 2; CSMC Study Clu!;> 2, 3, 4; CSMC Officer 4; Never Absent 4.



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RA YMOND E. DEITER St. Agnes Scient ific ; Chaminade News 4, Staff Artist; CSMC Officer 2, 3; Quota Club.

NORMAN J. FINK Corpus Chri s ti Scienti fic ; Football I, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Golf 2, 3; Class Officer 1, 2, 3; CSMC Office r 1, 2; Monogram Club; "Mest Active;" Student Council Pres iden t.

JAMES D, FULWILER St. Agnes Scientific; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramural Baske t­ball 1, 2, 3; Track I, 2, 3, 4; Cless Officer 4, Vice President; Monogram Club; "Most Hand­some."

ALEXANDERJ. GALAMB Holy Name Scientific; Intramural Basketba ll 2, 3; CSMC I , 2, 3 , 4; Quot, C lub.

RICHARD J. HARNETT St. An thony Scienti fic ; Eagle Staff 4; Pape r Drive 2, 3; Turkey Raffle 2, 3, 4; Lihary Staff 2, 3, 4· Never Tardy; Quoh Club.




JAMES P. DESCH Ccrpus Christi


Scienti fic ; Honor Student I, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 4; Football I , 2; Intramural Basketball 2, 3; Track I, 2; Class Officer 2, 3; CSMC Study Club 3; Quota Club 1, 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT E. FROUNFELKER Corpus Chris ti Scientific; Honor Student 2; Chaminade News 4; Dramat ics 4; Golf 3, 4; Track 4; CSMC Officer 3.

RICHARD E, FULWILER Our Lady of Mercy Scientific; Foo tball I, 2; Basketball 4; Track 4; Bowling Team 4; Moncgri:!m Club.

ROBERT A. GIRARD St. Mary's Commercial; Libra ry Stafi 2; Football I; Intra· mural Basketball I, 2; In tramura l Bcwli ng 2; Quota Club 2, 3.

WILLIAM E. HARTLEY St. Rita's Scien tific; Honor Student; CSMC 3, 4; Quota C lub 3, 4.




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FERDINAND F. HASENSTAB SI. Anthony Scientific; Chaminade News 3, 4. Staff Artist; Eagle Staff; Turkey Raffle 2; Football 1; Band 2, 3, 4; CSMC O fficer 3, 4; Booster Club 1; Quoh Club 1, 2, 4; Apostle of Mary 2, 3, Staff Artisl.

GERALD R. HELMIG Immaculate Conception Scientific; Honor Society; Honor Student 3, 4; Ch'minade News 4; Dramatics 3; Football 2; C lass Officer 1, 2, 3; CSMC Officer 2, 3; C. A. P. Cade t; Track 3; Never Tardy.

DONALD J. HUNGLING Corpus Christi Commercial; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Track 1, 2, 3; Class Officer 1, 2, 3.

JOHN V. KLOSTERMAN SI. Anthony Commercial; Paper Drive 4; CSMC I , 2, 3; intramural Basketball 1.

W ILLIAM C. KUNTZ 5 1. Anthony Commercial; Dramatics 3; Intramural Basketball 3; Bowling Team 4; G lee Club 2, 3; CSlvlC 1, 2, 3; Quota Club I, 2, 3.




Scientific; Pape r Drive 2; Intramural Bowling 2; CSMC 1, 2, 3, 4; Quota Club 2, 3, 4.

ALLEN L. HORVATH Corpus Chr is ti Scien tific; He nor Student 1, 2, 3; CSMC Officer 1, 2; Quota Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Booster Club 2, 3.

THOMAS R. KINZELER Corpus Christi Scien tific; Dramatics 4; Intramural Basketball 1, 2, 3; Golf 3, 4; Bowling Team 4; Quota Club 2,3,4.

DONALD J. KREITZER Corpus Chris ti Scientifi c; Hcnor Student 3; Dramatics 1; CSMC 1, 2, 3, 4; Boes ter Club I; Quota Club.

THOMAS B. LAUER Holy Rosary Scientific; Intramural Bowling 2; Class Officer 2; CSMC I , 2, 3, 4; Never Absent 2, 3.



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JEROME L. LAUSE Holy Family Academic; Honor Socie ty Member; Honor Stu­dent I, 2, 3, 4; C haminade News 3, 4, Ed itor 4; Eagle Sta ff 3, 4, Co-editor 4; Ora torica l Contesi Winne r 3, 4; Bow ling Team 3, 4; Senior Class O fficer 4, Secretary; CSMC President 3, 4; "Best Dressed;" Honorary Commissioner of Dayton.

JOHN E. LEHMAN SI. Anthony Scie ntific; Intramura l Basketball I, 2, 3; CSMC; Q uota Cl\lb.

WILLIAM MACK Holy Angels Scientific; CSMC; Never Absent 4; Never Tardy 4; Quota Club.

JOSEPH F. MERKLE Immaculate Conception Commercial; CSMC; Quota C lub .

PHILIP J. MEYER SI. Anthony Scientific; Football I ; Bowling 2; CSMC; Quota Club.

FRED H. LECHLEITNER Holy Angels Scie ntific; Eagle Staff 4; Dramatics 3, 4; Intra­mural Basketball 2, 3; Fe ncing I , 2, 3, 4; Never Al::sent 4; Never Tardy 4.

JAMES W . LOSH SI. Albert the Great Scientific; Library Staff 3; Football 1; Booster Club I; Quota Club; CSMC.

DONALD G. MAUCH SI. An thony Scientific; Dramatics I; Library Sta ff I ; Never Tardy 4; Intramural Baske tball I, 2.

VICTOR J. MERKLE SI. Anthony Commercial; CSMC; Quota Club.

WALTER E. MEYHOFER Scientific; CSMC; Quota Club.





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JOHN R. MIDDLETON St. Anthony Commercial; Football 1, 2, 3 . 4; Intramural Bowling 2; Never Absent 2, 3, 4; Never Tardy 1, 2; Monogram Club.

THEODORE H. MOORMAN St. Anthony Scien tific; Honor Society; Honor Student 1, 2, 3, 4; Eagle Sta ff 3, 4; Dramatics 3; Paper Drive 3, 4; Intramural Baske tba ll 2, 3; Track 2, 3, 4; Never Ta rdy 1, 2, 3, 4; Mcnogram Club 3, 4.

BERNARD J. NEUMAN St. Mary's Scie ntific; Dramatics 1, 3; Lib rary S taff 1, 2; Track 3; Track Manager 4; G lee Club 1, 2, 3; Booster Club 1, 2; CSMC 1, 2, 3.

DANIEL F. PALMERT St. Agnes Scientific; Honor Societv; Honor Student 1, 2, 3. 4; Chaminade News' 4, PaC)e Editor; Eagle S taff; C lass Officer 4, Treasurer; CSMC; Study Club 4; Never Ta rdy 1. 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT D. RIFE Holy Family Scientifiq Turkey RaHle 3, 4; CSMC 1, 2, 3. 4; Q uota Club 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT C. MILLER St. Mary's Scientific; Football 3, 4; Track 4; Qucta Club I, 2, 3; CSMC 1, 2, 3, 4; Monogram Club.

DANIEL M. McCARTHY Corpus Christi Scientific; Eagle Staff 4; Dramatics I, 3; Library S taff 2; CSMC Officer 3; Booste r C lub I , 2; Never Absent I , 3; Never Tardy I , 2, 3; Quota Club.

NICHOLAS G. PARLETTE Emmanuel Scientific; Honor S tudent I; Chami nade News 2. 3, 4; Paper Drive 2, 4; Turkey RaHle 2. 4; Track 3, 4; CSMC I , 2, 3, '1; Quota Club 2, 3, 4.

STEVE J. RENACS Holy Name Scientific; Football 4; CSMC I, 2, 3, 4; Never Absen t 2, 3, 4; Never Ta rdy I, 2, 3, 4; Quota C lub.

WILLIAM C. RIHM Holy Rosary Scientific; Honor Stude nt I. 2, 3, 4; Class Officer 2; CSMC Officer 2; Quot3 Club I, 2, 3, 4 .



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LAWRENCE J. ROBERS Corpus Christi Scien tific; Eag le StaH 4; Drama tics 3; Library StaH I, 2; Track I, 2 , 3, 4; Fencing I; Glee Club 2, 3; Cheerleader I , 2, 4; Monogram Club; Quota Club 2, 3 , 4.

LA WRENCE J. SACKSTEDER Corpus Cbristi Scie ntific; Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball Intramural 3; Track I , 2, 3, 4; CSMC; Never Absen t I, 2; Never Tardy I, 2; Monogram Club 3, 4.

ARNOLD C. SCHAFFER Corpus Christi Scientific; Chaminade News 3; Turkey RaHle 2; CSMC I, 2, 3, 4; QUO{) Club 2, 3.

FRANK A. SCHLEMAN Corpus Chris ti Scientific; Quota Club I, 2, 3, 4; CSMC 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT N. SHERMAN Our Lady of Mercy Scie ntific; Honor Student 4; CSMC; Never Tardy 4; Quota Club I, 2, 3, 4.

FRANKLIN A . ROSS St. Agnes Scientific; CSMC; Study Club 3, 4; Quota Club 2.

WILLIAM P. SAYER St. Anthony Scientific; Foc tba ll I , 2, 3, 4; Basketball Man­ager 3; Track 2, 3; CSMC I , 2, 3, 4; Quota Club I, 2, 3, 4; Monogram Club.

MAURICE C. SCHENCK Holy Angels Scien tific; Chaminade News 3, 4, Page Editor; Te nnis 2, 3; CSMC I , 2, 3, 4; Quota Club 2, 3; Monogram Club.

WILBUR J. SCHOOLEY St. Anthony Scientific; Chaminade News StaH I ; Dramatics I; Turkey RaHle I; Basketball 3, 4; Tennis I; Track 3; Bowling Team I; Class OHieer I , 2, 3, 4; CSMC Secre tary; " loe High School."

FRANK W. SLATER S t. An thony Commercia l; Queta Club I, 2, 3, 4; 'CSMC 2, 3.





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HERBERT SMITH Corpus Christi Scientific.

CHARLES L. SPITZIG Sacred Heart Scientific; Honor Socie ty Member; Honor Stu­dent I, 2, 3, 4; Chaminade News Staff 4; Class Officer 2; CSMC 2, 3, 4; Boos te r Club 2, 3, 4; Never Tardy 2. 3, 4; "Mcst Intellectual;" Quota Club 2, 3; Honorary Mayor o f Dayton.

RAYMOND STANDISH Corpus Christi Scien ti fi c .

JOHN THALHEIMER Corpus Christi Scientific .

ROBERT L, TRICK Our Lady of Mercy Commercia l; Drama tics I; Paper Drive \"Iinner 4; Baske tball Manager 4; Booster Club I, 2; Never Absent 4; Never Tardy I, 2, 3, 4; Mono­gram Club 4.


EDWARD C. SPANG Immaculate Conception Scientific; Honor Studen t I, 2, 3; Eagle S ta ff 4, Business Manager 4; Library Staff 2; Football I, 2, 3, 4; Class O fficer 3, 4, President; Stude nt Council 4; Monogram Club 3, 4; "Most Popular."

C. RICHARD STACK MAN SI. Anthony Commercial; Dramatics I, 2; Li brary Sta ff 2, 3; G lee Club I, 2; Booster Club I , 2; Quota Club 1,2, 3, 4.

CHARLES F. STEICMEYER Corpus Christi Scientific; Eagle Staff 4; Paper Drive Winner I ; Footba ll 2, 3, 4; Track 2; Senior Class O fficer; CSMC 2, 3, 4; Monogram Club 3, 4.

ALOYSIUS H. TRICK SI. Rita Scientific; Paper Drive W inner 4; Football 3, 4· Intramura l Basketball 3; Quota Club 4.

JOHN L. UNGER SI. Agnes Scientific; Library Sta ff I, 2; Bowling Team I; CSMC; Study Club 3; Quota Club I, 2, 3.



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Scientific; Honor Student 2; Chaminade News 2, 3, 4, Page Editor 4; Library Staff 3; Track 3; Fencing 3, 4; Quota Club 1,2, 3, 4.

HARVEY WARE St. An thony Comme rcial; Honor Student 3; CSMC I, 2, 3; Quota Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Never Tardy 1, 2, 3.

VICTOR C. WOESTE St. Mary Scientific ; CSMC 2, 3, 4; Quota Club 1, 2; Never Absent 2, 4; Never La te 1, 2,3,4.

WILLIAM ZELLER Holy Trinity Commercial; Football 1; Int ramural Basketball I , 2, 3; In tramural Track I , 2; In tramural Bowl­ing 2; CSMC 1, 2, 3, 4, Officer 3; Quota Club 1, 2, 3.

JOHN J. LINCK Holy Rosary Scientific; CSMC 1, 2, 3, 4; Quota Club 1, 2.

THOMAS J. O'BRIEN Holy Rosary Commercia l; CSMC 4; Quota Club 4.



EUGENE VAN OSS St. Anthony Scientific; Quota Club 2. 3; CSMC 1, 2, 3, 4; Never Tardy 4.

WILLIAM WILSON Emmanuel Scientific; Chaminade News 3, 4; Basketball Manager 3; Track Manager 3; CSMC 1, 2, 3, 4; Q uota Club 2, 3.

JOHN F. ZAJBEL Holy Name Scientific; Dramatics 3; Band 2, 3, 4; CSMC I, 2, 3, 4.

JOHN E. DREXLER St. Anthony Scientific; Dramatics 3; Glee Club 3; CSMC 2,3, 4.

THOMAS C. LINCK Holy Rosary Commercial; Library Staff 2, 3; Glee Club I, 2; CSMC 2, 3; Quot~ Club 3.

HERBERT SMITH Corpus Christi Scientific; CSMC I, 4; Quota Club I , 4.

Commercial; Turkey Raffle 1; Library Staff 2; Intramural Bowling 2, 3; Intramural Basketball 1,2, 3; CSMC 1, 2, 3, 4.


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L. Cormie r, T. Moorman, C. Spitzig (standing ), J. Lause, R. Beckman, P. Connair, D. Palmert.

The National Honor Society was founded primarily as an organization to instill in the ambitious student a sincere desire to take a more active interest in the successful completion of his studies. It h as accomplished that purpose through a simple recognition of his scholastic achievements.

This year at Chaminade, nine students w e re found worthy of such special citation. Their selection represents not only unrivalled intellectual qualities, but is evident of participation in extra-curricular activities, of an outstanding ability to make friends among fellow students, and of a dependability that is seldom found wanting. They were chosen by mem­bers of the faculty with whom they were acquainted in any of their four • years at our school.

Here at Chaminade, the society, as a functioning organization, sponsored the annual Spelling Contest and has succeeded in placing all of its members on the staff of this year's Eagle.

To one and all of you may we say congratulations and extend a wish for your continued success.


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UNDERCLASSMEN . l~' ______________________________________________________ ___




L Mahle R. Roll

J. Fowler A. Angere r


D. Ballman L Haley

J. Brockman


J. Zimmerman J. Kis tner

L Connolly R. Miller

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JUNIORS Eagerly, we look forward to our senior year after completing a very

successful and very active Junior year-all 138 of us.

Under our officers: Al Angerer, John Fowler, Dick Roll and Larry Mahle we attained a creditable showing in all our undertakings. In the annual turkey raffle, Junior B led the division and Fred Ohmer's 268 cards placed him second among the individual prize winners. Junior B staged a comeback performance by again leading its division in the paper drive while Fred Ohmer took third place in this activity.

Our foremost contribution to the field of sports was Al Angerer, who, after securing a first-string berth, was chosen All City tackle. Among many other Junior football players, Jim Pfeiffer and Dick Roll were outstanding. Dick Brown led the host of juniors who all but dominated the basketball team. In track, Tom Shillito advanced to the position of long distance man deluxe and many others of us also gave our talents. Chuck Brown was the principal figure on the fencing team.

We had 17 honor students in our ranks.

JUNIOR A FIRST ROW-J. Heyne, D. Dwyer, A. Hochwalt,

T. Lienesch, V. Cashman, H. Condron, A. Manzo, W. Blandford.

SECOND ROW-E. Hohm, G. Klosterman, R. Hickey, E. Kirchmer, A. Gigliotti.

THIRD ROW-W. Masters, J. Hochwalt, T. Amann, C. Brocke, J. Wack, J. Kelly.

FOURTH ROW-R. Harne tt, R. Conner, S. Emerick, F. Elardo.

FIFTH ROW- D. Fahrig, P. Jeckering, C. Brown, A. Angerer.

JUNIOR B FIRST ROW-J. Weaver, T. Shillito, F. Meyer, F.

Westendorf, T. Schneble, R. Reichert, W. Tangeman.

SECOND ROW-J. Roddy, R. O'Donnell, R. Wen· ning, F. Ohmer, E. Moorman, A. Parke r, J. Kessel.

THIRD ROW-J. Schneble, E. Miller, J. Fowler, F. Wonka, J. Vickers, F. Wourms.

FOURTH ROW-R. Wehner, R. Ruther, J. Wehner, W. Sweeterman, D. Meyer, J. Sauer.

FIFTH ROW-R. Spreng, E. Wildenhaus, W. Suttmiller.


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FIRST ROW-J. Koenen, H. Annarino, T. Spitzig, W. Weis, J. Mack, D. Hickey, H. Helpling, J. Savino, D. Doyle.

SECOND ROW-R. Knuge, E. Burger, R. Jeckering. Jeckering.

THIRD ROW-R. Hageman, E. Marrinan, W . Keville, H. Albers, F. Tuite, A. Morgan, W . Drayer, R. Hanfelder.

FOURTH ROW-G. Buecht2r, C. SpTilhley, J. Pain, J. Beirise, J. Beckman.

FIFTH ROW-P. Wilkens, 1. Leist, R. Brown .


FIRST ROW-J. Dulsky, L. Crompton.

SECOND ROW-R. Roeckner, P. Schaaf, R. HeibeL R. Gas!, L. Mahle.

THIRD ROW- C. Wehner, T. Herrman , E. Kunk, D. Schoch.

FOURTH ROW-W. Ridenour, C. Franke, C. Kinder.

MISSING FROM PICTURE-A. Kronenberger, G. Wildenhaus and G. Faulkner.

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Marching into the halls of Chaminade, we were 157 strong, 22 less than the year before.

Through the individual eHorts of Carl Ewald, who copped first p lace in the Turkey Raffle, Sophomore A topped the classes for the number ·one position. In the Paper Drive, Ed Duffy and Robert Zimmerman paced the way for us. R. Brandt made his contribution to the Apo::;tle of Mary Drive by selling 16 subscriptions.

Many in our midst showed their athletic abilities in the line of Football, Basketball and Track. Harlow Fleischman, Don Weaver, Jim Walsh and Tom McCarthy were outstanding in their respective fields . In the scholastic field, John Cherry and Robert Burg were constant leaders, but some twenty-four others proved themselves sch olas tically inclined. John Granato, Sophomore D., took the individual spotlight by winning the school-wide Spelling Bee. Our Thespians included Vern Vandenbrock, Larry Rees and Matt Phelan.

We are leaving now for our summer vacation and resting on the laurels of a g rand and g lorious year until we re turn next "fear.

SOPHOMORE A FIRST ROW-L. Alexander, P. Hart, W . Mayl,

M. Breen, R. Brotherton. SECOND ROW-C. Aveyard, R. KeEer, J. Wilson,

J. Hone , A. Krowialis, P. Gregory. THIRD ROW-G. Barlow, D. Ashhurst, R. Hack­

man, S. Ostyopak, P. Kussman, A. Heitkamp, A. Ahlers.

FOURTH ROW-E. Meyer, R. Breitenstein, E. Gancasz, D. Weaver, E. Grimme, W. Traynor.

FlFTH ROW-R. Goubeaux, J. Foran , J. Brockman, H. Fle ishman, E. Johnson.

SIXTH ROW-L. Bauer, J. Hagemeyer, R. Brandt, e. Ewald.

ABSENT-R. Lewis.

SOPHOMORE B FIRST ROW-V. Kasko, W. McCloskey, A. Lyons,

W . Kleismit, J. Kline, P . . Magin, E. Kessen. SECOND ROW-T. Leist, W . Porter, R. Kizer,

R. Neumann, C. LaVielle, J. Reese . THIRD ROW-R. Meyer, A. Krieger, G. Feder­

spiel, G. Hohm, J. Porter , E. Hamper, R. Martin. FOURTH ROW-T. Miller, R. Rafferty, D. Burdge,

L. Rees, K. Morrissey, D. Ballman, E. Moorman. FIFTH ROW-J. Nieberding, D. Koen ig, E. Jorden,

M. Phelan, L. Miller. SIXTH ROW-T. Hochwalt, F. Hickey, E. Hor­

va th , H. Heyne.


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FIRST ROW-N. Rose, . J. Dodaro, J. Walsh, R. Arnold, V. Parlette, J. Staley, T. Bonfig .

. SECOND ROW-J. Gyevat, J. Smith, L. Winhoven, R. Woeste. W. Wagner, R. Zimmerman, N. Essman, C. Fisher.

THIRD ROW-R. Bockrath, H. Schirtzinger, G. Long, T. Zinck, T. McCarthy, T. Clarke, R. Stoll, R. Connair, R. Lane.

FOURTH ROW-E. Braunlin, T. Weisman, R. Dyke, E. Weber, J. Ryan, T. Gough, A. Tarkany.

FIFTH ROW-L. Sacksteder, R. Wagner, H. Schweller, J. Smith, W. Fortman.

SIXTH ROW- P. Visinger, P. Walter, T. Sheetz, J. Schaaf.


FIRST ROW-J. Granato, F. Fahrig, J. Mahrt, E. Verrett, T. Riley.

SECOND ROW-R. Hoben, L. Condron, T. Eshel· man, W. Schmitz, J. Roberts, E. Duffy, T. Ritzert.

THIRD ROW-T. Reilly, R. Burg, G. Oberer, A. Sprauer, W . Bombeck, W. De m p s e y, J. Koverman.

FOURTH ROW- W. Regan, H. Townsend, J. Geile, J. White, L. Haley, J. Peterman, R. Buehler.

FIFTH ROW- A. Kawsky, W. Langen, J. Mooney, H. Melia, J. Melia, J. O'Neil, W. Blatz.

SIXTH ROW- N. Rue!, W . Krumholtz, J. Albers, V. Vandenbrock.

Page 26: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943

FRESHMEN "Look at those Freshmen! Seems they're gettin' smaller every year." That

was the remark we heard from all the upper-classmen the first few days of September, 1942, when we walked through the halls of Chaminade and did our best to look big and intelligent.

We had our first opportunity to show our worth in the drive for subscrip­tions to the APOSTLE OF MARY; and we did so well that the two leading classes were given an article as well as pictures in the magazine. The winning classes were Freshman A and Freshman B.

Among our honor excellence in studies. Leschansky, Gallagher, and L. Suttman.

students, fourteen were consistently named for their They are: Zimmerman, Powers, Lawler, Honious,

Tieman, B::J lton, Parr, Deininger, Raso, Kissell, Grilliot,

As we look back over our first year at Chaminade, we feel satisfied in a job well done. However, we look forward hopefully and expectantly to the time when we can look down on the Freshmen in September, 1945, and say, with senior sophistication: "Look at those Freshmen! Seems they're gettin' smaller every year."

FRESHMAN A KNEELING-R. Davis, J. Scarpelli. FIRST ROW-J. Seitz, R. Suttman, A. Chirco, L.

Suttman, J. Dawson, J. Steuve, D. Andrews, J. Hamman.

SECOND ROW-E. Leschansky, J. Braun, D. O'Connor, J. Heil, H. Waker, M. Le Boeul, W. Horst.

THIRD ROW-H. Parr, J. Laufersweiler, J. Deis, C. Simon, W . McMahon, H. Honious, G. Ebert.

FOURTH ROW-L. Bolton, R. Deininger, R. Sack· steder, R. Cochran, J. Gallagher, R. Smith.

FIFTH ROW-L. Keller, N. Schmidt, K. Sommer, C. Dicken.

MISSING-R. Burger, R. Tieman, B. Tremblay, V. Lawler, D. Warning .

FRESHMAN B KNEELING-W. Vocke, M. Powers, F. Raso, D.

Nock, R. Strehle. FIRST ROW-P' Desch, J. Kissling, T. Sayer, J.

Tangeman, J. Roth, J. Weis. SECOND ROW-W. Beecroft, T. Baldasarre, J.

Bucher, J. Zimmerman, T. Mulhern, J. Carr, G. Schmidt, F. Feche.

THIRD ROW-L. Melia, T. Moore, A. Hodapp, C. Grilliot, W. Kissell, R. Amann, T. Horning.

FOURTH ROW-G. Jackowsk i, G. Smith, E. Gentner, J. Moreau, D. Dawson.

FIFTH ROW-R. Phander, E. I\lawon, C. Horvath, O. Dahlinghaus.


Page 27: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943

, l


FRESHMAN D KNEELING (Left to Right)-A. Sierschula, A.

Kun tz, C. Zimmer, J. Williams, C. Jaeggi, H. Rose ll.

FIRST ROW-R. Weisman, R. Kern, J. Penna, T. Hogle , V. Link, R. Crainich, C. West.

SECOND ROW-C. Wald, T. Kraus, A. Turner, A. Neff, J. Zimmerman, E. Hinders, H. Flynn, R. Mille r.

THIRD ROW-M. Collins, J. Bertling, H. Sommers, E. Tolle , J. Frost, P. Tattone.

FOURTH ROW-A . Hickey, M. Keemer, D. Deardorff, E. Tumbusch, H. Vollman, R. Re­boulet, A. Osterloh .

FIFTH ROW-D. Smith, J. Bashaw, W. Wencle­wicz , R. Limming.

ABSENT-W. Galt , J. Brown, J. Budde.

FRESHMAN E FIRST ROW-W. B lo~mel, P. Mastuc, J. McGrath,

R. Menke, E. Fox, W . Millett, J. Byrd. SECOND ROW-N. Martin, B. Staley, R. Burg­

mier, J. McClin toch, R. Lilienkamp, E. Cotter­man, J. Mazzone, B. Steinbrunner.

THIRD ROW-E. Burgmier, R. Schulte, J. Hunts­berger, C. Bellmyer, R. MacMahon, J. Weidner.

FOURTH ROW-T. Munch, E. Mullins, L. Con­nolly, J. Mahrt, E. Fritz.

FIFTH ROW-D. Meyers, B. Thill, N. Rotheveg , L. Taylor.

ABSENT-H. Mauch, J. May.

FRESHMAN C FIRST ROW-L. Long, R. Monahan, H. Re­

boulet, J. Deppen, N. Meyers, W. Eckley, D. Nevels.

SECOND ROW-R. Murphy, R. Bruns, J. Sprauer, J. Serena, E. Dabbelt, F. Ra ley, H. Brinkman, J. McGarry.

THIRD ROW-E. Hatfelder, E. O'Meara, R. Caldwell, A. Gouldburn, R. Strehle, L. Ballman, T. Miller, R. Allagree.

FOURTH ROW-J. Gephart, R. Hessinger, R. Krug, R. Marshall, S. DiSalvo, R. Lowry, J. Kistner.

FIFTH ROW- C. Fortener, D. Leary, R. Hofstetter, R. Rettich, T. Falin.

SIXTH ROW-J. Stale y, A. Guess, J. Koep­nick, V. Schram.

Page 28: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943



In the annals of Chaminade's sport his­tory there stands an enviable record of success and achievement; an inscription which commemorates the tenth annivers­ary of one Gerard "Fuzzy" Faust as head coach at our school. For more than a decade, the genial Mr. Faust has been di­recting the destinies of our football and basketball teams and has, in that process, accomplished training for healthy bodies as well as minds. To this there is little that one can add, for his talent is attested to by the resultant success which has greeted each of his charges.

Every student recognizes in "Fuzzy" not only an excellent ability for teaching and coaching, but a sincere understanding that makes him a friend and adviser to all.

To you, Mr. Faust, we extend our heart­felt thanks and a wish for your continued success at Chaminade.



Chaminade .. 7 Wilbur Wright 7

Chaminade .. 7 Fp.irview ............ 13

Chaminade ......... 14 Hamilton 0

Chaminade . ......... 13 Columbus .12

Chaminade .... 33 Stivers .. .. 13

Chaminade. ..... 21 Roosevelt 6

Chaminade ... 7 Springfield 6

Chaminade. 6 Kiser .... ..... ........ .. 8


Page 29: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943



FIRST ROW-J. Fulwiler, J. fink, E. Spang, W. Sayer, F. Burton, C. Steigmeyer, A. Angerer, D. Hungling.

SECOND ROW-A. Trick, C. BUfton, H. Fleishman, T. Shilito, R. Miller, D. Mazzone, D. Huelsman, R. Roll, R. Pfeiffer.

THIRD ROW-B. Alexander, Mgr., D. Weaver, F. Mercuri, C. Ewald, R. Wehner, F. Westendorf, J. Savino, S. Renacs, D. Koenig .

FOURTH ROW-G. Buechter, H. Condron, L. Sacksteder, T. McCarthy, R. O'Neil, F. Elardo, J. Mack, D. Dwyer, J. Koenen, Coach "Fuzzy" Faust.

Page 30: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943


FRONT ROW-D. Weaver, F. Meyer, R. Trick, J. Walsh, R. Roll. REAR ROW-R. Brown, Carroll Burton, H. Fle ischman, Farroll Burtcn, R. Fulw iler.


Chaminade .. 28 Fairmont ... 27 Chaminade . . 24

Chaminade ... 15 Oakwood .. .. . 35 Chaminade ... 17

Chaminade .. 21 Purcell 45 Chaminade ... 40

Chaminade ... 48 Alumni ..... 36 Chaminade ... 29

Charriinade .. 15 Wilbur Wright . .... 19 Chaminade .. 23

Chaminade ... 19 Roosevelt . . 25 Chaminade . 18

Chaminade .. 25 Kiser .... .1 6 Chaminade ... 43

Chaminade .. 19 Parker Co·op .. .. . .. .. . 24 Chaminade . 27

Chaminade .. 24 Oakwood ..... 34



V A R S I T y

Catholic 37

....... . . 34

Springfield Central 41

Stivers .... ......... .. ....... ... 27

Eaton .. . 27

Parker Co-op .28

Urbana .............. .. .... . 22

Franklin ......... 26


Page 31: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943


BASKETBALL (RESERVE) SCORES Chaminade .: .. 20 Fairmont ... .. 17 Chaminade ... 10 Oakwood .... 30 Chaminade .. ·l0 Roosevelt ....... 24 Chaminade ... 36 Kiser ... .. ........ .. . . . 9 Chaminade ... 17 Wilbur Wright . . .... 23 Chaminade .. . 23 Springfield Catholic 9 Chaminade .. 41 Holly Rosary ...... .. 30 Chaminade .. 36 Holy Family .. .. 22 Chaminade 54 Stivers . .. 47 Chaminade 32 Eaton 6 ... 14 Parker Co-op ... .11

RESERVES D. Weaver, R. Breite ns te in, E. Horva th, T.

Hochwalt, H. Fleischman.

T. Sayer, Manager.

. FRESHMEN FRONT ROW-I. Kissling , T. Mulhe rn , R. Mona­

han, J. Deppen, E. Hartfe lde r.

REAR ROW-J. Laufe rswe ile r, J. Huntsberger, A. Turner, W. We nclewicz, K. Brown, J. Kistne r, V. Lawler.

MISSING-J. Zimme rman, R. Davis.

BASKETBALL (FRESHMAN) SCORES Chaminade .......... 19 Rooseve lt .............. .40 Chaminade ........... 19 Oakwood ............ 21 Chaminade ........... 22 Holy Rosary ...... 29 Chaminade ............ 16 Belmont ........ 37 Cham ina de .......... 13 Fairmont 29 Chaminade ... .. ..... 20 Emerson ...... 29 Chaminade . ....... 17 Belmont .. .18 Chaminade 37 Sacred Heart ....... .. 22 Chaminade ..... .. ... . 18 Roosevelt ...... 38 Chaminade .. .. .. .. 29 Oakwood .32 Chaminade...... 21 Fairmont ................ 32 Chaminade ........ .. 13 Fairview ..... 28 Chaminade ......... 37 Emerson ................ 33 Chaminade 72 Holy Family ... . 39 Chaminade ........... 17 Centerville .. .... 16

Page 32: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943


Left to right:

J. Wack,

L. Cormier,

F. Lechleitner,

C. Brown,

J. Schneble,

T. Spitzig

Left to right:

R. Fulwiler,

T. Kinzeler,

J. Lause,

W. Kuntz



Page 33: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943



Lieutenant Jerry Koenen and his classy Platoon.

Rain or shine, The Vic­tory Corps goes through its drills. .


Page 34: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943

NEWS Like the Eagle, the main policy of the Chaminade News this year has

been to focus attention of the school's wartime attitude through its news items and editorials. The News has brought due credit to war eHorts such as the Victory Corps, donation of typewriters, bonds and stamps, etc., as well as continuing to cover all the school's various activities.

Brother Edward Malone, well experienced in journalism, is the g uiding influence of the paper. Through his skillful advice, a hard-working and cooperative staH end eavors and succeeds in fulfilling an unwritten motto to present a paper that is packed with stud~nt interest in its news, editorials, features, and sports, and is also journalistically correct from headlines to bylines. Because of these qualities and the fact that no journalism class is conducted, the staH has received much praise.

TOP ROW-D. Palmeri, R. Unger, M. Schenck. BOTTOM ROW-J. Lause, L. Cormier, P. Connair.


Page 35: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943


BAND FIRST ROW-F. Elardo, A. Sprauer, V. Schramm, A. Kronenberger, E. Miller, V. Vandenbrock,

F. Hasenstab. SECOND ROW-R. Roeckner, W . Blatz, R. Kern, T. Ritzert, G. Schmidt, J. Bashaw, P. Schaa!. THIRD ROW-S. DeHart, L. Melia , T. Carr, H. Melia, J. Sprauer, T. Herrman, J. O'Neil, M. Keemer. FOURTH ROW-E. Boland, L. Mahle, J. Deppen, T. Miller, A. Parker, R. Allagree, N. Meyer,

T. Mulhern, A. Morgan. FIFTH ROW-R. Jeckering, E. Moorman, W . Keville, J. Bceckman, P. Jeckering, T. Scheetz, A.

Hochwal t. MISSING-N. Rue!, J. Peterman, E. Hohm, D. Borchers, R. Standish, T. Hogle, J. ZajDel, R.

Hessinger, E. Gentner.


FIRST ROW-R. Allagree, L. Melia, T. Carr, H. Melia, J. Peterman. SECOND ROW-J. O'Neil, A. Sprauer, V. Schramm. THIRD ROW-T. Ritzert, F. Elardo, N. Schmidt. MISSING-N. Rue!.

Page 36: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943

OUR PARENTS The three parents organiza tions , The Mothers ' Club, the Fathers ' Club and the Band

Mothers' Club played the ir usual part in shaping the destinies of the ir sons as well as in providing ente rtainment for themselves.

The Mothers had for officers Mrs. C. Hochwalt, Mrs. Fink, Mrs. Harnett and Mrs. DeHart. Their social functions included the Turkey Party and . the Covered Dish Dinner. They also arranged the Christmas Dance and the Senior Prom.

The Fa thers, headed by Mr. Elardo, Mr. Schneble , Mr. Sayer and Mr. Lienesch , sponsored three get-together Dances as well as the annual Football Banque t and a b ingo party. The two clubs will jointly sponsor the baseball team.

The Band Mothers, w hose office rs were Mrs. DeHart, Mrs. Vanden brock, Mrs. Jeckering and Mrs . C. Miller, backed the band through parties and like means.


Mrs. John DeHart, Mrs. Norman Fink, Mrs. Cyril Hochwalt, Pres., Mrs . R. Harne tt

FATHERS' CLUB Mr. Paul Schneble, Mr. John Sayer, Mr. Frank

'Elardo, Pres., Mr. Theo­dore Lienesch


Mrs. Charles M ill e r, Mrs . Gerhard Jeckering, Mrs. John 1. DeHart, Mrs. Anthony Vanden­brock


Page 37: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943



SEATED-L. Cormier, P. Connair , E. Spang, J. Lause, D. Palmert. STANDING-R. Boeckq1an, L. Robers, F. Hasenstab, R. Harne tt.

This pictorial, the 1943 Eagle, is our contribution to an unbroken string of annuals and pictorials which have been emitted by the minds and the hearts of the seniors of every graduating class of Chaminade since the school's inception. Being somewhat abbreviated because of wartime conditions which have imposed strict limitations on the amount of time that · could be given by all concerned to such an undertaking, the 1943 Eagle does not equal the elaborate annuals of former years. Nevertheless we trust that it will fulfill its p urpose.

Paul Connair and Jerry Lause divided the duties of direct­ing the editorial department in the role of co·editors. Len Cormier and Dan Palmeri also deserve mention for their he lp.

Ed Spang headed the business stafi. He and his meny aides accomplished the task of financing the Eagle in record time.

Special mention should be given b Ferd Hasenst3.b , Stafi Artist, and to Brothers John Lucie r and Edward Malcne for their work as advisers to the editorial and business s taffs respective ly.

Page 38: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943


Dramatics returned to Chaminade this year in the form of a three act mystery play entitled "What a Night."

Mr. J. C. Weaver directed the production. Mr. Weaver is founder of Dayton's Blackfr:iar' s Guild and is well known as an actor and producer of dramatic presen ta tions.

"What a Night" enjoyed a run of three evenings on May 14, 16, and 18 in the auditorium of the Loretto Guild. The p lot was such that those in the audience could not unravel the mystery until it was solved for them in the very last bit of action in the third act.

The members of the cast, who portrayed their parts with professional accuracy included the following students: Paul Connair in the part of Henry Jarvis, James Kessel as Mr. Burton, Larry Rees as Todd, Joe Wehner in the part of G il, Paul Schaaf as Cockney Jake, Richard Beckm:m as Splotch Rimini. James Desch as Michael. Vernon Vandenbrock in the part of Mr. Dodson. Matt Phelan as Roper, Bob Frounfelker as George, Tom Kinzeler as Sid and Richard Knuge as Dr. Mack. Chuck Brown as stage man:J.ger and Vincent Cashman directed publicity. Brother John Lucier S. M. was faculty adviser of the production.


Page 39: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943



Bringing e 3ch of us a more complete realization of the

most important of man's inherent rights, freedom of religion,

was Chaminade's customary retreat. Services and instruction

were conducted by Father Peter Resch whose central theme

emphasized Catholic living amid the malady of oppression

and Godlessness. Sincere contemplation and fervent prayer

characterized student activity as we climaxed our prepara­

tions for the Eastertide.

Page 40: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943



Four long years ago, in the autumn of 1939, 142 strong, we begin our high school careers as enthusiastic but de­cidedly timid freshmen . .. We cheer our football team in vain as it drops six out of its e ight games, but in typical frosh fashion we worship our "heroes" · . . Helmig, Fink, C. Burton and Butler are chosen as our class officers . . . Led by Butler, Mazzone, Thalheimer and others we do our part in "making" the turkey drive . . . Lou RiepenhoH is editor-in-chief of the News; George Ca­poraL of the Eagle . .. Desch, Lause, Meyer, Palmert and Horvath distinguish themselves among us for their schol­astic endeavors . . . The cage team is average as it manages to emerge with a 50% record ... Ed Zwiesler is out­standing as scorer and long shot and is chosen for a berth on the All-City Five. · .. Although somewhat unfamiliar with the "ins and outs," after a slow start we help put the paper drive over the top. · . . Senior A shows us how as it amasses a grand total of 259% . . . Father Henry Kobe, S. M. conducts the annual lenten retreat ... We lend our humble support to the highly success­ful minstre l production "April's Fools". · .. Ray Burns is an ideal interlocutor. · . . Tennis team is very successful . .. Golf and track men experience average year . .. Sunday, June 9, 92 seniors receive diplomas ... W e happily end our first year of high school.


Back to school after three g lorious mon ths of vacation . .. Our class has shrunk so that it now numbers but 121

members . . . We are now the "Annex Kids"- all except Sophomore C . .. Don Hungling turns in creditable perform­ance at left half as football team cap­tured City Championship . . . Pauzar, Lowry, O'Bryan, Savino and Smith make All-City ... Smith is first lineman to be voted city's "most valuable player" ... Butle r, Hungling, Fink and Helmig are selected for the position of president in their respective classes . .. Don Butler is among the winners in the Turkey Raffle ... Jack Fink contributes much to excellent record collected by basketballers ... Zwiesler and Kenney make All-City ... Intramural league ex-periences usual number of rough and tumble contests . . . Father Aloysious Seitz S. M. preached annual retreat; is well received . . . Sophomores are plentiful and helpful on Editor-in-Chief Bob Pfe iHer's News StaH ... Ed Klos-terman heads Eagle s taH ... Richard Harne tt takes fifth place in Paper Drive as we give our aid in amassing the school's total of 116 tons ... Jerry Lause is outstanding among 25 honor scholars . . . Hung ling lends his talents to the track team . . . Frounfelker, Fink and Kinzeler gain berths on second string of our City Championship golf team . . . Maurie Schenk and Larry Sacksteder vie for title of cassanova .. . We drudge through June Exams ... Watch another class of seniors leave school ... Em­bark on well-earned vacation.


A lively group, 100 s trong, we return to the scene of our endeavors .. . As upperclassmen we demand proper re­spect from the freshmen and sopho-


Page 41: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943




mores . . . Don Butler is consistent as he places among leaders in the Turkey Raffle for the third consecutive year . .. We ccntribute Fulwiler, Hungling, Fink, Spang, Sayer, Steigmeyer and Mazzone to the second City Championship foot­ball team which goes through eight seasonal and one post-season game un­defeated . . . "Doke" Hungling spear­heads passing attack; Jim Fulwiler stars in Fairview encounter ... Jack Miller, Bob O'Bryan, Jim Cochran and "Truck" Madden place on All-City . . . Don Butler is C. S. M. C. Conference Presi­dent . . . Paul Connair and Maurie Schenk are page editors on News Staff. . . . Many others of us help Chief Scrivner Ted Aponyi gather material for the News . . . Bob O'Brien is Editor-in­Chief of Annual ... Jack Fink ably takes over as our lone representative on a basketball team which experiences a fair season ... "Ferd" Hasenstab estab­lishes himself as school's foremost art­ist ... Father Eugene Lamb S. M. is retreat-master . . . Juniors: Hungling, Moorman, Robers, Fulwiler, Sacksteder, and Burton and Seniors: Stoff, Maris­caleo, Falter and Madden were main­stays of a very successful track squad. .. . Stoff, C. Burton and relay team, com­posed of Madden, Fulwiler, Moorman and Hungling broke old records in the mile, high jump and 880 relay respec-tively ... Many Juniors take part in minstrel ... Schenk gets lette r in tennis; Kinzeler and Frounfelke r in golf . . . Exams ... Vacation!


We enter our fourth year of high school at Chaminade .. . There are but

97 of us remaining out of a class of 142 freshmen . . . Early season tie with Wright and loss to Fairview; loss to Kiser in last game mOlr creditable record of football team . . . Three touchdowns to one victory over highly touted Roosevelt highlights season . .. School adopts war curriculum ... Apostle of Mary drive breaks all records ... We pick our class officers: Ed Spang, presi­dent; Jim Fulwiler, vice president; Jerry Lause, secretary, and Dan Palmert, treasurer ... Chaminade inaugurates Student Council: Jack Fink, Ed Spang, Richard Hageman and Carrol Burton are officers . . . Dads and Moms hold first gat-together dance ... 261 % is all-time high mark for Turkey Raffle; Ewald sells 450 cards ... Coaches select Middleton, Hungling, Spang and Angerer for All­City grid team .. . F. Burton is honorary captain of team . . . Victory Corps and military training begins . . . Battalion Commander Lause and Company Com­manders Connair and Kauth head group of student officers . . . Netmen have poor season but advance to semi-finals in tournament ... 19 of us leave Chamin­ade prematurely to begin college career at the U. D .... Len Cormier heads News Staff ... 9 named to Honor So-ciety ... Paper Drive nets 93 tons; Al Trick school with record of 20,000 points ... Spang, Spitzig, Schovley, Fink, Lause and Fulwiler win in News Poll . . . Conn air, Lause and Spang di-rect Pictorial Staff . . . Dramatists present "What a Night" . .. Track team is prom-ising .. . Father Resch gives retrea t ... Baseballers begin practice . .. Tests! Graduation and Prom ... Farewell !


Page 42: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943

CLASS 1929

Major Cle tus F. Robbeloth A. C. Major Richard G. Zenni Capta in Charles H. Boesch Lt. (j g) Charles J. Heldoer:er 2d Lt. Edward R. Coste llo Captain Richard J. Timmer Captain George E. Oster Lt. Rome F. Schwagel Robert F. Jennings A/S

CLASS 1930

Kevin G. Dwyer Cle tus W . Grieshop Lt. John P. Buechele Pvt. He reer t E. Zink Captain Arthur T. Scarpelli Lt. (jg) Oliver H. Kuhl Pvt. Robert C. Kinzle r Pvt. Norbert McBride

CLASS 1931

Rebert R. Metter C. Y., U. S. N. R. Pvt. Edward J. Neder ASN Sergeant Clarence G. Niekamp Pvt. Will iam G. Madden Capta in Edward J. Connors Sgt. Wilfred F. Staas Li. Lawrence F. Beockerman Pv t. Louis J. Heil Pvt. Paul T. Waltz A/s

CLASS 1932

Corporal Eugene A. Leibold Lt. Verne H. Malloy Pvt. Phillip ). Zavakos Major Robert H. Schell man Lt. John F. Grusenmeyer Lt. Robert Adelberger Pvt. James F. Korte Lt. Thomas A . Moorman Sg t. Richard W. Cull Capta in Arthur S. Folino Lt. Howard L. Dickson

CLASS 1933

Pvt. Elmer N. Ccrdonnier

Walter J. Haley Thomas A. Hulse Capta in Robert Lipp John F. Lucas Pvt. Pau l V. Naber Sg t. Charles E. Planner David M. Sullivan Pvt. Robert Th1man Lt. W illiam K. Fahrendorf Captain W illiam F. Flanagan Sgt. Earl R. Hamant Ambrose W . Rauch

* BOYS IN Thomas E. Orendorf Captain Elme r J. Will Ensign David W . Kersting Corporal Walte r Brown Pvt. Arthur B. Lambers Jeseph W. Lehman

CLASS 1934

1st Lt. John H. Ritter PIc. Bernard Shay Robert G. Waltz Capta in Joseph S. Zotkiewicz Pvt. Louis E. Moosbrug.:jer Pvt. Dale F. F ~hrendorf

Sgt. James M. Bayer Sgt. Earl T. Madden Corporal Joseph C. Keerner Pvi. Walter H. Mangold Lt. Ralph P . Halpin Staff Sgt. Walter J. Burdel Frank W. Stiglitz Capta in Alex Rudzienski Joseph F. Bader Thomas C. Grundish Sgt. Arthur W . Wiil Sg t. Richard C. Bucher Pvt. Ellsworth W . Baer Lt. (jg) Paul J. Smith U. S. N. Pfc. Charles F. Vehorn Pfc. William J. Timmer Francis X. Brennan Captain Richard C. Hempleman Captain Daniel J. Hobbs Corporal Je rome H. Hoe rrt Corporal Paul F. Lawler Sgt. Robe rt V. Le ibold Corpora l Paul H. Leopold Pvt. Robert M. Planner Pvt. Richard L. Rettich

CLASS 1935

Sgt. Gerald J. Ballman A/C Harold J. Drescher Pv t. Jerome F. Elking Lt. Edward C. Hempleman Lt. Donald J. Ma lloy I st Lt. Charles R. Berns Clifford C. O'Hearn Pvt. Francis B. Dineen Pic. Carl W. Gaeke Pic. Eugene A. Brockman Thomas F. Schroll W ilbur G. Heil Lt. Robert J. Steek:ein Richard T. Smith Corporal John J. S:mders Earl J. Brady Staff Sg t. Riclnrd J. Le ibold Lt. Richard J. Boeckman

Corporal James A. McBride Lt. Paul F. Schaeler Sgt. James F. Mar tin Lt. Roland W . Meyers A IC Victor S. Minbam Ensign Thomas L. Reiling Joseph D. St:eklein Sgt. Vincent L. Zink Captain Henry J. Spatz Albert J. Early S. K. 3C

CLASS 1936

Pvt. Ncrbert Fortman HowLrd J. Keinat Pvt. Paul F. Amann Charles Ballman John F. Ernst Major Herbert Finke Pv t. Joseph L. Hochdcerfer 1st Lt. John L. Lemming Corporal Donald Nabe r Pvt. Henry J. Schaaf Sgt. Carl A. Schoch Sgt. Charles J. Voelkl OIC Paul D. Koerner Corpora l Anthony Mergler Corporal Tech. Anthony F. Ise nmann Pvt. Quinn J. Hagedorn AIC Robert E. Ke lly Sgt. Leonard E. He lpling Pv t. Edward J. Seidenschmidt Lt. Charles Li tkowski'

CLASS 1937

Lt. Joseph A. Aufderheide Pvt. Jerome R. Francis Lt. Stanley W . Hickey Warren A. Kappeler Lt. Eugene W . Placke Robert A. Schaper Capt. Paul E. Unger T. Sgt. Francis X. Waker Captain James F. Winter 1st Lt. Eugene L. Kersting Joseph D. Stoecklein

Pvt. Eugene F. Lau terb~ch

Lt. Charles H. McBride 1st Lt. Joseph G. Hcllenkamp Pv t. William L. Duffy Pvt. John L. Schellhaas Lt. Rebert A. Shultz Pvt. Martin M. Williams Pvi. Richard L. Skapik OI C Charles J. Zwi:s!er Richard F. Howe Cadet Oscar C. Carlin Corp. Charles A. Wolf! Pvt, Raymo nd L. Bach


Page 43: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943





CLASS 1938 Pvt. Anthony J. Bedrowsky James M. Brennan Sgt. John T. Brennan Lt. Robert L. Butler LI. Robert C. Dodt Pvl. Paul R. Finke Robert Hungling LI. George G. Kinzeler Corpora l Thomas P. Will iams Jerome A. Wahlrab Pic. Robert J. Kronencerger Corporal Victor R. Plassenthal Lt. William P. Taylor 2nd LI. Walter J. Woeste Pvl. John B. Haberer AIC Joseph J. Reichert Pv l. George A. Madden Robert O'Connell , Jr. AIC Robert G. Beecroft Pvl. John J. Somers Ensign Robert A. Wolff James A. Barlow Pvt. Charles He mler

CLASS 1939 Pvl. Thodore P. Hempelmann Harold T. Ga tes Pvt. John R. Miller Pvl. Eugene C. Schaal Pvl. George R. Voelkl Candidate James J. Wagner Pvt. Richard J. Weckesser Pvt. Norbert W. Karl AIC Sylvan Connair LI. Ralph B. Wildenhause' Pv l. Albert E. Hoban Pvl. LOllis W. Fe ldman, Jr. Pvl. Lawrence C. Hamant A. N. S. Paul Coughlin Pvl. John D. Widmaier AIC Robert P. Hussey Pv l. Marvin W . Bayer Charles H. Hickey AIC Barry J. Shillito James E. Moore Staff Sgl. Paul Williamson Sgl. Robert A. Robbeloth Pvt. Francis J. Issenmann Sgl. John I. DeHart LI. Robert Savage AIC Thomas Rotterman Robert W . Fries Pvl. Elden E. Zink Pfc. Wil liam B. Hungling Pvl. John C. Miller AIC James M. Boeckman

CLASS 1940 AIC Robert E. Moore Carl T. Placke Pvl. Ed. Joseph Regan, Jr.

Pvl. Thomas C. Ridenour Norbert E. Schaaf Harry S. Throckmorton Pvl. Pau l V. Woes te Lt. Charles W. Trupp Joseph W. Weber Pvl. Raymond V. Kenzik Robert Fox Pv l. Robert C. Cunning ham Pvl. William J. Nolan Pvl. John H. Weber Pvl. Gerald W. Andrews Pvl. Victor G . Kovacs George, C. Caporal, Jr. Richard F. Brennan AIC Charles E. Middle ton John A. Keaton , Jr. Pvl. Joseph H. Ballman Pvt. Paul J. Madlinger Seaman Ambrose J. Ballman Corporal John L. Bryant Pvl. Richard J. Cochran Pvt. Louis DiPasquale Pvl. Robert G. Herber t Pvl. James E. King Carl Koniski Staff Sgl. Thos . G. Marlin Paul G. Michel Y 3c Richard A. Miller V-6 A. S.

CLASS 1941 Cadet Richard P. Haley Pic. Edward A. Klos terman Peter A. Losh Yeo. 3c. John P. Lowry Cadet Eugene R. Moorman USNR Pvl. Pall l H. Moosbrugger Robert H. O' Hearn l c. seaman Pvt. Elmer J. Plaspohl Pfc. Jack K. Rains Cadet Wi lliam C. Boesch Pvl. Clyde R. Brenner A. S. N. AIC Fred W . Grimm Cyril A. Balke Pvt. Thomas E. Duffy Pvl. Thomas J. Bucher Pvl. Robert Elking James O. A nderson Pvl. John H. Bach Herman Marlin Charles Ray Miller Air Crew-Student George L. Ancil Pvl. Donald E. Hochwall Pvl. Ronald R. Klosterman Wes t Point Cadet Richard Smith Pvl. Robert V. Steggeman Pvl. Fred Charles Beecroft Donald A. Steinbach V-6 Pvl. Robert J. King Pvt. Karl L. Pauzar Pvl. Donald J. Bergemeier

CLASS 1942 Alfred E. McGurin Robert E. O'Bryan V-6 Pvl. James J. Cochran USMC Corporal Mike Longo Seaman Ic Dare l Spreng Wilbur F. Throckmorton W illiam A. Yahle A. S. R. Pvl. John W. Dillon Richard Wonka Pvl. John L. McGarry Pv l. John H. Grismer Ernest Rue f Frank J. Ballman Pvl. John M. Miller Pvl. Harold A. Probs t Pvl. Frank Dix Clarence F. Reusch, Seaman 2c Pv l. Richard T. Andrews Robert E. Bruns Thomas C. Faller A. S.- I John E. Menke Pvl. Charles J. DeSaro Urba n L. Michel A. S. Charles P. Dorian Robert F. Schmacker Pvl. James R. Kussman Pvt. Ray H. Brinkman

NO CLASS (not graduated) Pfc. Clarence Hohm Pfc. W illiam R. Faulkner Joseph Bradley Gosney Robert J. Burns Pvl. Richard C. Moosbrugger Henry A. Urke Howard P. Lane Pic. Paul F. Yahle ' W illiam Ed Mahle Pvl. Louis A. Beigel Flavian A. Yost Joseph H. Geis David O'Hearn Pic. Bernard T. Boeckman Pvl. Louis J. Kleiner Pvl. Richard Paul Abele George J. Chubb Vernon L. Gregory Howard T. Huelsman Charles C. Gregory George R. Gregory 2nd Lt. Alvin H. Schwieterman Rober t H. McDermott Lt. Rober t H. Wourms Sylvester J. Hobbs Richard G. Hobbs Corp. Vic tor Zorkiewicz Charles N. Burgmeier Pvl. Germanus J. George Pvl. Raymond Plassenthal Robert F. Sommer

Page 44: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943


American Aircraft Associates, 704 N. Main Street

Adam BaUmann & Sons, Vegetables

Chaminade Band Mothers

Oscar C. Beigel, Jeweler

Blue Bird Baking Company

Bowman Janitor Supply Co., 241 S. Ludlow Street

The Burns Auto Co., 2140 N. Main Street

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Burton, 1715 Fauver Avenue, KE 3673

Chirco Bros. Grocery, 1019 Germantown Street

Bert 1. Daily. Inc., 126 E. Third Street

Dayton View Furniture & Upholstering

Compliments of the Dayton Steel Foundry Co.

Dayton Tool & Engineering Co.

Everybody's Book Store, 17 W. Fifth Street

Chaminade Fathers' Club

Joe O. Frank Co., 1425 Linden Avenue

"Eyes for Victory" Dr. J. Gillespie, 35 East Third Street

Francis Heider, 1615 Meriline Avenue, Sophomore "B"

Hoban Brass Foundry

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hochwalt, 1235 Mt. Vernon Avenue

Holland Furnace Co., 1506-08 \"'1. Third Street

Compliments of R. H. I{aiser

Sheriff P. J. Kloos

Kramer Baking Co.

The Philip Kohn Co., 403 Ludlow Bldg.

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lause

Marion Ice Cream & Sandwich Shop, 2031 N. Main, Cor. Hudson Avenue

Malone Camera Stores" 104 & 842 N. Main Street


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Chaminade Mothers' Club


Moler's Belmont Dairy, 3230 S. Smithville Road

Moosbr.ugger Drug Company, 672 N. Main Street, FU 1878

Muth Brothers Inc., 111·121 Labelle Street

Odell Or OdelL 524 Gas Or Electric Building

Ready Mixed Certified Concrete, A. W. Kimmel, FU 7141

Steve Renacs, 828 Faulkner A venue

William Rife, Jeweler, 122 S. Ludlow Street

Riverdale Gardens, 3212 N. Main Street

L. S. Sacksteder, Arcade Market

Sacksteder's Cafeteria, 1703 S. Broadway

Sawaya's French Market, 833 E. Fifth Street

Carl Schmidt Drugs, 114 W. Fifth Street

Shiloh Market 5835 N. Main Street

Sprauer's Tavern, N. E. Cor. Wyoming Or St. Paul Avenue

The Stanley Manufacturing Company

Star City Bottling Company, Miamisburg, Ohio

The Sterling Rubber Products Company

Stockstill's Pharmacy

Telling's Sealtest Ice Cream, AD 1212

Tacoma Gardens, 661 Creighton Avenue

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey T. Ware, 829 Lorain Avenue

The Wehner Roofing Or Tinning Company, 557 Richard Street

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Westendorf, 217 McClure Street

Fred P. vVolfe Studio, 1048 U. B. Building

Mr. and Mrs. \1Villiam Zeller

Compliments of a Friend


Page 46: Chaminade High School Yearbook 1943


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BaUmann

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Becker.

Beigel Jeweler's

Blincoe Brothers

Brune's Pharmacy

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Condron

Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Conn air

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cormier

Mr. and Mrs. John DeHart

Edward James Duffy, M. D.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dyke

Nicholas Fiel

Mr. and Mrs. Don Frank

G. E. L. Electric Co.

Michael R. Haley, M. D.

Lt. Col. and Mrs. R. M. Harnett

Dr. and Mrs. N. C. Hochwalt

Mrs. T. K. Kirk

Lyons Electrical Co.

Col. Wm. M. Mack

Philip J. Magin

Mr. and Mrs. W. Schmidt

Pfc. Jack CaUopy

Lt. Col. L. M. Makley

Mrs. Josephine May

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Malone

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Marrinan

A. J. Meyer and Family

Bill Sayer, '43

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Sayer

Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Schenk

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Schneble

Rev. Raymond Schroeder

Mr. and Mrs. S. M. SchweUer

Mrs. John Q. Sherman

Mr. and Mrs. Shillito

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spang

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spitzig

A. J. Sprauer

A. J. and J. H. Steinbach, D. C:s

Joseph ThaI

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thalheimer

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Unger

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Via

Rev. Laurence G. Wessel

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. White

Mrs. Clarence Palmert'

r. and Mrs. Louis Beckman

Mr. and Mrs. George Renehan

Mr. Nicholas Dix

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Timmer

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lucier


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