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The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry ISSN: 1562-2975 (Print) 1814-1412 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/iwbp20 Cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers for neurodegenerative dementias: An update of the Consensus of the Task Force on Biological Markers in Psychiatry of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry Piotr Lewczuk, Peter Riederer, Sid E. O’Bryant, Marcel M. Verbeek, Bruno Dubois, Pieter Jelle Visser, Kurt A. Jellinger, Sebastiaan Engelborghs, Alfredo Ramirez, Lucilla Parnetti, Clifford R. Jack Jr, Charlotte E. Teunissen, Harald Hampel, Alberto Lleó, Frank Jessen, Lidia Glodzik, Mony J. de Leon, Anne M. Fagan, José Luis Molinuevo, Willemijn J. Jansen, Bengt Winblad, Leslie M. Shaw, Ulf Andreasson, Markus Otto, Brit Mollenhauer, Jens Wiltfang, Martin R. Turner, Inga Zerr, Ron Handels, Alexander G. Thompson, Gunilla Johansson, Natalia Ermann, John Q. Trojanowski, Ilker Karaca, Holger Wagner, Patrick Oeckl, Linda van Waalwijk van Doorn, Maria Bjerke, Dimitrios Kapogiannis, H. Bea Kuiperij, Lucia Farotti, Yi Li, Brian A. Gordon, Stéphane Epelbaum, Stephanie J. B. Vos, Catharina J. M. Klijn, William E. Van Nostrand, Carolina Minguillon, Matthias Schmitz, Carla Gallo, Andrea Lopez Mato, Florence Thibaut, Simone Lista, Daniel Alcolea, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Johannes Kornhuber & on Behalf of the Members of the WFSBP Task Force Working on this Topic: Peter Riederer, Carla Gallo, Dimitrios Kapogiannis, Andrea Lopez Mato, Florence Thibaut To cite this article: Piotr Lewczuk, Peter Riederer, Sid E. O’Bryant, Marcel M. Verbeek, Bruno Dubois, Pieter Jelle Visser, Kurt A. Jellinger, Sebastiaan Engelborghs, Alfredo Ramirez, Lucilla Parnetti, Clifford R. Jack Jr, Charlotte E. Teunissen, Harald Hampel, Alberto Lleó, Frank Jessen, Lidia Glodzik, Mony J. de Leon, Anne M. Fagan, José Luis Molinuevo, Willemijn J. Jansen, Bengt Winblad, Leslie M. Shaw, Ulf Andreasson, Markus Otto, Brit Mollenhauer, Jens Wiltfang, Martin R. Turner, Inga Zerr, Ron Handels, Alexander G. Thompson, Gunilla Johansson, Natalia Ermann, John Q. Trojanowski, Ilker Karaca, Holger Wagner, Patrick Oeckl, Linda van Waalwijk van Doorn, Maria Bjerke, Dimitrios Kapogiannis, H. Bea Kuiperij, Lucia Farotti, Yi Li, Brian A. Gordon, Stéphane Epelbaum, Stephanie J. B. Vos, Catharina J. M. Klijn, William E. Van Nostrand, Carolina Minguillon, Matthias Schmitz, Carla Gallo, Andrea Lopez Mato, Florence Thibaut, Simone Lista, Daniel Alcolea, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Johannes Kornhuber & on Behalf of the Members of the WFSBP Task Force Working on this Topic: Peter Riederer, Carla Gallo, Dimitrios Kapogiannis, Andrea Lopez Mato, Florence Thibaut (2017): Cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers for neurodegenerative dementias: An update of the Consensus of the Task Force on Biological Markers in Psychiatry of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry, The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1080/15622975.2017.1375556 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15622975.2017.1375556

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The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry

ISSN: 1562-2975 (Print) 1814-1412 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/iwbp20

Cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers forneurodegenerative dementias: An update of theConsensus of the Task Force on Biological Markersin Psychiatry of the World Federation of Societiesof Biological Psychiatry

Piotr Lewczuk, Peter Riederer, Sid E. O’Bryant, Marcel M. Verbeek, BrunoDubois, Pieter Jelle Visser, Kurt A. Jellinger, Sebastiaan Engelborghs, AlfredoRamirez, Lucilla Parnetti, Clifford R. Jack Jr, Charlotte E. Teunissen, HaraldHampel, Alberto Lleó, Frank Jessen, Lidia Glodzik, Mony J. de Leon, AnneM. Fagan, José Luis Molinuevo, Willemijn J. Jansen, Bengt Winblad, LeslieM. Shaw, Ulf Andreasson, Markus Otto, Brit Mollenhauer, Jens Wiltfang,Martin R. Turner, Inga Zerr, Ron Handels, Alexander G. Thompson, GunillaJohansson, Natalia Ermann, John Q. Trojanowski, Ilker Karaca, HolgerWagner, Patrick Oeckl, Linda van Waalwijk van Doorn, Maria Bjerke,Dimitrios Kapogiannis, H. Bea Kuiperij, Lucia Farotti, Yi Li, Brian A. Gordon,Stéphane Epelbaum, Stephanie J. B. Vos, Catharina J. M. Klijn, William E. VanNostrand, Carolina Minguillon, Matthias Schmitz, Carla Gallo, Andrea LopezMato, Florence Thibaut, Simone Lista, Daniel Alcolea, Henrik Zetterberg, KajBlennow, Johannes Kornhuber & on Behalf of the Members of the WFSBPTask Force Working on this Topic: Peter Riederer, Carla Gallo, DimitriosKapogiannis, Andrea Lopez Mato, Florence Thibaut

To cite this article: Piotr Lewczuk, Peter Riederer, Sid E. O’Bryant, Marcel M. Verbeek, BrunoDubois, Pieter Jelle Visser, Kurt A. Jellinger, Sebastiaan Engelborghs, Alfredo Ramirez, LucillaParnetti, Clifford R. Jack Jr, Charlotte E. Teunissen, Harald Hampel, Alberto Lleó, Frank Jessen,Lidia Glodzik, Mony J. de Leon, Anne M. Fagan, José Luis Molinuevo, Willemijn J. Jansen,Bengt Winblad, Leslie M. Shaw, Ulf Andreasson, Markus Otto, Brit Mollenhauer, Jens Wiltfang,Martin R. Turner, Inga Zerr, Ron Handels, Alexander G. Thompson, Gunilla Johansson, NataliaErmann, John Q. Trojanowski, Ilker Karaca, Holger Wagner, Patrick Oeckl, Linda van Waalwijkvan Doorn, Maria Bjerke, Dimitrios Kapogiannis, H. Bea Kuiperij, Lucia Farotti, Yi Li, Brian A.Gordon, Stéphane Epelbaum, Stephanie J. B. Vos, Catharina J. M. Klijn, William E. Van Nostrand,Carolina Minguillon, Matthias Schmitz, Carla Gallo, Andrea Lopez Mato, Florence Thibaut,Simone Lista, Daniel Alcolea, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Johannes Kornhuber & on Behalfof the Members of the WFSBP Task Force Working on this Topic: Peter Riederer, Carla Gallo,Dimitrios Kapogiannis, Andrea Lopez Mato, Florence Thibaut (2017): Cerebrospinal fluid and bloodbiomarkers for neurodegenerative dementias: An update of the Consensus of the Task Force onBiological Markers in Psychiatry of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry, TheWorld Journal of Biological Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1080/15622975.2017.1375556

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15622975.2017.1375556

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Cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers for neurodegenerative dementias:An update of the Consensus of the Task Force on Biological Markers inPsychiatry of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry

Piotr Lewczuka,b , Peter Riedererc, Sid E. O’Bryantd, Marcel M. Verbeeke,f , Bruno Duboisg,Pieter Jelle Visserh,i, Kurt A. Jellingerj, Sebastiaan Engelborghsk,l, Alfredo Ramirezm,n,o ,Lucilla Parnettip , Clifford R. Jack Jrq , Charlotte E. Teunissenr, Harald Hampels, Alberto Lle�ot,u ,Frank Jesseno,v, Lidia Glodzikw, Mony J. de Leonw, Anne M. Faganx,y, Jos�e Luis Molinuevoz,aa,Willemijn J. Jansenh, Bengt Winbladab, Leslie M. Shawac, Ulf Andreassonad,ae, Markus Ottoaf,Brit Mollenhauerag, Jens Wiltfangah,ai,aj, Martin R. Turnerak, Inga Zerrai,al, Ron Handelsh,ab ,Alexander G. Thompsonak , Gunilla Johanssonab, Natalia Ermanna, John Q. Trojanowskiac ,Ilker Karacam, Holger Wagnerm, Patrick Oecklaf, Linda van Waalwijk van Doorne,f, Maria Bjerkek,Dimitrios Kapogiannisam, H. Bea Kuiperije,f, Lucia Farottip, Yi Liw, Brian A. Gordonx,an ,St�ephane Epelbaumg, Stephanie J. B. Vosh, Catharina J. M. Klijne, William E. Van Nostrandao,Carolina Minguillonz, Matthias Schmitzai,al, Carla Galloap, Andrea Lopez Matoaq, Florence Thibautar ,Simone Listas, Daniel Alcoleat,u , Henrik Zetterbergad,ae,as, Kaj Blennowad and Johannes Kornhubera ,on Behalf of the Members of the WFSBP Task Force Working on this Topic: Peter Riederer, Carla Gallo,Dimitrios Kapogiannis, Andrea Lopez Mato, Florence ThibautaDepartment of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Universit€atsklinikum Erlangen, and Friedrich-Alexander Universit€at Erlangen-N€urnberg,Erlangen, Germany; bDepartment of Neurodegeneration Diagnostics, Medical University of Białystok, and Department of BiochemicalDiagnostics, University Hospital of Białystok, Białystok, Poland; cCenter of Mental Health, Clinic and Policlinic of Psychiatry,Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, University Hospital W€urzburg, W€urzburg, Germany; dInstitute for Healthy Aging, University ofNorth Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, USA; eDepartment of Neurology, Radboud University Medical Center, DondersInstitute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud Alzheimer Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; fDepartment of LaboratoryMedicine, Radboud University Medical Center, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud Alzheimer center,Nijmegen, The Netherlands; gInstitut de la M�emoire et de la Maladie d’Alzheimer (IM2A), Salpetri�erie Hospital, INSERM UMR-S 975(ICM), Paris 6 University, Paris, France; hDepartment of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology, School for Mental Health and Neuroscience,Alzheimer Center Limburg, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands; iDepartment of Neurology, Alzheimer Centre,Amsterdam Neuroscience VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; jInstitute of Clinical Neurobiology, Vienna,Austria; kReference Center for Biological Markers of Dementia (BIODEM), University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; lDepartment ofNeurology and Memory Clinic, Hospital Network Antwerp (ZNA) Middelheim and Hoge Beuken, Antwerp, Belgium; mDepartment ofPsychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany; nInstitute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany;oDepartment of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany; pSection of Neurology, Center for MemoryDisturbances, Lab of Clinical Neurochemistry, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy; qDepartment of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,MN, USA; rNeurochemistry Lab and Biobank, Department of Clinical Chemistry, Amsterdam Neuroscience, VU University MedicalCenter Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; sAXA Research Fund & UPMC Chair, Sorbonne Universit�es, Universit�e Pierre et MarieCurie (UPMC) Paris 06, Inserm, CNRS, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle �Epini�ere (ICM), D�epartement de Neurologie, Institut de laM�emoire et de la Maladie d’Alzheimer (IM2A), Hopital Piti�e-Salpetri�ere, Boulevard de l’hopital, Paris, France; tDepartment ofNeurology, Institut d’Investigacions Biom�ediques Sant Pau - Hospital de Sant Pau, Universitat Aut�onoma de Barcelona, Barcelona,Spain; uCentro de Investigaci�on Biom�edica en Red en Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas, CIBERNED, Spain; vGerman Center forNeurodegenerative Disorders (DZNE), Bonn, Germany; wCenter for Brain Health, Department of Psychiatry, NYU Langone MedicalCenter, New York, NY, USA; xKnight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO,USA; yDepartment of Neurology, Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO, USA; zBarcelonabeta Brain ResearchCenter, Pasqual Maragall Foundation, Barcelona, Spain; aaAlzheimer’s Disease and Other Cognitive Disorders Unit, Hospital Cl�ınic,Institut d’Investigacions Biom�ediques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Barcelona, Spain; abKarolinska Institutet, Department NVS, Centerfor Alzheimer Research, Division of Neurogeriatrics, Huddinge, Sweden; acDepartment of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; adClinical Neurochemistry Laboratory, SahlgrenskaUniversity Hospital, M€olndal, Sweden; aeInstitute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Department of Psychiatry and Neurochemistry, TheSahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, M€olndal, Sweden; afDepartment of Neurology, University of Ulm, Ulm,Germany; agParacelsus-Elena-Klinik, Kassel and University Medical Center G€ottingen, Department of Neurology, G€ottingen, Germany;ahDepartment of Psychiatry & Psychotherapy, University of G€ottingen, G€ottingen, Germany; aiGerman Center for NeurodegenerativeDiseases (DZNE), G€ottingen, Germany; ajiBiMED, Medical Sciences Department, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal; akNuffield

CONTACT Piotr Lewczuk [email protected] Lab for Clinical Neurochemistry and Neurochemical Dementia Diagnostics, Department ofPsychiatry and Psychotherapy, Schwabachanlage 6, 91054 Erlangen, Germany� 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/Licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed,or built upon in any way.

THE WORLD JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, 2017https://doi.org/10.1080/15622975.2017.1375556




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Page 4: Cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers for ... › fileadmin › user_upload › ... · View Crossmark data ... Cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers for neurodegenerative dementias:

Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK; alClinical Dementia Centre, Department of Neurology,University Medical School, G€ottingen, Germany; amLaboratory of Neurosciences, National Institute on Aging/National Institutes ofHealth (NIA/NIH), Baltimore, MD, USA; anDepartment of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO, USA;aoDepartment of Neurosurgery, HSC T-12/086, Stony Brook University, New York, NY, USA; apDepartamento de Ciencias Celulares yMoleculares/Laboratorios de Investigaci�on y Desarrollo, Facultad de Ciencias y Filosof�ıa, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima,Peru; aqChair of Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology, Maimonides University, Buenos Aires, Argentina; arDepartment of Psychiatry,University Hospital Cochin-Site Tarnier 89 rue d’Assas, INSERM 894, Faculty of Medicine Paris Descartes, Paris, France; asDepartment ofMolecular Neuroscience, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK

ABSTRACTIn the 12 years since the publication of the first Consensus Paper of the WFSBP on biomarkersof neurodegenerative dementias, enormous advancement has taken place in the field, and theTask Force takes now the opportunity to extend and update the original paper. New conceptsof Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and the conceptual interactions between AD and dementia due toAD were developed, resulting in two sets for diagnostic/research criteria. Procedures for pre-ana-lytical sample handling, biobanking, analyses and post-analytical interpretation of the resultswere intensively studied and optimised. A global quality control project was introduced to evalu-ate and monitor the inter-centre variability in measurements with the goal of harmonisation ofresults. Contexts of use and how to approach candidate biomarkers in biological specimensother than cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), e.g. blood, were precisely defined. Important developmentwas achieved in neuroimaging techniques, including studies comparing amyloid-b positron emis-sion tomography results to fluid-based modalities. Similarly, development in research laboratorytechnologies, such as ultra-sensitive methods, raises our hopes to further improve analytical anddiagnostic accuracy of classic and novel candidate biomarkers. Synergistically, advancement inclinical trials of anti-dementia therapies energises and motivates the efforts to find and optimisethe most reliable early diagnostic modalities. Finally, the first studies were published addressingthe potential of cost-effectiveness of the biomarkers-based diagnosis of neurodegenerativedisorders.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 3 August 2017Accepted 21 August 2017

KEYWORDSAlzheimer’s disease;dementia; biomarkers;cerebrospinal fluid;consensus


The concept of biomarkers in neurodegenerativedisorders

Twelve years after publication of the first WFSBP con-sensus paper on the biomarkers of dementia disorders(Wiltfang et al. 2005), the WFSBF Task Force now takesthe opportunity to update this consensus to reflectthe most current state-of-the-art in the field.

Pharmacological treatment strategies for neuropsychi-atric diseases have been developed in the ‘times of neuro-chemistry’ and since that time no real new therapeutictargets have been discovered for dementia disorders,Parkinson’s disease (PD), depression or schizophrenia, allof them characterised by high societal and personal bur-den. However, recent developments have led to defineand test specific and selective biomarkers for the earlydetection of neurodegenerative diseases.

The ‘biomarker concept’ includes a variety of pos-sible research strategies: (a) predictive biomarkers forestimating disease probability at the pre-clinical stage,(b) diagnostic biomarkers, e.g. for precise differentialdiagnosis, (c) prognostic biomarkers for prognosis/chance of healing, (d) treatment response biomarkers(‘theramarkers’) for estimating the response to therapy,(e) surrogate biomarkers for getting evidence, howintervention influences the endpoint of interest, (f)

trait markers as invariable characteristics of a diseasee.g. gene mutations, and (g) state markers to followdisease progression, e.g. enzymes, ions, etc.

The most rigorous but most solid definitions of ‘adiagnostic biomarkers’ in the field of neurodegenera-tive dementias, especially for Alzheimer’s disease (AD)were those given by two National Institute on Aging(NIA) and Alzheimer Association consensus conferences(Consensus Report of the Working Group 1998, Franket al. 2003), as well as Shaw et al. (2007) and Gerlach et al.(2012), which includes the following features:

� linked to fundamental features of theneuropathology,

� validated in neuropathologically confirmed cases,� able to detect the disease early in its course and

distinguish it from other dementias,� non-invasive, simple to use and inexpensive,� not influenced by symptomatic drug treatment.

The following criteria should be fulfilled beforeacceptance as a valid biomarker for AD (Consensusreport of the Working Group 1998; Frank et al. 2003;Gerlach et al. 2012; Shaw et al. 2007):

� sensitivity (>85%; 100% indicates that all patientsare identified with the disease),





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Page 5: Cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers for ... › fileadmin › user_upload › ... · View Crossmark data ... Cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers for neurodegenerative dementias:

� specificity (>85%; 100% identifies all individual freeof the disease),

� prior probability (the background prevalence of thedisease in the population tested),

� positive predictive value (>80%; refers to the per-centage of people who are positive for the bio-marker and have definite the disease at autopsy),

� negative predictive value (percentage of peoplewith a negative test, and no disease at autopsy).

In addition, to meet endophenotype criteria candi-date markers have to be:

� heritable,� relatively state-independent and stable over time,� associated with the illness,� found in affected as well as unaffected family mem-

bers at a higher rate than in the generalpopulation.

Currently, the most interesting uses/applications ofbiomarkers are: (a) pre-symptomatic diagnosis ofneuropsychiatric disorders, which is an importantaspect as such specific and selective biomarkers wouldallow early treatment strategies at a time when in ADand PD more than 50% of degenerating types of neu-rons are still available and can be rescued; (b) provid-ing evidence for effectiveness of therapies; and (c)differentiation of subtypes of a certain disorder, as inthe case of ‘dementias’. Based on all available informa-tion at the time, an algorithm was developed to iden-tify a large population of individuals that may benefitfrom prevention studies (Hampel et al. 2010).

Due to the fact, that drug development for AD cur-rently is unsuccessful, validated targets and validatedbiomarkers are of utmost importance. Blennow et al.(2014) have tried to make recommendations for bio-markers during all stages of drug development proc-esses. Such strategies are of great interest; however,they are based on a close interaction of researchersinvolved in drug development and those, who trans-late basic research into clinical practice. Unfortunately,this interaction between basic scientists, clinicians anddrug-developing institutions has proven to be chal-lenging and in need of improvement.

In this review we describe possible candidate diag-nostic biomarkers for the early detection of AD andother types of dementias and to critically discussproblems for their reliable detection, such as lack ofstandardisation of calibration materials, relatively largeinter-centre variability, or uncertainty how to interpretsome of untypical biomarker patterns. As there is noevidence for sporadic AD (as based on their multiple

subtypes, multiple phenotype, multiple triggers, mul-tiple pathobiochemical causes) to be encompassed byone specific and selective biomarker, the combinationof biomarker compounds/gene measure may be suit-able to identify both causal targets for drug develop-ment and particular subtypes of AD, as well as otherneurodegenerative disorders for a selective treatment.

The historical concept of AD

There is no doubt that discovery of drugs that couldtreat AD would mean a breakthrough in medicine. Toachieve this goal, however, it is important to havediagnostic tools capable of correctly identifying ofpatients and identification of the disease, if possiblealready at the early pre-clinical stages.

In our medical schools we learnt that AD was a clin-ical-pathological entity: historically the diagnosis of ADcannot be certified clinically and definite diagnosisneeds a histological confirmation based on cerebralbiopsy or post-mortem examination (McKhann et al.1984). In the absence of such histological evidence, theclinical diagnosis of AD can only be probable and shouldonly be made when the disease is advanced and reachesthe threshold of dementia. Based on the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria, the diagnosis of probable AD requiresthat a dementia syndrome is established by clinicalexamination, documented by mental status question-naire, and confirmed by neuropsychological testing:there must be a deficit in two or more areas of cogni-tion, including memory with a progressive worseningover time responsible for a significant impact on activ-ities of daily living. There may not be any disturbance ofconsciousness at time of the assessment and no evi-dence of systemic or other brain diseases that couldaccount for a dementia syndrome. Therefore, the clinicaldiagnosis of AD is considered within a two-step proced-ure with: (a) an initial identification of a dementia syn-drome and (b) the exclusion of other possibleaetiologies of dementia syndrome with blood/cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) investigations for ruling out infectious,inflammatory or metabolic diseases and with brain neu-roimaging (CT scan or MRI) for excluding small-vesseldiseases, strategic lacunar infarcts, large vessel infarctsand/or cerebral haemorrhages, brains tumours, hydro-cephalus and similar conditions.

Considering AD as a dementia led to the conceptof mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a label that refersto objective memory and/or cognitive impairment notsevere enough to impact the activities of daily living.MCI is a concept introduced by Reisberg et al. (1982)and the Mayo Clinic group (Petersen et al. 1999) to fillthe gap between cognitive changes of normal aging





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on the one hand, and those, on the other hand, asso-ciated with dementia (vascular, degenerative, etc.). MCIis a syndrome collecting under a single label a varietyof pathological entities that may share clinical featuresbut have different aetiologies. To decrease the clinicaland pathological heterogeneity, sub-typing MCI hasbeen proposed (i.e. single and multi-domain, amnesticand non-amnestic (Petersen 2004)). However, only 70%of amnestic MCI cases which have progressed todementia actually met neuropathological criteria forAD (Jicha et al. 2006). This aetiologic heterogeneity ofMCI is problematic (Dubois and Albert 2004). From theclinical point of view, in a given patient, the mission ofthe clinician is to identify the disease responsible forthe syndrome, as it may have significant impact interms of prognosis and/or treatment. For example, it ismeaningful to distinguish between depression and ADin patients with a diagnosis of MCI. From the researchpoint of view, heterogeneity of MCI may dilute thepotential for a significant treatment effect and mayhave contributed to the negative outcomes wherenone of the tested medications were successful indelaying the time to diagnosis of AD (Jelic et al. 2006).

Revisiting the current concept of AD

A number of considerations emphasise the need torevise the conceptual framework of AD:

(1) Considering AD only at the threshold of dementiais too late. AD pathology has already been ongoing fordecades when the patients express the first cognitivesymptoms. The diagnosis of AD should be made ear-lier than at this stage of disease expression for manyreasons:

� There is no reason to link the diagnosis of a diseasewith a certain threshold of severity thereby exclud-ing patients from the possibility of treatment dueto that they are not yet expressing a full-blowndementia.

� There is no justification to anchor the diagnosis ofAD to a dementia syndrome. If we refer to PD, thediagnosis does not hinge on a level of severity, forexample, when the patient is bedridden, but onthe presence of the earliest motor symptoms, forexample, a limited resting tremor of one hand. Thesame should apply for AD.

� Earlier intervention for drug development alsoappears as a necessity. Selecting patients with func-tional disability may be too late because, at thisstage, amyloid burden is already very pervasive asshown by amyloid positron emission tomography(PET) studies in vivo (Jack et al. 2009).

(2) The NINCDS-ADRDA criteria for AD have a lowspecificity against other dementias because at the timeof these criteria, i.e. 1984, the clinical phenotype of ADwas not specified and no reference to biomarkers ofAD was proposed. This explains why AD was fre-quently misdiagnosed with other neurodegenerativediseases that can fulfil the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria(Varma et al. 1999). Since 1984, great progress hasbeen made in several domains:

� The clinical phenotype of AD has been refined: inmore than 85% of the cases, AD presents as a pro-gressive amnestic disorder. Episodic memory deficitis a precautious and reliable neuropsychologicalmarker of AD (Dubois and Albert 2004). It is sup-ported by the fact that post-mortem studies of ADpatients provide evidence of a rather specific pat-tern of cortical neuronal lesions which appear tobegin within the medial temporal lobe structures(entorhinal cortex, hippocampal formations, para-hippocampal gyrus) (Delacourte 2006), areas knownto be critical for long-term episodic memory. Thispattern explains a rather homogeneous clinicalpresentation of AD, which can be divided into twomain stages: the first consists of a progressive andrather isolated amnestic syndrome in relation tothe early involvement of the medial temporal struc-tures. The second is characterised by the additionand the development of cognitive symptoms in thedomain of executive (conceptualisation, judgment,problem solving) and instrumental (language,praxis, face or object recognition) functions and ofpsycho-behavioural changes, due to the increasedburden and progression of neuronal lesions to theneocortical areas (Braak and Braak 1991b). All thesesymptoms progressively impact on the autonomyof the patient defining the dementia stage.

� The diagnostic accuracy of AD has also beenimproved in the last years because of the character-isation and the definition of other dementiasthrough specific criteria, including the primary pro-gressive aphasias (PPA), cortico-basal degeneration(CBD), posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) and demen-tia with Lewy bodies (DLB). The individualisation ofthese new diseases, overlapping with AD syndrome,has consequently decreased its apparentheterogeneity.

� As reviewed in this paper, reliable biomarkers forAD have been isolated that are now available atleast in expert centres: MRI enables detailed visual-isation and volumetric measures of medial temporallobe structures; PET using fluorodeoxyglucose(FDG) is helpful in measuring the glucose





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metabolism in cortical neurons and glial cells; CSFbiomarkers can detect molecular pathological fea-tures of AD in vivo; PET using amyloid radiotracercan visualise the presence of amyloid lesions in thecerebral cortex. These biomarkers improve the diag-nostic accuracy for AD and their diagnostic predict-ability has been extended to the pre-dementiastage and even the pre-clinical states of AD.

(3) The possible identification of in vivo biomarkers ofAD pathology is responsible for a major change in theconceptualisation and the diagnosis of the disease. MRIand CSF are no longer proposed for only excludingother aetiologies in case of a dementia syndrome.They are now proposed to be part of the diagnosticprocedure. The revised diagnostic criteria, proposed bythe International Working Groups (IWG) (Dubois et al.2007; Dubois et al. 2014) or by the NIA/AA (Albertet al. 2011; McKhann et al. 2011), and reviewed in thispaper, have both introduced the biomarkers in thediagnostic framework. Depending of a definition, bio-markers can be linked to the disease process and/or astage of severity; correspondingly, these criteria allowus to identify AD at a prodromal stage and even at apre-clinical stage of the disease. Both sets of criteriarecognise pre-clinical states of AD, which are charac-terised by the presence of a positive pathophysio-logical biomarker in cognitively normal subjects.

Epidemiology of dementia disorders

Prevalence of dementia

An estimated 47 million people worldwide were livingwith dementia in 2015. This number is expected todouble every 20 years to 132 million by 2050 (Princeet al. 2015). Due to population growth and demo-graphic aging, the increase is predicted to be highestin low- and middle-income countries (Prince et al.2015). The most common subtypes are AD, vasculardementia (VaD), DLB, frontotemporal dementia (FTD)and PD. Estimates of the proportion of dementia casesattributable to these subtypes vary considerablyamong studies. There is agreement that AD is themost common cause of dementia, accounting for50–70% of cases. After AD, VaD is the most commoncause of dementia, causing around 15% of cases(O’Brien and Thomas 2015). About 8% of people livingwith dementia have clinically diagnosed DLB-type,increasing to 10–15% when additional testing wasapplied (Stevens et al. 2002; Rahkonen et al. 2003). Ina meta-analysis of population-based studies, FTDaccounted for 2.7% of all dementia cases older than

65 years (Hogan et al. 2016). FTD appeared more com-mon among young-onset dementia patients withprevalence estimates varying from 3 to 26% (Vieiraet al. 2013). Although PD is a common neurodegener-ative movement disorder (Dorsey et al. 2007), PD-related dementia (PDD) occurs in �80% of PD patientsover the course of their illness (Stevens et al. 2002;Irwin et al. 2017).

Prevalence of AD pathology

The characteristic pathological substrates of AD, Abcontaining plaques and Tau-containing neurofibrillarytangles, can be also found in the brains of personswithout dementia. In a meta-analysis of non-dementedsubjects, the prevalence of amyloid pathology as esti-mated by biomarkers in CSF or by PET imaging was23% in cognitively normal individuals, 25% in subjectswith subjective cognitive impairment and 49% amongpatients with MCI (Jansen et al. 2015; Hoglund et al.2017). In cognitively normal subjects, amyloid positiv-ity preceded the onset of the symptoms by 20–30years (Jansen et al. 2015). In a recent meta-analysis,the prevalence of amyloid pathology in patients witha clinical diagnosis of AD-type dementia was found tobe 88% at the age of 70. The prevalence decreasedwith age, from 93% at the age of 50 to 79% at theage of 90. The prevalence was higher in carriers of theapolipoprotein E (APOE) e4 allele, the major geneticrisk factor for AD (97% at the age 50 to 90% at theage 90) than in subjects without the APOE e4 allele(86% at the age 50 to 68% at the age 90). The preva-lence of amyloid pathology in non-AD-type dementiaswas 51% in DLB, 30% in VaD and 12% in FTD(Ossenkoppele et al. 2015). Concomitant AD pathologymay occur in about 25% of patients with PDD (Irwinet al. 2012). Amyloid pathology in these individualsmay be an indication of clinical misdiagnosis or maybe present as a secondary pathology.

Risk factors for dementia

Both genetic and environmental factors predispose todementia and the interplay between the various riskfactors in these disorders still needs clarification.

The most commonly reported risk factors for AD-type dementia are advanced age (Matthews andBrayne 2005), presence of the APOE e4 allele (Morriset al. 2010), female sex (Brookmeyer et al. 1998), loweducational level (Ott et al. 1995; Evans et al. 1997),cardiovascular disease (Hofman et al. 1997; Luchsingeret al. 2005; Bellou et al. 2016) and diabetes mellitustype 2 (T2DM) (Carlsson 2010). Indeed, a growing





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body of evidence, summarised recently in (Riedereret al. submitted), shows that T2DM is a risk factor forboth, AD and VaD, based on pathology of glucose util-isation. This pathology is the consequence of a dis-turbance of insulin-related mechanisms leading to abrain insulin resistance. Although the underlyingpathological mechanisms for AD and VaD are differentin many aspects, the contribution of T2DM and insu-lin-resistant brain state to cerebrovascular disturbancesin both disorders cannot be neglected. Therefore, earlydiagnosis of metabolic parameters including those rele-vant for T2DM is required. Moreover, it is possible thattherapeutic options utilised today for diabetes treatmentmay also have an effect on the risk for dementia.

Age and the APOE e4 allele are also risk factors foramyloid pathology in non-demented individuals.However sex, educational level and vascular pathologyare not associated with amyloid pathology (Jansenet al. 2015; Vemuri et al. 2015). These risk factors maytherefore contribute to AD-type dementia throughnon-amyloid-related mechanisms.

In VaD, age is also the most important risk factor,doubling the risk of the disease every 5.3 years(Jorm and Jolley 1998; O’Brien and Thomas 2015).Stroke is a strong risk factor increasing the riskfor VaD by 10–30% (Pendlebury and Rothwell 2009).Cardiovascular disease and other vascular risk factorssuch as smoking and diabetes may predispose to VaDas well (Hofman et al. 1997; Luchsinger et al. 2005;Bellou et al. 2016).

Risk factors for DLB include a history of anxiety,depression, stroke or a family history of PD, and APOEe4 allele (Boot et al. 2013; Tsuang et al. 2013). Also,DLB is more common in men than in women (Walker,Possin, et al. 2015).

For FTD, mutations in the C9orf72 gene are themost common genetic cause (DeJesus-Hernandez et al.2011) followed by MAPT and GRN mutations(Rademakers et al. 2012).

For Parkinson’s dementia, age (Pringsheim et al.2014), male sex (de Lau and Breteler 2006), a historyof anxiety or depression and environmental factorssuch as pesticide exposure, head injury and rural living(Noyce et al. 2012) are among suggested risk factors.Additionally, the APOE e4 allele may independentlyinfluence the risk of dementia in PDD (Irwin et al.2012, 2017).

CSF biomarkers of AD and their diagnostic-relevant interpretation

The early diagnosis of AD, especially in the prodromalphase, remains difficult if only clinical symptoms are

taken into consideration (Dubois et al. 2007; Aluiseet al. 2008). This is reflected in general low accuracy ofthe clinical AD diagnostic methods in the absence ofbiomarker information. For logical reasons, the earlierstage of the disease, the lower is the accuracy of clin-ical diagnosis.

As reviewed later in this paper, two neuropatho-logic features are consequently found in the brains ofpatients with AD: extracellular plaques composed ofamyloid b (Ab) peptides, and intracellular neurofibril-lary tangles containing hyperphosphorylated Tau pro-teins (Braak and Braak 1991b). Therefore, it is notsurprising that these two groups of molecules are themost established biomarkers of the disease.

Neurochemical dementia diagnostics (NDD)

Amyloid precursor protein and its metabolites

Amyloid plaques are composed mainly of the peptidesderived from the enzymatic cut of b-amyloid precursorprotein (APP) (Kang et al. 1987). This transmembraneprotein is encoded in humans by a gene on chromo-some 21, and its alternative splicing results in at leastthree isoforms, with the form known as APP 695 (i.e.the one consisting of 695 amino acid residues)expressed predominantly in the brain (Panegyres1997). The physiological role of APP is not clear so far;however, an involvement in cell-to-cell and matrixinteractions is postulated. Enzymatic processing of APPby b-secretase(s) followed by c-secretase(s) leads tothe release of several forms of Ab peptides.Interestingly, the discovery of the Ab peptides endingat different C termini leads to a conclusion that differ-ent c-secretase activities may exist (Citron et al. 1996;Klafki et al. 1996); however, as an alternative explan-ation a different mechanism is postulated of thedependency of the cleavage site from the length ofthe intramembrane APP domain (Lichtenthaler et al.2002). APP can also be processed by a-secretase,which results in the release of soluble APPa but notAb peptides in the so-called ‘non-amyloidogenicpathway’.

Interestingly, not only full-length Ab peptides (i.e.these having aspartic acid at the N terminus position of1) but also N-terminally shortened forms seem to playa role in the pathophysiology of AD. Truncated frag-ments (Ab11–42 and Ab17–42) are also found in amyl-oid plaques and in the preamyloid lesions of Downsyndrome, a disease-model for early-onset AD study.Very little is known about the structure and activity ofthese smaller peptides, although they could be the pri-mary AD and Down syndrome pathological agents.





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With atomic force microscopy, channel conductancemeasurements and calcium imaging, Jang et al. (2010)showed that non-amyloidogenic Ab9–42 and Ab17–42peptides form ion channels with loosely attached sub-units and elicit single-channel conductance. Althoughdefinitely interesting from the pathophysiologic pointof view, the diagnostic role of the N-terminally short-ened Ab forms as potential AD biomarkers remainsunclear.

In vitro, Ab peptides can be metabolised by severalenzymes; animal studies in vivo concentrated mostly ontwo groups of enzymes, insulin degrading enzyme (IDE)and neprilysin. Particularly the role of IDE in the deg-radation of Ab peptides seems to be very interestingfrom the pathophysiologic point of view, since it linkstwo degenerative diseases, AD and T2DM. Indeed, dia-betes is one of the risk factors to develop AD (Carlsson2010). Increasing insulin level in human subjectsincreases the concentration of Ab in the CSF (Taubes2003; Watson et al. 2003; Karczewska-Kupczewska et al.2013), which might be explained by the fact that IDEmore efficiently degrades insulin than Ab peptides orthat insulin competes with Ab peptides.

Numerous studies reported decreased CSF concen-tration of Ab peptides ending at the C terminus of 42(Ab42) in AD patients ((Lewczuk, Esselmann, Groemer,et al. 2004; Shaw et al. 2011), and reviews: (Blennowet al. 2006; Lewczuk and Kornhuber 2011)), whereasthe total level of the Ab peptides remains unchanged(Motter et al. 1995). Mechanisms leading to thedecreased concentrations of Ab42 in CSF in AD arenot clarified so far. Accumulation of the peptide in theplaques is suggested by some investigators; however,this hypothesis cannot explain the results of a select-ive decrease of the concentration of Ab42 in the CSFof the subgroup of patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob dis-ease (CJD) who did not develop any amyloid plaquesat all (Wiltfang et al. 2003). Similarly, decreased levelsof CSF Ab42 were recorded in bacterial meningitis(Sj€ogren et al. 2001), a disease which may causechronic memory deficits but does not present with Abplaques, which can be explained by increased degrad-ation of all Ab peptides by infiltrating inflammatorycells in meningitis (Portelius et al. 2017).

Spies et al. (2012) systematically reviewed potentialmechanisms leading to the decrease of Ab42 CSF con-centrations in AD. One of the theoretically possibleexplanations could be a hypothetical decrease in theAb generation. This could be, for example, due to thedecreasing number of neurons releasing Ab peptidesinto the brain parenchyma proportional to the degreeof neurodegenerative pathology. This, however, staysin disagreement with the increased load of the Ab42

in the brain tissue (Lewczuk et al. 2003). Moreover, insuch a scenario, not only Ab42 but also other isoforms(including the two most abundant Ab peptides in thehuman CSF, Ab40 and Ab38), should have in ADdecreased CSF concentrations, which is not the case.Further counterargument is the decreased Ab42 con-centration in familial AD as well as in Down syndrome,diseases characterised by genetically-driven overpro-duction of Ab peptides (Tapiola et al. 2001). Moreover,some (Lewczuk, Kamrowski-Kruck, et al. 2010; Lewczuket al. 2012), but not all (reviewed in Olsson et al.2016), studies show that the CSF concentrations of thesoluble APP are actually increased in the CSF of ADand MCI-AD patients, and taking into considerationthat sAPPb and Ab peptides (including Ab42) arereleased in the same metabolic pathway, it is difficultto accept that the reduction of the Ab42 concentrationis caused by the decrease in its production.

Another mechanism leading to decreased Ab42concentrations in the CSF of AD might be its increaseddegradation. This increased degradation, however,should affect not only Ab42 but also other Ab pepti-des, at least Ab40, since it is known that both peptidesare largely metabolised by the same enzymes, forexample by IDE, as mentioned earlier, and that theefficiency of IDE to degrade Ab1–40 and Ab1–42 isvery similar (Perez et al. 2000). Moreover, increaseddegradation of Ab42 should lead to the decrease ofthe formation of Ab42 deposits in the brain paren-chyma, and should hamper formation of the plaques.Since this is not the case, one can assume that thehypothesis of the increased degradation cannotexplain decreased Ab42 concentrations in AD.

The next potential explanation of the decreasedAb42 CSF concentrations in AD is its increased clear-ance from the brain tissue to the blood across theblood–brain barrier. This mechanism would lead to thedecreased amount of the Ab42 molecules in the brainparenchyma, which would mean that correspondinglyless Ab42 molecules could enter the CSF. As a matterof fact, Ab peptides are actively transported across theblood–brain barrier by the lipoprotein receptor-relatedprotein. Some investigators found increased expressionof this transporter in perivascular cells in response toAb42, but not Ab40, in vitro; however, uptake of Ab42by these cells resulted in their degeneration (Wilhelmuset al. 2007). On the other hand, the expression of lipo-protein receptor-related protein was found decreasedin AD by other studies, whereas mechanisms of the Abtransport from the blood to the brain were found upre-gulated (Deane et al. 2009). Moreover, we (Lewczuk,Kornhuber, et al. 2010) as well as other investigators(van Oijen et al. 2006; Graff-Radford et al. 2007) found





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decreased Ab42 concentrations and/or Ab42/40 ratiosin the blood of AD patients or subjects at AD risk,which is another argument against the clearance ofparenchymal Ab42 into the blood as a cause of theCSF Ab42 concentration decrease. On the other hand,blood concentrations of Ab peptides result not onlyfrom the peptides’ influx, but are also influenced byother factors, such as binding to blood proteins orclearance mechanism existing in blood.

Finally, there is a very interesting, however not yetproven, hypothesis that the CSF concentrations ofAb42 in AD patients only seems decreased, becausethe accumulation of Ab42 monomers into solubleoligomers leads to masking of the epitopes for theantibodies used in the ligand-based analytical meth-ods. Indeed, in favour of this hypothesis, a recentlypublished study reported increased concentrations ofAb oligomers in the CSF of AD patients (Wang-Dietrichet al. 2013). In favour of this hypothesis, Ab1–42showed similar concentrations in AD and controlswhen the CSF samples were denaturated before themeasurements (Slemmon et al. 2012).

Irrespective of the cause of decreased Ab1–42 con-centration in CSF, sensitivity and specificity of Ab1–42alone to distinguish AD from elderly controls were78% and 81%, respectively, in the study of Hulstaertet al. (1999), and Galasko et al. (1998) reported similarfigures of 78% and 83% for sensitivity and specificity,respectively. In a recent large-scale meta-analysis, aver-age Ab42 ratio between AD and controls was 0.56,and between cohorts with MCI due to AD and thosewith stable MCI was also strong (0.67). In 130 out of131 studies considered in this meta-analysis, CSF Ab42concentration was decreased in AD compared to thecontrols (Olsson et al. 2016).

Hypothesis-driven evidence suggests that the con-centration of Ab1–42 depends not only on the physio-logic status of a given individual (presence or absenceof AD pathology) but also on the total amount of Abpeptides in the CSF. This perhaps reflects different effi-ciency of the processing of the APP molecules by b-and c-secretases or perhaps differences in the expres-sion profile of the APP molecules on the cell surfaces.Indeed, the range of the CSF sAPP concentrationsspans 4–6-fold in different subjects, which indirectlysuggests the corresponding differences in their activ-ities of a- and b-secretases (Lewczuk, Kamrowski-Kruck,et al. 2010; Lewczuk et al. 2012). Better diagnostic per-formance of the Ab42/40 ratio compared to theAb1–42 concentration might then be explained by theassumption that the subjects with either extraordinarylow or extraordinary high concentrations of total Abpeptides in the CSF characterise also with the

respectively low or high Ab1–42 (Wiltfang et al. 2007).In such a case, a normalisation of the Ab1–42 concen-tration by the application of the Ab42/40 ratio, insteadof the Ab1–42 alone, improves the interpretation ofthe biomarkers. Correspondingly, the normalisation ofthe Ab1–42 concentration for the total Ab peptidesCSF concentration (or their most abundant isoform, i.e.Ab1–40), in a form of an Ab42/40 concentration ratiocan improve the sensitivity and the specificity of theAD diagnosis. Indeed, we (Wiltfang et al. 2007;Lewczuk, Lelental, et al. 2015), as well as others(Hansson et al. 2007; Spies et al. 2012), found betterclinical performance of the CSF Ab42/40 concentrationratio compared to the concentration of Ab1–42 alone.Recently, this same conclusion was reached by twoother research groups (Beaufils et al. 2013; Slaets, LeBastard, Martin, et al. 2013). Improved performance ofthe CSF Ab42/40 ratio as compared with Ab1–42 alonewas also shown when Ab species were analysed bymass spectrometry (Pannee, Portelius, et al. 2016). Inother words, neglecting Ab42/40 as an AD biomarkerleads to a false-negative (in the case of an AD subjectwith high Ab CSF concentrations) or a false-positive (inthe case of a non-AD subject with low Ab CSF concen-trations) interpretation.

Furthermore, as it will be discussed in the chapteron Ab-PET studies, Ab42/40 ratio seems to correlatebetter than Ab1–42 with amyloid b load in the brain(Janelidze, Zetterberg, et al. 2016; Lewczuk et al. 2017).

Two further experimental observations support theapplication of the Ab42/40 ratio for AD diagnostics:(a) Ab42/40 is less prone to the error of misinterpret-ation when non-polypropylene test tubes (as are oftenfound in standard clinical lumbar puncture trays) areused to collect CSF (Lewczuk, Beck, et al. 2006), likelydue to the fact that both Ab isoforms seem to absorbto the tube surface to a similar extent (Willemse et al.2017); and (b) two studies using a different set ofenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) values(produced by a currently non-existing vendor andbased on N-terminally non-specific antibodies) thathave applied the Ab42/40 ratio to predict AD in MCIsubjects (Hansson et al. 2007) and discriminate earlysymptomatic AD from controls (Lewczuk, Esselmann,Otto, et al. 2004) reported almost identical Ab42/40cut-offs (0.095 and 0.098, respectively), whereas thecorresponding cut-offs for Ab42 alone differed bymore than 15% (640 and 550pg/ml, respectively).

Also, in a recent study by Dorey et al. (2015) investi-gating the performance of these markers for corres-pondence with clinical diagnosis, CSF Ab40concentrations were higher in AD than non-ADpatients, and inclusion of CSF Ab40 as an Ab42/40





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ratio corrected 76.2% of misinterpreted cases in ADpatients with normal CSF Ab42 concentrations and94.7% of cases when Ab40 was used alone.

Tau protein and its phosphorylated forms

Tau proteins belong to the family of microtubule-asso-ciated proteins found in neuronal and non-neuronalcells (reviewed in (Buee et al. 2000)). The human Tau-gene is located on the long arm of chromosome 17.Its alternative splicing leads to formation of six iso-forms of the protein in adult human brain: 4R2N,3R2N, 4R1N, 3R1N, 4R0N and 3R0N, ranging from 352to 441 amino acid residues (Mandelkow et al. 2007),whereas longer isoforms, resulting from the expressionof the exon 4a, which is not transcribed in the CNS,exist in the peripheral nervous system (Cairns et al.2004). Physiological role of Tau is still not fully under-stood. Some studies suggest that they play role inneuronal microtubule stability but there are controver-sies. Tau proteins are also involved in promotingmicrotubule nucleation, growth and bundling, and it ishypothesised that phosphorylation of the Tau mol-ecule is an important factor in regulating Tau-micro-tubule interaction (reviewed in Shahani and Brandt2002). The phosphorylation status of Tau is consideredto change during development, with a relatively highdegree of phosphorylation during the foetal phase fol-lowed by a steady decrease with age, possibly as aresult of phosphatase activation (Mawal-Dewan et al.1994; Rosner et al. 1995). Total Tau protein concentra-tion has been extensively studied as an unspecificmarker of neuronal damage in neurodegeneration.

Concentrations of total Tau, and its hyperphos-phorylated form (notably at threonine 181, pTau181)in the CSF are elevated �2-fold in individuals with AD(Olsson et al. 2016). Levels of these CSF biomarkers arepositively correlated with neurofibrillary tangle (NFT)pathology observed at autopsy (Tapiola et al. 1997;Buerger et al. 2006). Total Tau measured in the CSF isthought to reflect the intensity of neuronal damageand degeneration, and its concentrations can beincreased across multiple degenerative conditionsincluding stroke, VaD, head trauma, CBD, greatly inCJD, and to a lesser degree in certain variants of FTD(Blennow et al. 2010; Andreasson et al. 2014). It needsto be stressed that the meaning of Tau concentrationsin CSF is much less well established than CSF Ab; how-ever, more profound discussion of this matter isbeyond the scope of this paper. For example, it hasbeen reported that neurons secrete Tau in an activity-dependent manner and that increased release of Taucould be induced by AD-associated factors, potentially

also in the absence of neuronal death and tanglepathology (Yamada et al. 2011).

While the increase in the total Tau CSF concentra-tion is considered to reflect unspecific disruption ofthe nerve cells, abnormal hyperphosphorylation of Tauis considered more specific for AD (Iqbal et al. 1986),and hyperphosphorylated molecules of Tau formneurofibrillary tangles (Grundke-Iqbal et al. 1986). Taucan be phosphorylated at 79 putative amino acid posi-tions, serine and threonine being predominant. Instudies available so far, mean sensitivity and specificityof Tau phosphorylated at different positions variedfrom 44% to 94%, and 80% to 100%, respectively(Blennow et al. 2001).

In AD cohorts CSF total Tau and pTau levels arehighly positively correlated and sometimes used inter-changeably. Reports of the effects of APOE genotypeon CSF Tau levels have been inconclusive, likelyreflecting differences in the disease stage of individu-als in the different studies. Elevations in CSF Tau (andpTau) in MCI cases and cognitively normal older indi-viduals are associated with a longitudinal risk todevelop AD dementia, providing in vivo evidence oftheir utility in defining pre-clinical stages of AD(Blennow et al. 2010; Vos et al. 2013). Cross-sectionalstudies have shown that CSF Tau and pTau181 con-centrations increase with disease progression, andthese levels positively correlate with cognitive impair-ment (Blennow et al. 2010; Bateman et al. 2012).However, more recent studies that evaluate within-per-son longitudinal change over time suggest that Taulevels may actually decrease in symptomatic cases ofautosomal-dominant AD (ADAD) (Fagan et al. 2014)and late-onset AD (LOAD) (Toledo, Xie, et al. 2013).The study with the longest time between repeatedsampling shows no clear changes in CSF Tau levelsover 4 years (Mattsson, Portelius, et al. 2012). Thepotential causes of declines in CSF markers of Tau latein the course of the disease are still being explored;such patterns have implications for clinical trials thatuse changes in CSF biomarkers as potential endpoints.

Diagnostic-oriented interpretation

A simple ‘copying-and-pasting’ of laboratory referenceranges of the AD biomarkers from one diagnosticcentre to another should be avoided (Lewczuk,Kornhuber, et al. 2006; Molinuevo et al. 2014); on theother hand, a need to improve the comparison of theresults (and even more importantly, their interpret-ation) between laboratories led to propose an inter-pretation algorithm that could be easily implementedin clinical neurochemistry routine (Lewczuk et al. 2009;





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Lewczuk, Kornhuber, et al. 2015) (Figure 1). In brief,depending on the concentrations of the biomarkers,the numeric score is given, and the final sum (in therange 0–4 points) defines the categorisation of a givenpatient into one of the groups with different probabil-ity of AD pathology, which is eventually presented tothe physician on the CSF integrated report. The algo-rithm is method unspecific, which means that theassays to measure biomarkers of the Ab and Taugroups can be replaced by assays based on differentsets of antibodies (from other manufacturers) or evenother analytical platforms. If the results of Ab and Tau/pTau are pathological, the overall result is interpretedas neurochemically probable AD. Results of the NDDanalysis with all biomarkers in normal ranges are inter-preted as no neurochemical evidence of organic CNSdisease. Results in between, either with normal Tau/pTau and abnormal Ab, or vice versa, pathologicalTau/pTau and normal Ab, are interpreted by theErlangen Score Algorithm as neurochemically possibleAD. The isolated very high concentration of Tau isinterpreted as suspected rapidly progressing neurode-generation, improbable AD, but this same concentra-tion of Tau accompanied by pathological Abconcentrations/ratio would shift the interpretation topossible or even probable AD depending if pTau isnormal or not, respectively. Indeed, the diagnostic rec-ommendations published by the National Institute onAging 2 years after the publication of the Erlangen

Score Algorithm (McKhann et al. 2011) use almost thesame wording and very similar interpretationalconcepts.

Early (pre-dementia) diagnosis

Results from the large-scale longitudinal studies andmeta-analyses show that the CSF alterations typical forAD have good diagnostic accuracy of more than 80%in discriminating MCI subjects who would convert toAD from those who remain stable or would progressto other dementias (Hansson et al. 2006; Mattssonet al. 2009).

As a matter of fact, CSF alterations are, at least cur-rently, the first that can be observed in the diseaseprocess. A combination of three CSF biomarkers,namely Tau, pTau181 and Ab42, could detect incipientAD among patients fulfilling the criteria for MCI with asensitivity of 68% (95% CI 45–86%) and a specificity of97% (95% CI 83–100%), therefore suggesting a hopeto discriminate the subgroup of patients with MCIwho would eventually develop AD from these whowould not to offer early treatment for the subjects atrisk (Zetterberg et al. 2003). In a more advanced studyfrom the same research group (Hansson et al. 2006),137MCI patients, who underwent lumbar puncture(LP) at a baseline, were followed clinically for 4–6years, together with 39 healthy individuals that werecognitively stable over 3 years thus serving as controls.The combination of CSF Tau and Ab1–42 at baselinein this study yielded a sensitivity of 95% and a specifi-city of 83% for the detection of the incipient dementiadue to AD in patients with MCI, showing increasedrelative risk of progression to AD in MCI cases withpathological Tau and Ab1–42 at the baseline (hazardratio (HR) 17.7, P< 0.0001). The combination of Tauand Ab1–42/pTau181 ratio yielded closely similarresults (sensitivity 95%, specificity 87%, HR 19.8). In asimilar study, the cut-off levels of Ab1–42 andpTau181 derived from the differential analysis of earlydementia patients, and applied unaltered on theresults obtained in the MCI group, allowed definitionof a subgroup of subjects without AD but withincreased risk to develop the disease (Lewczuk andWiltfang 2008).

A model of the dynamics of the alterations of thebiomarkers in the course of AD was proposed by Jacket al. (2010). The first alterations characteristic for ADoccur in the amyloid b pathway, and can be observedas the decreased concentrations of Ab42 in the CSFand/or deposition of Ab plaques in the brain on theAb-PET scan in an early pre-clinical phase.Neuropathological findings of significant Ab

Figure 1. Erlangen Score. Erlangen Score is the sum of thescores for Ab biomarkers (0, normal; 1, borderline pathological;2, pathological) and Tau/pTau biomarkers (0, normal; 1, bor-derline pathological; 2, pathological), always in relation to agiven laboratory’s cut-offs. Depending on the total score, NDDis interpreted as: 0, neurochemically normal; 1, AD neuro-chemically improbable; 2–3, AD neurochemically possible; 4,AD neurochemically probable. The original algorithm wasmodified by excluding cases with very high Tau concentra-tions, which points at rapidly progressing neurodegeneration(for example, CJD).





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depositions in the brains of cognitively normal per-sons, discussed above, further support the conceptthat the Ab pathology precedes clinical symptoms(Knopman et al. 2003). Increase in the CSF Tau concen-trations occurs later and even perhaps as a conse-quence of the accumulating Ab pathology. Indeed,there is evidence that the extracellular Ab depositionsin AD influence the clearance of Tau released fromdying neurons (Ballatore et al. 2007). At the stage ofthe disease when the first clinical symptoms areobservable, i.e. in MCI, the intensity of the Ab path-ology does not correlate with the clinical and cogni-tive symptoms, and only weak correlation of Tauconcentrations with the cognitive functions areobserved (Lewczuk, Esselmann, Otto, et al. 2004;Vemuri et al. 2009), which further support the hypoth-esis that Ab, and to a lesser degree Tau, reach plateaubefore the onset of the first clinical symptoms.

Blood-based biomarkers

Although CSF and neuroimaging biomarker modalitiesoffer excellent diagnostic accuracy and can be keyconsiderations in differential diagnostic procedures, aswell as understanding co-morbid neuropathology,blood-based biomarkers offer important advantagesover CSF and neuroimaging biomarkers of being (a)less invasive, (b) more acceptable to patients, (c) cost-effective, (d) time-effective and, importantly, (e) feas-ible at the population level (Lista et al. 2013; O’Bryant,Edwards, et al. 2016). Therefore, blood-based bio-markers offer an ideal complementary step toadvanced CSF and neuroimaging biomarkers and canserve as the first-step in a multi-stage process(Henriksen et al. 2014; O’Bryant, Edwards, et al. 2016)similar to the procedures utilised in other diseasestates (e.g. cancer, cardiovascular disease, infectiousdisease). Such a multi-stage model can significantlyfacilitate appropriate referrals to CSF and neuroimag-ing biomarkers in addition to providing a path towardssecuring reimbursement approval from key payers.

In order to best understand the putative uses ofblood-based biomarkers in AD, it is prudent to firstoutline key potential contexts of use (COU) of thesebiomarkers that have potential for improving patientoutcomes (O’Bryant et al. 2017). The FDA/NIH BESTResource defines COU as ‘a statement that fully andclearly describes the way the medical product devel-opment tool is to be used and the medical productdevelopment-related purpose of the use’ (F-NBWGroup 2016). Explicitly defining the COU with the endgoal in mind guides the entire development pro-gramme of the biomarker itself; however, a key

limitation to the research field has been the lack ofexplicit outlining of these potential COUs which resultsin continuous discovery studies that rarely movebeyond initial clinical replication. The fit-for-purposevalidation methods should be utilised to determine ifthe level of validation associated with the biomarkersis sufficient to support the COU. With this in mind, theprimary themes receiving the most attention in ADblood-based biomarker research can be divided intokey COUs as follows:

1. AD blood-based diagnostic test (diagnosticbiomarker)

2. Primary care tool for a multi-stage diagnostic pro-cess (diagnostic biomarker)

3. Blood-based tool for predicting future risk of AD(predictive biomarker)a. Blood-tool for predicting risk for AD among

cognitively normal adultsb. Blood-tool for predicting conversion from MCI

to AD4. Blood biomarker for predicting progression among

AD casesAdditional COUs that have been studied to alesser degree, but are as important as those aboveinclude:

5. Blood biomarker for stratification into clinical trials6. Blood biomarkers for predicting treatment

response to therapeutics (i.e. companiondiagnostic)

Of note, many of these putative COUs align closelywith the categories of biomarkers outlined by theFDA/NIH BEST Resource (F-NBW Group 2016): (a) sus-ceptibility/risk biomarker, (b) diagnostic biomarker, (c)monitoring biomarker, (d) prognostic biomarker, (e)predictive biomarker, (f) pharmacodynamics/responsebiomarker, and (g) safety biomarker.

As an illustrative example to outline the importance(clinical and financial) and feasibility one of the above-mentioned COUs is provided in Figure 2. Here themulti-stage diagnostic process beginning with ablood-based tool in primary care is outlined. In thisscenario, a blood-based tool would be utilised toscreen out those who should not be referred for add-itional services, which will have multiple benefits: (a)patients concerns will be eased, (b) CSF and PET facili-ties will not be overrun by those not needing servicesand (c) not providing advanced diagnostic services tothose who do not need them will result in billions ofsaved dollars. This structure can pave the path forseeking regulatory and reimbursement approval formany advanced diagnostic procedures as well as the





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use of multiple such procedures (e.g. CSF and PET)among those complicated cases with high likelihoodof multiple neurodegenerative diseases.

Diagnostic COU research

The most studied potential COU for blood-based bio-markers in AD are diagnostic biomarkers. Individualmarker analyses of plasma amyloid, Tau, neurofilamentlight (NF-L) and others, have been examined (Baciogluet al. 2016; Olsson et al. 2016); however, current datasuggest that these markers are not sufficient to fill thisparticular COU. In a seminal study, a 120 plasma pro-tein-based algorithm accurately distinguished ADpatients from healthy controls (89% accuracy) (Rayet al. 2007); however, enthusiasm waned when thefindings did not cross-validate on an independentassay platform (Soares et al. 2009). Researchers fromthe Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL)group generated an 18-marker plasma-based panelthat discriminated AD from controls with high accur-acy and replicated those findings in the Alzheimer’sDisease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) cohort (Doeckeet al. 2012). Work from Washington University St. Louisand University of Pennsylvania suggested strong sig-nals for a plasma-based algorithm for this COU utilis-ing the same Luminex-based multiplex platformutilised in AIBL, ADNI and TARCC initial discovery stud-ies (Hu et al. 2012). A series of studies have been con-ducted examining the potential utility ofautoantibodies in discriminating AD and other neuro-degenerative diseases from controls yielding excellentaccuracy (areas under the curve (AUC)� 0.90) (Nageleet al. 2011; DeMarshall et al. 2015, 2016). A series ofstudies has recently been conducted explicitly related

to this COU (O’Bryant et al. 2010; O’Bryant et al. 2014;O’Bryant, Edwards, et al. 2016). Initial discovery workwas conducted using a Luminex-based research useonly (RUO) platform that identified a 108-protein sig-nature that was highly accurate in discriminating AD(n¼ 197) from controls (n¼ 203, AUC¼ 0.95) (O’Bryantet al. 2010), which was subsequently refined to thetop 30 markers that retained excellent accuracy(AUC¼ 0.95) (O’Bryant et al. 2011b), and subsequentlyreplicated on an electrochemiluminescence platform(AUC¼ 0.98) (O’Bryant et al. 2014). This work has beenreplicated across cohorts (O’Bryant et al. 2011a), eth-nicities (O’Bryant et al. 2013; Edwards et al. 2015;Villarreal et al. 2016), species (O’Bryant et al. 2014)(mouse and human) and tissue (O’Bryant et al. 2014)(serum, plasma, brain).

Most recently, a ‘locked-down’ referent sample wasgenerated (O’Bryant, Edwards, et al. 2016) for an ADblood test in primary care per Institute of Medicineguidelines that is currently being directly applied pro-spectively to newly collected community-based olderadults and elders. It is anticipated that CSF and PETbiomarkers will be the confirmatory diagnostic bio-markers of AD (as well as pre-clinical AD) and that themost clinically useful COU for blood-based biomarkerswithin the diagnostic realm will be to serve as thefirst-step in a multi-stage diagnostic process (O’Bryant,Edwards, et al. 2016). There are currently over 500 mil-lion older adults around the globe. Given the cost ofPET and CSF (still far less than PET) relative to blood-based methods, the availability of a blood-based toolin primary care settings that is utilised to determinewho does not undergo PET and CSF exams provides aviable strategy similar to the strategies that have suc-cessfully navigated the regulatory and reimbursement

Figure 2. Conceptual overview of multi-stage neurodiagnostic process beginning with blood screen in primary care setting.





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hurdles in the cancer arena (i.e. PET scans are not first-line diagnostics) (Gold et al. 2012). Such a strategycould rapidly be scaled to provide a test within routineclinical practice, although only scalable and cost-effect-ive blood-based biomarkers have the potential forachieving this COU. That is, if a blood-based tool isnot a fraction of CSF and PET biomarkers, it will havelittle chance of meeting the global needs.

A tightly related COU to that of diagnostics is thesearch for a blood-based biomarker for detectingamyloid pathology. This putative COU has been exam-ined in both the AIBL and ADNI cohorts. In the AIBLstudy, a plasma-based nine-analyte signature thatyielded a sensitivity and specificity of 0.80 and 0.82,respectively for detecting PET-based amyloid positivity(Burnham et al. 2014). In a study of 96 ADNI partici-pants, a significant relationship between plasma amyl-oid and [11C]PIB uptake among APOE e4 non-carrierswas identified (Swaminathan et al. 2014). In a differentsample seven plasma proteins (including A2M, Apo-A1and multiple complement proteins) were significantlyassociated with amyloid burden (Westwood et al.2016). In a pilot study of 40 PIB-positive individuals(controls, MCI, AD) along with 22 PIB-negative individ-uals (controls), plasma amyloid proteins (Ab40, Ab42)and Ab-approximate peptides (AbAPs; APP669–671)were significantly correlated with amyloid PET positiv-ity with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.93 and 0.96,respectively (Kaneko et al. 2014). Although still veryearly in discovery phases, this COU has tremendouspotential for influencing the design of clinical trials tar-geting amyloid.

Prognostic COU research

An important potential COU for blood-based AD bio-marker science, which equally applies to CSF-basedbiomarkers, is the identification of individuals at great-est risk, which can take several forms: (a) risk of inci-dent cognitive impairment and AD, (b) risk ofprogressing from MCI to AD dementia and (c) risk forprogression within AD. Biomarkers related to thesespecific COUs have tremendous potential for clinicalintervention trials aimed at preventing AD, halting pro-gression from MCI, as well as slowing progressionamong patients with manifest AD. In the seminal art-icle by Ray et al. (2007), the AD detection algorithmidentified patients with MCI who progressed to AD(81% accuracy). There have been some promisingresults from studies using extracellular vesicles (EVs)enriched for neuronal origin showing that EV bio-marker may be abnormal in pre-clinical AD (up to 10years before AD diagnosis) (Fiandaca et al. 2015;

Kapogiannis et al. 2015), and may also be useful forpredicting conversion from MCI to dementia (Winstonet al. 2016). Baseline levels of plasma clusterin (ApoJ)was recently shown to predict risk for incident demen-tia and stroke among 1,532 non-demented subjects ofthe Framingham Study Offspring cohort (Weinsteinet al. 2016). The topic of metabolomics has also beenstudied heavily within this COU recently with a signa-ture of ten metabolites identified that predicted riskfor incident MCI/AD with 90% or greater accuracyamong community-dwelling older persons (Mapstoneet al. 2014). A total of 202 participants were examinedin the discovery phase and 295 in the validationphase. While this work suggests a signal to look atmetabolomics for this potential COU, it has to be repli-cated (Casanova et al. 2016; Li et al. 2016). As in thediagnostic COUs, plasma proteomics have beenstudied within this COU. Recent work analysing plasmaproteomics from 452 cognitively normal elders,169MCI non-converters, 51MCI converters and 476 ADcases from across three independent cohorts,AddNeuromed (ANM), Kings Health Partners-DementiaCase Register (KHP-DCR) and Genetics AD Association(GenAD), a set of ten proteins was identified that pre-dicted progression from MCI to AD (average time ofconversion approximately 1 year, AUC¼ 0.78) (Hyeet al. 2014). There are clear signals within potentialprognostic COUs for AD using blood-based bio-markers, which can have a dramatic impact on clinicaltrial design. However, this work remains within the dis-covery stage with few replication studies conductedand most work continues to be conducted utilisingRUO technology platforms and, therefore, significantwork remains for movement of these discovery find-ings towards potential clinical use (O’Bryant et al.2017).

Technological and methodological considerations

Peripheral biomarkers (blood or otherwise) of braindisorders present significant challenges with regardsto standardisation, harmonisation, mass production(e.g. antibody based methods) and ‘locking down’methods for transition to industry and clinical stand-ards (e.g. CLIA, CLSI). One key advancement producedby the international Professional Interest Area onBlood-Based Biomarkers was the generation of thefirst-ever guidelines for pre-analytic processing ofspecimens (O’Bryant et al. 2015). This work provided abasic set of pre-analytic processing variables to be fol-lowed (and refined) and a minimum set of informationthat should be provided within publications to allowfor appropriately designed cross-validation efforts.





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More recently, this workgroup published a novel para-digm for advancing biomarker discovery to clinic(O’Bryant et al. 2017). The working group also recentlypublished work comparing blood biomarkers acrossplatforms and tissue (plasma versus serum) withresults highlighting that, while often statistically signifi-cantly correlated, biomarker levels obtained across dif-ferent platforms or blood fraction (serum versusplasma) may not be comparable (O’Bryant, Lista, et al.2016). There have been; however, recent technologicaldevelopments in the RUO space that allow for thedetection of markers at very low levels (Andreassonet al. 2016), and these novel technologies may providesubstantial advantages if they are demonstrated toperform at clinical standards over time (e.g. CLSI,CLIA). As evident from the continued progress of theGlobal Biomarkers Standardization Consortium of CSFbiomarkers (GBSC), the blood-based biomarker fieldwill need to address additional methodological barriersin order to produce clinically useful and applicablebiomarkers. It is noteworthy that most of the workwithin the AD blood-based biomarker space remainsin early discovery stage with only a few laboratoriesreplicating across cohorts and even fewer attemptingto lock down methods for prospective studies.Another limitation is the use of discovery RUO-basedplatforms that do not perform within clinicallyrequired parameters. While broad-based discoverytechnologies offer significant advantages in earlystages, it is imperative that these results be replicatedon platforms that can be utilised as laboratory devel-oped tests or in vitro diagnostics (IVD).

Potential diagnostic role of EVs in the blood

A recent approach to diagnostic biomarker discoveryhas been based on deriving extracellular vesicles (EVs)from peripheral blood and enriching them for neur-onal origin. Given their origin, these EVs can presum-ably be used to interrogate brain pathogenicprocesses previously inaccessible in vivo, effectivelyakin to a ‘liquid biopsy’. A series of case–control stud-ies have generated a candidate set of EV-based pro-tein biomarkers for AD. The initial study focussed onthe main pathogenic proteins, Ab42, p181-tau, pS396-tau, which were all shown to be elevated in AD casescompared to controls, with the exception of total tau(Fiandaca et al. 2015). Since this initial study, othergroups have shown similar elevations in these markersin relation to progression from MCI to dementia(Winston et al. 2016) and in Down syndrome (Hamlettet al. 2016). Subsequent studies focussed on importantintracellular pathways implicated in AD pathogenesis

and used plasma EVs enriched for neuronal origin toshow significant differences in key molecules. It hasbeen shown that neuronal origin-enriched EVs fromAD cases show: a pattern of Ser and Tyr phosphoryl-ation of the insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) sug-gesting the presence of brain insulin resistance(Kapogiannis et al. 2015); elevated lysosomal enzymes(cathepsin D, LC3) and ubiquitin suggesting lysosomaldysfunction (Goetzl et al. 2015b); decreased cellularsurvival factors (REST) suggesting impaired responsesto cellular stress (Goetzl et al. 2015a); and decreasedsynaptic proteins suggesting synaptic degeneration(Goetzl, Kapogiannis, et al. 2016). Most of thesemarkers did not track disease severity and were notassociated with cognitive performance, except forsome synaptic proteins (synaptopodin, synaptotagminand synaptophysin) (Goetzl, Kapogiannis, et al. 2016).In a variation of this methodology, one study usedantibodies against the glutamate transporter (GLAST)to derive plasma EVs enriched for astrocytic origin andfound elevations in enzymes involved in APP cleavage(BACE-1, c-secretase), Ab42 and ptau (Goetzl, Mustapic,et al. 2016). Whereas the sensitivity and specificity ofmany of these biomarkers were not sufficient for clin-ical diagnosis (e.g. Goetzl et al. 2015a, 2015b), a subset(ptau, Ab42, p-IRS-1) achieved impressive classificationaccuracy in these initial studies (Fiandaca et al. 2015;Kapogiannis et al. 2015) and can be selected forlarger-scale replication studies. In addition to protein-based EV biomarkers, a recent study used AIBL sam-ples to show that a set of 16 EV-derived miRNAs per-form well in predicting AD (Cheng et al. 2015).

In summary, blood-based biomarkers have signifi-cant advantages that can be used to enhance the util-ity of CSF and imaging biomarkers. They are cost andtime efficient, readily acceptable to patients andaccessible globally for primary care implementation.While there is a substantial amount of work to supportmany putative blood-based biomarkers across a rangeof potential COUs, much of this work remains in earlydiscovery phases and requires a great deal of add-itional work, especially validation studies in independ-ent cohorts, before consideration within clinicalsettings.

Post-mortem findings in AD and otherdementia disorders

The histopathological examination of the brain usingmodern molecular-biological methods under standar-dised conditions represents the ‘gold standard’ ofdiagnosis, although the frequent overlap of variousprocesses and multimorbidity of the aging brain cause





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considerable diagnostic challenges (Jellinger andAttems 2015; Kovacs 2016).

Alzheimer’s disease

AD is morphologically characterised by the extracellu-lar deposition of Ab peptides (amyloid plaques, cere-bral amyloid angiopathy) and accumulation of Tauprotein within neurons (neurofibrillary tangles/NFT),dendrites (neuropil threads), and neuritic plaques inbrain parenchyma, inducing defects of synapticconnections (Figure 3). Current algorithms for theneuropathological diagnosis of AD are based on semi-quantitative assessment of plaques and NFTs and theirage-adjustment in the CERAD protocol, topographicstaging of neuritic/Tau pathology (Braak stages) andthe progress and distribution of Ab deposition whichis different from Tau pathology. Combining the CERADand Braak scores NIA-RI criteria relate dementia to AD-typical lesions with high, intermediate and low likeli-hood. The recent NIA-AA guidelines consider levels ofAD pathology regardless of the clinical history(Montine et al. 2012). They include: (a) the recognitionthat AD pathology may occur in the absence of cogni-tive impairment; (b) an ‘ABC’ score of AD pathologyincorporating assessments of Ab plaques based on itsphase (A), staging of NFTs based on the Braak stagingsystem (B), and scoring of neuritic plaques based onsemiquantiative assessment of at least five neocorticalregions based on CERAD criteria (C); (c) more detailedapproaches for co-morbid conditions, such as DLB,vascular brain injury and others. The NIA-AA guidelinesdistinguished pure AD from non-AD dementia and

non-demented cases with a sensitivity of 71% and aspecificity of 99%. However, these guidelines only con-sider the classical ‘plaque and tangle’ phenotype, anddo not consider that AD neuropathology is heteroge-neous, including subtypes, e.g. the limbic predominantor hippocampal sparing forms and primary age-relatedtauopathy (PART), previous tangle-predominant demen-tia, with Tau pathology mainly restricted to the limbicsystem (up to Braak stage IV), absence of Ab pathologyand low APOE e4 frequency (Crary et al. 2014). AD invery old demented subjects differs in both intensityand distribution from that of younger age groups andthere is considerable overlap between demented andnon-demented oldest patients, and morphological dif-ferences exist between genetic/familial and sporadic AD(see Jellinger 2014).

a-Synuclein aggregation disorders

DLB shares many morphological features with PDD(Figure 4). Staging systems are based on semi-quanti-tative assessment of a-synuclein (aSyn) pathology inspecific brain regions, distinguishing six differentstages (from olfactory bulb and brainstem to cortex)(Braak et al. 2006). DLB shows a variable mixture ofaSyn and AD pathologies, which may act synergistic-ally. In some studies, more than half of DLB brains hadenough AD-like lesions to attain the pathological diag-nosis of definite AD (Slaets, Le Bastard, Theuns, et al.2013), but cognitive impairment may also be relatedto severe cortical and limbic aSyn pathology in theabsence of significant AD pathology, although both

Figure 3. Histological lesions in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurofibrillary tangles, neuropil threads, neuritic plaques (lower left) andamyloid angiopathy (upper left insert).





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pathologies may modify the clinical phenotype(Walker, McAleese, et al. 2015; Toledo et al. 2016).

Frontotemporal lobe degeneration (FTLD)

FTLD shows distinct patterns of progressive brainatrophy. Molecular correlates according to predomin-ant protein aggregates are: microtubule-associatedTau protein (FTLD-Tau), TAR DNA binding protein-43(FTLD-TDP-43), and fusion sarcoma protein (FTLD-FUS), but there are cases of overlapping pathology.Major genetic causes of FTLD are mutations in MAPT(Tau-gene), progranulin GRN and C9orf72, the latterbeing a common cause of FTLD and amyotrophiclateral sclerosis (FTLD-ALS). FTLD-TDP and ALS, butnot FTLD-FUS, have properties of amyloid (Irwinet al. 2015; Kovacs 2016). Further details on the FTDneuropathology in the context of potential novelbiomarkers are discussed in the FTLD section later inthis paper.

Vascular dementia (cognitive impairment/VaD, VCI)

VaD, recently referred to as vascular cognitive diseaseincludes a variety of cerebrovascular lesions, for which,due to the high variability of morphological findingsand multifactorial pathogenesis, no generally acceptedmorphological criteria are available. Major types ofVaD are multiple infarct encephalopathy, small-vesseland strategic infarct type dementia (microinfarcts infunctionally important brain areas interrupting majorneuronal circuitries), subcortical lacunae mainly involv-ing basal ganglia; white matter lesions and microin-farcts (subcortical arteriosclerotic leukoencephalopathyBinswanger), large and small cerebral haemorrhages,hippocampal sclerosis; cerebral amyloid angiopathy(Kalaria 2016). Recent guidelines assessing 14 patholo-gies in 13 brain areas showed reproducible results butneed further validation (Skrobot et al. 2016).

Mixed type neuropathology is diagnosed when acombination of various pathologies, in particular AD

Figure 4. Dementia with Lewy bodies. Diffuse brain atrophy (upper left), degeneration of substantia nigra (lower left), multipleLewy bodies and Lewy neurites in brainstem and cerebral cortex (right).





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with cerebrovascular lesions and/or Lewy pathology ispresent, which occurs in up to 80% of elderly demen-ted patients. Subcortical cerebrovascular lesions aremore frequent in AD patients than in non-dementedcontrols (Jellinger 2014).

Prion diseases (transmissible spongiformencephalopathies (TSE))

This rare fatal disorder characterised by tissue depos-ition of a misfolded isoform of the cellular prion protein,referred to as PrPSc, is subclassified according to mor-phological criteria. Human prion diseases include idio-pathic forms (sporadic CJD, sporadic familial insomnia),inherited (genetic/familial) forms, e.g. Gerstmann-Str€aussler-Scheinker disease (GSS), fatal familial insom-nia) and acquired forms (variant CJD (transmission ofbovine TSE to humans) and iatrogenic CJD (transmissionof prions through pituitary hormones, transplantation ofdura mater, cornea, etc.). Based on the histologicallesions and genetic data, current classification of humanprion diseases relates to the type, location and distribu-tion of PrP deposits and plaques, and the moleculartypes, which allows a reliable identification of the differ-ent subtypes with high inter-laboratory accuracy (Kovacs2016). Often prionopathy and AD-related pathologyappear simultaneously (Tousseyn et al. 2015).

Rapidly progressive and early-onset dementias

Rapidly progressive dementia (RPD), being quicklyfatal, is an important diagnostic problem. In additionto frequent prion diseases it includes rapidly progress-ing tauopathies and a-synuclein aggregation disorder,autoimmune infections, toxic-metabolic and neoplasticdiseases. In patients with RPD, treatable disorders are fre-quently mistaken for CJD, and a rapidly progressive formof AD that may mimic CJD shows genetics and neuro-pathology that differ from classical AD, probably repre-senting a distinct subtype of AD (Geschwind 2016).

In conclusion, neuropathology using harmoniseddefinitions and standardised inter-laboratory methods,including quantitative assessment of essential lesions,can achieve a diagnosis or classification of dementiadisorders in up to 90–95% of cases. In the majority ofcases, except for those with known genetic or meta-bolic background, however, it may not be able to clar-ify the causes or aetiology of the particular disorder.

AD biomarkers in autopsy-confirmed cases

According to the Consensus Report of the WorkingGroup on Molecular and Biochemical Markers of

Alzheimer’s Disease, published in 1998, AD biomarkersshould be able to detect a fundamental feature of thepathology. The diagnostic accuracy of biomarkersshould also be documented in autopsy-confirmeddementia cases as the pathological diagnosis still isconsidered to be the reference standard.

As 4% of the more than 5,000 subjects whose CSFsamples have been analysed since 2004 at theBIODEM lab at UAntwerp came to autopsy, it has beenpossible to set up validation studies in subjects withautopsy-confirmed diagnoses. Diagnostic performancewas established for the core AD CSF biomarkers(Ab1–42, Tau and pTau181) in 100 autopsy-confirmeddementia and 100 control subjects (Engelborghs et al.2008). The existing model based on CSF Ab1–42 andTau aiming at discriminating AD dementia from con-trol subjects (Hulstaert et al. 1999) were validated. Theresults obtained were very promising and showed thatthis model can identify all AD cases in the population(sensitivity, 100%; specificity, 90.72%). In an independ-ent autopsy-confirmed cohort of AD patients and con-trols, the Tau/Ab1–42 ratio resulted in sensitivity andspecificity values of respectively 85.7% and 84.6%(Shaw et al. 2009). However, as discriminating AD fromcontrols assumes a rather artificial clinical situation,new models were built (Engelborghs et al. 2008;Toledo et al. 2012; Toledo, Cairns, et al. 2013). It wasshown that autopsy-confirmed dementia patientscould be discriminated from controls with a sensitivityof 86% and a specificity of 89%; but, more importantly,Tau and Ab1–42 optimally discriminated AD frompooled non-AD dementias and controls (sensitivity,90%; specificity, 89%), and AD was optimally discrimi-nated from non-AD using pTau181 and Ab1–42 (sensi-tivity, 80%; specificity, 93%) (Engelborghs et al. 2008).Very comparable results were achieved in the OPTIMAcohort for the discrimination of AD from non-ADdementia patients, pTau/Ab1–42 resulted in sensitivityand specificity values of, respectively, 88% and 100%(Seeburger et al. 2015). The Tau/Ab1–42 ratio wasshown to be useful to discriminate definite AD fromFTLD subjects, too (Bian et al. 2008). A systematic lit-erature review estimated the sensitivity and specificityvalues for CSF biomarkers to discriminate autopsy-con-firmed AD from non-AD dementias at respectively 82%and 75% (Cure et al. 2014).

These studies have demonstrated the diagnosticvalue of each of the three AD CSF biomarkers and thatsensitivity and specificity match the requirements asset forward by the Working Group on Molecular andBiochemical Markers of Alzheimer’s Disease (1998). Ithas been demonstrated in these autopsy-confirmedcohorts that the diagnostic accuracy of the AD CSF





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biomarkers is independent of the analytical platform(multi-analyte Luminex assay (INNO-BIA AlzBio3) incomparison to single-analyte ELISA tests (INNOTEST))(Le Bastard et al. 2013; Struyfs et al. 2014).

In an extended cohort of 157 autopsy-confirmedAD and non-AD cases, of which 22 had a clinicallyambiguous diagnoses, 18 out of 22 (82%) patientswith clinically ambiguous diagnoses were correctlydiagnosed using AD CSF biomarkers, meanwhile dem-onstrating the added diagnostic value of AD CSF bio-markers for differential dementia diagnosis (Le Bastardet al. 2010). Especially for differential dementia diagno-sis, pTau181 is an essential component of the AD CSFbiomarker panel (Koopman et al. 2009; Struyfs,Niemantsverdriet, et al. 2015).

As stated above, mixed pathologies can limit thediagnostic accuracy of the current AD CSF biomarkerpanel. A significant proportion of patients with DLBshow AD co-pathology, plaques and neurofibrillarytangles. Autopsy-confirmed DLB patients with plaquesshowed lower CSF Ab1–42 concentrations than DLBpatients without plaques, but to the same degree asAD patients. So, concomitant amyloid pathology inDLB limits the use of Ab1–42 for the differential diag-nosis of AD versus DLB (Slaets, Le Bastard, Theuns,et al. 2013). However, when aSyn was added to theCSF biomarker panel, autopsy-confirmed AD patientscould be discriminated from DLB patients, resulting ina sensitivity and specificity of 85% and 81%, respect-ively (Slaets et al. 2014). Also, as already mentionedpreviously in this paper, adding Ab1–40 to the AD CSFbiomarker panel improved the diagnostic accuracyfrom 74% to 80% to differentiate between (autopsy-confirmed) AD and non-AD patients (Slaets, Le Bastard,Martin, et al. 2013).

In case of atypical presentation of AD, suggestingCJD, determination of total CSF prion protein (t-PrP)levels is helpful, as CSF t-PrP concentrations weredecreased compared with control participants andpatients with AD. CSF t-PrP determination reached82.1% sensitivity and 91.3% specificity to discriminate(autopsy-confirmed) CJD from AD patients (Dorey,Tholance, et al. 2015).

Genetic analyses in AD diagnostics

Genetic research has contributed systematically formore than 25 years to complete the genetic architec-ture of AD. In fact, genetic factors account for up to80% of the attributable risk in common AD forms(Gatz et al. 1997; Gatz et al. 2006). This observationimplicates genetic determinant probably in most ofthe pathophysiological pathways in AD. In other

words, unravelling the genetics of AD offers probablyone of the best ways to discover the underlyingpathophysiological processes in AD. This genetic jour-ney started in the early 1990s with the discovery offully penetrant mutations in APP, Presenilin 1 (PSEN1),and Presenilin 2 (PSEN2), as the cause of autosomal-dominant forms of early-onset AD (EOAD) (Goate et al.1991; Mullan et al. 1992; Rogaev et al. 1995;Sherrington et al. 1995). The discovery of highly pene-trant pathogenic mutations in these genes has pro-vided important clues about the pathogenesis of AD.In the case of presenilins, they are thought to be thecatalytic subunit of the c-secretase complex, which isformed by Psen1 or Psen2 together with PEN-2 (PSenhancer 2), Nicastrin and APH-1(anterior-pharynxdefective) (Selkoe and Wolfe 2007). The c-secretasecomplex is responsible for the cleavage of several typeI membrane proteins within their transmembranedomains, among them the intramembrane cleavage ofAPP that leads to the formation of the b-amyloid pep-tide (Xia 2008; Lleo and Saura 2011). The mutations inPSEN1 and PSEN2 influence the c-secretase mediatedcleavage of APP leading probably to a prematurerelease of longer hydrophobic and aggregation-pronepeptides such as Ab1–42. Interestingly, research hasshown that these mutations are probably qualitative,i.e. they do not increase production of Ab1–42 overAb1–40, but they affect the ratio between both spe-cies in favour of Ab1–42. This altered Ab1–42/1–40may represent seeds for nucleation and amyloidosisseen in AD (De Strooper and Karran 2016). Furthersupporting the role of Ab1–42 in AD pathology, muta-tions in APP leading to AD affect proteolysis of APP infavour of Ab1–42 (Dimitrov et al. 2013), and APP dupli-cations have been also identified in autosomal-domin-ant EOAD families (Rovelet-Lecrux et al. 2006). Allthese findings have reinforced the central role of theAb homeostasis in the pathology of AD, in particularAb1–42 production in dominant forms of AD.However, mutations in these three genes are rare withan overall estimated prevalence below 1%. In fact,mutation in PSEN1, PSEN2, and APP are found only in5–10% of EOAD leaving most AD cases geneticallyunresolved (Goldman et al. 2011; Van Cauwenbergheet al. 2016). This also suggests that additional, as yetunknown, genes may underlay these unexplainedEOAD cases. Furthermore, it should be noted thatEOAD patients only represent 2–10% of all AD cases,and thus the vast majority of AD patients with LOADwill also test negative for mutations in these threegenes.

Contrary to EOAD, LOAD is considered a multifac-torial disease, i.e. individual disease risk is determined





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by genetic, environmental and demographic factors, aswell as interactions between them. Hereby, the geneticcomponent itself is complex and heterogeneous impli-cating several genetic factors which modulate the riskof suffering of AD, but each one alone is not sufficientto cause the disease.

For more than 20 years, the only known geneticsusceptibility factor for LOAD was the APOE geneencoding the apoliprotein E (ApoE) (Corder et al. 1993;Strittmatter et al. 1993). In APOE, three major allelicvariants are found which are called APOE-e2, APOE-e3and APOE-e4. Two sites of the amino acid sequence inApoE differ in these allelic variants leading to threedifferent protein isoforms (ApoE2, ApoE3 and ApoE4).In the early 1990s, genetic studies in familial and spor-adic LOAD identified a strong genetic associationbetween the APOE-e4 allele and the susceptibility ofLOAD. In fact, APOE is the strongest risk factor forLOAD, with one APOE-e4 allele increasing AD risk by3-fold, and two APOE-e4 alleles increasing AD risk by12-fold (Lambert and Amouyel 2011; Michaelson 2014).In addition, APOE-e4 has a dose-dependent effect onage of onset (Corder et al. 1993). Interestingly, the esti-mated lifetime risk for AD is more than 50% for APOE-e4 homozygotes and 20–30% for APOE-e3 and APOE-e4heterozygotes, compared with 11% for men and 14%for women overall irrespective of APOE allele combin-ation (Genin et al. 2011; Scheltens et al. 2016). ForAPOE-e2, compelling evidence supports a protectiveeffect and a delaying effect on age of disease onset(Corder et al. 1994; Farrer et al. 1997). APOE-e3 isthought to be a neutral allele in respect to its effectupon susceptibility to AD. The effect of ApoE upon ADrisk is thought to be mediated by its ability to bind toAb and effectuates the clearance of soluble Ab and Abaggregations. In this regard, research has shown thatApoE4 seems to be less efficient in mediating Ab clear-ance compared to ApoE3 and ApoE2 (Michaelson2014). Thus, these findings on ApoE provided furthersupport to the amyloid hypothesis and the central roleof Ab homeostasis in the pathogenesis of AD. However,several lines of evidence suggest that the strong effectof the APOE-e4 allele on LOAD risk goes beyond its abil-ity to bind Ab. For instance, ApoE is expressed in sev-eral tissues such as liver, brain, macrophages andmonocytes, and it is involved in several physiologicalprocesses, including transport of cholesterol and otherlipids, neuronal growth, repair response after tissueinjury, neurogenesis, synaptic plasticity and spine integ-rity, neuroinflammation, and activation of lipolyticenzymes (Liu et al. 2013). Interestingly, most of theseprocesses have been involved in AD pathogenesis, andresearch has shown that in some of them ApoE seems

to modulate AD pathology in an Ab-independent man-ner (Yu et al. 2014). In addition, cardiovascular diseasesconstitute known risk factors for LOAD, such as theobservation that APOE is a risk factor for different car-diovascular traits including hyperlipidaemia, coronaryartery disease and atherosclerosis (Wilson et al. 1994;Song et al. 2004). Hence, APOE may modulate risk ofLOAD through its effect upon risk for cardiovasculardiseases.

Although APOE is the strongest genetic risk factorfor LOAD, the effect of APOE-e4 to AD susceptibilityexplains only a small fraction of the estimated herit-ability of 80% leaving most of the heritability of ADunexplained (missing heritability) (Ridge et al. 2013).The most pivotal influence on identifying this missingheritability has been the introduction of a hypothesis-free genetic strategy: the genome-wide associationstudy (GWAS). Additionally, subsequent introduction ofa statistical approach to the GWAS strategy, i.e. themeta-analysis of multiple independent GWASs, hashelped to increase power and to reduce false-positivefindings (Evangelou and Ioannidis 2013). Thus in 2009the first two large-scale international collaborativeGWAS confirmed APOE as the strongest genetic factorfor LOAD, and most importantly increased the numberof identified genetic risk loci. Since 2009, additionalGWAS and meta-analysis thereof have increasedLOAD-associated signals. These include signals closeto, or within, candidate genes such as CLU (clusterin),PICALM (phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assemblyprotein), CR1 (complement component (3b/4b) recep-tor 1), BIN1 (bridging integrator 1), MS4A6A/MS4A4E(membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, mem-bers 6A and 4E), CD33 (CD33 molecule), CD2AP (CD2-associated protein), ABCA7 (ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), Member 7), EPHA1 (EPH receptor A1)and ATP5H/KCTD2 genes (Harold et al. 2009; Lambertet al. 2009; Seshadri et al. 2010; Hollingworth et al.2011; Naj et al. 2011; Boada et al. 2014). In 2013, thenumber of genome-wide significant susceptibility locifor AD was doubled by the mega meta-analysis of asample of 74,046 persons reported by theInternational Genomics of Alzheimer’s Disease Project(Lambert et al. 2013). In this study, 11 novel associ-ation signals were reported, i.e. DSG2 (desmoglein 2),PTK2B (protein tyrosine kinase 2b), SORL1 (sortilin-related receptor, L(DLR Class) A Repeats Containing),SLC24A4 (solute carrier family 24 member 4), INPP5D(phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphat-ase 1), MEF2C (myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2C),NME8 (NME/NM23 family member 8), ZCWPW1 (zincfinger CW-type and PWWP domain containing 1),CELF1 (CUGBP, Elav-like family member 1), FERMT2





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(fermitin family member 2), and CASS4 (Cas scaffoldingprotein family member 4). Conversely to APOE, noneof these novel signals increased the susceptibility toLOAD by more than 2-fold (odds ratio, OR¼ 2)(Lambert et al. 2013). Thus in view of their small ORs,genetic variants within these loci are unlikely to becausative. Despite this, the candidate risk genesnamed by GWAS provided further support to theamyloid cascade hypothesis because some these genesignal are linked to Ab homeostasis and/or Tau path-ology (Lambert and Amouyel 2011). On the otherhand, clustering the genes in biological pathwaysrevealed three main pathways involved in LOADbesides Ab and Tau, cholesterol and lipid metabolism,immune system and inflammatory response, and endo-somal vesicle cycling. This observation was furthersupported by an alternative approach to classicalcase–control GWAS called pathway analysis (Joneset al. 2010; IGAP 2015).

Thus, the past years have witnessed major advancesin the understanding of the genetics of LOAD.However, awareness that genetic research into LOADhas not reached its limit is increasing. Ridge et al.(2016), for example, have estimated that 69% of thegenetic variance in AD remains unexplained by knownAD-risk variants, leaving an important part of the herit-ability of LOAD as yet unexplained. The hope to catchthis missing heritability has motivated development ofnovel approaches to search for rare variants (minorallele frequency <1%) that cannot be found by clas-sical GWAS approaches. Herein, next-generationsequencing (NGS)/whole-exome sequencing havealready enabled the identification of causative muta-tions in families and sporadic cases for whom linkageanalysis was not possible, including mutations inSORL1 (Pottier et al. 2012) and TREM2 (Guerreiro et al.2013; Jonsson et al. 2013). Furthermore, NGS hasallowed the identification of rare variants in APP,PSEN1 and PSEN2, which increase the risk for AD inLOAD families (Cruchaga et al. 2012). These studiesunderscore the value of this technology in the searchfor rare variants/mutations in families and sporadiccases with no mutations in known AD genes, even inthe investigation of small samples.

Finally, the ultimate goal of these genetic findingsis to search for ways to translate genetic findings toroutine clinical practice. From a translational point ofview, identification of highly penetrant mutation inAPP, PSEN1 or PSEN2 has led to valuable targets cur-rently used in diagnosis and drug development(Goldman et al. 2011; Schneider et al. 2014). A mostdirect translational application of genetic findings inAPP, PSEN1 and PSEN2 is molecular genetic diagnostic

and predictive screening, even though the real utilityof this genetic testing is very limited because, as men-tioned before, causal mutations explain only a smallfraction of AD patients. Nevertheless, the ability toprovide definitive molecular diagnostics in familialcases is an important step towards personalised medi-cine. Furthermore, predictive testing also helps at-riskindividuals from dominant AD families because it endsuncertainty of whether one has inherited the geneand also helps planning the future, including educa-tion, financial, family and career. Notwithstanding,before offering genetic testing, a multidisciplinaryteam, including clinicians, genetic counsellors, psychol-ogists and social workers, should extensively evaluatewhich patient or at-risk individual may actually benefitfrom genetic testing (Goldman et al. 2011; Gauthieret al. 2013).

For GWAS findings, the application to clinical prac-tice is more difficult for two main reasons. First, GWASsignals most probably do not represent the causativemutation(s), but rather they lie close to the real muta-tion(s) (Hardy and Singleton 2009). Second, all thesevariants showed modest to low effect on disease risk,which renders these variants useless in terms of distin-guishing patients from controls, and in terms of guid-ing clinical managements. APOE-e4 allele presence isneither sufficient nor necessary to cause AD. Someresearch has been devoted to explore the utility ofGWAS signals combined in a genetic risk score (GRS),which provides a cumulative effect score based on theindividual susceptibility variants. However, results fromstudies using GRS combining all or part of GWAS sig-nals have been inconclusive concerning disease pro-gression and clinical diagnosis (Sleegers et al. 2015;Lacour et al. 2016; Louwersheimer et al. 2016). In add-ition, sensitivity and specificity obtained in these stud-ies render GRS inadequate for clinical practice.Interestingly, a recent study investigated the diseaseprediction accuracy using genome-wide genetic dataregardless of whether variants were consistently asso-ciated with LOAD or not. Using more than 300,000genome-wide variants, combined in one single geneticscore, the authors of this work reached a disease pre-diction accuracy of 78.2% (Escott-Price et al. 2015).Although these results are far from the standards usedfor clinical practice, they underscore the added valueof such a GRS in algorithms searching for individualsat risk for AD. Additional research is now fostered toidentify the real causative variants underpinning GWASsignals, to explore gene–gene and gene–environmentinteractions of genetic variants. All this additional gen-etic information will definitely improve current





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predictive algorithms that include mainly non-geneticbiomarkers and clinical data.

Pre-analytics in the CSF biomarkers analysis

Pre-analytical confounders affect the quality of sam-ples and the reliability of biomarker data (Lewczuk,Beck, et al. 2006; Vanderstichele et al. 2012; Teunissenet al. 2014). Up to 70% of all biomarker-related prob-lems occurring in laboratory diagnostics are due topre-analytical errors (Lippi et al. 2011). Most of thepre-analytical errors consist of incorrect proceduresduring collection, handling, preparing or storing sam-ples (Lippi et al. 2011). Therefore, recognising theseconfounders and controlling the pre-analytical condi-tions for CSF analyses will lead to improved reproduci-bility and quality of biomarker measurements. Thefollowing pre-analytical confounders have beenstudied extensively in CSF analysis and will be dis-cussed here: sample withdrawal volume, blood con-tamination of CSF, types of sample collection andstorage tubes, storage volume, centrifugation speed,storage temperature, delayed freezing of samples,long-term stability and the number of freeze–thawcycles.

Collection volume

The volume of CSF taken from a patient during LP caninfluence CSF protein concentrations, because manybrain-derived proteins have a rostrocaudal concentra-tion gradient, i.e. a higher concentration in CSFsampled more proximal to the ventricles (Reiber 2001).For example, a slight decrease of CSF a-synuclein con-centrations was found from rostral to caudal (Honget al. 2010; Mollenhauer et al. 2012). In contrast, dataon the rostro-caudal gradient of the AD biomarkersare conflicting: whereas some groups did not findsuch gradient (Bjerke et al. 2010; del Campo et al.2012; Vanderstichele et al. 2012), others did, and foundthat they depended on the medical conditions of thepatients (Brandner et al. 2014). In this situation, astandardised CSF collection volume by LP may beadvised for biomarker analyses (e.g. 12ml) (del Campoet al. 2012). Of note, no correlation between the vol-ume of collected CSF and the risk of post-LP headachewas found (Kuntz et al. 1992; Duits et al. 2016).

Blood contamination of CSF

Blood contamination can influence CSF biomarker con-centrations and may occur during a traumatic LP(‘bloody tap’). Biomarker concentrations can be

affected in opposite directions: (a) elevated proteinconcentrations, because the protein of interest is alsoabundant in blood, or (b) decreased protein concentra-tions, due to degradation of the protein of interest byblood proteases or disturbance by highly abundantproteins in blood plasma. Since the total protein con-centration in CSF is approximately 0.5% of that inblood, the concentration in CSF of many proteins isaffected by even minor amounts of blood contamin-ation (You et al. 2005). A good example is the concen-tration of aSyn in CSF which is substantially increasedby blood contamination, since erythrocytes also con-tain aSyn (Hong et al. 2010; Kang et al. 2013).

Although no significant changes in Ab1–42 levelswere found in CSF contaminated with blood comparedto uncontaminated CSF (Bjerke et al. 2010), the CSFAb42 concentration decreased after addition of anamount of plasma that corresponds to a CSF/serumalbumin ratio of 11–55� 10�3, probably due to thebinding of free Ab to plasma proteins (Bjerke et al.2010). Tau and other proteins could likewise beaffected by binding to proteins or degradation by pro-teases present in the plasma (You et al. 2005; Parket al. 2015). The confounding effect of a traumaticpuncture can simply be avoided by discarding the firstmillilitres of blood-contaminated CSF in the case ofartificial bleeding, and starting collection of CSF whenthe sample is clear, as instructed by most internationalprotocols (Teunissen et al. 2009; del Campo et al.2012; Vanderstichele et al. 2012; Park et al. 2015; Reijset al. 2015). In the case where blood contaminationcannot be avoided, immediate centrifugation of theCSF sample is recommended to remove blood cellsfrom the sample (Park et al. 2015), although plasmaproteins will remain in the CSF. The effect of erythro-cytes on the protein concentrations is for most CSFbiomarkers negligible when their number is below 500per ml; therefore this maximum limit is generallyregarded as acceptable (Teunissen et al. 2014; Reijset al. 2015). Quantification of haemoglobin concentra-tions, which can also be done in archived material,may also be used as a marker for possible blood con-tamination of the CSF, albeit the release of haemoglo-bin into CSF only occurs after lysis of erythrocytes.Furthermore, to reduce the risk of a traumatic LP, 25Gneedle compared to 20G needle has been shown tobe beneficial (Bertolotto et al. 2016).

Collection and storage tubes and storage volume

One of the best studied pre-analytical confounders forthe assessment of dementia biomarkers in CSF, andone that may dramatically affect the outcome of the





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analyses, is the type of collection and storage tubesfor CSF. Protein properties (such as lipophilicity, hydro-phobicity, isoelectric point) could have effects on theinteraction of the protein with the tube material.Lipophilic proteins, such as Ab, bind in a non-specificmanner to tubes made of materials other than poly-propylene. Hydrophilic pTau protein is, in general, lessadsorbed to the tube walls compared to the morehydrophobic Ab (Lewczuk, Beck, et al. 2006; Perret-Liaudet et al. 2012). However, adsorption of proteinscan also be influenced by surface roughness of thetube or the polymer surface charge in relationship tothe isoelectric point of the protein (Duncan et al. 1995;Sweileh et al. 2010; Perret-Liaudet et al. 2012; Poncin-Epaillard et al. 2012).

When comparing tubes made from other materialsthan polypropylene, such as glass or hard plastictubes, such as polystyrene tubes, lower levels of Ab42,Tau and, in some studies, pTau were recovered fromthe CSF collected in these non-polypropylene tubes(Andreasen et al. 1999; Bjerke et al. 2010; Lewczuk,Beck, et al. 2006; Perret-Liaudet et al. 2012).Additionally, the adsorption is higher for proteins ifpure polypropylene tubes are used compared to tubesmade of copolymers of polypropylene and polyethyl-ene, which have lower adsorption properties(Sunderland et al. 2003). Treatment of the surface ofthe polypropylene tube with Tween-20 can reduce thebinding of CSF Ab peptides to the tube (Pica-Mendezet al. 2010), and use of siliconized low-binding tubesreduces adsorption of CSF aSyn (del Campo et al.2012). Transfer of CSF into different tubes made ofpolypropylene or other materials for processing orstorage purposes, can result in a 20–60% decrease inmeasured protein concentrations (Perret-Liaudet et al.2012). Measured concentrations of Ab42 decreased byapproximately 25% with each consecutive transfer,whereas Ab40 decreased approximately by 16% andTau decreased by only 4% (Toombs et al. 2014).

Accurate planning of storage of CSF in appropriatealiquot volumes for biomarker analysis is preferredover repeated freeze–thawing (see also later in thispaper) of the CSF for multiple uses, which usuallyleads to unpredictable changes in the biomarkers con-centrations. Additionally, since long-term storage couldtheoretically lead to evaporation of fluids and there-fore influence protein concentrations, storage of CSFat different volumes and temperature conditions wassystematically studied. Significant evaporation wasobserved at room temperature but not at –80 �C or–20 �C (Willemse et al. 2015). Small polypropylenetubes (1–2ml) with screw caps are the ideal storagetubes and the minimum recommended volume of

aliquots is 0.1ml (Teunissen et al. 2014) or between0.25 and 0.5ml (del Campo et al. 2012). Reducing stor-age volume from 75% to 50% of total tube capacitymay decrease Ab42 concentration by 3.7% (P¼ 0.03),whereas no change was observed in Tau and pTauconcentrations (Leitao et al. 2015). Given the limitedinformation available, currently it is safe to advise tofill storage tubes up to 75% of its capacity (del Campoet al. 2012; Teunissen et al. 2014; Leitao et al. 2015).

In general, polypropylene tubes are recommendedfor use in both CSF collection and long-term storage.However, tubes made of a copolymer of both polypro-pylene and polyethylene are preferred over thosemade of polypropylene alone. Treatment of tube surfa-ces (e.g. with Tween 20) before use may be beneficialin specific cases. Furthermore, preferably the tubesshould be filled to 75% of its capacity.

Centrifugation speed

Centrifugation of CSF samples could be useful toremove (invisible) blood components prior to long-term storage (Park et al. 2015). When CSF samples thatwere not centrifuged, were compared to CSF samplesthat were centrifuged after 1, 4, 48 and 72 h afterwithdrawal, no influence on Ab42, Tau and pTau con-centrations was demonstrated (Schoonenboom et al.2005). In the case of non-traumatic CSF samples, bio-marker concentrations were not influenced by centrifu-gation (Le Bastard et al. 2015). Therefore,centrifugation of CSF (at 2,000� g) for 10min at roomtemperature (Reijs et al. 2015) can be consideredbefore analysis and/or storage, but is not essential,unless the CSF is not clear. A lower centrifugationspeed (e.g. 400–800� g) is recommended if cells haveto be preserved in the CSF for cell count (Teunissenet al. 2014).

Storage temperature and delayed freezing ofsamples

The delay between sampling and freezing may affectCSF protein levels. Ab42, Ab40, Tau and pTau havebeen reported to remain stable at room temperaturefor a period up to 24 h (Kaiser et al. 2007; Bjerke et al.2010), 4–5 days (Zimmermann et al. 2011) or even12–14 days (Schoonenboom et al. 2005; Simonsenet al. 2013) after LP. Thereafter, a decrease in proteinconcentrations was observed, probably due to proteo-lytic processes and degradation of proteins(Schoonenboom et al. 2005). Also storage of CSF sam-ples at 4 �C for 2 days may reduce Ab42 concentra-tions by 20%, but no significant effect was found for





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Tau and pTau (Schoonenboom et al. 2005). The con-centration of aSyn is also affected: storage of CSF atroom temperature for 4 h leads to significant altera-tions in aSyn levels (Simonsen et al. 2013). A 40%reduction in CSF aSyn concentration was found afterstorage for 4 h at 4 �C (del Campo et al. 2012). As ageneral guideline, CSF samples are frozen as soon aspossible at –80 �C, and the stability of yet unstudiedproteins in the CSF should be tested (Teunissen et al.2014; Le Bastard et al. 2015; Reijs et al. 2015).However, sometimes immediate freezing of the CSFsamples is not possible. International guidelines rec-ommend to preferably store the CSF samples at roomtemperature before, during and after centrifugation(Teunissen et al. 2014), and limit the delay of freezingof the CSF samples to 4 h maximally (Park et al. 2015).Some guidelines are more strict in recommending adelay of no more than 30–60min, with a maximum of2 h between collection and freezing (or temporarilystore the CSF samples at 4 �C for no more than 5days) (del Campo et al. 2012; Vanderstichele et al.2012; Teunissen et al. 2014; Reijs et al. 2015).

For transportation to an external laboratory, whereroutine AD biomarkers are to be analysed, special con-ditions, such as freezing or cooling of a sample, arenot necessary and not recommended, if transportationtime does not exceed 5-6 days (Zimmermann et al.2011; Lelental et al. 2016).

Long-term stability and freeze–thaw cycles

CSF sample stability might be affected by its storagetime (Schoonenboom et al. 2005). Previous studiesshowed that CSF samples stored for 1 year (Lelentalet al. 2016), 2 years (Bjerke et al. 2010; Zimmermannet al. 2011), up to 6 years (Schipke et al. 2011) or even10 years (Vanderstichele et al. 2012) at –80 �Cremained stable for Ab42, Tau and pTau, but Ab40

levels were less stable. It has been suggested that CSFAb40 might be more vulnerable to degradation(Schipke et al. 2011). In conclusion, CSF can be storedfor up to 10 years at –80 �C for analysis of AD bio-markers, although negative effects of extended storageperiods on yet unstudied proteins cannot be excluded(del Campo et al. 2012; Vanderstichele et al. 2012).

Repeated freeze–thaw cycles can be an issue whenproteins are less stable, such as Ab42, in comparison tomore stable proteins, such as Tau and pTau(Zimmermann et al. 2011). The influence of freeze–thawcycles has previously been tested for up to six cycles(Schoonenboom et al. 2005; Zimmermann et al. 2011;Le Bastard et al. 2015; Leitao et al. 2015). The CSF Ab42concentrations decreased after three freeze–thawcycles by 20%, while CSF Tau and pTau levels remainedstable up to six freeze–thaw cycles (Schoonenboomet al. 2005; Le Bastard et al. 2015; Leitao et al. 2015).Therefore, aliquotting CSF in appropriate volumes forfuture use is preferred over repeated freeze–thawing,and a maximum of two freeze–thaw cycles is generallyrecommended for CSF samples (Lewczuk, Kornhuber,et al. 2006; Zimmermann et al. 2011; del Campo et al.2012; Reijs et al. 2015).

Notwithstanding the fact that (pre- and post-) ana-lytical parameters can affect the clinical classification,an exploratory study provided evidence that, for a spe-cific context of use, the impact on clinical accuracy ofbiomarker concentration shifts might be lower thanoriginally expected, as induced shifts of ±20% in onlyone of the three biomarkers has limited impact on theclinical accuracy of AD CSF biomarkers in MCI andautopsy-confirmed AD patients when using the IWG-2criteria (Niemantsverdriet et al. 2016).

Table 1 provides an overview of the pre-analyticalconfounders that may affect CSF analysis of Ab40,Ab42, Tau, pTau and aSyn proteins, and recommenda-tions to control these confounders. Abiding by these

Table 1. Overview of pre-analytical confounders and current recommendations in the CSF ana-lysis of AD biomarkers.Confounder Recommendation

Sample withdrawal volume 12mlType of needle 25G atraumatic needleLocation of LP Intervertebral space L3-L5Traumatic LP Discard blood-contaminated CSF until sample is clear, followed

by immediate centrifugation at 2,000� g for 10min at RTErythrocyte count <500 erythrocytes/mlSample collection tube PP tube, but preferably copolymer PP-PE tubeSample storage tube PP tube, but preferably copolymer PP-PE tubeSample storage volume 1–2ml, preferably filled to 75% of its capacitySample centrifugation Not essential, only when CSF sample is blood-contaminatedSample storage temperature As soon as possible at –80 �CDelayed freezing of samples <4 hLong-term stability Up to 10 years at –80 �CFreeze-thaw cycles Maximum of two cycles

CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; LP: lumbar puncture; PP: polypropylene; PE: polyethylene; RT: room temperature.





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recommendations may improve the reproducibilityand quality of biomarker measurements. Additionally,standardised procedures of biobanking discussed laterin this paper, will be helpful to validate assays for, andstudy (pre-analytical) confounders of, existing andnovel CSF biomarkers within collaborative internationalstudies.

Circadian variation as a confounder for ADand PD CSF biomarkers

Diurnal variations in AD biomarkers

Another pre-analytical factor influencing quality of thediagnostic-relevant outcome of the AD biomarkersmeasurements is timing of the CSF collection. It repre-sents one of the most practical critical issues, andhence it is important to test whether diurnal variationinfluences the outcome of the biomarkers’ measure-ments. So far, only a few studies have addressed theissue of diurnal variation in CSF AD biomarkers, withinconsistent results.

Bateman et al. (2007) observed that CSF Ab levelsvaried significantly (1.5- to 4-fold) over 36 h in a groupof 15 healthy individuals aged 23–78 years. A lumbarcatheter was placed in all participants and 6ml of CSFwere collected hourly in polypropylene tubes. CSFAb1–x, A1–40, and A1–42 were measured by ELISA ineach hourly CSF sample. During a time period of 36 h,the Ab levels peaked at 12 and 23 h with troughs atbaseline, and 25 h showing significant fluctuations ofmore than 50% within 6 h. A sinusoidal pattern of Ablevels was described across participants, supposed tobe due to time of day, activity or dynamic changes inthe production or clearance rate of Ab. This study wasthe first to arise the issue of a possible diurnal vari-ation of CSF biomarkers that could represent a signifi-cant obstacle when using CSF biomarkers asdiagnostic tools. In the study reported by Bjerke et al.(2010), 14 psychiatrically and neurologically healthysubjects underwent knee surgery. CSF was serially col-lected by LP with an 18-Gauge Portex epidural needleat baseline, after 4–6 h (mean 5.3 h) and after 24 h. Ifcompared to Bateman’s results, data showed more sta-ble levels with a slight but significant decrease in CSFAb42 after 4–6 h, which tended to return to baselinelevels after 24 h. A possible reason for these results isthat, as opposed to Bateman’s study, a smaller CSFvolume was taken; this could have led to a minorimpact on the CSF dynamics.

More recently, Slats et al. (2012) studied the within-subject variability of other AD biomarkers, i.e. Tau andpTau, and found no diurnal variation in CSF dynamics

during a 36-h sampling (6ml/h). While previous datawere principally obtained in mostly young healthy par-ticipants, this study enrolled older subjects andpatients with AD, in order to determine daily variabilityin these relevant age groups. Six patients sufferingfrom mild AD (59–85 years, MMSE 16–26), and sixhealthy volunteers (64–77 years) underwent insertionof an intrathecal catheter, from which 6ml of CSFwere collected each hour for 36 h. Variability of CSFAb40, Ab42, Tau and pTau concentrations was lowerthan expected, and the data observed by Batemanet al. were not confirmed. These findings suggest thatCSF biomarker variability is relatively low in healthyolder controls and AD patients. Also Moghekar et al.(2012) examined CSF Tau along with Ab but no diurnalfluctuation of the biomarkers was reported. Tenpatients suspected of having idiopathic normal pres-sure hydrocephalus or pseudotumor cerebri wereenrolled. Most of the patients had mild cognitive defi-cits associated with their suspected diagnosis (MMSEscore range 20–30). All patients underwent insertion ofa catheter into the lumbar subarachnoid space on thefirst day of hospitalisation. After monitoring of intracra-nial pressure for 18 h, drainage of CSF was initiated atnoon and collection of CSF for analysis started at18:00 h on the first day of drainage. Forty millilitres ofCSF were withdrawn from the lumbar catheter every6 h for 24 or 36 consecutive hours. The levels of Ab42,Ab40, Tau, and pTau, although significantly differentbetween the patients, did not fluctuate appreciablyover time (Moghekar et al. 2012).

Along with core biomarkers of AD, other proteinsare currently studied as candidate biomarkers, withsignificant results in their role in CSF diagnostics.Biomarkers of the amyloidogenic pathway are beingtaken into account in AD diagnosis, since Ab42 is pro-duced from cleavage of APP, and several critical stepsof amyloid metabolism can cause daily Ab fluctuationsresulting from, for example, fluctuations of neuronalactivity during the day (Cirrito et al. 2005).Dobrowolska measured APP proteolytic productssAPPb, sAPPa, Ab40 and Ab42 over 36 h in CSF fromcognitively normal young and elderly participants, aswell as in CSF from participants with AD (total of 49participants). For all participants, an intrathecal lumbarcatheter was placed between the L3–L4 interspace orthe L4–L5 interspace. Every hour for 36 h, 6ml of CSFand 12ml of plasma were withdrawn. Diurnal fluctua-tions were observed in sAPPa, sAPPb, Ab40 and Ab42,diminishing with increased age (Dobrowolska et al.2014).

In another study, Cicognola et al. (2016) investi-gated diurnal variability of classical and candidate CSF





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biomarkers in a cohort of neurosurgical patients carry-ing CSF drainage after neurosurgical intervention fortumours, head trauma or haemorrhages, or for moni-toring CSF pressure. As candidate biomarkers theyconsidered markers of amyloid metabolism (Ab38,Ab40, sAPPa, sAPPb), synaptic loss (NG), neuroinflam-mation (YKL-40), neuronal damage (VILIP-1) and theserelated to genetic risk (APOE). Samples were collectedfrom a cohort of 13 neurosurgical patients from eitherventricular (n¼ 6) or lumbar (n¼ 7) CSF drainage at sixtime points during 24 h, 1–7 days following the neuro-surgical intervention. Haemorrhagic CSF samples wereexcluded; if the drainage was placed after a trauma,haemorrhage or tumour surgery, CSF samples col-lected were acceptable if they were either clear oronly slightly and stably xantochromic. Even if set ondifferent ranges between subjects, the overall levelsof the individual biomarkers were very stable overtime and did not seem to be affected by externalfactors. None of the biomarkers showed significantdiurnal variation. Site of drainage (lumbar versus ven-tricular) did not influence this result (Cicognola et al.2016).

Diurnal variation in aSyn species

As it will be reviewed in more detail later in this paper,many studies have investigated the diagnostic and/orprognostic performance of CSF aSyn species, i.e. total,oligomeric and phosphorylated aSyn, in PD and ADcohorts, reporting conflicting results (Wang et al. 2015;Parnetti, Cicognola, et al. 2016).

With respect to CSF aSyn species diurnal variations,data are still scanty (Mollenhauer et al. 2016). Spieset al. (2011) led a pilot study performing repeated CSFsampling in healthy elderly and AD patients. CSF sam-ples of six healthy controls (59–85 years old) and sixAD patients (64–77 years old) who underwentrepeated CSF sampling from an indwelling intrathecalcatheter with 1-h intervals were analysed. No lineartrend in aSyn concentrations over 33 h was observed.In order to investigate the presence of a sinusoidalpattern they included a cosinor analysis in the modelthat did not identify sinusoidal variation in CSF aSynconcentrations. These results did not change when ADpatients and healthy controls were analysed separately(Spies et al. 2011).

Taken together, diurnal variation does not seem torepresent a major variability factor. This evidence is ofutmost importance, since it implies that the diagnosticprocedure of LP can be carried out at different timepoints during the day, without any influence on theresults obtained for the AD biomarkers.


Following proper pre-analytical procedures, outlinedabove, assures high quality of the samples, which canbe used for routine diagnostic analyses, as well asstored in repositories (biobanks), with the aim ofresearch use in the future. Therefore, much effort hasrecently been devoted to optimisation of proceduresfor the CSF collection and biobanking (Teunissen et al.2009; del Campo et al. 2012).

CSF is obtained by LP, a method that is fairly wellaccepted by patients and can be performed safely. Forexample, severe complaints occur in less than 1% of thepunctures (Duits et al. 2016). Evidence-based recom-mendations to optimally perform the procedure, as wellas other tools, such as a training video explaining theprocedure step by step, are now in place (Engelborghset al. 2017; Babapour Mofrad et al. 2017), which helps toreduce the risk of complications by adoption of proced-ural details that minimise risk factors, for example byapplication of small gauge needles, refraining from theuse of syringe, and through education and providingcomfort to the patients to reduce anxiety.

As mentioned, CSF can be centrifuged to removecells (lymphocytes, erythrocytes), which is advised ascells consume CSF glucose, and cellular proteases ableto modify proteins can be released from dying cells.Centrifugation, if used, is recommended to occurwithin 1 h after collecting the CSF sample. A studycomparing effects of time between LP and centrifuga-tion/storage on the low-molecular-weight proteomedid not show a difference in detected proteins(Jimenez et al. 2007), but these results may not holdtrue for more sensitive methods that are becomingmore and more available.

During aliquotting, low-binding biobank tubesshould be used, again to minimise absorption of theCSF proteins. Special care must be taken to close thevials, as this may lead to evaporation of fluid. It wasperceived that evaporation of stored fluids occurs dur-ing long-term storage, but a systematic experimentover 4 years showed that evaporation does not occurunder normal freezer conditions (Willemse et al. 2015).

It may be obvious, but still not generally imple-mented, that freezing-proof and barcoded labels arenot used. Barcoding requires electronic registration.Clinical samples are usually tracked by laboratory infor-mation management systems (LIMS), but the practicefor biobanking is often different. Biobanking systemsshould employ barcodes, as failure in patient identifi-cation has been identified as an important source ofvariation for medicinal laboratories (Plebani 2006),which will also conceivably account for biobanking





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practice. There is increasing availability of software forbiobanking, and these better serve the needs for bodyfluid sampling, i.e. systems can be linked to LIMS toavoid failures in patient identification, to provide over-views of number of samples and volume per patients,track and trace of samples via barcodes, and flexibilityto, e.g. add clinical data or ethical consent information.Continuous, alarmed, tracking of freezer temperature24/7 is standard of practice in biobanks, and under-scores the high responsibility for biobank personnelfor this precious resource.

An issue in long-term biobanking is the stability ofsuch proteins at these conditions, which can span upto 20 years. This is an important issue, for which thereis little evidence yet. Of course, long-term storage sta-bility is not relevant for diagnostic practice, wheresamples are usually processed within weeks, but moreimportant for large-scale biomarker studies using his-torically collected samples. One approach to definelong-term storage for a biomarker is to experimentallygenerate Arrhenius plots. In this approach, samples areput at different temperatures during increasing inter-vals for a defined time period (e.g. 3 weeks), whichgenerates a formula based on which long-term declinefor longer periods and at different temperatures canbe extrapolated (Kirkwood 1977). The disadvantage isthe extrapolation, which assumes similar behaviourover prolonged periods and at different temperatures,which is not yet proven for every biomarker or matrix.Another approach is to analyse samples collected overa long period from a clinically homogeneous popula-tion. This is based on the idea that patient biologywithin clinically homogeneous groups does not varyacross time. This approach can only be applied if thecollection protocol has been unchanged over theyears, as change in tubes or introduction of extratransfers to novel tubes could have led to lower Ablevels. In this way, Ab concentrations will be the samein AD patient groups now as they were 20 years ago,but if there was a difference then it would be due tochanges of dependent variables, such as time.

Very recently, an international project in cooper-ation with Integrated BioBank of Luxemburg waslaunched to test inter-centre biomarkers variabilityresulting from different biobanking standard operatingprocedures (SOPs) across centres (Coordinators: C.Teunissen, F. Betsou and P. Lewczuk).

The Alzheimer’s Association InternationalQuality Control (QC) programme

Taken together the issues in pre-analytics of the sam-ples used for AD biomarkers analyses, as discussed

above, it is not surprising that their intra- and inter-laboratory QC turned out nontrivial very shortly afterthe introduction of these modalities into research, andthen routine, laboratories. This holds true particularlyin case of methods based on the ELISA or otherimmunoassay techniques, involving manual pipettingsteps in 96-well plates.

Further, it has to be stressed that the legal situationin many countries, as well as normalisation require-ments defined by state institutions as well as by theInternational Standardization Organisation (ISO) putlarge pressure on the issues of laboratory measure-ments quality and its control (Waedt et al. 2012).

Outline and aims for the QC programme

The Alzheimer’s Association QC programme for CSFbiomarkers was started in 2009, with the aim to estab-lish an organisation to monitor the performance ofCSF biomarker measurements between laboratoriesand to monitor longitudinal variations due to batch-to-batch variability in assay production (Mattssonet al. 2011). The long-term goal of the whole pro-gramme is to improve the quality of the whole chainof procedures in CSF biomarker measurements, whichwould result in stable results over time and harmon-ised values worldwide with the possibility to intro-duce uniform cut-off levels between laboratories. Thiswould serve as the basis for an increased use of CSFbiomarkers in clinical diagnostic routine practice,which would be of large benefit for the patients,especially when we hopefully will have disease-modi-fying drugs targeting amyloid and Tau pathologyavailable.

An important goal of the QC programme is also, bymaking CSF biomarker variability objective, to stimu-late other standardisation efforts, ranging from SOPsfor LP, CSF handling and storage, analytical protocolsand production procedures (Mattsson et al. 2011). Inaddition, a goal with the QC programme was also tostimulate biotechnology companies to develop novelhigh-quality versions of their assays, and to makenovel assays on fully automated laboratory analysers.

The QC programme is based on across-laboratoryanalysis of QC CSF samples (aliquots of pooled CSF)that are sent to the participating laboratories for ana-lysis of the AD CSF biomarkers. The programme isopen for labs using any generally available kit for Ab,Tau or pTau, and is designed to present each labora-tory with three blinded challenges per year. Eachround consists of three QC samples, with two samplesper round having unique biomarker concentrationswhile one sample is identical in every round.





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The early rounds in the QC programme

Results from the first two rounds presented results for40 laboratories from Europe, the United States, Japan,Australia and South America (Mattsson et al. 2011).Results showed the expected between-lab variabilityof 13% up to 36%. A checklist for how the assays areperformed in each lab was constructed with the aimto identify analytical factors that may underlie the vari-ability, but no clear effect or differences between labo-ratories could be found (Mattsson et al. 2011). In asubsequent paper, results from the first ten rounds inthe QC programme were presented (Mattsson et al.2013), showing no clear improvement in between-labperformance. This may have been anticipated, sincethe outcome of any QC programme is only to monitorbetween-laboratory and longitudinal stability. Instead,just as in other areas of laboratory medicine, thisneeds to be done in complementary standardisationefforts.

The IFCC working group for CSF proteins

The International Federation of Clinical ChemistryWork Group on CSF proteins (IFCC WG-CSF) works incollaboration with GBSC, and includes researchersboth from the academia and industry. The goal is toestablish Reference Measurement Procedures (RMPs),or ‘gold standard’ methods for Tau and Ab in CSF, andto develop a Certified Reference Material (CRM), mean-ing aliquots of a large CSF pool in which levels of thebiomarkers have been set using the RMPs (Kuhlmannet al. 2016). After tests of homogeneity and stability,aliquots of the CRM will be distributed to kit vendorsand large laboratories for harmonisation of levelsbetween assay formats, and to secure long-term(batch-to-batch) stability of assays. Four independentlaboratories have developed a selected reaction moni-toring (SRM) mass spectrometry (MS) method for CSFAb42. Two such methods for the quantification of CSFAb 1–42 have been published (Korecka et al. 2014;Leinenbach et al. 2014) and accepted and listed bythe Joint Committee for Traceability in LaboratoryMedicine as RMPs (nos C11RMP9 and C12RMP1). Theperformance of these RMPs has also been examined ina Round Robin study, with excellent agreementbetween methods (Pannee, Gobom, et al. 2016). TheAb42 SRM methods correlated well (R2¼ 0.98) andshowed high analytical precision with an intra-labora-tory coefficient of variation (CV) of 4.7%, and whenusing one CSF sample as a candidate CRM, the inter-laboratory variability was 8.3% (Pannee, Gobom, et al.2016). The validation of these RMPs is important for

the development of a CRM and thereby for the stand-ardisation of the AD CSF biomarker measurements,since they are needed for value assignment of the can-didate CRMs.

Another important step for the development of aCRM is evaluation of the commutability, or the rela-tionships of results from different methods for a refer-ence material and for representative types of samples.Thus, a CRM for CSF Ab and Tau is commutable only ifit behaves in the same way as clinical CSF samples,which is necessary for using the CRM for calibration ortrueness control, and in the end to ascertain correctclinical outcomes of assays. In contrast, the use ofpurified Ab or Tau protein as a CRM is not recom-mended in laboratory medicine. A paper reporting twocommutability studies on the AD CSF biomarkers wasrecently published (Bjerke et al. 2016), in which routineimmunoassays and the LC-MS/MS RMP were employedto measure individual CSF samples and different for-mats of candidate CRMs. Results showed that only thenative CSF pool was commutable, and suitable as aCRM, in contrast to different variants of artificial orspiked CSF (Bjerke et al. 2016). Based on these results,three CRMs based on native CSF with low, mediumand high levels of Ab1–42 concentrations will be used.

Seeing improvements in performance in the QCprogramme

Two of the immunoassays that have been in the QCprogramme since the start have been further devel-oped and validated, including the MSD 96-Well MULTI-SPOTVR Human Ab42 V-PLEX Kit (Meso Scale Discovery,Gaithersburg, MD, USA), and the INNOTESTVR

b-AMYLOID (1–42) (with ready-to-use calibrators,Fujirebio Europe). This has resulted in lower between-laboratory CVs since their introduction in 2014, whichnow show a mean of 15.5% for the V-PLEX and 16.5%for the INNOTEST for CSF Ab42 (round 14, 2014 toround 22, 2016). In comparison, the EUROIMMUNbeta-Amyloid (1–42) ELISA method and the LuminexINNO-BIA AlzBio3 show CVs of 17.6% and 22.1%,respectively (Table 2).

Importantly, novel assays have been developed onfully automated laboratory analysers that show verystable measurements also between laboratories. TheElecsys b-Amyloid(1–42) assay (Roche Diagnostics,Penzberg, Germany) was the first fully automatedassay in the QC programme. This method shows veryhigh analytical performance with excellent lot-to-lotcomparability (correlation coefficients >0.995) andrepeatability CVs of 1.0%–1.6%, and is standardisedagainst the MS RMP for CSF Ab42 (Bittner et al. 2016).





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The Elecsys assay has been in the QC programmesince 2014 (eight rounds), and shows very lowbetween-laboratory CVs, with a mean of 4.2% (Table2), which is a major improvement as compared withthe other immunoassays.

Another assay on a fully automated laboratory ana-lyser is the Lumipulse G b-AMYLOID 1–42 (FujirebioEurope NV, Ghent, Belgium). This method shows verylow between-assays and between-instrument CVs, andcorrelates well with the MS RMP for CSF Ab42. TheLumipulse assay has been tested in two rounds of theQC programme, and showed a very low between-laboratory CV, with a mean of 6.8% (Table 2), which isvery promising, although it should be mentioned thatthe results for both platforms were so far obtainedonly by low number and very specialised laboratories.

During the years since the start of the Alzheimer’sAssociation QC programme, technical developmentsand standardisation efforts have resulted in a markedimprovement in performance for the core AD CSF bio-markers. Especially, two large biotech companies havedeveloped fully automated assay versions of the CSFbiomarker assays for Tau and Ab in CSF that can berun on large clinical chemistry analysers. These assaysshow excellent performance with very low between-laboratory CVs. These developments will serve as thebasis for the introduction of global cut-off values andfor a general introduction of CSF biomarkers in earlyclinical diagnosis, which will be of great importancefor patients the day we had disease-modifyingtherapies.

The Alzheimer’s Association QC programme isneeded also in the future, since these achievements

do not mean that the QC programme has lost its rolein monitoring assay and laboratory performance.Instead, exactly as in other disease areas, there will bea continuous, and most likely growing, need for profi-ciency programmes for the AD CSF biomarkers in thefuture.

Magnetic resonance imaging and hippocampalatrophy in AD

In the recent decades, also imaging markers of neur-onal injury in AD have been extensively studied.Although not specific, they are highly sensitive, andthey are present long before clinical symptoms appear(Glodzik-Sobanska et al. 2005; Mosconi 2005). Medialtemporal lobe (MTL) atrophy was one of the first iden-tified characteristic imaging features of AD. Early stud-ies employing CT with negative angulation showedthat 70% of patients with minimal memory impair-ment and 87% of demented subjects had hippocampalatrophy, compared to only 20% of controls (de Leonet al. 1988). Moreover, 91% of MCI subjects who hadhippocampal shrinkage at baseline declined to demen-tia, as compared to 19% of those who remained stable(de Leon et al. 1989). Since that study, the discrimina-tive and predictive value of entorhinal, hippocampaland more general MTL atrophy was confirmed by hun-dreds of publications (Glodzik-Sobanska et al. 2005). Inaddition, to volumetric measurements of a prioriselected regions, machine learning (Rathore et al.2017) and other data-driven hypothesis-free techni-ques (such as independent component analysis,Willette et al. 2014) have been applied to structural

Table 2. Performance of the analytical methods for CSF b-amyloid (Ab42) in the Alzheimer’s Association Quality Control (QC)programme during 2014–2016.Assay name INNOTESTVR EuroImmune/ADx AlzBio3 Meso Scale Elecsys Lumipulse

b-amyloid (1–42) b-amyloid (1–42) b-amyloid (1–42) Human Ab42 b-amyloid (1–42) b-amyloid (1–42)Fujirebio Fujirebio Roche Diagnostics Fujirebio

Technique ELISA ELISA Luminex V-PLEX Fully automated Fully automated

Round2014-14A 18 16 low n 2.92014-14B 21 19 low n 4.42014-15A 15 7.1 12 4.62014-15B 17 14 12 3.42104-16A 27 57 40 13 32014-16B 17 19 30 11 2.52015-17A 19 6.5 17 21 1.92015-17B 14 8.2 15 20 3.22015-18A 13 22 25 10 7.22015-18B 13 16 13 9.4 4.72015-19A 13 13 40 10 32015-19B 13 13 15 13 1.52016-20A 17.4 18 ND 10.5 22015-20B 21.1 15.4 ND 14 Out of range2016-21A 15 18 22 8.1 10 6.32016-21B 11 15 29 7.4 5.2 4MEAN 16.5 18.4 21.6 12.2 4.0 5.2

Values indicate between-laboratory CV (%).





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MRI data performing particularly well in classifying ADpatients and controls and predicting MCI conversionto AD.

Decreased uptake of FDG is another hallmark of AD.A pattern of temporo-parietal and posterior cingulatehypometabolism is well established (Mosconi 2005)(Figure 5). More interestingly, it has been shown that,using a detailed anatomical sampling approach andMRI/PET coregistration, enables imaging of early ento-rhinal cortex (EC) hypometabolism predictive of futureclinical decline (de Leon et al. 2001). Application ofhippocampal mask derived from manual hippocampaltracing on MRI images revealed that hippocampalhypometabolism is not only present in both MCI andAD relative to controls (Mosconi et al. 2005), but alsopredictive of cognitive decline in healthy subjects(Mosconi et al. 2008). Overall, the precise applicationof anatomical sampling is supported by post-mortemstudies showing the EC and the hippocampus as the ear-liest sites of neurofibrillary tangle involvement and sub-sequent spreading of pathology to neocortical regions.

Although they are not included in current diagnos-tic guidelines, other imaging markers are beingactively studied. Decreased cerebral blood flow (CBF)in MCI and AD patients has been documented.Moreover, impaired groups exhibit not only reductionin resting CBF but also impairment in vasoreactivity asmeasured by vasodilation in response to carbon diox-ide increase (Glodzik et al. 2013). The areas showing

resting and challenge abnormalities include multipleneocortical regions as well as the hippocampus.Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (H-MRS) hasbeen employed for many decades and has consistentlyconfirmed the decrease in N-acetylaspartate (NAA) lev-els: the marker of normal neuronal functioning.Reductions are measurable with global techniques,such as the whole-brain NAA approach, as well as withsingle-voxel spectroscopy (Glodzik et al. 2015; Rataiet al. 2016). Reductions precede volume loss, as dem-onstrated by a study where MCI subjects had signifi-cantly higher grey matter volumes than AD patients,but their NAA levels did not differ (Glodzik et al. 2015).Another feature of 1H-MRS in AD is an increase inmyo-inositol levels (Ratai et al. 2016).

Comparison of CSF and Ab-PET in earlydiagnostics; new emerging neuroimagingtechnics

Ab and Tau pathology in AD can be assessed not onlyin the CSF, but also via PET. The last decade brought aproliferation of PET amyloid tracers including widelyused first-generation 11C Pittsburgh compound B (PIB)and several recently FDA-approved fluorinated radio-pharmaceuticals: florbetapir, florbetaben and flumeta-mol. Although the first- and second-generation tracersdiffer in their degree of cortical binding and signal-to-noise ratio, they exhibit a similar pattern of cortical

Figure 5. Amyloid deposition (upper panel, white arrows) and glucose hypometabolism (lower panel, red arrows) in an ADpatient. Images from [11C]PIB-PET and [18F]FDG-PET, respectively. SUVR, standardised uptake value ratio, presented as ratios tocerebellum).





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retention in AD patients (Villemagne 2016). The pat-tern consists of high signal in frontal, parietal and lat-eral temporal cortices, striatum, cingulate andprecuneus, with sparing of the MTL and occipital cor-tex (Villemagne 2016). The findings that about 25% ofcognitively healthy individuals have appreciable amyl-oid deposition as demonstrated by PET imaging(Mathis et al. 2012; Villemagne 2016), and 60% of MCIpatients have levels comparable to those seen in AD(Mathis et al. 2012), seem to support a long silent pre-clinical phase of the disease.

PET imaging of Ab

The development of a PET radioligand with a highaffinity for aggregated Ab revolutionised the field ofAD by providing a way to visualise amyloid plaquedeposition in vivo. The first such tracer was 11C-labelled N-methyl 11C-2-(4-methylaminophenyl)-6-hydroxybenzothiazole, also known as PIB (Wang et al.2002). Histological work using autoradiography andimmunohistochemistry indicated that this tracer has ahigh affinity for fibrillar and cored plaques (Klunk et al.2003; Klunk et al. 2004; Bacskai et al. 2007). PET amyl-oid tracer binding is increased in individuals with anAD diagnosis, those with MCI who later developdementia due to AD, and approximately one-third ofolder adults who are cognitively normal at the time ofthe PET scan (Vlassenko et al. 2011; Johnson et al.2012; Vlassenko et al. 2012; Risacher and Saykin 2013).Similar to what is seen with CSF Ab42, the APOE e4allele is associated with greater PET amyloid depos-ition across both pre-clinical and clinical phases of thedisease (Morris et al. 2010; Johnson et al. 2012;Risacher and Saykin 2013).

The pattern of binding observed with amyloid PETtracers mirrors that seen in histopathological evalu-ation (Braak and Braak 1991a, 1991b). The greatestdeposition is observed in the precuneus, posterior cin-gulate, medial frontal, lateral parietal and lateral tem-poral cortices. These regions are part of the functionalbrain network known as the default mode network(Buckner et al. 2005), which is highly connected withthe rest of the brain. In both LOAD and ADAD PETdeposition is most prominently seen early in thecourse of the disease in the precuneus and posteriorcingulate gyrus, before appearing in other regions.After initial presentation, patterns of deposition arequite diffuse, with increased PET tracer binding pre-sent throughout the brain, even during pre-clinicalstages of the disease.

PET amyloid scans can be visually read as ‘positive’or ‘negative’. A positive scan is one that has high

cortical uptake and indicates moderate to severe Abdeposition. As an alternative to visual reads, data canbe processed to provide a quantitative measure of pla-que burden. Typically values from a set of key regionsare averaged together to provide a summary measureof Ab deposition. This quantitative data can either beexamined as a continuous variable or transformed intoa binary designation of positivity or negativity. As withCSF Ab42 levels, approximately one-third of cognitivelynormal elderly individuals are amyloid positive by PET.The frequency of PET positivity increases with advanc-ing age (Jack, Wiste, Weigand, et al. 2014), and alsorises to 60% in MCI and 90% in clinically diagnosedAD cases (Johnson et al. 2012). Over time cognitivelynormal and MCI individuals who are positive for amyl-oid PET (or CSF Ab42) have an elevated risk for subse-quent cognitive decline (Johnson et al. 2012; Risacherand Saykin 2013; Vos et al. 2013; Vos et al. 2016).

Due to the relatively short (�20min.) half-life of11C, PIB usage is limited to facilities that have cyclo-trons. Since the initial introduction of PIB, 18F com-pounds with a longer half-life (�110min.) have beendeveloped (Morris et al. 2016). These 18F tracers havesimilar properties to PIB and demonstrate a high affin-ity for fibrillary Ab but have more non-specific bindingin white matter. This greater white matter bindingobserved with many 18F tracers alters the presentationfor visual reads and requires the numerical quantifica-tion of deposition to compensate for ‘spillover’ fromwhite matter into cortical regions.

PET imaging of Tau

Developing Tau imaging deserves a special mention.Multiple fluorinated tracers are currently being studied.So far, a distinctive pattern of inferior temporal andposterior parietal retention in AD patients has beendescribed. Furthermore, it has been documented thatthe degree of binding correlates with the severity ofdementia symptoms (Okamura et al. 2016).

Tau PET imaging is a nascent technique but mayprovide a new resource to characterise the develop-ment and spread of tangle pathology in vivo. As brieflyintroduced in previous sections, there are six differentTau isoforms that can be grouped based uponwhether they have three or four repeats (3R and 4R)of the microtubule-binding domain. Some tauopathieshave only 3R Tau (e.g. Pick’s disease), others only 4R(e.g. progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP)), or a mixtureof 3R and 4R (e.g. AD). In these neurodegenerativedisorders the deposition of Tau is not uniform through-out the brain; there are disease-specific regionalpatterns of Tau deposition. In AD, post-mortem





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histopathological work shows that NFT pathology isfirst observed in the transentorhinal region beforespreading in turn to the EC, hippocampus, and therest of the MTL (Braak and Braak 1991a; 1991b). Fromthe confines of the MTL the pathology spreads to theassociation neocortex and finally into primary sensorycortices. NFTs are also observed in typical aging, butthis pathology is constrained to the MTL. Tau PETimaging can quantify both how much aggregated Tauis present in the brain and also the spatial pattern ofits deposition. Early work has demonstrated increasedtracer binding in lateral temporal regions in pre-clinicalindividuals and further uptake in the temporal lobe,lateral occipital cortex and temporal parietal junctionin later disease stages (Chien et al. 2013; Gordon,Friedrichsen, et al. 2016; Johnson et al. 2016). Whileearly work with Tau PET has been promising, morestudies must be performed to understand the selectiv-ity of these tracers to AD and other neurodegenerativedisorders and their specificity to tau inclusions and dif-ferent strains.

Comparison between CSF and PET markers

Amyloid PET ligand retention is negatively correlatedwith CSF Ab42 levels but has no significant

relationship with either Ab38 or Ab40 (Fagan et al.2009; Janelidze, Zetterberg, et al. 2016; Lewczuk et al.2017). This relationship is consistent with plaquesbeing primarily composed of Ab42 fibrils, with CSFAb42 reductions resulting from an active sequestrationinto aggregated forms (i.e. plaques). The high corres-pondence between markers provides strong evidencethat these measures capture the same underlyingpathological process despite measuring different formsof the pathological protein (fibrillar Ab with PET andsoluble Ab with CSF). However, the concordancebetween these two markers is not perfect, with a pro-portion of individuals consistently observed who areconsidered amyloid-negative by PET but amyloid posi-tive by CSF Ab42 or, less often, vice versa: amyloidpositive by PET and amyloid-negative by CSF Ab42 orAb42/40 ratio. Some of this discordance has beenshown to reflect individuals who are simply low pro-ducers of Ab since normalising the Ab42 values tooverall Ab levels (e.g. using a ratio of Ab42 to themore abundant Ab40 species) reduces the amount ofdiscordance (Figure 6) (Janelidze, Zetterberg, et al.2016; Racine et al. 2016; Lewczuk et al. 2017).Emerging data also support a temporal delay,where reductions in CSF Ab42 are detectable prior toamyloid positivity by PET (Bateman et al. 2012;

Figure 6. Scatterplots of cortical amyloid PET load using [11C]PiB and Ab1–42 concentrations (A) and Ab42/40 ratio (B). Verticalline represents dichotomous cut-off for PiB positivity. Horizontal lines represent the best-performing cut-offs of the respective CSFbiomarkers calculated in the present study. Green areas comprise CSF/PET concordant results (either CSF–/PET– or CSFþ/PETþ),yellow areas comprise discordant results with normal CSF and abnormal PET (CSF–/PETþ), and red areas include results withabnormal CSF and normal PET (CSFþ/PET–). Note: (a) better concordance between Ab42/40 and PET compared to Ab1–42 andPET, and (b) significantly more CSFþ/PET– than CSF–/PETþ discordant cases for both CSF biomarkers. Reprinted slightly modifiedfrom (Lewczuk et al. 2017) with kind permission from IOS Press. The publication is available at IOS Press through http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/JAD-160722.





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Palmqvist et al. 2016; Vlassenko et al. 2016). When bio-markers are measured early in the disease, this temporallag would contribute to a discordance. Therefore, whileamyloid PET and CSF Ab42 are often considered inter-changeable, CSF Ab42 (and/or the Ab42/Ab40 ratio)likely detects the earliest changes in Ab pathology, butCSF Ab42 levels then plateau during early symptomaticstages. Increases in amyloid PET become detectableafter initial changes in CSF, but PET measures continueto increase later into the course of the disease.

While there is an established body of work examin-ing Ab with both CSF and PET, only recently havesimilar analyses been possible for Tau. Initial studieshave shown positive correlations between CSF Tauand pTau and PET measures of tauopathy (Chhatwalet al. 2016; Gordon, Friedrichsen, et al. 2016). However,such work is very preliminary. Additional studies areneeded to confirm both the strength and temporalassociations between the two modalities and bettercharacterise the exact relationship between Taumarkers in CSF and PET.

Overview of the current AD diagnosticguidelines

Overview of current AD diagnostic guidelines

As reviewed and stressed on several occasions in thispaper, biomarker research conducted in the last deca-des has shifted AD conceptualisation from a clinical-pathological entity to a clinical-biological one and ADis now defined as a pathological continuum that canbe arbitrarily divided in three stages: pre-clinical(abnormal biomarkers and no or only subtle cognitiveimpairment), MCI or prodromal AD (abnormal patho-physiological biomarkers and episodic memory impair-ment) and dementia (abnormal biomarkers and clearcognitive and functional impairment). By enabling theassessment of AD pathophysiology in vivo and inde-pendently of dementia, biomarkers have not only pro-duced a major shift in both AD conceptualisation butalso in its diagnosis, as well as playing an importantrole in drug development (Cummings 2011).

The possibility of assessing relevant AD pathophysi-ology in living persons through biomarkers hasresulted in a change in guidelines and diagnostic crite-ria for AD. Two sets of criteria recently published willbe discussed in more detail in this paper; one by theIWG that has recently been revised (IWG-2 (Duboiset al. 2014)) and the other by working groupsassembled by the NIA and the Alzheimer’s Associationin the US (McKhann et al. 2011). In short, althoughboth groups define AD as a pathological continuum,

the NIA-AA defines different clinical syndromes andthe pre-clinical stage, which are diagnosed with theirown specific algorithm. The NIA-AA divided the clinicalphase of AD into MCI and AD dementia but employdifferent approaches to the diagnosis in each stage ofthe illness.

� MCI due to AD (Albert et al. 2011). The clinical crite-ria for MCI are the same as those previously pub-lished. The NIA-AA criteria stratify the diagnosis ofMCI with biomarkers to determine the likelihoodthat the syndrome is due to AD. A single positivebiomarker of either amyloid abnormalities or neuro-degeneration supports intermediate likelihood ofMCI due to AD and two biomarkers, one of amyloidtype and one of neurodegeneration type, supporthigh likelihood of MCI due to AD.

� AD dementia (McKhann et al. 1984). The NIA-AA cri-teria apply an approach that differs from theapproach to MCI due to AD. Ten categories ofdementia of the AD-type are established.

By contrast, a single diagnostic algorithm that canbe applied at any stage of the disease continuum rein-forcing our understanding of AD as a clinical-biologicalentity, is proposed by the IWG. The work performedby both the IWG and the NIA-AA is still evolving, soslight modifications in the proposed diagnostic criteriaare expected. Moreover, harmonisation efforts are cur-rently underway so hopefully these two sets will even-tually merge into a single one. Both IWG and NIA-AAcriteria agree in the integration of AD biomarkers inthe diagnostic process and in the recognition of anasymptomatic (pre-clinical) stage that can be deter-mined through these biomarkers (Sperling et al. 2011;Dubois et al. 2014). Nevertheless, whereas biomarkerabnormalities are required for diagnosis according toIWG criteria, the NIA-AA ones use biomarker informa-tion (if available) to assess the likelihood (high, inter-mediate or unlikely) that a clinical syndrome is due toAD. In addition, whereas the NIA-AA criteria supportthe diagnosis of AD in asymptomatic individuals withbiomarker evidence for Ab accumulation, for the IWG-2,these persons are considered to be in an at-risk state ofthe disease. Finally, it is to mention that IWG criteria fortypical AD require an objective impairment in episodicmemory whereas a less strict approach is considered byNIA-AA criteria for the diagnosis of MCI due to AD.

Overview of the current research criteria

IWG criteria (Dubois et al. 2007, 2014)

The International Working Group on the ResearchCriteria for Alzheimer’s Disease emphasises a single





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clinical-biological set of criteria across the spectrum ofthe symptomatic phases of the disease consisting of:

� a specific clinical phenotype: an amnestic syndromeof the hippocampal type is the keystone of the clin-ical syndrome of typical AD (Dubois and Albert2004). It is best identified by tests that control foran effective encoding of the to be remembereditems and that facilitate their retrieval. Using mem-ory tests with cueing, either at bedside (5-WordTest) (Dubois et al. 2002) or by neuropsychologist(Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test – FCSRT)(Grober et al. 1988) is recommended because oftheir good specificity for AD (Dierckx et al. 2009;Mormont et al. 2012; Wagner et al. 2012).

Other memory tests, particularly those based on listlearning and delayed recall, can also be effective inidentification of the amnestic syndrome of AD. Thesetests include different versions of the paired-associatelearning and the Rey auditory verbal learning tasks(Fowler et al. 2002; Estevez-Gonzalez et al. 2003;Lowndes et al. 2008). An amnestic presentation maynot always be the case in AD, and other clinical phe-notypes can be associated with post-mortem evidenceof AD pathology (Murray et al. 2011). Therefore, theIWG has introduced the concept of ‘atypical formsof AD’ with specific clinical phenotypes that includenon-amnestic focal cortical syndromes, such as logo-penic aphasia, bi-parietal atrophy, PCA and frontal vari-ant AD.

� the presence of AD biomarker. Biomarkers are sup-portive features of a diagnostic framework that isanchored around a core clinical phenotype. The ADdiagnosis evoked in case of a specific clinicalphenotype (either typical or atypical) needs con-firmation from the presence of one or several ADbiomarkers. Among these, in vivo evidence of ADpathology (CSF changes of Abeta and Tau levels orpositive amyloid PET) is the most specific (Duboiset al. 2014) and should be required for researchpurposes or atypical cases.

For the IWG, the diagnosis of AD is made on thebasis of both clinical and biological evidence, with ahigh level of specificity and predictive validity. Thediagnostic algorithm begins with a characteristicclinical phenotype (typical or atypical) and thenrequires supporting biomarkers that reflect the under-lying AD process or pathology. The availability of spe-cific in vivo biomarkers of AD pathology has movedthe definition of AD from a clinical-pathological entity

to a clinical-biological entity. As biomarkers can beconsidered as surrogate markers of the histopatho-logical changes, the clinical diagnosis can now beestablished in vivo and reference to dementia may nolonger be needed.

Proposal for a new lexicon for AD

The new conceptual framework of AD suggests rede-fining a common lexicon (Dubois et al. 2010) concern-ing AD and related entities:

(1) Alzheimer’s disease

AD should now be a label defining the clinical disorderwhich starts with the onset of the first specific clinicalsymptoms of the disease and which encompassesboth the prodromal and dementia phases. AD nowrefers to the whole spectrum of the clinical phase ofthe disease and is not restricted to the dementiasyndrome.

(2) AD dementia

It is likely to still be meaningful to identify the demen-tia threshold as a severity milestone in the course ofdisease. The presence of a dementia adds a set ofmanagement issues for the clinician to address includ-ing those related to patient autonomy such as driving,financial capacity, as well as those related to care liv-ing. The transition between the two states may bearbitrary when the underlying disease is a continuousprocess.

(3) Prodromal AD

The prodromal stage of AD refers to the early symp-tomatic pre-dementia phase of the disease, charac-terised by a specific clinical phenotype of theamnestic syndrome of the hippocampal type withpositive pathophysiological biomarkers. The memorydisorders can be isolated or associated with othercognitive or behavioural changes that may not besevere enough to interfere significantly with activitiesof daily living.

(4) Atypical AD

Atypical forms of AD refer to well-defined, but lesscommon, clinical phenotypes that occur with AD path-ology. These include cortical syndromes of logopenicaphasia, PCA and frontal variants of AD. The diagnosisof atypical AD is supported by positive pathophysio-logical biomarkers of AD.





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(5) Mixed AD

Mixed AD is defined by the co-occurrence ofAlzheimer’s pathology with other biological causes ofcognitive decline, mainly cerebrovascular disease orLewy body pathology. Patients should fulfil the diag-nostic criteria for typical AD and additionally presentwith clinical and brain imaging/biological evidence ofother co-morbid disorders such as cerebrovascular dis-ease or DLB.

(6) Pre-clinical states of AD

There is a growing interest in the long pre-clinicalphase of AD. This pre-clinical phase refers to cogni-tively normal individuals with biomarker evidence ofAlzheimer pathology. Positive retention of amyloid PETor low Ab level in the CSF is being reported in up to30% of older normal controls (Rowe et al. 2003). Thesenormal individuals may or may not later convert toprodromal AD. Such evolution to a clinical diseasemay depend on several factors including genetic fac-tors (such as APOE genotype), other risk factors (suchas vascular factors) or protective factors (diet, cognitivereserve) and co-morbidities (e.g. T2DM). In the absenceof knowledge about what factors combine to influenceconversion, these normal individuals who are bio-marker positive have been defined as ‘asymptomaticat risk for AD’ or ‘asymptomatic amyloidosis’, becausea large percentage of them will not progress to asymptomatic clinical condition. This is not the case ofcognitively normal individuals sharing an autosomal-dominant monogenic AD mutation (Bateman et al.2012). Because of the full penetrance of the mutations,these individuals will inevitably develop a clinical AD ifthey live long enough. They are at a ‘pre-symptomatic’state for AD.

Research versus clinical criteria

While these newer criteria both aim to allow for thediagnosis of AD earlier and, more accurately, theydepend on the availability of suitable biomarkers.According to a report of Alzheimer’s DiseaseInternational (AsDI 2009), 58% of people with demen-tia live in low- and middle-income countries. Even indeveloped countries, there is still a lack of availabilityof high-tech investigations for biomarkers outside ter-tiary or research centres. Therefore, the new diagnosticapproach can only apply in expert centres with facili-ties to assess a large spectrum of biomarkers, viableassessment procedures and with access to normativedata. In this context, such criteria may be useful forcomplex diagnosis and for early dementia cases.

Ethical implications of the new biomarker-based diagnostic criteria for AD

Ethical challenges arising from new AD diagnosticcriteria

Biomarker-based criteria discussed in the previous sec-tion are currently being applied in academic settingsand incorporated as inclusion criteria in clinical trials.In this scenario, a number of distinct ethical issues inresearch and clinical settings arise that are consideredin the following sections.

Ethical challenges in research studies

Ethical issues arising from AD biomarkers are mainlyrelated with studies and trials involving asymptomatic,pre-clinical individuals, in relation to determiningappropriate risk/benefit ratios and whether or not bio-marker status information that would normally not bereceived in routine clinical practice should (or shouldnot) be disclosed (Lingler and Klunk 2013; Robertset al. 2013; Kim et al. 2015). The main risks derivingfrom disclosure of biomarker status include placing acloud of uncertainty over participants that may affecttheir daily lives and/or performance in specific proce-dures, and the complexity of conveying clinically non-relevant biomarker status of uncertain prognosis. Onthe other hand, main benefits comprise the protectionof biomarker-negative individuals from risks and harmsrelated to clinical studies’ procedures, and the positiveimpact that this information may have on people’slives. The relevance of differentiating between studytypes (observational versus interventional) to favourdisclosure or not, was recently highlighted (Molinuevoet al. 2016).

When considering the prospect of long-term studiesin pre-clinical AD, to avoid the impact of knowing onparticipants’ performance, together with disclosingclinically non-relevant biomarker or genetic status ofuncertain prognosis, blinded enrolment (i.e. when bio-marker status is not disclosed) was recommended forobservational studies, unless the aim of the study is toinvestigate the impact of disclosure on outcome. Bycontrast, transparent enrolment (i.e. requiring disclos-ure) was favoured for interventional studies, since pro-tecting the subjects that are biomarker negative fromrisks and harms related to the intervention prevailover the motivations noted above to support blindedenrolment. Furthermore, a recent systematic analysiscomparing the ethics of transparent versus blindedenrolment in AD prevention trials provided strongarguments that there are no special risk-benefit,





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informed consent, or fair participant selection issuesthat require blinded enrolment.

An important additional argument for the transpar-ent design (i.e., requiring gene or biomarker disclos-ure) is that this design better reflects the futureclinical practice of drug prescription to those wholearn that they have an altered AD biomarker.A design that includes biomarker disclosure wouldtherefore more closely resemble routine clinical prac-tice and so can provide information about the successof this potential clinical future. Furthermore, blindeddesigns require risk-negative participants to beenrolled in order to avoid ‘disclosure by enrolment’;thus, transparent enrolment has the advantage of min-imising the number of participants enrolled to attainsufficient statistical power to obtain clinically meaning-ful results. New trials currently under design, such asthe new API trial with APOE e4 homozygotes, will bedisclosing APOE status (Green et al. 2009).

Research designs that disclose risk information canfurther protect subjects by implementing safeguards.Before disclosing genetic or biomarker status, theinvestigator ought to assess if the potential participantis emotionally capable of enrolling in a study. Datafrom the REVEAL study clearly show that those whoexhibited a high degree of emotional stress beforeundergoing genetic testing were more likely to haveemotional difficulties after disclosure (Green et al.2009). For those included, one way to reduce potentialstress is to provide continuous counselling throughoutthe study or through social forums where open discus-sions can take place as this has been shown to have adirect positive effect on stress and anxiety (Billingsand Moos 1985).

Ethical issues in clinical practice

All medical decisions generate consequences for thepatient and society. Medical practice should thereforebe performed under the guidance of the followingethical principles: beneficence, nonmaleficence, auton-omy, justice, integrity, dignity and vulnerability. Withregard to AD diagnosis, as it was stated in the AD-Billof Rights: ‘Every person diagnosed with Alzheimer’sdisease or a related disorder deserves to be informedof one’s diagnosis’. Furthermore, patient advocacygroups, such as the US Alzheimer’s Association have alsobeen emphatic on this point ‘Except in unusual circum-stances, physicians and the care team should disclosethe diagnosis to the individual with AD because of theindividual’s moral and legal right to know’.

Therefore, the major ethical issues, and their corre-sponding ethical principles, governing early diagnosis

(including early diagnosis supported by biomarkers)are self-determination (autonomy), efficacy (benefi-cence) and safety (nonmalfeasance), and from the pre-vious quotes it is inferred that the ruling principle iscurrently autonomy, since self-determination hasgrown as a fundamental right of the individual, whichis especially important in the early diagnosis of a neu-rodegenerative disease such as AD.

Beneficence is the ethical principle closely relatedto the benefit, outcome for the patient and the effi-cacy of the intervention. Nowadays there is no aetio-logical treatment for AD, so the potential benefits ofearly prodromal diagnosis are to decrease the anxietyof uncertainty, to allow for the early introduction of(not only pharmacological) interventions, and to helpthe individual and his/her family prepare fordementia’s onset. Most of these potential benefits arerelative and depend on the attitude, beliefs, personal-ity, character and even spirituality of the individual,reinforcing again the fundamental importance of theautonomy ethical principle. Furthermore, the psycho-logical benefits of early diagnosis are individual-related, and they may similarly depend on the person’scharacter, personality and probably on the level ofanxiety introduced by uncertainty. In this sense, theparticipant willing to know biomarker results support-ing an early diagnosis and who may benefit from it,most likely belongs to a self-selected subgroup of peo-ple. This fact implies a straight link with the governingprinciple of the programme: autonomy.

Autonomy is the ethical principle related to individ-ual freedom, personal decision-making and self-deter-mination. As mentioned above, it is the rulingprinciple of medical practice and we believe it shouldalso be the governing principle of early prodromaldiagnosis, since the decision of wishing to know ornot to know should be individually taken by a compe-tent individual and its potential benefit may be medi-ated through an autonomous decision. Autonomyshould be reassured through self-soliciting diagnosis,permanent capacity to change one’s will, confidential-ity and strict informed consent. Informed consentembodies the need to respect persons and theirautonomous decisions. In this sense, competent con-sent is essential to justify subjects (Emanuel et al.2000) involvement in the pre-dementia or prodromaldiagnosis of AD. Competence is a pivotal concept indecision-making in medical practice, allowing individu-als to manifest autonomy, their right to decide bythemselves.

In summary, the will to know if a memory problemrepresents the beginning of AD, hence the need todisclose biomarker results, is the main driving factor





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for seeking an early diagnosis. Furthermore, it is thekeystone of the ethical principle of autonomy and thedriver for trying to perform an early diagnosis onbehalf of the patient. This should still be put in rela-tion to that we have no effective treatment, as well asthe risk for a false-positive diagnosis (Winblad et al.2016).

The concept of suspected non-ADpathophysiology (SNAP)

Origins of the SNAP construct

SNAP is a biomarker-based construct denoting individ-uals who have a normal Ab biomarker pattern, buthave an abnormal biomarker of neurodegeneration orneuronal injury (Jack et al. 2012). The roots of theSNAP construct lie in the design of the above-dis-cussed NIA-AA recommendations for the diagnosis ofAD (Albert et al. 2011; Jack et al. 2011; McKhann et al.2011; Sperling et al. 2011). The NIA-AA recommenda-tions defined three clinical stages of AD: pre-clinical,MCI and dementia (Albert et al. 2011; Jack et al. 2011;McKhann et al. 2011; Sperling et al. 2011). In addition,pre-clinical AD was divided into three stages. Imagingand CSF biomarkers were integrated into the NIA-AArecommendations with two important criteria shapinghow this was done (Jack et al. 2011). First, most bio-marker research programmes employed primarilyeither imaging or CSF biomarkers, not both. Therefore,biomarkers had to function similarly in environmentswhere either CSF or imaging was the dominant bio-marker method. Second, the NIA-AA recommendationswere designed for individuals in the AD pathway; theywere not intended to encompass all cause dementia/cognitive impairment nor general cognitive aging. Theassumption was therefore made that neurodegenera-tion/neuronal injury was related to AD tauopathy. Therationale for this assumed link between tauopathy andneurodegeneration/neuronal injury in AD was basedon autopsy data (Ingelsson et al. 2004), as well as aproposed sequence of biomarker events whereamyloidosis was an upstream event which promotedtauopathy (Jack et al. 2010, 2013). Tauopathy wasdirectly responsible for neurodegeneration/neuronalinjury, which, in turn, was the most proximate causeof clinical symptoms (Jack et al. 2010, 2013).These considerations led to the following implementa-tion of biomarkers in the NIA-AA recommendations.Individuals were designated as either normal orabnormal for biomarkers of Ab and Tau related-neurodegeneration/neuronal injury (Albert et al. 2011;Jack et al. 2011; McKhann et al. 2011; Sperling et al.2011).

The SNAP construct emerged when the NIA-AA pre-clinical AD staging recommendations were applied toa clinically normal cohort (Jack et al. 2012). In theseindividuals who were over age 70, 31% fell into stages1–3 of pre-clinical AD, 43% were amyloid normal andneurodegeneration normal (A�N�) and 23% wereamyloid normal and neurodegeneration abnormal(A�Nþ). The A�Nþ group was labelled SNAP on theassumption that this was a pathologically heteroge-neous group with a variety of non-Alzheimer’s pathol-ogies (Jack et al. 2012).

To reflect NIA-AA staging while accounting forSNAP, many research groups subsequently adopted atwo-class biomarker construct in which participantswere assigned to one of four biomarker categories:A�N�, AþN�, A�Nþ (SNAP) or AþNþ (Knopmanet al. 2012; Roe et al. 2013; van Harten, Smits, et al.2013; Vos et al. 2013; Wirth et al. 2013; Jack, Wiste,Weigand, et al. 2014; Mormino et al. 2014; Toledoet al. 2014; Ivanoiu et al. 2015; Jack et al. 2015; Wisseet al. 2015; Burnham et al. 2016; Gordon, Blazey, et al.2016; Jack, Therneau, et al. 2016). This two-class NIA-AA staging plus SNAP biomarker construct has beenuseful because it provided a common framework fordifferent research groups to communicate findingsfrom their own research cohorts.

Characteristics of clinically normal and MCI SNAPsubjects

Early studies describing SNAP were not focussed onthis group alone but instead were intended to com-pare individuals in different biomarker groups usingthe two-class NIA-AA staging plus SNAP biomarkerconstruct. In these studies the A–N– group was oftenused as the reference in group-wise comparisons.Different biomarker methods were used to classifyindividuals in these studies. Some used imaging alone(Jack et al. 2012; Knopman et al. 2012; Wirth et al.2013; Mormino et al. 2014; Ivanoiu et al. 2015), othersCSF alone (Roe et al. 2013; van Harten, Smits, et al.2013; Vos et al. 2013), or CSF combined with imaging(Toledo et al. 2014). Studies focussed on individualswho were clinically cognitively normal or MCI(Petersen et al. 2013a; Prestia et al. 2013; Caroli et al.2015; Vos et al. 2015). The proportion of SNAP amongclinically normal individuals over 65 years of age wasconsistent across these studies at roughly 25%. Whilethe proportion of SNAP among MCI was less consist-ent, most likely due to smaller numbers, overallaround 25% of MCI individuals also seem to fall intothe SNAP category (Petersen et al. 2013a; Prestia et al.2013; Vos et al. 2015; Caroli et al. 2015).





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A consistent finding among all studies was that theproportion of APOE e4 carriers among SNAP, both clin-ically normal and MCI, was far lower than amongAþNþ or AþN– individuals. Another consistent find-ing was that SNAP individuals tended to be older thanthe A–N– reference group. Less consistent findingsconcerned sex predilection. Some studies found SNAPwas more common in men than women, others didnot. Baseline cognitive performance was also not con-sistent among studies. Some found that among clinic-ally normal individuals, SNAP had worse baselineperformance than the A–N– reference group (Morminoet al. 2014), while other studies did not find this differ-ence (Burnham et al. 2016).

A question that arose soon after the introduction ofSNAP was whether this construct was simply an arte-fact of classification, i.e. was it simply a collections ofindividuals who lie just on the normal side of theamyloid biomarker threshold and just on the abnormalside of the neurodegeneration/neuronal injury thresh-old? Burnham et al. (2016) recently addressed this byperforming a series of analyses addressing imagingand clinical characteristics of the four biomarkergroups with and without removing individuals close tothe biomarker thresholds. They found no difference intheir results when individuals close to the classificationthresholds were removed, thus proving that in mostindividuals SNAP was not a classification artefact.

Clinical/cognitive outcomes

One of the most meaningful potential uses of bio-marker classification is as an aid in predicting clinical/cognitive outcomes. Every study to date that hasexamined outcomes has found that the AþNþ grouphas the worst clinical/cognitive outcomes of all bio-marker groups. This has been true in cohorts com-posted of individuals who were clinically normal orMCI at baseline, and in cohorts where imaging or CSFwas used for biomarker classification. The findings forSNAP participants, however, have not been uniform.Some studies found no difference in cognitive out-comes between SNAP and the A–N– reference group(Mormino et al. 2014; Burnham et al. 2016), whileother studies found SNAP have worse outcomes thanA–N– individuals (Petersen et al. 2013b; Jack,Therneau, et al. 2016).

Imaging outcomes

As stated above, longitudinal MRI and FDG-PET pro-vide meaningful measures of the progression of neuro-degeneration. The data on SNAP and imaging

outcomes is inconsistent. Some groups found thatrates of hippocampal atrophy are not different inSNAP compared with the A–N– reference group(Burnham et al. 2016; Gordon, Blazey, et al. 2016).Other groups, however, found greater rates of decline inhippocampal volume, cortical thickness and FDG metab-olism in SNAP compared to A–N– individuals (Jack, Wiste,Knopman, et al. 2014; Knopman et al. 2016).

Controversies and future research

Publication of the SNAP construct has raised contro-versies (Chetelat 2013). Two obvious areas of contro-versy are outlined in the prior sections: what are theclinical and imaging outcomes in SNAP compared toother biomarker groups? A third controversy concernsthe likely pathological substrates of SNAP. When SNAPwas first described, we assumed that these individualsrepresented a heterogeneous collection of the manynon-AD pathologies that increase in prevalence withage (Jack et al. 2012), including CVaD, DLB, TDP 43,hippocampal sclerosis, argyrophylicgrain disease andPART (Schneider et al. 2007; Schneider et al. 2009;Nelson et al. 2011; Sonnen et al. 2011; Crary et al.2014). Pathological heterogeneity was assumed tooccur not only across individuals but also within indi-viduals, because most elderly individuals have morethan one of these age-related pathological processesat autopsy (Schneider et al. 2007, 2009; Nelson et al.2011; Sonnen et al. 2011).

We assumed that one of the pathologies underlyingSNAP was PART. PART and SNAP share several import-ant features (Crary et al. 2014; Jack 2014). Both arecommon in clinically normal elderly; APOE e4 is under-represented in both; both increase in prevalence withage; and MTL pathology features prominently in both.Two of the first four subjects who met criteria forSNAP and later came to autopsy also appear to havemet autopsy criteria for PART (Vos et al. 2013).However, recent imaging studies have challenged thisidea. Both Mormino et al. (2016) and Wisse et al.(2015) reported that Tau was not elevated in SNAPrelative to the A�N� reference group.

A new classification scheme for biomarkers used inAlzheimer’s and cognitive aging research may helpresolve some of the controversies about SNAPdescribed above. This classification scheme is labelledATN (Jack, Bennett, et al. 2016), and it groups bio-markers into three categories: (A) biomarkers of fibril-lary Ab deposition or associated pathophysiology(Blennow and Hampel 2003; Klunk et al. 2004); (T) bio-markers of paired helical filament Tau or its associatedpathophysiology (Blennow and Hampel 2003;





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Villemagne et al. 2015; Brier et al. 2016; Johnson et al.2016; Scholl et al. 2016, Schwarz et al. 2016); (N) bio-markers of neurodegeneration or neuronal injury. Eachbiomarker category is rated as normal (–) or abnormal(þ). Individual scores might appear as Aþ T–Nþ, orAþ T–N–, etc. Individuals with an A–TþN–,A–T–Nþ or A–TþNþ fall under the original definitionof SNAP (Jack et al. 2012). The ATN classification con-struct will enable researchers to examine multi-modalitybiomarker associations where the effects of tauopathyand neurodegeneration/neuronal injury are segregatedin individuals whomeet criteria for SNAP (Figure 7).

Legal and regulatory issues in early ADdiagnostics: EMA statements

From a regulatory perspective, the EuropeanMedicines Agency (EMA) accepts both the IWG andthe NIA-AA sets of criteria for diagnosis of AD, forresearch purposes, and for trial enrichment. The cur-rent position of EMA on the diagnostic guidelines issummarised in a draft guidance recently published(EMA 2016). This guideline follows the view that con-siders AD a pathophysiological continuum with a long-term pre-symptomatic stage preceding many years theclinical manifestation.

The aim of the above-cited EMA/CHMP draft guide-line was to evaluate, among others, the impact of newdiagnostic criteria for AD, taking into considerationalso the asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic diseasestages on clinical trial design; and the use of bio-markers in the different phases of drug development.

However, adequate standardisation and validation ofbiomarkers for regulatory purposes is still lacking(Noel-Storr et al. 2013; Dubois et al. 2014). This alsoreflects the continuous advances in the diagnosticarea of research. In this frame, a step forward is repre-sented by the recent approval in the EU of the radio-pharmaceuticals 18F-florbetapir, 18F-florbetaben and18F-flutemetamol for PET imaging of Ab plaques in thebrain. These diagnostic ligands are used in patientsevaluated for AD, following an accurate clinical assess-ment versus other forms of cognitive impairment; theirusefulness is being investigated in large observationalcohorts. Besides PET, also CSF biomarkers are currentlyconsidered, although it is recommended to measuremultiple parameters such as Ab1–42, total Tau or itshyperphosphorylated form (Hampel et al. 2014;Medina and Avila 2014).

While the core clinical criteria still remain funda-mental, biomarkers may increase the specificity ofdiagnosis (Hampel et al. 2014). Unquestionably, stand-ardisation and harmonisation in their use for earlydiagnosis of AD along the development of clinical tri-als needs continuous adjustment. In this context, valid-ation of reliable and sensitive instruments to measurecognitive, functional, behavioural and neuropsychiatricsymptoms especially in early disease stages are stronglyencouraged by EMA and other regulatory bodies.

CSF biomarkers in clinical trials for AD

The growing use of CSF biomarkers in clinical practiceand research studies has had an impact on clinical

Figure 7. Tau PET and MRI in an A–TþNþ SNAP subject. Clinically normal 81-year-old male participant in the Mayo Clinic Studyof Aging. Abnormal Tau PET uptake (AV1451) is present in the medial, basal, lateral temporal lobes bilaterally (left panel). Non-spe-cific AV1451 uptake is present in the basal ganglia bilaterally. This participant also has medial temporal lobe atrophy (right panel)and a normal amyloid PET scan (PIB, not shown). This individual’s ATN profile was A–TþNþ.





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trials that have incorporated them, assisting in partici-pant selection and monitoring of target engagement.Furthermore, they have the potential to demonstrateevidence of disease modification. It is anticipated thatthe standardisation of pre-analytical and analyticalconditions, together with the implementation of fullyautomated assays of current and novel biomarkers,will increase the use of CSF markers in clinical trials.This may facilitate more efficient trial design thateventually will lead to successful treatments. The mainpotential applications of the CSF biomarkers in trialsare to facilitate the selection of participants (cohortenrichment), to verify drug–target engagement, and toprovide biological evidence of disease modification(Lleo et al. 2015; Parnetti, Eusebi, et al. 2016).

CSF biomarkers for inclusion/selection

The first report of a randomised trial that used CSF toenrich a study population of patients with MCI waspublished in 2015, and showed that only half of theirparticipants had biological evidence of AD (Coric et al.2015). The study was important because it demon-strated the value of CSF biomarkers in trials, in particu-lar in a heterogeneous patient population such as MCI.Moreover, these data helped to explain previous trialfailures in which the selection of participants was inad-equate, thereby decreasing the power of these trialsto reach their expected outcomes.

The most widely used biomarker for participantselection in clinical trials is Ab1–42, either alone or incombination with total Tau. For example, the phase IIstudy of the c-secretase inhibitor Avagacestat requiredthat patients had either low CSF Ab1–42 levels or ahigh total Tau to Ab1–42 ratio in addition to meetingclinical criteria for MCI (Coric et al. 2015). Two trialswith the anti-amyloid antibody gantenerumab inpatients with prodromal (clinicaltrials.gov ID:NCT01224106) and mild AD (clinicaltrials.gov ID:NCT02051608) also required low levels of Ab1–42 inCSF for inclusion. Data released from the trial in pro-dromal AD also supported the value of CSF measuresin selecting the patient population and it is expectedthat more trials will incorporate the same design.

CSF biomarkers as a measure of targetengagement

The capacity of CSF biomarkers to track pathophysio-logical changes in CNS makes them excellent tools toverify drug–target engagement in clinical trials. This is acritical aspect since many of the previous trials in ADfailed because they lacked adequate target engagement.

The basic principle is that a change in the levels ofspecific markers that are related to the mechanism ofpharmaceutical action would indicate that the drug isreaching its target. Many pharmacological studies haveincluded changes in one or more CSF biomarkersamong their primary or secondary endpoints. In thisrespect, trials with b-secretase inhibitors represent thebest example of the successful use of a CSF marker asa measure of target engagement. Several trials withb-secretase inhibitors (LY2811376, LY2886721, E2609and MK-8931) have detected a reduction in CSF levelsof Ab1–42, Ab1–40, the sAPPb or other subproducts ofAPP (Bell et al. 2013; Portelius et al. 2014; May et al.2015). Other fragments, such as Ab5–42, Ab5–x orsAPPa, have been found to be increased in CSF, sug-gesting an enhanced alternative processing of APP fol-lowing b-secretase inhibition (Mattsson, Rajendran,et al. 2012; May et al. 2015).

A similar approach has been used in trials withc-secretase inhibitors and modulators. Some trialsfound a decrease in CSF levels of Ab1–42, Ab1–40(Bateman et al. 2009; Tong et al. 2012; Coric et al.2015) and Ab1–38 (Tong et al. 2012), and an increasein CSF levels of Ab1–14, Ab1-15 and Ab1–16 (Porteliuset al. 2010; Portelius, Fortea, et al. 2012; Portelius,Zetterberg, et al. 2012). Other studies, however, didnot find significant differences in levels of Ab1–42 orAb1–40 compared to a placebo group (Siemers et al.2006; Galasko et al. 2007; Fleisher et al. 2008; Portelius,Zetterberg, et al. 2012; Doody et al. 2013; Imbimboet al. 2013; Doody et al. 2015). Peptidomic approachescould also be useful in the identification of biomarkersto verify target engagement. The analysis of the CSFpeptidome by liquid chromatography and mass MSprior to and following a single dose of the c-secretaseinhibitor semagacestat led (Holtta et al. 2016) to theidentification of 11 peptides that were altered follow-ing pharmaceutical intervention.

The effects of anti-amyloid immunotherapy havealso been evaluated using CSF biomarkers, althoughdata are more difficult to interpret than in the studiesof b- and c-secretase inhibitors. None of the trials withthe active immunisation compounds, AN1792 andCAD-106, were able to show changes in the levels ofamyloid-derived CSF biomarkers (Gilman et al. 2005;Winblad et al. 2012). Likewise, treatment with themonoclonal antibody bapineuzumab did not changeamyloid marker levels in CSF (Blennow et al. 2012). Incontrast, patients treated with solanezumab, a human-ised monoclonal antibody designed to target solubleAb, did show an increase of total Ab1–40 and Ab1–42levels in CSF (Siemers et al. 2010; Farlow et al. 2012;Doody et al. 2014). Although the primary clinical





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outcome was not achieved in that study, the authorshypothesised that the changes observed in CSF levelscould indicate a shift of Ab from the CNS to the per-iphery or perhaps a mobilisation between compart-ments reflecting a change in the balance betweenfibrillar and soluble Ab (Farlow et al. 2012; Doodyet al. 2014). Two phase I dose-escalation studies withponezumab, another monoclonal antibody, also deter-mined post-treatment CSF Ab1–42 levels but showedcontradictory results (Landen et al. 2013; Miyoshi et al.2013). In summary, trials with b- and c-secretase inhibi-tors have clearly shown that CSF biomarkers can be usedto verify drug-target engagement and a similar paradigmcan be applied to other therapeutic strategies.

CSF biomarkers as a measure of diseasemodification

There is evidence that adequate markers of targetengagement might not necessarily capture disease-modifying effects (Mattsson, Carrillo, et al. 2015). Thetheragnostic value of each biomarker should be indi-vidually assessed based on its association to cognitiveor functional endpoints. To date, all drugs attemptingto modify the course of AD have failed in their primaryclinical endpoints. For this reason, it is difficult toaddress the question of whether CSF biomarkers canpredict clinical response. In addition, the total numberof patients with CSF measures in clinical trials is stilllow, further limiting the possibilities to draw firmconclusions.

Total Tau and pTau levels have been investigatedas surrogate markers of disease modification and asindicators of the downstream effects in anti-amyloidtreatments. The trial with AN1792, the first active Abimmunisation study showed that antibody respondershad a reduction in CSF total Tau levels compared tothose patients who received placebo (Gilman et al.2005). However, treatment with CAD106, anotheractive immunotherapy, did not change the levels ofTau or pTau (Winblad et al. 2012). Most trials with pas-sive immunisation have also included Tau markers inCSF in a subset of subjects. Treatment with bapineuzu-mab was associated with a decrease in CSF pTau levelsin both the phase II and phase III trials (Blennow et al.2012; Salloway et al. 2014). However, this effect wasnot observed after treatment with solaneuzumab(Doody et al. 2014). These findings could be inter-preted as if treatments that act on fibrillar Ab have agreater impact on downstream neurodegenerationthan those targeting soluble Ab (Lleo et al. 2015).Results from ongoing studies with these and otheranti-amyloid treatments might shed new biological

evidence for the role of CSF markers to detect diseasemodification.

In addition to Tau and pTau, other proteins havebeen investigated in CSF to monitor the pathophysio-logical pathways in AD. These novel biomarkers couldprovide further insights in clinical trials. Tau-independ-ent markers of neuronal damage, such as NF-L, VLP-1,or the heart-type fatty acid-binding protein, could giveadditional information about disease modificationeffects in trials with anti-Tau therapies, in which levelsof total Tau and pTau could be the result of targetengagement (Parnetti, Eusebi, et al. 2016). Synapticmarkers (NG, SNAP-25), markers of neuroinflammation/microglial activation (YKL-40 or CCL2) and markers ofprotein homeostasis and lysosomal dysfunction (LAMP-1 and LAMP-2) could be used as indicators of diseaseprogression (Alcolea et al. 2014; Cavedo et al. 2014;Alcolea et al. 2015; Parnetti, Eusebi, et al. 2016). Markersto detect common associated neuropathological comor-bidities such as Lewy body or TAR DNA-binding protein43 pathologies should also be further investigated inclinical trials of AD (Cavedo et al. 2014; Mattsson, Carrillo,et al. 2015; Parnetti, Eusebi, et al. 2016).

Future directions

There are still some crucial issues that need to beimproved in order to achieve an optimal implementa-tion of CSF biomarkers in clinical trials. On the onehand, more observational longitudinal studies withlarger sample sets are needed to determine the pat-terns of biomarker change along the natural course ofthe disease. On the other hand, there is an urgentneed to harmonise the assays across different plat-forms and to develop international reference materialsand methods and global cut-points (Carrillo et al.2013). The publication of international recommenda-tions to standardise pre-analytical conditions (delCampo et al. 2012; Vanderstichele et al. 2012) and thelaunch of global initiatives to survey and monitorinter-centre variability in analytical procedures(Mattsson et al. 2011, 2013) have been major advancesin this respect. Finally, it is anticipated that as sometrials show clinical benefit in the ongoing AD trials,the field will be able to draw more solid conclusionsabout whether CSF markers of neurodegeneration canbe used alone or in combination as surrogate markersof efficacy (Box 1).

CSF biomarkers in subjective cognitive decline

Epidemiological studies have shown that the purelysubjective feeling of cognitive decline with still normal





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performance on standard cognitive tests (subjectivecognitive decline, SCD) is associated with an increasedrisk of future cognitive decline and dementia (Mitchellet al. 2014). Moreover, there is increasing evidencethat the combination of SCD with biomarkers may beparticularly useful to identify AD very early at the pre-MCI stage, which makes this approach highly attractivefor clinical trials and dementia prevention.

MRI studies have provided evidence that SCD isoften associated very subtle AD-like patterns of brainatrophy (Peter et al. 2014; Perrotin et al. 2015; Schultzet al. 2015). Even though a recent meta-analysis hasrevealed no higher prevalence of amyloid positivity inindividuals with SCD in comparison to controls (Jansenet al. 2015) individual PET studies have shown anincreased likelihood of amyloid positivity in SCD and acorrelation of SCD severity with amyloid deposition(Amariglio et al. 2015; Perrotin et al. 2016; Zwanet al. 2016). The discrepancy between studies ismainly related to the lack of standardisation of thedefinition and assessment of SCD. To address this,an international working group (SCD initiative)recently published consented research criteria ofSCD, which are recommended to use in trials(Jessen et al. 2014).

With regard to CSF biomarkers, Visser et al. (2009)observed an AD-type CSF profile in 51% of the SCDpatients and 32% of control subjects in a multicentreEuropean memory clinic study. Antonell et al. (2011)studied 24 controls and 19 SCD cases. They observedpathological measures of Asz42 in 26.3%, of Tau orpTau in 15.8%, and of both, Ab42 and Tau or pTau in10.5% of the SCD cases. In the controls, 29.2% showedpathological Ab42 only, 4.2% pathological Tau or pTauonly, and 4.2% pathological Ab42 and Tau or pTau. Ina recent analysis of the ADNI datatset, Risacher et al.(2015) found lower Ab1–42 and higher Tau/pTau con-centrations in APOE e4-positive in comparison with

APOE e4-negative subjects. APOE e4-positive SCD indi-viduals had significantly higher pTau concentrationsthan APOE e4-positive controls.

Interestingly, in addition to studies in SCD,Wolfsgruber et al. (2014, 2015) reported an associationof CSF AD biomarkers with particular memory con-cerns in MCI, which was independent of the associ-ation with cognitive performance. The particularconcern was also associated with cognitive decline inMCI.

In a longitudinal memory clinic cohort of 127patients with SCD, Ab42 and Tau were abnormal in 20patients (both 16%), and pTau in 32 patients (25%) atbaseline. Ab42 was the strongest predictor of progres-sion to MCI or AD with an adjusted HR of 16.0. Theadjusted HR associated with Tau was 2.8 and withpTau 2.6 (van Harten, Visser, et al. 2013). In the samecohort, SCD patients with either pathological Ab42only or both Ab42 and Tau or pTau showed declineover time in memory, executive functions and globalcognition, while SCD patients without pathologicalCSF markers showed improvement or stable perform-ance over time (van Harten, Smits, et al. 2013). Finally,in a Swedish longitudinal study of 122 SCD subjectswith a 2-year follow-up, Hessen et al. (2015) observedcognitive decline in those with pathological Tau con-centration at baseline.

While the above studies reported prediction ofdecline by biomarkers in SCD subjects, a recent studyfrom the AIBL cohort, based on amyloid PET predictedcognitive decline in healthy elderly, who were amyloidpositive by SCD. The authors reported that an individ-ual, who is amyloid positive, has an increased risk(HR¼ 5.1) of cognitive decline, if he or she reportsSCD (Buckley et al. 2016). This study confirms themodel that SCD may correspond to the late stage ofpre-clinical AD, at the initial stage of decompensationof brain function (Jessen et al. 2014).

Box 1. Evidence supporting a role for CSF biomarkers in clinical trials in AD.CSF biomarkers for inclusion/selection

� In previous AD clinical trials, only half of participants selected by clinical criteria had biological evidence of AD.� Ab1–42 alone or in combination with total tau has been the most widely used biomarker to enrich the selection of participants in clinical trials.

CSF biomarkers as a measure of target engagement� Several trials with b-secretase inhibitors have detected a reduction in CSF levels of Ab1–42, Ab1–40, sAPPb or other subproducts of APP. Other

fragments, such as Ab5-42, Ab5-X or sAPPa, have been found increased in CSF, suggesting an enhanced alternative processing of APP after b-sec-retase inhibition.

� In trials with c-secretase inhibitors and modulators, the changes in CSF levels of Ab1–42, Ab1–40 have not been consistent.� None of the trials with the active immunisation compounds showed changes in the levels of amyloid-derived CSF biomarkers.� Patients treated with solanezumab showed an increase of total Ab1–40 and Ab1–42 levels in CSF following treatment, perhaps reflecting a change

in the balance between fibrillar and soluble Ab.

CSF biomarkers as a measure of disease modification� Total Tau and pTau levels have been investigated as markers of the downstream effects in anti-amyloid treatments.� The active Ab immunisation study AN1792 (but not CAD106) showed that antibody responders had a reduction in CSF total Tau levels compared

to those patients who received placebo.� Treatment with bapineuzumab (but not solanezumab) was associated with a decrease in CSF pTau levels.





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Clinical application of the CSF biomarkers inAD: Dementia Competence Networkcontribution

In recent years large-scale, multicentre studies haveaddressed AD biomarkers from different perspectives.The German Dementia Competence Network (DCN)was launched in 2002 by 14 academic centres of excel-lence in Germany and is funded by the GermanFederal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF).The primary goals of the DCN are, among others, (a)to establish procedures for the standardised multicen-ter acquisition of clinical, biological and imaging data,for centralised data management; (b) a comprehensiveclinical characterisation of MCI and incipient dementia;and (c) to test whether CSF- and blood-based bio-logical markers, as well as clinical and neuropsycho-logical assessments, can be combined to measure theprogression of MCI and early AD over 3 years. TheDCN has built a structured multicentre cohort. In 2,200patients with MCI or mild dementia a multidimen-sional phenotyping with clinical, neuropsychological,neuroimaging, blood and CSF biomarkers was per-formed. Clinical follow-up examinations were per-formed up to 3 years (Kornhuber et al. 2009).

To reduce inter-laboratory variability, standards forthe pre-analytical and analytical processing of bio-logical samples (blood and CSF) have been developedas an important prerequisite for NDD (Lewczuk,Kornhuber, et al. 2006). Comprehensive biological sam-ple characterisation allowed the world’s first successfulGWAS on amyloid markers in CSF with innovative con-tributions to research on pathogenesis of AD (Ramirezet al. 2014). The work by Wiltfang et al. (2007) showedthat the common sole determination of Ab1–42 was notsufficient to reflect the Ab status, and demonstrated thata quotient consisting of Ab1–42 and Ab1–40 correlatedsignificantly better with the degree of neurodegenera-tion indicated by Tau protein, than Ab1–42 alone. Theresults of this work have now been confirmed by othergroups (Dorey, Perret-Liaudet, et al. 2015; Janelidze,Zetterberg, et al. 2016; Racine et al. 2016).

The experience with established CSF dementia bio-markers Ab1–42, Ab1–40, Tau and pTau indicate anurgent need for additional markers, improving thediagnosis, differential diagnosis and the assessment ofprogression. Lewczuk et al. (2010) measured sAPP inCSF to improve NDD. The DCN cohort was also usedto demonstrate Ab peptide abnormalities in theplasma of patients with neurochemical dementiamarkers typical of AD.

The interplay between amyloid and mitochondrialfunction has involved studies in an MRS study. In AD

patients, the N-acetyl-aspartate concentration in thebrain tissue, a putative marker of mitochondrial func-tion, correlated with Ab42 in CSF. This finding indi-cates an interaction of Ab and neuronal mitochondrialdysfunction as key mechanism of AD pathology(Jessen et al. 2011).

The results of the CSF biomarkers of the DCNcohort were used to validate a cued recall memorydeficit in prodromal AD (Wagner et al. 2012) and, asdiscussed above, to validate the Erlangen ScoreAlgorithm (originally developed based on a differentcohort (Lewczuk et al. 2009)) for the prediction of thedevelopment of dementia due to AD in pre-dementiasubjects (Lewczuk, Kornhuber, et al. 2015). TheErlangen Score Algorithm (Lewczuk et al. 2009)inspired the diagnostic criteria of the NIA-AA for MCI(Albert et al. 2011). Furthermore, in the MCI patientsof the DCN cohort, SCD is related to CSF biomarkerabnormalities (Wolfsgruber et al. 2015).

The CSF biomarkers of the DCN cohort were alsoused in meta-analyses together with other dementiacohorts. One study defined the prevalence of cerebralamyloid pathology in persons without dementia(Jansen et al. 2015). Another study validated researchcriteria for the diagnosis of AD in patients with MCI(Vos et al. 2015).

The DCN has not only gathered a range of bio-markers, such as neuropsychology, structural MRI, MRSand DNA, but also joined with large genetic consortiasuch as GERAD to help to identify common variantsassociated with AD. For details regarding other bio-markers, the reader is referred to further publicationsby the DCN and genetic consortia, for example:(Harold et al. 2009; Teipel et al. 2010; Hollingworthet al. 2011; de Souza Silva et al. 2013; Morgen et al.2013; Heilmann et al. 2015). Taken together, the con-tributions of the DCN greatly improved our under-standing of the CSF biomarkers in AD.

BIOMARKAPD contribution

The BIOMARKAPD project was run during 2.5 yearsand was the first EU-Joint ProgrammeNeurodegenerative Disease (JPND) project including52 partners from 21 countries (51 European and oneCanadian centre) with the goal to standardise the sam-pling and measurement for the already known bio-markers, as well as to develop new ones for AD andPD. This has been done by developing and validatingprotocols for these processes and to give trainingcourses for the staff, and why now most of the centresin Europe are performing this procedure in a common,standardised way. BIOMARKAPD also developed protocols





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for analysis of the AD biomarkers CSF Ab, Tau andpTau, as well as a new PD biomarker aSyn, both forclinical practice and clinical trials. We have also identi-fied NG (a candidate biomarker reviewed in moredetails in the following sections of this paper) as anew CSF biomarker on the function in nerve synapsesin AD, and DJ-1 in CSF as a new biomarker candidatesfor PD.

BIOMARKAPD has performed the largest subject-level meta-analysis on the prevalence of amyloidabnormality in non-demented subjects; a novel ELISAfor NG, a dendritic marker, was validated clinically. Themarker was found to be increased in AD CSF in a dis-ease-specific manner; the validation of a novel fullyautomated method for CSF Ab measurement was builtupon the result from the BIOMARKAPD study. This willfurther increase the accuracy of Ab measurements; acapillary isoelectric focussing immunoassay for Abfragments was developed and validated, which maybe useful to monitor treatment effects of b-secretaseinhibitors against AD.

Structural highlights

The BIOMARKAPD consortium had a unique multidis-ciplinary design which made it possible to cover thewhole process from biomarker discovery to implemen-tation. We were also able to show that a large numberof participants can function together if the structure isthoroughly outlined, the work is well defined withclearly allocated sub-tasks and clear goals. A certifiedreference method for CSF Ab and 5 L of CSF for thedevelopment of a reference material for Ab has beencollected. A new reference model for Tau and pTauwill build upon this model. Central and virtual bio-banks with samples collected according to the newstandardised way have been set-up.

The BIOMARKAPD project resulted during the studyperiod in 135 publications in international journals and anumber of sub-studies have been published after the endof the project. The work within this project will continue inthe Society for CSF Analysis and Clinical Neurochemistry(http://www.neurochem.info/html/home).

Longitudinal changes in the CSF biomarkers inthe ADNI participants

On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, the first phaseof the ADNI started in 2004 aiming, among others, atthe longitudinal within-participant assessment of pro-gression of the disease in an elderly population (meanage of 75 years) (Weiner et al. 2015b). SubsequentPhases include ADNIGO/2 and starting in August 2016,

the ADNI3 phase (Weiner et al. 2015a) includes newadditional participants as well as carryover participantsfrom earlier phases who remain in the study. Integralto the ADNI study is standardisation of imaging, bio-chemical and genetic biomarker measurements. In thisdiscussion we focus on the longitudinal changes inCSF Ab1–42, Tau and pTau181 concentrations meas-ured in ADNI participants who are an elderly group, animportant point to keep in mind when consideringthese and studies in other age groups. The ADNI1study required LPs in at least 50% of participants atBASELINE study entry and at 1 year. An add-on studyresulted in the collection of annual CSF samples out to3–4 years in 142 ADNI1 participants (18 AD, 74MCI, 50cognitively normal). Longitudinal CSF samples havebeen collected out to 4 years in the ADNIGO/2 phasesand analyses of these are planned for early 2017. Inthis review we describe results for the ADNI1 longitu-dinal dataset. The changes in CSF Ab1–42, Tau andpTau181 in ADNI1 participants over time, fromBASELINE visit out to 3–4 years have been describedin several publications (Beckett et al. 2010; Vemuriet al. 2010; Lo et al. 2011; Landau et al. 2013; Toledo,Xie, et al. 2013; Mattsson, Insel, et al. 2015). During 1year following BASELINE little change was observedfor these three CSF biomarkers except for a modestincrease in Tau in cognitively normal controls (Beckettet al. 2010, Vemuri et al. 2010). The relative stability ofCSF Ab1–42, Tau and pTau181 was shown in anotherstudy (in MCI and AD participants) over a 2-year timeperiod (Zetterberg, Pedersen, et al. 2007). Samplingout to at least 3–4 years is needed to detect longitu-dinal changes in CSF (Stomrud et al. 2010; Lo et al.2011; Landau et al. 2013; Toledo, Xie, et al. 2013;Mattsson, Insel, et al. 2015). There are several note-worthy findings in these analyses of the ADNI longitu-dinal CSF Ab1–42, Tau and pTau181 concentrationsincluding (a) reductions in Ab1–42, were greater incognitively normal than in MCI or early AD partici-pants, a finding consistent with the model of Jacket al. (2010) for the relationships between biomarkerchanges and cognitive changes over time, wherein thegreatest rate of change for Ab1–42 occurs at early pre-clinical stages of the AD continuum (Jack et al. 2010;Jack et al. 2013); (b) a decline from ‘normal’ (definedas above the 192 pg/ml cutpoint for Ab1–42 in theADNI study) to ‘pathological’ (below the 192 pg/mlcutpoint value) in some cognitively normal and MCIparticipants; (c) there were three observed types of‘decline status’ for Ab1–42 in individual participants,namely, (i) stable pathological: non-decliner partici-pants whose Ab1–42 trajectories were stable but allpathological (below the cutpoint concentration value);





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(ii) stable normal: non-decliner participants whoseAb1–42 trajectories were stable but all concentrationvalues were above the cutpoint concentration value;or (iii) decliners: participants whose Ab1–42 trajectorieswere declining from above cutpoint, normal, to belowcutpoint, pathological, during the 3-4 year observationperiod (Landau et al. 2013; Toledo, Xie, et al. 2013;Mattsson, Insel, et al. 2015).

There are interesting implications of these data. Theresults described above for the ADNI1 study provideevidence for variable rates of decline in CSF Ab1–42that are consistent with the documented presence ofdisease heterogeneity in this late-onset AD studypopulation (Toledo, Cairns, et al. 2013; Cairns et al.2015). Analyses of the data for those subjects whoselast sample was collected at 36–48 months (n¼ 89)have revealed (Toledo, Xie, et al. 2013) that, in partici-pants in the ADNI1 longitudinal study, CSF Ab1–42was pathological in virtually all APOE e4 carriers, andthat all but one of the Ab normal non-decliners wasAPOE e4 negative. These results are consistent withthe observation that APOE e4 positivity predisposesindividuals to earlier decline in CSF Ab1–42 concentra-tions (Peskind et al. 2006). A recent pilot study in cog-nitively normal middle-aged participants in the AdultChildren Study described within-subject decreases ofCSF Ab1–42 at greater frequency in APOE e4 allele car-riers, compared to non-carriers in early middle agesubjects in this study (Sutphen et al. 2015). An analysisof the cognitively normal ADNI1 participants whoseCSF Ab1–42 BASELINE values were normal showedthat over 3–4 years this subset split into two groups,those whose Ab1–42 values remained stable andabove the 192 pg/ml cutpoint and those whose valuesdeclined below the cutpoint concentration (Mattsson,Insel, et al. 2015). The strongest predictor of Ab1–42decline were BASELINE Ab1–42 levels in the lowestthird of the above-cutpoint range of values associatedwith the cognitively normal participants (Mattsson,Insel, et al. 2015). This observation raises the importantquestion around the clinical utility of Ab1–42 as apotential continuous biomarker test parameter as con-trasted with a dichotomous variable. Future studies inlarger numbers of study participants and using thenext generation of immunoassays will be required toassess this question. These data are another importantexample of the heterogeneity of biomarker findings inADNI participants that likely reflect the observed dis-ease heterogeneity (Kang et al. 2015).

The observed heterogeneity was likely not due torun-to-run variability or reagent batch effects, since inall of the studies cited in this section the longitudinalCSF samples for each study participant were analysed

in the same analytical run. Regarding pTau and Tau,findings of interest were: MCI and AD diagnoses wereassociated with lower and higher concentrations,respectively, of Ab1–42 and Tau, but not pTau181(Toledo, Xie, et al. 2013). According to analyses of thechronology of biomarker changes in ADNI1 partici-pants using linear regression models adjusted for age,gender and APOE e4 genotype, pathological values ofBASELINE Ab1–42 predicted later increases in pTau181,but neither Tau or pTau181 BASELINE values predictedchanges in Ab1–42 over time (Toledo, Xie, et al. 2013).The observed time dynamics are consistent withobservations in autosomal-dominant participants inthe Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN)study in which the proposed timeline for CSF Ab1–42,Tau and pTau181, based largely on cross-sectionaldata and using the expected year of symptom onsetfor each participant (Bateman et al. 2012; Fagan et al.2014). Planned further analyses in expanded numbersof the ADNI and other study cohorts over longer peri-ods of time will be essential to confirm these resultsand provide greater insight and understanding of dis-ease heterogeneity in late-onset AD, and inform clin-ical trial planners and ultimately routine clinicalpractice on expected CSF biomarker trajectories andtheir relationships to cognitive decline.

Potential novel biomarkers

Several investigations have been recently undertakenin order to examine novel candidate biomarkers whichmay better reflect the pathophysiological mechanismsunderlying the progression of the disease (Lewczuk,Kamrowski-Kruck, et al. 2010; Hampel et al. 2012;Cavedo et al. 2014; Hampel et al. 2014; Henriksenet al. 2014; Mapstone et al. 2014; Mroczko et al. 2014;Fiandaca et al. 2015; Lista et al. 2015; Mroczko et al.2015; Lista and Hampel 2016; Lista et al. 2016).

Among others, these biomarkers include CSF NG, acandidate marker for synaptic dysfunction and/or loss,CSF NF-L, a marker of axonal degeneration (thismarker just recently re-emerged as relevant to AD; themarker has a long-standing history in, e.g. multiplesclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), and CSFtriggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2(TREM2), a candidate marker of microglial activation(see http://www.alzforum.org/alzbiomarker for updatedmeta-analyses (Olsson et al. 2016)).

Neurogranin: a marker of synapse loss in AD?

The very first toxic effects of Ab, preceding Tau path-ology, may be synaptic impairment and dendritic loss





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(Herms and Dorostkar 2016). To examine this moreclosely, we need reliable biomarkers for dendritic loss,and in this context, NG, a neuron-specific dendriticprotein that is mainly expressed in the cortex andhippocampus by excitatory neurons (Represa et al.1990; Guadano-Ferraz et al. 2005) may be a promisingcandidate. NG plays a key role in synaptic plasticity,enhancing synaptic strength by regulating the avail-ability of calmodulin (CaM) upon Ca2þ-mediated pro-tein kinase C activation (Zetterberg and Blennow2015). Further, phosphorylation of NG has been shownto be essential for the induction of long-term potenti-ation in pyramidal cells of the CA1 region of thehippocampus, where it is highly enriched in dendriticspines (Fedorov et al. 1995; Chen et al. 1997). NG lev-els are significantly lower in the cortex and hippocam-pus of AD patients as compared to controls(Davidsson and Blennow 1998; Reddy et al. 2005).

In 2010, a semi-quantitative immunoprecipitationwestern blot method showed increased CSF NG con-centrations in the CSF of patients with AD comparedwith cognitively normal controls (Thorsell et al. 2010).Different sandwich immunoassays for the protein havesince been developed and the results suggest that CSFNG indeed is a valid biomarker for dendritic loss inAD. Cross-sectional studies show increased CSF con-centration of NG in both AD and in the MCI stage ofthe disease (De Vos et al. 2015; Kester et al. 2015;Kvartsberg, Duits, et al. 2015; Kvartsberg, Portelius,et al. 2015). Additionally, Kester et al. (2015) showedlongitudinally stable levels in AD but increased levelsover time in cognitively normal individuals, which sug-gests that CSF NG may reflect pre-symptomatic synap-tic dysfunction or loss. Further, CSF NG concentrationcorrelates with cognitive deterioration and disease-associated changes in metabolic and structural bio-markers over time, as recently shown in the ADNIstudy (Portelius et al. 2015). Surprisingly, CSF NGincrease appears to be specific to AD; other neurode-generative diseases show control-like concentrations(Wellington et al. 2016). The research field is nowawaiting the first results on whether CSF NG concen-tration normalises in response to treatment with noveldisease-modifying drug candidates against AD.

Neurofilament light: a Tau-independent marker ofneuroaxonal degeneration?

There are two major types of intermediate filaments inthe nervous system: neurofilaments and glial filaments.Neurofilaments exist as 10-nm filaments in the axo-plasm of neurons, where they give tensile strength todendrites and axons. They are composed of three

major polypeptides with molecular masses of 200, 150and 68 kDa, respectively. As the name implies, neurofi-lament light is the lightest of the three components(Zetterberg 2016).

The first ELISA for NF-L was developed in the mid-1990s (Rosengren et al. 1996). Rosengren and col-leagues showed that CSF NF-L concentration wasincreased in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, particularlyso in patients with pyramidal tract involvement, andthat increased concentrations also characterised AD,VaD and normal pressure hydrocephalus, but withlower magnitude of the rise compared with that seenin ALS (Rosengren et al. 1996). The authors concludedthat CSF NF-L was a promising biomarker for neurode-generation in general; a conclusion that has later beenconfirmed, e.g. in studies examining atypical PD (Hallet al. 2012; Magdalinou et al. 2015) and FTD (Scherlinget al. 2014). Given the high expression of NF-L in largecalibre myelinated axons, studies on multiple sclerosissoon followed. Researchers found that CSF NF-L isincreased in both relapsing-remitting and primary pro-gressive multiple sclerosis, that CSF NF-L concentrationindicates ongoing axonal injury and reflects the inten-sity of the process, that CSF NF-L concentration nor-malises within 6–12 months in multiple sclerosispatients following initiation of clinically effective treat-ment, and that CSF NF-L thus is a promising biomarkerfor disease intensity and progression, as well as fortreatment response (Teunissen and Khalil 2012).Similar results on CSF NF-L dynamics have beenobtained in stroke, TBI, HIV-associated dementia and abroad range of other neuroinfectious conditions. For along time researchers found increased CSF NF-L con-centrations in AD, but this was often attributed to co-morbidity of vascular disease (Bjerke et al. 2010). It hasnow, however, become evident that CSF NF-L increaseis an inherent feature of AD, and that increased CSFNF-L concentrations, along with biomarker evidence ofclassical AD pathology, predict a more rapid diseaseprogression (Zetterberg et al. 2016). The markerappears to be a non-specific marker of disease inten-sity in neurodegenerative diseases, and could poten-tially be used to detect treatment effects, in a similarway as to which it has been successfully beenemployed in the field of multiple sclerosis (Gunnarssonet al. 2011).

CSF sTREM2: a novel biomarker of microglialactivation?

In the CNS, the triggering receptor expressed on mye-loid cells 2 (TREM2) is specifically expressed on micro-glia as a transmembrane protein that is processed by





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a- and c-secretases (Colonna and Wang 2016). TREM2mutations cause neurodegenerative diseases and wererecently linked to AD (Guerreiro et al. 2013; Jonssonet al. 2013). The ectodomain is shed into the CSF inresponse to microglial activation (sTREM2) and wasfirst measured in CSF from MS patients, who hadincreased concentrations as compared to controls.Increased CSF sTREM2 concentrations were recentlyreported in both dementia and MCI stages of AD andCSF sTREM2 correlate with CSF Tau but not CSF Ab42concentrations, suggesting that microglial activationoccurs in close connection with onset of neurodegenera-tion (Heslegrave et al. 2016; Piccio et al. 2016; Suarez-Calvet et al. 2016). The association of CSF sTREM2 withprotective versus harmful microglial activation is pres-ently unknown; longitudinal studies with repeated CSFsamplings over time are needed to determine this.

Novel technologies in biomarkers research

A common limiting factor of biomarker research is theaccess to well-characterised samples with regard todiagnosis and pre-analytical factors. For this reason itis desirable to use methods with low demand on sam-ple volumes in order to be able to investigate asmany different biomarker candidates as possible in agiven set of samples. Another constraint is the sensi-tivity of the assays that are used in the search. Eventhough an ordinary ELISA is quite sensitive a biomol-ecule cannot be investigated and evaluated for itspotential as a biomarker if its concentration is consist-ently below the limit of quantification for the assay. Inthis article a technology is considered novel if it, inaddition to not being older than approximately 10years, has supreme sensitivity or much less demandon sample volume compared with an ordinary ELISA.On the other hand, biotechnology companies areextremely active in the marketing of their technolo-gies, and the figures regarding supreme sensitivity ofall novel methods should be taken with a pinch ofsalt. The determination of the sensitivity of animmunoassay depends strongly on several factors, e.g.identity of the antibodies, the source of the calibratorand way of calculating the limit of detection/quantifi-cation. As long as these factors are not fixed anymethod comparison to judge the sensitivity would belike comparing apples and oranges.

Single-molecule counting

The single-molecule counting (SMC) technology devel-oped by Singulex (Wu et al. 2006; Todd et al. 2007)marked the start of ultra-sensitive immunoassays

claiming a 100 times higher sensitivity compared tocontemporary immunoassay platforms. In this bead-based technology the sandwich complex (capture anti-body-analyte-detection antibody), which is at the heartof many immunoassays, is broken up and only the flu-orescently labelled detection antibody is quantified assingle events as they are drawn into a capillary andpass a laser beam that excites the fluorophore, andgive a signal above the threshold of the backgroundnoise. The sum of the number of such discrete eventsin a sample is the signal that is used for calculatingthe concentration of the analyte. At higher concentra-tions the probability increases for the occurrence ofmore than one antibody passing the beam at thesame time and then a switch is automatically made tomeasure the total amount of light emitted, whichallows for a high dynamic range of the platform. AnErenna instrument is needed to run SMC assays, andthe platform is open, which allows for in-house assaysto be developed. For the time being multiplex is notan option for the SMC technology.

Single-molecule array

Quanterix has invented and commercialised the single-molecule array (Simoa) technology (Rissin et al. 2010),which is a bead-based digital ELISA claimed to be1,000-fold more sensitive than an ordinary ELISA. Thereason for the label ‘digital’ is that after the sandwichcomplex is formed, using an enzyme-conjugateddetection antibody, the beads are trapped in 50-flwells together with the fluorogenic substrate, and thesmall reaction volume allows for a detectable signaleven if only one sandwich complex is present on abead. At higher concentrations the probability of morethan one sandwich complex per bead increases andthe detection make a transit from digital to analoguesignal treatment to expand the dynamic range. A dedi-cated analyser, Simoa HD-1, is needed and it is pos-sible to make in-house assays. The option ofmultiplexing is now also available on the platform(Rissin et al. 2013; Rivnak et al. 2015).

Proximity extension assay

The proximity extension assay (PEA) utilises real-timepolymerase chain reaction (PCR) as a signal generator(Fredriksson et al. 2002; Lundberg et al. 2011). In PEApartly complementary DNA strands are conjugated totwo different antibodies allowing for the DNA strandsto hybridise when both antibodies come in proximityto each other upon binding to the analyte. The designof the complementary DNA parts prevents





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hybridisation in the absence of binding of both anti-bodies to the analyte. In the presence of DNA poly-merase and deoxynucleotides a double-stranded PCRtemplate is formed, which can be multiplied andquantified using real-time PCR. PEA has been commer-cialised by the company Olink, and their Proseekmultiplex assays can be used in any laboratory, giventhat the necessary instruments are available, but thecompany also offers a fee-for-service. PEA is not amultiplex in the sense that all analytes are analysed inone go, rather there are separate reactions, but evenso only a 1-ml sample is needed for a 92-plex assay.The manufacturers claim that the sensitivity is, com-parable or better than ELISA, down to fg/ml.

Slow off-rate modified aptamer scan

Nucleotides can be used for detection, as in PEA, butalso for binding specific target molecules and thisproperty is utilised in the slow off-rate modifiedaptamer scan (SOMAscan) commercialised bySOMAlogical (Rohloff et al. 2014). In SOMAscan, nucle-otid-based aptamers are conjugated to biotin andbound to streptavidin-coated beads via a linker con-taining both a fluorophore and a photocleavable spa-cer. After sample incubation followed by a wash, thebound proteins are biotinylated, and the biotin-pro-tein-aptamer-fluorophore complex is dissociated fromthe beads using light photocleavage. After removal ofthe beads, new streptavidin-coated beads are added,to which the complex can bind and at the same timeallow for non-specific interactions to dissociate. Next,the proteins are eluted from the aptamer-fluorophorecomplex. After a wash the aptamer-fluorophore com-plex is released from the beads under denaturing con-ditions and the aptamers are hybridised tocomplementary strands on a microarray chip andquantified by fluorescence. By design, the intensity ofthe fluorescent signal reflects the concentration of theanalyte in the sample, the sensitivity is typically as lowas ELISA systems, and the dynamic range is claimed tobe 8 orders of magnitude. It is also possible to useqPCR or Luminex systems for quantification.SOMAlogical offers more than 1,300 analytes on a fee-for-service basis but it also possible to set up thesystem in any laboratory, and there are also externallaboratories trained (e.g. Neurochemistry Lab VUmc) toperform the analysis for research purposes.

Immunomagnetic reduction

When antibody-coated magnetic nanoparticles interactwith antigen the magnetically induced oscillation

decreases in a concentration-dependent way. Thiseffect is called immunomagnetic reduction (IMR) andis the principle used in the detection system utilisedon the platform developed by the company MagQu(Chieh et al. 2008). The technology has been shown tobe an order of magnitude more sensitive than a con-ventional ELISA (Horng et al. 2006). MagQu offers anassay service, where samples are sent to and analysedby the company. Instruments for measuring IMR andreagents for making in-house assays are available forpurchase from MagQu.


Meso Scale Discovery has recently launched a sample-testing service called S-plex. Even though the assayscan be analysed using their already established elec-trochemiluminescence plate readers the detection isimproved and the company claims that the S-plex hasa 100–1000 times greater sensitivity than ELISAs. Theplan is to make the technology available outside thecompany. However, according to a company represen-tative, the novel extra sensitive detection process is acompany secret not to be revealed even after therelease of the S-plex to external laboratories.

Flexmap 3D

Luminex has been a player on the multiplex arena formore than 20 years and their xMAP technology isbased on the principles of flow cytometry. The anti-body-coated beads are filled with different ratios oftwo fluorophores that identifies which analyte that isbound and the detection antibody is labelled withanother fluorophore which is used for generation asignal. Initially there was a limitation of 100 differentdye combinations, but when the FLEXMAP 3D plat-form was launched in 2007 this number increased to500. It is the introduction of a third dye in the beadsthat has allowed for the increase in possible discretedye combinations. The platform is open allowing forin-house multiplex assays to be developed in additionto other companies to manufacture and vend kits forthe platform.


Luminex has also a platform, MAGPIX, which utilisesmagnetic beads filled with two different dyes and witha limit of 50-plex assays. It might seem as a step backdecreasing the number of possible analytes but formany applications it is a quite sufficient number.Instead of measuring the beads one by one, as in





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FLEXMAP 3D, the beads are drawn to a plate usingmagnetism and then exited with light. Pictures aretaken and image analysis allow for identification andquantification. The same openness applies to MAGPIXas to FLEXMAP 3D when it comes to in-house methoddevelopment.

Mass spectrometry

One thing that the above-mentioned technologies allhave in common is the use of antibodies in a way thatthe analytes are measured indirectly. There are poten-tial pitfalls connected to this, e.g. heterophilic antibod-ies and non-specific binding, which can give falseresults. Many of the problems with immunochemicalmethods can be avoided using quantitative MS (Scherl2015). As a principle MS is almost 100 years old, butafter the invention of the soft ionisation methods,allowing for organic compounds to be analysed, theevolution has been, and still is, fast. Today MS com-petes well with the sensitivity of immunoassays butfor the time being immune assays in general havehigher throughput of samples.

Biomarkers in frontotemporal lobardegeneration

FTLD comprises a group of neurodegenerative disor-ders with overlapping symptomatology and histopath-ology (see also the section on neuropathology abovein this paper). The common feature is the degener-ation of the frontal and anterior temporal lobe, and atpresent the following syndromes are assigned to theFTLD spectrum (Seltman and Matthews 2012): thethree types of FTD including the behavioural variant ofFTD (bvFTD) and the semantic and non-fluent variantsof primary progressive aphasia (svPPA and nfvPPA),FTD with motor neuron disease (FTD-MND), PSP andcorticobasal syndrome (CBS). These syndromes can fur-ther be classified as behavioural variant (bvFTD), lan-guage variant (svPPA and nfvPPA) and motor variant(FTD-MND, PSP and CBS) of FTLD.

As outlined earlier in this paper, FTLD is neuropa-thologically characterised by proteinaceous aggregatesin the brain, but there are differences in the proteincomposition. Intracellular, Tau-positive aggregates(FTLD-Tau) are found in 36%–50% of FTLD cases; mostnfvPPA show FTLD-Tau pathology in contrast to onlyfew svPPA patients. PSP and CBS also show predomin-antly FTLD-Tau pathology with some exceptions forCBS. The presence of aggregates positive for the TARDNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) accounts forabout 50% of FTLD patients; this type of pathology is

found in FTD-MND, in most svPPA patients and onlyseldom in nfvPPA or CBS. The third characteristicallyaggregated protein is FUS (FTLD-FUS) and bvFTDpatients appear with all three types of neuropathology(Rabinovici and Miller 2010; Bang et al. 2015).

To date, diagnosis of FTLD syndromes is based onclinical symptoms only (Litvan et al. 1996; Gorno-Tempini et al. 2011; Rascovsky et al. 2011; Armstronget al. 2013) and is hampered by the great overlap ofthe clinical manifestation within the FTLD subtypesand with other types of dementia (e.g. AD) or move-ment disorders (e.g. PD).

Candidate biomarkers that might help in the earlyand differential diagnosis of FTLD were recently sum-marised (Feneberg et al. 2012; Oeckl et al. 2015; Oeckl,Metzger, et al. 2016; Oeckl, Steinacker, et al. 2016). ADrepresents the most important disorder in the differen-tial diagnosis of FTD. Especially if patients present withpredominant language deficits one has to distinguishthe logopenic variant of PPA, which is mostly associ-ated with underlying AD pathology (Gorno-Tempiniet al. 2011). Tau, pTau181 and Ab42 are the mostpromising biomarker candidates to help in differenti-ation between FTD and AD. Several studies investi-gated these biomarkers in FTD and AD as summarisedin different meta-analysis: CSF Ab42 is reduced (Tanget al. 2014) and Tau (van Harten et al. 2011) andpTau181 (van Harten et al. 2011) are increased in ADcompared to FTD. In fact, in the new criteria for bvFTDa typical biomarker profile of AD would lead to anexclusion of bvFTD. However, this point is certainly amatter of discussion.

In recent years, studies focussed on the validationof these results in larger patient cohorts and the com-bination of the three biomarkers to increase sensitivityand specificity. Skillback et al. (2014) could showincreased Tau and pTau181 and reduced Ab42 concen-trations in AD in a cohort of more than 5000 patients.Several other studies confirmed these observations(Alcolea et al. 2014; Baldeiras et al. 2015; Ewers et al.2015; Magdalinou et al. 2015; Struyfs, Van Broeck,et al. 2015; Timmer et al. 2015). The combination ofAb42 and pTau181 (as Ab42/pTau181 ratio) differenti-ated better AD and FTD patients (Skillback,Farahmand, et al. 2014). This was supported by twoother studies reporting increased sensitivity(80%–86%) and specificity (82%) of the ratio Ab42/pTau181 compared with the three biomarkers alone(Baldeiras et al. 2015; Struyfs, Van Broeck, et al. 2015).

Although up to half of FTD cases show Tau path-ology (Bang et al. 2015), unexpectedly CSF Tau is nor-mal or only slightly altered in FTD patients in contrastto its marked increase in AD. This leads to a more





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general discussion of whether CSF Tau is a marker ofTau pathology or more a marker of synaptic impair-ment (Halbgebauer et al. 2016). Further, some studiessuggest a Tau/pTau ratio as as good discriminatorybiomarkers between Tau and tdp-43 pathology(Pijnenburg et al. 2015).

Tau isoforms such as pTau181 are expected to bemore specific, but data for FTD is sparse. Differentforms of Tau phosphorylation (pTau231 and pTau199)have been investigated in FTD but they are increasedin AD too (Hampel et al. 2004), and more efforts isneeded to identify FTD-specific Tau isoforms.

Other products of the APP/Ab metabolism havebeen suggested as promising biomarker candidates inthe past, e.g. Ab1–37 and Ab1–38 (Oeckl et al. 2015),and a recent study by Struyfs et al. (2015) confirmedan increased accuracy of the FTD versus AD diagnosiswhen using Ab1–37 and Ab1–38. sAPP has beenshown to be elevated in AD and MCI compared withFTD in some studies (Gabelle et al. 2011; Perneczkyet al. 2011; Alexopoulos et al. 2012; Alcolea et al.2014), whereas previous data for sAPP were inconsist-ent (Gabelle et al. 2011; Perneczky et al. 2011).Magdalinou et al. (2015) did not observe differences insAPPa and sAPPb between AD and FTD in their recentstudy. However, the evidence for these candidate bio-markers is still too low and needs further validation inlarger patient cohorts. In addition, the confirmation ofdifferences between FTD and AD with techniquesother than immunoassays, as has been described(Pannee et al. 2013), would be desirable.

NF-L and phosphorylated neurofilament heavychain (pNF-H) are important proteins of the axonalcytoskeleton, and their increased concentrations in theCSF are considered as a marker of axonal damage(Petzold 2005). In FTD, CSF NF-L concentration hasbeen shown increased compared to AD (de Jong et al.2007; Landqvist Waldo et al. 2013). In a large cohort ofpatients, Skillback et al. (2014) confirmed increasedNF-L concentrations in FTD, but overlap between thegroups was still large, indicating that NF-L alone mightnot be optimal to differentiate AD and FTD. On theother hand, if used in combination with the classic ADbiomarkers, NF-L can introduce information about anadditional type of pathology and increase diagnosticsensitivity and specificity as shown by de Jong et al.(2007). Although no study focussed on NF-L differen-ces between the FTD subtypes bvFTD, svPPA andnfvPPA in recent years, previous studies (LandqvistWaldo et al. 2013; Scherling et al. 2014) observed nodifferences, which further supports its usefulness inthe discrimination of AD and FTD in general. Mostrecently elevated levels of NF-L were also described in

blood (Meeter et al. 2016; Rohrer et al. 2016). Furtherstudies will show if NF-L can indeed be used as diag-nostic or prognostic marker in FTD.

New biomarker candidates were discussed for thedifferential diagnosis of AD and FTD, such as endosta-tin (Salza et al. 2015), NG (Janelidze, Hertze, et al.2016), ubiquitin (Oeckl et al. 2014), b-synuclein (Oeckl,Metzger, et al. 2016) and YKL-40 (Olsson et al. 2013;Magdalinou et al. 2015).

Data on CSF biomarkers in C9orf72 and MAPT muta-tion carriers are still sparse. Elevated phosphorylatedTDP43 concentrations in CSF and plasma was found ina small cohort of FTD patients with C9orf72 mutationcompared with sporadic FTD and controls (Suarez-Calvet et al. 2014, Teunissen et al. 2016), althoughdiagnostic use of TDP43 was questionable (Steinackeret al. 2008; Feneberg et al. 2014). Interestingly, in theC9orf72 mutation, carriers’ increased CSF concentra-tions of poly(GP) expression, as a result of the hexanu-cleotide repeat extension, were seen (Su et al. 2014).In patients with mutation of the progranulin gene,decreased levels of progranulin in blood and CSF wereobserved as loss of ‘protein’ (Ghidoni et al. 2008; VanDamme et al. 2008).

Summarising, to date the AD core biomarkers Tau,pTau181 and Ab42, as well as NF-L, are the mostpromising biomarker candidates for the differentialdiagnosis of FTLD, which is supported by several stud-ies. Tau, pTau181 and Ab42 already show a satisfactorydiagnostic power to differentiate AD and FTD whenused in combination (ratio of Ab42/pTau181 andAb42/Tau), which can be further improved by includ-ing NF-L concentrations.

CSF and blood biomarkers in amyothrophiclateral sclerosis

ALS, the most common phenotype of motor neurondisease, is characterised by progressive weakness dueto degeneration of upper and lower motor neuronsculminating in death, typically from respiratory failure,with a median survival of 30 months from symptomonset (Kiernan et al. 2011). Although the incidence ofALS is not dissimilar to multiple sclerosis, its preva-lence is greatly reduced as a result of its typicallymuch more rapid progression. ALS overlaps histo-pathologically, and in some cases clinically, with a sub-set of FTLD, through cytoplasmic inclusions of the43 kDa TAR DNA binding protein, TDP-43, present in97% of all cases (Mackenzie et al. 2007). ALS is clinic-ally heterogeneous, with significant variability in rateof disease progression, and a range of monogenetic





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associations so that it is increasingly viewed as a syn-drome (Turner and Swash 2015).

The development of markers to distinguish ALSfrom other causes of progressive motor weakness, toimprove the stratification of patients, and to assesstherapeutic efficacy is a major focus of research(Turner et al. 2009). A range of cellular pathways,including glutamatergic excitotoxicity, oxidative stress,mitochondrial dysfunction and neuroinflammationhave been associated with ALS pathogenesis (Turneret al. 2013). In common with other neurodegenerativediseases, biofluids are viewed as an attractive potentialsource of objective markers of disease activity. A broadrange of CSF and blood constituents have been exam-ined over the course of four decades, ranging fromamino acids and neurotransmitters, to proteins morespecifically implicated in the pathogenesis of ALS.


Although non-specific to ALS, elevated CSF and bloodlevels of NF-L and phosphorylated neurofilamentheavy chain are currently the leading biomarker candi-date in ALS (Turner and Gray 2016).

The accuracy of CSF NF levels to distinguishpatients with ALS from healthy controls is well estab-lished (Boylan et al. 2013; Zetterberg, Jacobsson, et al.2007), with one recent study reporting an electroche-miluminescent assay for NF-L as having a sensitivity of97% and a specificity of 95% in this setting (Lu,Macdonald-Wallis, et al. 2015). The extrapolation ofthis for use as an adjunct to diagnosis in clinic is lim-ited by the use, thus far, of controls who are healthyor suffer from disorders not encountered in the differ-ential diagnosis of ALS. Serum and plasma NF-L correl-ate well with CSF levels, though performance indistinguishing ALS from healthy controls is somewhatdiminished, with a sensitivity of 89% and a specificityof 75% for serum (Lu, Macdonald-Wallis, et al. 2015).No significant difference between plasma levels ofpNF-H were seen in patients with ALS compared tocontrols (Lu, Petzold, et al. 2015).

The utility of CSF neurofilaments in the diagnosis ofALS, measuring CSF NF-L and pNF-H, as well as Tauand pTau, was explored in 455 patients, including 253patients with ALS (including the upper motor neuron-restricted variant primary lateral sclerosis, PLS) and 85patients with conditions said to mimic ALS (Steinackeret al. 2016). Both NF-L and pNF-H performed compar-ably at distinguishing MND patients from mimics witha sensitivity of 77% and 81% and specificity of 88%and 80%, respectively, at the optimal cut-off values.The strength of this study lies in the large number of

subjects and comparison with disease rather thanhealthy controls, although the mimic group was nottypical for those most challenging to differentiate fromALS in the clinic setting.

CSF levels of both pNF-H and NF-L appear to correl-ate positively with disease progression rate and nega-tively with survival from symptom onset(Brettschneider et al. 2006; Ganesalingam et al. 2011;Lu, Macdonald-Wallis, et al. 2015; Lu, Petzold, et al.2015). No significant change in the level of either NFchain in CSF or blood has been observed over time,with the caveat that longitudinal sampling is inevitablylimited in patients with rapidly progressive disease (inwhom fluctuation in NF levels might be most likely tooccur). These two properties make NFs attractivemarkers for use in clinical trials, to enable stratificationof subjects at recruitment and to detect a suppressionof disease activity (or lack thereof) prior to the emer-gence of clinically detectable outcomes. This has notyet been explored in the context of a therapeutic trial.

Finally, in a cross-sectional study of asymptomaticcarriers of genetic mutations associated with a high-risk of developing ALS, NF levels were not significantlydifferent from those of healthy controls (Weydt et al.2016). This supports the view, from combined MRI andCSF studies in symptomatic ALS patients, that signifi-cantly raised CSF NF-L levels using current assay tech-nology, reflect large white matter tract degeneration(Menke et al. 2015).

Aggregated proteins

Intraneuronal aggregates of hyperphosphorylated TDP-43 are the pathological hallmark of nearly all cases ofALS. Several studies have detected elevated CSF TDP-43 levels in patients with ALS compared to bothhealthy controls and neurological disease controls, afinding which runs contrary to that of PD and AD, inwhich CSF aSyn and Ab1–42 levels, respectively, aredecreased (Motter et al. 1995; Mollenhauer et al. 2008;Kasai et al. 2009; Noto et al. 2011). Counterintuitively,patients with lower CSF TDP-43 also had shorter sur-vival from symptom onset. Attempts to replicate theassociation of CSF TDP-43 levels with disease activityin ALS have led to the suggestion that the low levelsof CSF TDP-43 detectable with current commercialassays may be blood derived (Feneberg et al. 2014).More research is needed to understand the variablenature and location of the pathological forms of TDP-43 found in ALS.

The major component of aggregates in 20% offamilial ALS (2% of all cases) is Cu/Zn superoxidedismutase (SOD-1), linked to mutations in SOD1.





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No difference in CSF levels of SOD-1 between ALSpatients (including those with SOD1 mutations) andhealthy controls has been demonstrated, includingmeasurement of misfolded forms (Jacobsson et al.2001; Zetterstrom et al. 2011). Interestingly, NF levelswere also not significantly raised in this group, despitea clinical ALS phenotype (Zetterberg, Jacobsson, et al.2007). Measurement of SOD-1 does not, therefore,appear to be a promising route for the developmentof diagnostic assays, although may still prove useful inthe development of a pharmacodynamic measure foremerging antisense oligonucleotide therapies for SOD1mutation carriers (Winer et al. 2013).

Cystatin C, a component of ALS-specific intraneuro-nal inclusions found in lower motor neurons (Buninabodies) has been shown to be decreased in CSF ofpatients in both proteomic and candidate-driven stud-ies (Ranganathan et al. 2005; Tsuji-Akimoto et al. 2009;Ryberg et al. 2010; Wilson et al. 2010; Collins et al.2015). Although a correlation was noted between cys-tatin C levels and rate of disease progression, cystatinC has proved to have limited accuracy at distinguish-ing ALS patients from neurological controls, with sensi-tivity ranging from 23% to 53% and specificity from52% to 88% (Wilson et al. 2010).

Cytokines, growth factors and oxidative stress

There is evidence of activation of the immune systemin ALS, but primary versus secondary roles in patho-genesis still require clarification (Evans et al. 2013).Perturbations in immune signalling molecules remaina focus of study as potential indicators of diseaseactivity or severity. CSF levels of transforming growthfactor b1 (TGF-b1) have been examined in ALS, withone showing elevated levels in CSF and serum only inpatients judged to have terminal clinical status whencompared to healthy controls, and another demon-strating elevated levels in plasma as well as a weakpositive correlation with disease duration (r¼ 0.66)(Houi et al. 2002; Ilzecka et al. 2002). Levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IFN-c in serum and CSF meas-ured by ELISA were elevated in ALS patients comparedwith healthy controls as well as a positive correlationwith disease progression rate as measured by rate ofchange in the revised ALS Functional Rating Score(serum r¼ 0.44, CSF r¼ 0.56) (Liu et al. 2015).

Several studies have employed multiplex panels ofcytokines and growth factors in CSF and serum(Tanaka et al. 2006; Mitchell et al. 2009; Mitchell et al.2010; Tateishi et al. 2010; Furukawa et al. 2015). Of 16cytokines common to all four CSF studies, only gran-ulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) was

consistently elevated, while interleukin 17 (IL-17, apro-inflammatory cytokine) was elevated in three outof four studies. G-CSF has not been separately vali-dated in a large cohort and neither its diagnosticaccuracy nor long-term variability has beenestablished.

Elevation of IL-17 has been reproduced in onestudy comparing CSF of 22 ALS patients with 19patients suffering other neurological conditions (aswell as elevation of IL-23, responsible for induction ofIL-17) (Rentzos et al. 2010). Again, this has not beensubjected to interrogation of diagnostic accuracy orlong-term stability in a large cohort.

Uric acid, an anti-oxidant found abundantly inserum, is found at lower levels in the serum of ALSpatients compared to healthy controls and those witha limited number of neurological diseases. Lower lev-els also correlated with faster disease progression(Keizman et al. 2009; Zoccolella et al. 2011; Oh et al.2015). However, elevate urate has been reported inother neurodegenerative disorders (Pakpoor et al.2015), and an emerging protective association of pre-morbid gout suggests a more complex generic inter-action of this pathway in the pathogenesis ofneurodegenerative disorders (Fang et al. 2013).

Biomarkers in Parkinson Disease and DLB

DLB is a neurodegenerative dementia with additionalsymptoms including visual hallucinations, fluctuationsin alertness, slowness of movement, trouble walkingand rigidity. Neuropathologically, DLB and PDD sharemany features, suggesting a pathological continuumof the two disorders.

Unfortunately, so far the field of PD lacks specificbiomarkers to identify the risk of developing the dis-ease (marker of trait), to signal the manifestation ofthe disease (disease state), to signal the speed of itsprogression and response to therapy (marker of rate)or to predict its course (marker of fate).

aSyn has been identified as a main component ofLewy bodies, which are a neuropathological character-istic of PD and DLB, as well as of glial inclusions inmultiple system atrophy (MSA) (Spillantini et al. 1997).

PD is an increasingly prevalent neurodegenerativedisorder. aSyn aggregates lead to neuronal loss. Allnerve cells with less myelin (and higher energy turn-over) are more prone to Lewy body and Lewy neuriteformation and consecutive damage, while myelin andshort axons are resistant (Braak et al. 2003). The spreadof this aSyn pathology follows a stereotypic pattern ofinvolvement of the central nervous system (Braak et al.2003).





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The clinical diagnosis of PD is made exclusively bymotor symptoms and their improvement by dopamin-ergic substitution when more than 50% of dopamin-ergic neurons are already degenerated. The accuracyof the clinical diagnosis according to UK Brain BankCriteria has been reported to be around 85% in clinicaldiagnoses by movement disorder specialists and up to50% based on autopsy verification (Adler et al. 2014).An overlap with other neurodegenerative disordershas been reported.

In congruency with the AD biomarkers, the quantifi-cation of aSyn in biological fluids as a biomarker ofaSyn-related neurodegenerative disorders has receivedmuch attention in the last years as systematicallyreviewed in (Simonsen et al. 2016). Total aSyn can bereliably measured with different assays; in CSF it hasbeen shown to be decreased in PD and in the otheraSyn aggregation disorders, MSA and DLB, in singlecentre (Tokuda et al. 2006; Mollenhauer et al. 2008;Mollenhauer et al. 2011; Hall et al. 2012), and in PDalso in multicentre studies (Kang et al. 2013; Kanget al. 2016), but with significant overlap of single val-ues between patient groups. Increased aSyn has alsobeen shown in plasma EVs performing at least as wellas CSF aSyn in diagnostic classification (Shi et al.2014). Therefore, and due to the complexity and theclinical heterogeneity of the disease, it is highly likelythat a panel of biomarkers is as necessary as accuratebiomarkers for PD.

Alternative splicing and post-translational modifica-tions of proteins result in an increased aggregationpotential and oligomer formation and accumulation(Beyer and Ariza 2013). While the underlying aetiolo-gies for aSyn aggregation are not well understood,environmental exposures and genetic mutations havebeen shown to trigger the misfolding and aggregationof aSyn (Breydo et al. 2012). The result of aSyn and itsaggregates is neurotoxicity with malfunction of cellularprocesses and alteration of its normal physiologicalfunction (Bennett 2005). aSyn in Lewy bodies hasbeen shown to be phosphorylated (at S87, S129 orY125), ubiquitinated (K12, K21, K23), truncated (at its Cterminus) and oxidised (by tyrosine nitration). Besidesthe monomeric aSyn species mentioned above, oligo-meric and post-translationally modified aSyn can bedetected in the CSF, but it is largely unknown to whatextent monomeric and oligomeric aSyn levels andpost-translational modifications in the CSF reflect theprotein’s condition in the CNS or correlate with dis-ease progression or severity (Schmid et al. 2013). Post-translational modifications of aSyn are hypothesised toshow better accuracy and other marker proteins havebeen proposed for the diagnosis of PD, but thorough

validated studies with independent cohorts and longi-tudinal samples are lacking (Schmid et al. 2013). Singlestudies have shown increased levels of oligomericaSyn levels in CSF of PD (Majbour et al. 2016) and DLBsubjects (Hansson et al. 2014) that may even changeduring progression of the disease. Phosphorylation ofserine 129 of aSyn is a pathological event and levelscan be quantified in CSF in single assays showingincreased levels in PD (Wang et al. 2012; Majbouret al. 2016).

The proximity to the central nervous system makesCSF an attractive matrix for biomarker studies and thisbiofluid has been investigated primarily, but recentstudies have also shown the presence of aSyn in per-ipheral fluids, likely due to involvement of peripheralorgans in PD (Del Tredici et al. 2010). Studies haveshown that aSyn is also present in other extracellularfluids, including blood and saliva. aSyn levels in bloodare highly abundant, especially in erythrocytes (El-Agnaf et al. 2003; Barbour et al. 2008; Mollenhaueret al. 2008; Scherzer et al. 2008; Devic et al. 2011).Conflicting results have been reported for plasmaaSyn levels, with two studies reporting elevated aSynin PD (El-Agnaf et al. 2006; Lee et al. 2006), one studywith decreased levels (Li et al. 2007), and one with nodifference (Park et al. 2011). The variability in theseresults may be related to the variation between meth-odologies used in these studies. The lack of consist-ency and the large overlap of single values in the allstudies may be attributed to assay and antibody differ-ences, different processing of samples and the con-tamination of the CSF with erythrocytes, which few ofthe studies accounted for. But also clinical heterogen-eity might cause this overlap. Larger biomarker studieslike the Parkinson Progression Marker Initiative of theMichael J. Fox Foundation (www.ppmi-info.org) willenable further investigations of subtypes and con-founding factors.

Outside the central nervous system, aSyn pathologyappears to precede the pathology in the substantianigra, which could offer the potential for the develop-ment of a surrogate biomarker for early diagnosisthrough the quantification of aSyn in peripheral tissueand/or extracellular body fluid. According to Braak,aSyn pathology spreads in a stereotypic pattern, affect-ing the peripheral dorsal motor nerve of the vagusnerve located in the submucosa of the gastrointestinal(GI) tract at a very early stage and spreading centrallyto the CNS to involve the substantia nigra in the mid-stage and typical symptomatic motor part of PD. Infact, aSyn was found in PD patients in neurons of theautonomic nerve systems in biopsies from the colon tis-sue, salivary glands and skin (Lebouvier et al. 2008;





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Lebouvier et al. 2010; Cersosimo et al. 2011; Shannonet al. 2012; Beach et al. 2013; Donadio et al. 2014).This is currently subject of investigation for example inthe Systemic Synuclein Sampling Study (S4; https://www.michaeljfox.org/page.html?s4).

CJD biomarkers

Routine parameters

The basic routine tests in the CSF are generally nor-mal in patients with CJD. In advanced stages, amoderate increase in total protein levels in the CSFcan be observed. Oligoclonal bands are rare and noinflammatory reaction is observed (Jacobi et al.2005).

14-3-3 Test

A large number of studies demonstrated that a posi-tive 14-3-3 protein detection is highly sensitive forsporadic CJD (sCJD) diagnosis and correlates with clin-ical diagnosis in 85%–94% of cases (Sanchez-Juanet al. 2006; Stoeck et al. 2012). 14-3-3 protein levelsincrease with disease progression and a decrease inend-stage disease. This biomarker became importantin the differential diagnostic procedure, and AD andpotentially reversible dementia (in up to 30%) wereidentified as most important differential diagnoses(Van Everbroeck et al. 2004; Heinemann et al. 2007;Kelley et al. 2009; Chitravas et al. 2011). The sensitivity,specificity and predictive values of 14-3-3 have beendiscussed extensively. A multicenter European studyon more than 10,000 patients demonstrated high spe-cificity of the test of around 95% in the context ofneurodegenerative disorders. Most false positivesoccurred in inflammatory diseases and in strokepatients as well as after epileptic seizures, i.e. medicalconditions, which can be easily differentiated from CJDsyndrome (Sanchez-Juan et al. 2006; Stoeck et al.2012).

With respect to methodological problems, the ana-lysis of 14-3-3 protein is done using western blottingand there is no generally accepted standard for whichresults should be compared or which isoform shouldbe detected. Therefore, the evaluation of 14-3-3 testresults can be subject to interpretative problems andrequires experience from laboratory personnel. Toovercome this difficulty, several quantitative methodssuch as ELISA and protein capture assays were devel-oped. External QC schemes are extremely important toensure the quality of the analyses (Schmitz, Ebert,et al. 2016).


Another important marker involves the analysis oftotal Tau protein and its phosphorylated isoforms. Taulevels in CSF are markedly elevated in patients withCJD and the phosphorylated forms remain low. Whileseveral pTau assays for detection of Tau phosphory-lated at different sites are commercially available, nocomparative analysis has been performed to definethe best detection methodology, optimal conditionsand optimal test variables. A retrospective cohortstudy on more than 9000 CSF samples performed inroutine clinical testing, cross-referencing to theSwedish Mortality Registry, found AUC values of >0.9for the CSF Tau/pTau ratio to differentiate CJD fromnon-CJD, AD and other dementias (Skillback, Rosen,et al. 2014).

Molecular disease phenotype, genes and CSFalterations in CJD: PRNP codon 129 genotype

CSF biomarker levels have been demonstrated to beinfluenced also by several genetic determinants. Themajor well-known genetic factor influencing prion bio-markers accuracy is the codon usage at position 129of the prion protein gene (PRNP). In sCJD, a combin-ation of methionine–valine polymorphism at position129 (MM, MV, VV), along with prion typing (type 1 or2 depending on the electrophoretic mobility of thepathological PrPSc protein) defines the molecular typeof the disease. The different molecular subtypes pre-sent well-defined histopathological features and differby age at onset and disease course (Parchi et al. 2009;Parchi et al. 2012).

Tau levels differed considerably between PRNPcodon 129 genotypes in sCJD and are considerablyhigher in PrP type 1MM and MV patients but lower inthose presenting VV genotype (Sanchez-Juan et al.2006; Humpel 2011; Karch et al. 2015; Gmitterovaet al. 2016).

Influence of sCJD molecular typing is also reportedfor other biomarkers such as 14-3-3, neuron-specificenolase, and S100 proteins. For 14-3-3, differencesamong molecular subtypes appear to be related to thePrP type rather than to the codon 129 genotype(Castellani et al. 2004; Gmitterova et al. 2016; Leitaoet al. 2016). Higher 14-3-3 protein levels are observedin the classical sCJD subtypes MM1 and MV1 com-pared to patients presenting atypical subtypes (MV2).Increased sensitivity was detected in PrP type 1 thanin PrP type 2, whereas the lower levels were observedin the subtypes associated to longer disease duration(Castellani et al. 2004; Gmitterova et al. 2009).





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Role of in vitro protein misfolding amplificationassays in prion disease diagnostics

The self-propagating replication of the abnormallyfolded host-derived prion protein (PrPC) is characteris-tic for human prion diseases. The pathogenic conver-sion mechanism of PrP is the basis for a number ofdifferent in vitro protein misfolded amplification assayswhich enables for the first time to study the conver-sion processes of PrPSc in vitro. Several in vitro conver-sion-systems are available now (Saborio et al. 2001;Colby et al. 2007; Atarashi et al. 2008; Atarashi et al.2011).

The test systems have been adapted to the humanCSF. The real-time quaking-induced conversion (RT-QuIC) allows amplifying the minimal amount of mis-folded PrP to detectable levels in a reasonable timeframe of up to 80 h (Schmitz, Cramm, et al. 2016).

In the RT-QuIC assay, samples are subjected toshaking, which breaks PrP-aggregates into new react-ive seeds for conversion and incubation. With eachcycle the amyloid reaction product can increase expo-nentially. Aggregated PrP is monitored by the use ofthioflavin-T. The RT-QuIC has been applied to humanbrain tissue, CSF or the olfactory neuroepithelium.Meanwhile, the CSF RT-QuIC has been standardisedand validated thoroughly and was proven to be highlyreproducible and stable (Cramm et al. 2016). The diag-nostic accuracy is very high: a specificity of almost100% and a sensitivity of 85% (Atarashi et al. 2011;McGuire et al. 2012; Sano et al. 2013; Cramm et al.2016).

The concept of protein misfolding was previouslythought to be related solely to prion diseases. Sincesimilar characteristics are discussed for other misfoldedproteins, the RT-QuIC methodology has considerablediagnostic potential that may become relevant also forother misfolded proteins/diseases and will result in anincrease of the application spectrum of this test(Salvadores et al. 2014; Stancu et al. 2015). Indeed, aRT-QuIC test detection for aSyn has been reportedrecently (Fairfoul et al. 2016). Furthermore, it wasrecently shown that the total level of PrP in CSF couldbe measured by a less time consuming ELISA and itwas proven to be highly accurate in an autopsy-con-firmed cohort for the detection of definite CJD com-pared to definite AD and controls. It was shown thatthe concentration in definite CJD was decreased com-pared to the levels in definite AD and controls. Also,when considering clinical differential diagnosisbetween CJD and atypical AD phenotypes, the totallevels of PrP in CSF reached a diagnostic accuracy of

82.1% sensitivity and 91.3% specificity (Dorey,Tholance, et al. 2015).

CSF and blood biomarkers of cerebral amyloidangiopathy

Vascular cognitive impairment and dementia andcerebral amyloid angiopathy

Vascular cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID) isa form of dementia that is triggered by damage tocerebral blood vessels or cerebrovascular disease(Sachdev et al. 2014). Cerebral amyloid angiopathy(CAA) is a prominent form of small-vessel disease thatcan cause VCID and haemorrhage in the elderly(Arvanitakis et al. 2011; Viswanathan and Greenberg2011). CAA results from the accumulation of variousamyloid proteins within and along leptomeningealand intracortical capillaries, small and medium-sizedarteries and arterioles of the brain (Vinters 1987;Rensink et al. 2003; Attems et al. 2011). The mostprevalent form of CAA involves the accumulation ofthe Ab peptides, which is present at varying levelsin>80% of older healthy individuals (Rensink et al.2003; Arvanitakis et al. 2011; Attems et al. 2011; Boyleet al. 2015). The Ab peptide composition of CAA isclearly different from that in senile plaques, with Ab40being the predominant isoform, whereas in senile pla-ques Ab42 prevails (Verbeek et al. 1997). CAA is themost common vascular co-morbidity found in thebrains of AD patients (Rensink et al. 2003; Attems andJellinger 2004), and studies have reported that cerebralmicrovascular Ab deposition is associated with demen-tia in individuals afflicted with AD (Attems andJellinger 2004; Attems et al. 2011; Boyle et al. 2015).

Cerebrovascular accumulation of Ab is presumablycaused by a defective clearance of Ab. Cerebral clear-ance pathways for Ab are thought to involve severalmechanisms that likely act in concert including: (a)drainage of Ab along perivascular pathways via theglymphatic pathway (Iliff et al. 2012); (b) transport ofAb across the blood–brain barrier into the systemic cir-culation (Deane et al. 2009); and (c) enzymatic orphagocytic clearance by brain cells (e.g. microglia/astrocytes) (Miners et al. 2011).

Identification of CAA in individuals

Currently, clinical evidence for the presence of CAA isbased on the presence of haemorrhagic manifestationsof the disease (Viswanathan and Greenberg 2011):intracerebral haemorrhages (ICH) in a lobar location,small microbleeds with a lobar distribution, or





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superficial siderosis. This latter lesion comprises a dis-tinct pattern of blood-breakdown product depositionlimited to cortical sulci over the convexities of thecerebral hemispheres (Charidimou et al. 2015). Thesemanifestations, are the basis of the widely used‘Boston criteria’ for CAA, which are currently used forthe clinical diagnosis of CAA in patients (Smith andGreenberg 2003; Linn et al. 2010); on the other handthe Boston criteria do not provide definitive proof ofthe disease, but at best yields a diagnosis of ‘probableCAA’. Final proof of the presence of CAA is still basedon its histological detection following a (rarely per-formed) brain biopsy or confirmation at autopsy.Another limitation of the Boston criteria is that theyare based on the presence of cerebral haemorrhagesand do not allow for detecting early stages of the dis-ease since haemorrhages likely occur during relativelylate stages of the disease. In fact, neuropathologicalfindings demonstrate that abundant CAA is prevalentwithout the presence of microbleeds or superficialsiderosis, in particular in patients with AD (Greenbergand Vonsattel 1997; Yamada 2000). Biomarkers forCAA for diagnostic purposes or monitoring treatmenteffects should ideally be sensitive, specific, and reflectseverity of amyloid burden. Intracerebral haemor-rhages, microbleeds and superficial siderosis are notoptimal biomarkers for CAA, since they are not amyl-oid specific and cannot be considered a continuousvariable. Thus, there is a need for biomarkers for earlystages of CAA prior to the presence of haemorrhagiclesions detected by neuroimaging.

CSF and blood biomarkers of CAA

Currently, biomarkers to detect CAA are scarce andthere are only a few studies aimed at identifying bio-markers for CAA. It has been recently demonstratedthat the pattern of Ab42/40 deposition as found inCAA is reflected in the composition of CSF of CAApatients, i.e. by decreased levels of both Ab40 andAb42 peptides in the CSF. This is in contrast to AD,where the relative paucity of accumulation of paren-chymal Ab40 accumulation is reflected in normal CSFAb40 levels (Verbeek et al. 2009). These results havesubsequently been confirmed in other cohorts ofpatients with AD by independent groups (Renard et al.2012; Tamura et al. 2014). Recently, these studies werecomplemented by a study on patients with superficialsiderosis (Renard et al. 2016), in which a similarlydecreased Ab40 concentration in the CSF of CAApatients was reported.

Tau proteins (both total and phosphorylated forms)are only marginally elevated in the CSF from CAA

patients compared to controls, but are substantiallylower than those found in AD patients (Verbeek et al.2009; Renard et al. 2012). Probably these marginallyelevated Tau protein levels are attributable to low-level of concomitant AD pathology (neurofibrillary tan-gles) in pure CAA patients.

Microbleeds are often considered as a late-stagemanifestation of CAA, visible on T2� or SWI MRIsequences. This view, however, can be challenged asmicrobleeds may also have vasculopathic causes, suchas fibrinoid necrosis or a cavernoma (van Veluw et al.2016). Previous studies demonstrated an independentcorrelation between decreased CSF Ab42 and theoccurrence of cortical microbleeds in a heterogenouscohort of dementia patients (Shams et al. 2016).Patients with AD and with multiple microbleeds(defined as more than eight) also had lower CSF Ab42levels, and increased Tau and pTau levels compared toAD patients without microbleeds (Goos et al. 2009).The associations between the occurrence of micro-bleeds in AD patients and CSF Ab42 and Tau, withoutdifferences in the CSF Ab40 levels, were confirmed intwo other publications (Goos et al. 2012; Kester et al.2014).

A rare complication of CAA comprises CAA-relatedinflammation (CAA-ri), also known as Ab-related angii-tis. Patients with Ab-related angiitis are clinically char-acterised by acute/subacute neurological impairment,headache, behavioural changes, seizures and focalneurological deficits. During the acute phase of CAA-ri,increased levels of anti-Ab autoantibodies can befound in the CSF, as well as increased levels of Tauand pTau proteins (Piazza et al. 2013).

Several monogenic, familial, forms of CAA exist thatresult from mutations that reside within the Ab pep-tide sequence of APP gene including the Dutch-typeAb E22Q mutation and the Iowa-type Ab D23N muta-tion (Levy et al. 1990; Van Broeckhoven et al. 1990;Grabowski et al. 2001; Van Nostrand et al. 2001). Sofar, no studies have been published on the relationbetween CSF Ab levels and CAA in these patients,with the exception of a single case with E22Q(Verbeek et al. 2009). However, decreased plasmaAb42, but not Ab40, levels have been reported inDutch E22Q mutation carriers (Bornebroek et al. 2003).In patients with sporadic CAA, plasma Ab40, but notAb42, concentrations were associated with white mat-ter hyperintensities (Gurol et al. 2006), indicating thatcirculating Ab peptides may be an indicator of cerebralmicrovascular damage. Moreover, in patients with mul-tiple CAA-related intracerebral haemorrhages, bothplasma Ab42 and Ab40 concentrations were higherthan in controls (Hernandez-Guillamon et al. 2012).





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Future prospects

Relatively few studies have addressed body fluid bio-markers for CAA. Currently, the identification of CAA inpatients relies on the presence of a large lobar hae-morrhages, cerebral microbleeds and superficial sidero-sis, which are late manifestations of the accumulationof Ab. Moreover, these haemorrhagic manifestationsare not specific for CAA, but may occur in other neuro-logical diseases. Demonstration of reduced concentra-tions of both Ab40 and Ab42 peptides in the CSF, inthe absence of increased phosphorylated Tau proteins,may indicate CAA. Larger studies will be needed todemonstrate the clinical application of these CSF bio-markers for CAA. Since it is currently not possible todetect CAA development at stages prior to the occur-rence of haemorrhage manifestations, animal modelsin which the gradual development of CAA can bestudied, will be crucial to the development of fluidbiomarkers that will be able to track early stages ofcerebrovascular amyloid deposition. Specific animalmodels, either transgenic or non-transgenic, of CAAwould facilitate biomarker development. Such animalmodels will also be instrumental to study the imagingabnormalities that occur as a consequence of CAA andto study disease progression and to develop potentialinterventions specifically targeted to CAA.

Cost-effectiveness of the CSF biomarkers inAD and other dementia disorders

Finally, extremely important are the health-economicaspects of the biomarkers research and the applicationof the biomarkers as a routine diagnostic tool indementia disorders.

The worldwide care costs of dementia were esti-mated US $818 billion in 2015 (Prince et al. 2015).National care budgets are limited, which forces gov-ernments to select among all available healthcaretechnologies for reimbursement in clinical practice.Choices are ideally based on cost-effectiveness evi-dence, such that the available budget is spent on theselection of interventions that result in the maximumsocietal health gain, in other words, to get the bestvalue for money (Knapp 2015).

Whether CSF biomarkers, extensively discussed inthis paper, are cost-effective depends on evidence onincremental costs and incremental effects (in terms ofhealth or health-related quality of life) between a situ-ation in which CSF biomarkers are used to set thediagnosis compared to a situation in which CSF bio-markers are not used (and only is being relied on testsfrom the usual care diagnostic workup) in people with

a cognitive disorder. Such evidence is likely not avail-able from randomised trials due to limitations of blind-ing and follow-up duration. As an alternative, a so-called decision analytic model is regularly used tosimulate the likely effects of diagnostic tests in termsof costs and quality of life combining various pieces ofevidence (Schaafsma et al. 2009), such as diagnosticaccuracy, test costs and the effect of treatment onhealth-related quality of life in the subgroup testedpositive.

Current evidence

A systematic review was performed to identify studiesevaluating the cost-effectiveness of diagnostic inter-ventions for AD (Handels et al. 2014), and wasupdated to October 2016 (using only one rater RH ofthe evidence). This revealed one study on the costsper correct diagnosis when using CSF biomarkers todecide upon off-label Donepezil treatment in MCI(Valcarcel-Nazco et al. 2014) using a decision analyticmodel. The study reported lower costs per correctlydiagnosed patient when using CSF (e1,336) versususing standard clinical diagnostic criteria (e3,167). Theresults are subject to two major limitations. First, thesimulation study relied on the assumption that off-label treatment is both effective and reduces costs inMCI, which contradicts available evidence (Raschettiet al. 2007; Russ and Morling 2012; Cooper et al.2013). Second, the study did not report on the impactof the improved diagnostic accuracy on a person’shealth. Therefore, this evidence is considered insuffi-cient for reimbursement decision-making.

Challenges and recommendations

Schemes similar to the typical four-phased evaluationof new pharmaceuticals also exist for the evaluation ofnew diagnostic tests (Lijmer et al. 2009). Evidence onthe first phases of technical efficacy, diagnostic accur-acy, diagnostic thinking efficacy and patient outcomesefficacy often precede studies on the last phase ofcost-effectiveness. A great deal of studies havereported evidence on the second phase (van Rossumet al. 2010; Ritchie et al. 2014; Olsson et al. 2016) andfew studies on the third phase (Duits et al. 2015; Meijset al. 2015; Handels et al. 2016). However, there is nei-ther evidence on patient outcomes efficacy for CSFnor other advanced diagnostics for AD (Dubois et al.2015). Various studies have evaluated psychologicalreactions related to receiving a diagnosis or prognosisof MCI or dementia (Frank et al. 2006; Lingler et al.2006; Joosten-Weyn Banningh et al. 2008;





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Robinson et al. 2011; Rahman et al. 2012; Beard andNeary 2013, Paulsen et al. 2013; Dubois et al. 2015;Johnson et al. 2015) with mixed outcomes, amongwhich relief, worrying, planning activities, stress andstigmatisation. Future studies should attempt to empir-ically estimate health effects caused by adding a LP tothe standard diagnostic workup and using the CSF bio-marker test results for medical management or advice.Such effects could be any emotional, social, behaviouralor cognitive effects as well as any effects from pharma-cological or non-pharmacological interventions thathave been decided based upon the test result (Bossuytand McCaffery 2009). Likewise, costs should be empiric-ally estimated by measuring visits to care professionals,hours of informal care and productivity losses. This isideally done in a randomised setting (Ferrante diRuffano et al. 2012) to extract the effect attributed tothe CSF biomarker results. However, such design has itslimitations in terms of a relatively short time frame andthe number of intervention arms to reflect various pos-sible test pathways. A decision analytic model could beused to simulate long-term effects and a wide range oftest pathways in terms of combinations and test-stop-ping rules (Schaafsma et al. 2009). Such a model couldalso include the impact of a false-positive and falsenegative diagnosis or prognosis on a person’s healthand care consumption.

Another challenge for routine CSF testing relates tothe medical infrastructure. An LP requires personneltime, training and facilities. Although CSF samples canbe sent to central laboratories for analysis, the capacityneeds to be scaled up to meet the incidence rates ofMCI and mild dementia if the LP becomes standardprocedure in memory clinics (Wimo et al. 2014).

If disease-modifying treatment (DMT) becomesavailable in the future, the health-economics of CSFanalysis likely change. Although the framework forevaluation as described above can still be applied it isthe dynamic with the health-economic impact of treat-ment that completely changes. DMT costs are likelymultiple times higher than the costs of the lumbarpuncture, of which reported prices range betweene130 and e622 per LP (Jedenius et al. 2010; vanRossum et al. 2010; Wimo et al. 2013). CSF might serveas a tool to predict treatment response rather than toidentify AD pathology or to determine the prognosisof disease progression. Although these three conceptsare highly related, the optimal cut-off to indicate theresult as abnormal in order to identify AD aetiology(e.g. when correlation to post-mortem is optimum)might be different from the optimal cut-off to decideupon providing DMT (to ensure optimal treatmentresponse resulting into maximum health gain at

minimal use of care resources). For example, whenDMT is relatively expensive and health improvement isminor, preventing overtreatment is important from ahealth-economic viewpoint. CSF analysis can be usedto verify persons expected to have AD in order to pre-vent false-positive diagnoses and ensure that the costsof overtreatment are kept to a minimum. Vice versa, ifDMT is relatively cheap and health effects are substan-tial, preventing undertreatment is important, forexample by verifying persons expected not to haveAD using CSF (Handels et al. 2015). The latter isimportant to ensure the opportunity to improve a per-son’s health by DMT is not lost by a false-negativediagnosis. Small improvements in treatment decision-making could largely improve the cost-effectiveness ofDMT, which are relatively easily offset by the costs ofobtaining CSF biomarkers. This potential of CSF bio-markers also applies to other AD imaging and bio-marker tests as has been shown by various simulationstudies (Biasutti et al. 2012; Guo et al. 2012;Skoldunger et al. 2013).


This is an EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative DiseaseResearch (JPND) project, supported through the fundingorganisations under the aegis of JPND (www.jpnd.eu). Theresearch leading to these results has received support fromthe Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking underEMIF grant agreement n� 115372, resources of which arecomposed of financial contribution from the EuropeanUnion’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)and EFPIA companies’ in kind contribution. This study hasbeen supported by a grant from the German FederalMinistry of Education and Research (BMBF): KompetenznetzDemenzen (01GI0420).

Piotr Lewczuk is supported by funds from the LeadingNational Research Centre (KNOW), and grants for neurodege-nerative diseases, Medical University of Białystok, Białystok,Poland, and received consultation and lectures honorariafrom Innogenetics/Fujirebio Europe, IBL International, AJRoboscreen, Beckman Coulter, Virion/Serion GmbH, andRoche.

Piotr Lewczuk and Natalia Ermann were supported by theGerman Bundesministerium f€ur Bildung und Forschung(grant 01ED1203D) within the BIOMARKAPD Project of theJPND.

Sid E. O’Bryant receives funding from the NIH/NIA underawards AG054073, AG051848 and from the Alzheimer’sAssociation. He has patents pending related to blood bio-markers in Alzheimer’s disease. He has served on an advisoryboard and received honoraria from Roche Diagnostics. He isa consultant to and owns stock in Cx Precision Medicine, Inc.

Henrik Zetterberg is a Walllenberg Academy Fellow andsupported by grants from the Swedish and EuropeanResearch Councils.

Harald Hampel is supported by the AXA Research Fund,the Fondation Universit�e Pierre et Marie Curie and the





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‘Fondation pour la Recherche sur Alzheimer’, Paris, France. Theresearch leading to these results has received funding fromthe programme ‘Investissements d’avenir’ ANR-10-IAIHU-06(Agence Nationale de la Recherche-10-IA Agence InstitutHospitalo-Universitaire-6). He serves as Senior AssociateEditor for the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia; he has been ascientific consultant and/or speaker and/or attended scien-tific advisory boards of Axovant, Anavex, Eli Lilly and com-pany, GE Healthcare, Cytox Ltd, Jung Diagnostics GmbH,Roche, Biogen Idec, Takeda-Zinfandel, Oryzon Genomics,Qynapse, Merck, Sharp & Dohme (MSD); and receivesresearch support from the Association for AlzheimerResearch (Paris), Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris),Pfizer & Avid (paid to institution); and has patent applica-tions, but receives no royalties.

Mony de Leon has funding from the NIH AG022374,AG013616, AG012101, AG008051, and from the CohenVeterans Bioscience Foundation. He has several imaging andCSF-based patents that are managed by New YorkUniversity.

John Q. Trojanowski is supported by the following grantsfrom the National Institutes of Health: AG10124, AG17586,AG024904, and NS053488.

Simone Lista has received lecture honoraria from Roche.Ron Handels reports personal fees from Piramal (2016)

outside the submitted work and grants from BIOMARKAPD(EU JPND project) to conduct this study; grants fromActifcare (EU JPND project), grants from European BrainCouncil (VoT project; public-private collaboration), grantsfrom Dutch Flutemetamol Study (public-private collabor-ation), grants from ROADMAP (IMI2; public-private collabor-ation) outside the submitted work; personal fees fromPiramal (advisory), personal fees from Roche (advisory) out-side the submitted work.

Jens Wiltfang is supported by an Il�ıdio Pinho professor-ship and iBiMED (UID/BIM/04501/2013), at the University ofAveiro.

Anne M. Fagan is supported by NIH grants includingP50AG005681, P01AG003991, P01AG026276 andUF01AG03243807. Dr. Fagan is on the Scientific AdvisoryBoards for Roche Diagnostics, IBL International and AbbVieand consults for Biogen, DiamiR, LabCorp and AraclonBiotech/Griffols.

Inga Zerr is supported by Robert Koch Institute throughfunds from the Federal Ministry of Health (grant no. 1369-341) and DZNE.

Markus Otto was supported by the grants from JPND net-work PreFrontAls (01ED1512), and the German FederalMinistry of Education and Research (FTLDc O1GI1007A).

Johannes Kornhuber reports no conflict of interest withthe content of the present manuscript. He has patent appli-cations: Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (WO 2004/092737A1); Immunoglobulin-bound Ab-peptides and immunoglobu-lins-binding Ab-peptides in diagnosis and therapy ofAlzheimer’s dementia (WO 2007/082750 A1); Large Ab-pep-tide binding particles (LAPS) in diagnosis and therapy ofAlzheimer’s dementia (EP 1 811 304 A1, 2007); New formula-tions for diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (WO 2011/124376A1); Methods of differentially diagnosing dementias (EP2095128B1, 2013).

Research conducted by Jos�e Luis Molinuevo receives sup-port by: the EU/EFPIA Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint

Undertaking AMYPAD grant agreement n� 115952; the EU/EFPIA Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking EPADgrant agreement n� 115736; the EU/EFPIA InnovativeMedicines Initiative Joint Undertaking AETIONOMY grant n�

115568; the EU JPND in Spain through the National Instituteof Health Carlos III (AC14/00014) and European RegionalDevelopment Fund (ERDF): ‘a way to build Europe’; and ‘laCaixa’ Foundation. He is/has been a scientific consultantand/or attended scientific advisory boards of RocheDiagnostics, IBL, Raman Health, Biocross and FujirebioEurope.

Brit Mollenhauer has received independent researchgrants from TEVA-Pharma, Desitin, Boehringer Ingelheim, GEHealthcare and honoraria for consultancy from BayerSchering Pharma AG, Roche, AbbVie, TEVA-Pharma, Biogenand for presentations from GlaxoSmithKline, Orion Pharma,TEVA-Pharma and travel costs from TEVA-Pharma. BM ismember of the executive steering committee of theParkinson Progression Marker Initiative and PI of theSystemic Synuclein Sampling Study of the Michael J. FoxFoundation for Parkinson’s Research and has received grantsfrom the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), BMBF, EU(Horizon2020), Parkinson Fonds Deutschland, DeutscheParkinson Vereinigung, Michael J. Fox Foundation forParkinson’s Research, Stifterverband f€ur die deutscheWissenschaft, and has scientific collaborations with Roche,Bristol Myers Squibb, Ely Lilly, Covance/BioLegend andBiogen.

Kaj Blennow holds the Torsten S€oderberg Professorship atthe Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Marcel M. Verbeek is funded by: the CAVIA project (nr.733050202), which has been made possible by ZonMW (TheCAVIA project is part of ‘Memorabel’, the research and innov-ation programme for dementia, as part of the Dutch national‘Deltaplan for Dementia’: zonmw.nl/dementiaresearch’. TheCAVIA project is a consortium of Radboudumc, LUMC,Erasmus MC, VUmc, ADX Neurosciences, Philips Healthcare,Stony Brook University and Massachusetts General Hospital);BIOMARKAPD research project within the EU JointProgramme – Neurodegenerative Disease (JPND, The projectis supported through national funding organisations underthe aegis of JPND (http://www.jpnd.eu). For the Netherlands,the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research andDevelopment (ZonMw)); The Internationale StichtingAlzheimer Onderzoek (projects 12506 and 14502); AmericanAlzheimer Association (project IIRG-10-173389).

Maria Bjerke and Sebastiaan Engelborghs are partiallyfunded by: the University of Antwerp Research Fund; unre-strictive research grants from Janssen Pharmaceutica NV andADx Neurosciences; the Flemish Government initiatedMethusalem excellence grant (EWI, www.ewi-vlaanderen.be);the Flanders Impulse Program on Networks for DementiaResearch (VIND); the Agency for Innovation by Science andTechnology (IWT, www.iwt.be); and the Research FoundationFlanders (FWO, www.fwo.be).

Catharina Klijn has received a clinical established investi-gator grant of the Dutch Heart Foundation (No 2012T077)and an Aspasia grant from the Netherlands Organisation forHealth Research and Development, ZonMw (015008048).

Dimitrios Kapogiannis is supported by the IntramuralResearch Program of the National Institute on Aging,National Institutes of Health.





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We thank Olivia Belbin for editorial assistance.

Statement of interest

None to declare.


This work was funded by Bundesministerium für Bildungund Forschung, Germany (BiomarkAPD [grant number01ED1203D]; Kompetenznetz Demenzen [grant number01GI0420]) and Innovative Medicines Initiative JointUndertaking [grant number EMIF 115372].


Piotr Lewczuk http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8101-6535Marcel M. Verbeek http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4635-7876Alfredo Ramirez http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4991-763XLucilla Parnetti http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5722-3967Clifford R. Jack Jr http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7916-622XAlberto Lle�o http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2568-5478Ron Handels http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8663-0630Alexander G. Thompson http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1063-3277John Q. Trojanowski http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9239-8794Brian A. Gordon http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2109-2955Florence Thibaut http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0204-5435Daniel Alcolea http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3819-3245Johannes Kornhuber http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8096-3987


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