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  • 8/13/2019 CG Papaer Ppt


  • 8/13/2019 CG Papaer Ppt


    Corporate Governance A framework providing guidelines to the management

    about governing responsibly

    It is about commitment to values, about ethical business

    conductIt covers:

    Adequate disclosures and effective decision making to achievecorporate objectives;

    Transparency in business transactions;

    Statutory and legal compliances;

    Protection of shareholder interests;

    Commitment to values and ethical conduct of business

  • 8/13/2019 CG Papaer Ppt


    Objectives of the Study Is there any relationship between the size and the firm

    value in top performing companies

    Is there any relationship between the independence ofthe Board and the firm value in top performing


  • 8/13/2019 CG Papaer Ppt


    Hypothesis of the study H1: There is a significant relationship between

    firm performance and Board Size in top performing


    H2: There is a significant relationship between

    firm performance and Board Independence in top

    performing companies

  • 8/13/2019 CG Papaer Ppt


    Research Methodology

    Sample period: 2010 2013, i.e. 4 years. Sample: Each company from 10 industries constituting

    BSE SENSEX. Banking sector is ignored and one

    another company is ignored for non availability of data.

    Hence, 8 companies with 4-year data are taken forstudy

    Source of data: Secondary data from the annual reports

    of the selected companies for the four year sample

    period 2010-13.

  • 8/13/2019 CG Papaer Ppt


    Variables Used Dependent Variables:

    Firm Value:Measured by a proxy for Tobins Q ratio andReturn on Equity.

    Tobins Qis defined as the ratio of market value of equity and

    market value of debt to the replacement cost of assets.

    Tobin Q =Mk V f +Bk V f

    Bk V f

    Return on Equity =Pf f

    Shh f+

  • 8/13/2019 CG Papaer Ppt


    Independent Variables:

    Board Size- Number of Directors in the Board

    Board independence Ratio - f Ip Dc f Dc

    Control Variables:

    Firm size Natural log of sales of the companies for the

    given sample period

    Age of firm Difference between 2010 and year of


    Financial LeverageLong term debt

    Total laibilities Equity Retained earnings

    Asset TangibilityNet Fixed assets

    Total Assets

  • 8/13/2019 CG Papaer Ppt


    Tools used:


    Hierarchical Multiple regression to study the effect ofcontrol variables and the independent variables on

    firm value. Results are calculated with SPSS package.

  • 8/13/2019 CG Papaer Ppt


    Results and Discussions Correlation:

    There is a negative correlation between Tobin Q and

    Board size.

    All other correlations are significant among the

    variables, but the coefficient of correlation does not

    exceed 0.6 mostly (exception: 0.77 between ROE and

    Age, 0.66 between No. of Board of Directors and asset


  • 8/13/2019 CG Papaer Ppt



    Board Independence:

    90% significance with Tobin Q

    Significant relationship between financial leverage and Asset


    Insignificant impact on ROE

    Board Size:

    Significant impact on ROE, but positive relationship is

    exhibited contrary to previous studies

    Insignificant with Tobin Q

  • 8/13/2019 CG Papaer Ppt


    Possible explanation Small sample size of companies from different sectors

    bouncing back with their best and efficient performanceafter the blow of recession, and the sample period chosen

    as the period immediately after crisis - a possible reason forinsignificant relationship exhibited

    Significant relationships shown between financial leverage,asset tangibility ratio and the age and dependent variables,indicating financial soundness and experience

    Factors other than Board size and its independence haveassumed greater significance in determining the firm value,especially given that the period of study immediate afterthe financial crisis

  • 8/13/2019 CG Papaer Ppt


    CONCLUSION Board size and composition did not have any significant

    impact on the firm value for the selected sample of 8

    companies and the period of 4 yrs from 2010 to 2013

    To conclude, maintaining that corporate governance

    practices are in vogue in the sample companies, certainother factors have had dominant role in determining

    firm value.

  • 8/13/2019 CG Papaer Ppt
