ch1 intro-ten principles

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  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Ten Principles ofEconomics

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Economy. . .

    The word economycomes from aGreek word for

    one who manages a household.

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    A Household and an Economy

    Face Many Decisions:

    Who will work?

    What goods and how many ofthem should be produced?

    What resources should be used in

    production?At what price should the goods be


  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Society and ScarceResources:

    The management of societys

    resources is important becauseresources are scarce.

    Scarcity. . . means that societyhas limited resources andtherefore cannot produce all thegoods and services people wish tohave.

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Economics is a Science ofScarcity

    Economics is the study of howsociety uses scarce resources to

    produce valuable commodities anddistribute them among differentpeople.

    Scarcity Efficiency

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Overview of the subject

    How people make decisions

    How people interact with each other

    How economy as whole works

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    How People Make Decisions

    People face tradeoffs.

    The cost of something is whatyou give up to get it.

    Rational people think at the

    margin.People respond to incentives.

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    How People Interact WithEach Other

    Trade can make everyone better off.

    Markets are usually a good way toorganize economic activity.

    Governments can sometimes

    improve economic outcomes.

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    How the Economy as aWhole Works

    A Countrys Standard of LivingDepends on its Ability to Produce

    Goods and Services Prices Rise When the Government

    Prints Too Much Money

    Society Faces a Short-Run Trade Offbetween Inflation andUnemployment

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Principle 1: People FaceTrade Offs

    To get one thing, we usually have to giveup another thing. Guns v. butter

    Food v. clothing

    Leisure time v. work

    Efficiency v. equity

    Making decisions requires tradingoff one goal against another.

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Principle 1: People FaceTrade Offs

    Efficiency v. Equity

    Efficiencymeans society gets the most

    that it can from its scarce resources. Equitymeans the benefits of those

    resources are distributed fairly amongthe members of society.

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Principle 2:The Cost of Something is

    What you give up to Get it.

    Decisions require comparing costsand benefits of alternatives.

    Whether to go to college or to work? Whether to study or go out on a date?

    Whether to go to class or sleep in?

    The opportunity costof an item iswhat you give up to obtain thatitem.

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Principle 3; Rational PeopleThink at Margin

    Marginal changes are small,incremental adjustments to an

    existing plan of action.

    People make decisions by comparing

    costs and benefits at the margin.

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Principle 4:People Respondto Incentive

    Marginal changes in costs or benefitsmotivate people to respond.

    The decision to choose onealternative over another occurswhen that alternatives marginal

    benefits exceed its marginal costs!

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Principle 5:Trade Can MakeEveryone Better Off

    People gain from their ability totrade with one another.

    Competition results in gains fromtrading.

    Trade allows people to specialize in

    what they do best.

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Principle 6:Markets are UsuallyGood Way to Organise Activity

    A market economyis an economy thatallocates resources through thedecentralized decisions of many firms andhouseholds as they interact in marketsfor goods and services.

    Households decide what to buy and who to

    work for. Firms decide who to hire and what to produce.

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Principle 6:Markets are UsuallyGood Way to Organise Activity

    Adam Smith made the observation thathouseholds and firms interacting inmarkets act as if guided by an invisible

    hand. Because households and firms look at prices

    when deciding what to buy and sell, theyunknowingly take into account the social costs

    of their actions. As a result, prices guide decision makers to

    reach outcomes that tend to maximize thewelfare of society as a whole.

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Principle 7:Government CanSometimes Improve the Market


    Market failure occurs when themarket fails to allocate resourcesefficiently.

    When the market fails (breaksdown) government can intervene topromote efficiency and equity.

    Principle 7:Government Can

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Principle 7:Government CanSometimes Improve the MarketOutcome

    Market failure may be caused by

    an externality, which is the impact of

    one person or firms actions on thewell-being of a bystander.

    market power, which is the ability of asingle person or firm to unduly

    influence market prices.

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Principle 8: Standard of LivingDepends on Countrys Production

    Standard of living may be measuredin different ways:

    By comparing personal incomes. By comparing the total market value of

    a nations production.

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Principle 8: Standard of LivingDepends on Countrys Production

    Almost all variations in livingstandards are explained by

    differences in countriesproductivities.

    Productivityis the amount of goods

    and services produced from eachhour of a workers time.

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    Principle 8: Standard of LivingDepends on Countrys Production

    Standard of living may be measuredin different ways:

    By comparing personal incomes. By comparing the total market value of

    a nations production.

    Principle 9: Prices Rise when

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Principle 9: Prices Rise whenGovernment Prints Too MuchMoney

    Inflation is an increase in the overalllevel of prices in the economy.

    One cause of inflation is the growthin the quantity of money.

    When the government creates large

    quantities of money, the value ofthe money falls.

    Principle 10:Society Faces Short Term

  • 7/31/2019 Ch1 Intro-Ten Principles


    Principle 10:Society Faces Short TermTrade Off Between Inflation and


    The Phillips Curve illustrates thetradeoff between inflation and

    unemployment:Inflation Unemployment

    Its a short-run tradeoff!