iunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1935/1935-04-19.pdf · 2014-08-23 ·...

'. ' ..' ..' . ·&ntcl!tllining,_'.s w.ell. ", .. . ....•. .. " .. .' .. .• .. . ... . .. . . " f.i: Ii.,.'J"' ..... .. IIIE .' .... .. . . ,is ,@eU .ulcd- foJ of' . ........-.-,. _ . . . . . ,. . Ch\lrch' of ' afte rnoon.s 'treDs ow at . .. ". .. s cbooTs . weeks ago the Review · . -. - . -. , .. . th" ' . ' .' . . . 'l'heatre. to PPSltions . tor . . 11 news appearing in . R. S, Middleton of Indianapolis, Efd e Lmornlnlt . . "Cali D\ L.uck" . is the title of the sc hool' year nt .. ' Brand in its "A Long Time · throughout the country 118 the j'a. '-ojl".& .& I plclure" stlll'S tllo . delightful held, lllst Aro 'Column," in whicb items of lO advllnce :man. -of Squadren be 'held twice dally, ...... __ -_ .. 1 Pat Patterson. In the sUllporting cast II' cleetton of the teach and 20 yeaI'!! ago are printed concern. Foundation, IS agam m these parts. . ht d th. fit b' who ' bas .been arl' Herbert MlIndin, · · ChlLrles Star. eJ's, the newly.elected members of t,he ing . two boys who rigged 'salls on He appeared in our city on Thursday hili' ey W. e ." l'Iu.allv', IL;;'·' WIIS ' re.rett,Gordon Wes rcott anlt Georgia board, Fl'ank Weil and J. B. Gaither a buggy and rode from Littlefield to offering , the services of the Hon. 01- · emmon. . ' ". ... improved this Cr,n :ne. .. -. were sworn m, . Abernathy with the aid of a "wilt W, for a pUb,lic addres.s SUNRISE SERVICE AT METlJ()Jt.; ). .. I he picture. tells the story of whut. MrH. Luttrt'll jtes igns wind. We a sked for help in getting War WIth the 1ST . CHURCH SUNDAY . ", . .,.:.......- happens when Mundin, us nn ex.eab Mrs. high school of the affair for pUblication'. · Trai'flc, ·· ,_. - "- . were Plain. driver wins $125,000 on Ihe English te ndcI'cd fiel: res ignntion to We f1'om numerous local folks friends.of .'. .. '. vbitOl'1I 'We dnesday ' . . Derby. With his winnings, he dc, eft'ective at the end of the who 'hud seen the contraption riding qUIck to recog _hlze thIS -A sumJ,Be selVICC wtll held 4t _ . ' _" _ . ddea to enter the rncil1g game him. school lcrm. The into town; and the County Wide News and arranged fbr a gathermg to be Meth,odl.st .Easter morn. witll' acquires what he fondly be. was but no action taken on . 'Littlefield re.printed our yelp for held in the, First Baptist Church on , minutes iliabl. A larie _levelS IS tho finest race horse in the the appOint ment of a s uccessor to Mrs hoping to unearth some news of Thuraday, May 8t1,l, at 8 p, m. . . .... . •.•. , •. time; . world,-'-but which j ll notl)i ng but . n Lultl'ell for next yeaI', It t here. · Lo.st week the), got resultlJ. : Mr. been heard often A.t the mornmg 'Pi'. •. ,.' broken.dowll- 6liI plug, The crooked The· following item telling of the In every sect lOp of the ·land over Ihe .subJ. cct be The of ' ;" It ' t 'S" J h II gamblers take what is left of his LOCALS l'AI5E }'IRS'( GAME OF even't appeared In their paper. last thirty years, during 'which time JII nd a sp&C1Il1 anthem WIll' rs .. ,. , uf!1!"-tfl . as retutne bank tQlI for a ritle, nnd altogether SEASON AT CANYON " ' flere's The Story he has been a figure of .prominence Easter Hunt In Afterl'lOOl1 , ,1tom t' rr" ln make he.r things' look pretty black for the ex. SUNDA Y "40st week the County Wide News and large influence in the r.eform he There will be an Eallter egr bunl; ' home III .' .' II 01,', cabby. How evel'ything turns out i. aske!! for detail s of the report ed "bug- has un. ceaslng . IY served. His coming .en the · church grounds from 3 to 6 M d M . 'G dB . ks d enterlainingly told on the Scl'N'n a nd The gy plane" ride from Littlefield to here WIll be a part ot the state-wide o'clock. - . . r .. d roo k:d the result is a s how that will b b Halo Abel'llo-thy on March 13, 1914, and a - campaign In behal! of the s tate pro. wiU be held· at the VIlII ,e .. , _. ,_ ' ._ .' .8 wee. . practically everybody. t IO!lIt comes Ca'rl Smith with the full hibition law. d M SII M d d - Three complete showirll'rs of "Coll .. ' g,. data. . Admission to the meeting will be Mr. lin ' . ra, lilt· aggar . It Luck'" . . S t'l f, SCllson SUllduy uftemoon at Canyon. "Ca!'l . sa ys that Carey Wnrhurst and fret;, and the general public is invited, HI£AVY CLOUDS OVER ' SECTlON daughters (lnd Mozelle and MarJorIe . e gIven • a l\l (ay . a A I hn·".lnnmg game wit h a CCC . Billington WeTe - vlsillng hjtbe rat show,will stnrt nl camp tplIm tit Palu Duro I'e" WaIllice Goodman were the boys who A(() FOrt CRIPI'LED CIIILDrtEN GIVE .tfOPES OF MOISTURE Frank Ti'pfett haltle In Amarillo · Sun· .oh elo ::, d the ;e:ond at about 2:20 suited in " SCOI'c of 211.0 for the loellls, IS· ASKED THIS WEEK Heavy clouds have . shrouded ' the day. 'n tell'. an . ost at about 8:40. with Pollnrd. Massey'lnman H"lms g 10m /l wes '. ar " The show IS free to everybody,. be. - Pate nnd FOI 'd seol'in' home 'run. . the fom a lal'ge plcce . !Jf entiro Panhandle·Plains section the Ing sPQnsol'ed for the people of t hi s Effol' l' IlI'n b,,'ln u l, gllld n to mot '''h nOli .cloth, whIch he tacked . tu two The week o 'f April 16 10 22 has past twenty·f6uJ' hours, but so. far A. Judd, Mr: lind Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. 'b H I C ' - ." 'uprIght 15 t th -r th b been designated as Crippled Children's no re ports of appreciable rainfall M. Davis,· and Mra. Ma.ry Peak were y a c I mrchant s and for Sunday afle· rnOOn. bUI gy 'rhe week throughout Texas, and a drive have been received visiting In the Rn Ritchey home Sun- mYlte Y'W' 10 (·UIllO. So fur nn ,I('finite ol'l'angementS huve cd: and .. was . gu ided 'b; for s ale of 20.000 "Opportunity Seols" A lig ht sprinkle Tuesday night, day. , . ant e e lr gues s. be<'n made. mC'an. of a rope, eoeh end of which is now under wuy in Hale county. . end others at intervals since. is all -- " was tied' to one end of the axle. The s(' al s sell for Ic each, and th moi st u re that has been received Mr. and Mrs, Frank Crosbyof MISSIONAUY CIRCLE ' TO HAVE FREE COFFEE ANI> CAKES AT The uoys . turted their ride .about the through Iheir Jis le, it is huped to raise locally, and reports f rom other sec" Lakeview were vl!iitrng in Hale Cen· . FOOD SALE SATUIWAY RWHT ,'RICE SATllRDA't point wh 'ere the tank now suffici enl money for the state to tions indicate thaI similar conditions ter last weekend. stands on .Highway 7. When they match a federal grant uf $142,500 for prevail a ll around u.s . - The Louraine Jerrell Mi .. lunary Fr.·e rn!'f,'c and cookie. will be would c'\lne to a gate the buggy would the ad of crippled children. A shower was r eported at Amarillo Doyle Miller · was limong those in Cit'cle will huve a food sale ul the "el'V",1 all day Saturday to visitors have to be turned eit her to the north Following Ihe dl'iV9 for seal sales, lasl night, and also one ut Post, but Plainview Saturday night. Ballard Hlll'dwart' stol'e Salul'duy, at th,' Right Price Grocery, or south in order to stop. This was a s urvey tu localt· Hale county crip· lhe good rain which seems imminent April .20th, YOUI' ,viII be A s pet'ial demonstration by tKe done three time s at as many gates, pled ch ildtl'n will be mad.. ha s so far nut materialized. Despite Mrs, Elpr Win'n Bnd 80n, Jim, appreciated. F"lgt ' l' Coffee Comllany and Na· The. time required for the. trip was John Scott of Plainview is co.unly a sll/ady northea st wind, the clouds. . visiti118: In the E. ,Cox home tional Hi .c uit CoJ!tpany will. be giv· abolU two houi's, The huggy beloni' chail'?,an uf the drive, and D. p, contin\'ed through Thursday night and Sunday. . •. UNIOR·SENIOR UANqUET TO en. by representat ives of Ihese nen Littlefield wa. Bat es is lucal commitleeman for Friday morning, and so tar ' ,·have BE HELD SATURDAY ponit·s . and everybody is cordially in· left, I n ",agon yard in Abernathy, Hale Center. s hown little signs of ' being blo"'" Silas McGee underwe. nt an \'it" to attt'nd. unu ·" far as Carl Know.. it was Other commullity committeemen In away. 'in the Plainvie.w Sanitarium Monday. The Juniors of Hille High never brought back here. MI' . \Villi, tho Ifale C" nter lelTitol'Y are: J. W: Up until Thursduy, the weather He is' reported improving niooly. · School will entertain the 8"nior, al EMEIU;ENCY MEASUrlE now of Olton. fathe .. of C. E. Willis SI"vens, Cnt .. Plnins ; HoustQn Baker the pa Mt week waR a continuation of lhe annual Juniur,Sellior bllnqllt'l Sut . TO SAVE FARM LANIlI'; of t hi . ri,lY, the boy,.. home." lIill; M .• 1. M,'Cs ter Iowa Ih,· dURt , slonns Ihat have prevailed S. A. Bultard of Amarillo was here urda )\. nigbt. FrlOM nl-:STR U('TH - .. )\I ... rnnlh)' Review Avenue, Itoy Wal'dluw. Stoneback; II. the pas t ,e\"('ral months. and Sunday -:on busines/! Tuesday. The . aNair wiil be h"I" at lht' (' Iub -- - . -1,., . 1 •. Failh. Mayfield; C. .F. Redinger, lllight brought the worst one of the Cafe. I A rl'Clrl'Ol,;m"rgenl"Y fund of "·AC'TOnS EFFECT and M F MeKn.ight, COlt"n ; ,ea,on hO ,wling oO\(n from the north;' Juanita Smith Is on the sick . list \l\lll tu fIght rnvag"s of wlIld eroS IOn PIIIC'E!-I fW III'TTER IN U. S. Centcr. I ------...:.-.. Ihis week. MllSIC PUPILS OF MH,S. AKESO!ll, in Iht· Tt·xa. l'anh,\1;,He wos made -. ---'- - .- JONEI-l WOl'LIJ S&I' UP . PRESENTED IN ni'CIT.\L m·.iloblt· Illst to in· FW'm el" nrollnci lIale Cellterhavp NEW H.AV.E , . ' BANK FOR FARMER$ Grandma Cox Is on the slc' k ·ILst - .- . . . I fo r 1l1 ul",n re"elved fru", \\'ashmg: b""n wond('ring rec,'nt. I, why bUlter. INrnUESl UAlh IUWl.CED --- '---'iII __ Mus ic pupil s of Mrs .N il , i\keson ton. fat IHit'" ,. whwh un' snid to ' now b. . W;\SIIINr.TON . Apri l 1"7.':-A new __ were prese nled in n'"itnl . at tilt' Akt, ,1 Thi s mont·y wi ll u" mati,· avnilnbl,' high"r at Ihi< peri .... " ') f the year Ihon A. C. Williams, prc ·gident of tht · 81'1»', ..... h ttl , .... fllrtn hctl" problem·is TrUron Me Ballard Is on the sick son hom,' SaturullY Pur . ,·illll1u!.lioll.ly to all farnwr ". lind js fDr """'rar ),, ' 1\1' , p", t. InClI1 buyerc Fedeml Lund Bank of Houslun, an· Iwin g s halwd lip quietly on , Capital list this week. ems of tti ... pupil .. nnd n few fri,'ntl . i nDt limited to relief . 'HoW Il8y ing : 10 <,ents per pouncj fOl nounced lust wt'ok thllt \leW loans 11111 Wllh deflecting from wero present for the l'!'Citll!. . ('"t''''' I TIll' IIPPl'opl'i c t1'ion i, a dirpct gra llt huller fai. . I1Il1de by tht· F' .. d,·ral LlIl1d uank af l "r t. ht, ' old plow,under program It) Mrs. Blil Smith I/.f'd dllllC hler , and cookies \" ' 1''' S\'rved In gUt·s!., und 1 1" farmcl' " in the wind t'fl" I"d 1'1\"'0" . HOW('VN. it is being point ... d oUI April 10. .. through Nlltionol Far,;, .traight financing. " Salina, were PlainView .. vistors Wed. pupils at tho do,,' .. 1' 1" .. grulI1 . II" n"l tu UP 1'(·poi,!. thaI bulll'I'fut p1'let· . are nut Loan l15' ueiallOn ' wlil bea .. inlere..t Th,·rt· i•. fO I' legislation hesd,y. o.f MrN Ak('soo's Purpos e' of the fu.ntl it to ("nnbIt· lin n prn()ortiunnt(-' It'\'l'1 Wllh (eN) nt tht> uf fuul' ami one by ChliirmBn De-mocrat, Texas, in pinno; guitar nnd viuLin had pIOt,(,>{ I JurJllt'fs to immt' diult'ly c. on' for prices. pt"r ('t' nt' pl'" annum. MI' . WiJhams (If tho lfoU!oU' 8gri('u lturf' rommittee Mr. and Mni. Fred d 'J,;rr8 Blld on the progrnm. . . [o. wn "rop lands. Th." mOIll'y will bt, . . Hutte . .. fut d,.U .h.. ... in sist t\18t Ill<' f. O" pointed .. ut that lhis i. Ih,' rate at to up. whut would omou . nt to a Itora Wednes'· IlY. .' ____ ___ ._ _ lIlud" nvuilublc th .. ough ,'oUllly 1". 1 "Ign sitlJalion hu s an importanl bear, whICh the Ft·d.ml Land bank ha s f,·d,· .. ul r,""·rv,, bank for agriculture. daUghter, I elpha;were P,anvicw \'Is' COUNTY.WIIlE 4·11 (,LI'II 11t·( a dll1ini .tmlor, to this I"<gion tu 11I'l: on Anw"u'lln ' hl1ltorfut prices; I 'VI'r mod .. 101lns. .IUlll' S "''''I't, th., fu .. mel' pays too The County · With· 4,11 Club nll'l lit i puy 1'[1<'1 (·.o"ts of li slin jf IIncl "ro. s, lthut wh('n iu,' h prin" g"t Huffich'n, ..... r uuuut IW" Y"ars, th,' blink hn. f .... the money he bOlTows .. M.r. and - 'Mrs:- Applewhite Pln.invit Jw. Ap'I'iI filh 'Vc fini s ht'd n t plOWing- R('('ording' '10 plan!i RPPl 'OVlld I tly high 10 wurrant. it , foreign butt('1' bl'('n making loans throUKh National fhol, 18 because the and daul'hters were Plainview vi s it - pit'rp of furniture nlHI tfS(' U liSl'd lbl' : by A, & M·. Ext (' nsion !iprvil'(I. 1 fl o uring int .. . uver Farr;J I.oun SSucilll ions ul fivt.1 pe l' ftH' .I,n tTt1dll agp nc:i (IR hov(' to get their ors Wednesday. dnry s how. TlH'rt' Wt'r t' s ix mNIl -1 () H. Mn,:tin, .(Iirf'ctllr of flu.' I t ill' 14 ('lint turiff nnd thot is t't' nl with n h'mporury ft·du(,tion to cDplln! by bond issu("s. wit .h brs prf"!'l t' nt. ' I Exll'wdnn that e ro : whut ha s b('('n - hnppt'nlng during f ,. :ur ond nnt' hulf pt'r ('l' nt until july thf' fal'll1t'r. borrow('r. hav ing to stand Hi'll, !.lIck Smitb and · Mrs . Owen A callc.d mC'('li ng of the' duh W1\ , : , j"" s\lrv,'Y" in all I'u"hundle "ounti," : PUgt few munlhs 12. !!JaH. us provided uy Ih,' Emcrgt·n, th.· t"IIl'ltst' of Ihat financing 'from CUre. were amonli Iboso In Plainview ht')cl April 1:lth. ul whi .. h tin", : hlld h,·t·u ('lImplclt·d In days ugo. und i Frnm Januu1'Y I until Murch 15 ap' ('Y Farm I\fortgagt· act .of 1\1:1:1. After two "dt· H . IllS new plan, which Tuesday, days Wt.,.. , u .. ig nud for work in Ihr l lhnt. "Vt'I'y < ,ffo l'! wiil be mudt' tOjP1'''Kimatt,ly ·7.600, 000 pound. of but· \2, l!f :lH, such I"una aga in will ht· IS hop"ful of I'Ulllng through thi s club booth at ttll' dairy 1.'i IH. ''''cI th(' di !ol buf sel1wnl of Iht, (,n1rr- i wel'e im portt' .) int,n thi s coun-tr y, twaf at tht· rah' of fivf' per tht· n('w uunk would 'I f . 'O"'a Dean IIUthull. R"porl."r I!,'ncy funcl , ." I !,ounds tlf thlR amounl com · ('ent, The four nnel onr quarler I't' land and, otht' r direct . . r . nd Mrs. Bill Shook and son ___ ", ,"-- u" __ ... ___ • _" ____ __ ._ . I·alt· An new Inan. mud. on or fh"n Ih"re Ii; th,· 10n" s. Bankhead IIId Mr. and Mrs. Sam after April 10. was. \Viii be effetiv. !)WaH U,·" that would in provide Were vililln, in the Grandpa Me Men· ' for th" ntire period of the loans. '" humt' llwnt'rs loan ('orporation lor IIll11y home Sunday "'Wild Bill" Cummings Drives Second Chevrolet which will be made on an .olOrtization lit tle furmor s. Enthusiastically en· baai. ronging ("'10 :Ill 10 :10 odd years , dorst·d ·in prinCipal yrsterday by both liS in · pa. l: F.. cI,·rar Land .. bank WalllLee anI! J..aW.r.enee loans aJ:(' made on Ih. ba. i.s of first Westbrook. as. i. tant relief director, r'l'be loWr'1\=' Sunday · sehool .,.-dlsa 18 Pl'elenttnr a play . at Lake> lIe. Frida, nf,bt, . entitled, "Here mortgn· ge security ';n farms it contemplates a billion dollars "fa.rm raneh." . fot amount. that may not corporal ion to finance :-small {,xceed 50 p<>r eem of Ihe appraised for m plot. and . equipment, cit Bay 20 normal value of. the land mortgaged to 40 arre_ ,nnd enable tenant 'far. , and twenty per ot the appraised mers nnd shaJ'ecroppers to become in. value of the permanent in.aured im· dependent la)'ldownera.' . provements thereon. Pr""l'&mEmph .. Plir!it .y No ehanll'e hM been madc, Mr. WII . ' The crop control. program -'lias Iiams said, in the interest rate on new brought attention to' tbe, lonns by the Land Bank commla.ioner, plight 01 this 42' per cent Is five a latge

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Page 1: Iunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1935/1935-04-19.pdf · 2014-08-23 · ·&ntcl!tllining,_'.s w.ell. " , .. .. · ~:'l'htS " f.i:Ii.,.'J"' ..... c".n,.,.,~' ..II:· IE .'

'. ' ..' ..' . ·&ntcl!tllining,_'.s w.ell. " , .. . ~...,. ' :' ....•. .. " .. .' .. .• .. . ... ... . . · ~ :'l'htS "

f.i:Ii.,.'J"' ..... c".n,.,.,~' .. II:· IE .' .... .. . . ,is ,@eU.ulcd- foJ tle!ltt{~~e~a~e~ber~ of' ~e· . . ........-.-,._ . . . . . ,. . Ch\lrch' of ' afternoon.s 'treDs ow at . .. ". .. Qent~r scbooTs . weeks ago the Review · . -. - .-. , .. . th" ' . ' .'

. . . 'l'heatre. , l·e.e!ee~d to th~ir PPSltions .tor . . 11 news It~m appearing in . R. S, Middleton of Indianapolis, Efd e Lmornlnlt . . "Cali D\ L.uck" . is the title of the :9a5.~6 school' year nt am~~tingQ.. . . ' Brand in its "A Long Time · throughout the country 118 the De:rin:m~:n'':e~~~~"

j'a.'-ojl".& .& I plclure" ~vhlch s tlll'S tllo . delightful h~r:~~~~:n bO:~: held, lllst .~\Ight. Aro 'Column," in whicb items of lO advllnce :man. -of th~ F~Ying Squadren be 'held twice dally, ...... __ -_ .. 1 Pat Patterson. In the sUllporting cast II' cleetton of the teach and 20 yeaI'!! ago are printed concern. Foundation, IS agam m these parts. . ht d th. fit b ' con,duej~~:4!~i'

who 'bas .been arl' Herbert MlIndin, · · ChlLrles Star. eJ's, the newly.elected members of t,he ing . two boys who rigged u~ 'salls on He appeared in our city on Thursday hili' ,~n ey W. e ." l'Iu.allv', IL;;'·' -, .-."~. ,." , WIIS ' re.rett,Gordon Wesrcott anlt Georgia board, Fl'ank Weil and J. B. Gaither a buggy and rode from Littlefield to offering , the services of the Hon. 01- · emmon. . ' ". ... ;~

improved this Cr,n:ne. .. -. were sworn m, . Abernathy with the aid of a "wilt W, "Stewar~ for a pUb,lic addres.s SUNRISE SERVICE AT METlJ()Jt.; ). .. I he picture. tells the story of whut. MrH. Luttrt'll jtes igns wind. We a sked for help in getting O~c~:nmg War WIth the LI~ , 1ST .CHURCH SUNDAY . " ,

. .,.:.......- happens when Mundin, us nn ex.eab Mrs. M~(lLuttl'ell, high school detai1~ of the affair for pUblication'. ·Trai'flc, ·· ,_.- "- . Mr,al1il 'M~II; BIUW1l8n were Plain. driver wins $125,000 on Ihe English tendcI'cd fiel: res ignntion to We ~eard f1'om numerous local folks ~cal friends.of pr~hibition w~re .'. .. '.

vbitOl'1I 'We dnesday ' . . Derby. With his winnings, he dc, eft'ective at the end of the who 'hud seen the contraption riding qUIck to recog_hlze thIS o~portuhlty -A sumJ,Be selVICC wtll b~. held 4t _ . ' _" _. ddea to enter the rncil1g game him. school lcrm. The into town; and the County Wide News and arranged fbr a gathermg to be ~h~ Meth,odl.st C~urch .Easter morn.

ente~ined witll ' s~ll, a~d acquires what he fondly be. was acc~ptcd, but no action taken on . 'Littlefield re.printed our yelp for held in the, First Baptist Church on ~~~ris~egmlllng flv~ , minutes ~foJ:e. iliabl. A larie _levelS IS tho finest race horse in the the appOint ment of a successor to Mrs hoping to unearth some news of Thuraday, May 8t1,l, at 8 p, m. . . • .... . •.•. ,

~ •. ~O\lldl, relPifti~ ';;j~lce time; . world,-'-but which jll notl)ing but . n Lultl'ell for next yeaI', It t here. · Lo.st week the), got resultlJ. : Mr. Stewa~'i1as been heard often A.t the ~egula~. mornmg serv~ee, ~h~ ,~ 'Pi'. • . ,.' broken.dowll - 6liI plug, The crooked The· fo llowing item telling of the In every sect lOp of the ·land over Ihe .subJ.cct wll~ be The Jo~ of EllS~~" ,

' ;" It ' t 'S" J h , ~ . II gamblers take what is left of his LOCALS l'AI5E }'IRS'( GAME OF even't appeared In their paper. last thirty years, during 'which time JIInd a sp&C1Il1 anthem WIll' b~ . spJ\~,-', rs .. ,. ~alt!l.: , uf!1!"-tfl . as retutne bank tQlI for a ritle, nnd altogether SEASON AT CANYON " ' flere's The Story he has been a figure of .prominence Easter ~gg Hunt In Afterl'lOOl1 ,

,1tom .pe~j; t 'rr"ln make he.r things' look pretty black for the ex. SUNDA Y "40st week the County Wide News and large influence in the r.eform he There will be an Eallter egr bunl; ' home III . ' . ' II 01,', cabby. How evel'ything turns out i. aske!! for details of the reported "bug- has un.ceaslng.IY served. His coming .en the · church grounds from 3 to 6

M d M . 'G dB . ks d enterlainingly told on the Scl'N'n and The gy plane" ride from Littlefield to here WIll be a part ot the state-wide o'clock. - . . r .. ~ d IlIr~~bb:kYtbl roo k:d the result is a s how that will p'l~ase b b l~e:vIY orguniz~d Halo Ce~ter Abel'llo-thy on March 13, 1914, and a - campaign In behal! of the s tate pro. eV::::i~~la~o~~~Vices wiU be held· at the ~on VIlII ,e .. , _ . ,_' ._ .' .8 wee. . practically everybody. o:;)~n:nl s .ei~mth:a~ir::va~lll:it::.r t t~; IO!lIt comes Ca'rl Smith with the full hibition law.

d M SII M d d - Three complete showirll'rs of "Coll .. ' g,. data. . Admission to the meeting will be

Mr. lin ' . ra, lilt· aggar . a~ It Luck'" Wi~" . . S t'l f, SCllson SUllduy uftemoon at Canyon. "Ca!'l . says that Carey Wnrhurst and fret;, and the general public is invited, HI£AVY CLOUDS OVER 'SECTlON daughters (lnd Mozelle and MarJorIe . e gIven • a l\l (ay . a A I hn·".lnnmg game wit h a CCC . Billington WeTe - vlsillng hjtbe t'!I'no~n;The rat show,will stnrt nl camp tplIm tit Palu Duro cany~n I'e" WaIllice Goodman were the boys who A(() FOrt CRIPI'LED CIIILDrtEN GIVE .tfOPES OF MOISTURE

Frank Ti'pfett haltle In Amarillo ·Sun· :n~ .ohelo::, dthe ;e:ond at about 2:20 suited in " SCOI'c of 211.0 for the loellls, masto~he "I,d~ ~~ bU~~y pow:re~ b~ IS· ASKED THIS WEEK Heavy clouds have . shrouded ' the day. ' n tell'. an . ost at about 8:40. with Pollnrd. Massey'lnman H"lms g ~m, ,, 10m /l wes '. ar " The show IS free to everybody,. be. -Pate nnd FO I'd seol'in' home 'run. . ' ~ade the s~11 fom a lal'ge plcce .!Jf entiro Panhandle·Plains section the

Ing sPQnsol'ed for the people of t his Effol'l' IlI'n b,,'lnu


to mot'''h nOli .cloth, whIch he tacked . tu two The week o'f April 16 10 22 has past twenty·f6uJ' hours, but so. far A. Judd, Mr: lind Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. 'b H I C ' - ." 'uprIght 15 t th -r th b been designated as Crippled Children's no reports of appreciable rainfall

M . Davis,· and Mra. Ma.ry Peak were ~ec~lOn y a c I e~te: mrchants and galll~ h~n' for Sunday afle·rnOOn. bUI gy 'rhe e.~:\;t: I\n·~e t:e;I~:i,(> r:Ill~~" week throughout Texas, and a drive have been received visiting In the Rn Ritchey home Sun- u~mbes~ hn:~n,.IV I~ mYlte Y'W ' 10 (·UIllO. So fur nn ,I(' finite ol'l'angementS huve cd: and ~he ~ehicl .. was . gu ided 'b; for sale of 20.000 "Opportunity Seols" A lig ht sprinkle Tuesday night, day. , . ant e e lr gues s. be<'n made. mC'an. of a rope, eoeh end of which is now under wuy in Hale county. . end others at intervals since. is all

--" was ti ed ' to one end of the fron~ axle. The s('al s sell for Ic each, and th moisture that has been received Mr. and Mrs, Frank Crosby- ·of MISSIONAUY CIRCLE ' TO HAVE FREE COFFEE ANI> CAKES AT The uoys . turted their ride .about the through Iheir Jisle, it is huped to raise locally, and reports f rom other sec"

Lakeview were vl!iitrng in Hale Cen· . FOOD SALE SATUIWAY RWHT ,'RICE SATllRDA't point wh'ere the wat~I' tank now sufficien l money for the state to tions indicate thaI similar conditions ter last weekend. stands on .Highway 7. When they match a federal grant uf $142,500 for prevail a ll around u.s . -

The Louraine Jerrell Mi .. lunary Fr.·e rn!'f,'c and cookie. will be would c'\lne to a gate the buggy would the ad of crippled children. A shower was reported at Amarillo Doyle Miller· was limong those in Cit'cle will huve a food sale ul the "el'V",1 all day Saturday to visitors have to be turned either to the north Following Ihe dl'iV9 for seal sales , las l night, and also one ut Post, but

Plainview Saturday night. Ballard Hlll'dwart' stol'e Salul'duy, at th,' Right Price Grocery, or south in order to stop . This was a survey tu localt· Hale county crip· lhe good rain which seems imminent April .20th, YOUI' patronug~ ,viII be A s pet'ial demonstration by tKe done three times at as many gates, pled ch ildtl'n will be mad.. has so far nut materialized. Despite

Mrs, Elpr Win'n Bnd 80n, Jim, appreciated. F"lgt' l' Coffee Comllany and lh~ Na· The. time required for the . trip was John Scott of Plainview is co.unly a sll/ady northeast wind, the clouds. . ~ visiti118: In the ~. E. ,Cox home tional Hi.cuit CoJ!tpany will. be giv· abolU two houi's, The huggy beloni' chail'?,an uf the drive, and D. p , contin\'ed through Thursday night and Sunday. . •. UNIOR·SENIOR UANqUET TO en. by representat ives of Ihese com· fn~ nen ~mithof Littlefield wa. Bat es is lucal commitleeman for Friday morning , and so tar ' ,·have

BE HELD SATURDAY ponit·s . and everybody is cord ially in· left, I n ",agon yard in Abernathy, Hale Center. shown little signs of ' being blo"'" Silas McGee underwe.nt an operBtio~ \'it" to attt'nd. unu ·" far as Carl Know.. it was Other commullity committeemen In away.

'in the Plainvie.w Sanitarium Monday. The Juniors of Hille C~nle r High never brought back here. MI'. \Villi, tho Ifale C" nter lelTitol'Y are: J. W: Up until Thursduy, the weather He is' reported improving niooly. · School will entertain the 8"nior, al EMEIU;ENCY MEASUrlE now of Olton. fathe .. of C. E. Willis SI"vens, Cnt .. Plnins ; HoustQn Baker the paMt week waR a continuation of

lhe annua l Juniur,Sellior bllnqllt'l Sut. TO SAVE FARM LANIlI'; of t hi . ri,lY, l~rO!lgb.t the boy,.. home." lIill; M . • 1. M,'Cster Iowa Ih,· dURt ,slonns Ihat have prevailed S. A. Bultard of Amarillo was here urda)\. nigbt. FrlOM nl-:STR U('TH -.. )\ I ... rnnlh)' Review Avenue, Itoy Wal'dluw. Stoneback; II. the past ,e\"('ra l months. and Sunday

-:on busines/! Tuesday. The .aNair wiil be h"I" at lht ' ( ' Iub -- ~ - . -1,., . 1 •. Failh. Mayfield; C . . F. Redinger, lllight brought the worst one of the Cafe. I A rl'Clrl'Ol,;m"rgenl"Y fund of $5~0., SlJ~lEnOt:.S " ·AC'TOnS EFFECT ~unshine, and M F MeKn.ight , COlt"n ; ,ea,on hO,wling oO\(n from the north;'

Juanita Smith Is on the sick . list • \l\lll tu fIght rnvag"s of wlIld eroS IOn PIIIC'E!-I fW III'TTER IN U. S. Centcr. I ------...:.-.. Ihis week. MllSIC PUPILS OF MH,S. AKESO!ll, in Iht· Tt·xa. l'anh,\1;,He wos made -. ---'-- .- JONEI-l WOl' LIJ S&I' UP

. PRESENTED IN ni'CIT.\L m·.iloblt· Illst ~ee k. ncc()rdin ~ to in· FW'mel" nrollnci lIale Cellterhavp NEW t'l;IJ!~ I(:\.L. 1.f1.~ :'II.S H.AV.E, . ' BANK FOR FARMER$ Grandma Cox Is on the slc'k ·ILst - .- . . . Ifo r1l1 ul",n re"elved fru", \\' ashmg: b""n wond('ring rec,' nt.I, why bUlter. INrnUESl UAlh IUWl.CED ---

'---'iII __ .'Wl'..lfI~"' . Music pupil s of Mrs .N il , i\keson ton. fat IHit'" ,. whwh un' snid to ' now b. . W;\SIIINr.TON . Apri l 1"7.':-A new __ were presenled in n'"itnl .at tilt' Akt, ,1 This mont·y wi ll u" mati,· avnilnbl,' high"r a t Ihi < peri .... " ') f the year Ihon A. C. Williams, prc·gident of tht· 8 1'1»', ..... h ttl , .... fllrtn hctl" problem·is

TrUron Me Ballard Is on the sick son hom,' SaturullY oft~rnoon . Pur . ,·illll1u!.lioll.ly to all farnwr". lind js fDr """'rar ),, ' 1\1' , p", t. InClI1 buyerc Fedeml Lund Bank of Houslun, an· Iwin g s halwd lip quietly on ,Capital list this week. ems of tti ... pupil .. nnd n few fri,'ntl . i nDt limited to relief "'ic~n t . . . 'HoW Il8y ing :10 <,ents per pouncj fOl nounced lust wt'ok thllt \leW loans 11111 Wllh ~",phaAls deflecting from

wero present for the l'!'Citll!. . ('"t''''' I TIll' IIPPl'opl'ict1'ion i, a dirpct grallt huller fai. . I1Il1de by tht· F' .. d,·ral LlIl1d uank afl"r t.ht, ' old plow,under program It)

Mrs. Blil Smith I/.f'd dllllChler, and cookies \"'1''' S\'rved In gUt·s!., und 1 1" farmcl'" in the wind t'fl"I"d 1'1\"'0" . HOW('VN. it is being point ... d oUI April 10. \!I~5 .. through Nlltionol Far,;, .traight financing. " Salina, were PlainView .. vistors Wed. pupils at tho do,,' .. 1' th~ 1" .. grulI1 . II" n"l tu UP 1'(·poi,!. thaI ~vt'n bulll'I'fut p1'let·. are nut Loan l15'ueiallOn ' wlil bea .. inlere..t Th,·rt· i • . fO I' cxampl~. · legislation hesd,y. St~dent8 o.f MrN Ak('soo 's C.' I }l ~SC'~ Purpose' of the fu.ntl it to ("nnbIt· lin n prn()ortiunnt(-' It'\'l'1 Wllh (eN) nt tht> ralt~ uf fuul' ami one qu~rtt' r by ChliirmBn Jnne~ . De-mocrat, Texas ,

in pinno; guitar nnd viuLin had pIO t,(,>{ IJurJllt'fs to immt'diult'ly c.on' for th~ir prices . pt"r ('t' nt' pl'" annum. MI' . WiJham s (If tho lfoU!oU' 8gri('u lturf' rommittee

Mr. and Mni. Fred d 'J,;rr8 Blld on the progrnm . . . [o.wn "rop lands. Th." mOIll'y will bt, . . Hutte . .. fut d,.U.h ..... in sist t\18t Ill<' f.O" pointed .. ut that lhis i. Ih,' rate at to S~I up. whut would omou.nt to a Itora Wednes'·IlY. . ' ____ ___ ._ _ lIlud" nvuilublc th .. ough ,'oUllly 1". 1 "Ign sitlJalion hus an importanl bear, whICh the Ft·d.ml Land bank has f,·d,· .. ul r,""·rv,, bank for agriculture. daUghter, I elpha;were P,anvicw \'Is' COUNTY.WIIlE 4·11 (,LI'II 11t·( adll1ini .tmlor, to this I"<gion tu 11I'l: on Anw"u'lln 'hl1ltorfut prices; I 'VI'r mod .. 101lns. .IUlll'S "''''I't, th., fu .. mel' pays too

The County· With· 4,11 Club nll'l lit i puy 1'[1<'1 (·.o"ts of li slin jf IIncl "ro.s, l thut wh('n iu,' h prin" g"t Huffich'n, ..... r uuuut IW" Y"ars, th,' blink hn. m~eh f .... the money he bOlTows .. M.r. and - 'Mrs:- Du~ley Applewhite Pln.invitJw. Ap'I' iI filh 'Vc fini s ht'd n t plOWing- R('('ording' '10 plan!i RPPl'OVlld I tly high 10 wurrant. it , foreign butt('1' bl'('n making loans throUKh N ationa l fhol, h~' ('onh'nd~, 18 because the

and daul'hters were Plainview vis it - pit'rp of furniture nlHI tfS('UliSl'd lbl' : by Tl'xa~ A, & M·. Ext('ns ion !iprvil'(I. 1 hqcin~ . flo uring int .. . Am~ril'a uver Farr;J I.oun SSucilll ions ul fivt.1 pe l' ftH'.I,n tTt1dll agpnc:i(IR hov(' to get their ors Wednesday. dnry s how . TlH'rt' Wt'r t' s ix mN Il -1 () H. Mn,:tin, .(Iirf'ctllr of flu.' Tl'XO~ I t ill' 14 ('lint turiff wnl~. nnd thot is t't' nl with n h'mporury ft·du(,tion to cDplln! by (· "p(>n~ ivl· bond issu("s. wit.h

brs prf"!'lt'nt. ' I Exll'wdnn . ~tlMflCl! rt~porLq that e ro : whut has b('('n -hnppt'nlng during Ih~ f ,.:ur ond nnt' hulf pt'r ('l' nt until july thf' fa l'll1t'r. borrow('r. hav ing to stand

Hi'll, !.lIck Smitb and ·Mrs. Owen A callc.d mC'('li ng of the' duh W1\ , : , j"" s\lrv,'Y" in all I'u"hundle "ounti," : PU gt few munlhs 12. !!JaH. us provided uy Ih,' Emcrgt·n, th.· t"IIl'ltst' of Ihat financing 'from CUre. were amonli Iboso In Plainview ht')cl April 1:lth. ul whi .. h tin", : hlld h,·t·u ('lImplclt·d In days ugo. und i Frnm Januu1'Y I until Murch 15 ap' ('Y Farm I\fortgagt· act .of 1\1:1:1. After two "dt·H. Und,·~ IllS new plan, which Tuesday, days Wt.,.., u .. ig nud for work in Ihr l lhnt. "Vt'I'y <,ffo l'! wiil be mudt' tOjP1'''Kimatt,ly ·7.600,000 pound. of but· \2, l!f:lH, such I"una again will ht· IS hop"ful of I'Ulllng through thi s

club booth a t ttll' dairy ~ hClw. 1.'i IH.''''cI th(' di !olbufsel1wnl of Iht, (,n1rr- i (t~r wel'e im portt'.) int,n this coun-try, twaf intt~r(·~ t at tht· rah' of fivf' per ~W. )O\H I,on. tht· n('w uunk would ~iscount 'If . 'O"'a Dean IIUthull . R"porl."r I!,'ncy funcl , . " I r",~)(l.OOO !,ounds tlf thlR amounl com · ('ent, The four nnel onr quarler I't' land ban~8' and, otht'r pape~ direct . . r . • nd Mrs. Bill Shook and son ___ ",,"--u" __ ~ ... ___ • • _" ____ ~_ . __ ._ . ~erlt I·alt· An new Inan. mud. on or fh"n Ih" re Ii; th,· 10n" s.Bankhead

IIId Mr. and Mrs. Sam after April 10. was. \Viii be effe,·tiv. !)WaHU,·" that would in et(~et provide Were vililln, in the Grandpa Me Men· ' for th" (·ntire period of the loans. '" humt' llwnt'rs loan ('orporation lor IIll11y home Sunday "'Wild Bill" Cummings Drives Second Chevrolet which will be made on an .olOrtization little furmors. Enthusiastically en·

baai. ronging ("'10 :Ill 10 :10 odd years, dorst·d ·in prinCipal yrsterday by both liS in ~he ·pa. l: F .. cI,·rar Land .. bank St'cr~tary WalllLee anI! J..aW.r.enee loans aJ:(' made on Ih. ba. i.s of firs t Westbrook. as. i. tant relief director,

r'l'be loWr'1\=' Sunday · sehool .,.-dlsa 18 Pl'elenttnr a play .at Lake>

lIe. Frida, nf,bt,. entitled, "Here mortgn·ge security ';n farms it contemplates a billion dollars "fa.rm raneh." . fot amount. that may not corporal ion to finance :-small {,xceed 50 p<>r eem of Ihe appraised form plot. and . equipment, cit Bay 20 normal value of. the land mortgaged to 40 arre_ ,nnd enable tenant 'far. , and twenty per 'c~nt ot the appraised mers nnd shaJ'ecroppers to become in. value of the permanent in.aured im· dependent la)'ldownera.' . provements thereon. Pr""l'&mEmph .. l~ed Plir!it .y

No ehanll'e hM been madc, Mr. WII. ' The crop control. program -'lias Iiams said, in the interest rate on new brought in~reasing attention to' tbe, lonns by the Land Bank commla.ioner, plight 01 this 42' per cent

Is five a latge

Page 2: Iunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1935/1935-04-19.pdf · 2014-08-23 · ·&ntcl!tllining,_'.s w.ell. " , .. .. · ~:'l'htS " f.i:Ii.,.'J"' ..... c".n,.,.,~' ..II:· IE .'

agall1 10 to

bo,\:o dOIle. !'mUoIll with him. The actentloua, Sometime ~o W El Bolcher. an the fllrm lead(lr l went away

and no :~!nt. to MrPCr!~~~! !!~;:n~;' ~:~:;~':im:~t::~~~~: :~8~::I~~:~rebo~~:~g atJl:eclt1edlJ---bad ted. re:,.a;.~:e ~~e often put' to tblB ruIJng ood be \\OS promptly pro8ccutE'd tO llte 1n tlu±lr mouth s iUld Ule IJr~Ie- 1 .. • U",.)"."" ';d"~,&M 1~(leeBIL au Madlon. writer end otber Lower courts declde!1 adversely to the tllm II heard trequeDtly noW thot tbelt!

~der nd m Foreign See- friends the quea- gO\lernment however, and tile NUA men w ill cause much trouble tor Mr. ~ a 51 John Simon tlon eYer in bll lAws-era decided to appeal They wJtnt~ WaUace boreaftor by lell1ng tbc.lr Ito- she laid,

ar), t~J)1 oraa; tdtnd, "How can 1 blnkfl of the Tlmel ed. Supremc court c:lccI1dol4"But be- riC(! flmong tl1.e home folks. andd.y .. ll1 repreleu wll1lDI: NEW dult storms. the wom of tbe a permanent and Ulleful Institution'" toto the cal c reuched the stage or I think It III l:en(lrAlly ('(Incedc4 that In the alr" Britain, ",e~ that ~ destl'Uclive series. swept onr argument betOf(~ the hlghel t court In economh:al aot! pomlca) numakull. I ,ult.beOD readla. tonight lOme ,~ to can;r eu bliP' Kan3ls. Colorado. Oklaboma, New R ' I J.l d 0 the land. the Department ot JU8tiC!e I Itl i of responal 'iewl I bu. th. autobiOsrnPb, but I

tIODii ti°Cea mmt~r~t; bU; Mexico and TU8I. completing the Tlr- 18 ~~Ia, w~~~~ed n:ea~o nV~!R n~~~:~ luddenl, wUhdrew the peUtIon nnd an :~I~ bea!Oo~~d f~r::8 or::nlzatJOOI tru; haven,~d time to r ead It, but WIU or kD:ed: UD:e:u~ COIl1~~~me~t 10 COD tua) ruin (It too wheal crop and cau. pOlselsel. probnbl:v tbe world's Dounred Its refullal t(l pr08ecute lIr atter all they 8(!r\(l as lOR1ethtng of. Jobn UaYi :HammOnd, tho lteat enl'l ua.tataatralrL In& Kreut lollsea and l uITerlng amolJ.l greatest OghUDi aIr fleel It fa Belcher any turlbN letld~rahlp (or group. that: speak for peer. wbo bal oparatd aU over the

;&Iuluw. tbe, had promised to enter U ... e I toek Schooll and ibopi ~re ceortalnl, tho country that tall:u f'ly There Immedlntely wns Bet up ft 1ar nnd "he n Mr Wonaee be- world He ~lIed to come out her!! tom, "~''Il0 new .greemcDtI without tbe e1o.ed. alrplanell c rouode<1 and train. tog most lerlouSI) , wilb 8,000.000 dung cry 8ccnstng tbe NItA And tbe nngc red btl their crltlcl. m of bll place and 'WO WQuld tan~ BUilth Atrlra. ~'ot ot parliament. whlcb cannot be and bue echedu ll."s dt.rup ted. Some RUSllans trnl.Ued 10. QcrOntluttcl. NOUb e Department of Justice of being a (rnlt1 rultn1nl\! trBtlou serio us trouble tor him We would talk about tbe Jamieson HIli. ftUulted ontll .fte r tile Enstcr bon· regIons were bero: abuadoned by aU RtI~l_n errl8 learning to p.llot plllnes ot a (!ollsflt ll t lonnl t~t Lega l bralnl lies not 50 fur nil (l.'lt!. Such circum- He Wat mixed \1p In n, and III "'hat a ;,t P.i'tmler i'l.ndlD and For"'iJn hlha bltoDts. and dirigibles tlnd mnke :X>OO()..toot (It tlie Dcpllrtment of Jus tice stood put tl l3ncee 811 the one Just mentioned .tatted tbe n~r War He ""as dOWIl ,JUDlIttr La,,.1 or Wran~e 8O'O~ht to per'\> A dclegntloD fit' !~nRtor8 and repre- parachute Jumps 8!1 our young girts ond offered no explanation but NItA 811) Ilr~ ne('(>I)ted 08 JndJcl'lting a thin the re before tho war, and I got 10 !tIlt .ttGf. England to line up with F ra.nce aontnUveJ from four (11 tb" sU'lcbo l(larn n(1o\\ dunce steps. bruin tnJs tcrs let it be known thnt !l.k ln on till' r-nrt of a public oR1c1ft-l lind boloro tbe end. Not 1n tbo IIgbtlug I and au .. 11 rather tht!n wtth Germany stute culle(1 on I'rcshlent Itoose\ el , they prcferrell to otol d tl h'l;t at thi s I I f tu1- Wal hromklng botaei. and n.t l\be clele

:! *!.':rc.f.~.~~~ .. ~:.o::,:'~~:'·~:a,~ ~ ;~;k:d ,;:,~ ~':.;"::::'a;:, ~~:'.. ~;J:~,;:~~h~!P~~:~'8~~;I~~:~ :::no ~~'~~::' ;::,,~~;,,~~m:'::'~~~r~"';:~ ::'~~,:,";~'W;;b!~,";:'~ \tny. a 7~~k~~~;"~~, ~~~~ ••• ~~~'e~~:~ "0. ~ Ilcned with RUSlfla Premier Mus:- two ,ellrs. He dill- nnt Indicate ~bat bast • • us ing tor oil' po\wr • nn ordl The), volnlcd out thnt the law explre9 Around lhe hllllll of l'()ng~88 also. Ho bll' bad a great colorful enreer. Ariel had anllouol.-'etl IOlIDI, loJemo and pessimistic hllndled Amount would bt' allocated bot W8A nary Ught aulomclhllo eD~De I Tht June 10 and tba t congress Iii Dowen tht're Ie In(' rt'lIslng crlUcls DJ Qf &1r hu Jobn lillY' Ho.mmond' Elgbly YUrl :.:_-_:::;::.~~._ to~. ..".Uen tor Ital1 with the beJp of said bl the dele~tlon to ha\e gh eo planes V(>f\ cheAp u s1ng o,rdloD.rl gaged tn conll ideriition ot a I'(lvllrlon " n lltl~ and It Is of ot4 the otber dllY 1 W .. gOIDg to lelia Wbat for?' N.I .. 8u"~b uudertecretarJ of for O8lurftnce that he woulc:l pcnnlt the guoUn(l, will bo supplied to cellee- Tbe~mpllcatl°lll "'t!! ~b~t btl1 e NnA be- CritiC;'. a ("hnrll{'tor to \Inder- blm a wire. but like everythln£ olae 1 hI\l,I DHlrmuroo with .tca delr .. Be bat;1 already warued e:s:pendUure (Jt aJI the moneJ, that was the farDla. ltus&ln m(lJ he th(l Brat lIey A ~e~ n t l~ I c erb COse ": Wallace mine him If U con a.m Bulng to do. I torget It beforo the about ror I)oMlblc tbII world tha( the Inue of war ot Decet.al'J naUoo to do -wltb. Rying mo.('hlnes ~;a:::b:blU~e t~:\ ~o~:~re::u::uft lloue.. Whe.n such tlme £:omeL Uke about ten day. olIO, "becOllH It s nltl Ihlll =."fOblb

ll could Dot be settlf'd a, what this 1I!0uotry d1a wtth .utoml')o decllSlon \\ould riot be handed down ItahliD" D~m()("rntJJ nil !lP.D.Ilt..: Oeo,.~ Dototll), Stoa.e m7 IHUo pardner III Artbur Chll>l) had GUill!

Of fOur_, the chIef queatloo Wft! the PRt::E:d ~~:~~ICl~e:~ bUet. An.1(~~CIlD gC~:U8nPut thl'.D~ uotil aftt'r tho pre8cnt Ill'" was DO :~ ~:~I~fl~~~:~b~~~a 0::0: ~~IC::' Frod. ebow one Ume. why IIhe .opelled ft!~ t~=:e ~:e~I~~8,rl;:rC ;:o'll~~~ att1t-ade of otber DaUun, towanS the :::r1n~n 1'~lI e(l~:t8 RU6s1~SJ!:n w~~:"' 1 JooJ::er operntlve bore • • tbe big 8t.a:r In At! Tholl8andl

f!OMtallti)' rrow1nl Pan Germaollm of dltlon. ftl 11l~1~, :; t~:c~:~~;:~~er It wlU make lome otbcr ('ouDtrles N(IW how l!u,lr ,t'he NnA authorities ~::'~~~~I~~vnb::o:~:: r~:e!!~~~o'::I"ldUDI Cheet I a nd while I weDt mY8elf.1 plum m~_ .. Gall bad stammered wllh " 1be re1~b UDder Hitler. and the ftn ForNl,tlt aIld I tarled thoughU'\I1 think the> have found the rlg-1lt kind 'J h(> ('onlr(IH~r~~ ('1t Ihnt are rentflrlng tOJ1!;ot to eond eUher wlro or ftoun.. Iud_I)' doopentn. color ood a sick!> .eooerete problem tak f'D up. was lmmf!dll\t('1 for New I __ of 0 ('BMe tor A ronstltutlonal teAL Now t D;l E!ant well, but I get orr lo talk

~Dce'l appea l to the Lt;HgUI" of Nil York 10 ~tt('nd the A ,oung mun 111 fnund 8tmngelJ 'rhp, hl.l\C o.ullo\UIC'(>(1 Il!py \~;.Hl fight ~~~UI71~\"~;{"Ir;:;~;)rplI~I~\!~lc:n ::ratul:~ Ing to 80me old guy about th e N It A or Il~-:; ;~:;-'~nd dropped 8aU, She t10l11 qalnst German, It re pudiation of rllh(,fI'Il of hit ('on sl o DlurdO'cd' or ('ommlttlll,!: 11lIlrlde In 10 hll\'"e tll c uct <J<,:- lurl'd 10nMl!Iu\!0llnl htll" l'rollo!'l lll s It I!'I III, IIndennand ennlO oowpu ll chor obout who won tbe tbe mentor, the guide the exomple ot the mnUa

rl ('IIIU8PR 9f the \N'!U\tUea \\ n rr(ln PL'\p.no Rj)t;. nn IUIII~nR I ~U\ tUIn,l:'III,t: rl"l'lnl a IOlv In.fl t'nse 10 whlcfi tilt ~du'Chtl'r Lll'(' In a: Ihl\l ('<'IIIII ,ltrnllt .1i1fi (, lIit y ttl f,jCC(] roping at Fl Wortb a t tb olr hl g: Rllnw ibla IIUle lister, bad _toOt! shllmetl nnd

treaU' UlllIOllol &btJ Mftc."ll(lnnl ,' .... pre bln!l, nflrr 'Il'hl('h he tl'<'e. HI H II IrJl \\ t> rl'! f I ~ t cncd brhlu:i l o ultn mark"'l of Ilro.Jkl , n /II 1 Is t" Ihp oml II lUll niH I I the nlljlllj: tmll!Dt or ma.by knackl n g PIO ball a mlin\! 011 4etc~ed. trying to tlnd amusing ,vllill b.cHotd to It<'<<lPt U ltlerlit r e llrruo numt returnf'd to \\ I1!'1hlng his buck l\lIh ('hnln ", lilllu8 were 1l({1l$(1I11I( TtolHtln,.;' 1111 poultry eodr I\el \\hlill thp H l rlllrJ d~lr{'1 tG I tho Hold ur roping at 80 111 0 old gl'11Ilo WIlS,8 mOlt palntul aDd bumlllatiol ttthere could be an 1I~n>eDlt'IJt 8~lI ln sl I ton Aboard hl l !!ll. IIl"otlllll hi s hllnds nnd D(>~k lIud • ~o 1111;1(1111 of Irvin ,:: .. ut tit" cOII Mlilu ealv@1I that are tro.lflod to fl lick their

:t'IIrtb~r mllltarJ rIpnns lon but Flan dol tra in tlio t're~1 m('t\n l null lie 11IIt) WU II In nn aU.! tl , '11 II qUf'H thlo 1111 I ullrdl< I!l t· brain ~':I~ ~: II:II~I~~I: I~;: 6(~~I I,l~!~:~:t'~~ heau8 In th o loop J get to do ing nil thlt m?,~:~ t blame you I" Arle1 had 8Illd 4lIl ,tODd ID f}lJJW'81t~un. 1 he italia ns j l dent rt'ud Ulrough tbe trllslers nrc Sf'{ kln~ n 1I('( Itl lou on tho fooUshlltlll'H a nd plum forget to do \\hat dd arced. tllree-ptlwl'r "III IIDC(' fo r protec- $01 880000 0(1(1 wMk re- "nfE-f) rln to one of his n08trn~ h<"o II f tu I r("tllr) 11 5 hllo,!: 1If1!1 ll!ned to I OUGht to do t sQmetimes ,",onder If A'oq,Ule".k'dP,.obt.ek'.U.··G.',~8t~I~: I~oe :U!I

F. I d b- IIlnn .. lhrn Ill(' IIIIJ""il lOtnt Ili t nnd n~ the Lord lIS golD " to make the prop('t 1108 .. .,Iolt OermlUlY btl l UlK no 0 lIet bill 8e It ,..a.,. ~.n:;.,;;' ! ~T:,;h;;'·":;:';:;·~ '~~:';:";;;;';-~~";;;"-.;;=i:~~~~n~.':"'''!'~I!I1R~~~,~~_~n.~t:~~ tbl' )" ~" "lOIn pO\l('r 10 ('utorce- distinction be tw.oan the tellow tlllt unused to fall!lehood. She hod Siood 1tettd aDd Fr,O('4! was un{"t"rtlSln. ~ HarrY HO~~~~_ ' 1 I ment It til'( UIl! ho"cvtr a T'l!rtatn- mwosweJl O'D.,rl liil one9ilf. m ..... ""0;---'l __ ¥-~_senJUl'-._Jn8 lD----.!...J!.oubled three uaCious -ratbTr flI"~ Ilfe ft- bOUIN of 1!'00£r", ( ... lled for peo and I Ilcton nnde r d8.II1tI."r- I no ODe scems til know CXIICU)' ~bnt II h1t~<: In ('onl:'rcsS hnltlM (11(' cflnvlcUon 1 clont believe ~e will bln.ck bo.lI us last armament 01 Aa.t"a Rul.:arla .od Int lod a~flltnded 1rtI' wtru.tmT to the III b (l Uevl'd by polke behind the sudden reversn l or POSIUOh thut tllere ls Illrt"n()y 61111]('leot power becau se we dont N!!meolbe,r

:JIG......,. lod \be Danube pad wbleb larletlt epptoprtl'ltioD measure e'fer I to hllt'e killed blmfle lf In a II ran,. un tbe pnrt of NRA and the Deport ,'::'r"',' .~"l1=~.~,"" •• nd .... s',n.d,,'uh,o"'om.'Um'd "ow .om. "CO",. "0 . 0 '.ond,.", ltal) ftPedelll bu b ..... prumottba. enacted by C'fIllpeaL Tbere were lome me nt of J uetlce 10l'iyers c:rc"pt a good TO- ." .. " '" N.. .. ..

-- featurea of U acreed Uf)CIn In the BeD I W"I!Y throu, b yanlty tn tlttrn('1 nlten mtlo) folks tbink the NRA could 1I0t prnll(lMIH d .. lq!'ullng moN' nlltllorlty to Ilboll( tl11ngl. and they r emember "nd M USSOUNl'S peul1bllltlt' frame of ate and,bou&e C'Uu(ereoce which be did tlon cllmblnl:' to the 11mb of II Ir('e stund tbe },:"otr ot collntry~lt}o l'dltorlnl him I lhO), do and 8ay JUllit tbe rig ht tlllnJ;B at of them." Ihe bad recom

mtnd ... IIlt1ltrnted b, UII .0.1

DOl like. bU1 he 118£11 Ibo!!.e who bac:l nd]ustlng Ibl:! chn ln drof1()IDC ond I!rltlclsm It IR true tbut ufter abaD Th@ r(l('f'llt IJOust> dpanln,l:' "hlrh re the rl~ht time My <leak rl c:ht hUll be- with a little dlmcull1. " oelther DO'DoC!emeut In bli O(,WIIl"'pi;'I' I'opnlo atudled It f'tIrommt>ndt"d Us nppro~d 8tmngll n g donment of til(> Be lcher cusc \\(\S an SlI ltt'd In f'lIm i nntl(ln or ('(Orlllin or th~ tore 1110 DOW Is pJled hl g- he r I hon Jltn, tbem undel"llaada bow much-bow A'18 ... ,bal Hal· wfluld k~"'p OOUlU) The- rr('f;ldf'nlnt fl tH'e I!II'-ned t \\o.1 I' " I f Dounced 1I(,1I rl) (I\,>ry ImporUlnt mN Fn.rleys of laLte r H trom fr ien d", aft & .. :w. Qntler arwa 1 n nW ttlt' lI"rl l':l,u Is I I nc~ t h n!!! !'ttllli the nmnll;t flpproprl tlllnO ~~11 I ~~J:If' \\ ~lO RI1I~~\~~!i(\~h:t ~~I ropulltJ.1D nl!wHptll 'lt'r III lht' (,l,ll1lllr) !truln trUstt'r)l In Thc DCOl'urlment nf I .. ,full". ooe w'Dta to 10 place.-...o

prlnll'1l ('dllorlo l COlnlncut ahll ilt the \J:rll1 ltllr. Jlnlll !' ~hlHltlhl til(' AO\A folk g Illllt ahould be In f rl D is If I tblrl¥S" wl'IlIcleutM I nd ~I H> t~n .u 1lI11<!.- r n I "trd Th,,!lrstWUASI.!:'\()(l(lOOOlolhe Iplrlt~ Ilf"I\ of!' til"ir 60ub If thf>v Bction and 1I111€' ot II \\IIS flllurub l(' lind R \\: hnl .. s:"OJ ' I IT( II o n n ill tioll WOUIt! lI how tll.mt 1i e IOI:s t ( "'lI r!r ~yot I'hll wbo rUM around with LU, weanona. Iltottt thf' tl !J llan!'l Rnl Ill .. IldUl tnl .!ltrnlM ot, the- " .. dnal I nu~r Itlll th(m Hr l\. ~ \\hf'n til,,) {"om mit 110 I"n "'A ' " "n,"nd I,n," ,',' , I, 1,,1\\(\('1 .. 1 II I ,( A I I' Ariel bad helped her sc(lrn

t'(j I u. 1ti>u r I I I I d • ~- ,. II " I 'fl lr /IIPI II J!'r I ull:(wt!rlng BUI do }OU kilO .... I \\l lIlil'r p J'~nch al'! ('.;nyln. I Jill l " I WK lly I 1: 1 [1 1'"1 r al m n .!ilrRtnln n or (lr flu\t'l It> tilt) I li: hllu !i t tb. Ir III "t nult7 viewpoint Ihcn thrrf> art' SHIIIO l\ 110 til urI' un u fl .. r, ~II a~ 8 \\ holt Jet Ilutting It off I curried Homll (f 1111'111 And the )lounger I llIter had ghen malleloush ttlrr ln.: up III ... tr· lht M) thnt rilltr mll:'h l not &tI,p, The If'{'- III ('trnrt8 10 \III III Rueh II tl\ ~ hloQ OOllcl('thendmlnl l!ltru thm " lu!,Il:onrlcli IlIfoI(lIl( 'IUlltrsltltl-'ppars thchlLll'i1 (lcartoN' uRll!Jat K ~{l\\'llnll l"1D atludtlE'1I pnS910111Ueklflll lime t:ba, ('ftn t rcnt thr lll !u DorthcJf'l \rrllil l onl lltl8 S3I1 UOllOOO r{\r continun tlon as 10 milk" ~ 1/111,lp !We ill Ilnpo~hl~ tnto 8 ('uIIRI1tutlfllllli test or ~H\ ( i+ In lhj.: did 11"1 nlll .~' all f' t thS I IU own hl ur t dnrn welilhat I ~aljel1t fOil Gill! Ariel lind 8nlll qulrkly


e .:u:::::K'nr T~:·t;'I:I~/:~r I~~:; of I~I\\'::~~~; ::~~ ~~II.tS;~~:!:)~~ tI:~r~ O!l :tl~ :dl~h~lr ::I I ~II:: Ir~~17; ~ll~~l,(,~~~~ :::: Polltlclilly tho Dfllulrlllll'ni of J\,;II "li~ lIm \\ 1111 \\ hldl 'IIt" " " I 1l1!;!)1 It Ive !;~lIg to s it do\\n nnd ~11t J " ,, '5 But Ihla rn~ (hmwnslrntlon (rom ~ .prlvW!.l1 by SUIlIV ut the I some o~ 11~U$Md \\I-th djl"I."ltlAfa~ tIl rpd R.ud )ullrc b ig soul 10 "L!l.I('e t l<'O!l ot'lt'rmlnntion to 8\oiti n t('s( U. ~ : :\~ I f'(1 IIII' n,lntln lslrnl!nn" f!rlll ,,111 while I 1'11\1'1 on lho planes or 111 hOl I'!9, _c!_ ..... ,~,' .. ,'"lIetl~lu;~~:~R! ~~:~~Cl;~ ;f'~ pa~el'Ulnh In I htl SII'UlI'd ffi N- tin. Ilion Ih l! protflbliity that lI ft-r r, 1& Hil i) tbe B(llclH'r ("lise 1l1rellti) ht h811n;; tL.. \\ Ilh rt h n 111 I to till' IWlJs. c lf'lIn but I me-a nt \11 0 11 l Int untl t'ti to IUI ~lNf r \..TIl'l 1II'II1 e l tlug her uhelUIlIo: Iwr

-- : .lns,1 ~ lItl'f 4~lttnl'tr~:;1' W~Uld h~ :he d DI. rill;: I,rl hlblrlon I th~ t" blt at :~:IIII,~I~~~ o~!~:l~r:~d l~:~~:':lt;~;.:~ 111 11: It s houlll hi:' "/lId jU 1i1 liNe Ihllt ~~n :;! rlc k=I:~ :n;~I::I:~ ~baeSI';I~~~I~~ 1\1'1'+'11 in deujlll~ with .... hlll .. IHI

T Oil not'w run t llal IIMllIls nl"'{! ItJl'rH' r; 1 ~ ~n Ire 'flU .. ", II "tt n ('lIrr), llliC r~~~~~~~:8 ~~:m~CQI~r:U\( 11)1 U~~OJ" ta goul sle but trom umon~ [), IInx rutlt I~~~~~~~ ~m \~ I~ In the 11181 l UI(: ()l'IIf IllY It onlo but lozlnosB ... I c{lUlrl 110.10 ~~~t:JI11:1111 1~n<!;;:~II~D h~\(lll1tI:IVI\:: h:~I1~ ... nl .. ",hod " ... nr. ODd It""",, I OU.,,' ~. '::::"7;., ';.~UI~:;:·r~o~ >I. 'l< ,. m"" "",,11m" """ " ,~~ In ,on • .,..,,, "' well 8<'n"lo, ","""., dm",,,,,::;' :":::::,,~:~,,~';: ~:"~~ •• 11 '.,"'no o"d bor'.o ." ... ,"0" 'OI~ ,ro .. o' ' " I.,II"g ",,,,,.,,,,, II" ,,, ' :'~'::..~;"o:u':'::~,~: ~: ~:'.:.:: Ro"k ' .. [hOI If h. " ,.'ng 10 •• ,he ,",," .r "',oh.' ond drug- nnd a D,'owlI" lI.pul,IIeno 'md "",,>to. 10 ,,, ,', h."" , ,",.1 .. "' I "Ill "'<0' u"o""" '0 .nowe,ed U '01 "'" '"::' .. r."" "" ,,, .. ,,I,,, .... 0" "" ,,' , hili,

..-Inn an I.UN'I!M' oOrb I b~ latt~r lord bl~b dlltrlbutor {It the mODl', "'the un "", • Nlll j.: ht IhN ar@ ~AuAbt tor ;~ur:tr:rtM~:SO~~~eDj,~~!}I jl~I,I~:!r~ ury plllidl' FI uri (on«('rnNI \\ Iwo I'rl'8 wuld ho\ o tllnycd up ,UI bo C r had IIlnrrrll"d htlr After a ll I hit \\1 111

~~t1!:" '~~;'~~~I~d ":;:';;;'~;;:;:' .~ ~',~":'m";~: ~:' ,~:a~:" :"~: ' ~e~" t II I:m~~';~,~' [,II"" ,nd mOlh,,, ,ha' ~:g'::.D'~~n r~:rs: •• ~'·ot"';~~"'~, ,,:~,d :;~'."h""'~'''':' ::~', ~',t,: :',',: ~::::~:< '~~.~~~ I ::"~U~D~. ~":.:r~~o"~~;~e; ,;~" ,,:,,:, :'h;,::~::r :~: :;';~~~ n~'~~";~~',,~; .err ~at 11 II In e-tr\ . ..; t • mUit lHY ulIl ato[I'':,',_""n'','.',',,' '. o.'n,',[,"oh''''N"'_ for. 5:'1", . mk l l)lI rarti(la for Ihf'lr 5{.10. ment ot JustJce Ihe n(>M'tlfdt) for tlllr rf'II (1r hill I rOff'H ~"r fllJ:" ll f \\111 be ~~,~ 8 ~ee::oc,. ',oI Y r:U,,"d ~:lnrt'~~ttlll~rl:I;lt~(O where Ir I hll was tu be IJturned. auee Iud, I' RUd.lfI hnd ~n Ur"tDIl . .. .~ li nd d ll ll :;:ltlin or permit Ihf'1J1 In lOcution or Ipgol qUl'fl tlln8 In\ol~f'fl j.:1 \ l:1! ('hllr~ 1 or M(IIn'l hlll ll Ilk f' nine I ., • oull'raoef!andthntIDc,rta ltlra.ltHt.he t hfo lhlr' lIblkon leadt'rlntbeh"ul4.' d~ lIulr hCIl ,,+!! 8houhl be 111111 1)lu11l11 Thetldmll'lhltrnflons poHlUon 81110 hlll1 1IIIIJIH d m111ll111.lr t il Rttf'IUI Itl II woy \liorld tlmts 111" p o p er Drhln~ ILh>a!l thec:oulltryrollds thnt .teDalOTle. will d(ltermln~ for Ihf'1Il ctArf'l.l 1t'''111 o .ad ('(Jlnmf'nUtrJ tbot 1hat thror ftre u"ln.: liI"lr 0:10 1If'1 Ie dnwn tiro tl"om Rl'IJllhU{,, 111I 1.--lId .. r Ihnl Is \llrl , IJIIl\ II 1(1 rlfir>ol aM !! tlen I Why )Iou kuo\\ wha t I du Rnd I I)(>t were euwtJntred 10 lliflrln~ hl'lult)' (,ull s _yel whitt La the tt.itr'fOMnr Wllbl.tlt :rl~:: 1!~8 !I:~k::~t 'i1ol!:t::::. t e~~~ I ::;)~~:( n~rU~'I~~Ir:::e ~~t ~:~(' tod~~~~t('~; Snell 111 til(l bouse lind IhNf> ftrt> In IItk Hllljnh \.fill h. to }101ft 11111 lnolle I )OU I nm uniqu e I even r OHll hl cdH lt' IlItrl'l ro~e NothhlJ rould 'JrlVlC'it

walttq fM 'll'ON trnm Uf'O,(l". The t b" h d De t I I I I thai bod} niso ('('rtliin of Ih(' tl{llulll'l:l t ha t or!' I'r "I u{"tl\, trom th(.tltl tbtlt rl~18 ~0811r now ta0u c~t ~i'a l ,t\'\':: ~:~o~r::I:.,',",'r','",.,'m~ .. W"'nukwClld(,.'"s,"',"'111IS, .~!PeDt ... of (!(JUNe. dtrf'('t~ pri I. UIU I (lu i apJWllfr to nine bring IIV r I I, n n progra.&lveA who bfl\e ('hnr~ 11I (hnt lire lIlelllto<:rt' .or .... Ithout 'i')!JIW al un m sse o.nOOU8 rca ng 0. 8 \1\ III. -v.,....

•• 1'11 .. 10 t.(J('!rmlln.1 It I. tt.ru.e¥ed lohfot'iuthNl_lth.-strllord111I1r, !;rtlntf' ! - P 11 n I I I III ngr llllltl\rl UIIII to fhut lU; lll r .... r call e:r:ptorh~g tn r eading Cour~t' I for tveolug abij would Jilin the hUnll, nt

In p!nr th:t RUIIUI1. . tII iltJOD l'f)9 I of [NHl' fI ' .. \'~r tbe IN-al"'lIt aUlD of 111 aduUlon to IDO\ In,- 60 000 more ,:: ~~:t mu~:8~~ e ~ ~l('~~~:~ll(I~~ 10 I,.",',.,,: \1 ht h shO ll ld DOl hi uS( li ttll rUfUl g.,'o','e"m'oY"'h'OI~ I •• , .... d. [.',',""v. """o" gO.',,',n~ lIw di nner tahlc on &loillil'l), InOf'nln~ elUde I.ImUar .lIIanN! _ttb C&erl\t). O)on"" enfJIPtlfoprlated" I loldlrnt t l'l 1111' (ermRn IInC'1 FrnnM! Do '1 llIe would 00 buck at 'N(1rk and ~t!r)' ~*11 100 ~, QaJUC' atate .. tho. -- 1 18 hurriedly Nlno(>("tlne ber M(ool lind rr::n:;:~:~!~::: Ike;:::I:~ 1~1l~:rn;!~ forRet about nine ten tbs or 1\ hil t J read tbhlC would re turn to norm.1 lIut Ihe eompMtlnl a 1tt'~1 111'101 Il'tJll nd <H .... 1 I ~ HIS ft,.. t ~t""a("aUoD I!'Gntet- toll("r't: t f! IInc fir fortressea wltb bftrb8d ftna) adJudleaUon Ily tbe Supreme I II. !It \, It II not too Wlltb 10 "" and'" let UJe otber Would hlY8'"tbfs wonderful mtHDOr'J al

_.,..I .... lrouu.n. TIo' ...... m •• " en", .'[h 00 ...... '00.' 'e.der~ WJr, .n'"""'m'n" and lre",h, ... Tb' .. <0"1 b ••• auaed a wave 0' U"""'.'n Iho' ,o"d'"" .. 'n UfO NRA ."~ AAA ::~:':':~:ln='1 "a:.~,!.~u;~w~; 'n a •• '. 0' ." h :"'-::b,teel t •• lter ... tloD and AbRi l =!d:~ .It:I'G~,::!~dl=ode:n!h:!r ~~ut~::~nd 1!0ldte1'8 are dllurlnR In.. 17 ~r:::a~~dtll~ ~~~;s:o I~eu,:~: '·Honr)'moon"::~:ra~dd::~~~aI:,';; I WI 19rter 'p1rUa ~hen I be wu wUb \'In 1'111),-

'r!uIt Ru.lla .tln le«'ka '"to Ibted .. p.ll.lldmeDt .f tlJlt-!oP&I. laUu Tbe Freont h *:pp1l relltl7 n~t the Donald Rlehbera. Dumber ODa mao 10 ,. Ended ('Onl"erQlng the poUt lomotblol It was IUlpo. lbl. Eo be Dtile .... aad atrenlfheo tile leD,"," peace'" ... ptoana1 EtpecII U,. be ."nQ ~'lIIia .arne old IIlln,l:' over again. but the,. Jo.'1IA tlu avoided 8llj:ln i ~I)lcc btl ICII and t!('(Jbotnl~ ana redla« .~ b1 (be a!JoID' o f • Ruuo-G.f'- 1100 d •• IID, ",Ith ft1eftJJob of tbe wtn not Ilee It :Na.tlons In the oe:xt b.a oot (tounelated poUclel hb:l lubor or the ftdmtnllliration In .bl. maD ttlde tftaf7 .. hleb 11 I. b4!tU ... d NRA IO('lal Mew'lt, utlllu.& "oldln; wa r,.,..111 n.l t fl QIUlt In trenchl'll but wID diDatel Ilre afrnld to 10m I' Con8&- f.'OnnN.'lioo It ahould ~ menllonf.'d tbat wm Il'nU, lDCN1IiH the .olum. of eompsnJa, 81lcn.IOll of fet1eral IU tI, "1I'"tnllt tlr,· en omy Dation I ddf!1 QuentJy a«ordID" 10 .,nm~ or the 1f t the Republl('nns ore "hoWIlI, 81~ of R uala'. Clrden in the nl('h. UD"" lbortl, fiH b.nlr.ln, I.hlp .ubtld, t'9- rltles nlll) 1, 111 an Imprcs8lT" number of te,.. DOW loln~ nut from till) ~nA 10 li fe. I or Inltan~e RepublleQQ l<fader 011 areofrl1ie $ovlet wl\l IberM8t adJul1DJflnt. and fls renlloo of .. t6r dUsens with rolanD c.:rplOflI1i'ea and pa. buKtDf!", Intcre8ts, the "hi'll,. qU(llitiuJI Snf>1I took n allot a t Presldeot Roose-pufdh ... In 1)1::oDotnOOO 000000 In nlll,anN! tR.les. • Nothln. w ill b(l more lonewme thaD of codel and thei r entOI'('('Dlf'lIt trookl)' vt!lt the other day thnt Ind~ .. tl'2 I ::ttuw Sf!!;:~: ~~ ~~~:::: :I~!e::~d.- :!~ a front 11M Irell('h In the nm war ean be anld t~ ~ ~p !n th(l II lr ~:'~~:~lKfO~el~~: ~:r~~~:~: BaDi .,,4 D1&colibt Of ihem talr {JiIC ... er, .. U.firtqr, Bur~m In upper New York c1t7 It the NRA can be lIll ltJ to be up hI enrer:ed llIe WbU(! n01l1M.' tbe DrHdner bftak to , rant Pl'OIftBI I, bel n&: made. To lb. (Or wUh some 200 000 colored popl1lat1oo. the IIlr the nltJ'!('ultuJ'a l ndJulltmp.nt ad Ttte volumo tJt 10/111 bctfll' reeehed endlta tor an AferlCf) t8rtU of n.,. telOoadenr Ur J'tooeevelt Mld be bopet1 t. .tnmplnl:t 'fnuDd t(lr mIlD,. that rulnl 8tmUon CIUl be ou capitol HUI tell, lu .to" as ... flU

'J'be. ue4lt. will bH. fntefUt to D .... e the worlf "tI~t Pl'OIram II prea~b ultra radical doctrlnee. Indud- Ill1tI to be a rudder M(I.DlllCtB 01 the bouSe aM idoate are ~iUDf fIl.I of ttrl meh'lbll'l~ Itt z,etl b, 1M 1I$Hld .. bt NOYlamtr. 101 tht' theorJ that wboenr hal DIIOD~1 Ie ... ltlP. Tbere la DO bec:1nolng to IOQulre ot eneh other

eMIL TH 8.ulllan 't~. at whlcb lime nnemplo1td iJtut, have ltole n tl tro~ thOle that UIlY dOUbt that Wliot Ibelr poll ttcal (OUI'Ie .hould be iii to pRJ' ReHal'll J(Ii tJfDLI.. !l0 DlOIlt7. to '11 noun- ot tbe typo I1f taQulriea that ate

GmlP wool'll • falhJoD. beta« received

011 IIdlo dunr I 110\\ II lOU do MIIiH 1 ll..,.,rencI'7 she IIlltl 11111 Q\lhk IUllde

"UII they I"(! ull 8\\ lmlllln.: 111111 thpre . lIobmh III ro to- f..I ( II MIl tnl' IlI lIt Olle ~('f)n I II II) f'r Rhe IlIltrrllfll l' li hersert 81~1uklnl! 10 IInti flf IIii' Illn.l' (lr. \ 1i0 Kh() \\1 nl lIIi • I m IIflt BUrl' wht!re IlIl' 1J.lllu!iI!i htl s Pllt MllIs- ~II RIj 1~Zl\\!ell('e Bill ifill Inkl III r t1p 10 th~ girl! \'Otlll l: l' IIlId Ju ,"" leI h. r hertielf HIUII"W/l(> Ij;! 11 ntl l the 1)lIcllf!M t:l1,lnl na. \\111 )'111 II" Thllt like 11 liar IJn l!~

Hmlnlulf I) I,uil "'HIIII nnt 1"1 h{'r self ff'~1 'lint II \\IUI rlill .. Ilml It l('ft III1~ thhll! 1111",.11 111 II ne .. I II bt 1111 ... I ~h l Hhl 1(11111 'Kith a Rmlt€' IIlltlll Ilml .... Ilk l ll!: , IT .... llb \un

l hlllil 1111 If' II' IIII!I'II r

\nn ,,,I lilt' .... Rf I" 'lit' or rht' ro.h

"011 J",!I ' li liry IIl1swered. \\ It! \ I ,I !I" J\\ d t'lIrr Olt )I'R 11I ~ lnl1t1y ' 8ahl Mnr,

f lllll\ l lI .. ,m! ()( t hl' mhln She and Urll Hll lllI~>I • 'II rt'rrllJ~ wpnt rJlpldly d(J\\1I I tle 1111111 t"I:I'III~r t.ull !tWill

lo\\\'d UlIlI \\Ith U IIr)' tlirftul Thun ~ hf' .. II .. III w I 1'1::1111 to IIIH1n ter 1I 11l~1". alit r 11\1 III

~t .. .. I I"IjJl\t, fl'll till' lilly lIum('d Jrre\i HUlitl r 111 til t IlIlh lind r{'11 upnn him 1\ It II nil HI' h II II, '<!I ot r1t'spe rnflon !oih~ J tU ... ill' .t \\1111 him IInrf'(lwed b~r IllIn l)tlt In ItIPlr IJIlck Illot:k lushes Ht him 11111 \\)'11 Ilf Imld t""t1t'wh1\t

h"I\\1 111 lilt 1\\ I IJr t-helll I.I I1I fJ"iI\njt lr "tUMt ::",ul nRHI-"@il--fl.l-t-~mllt M- 14 1I081u yl Illl;{ :\Ir lIun!er hy a detl'rmlned. It II,I:'ht hold IJjJllII till' In ON !4 firm

AI ,1!f11lf1r .... hl~h 6~~1I1l hllllll'dlut"l, IIhe \\lIS h'l\\I't!Q Iha '\\0 young OlW So rll r ~o I:l1od

Bul It "II-l'l \l Irk It \\IIS biller liard ""ll1 t·~ "r rk all slrll.l:l!le nil rp!flx8 till/ lillY" lIf'r!' She WIHI j'(1 nlleioul of tllrry !nl:' It hf'lI\y 111111(11(1111

Ilw I:lrl !l lV, r~ 1111 1I;::'ll lns t he-r 1he, I,I:'IWTI II hi r Ihl'1 lu kl d I . r . d "hiJI

::: ~~~ I II: rll.;t\~ II~ll h~~111:'~lllYI~ c:~~~~ I Ah. IIIIHI I III HI In ><" un.1 I1n rlltnlllar I

, II ! I II ~ I I ".. Iii r (h. ".'I htll7Ai,t, t 'l 110

The Chleu"!) 8tIldluJIJ flIlCl Madllnn Squure i:'lIr II II nrc mttrvels ot 1I10U oru (!"Dgll1~-t'rlng s l.lll nlld nllll1SCIllCli1 building cnnSlru eUOli1 1 Ill')' nrc JUSI nbOllt tnit' AboLlt thu ouly th lllK they h UH,' th It t he nnrl)Ullil dl,In 1

ilul'e uro If t"-wukln/.: IPllclllne9 A 1111 bnd thtlre bU.'n IUlJ leo Mllort!! III thoRe Ilu}tI or hllli [tilly lUll] n collier (limall tilu HUlllans wlJuld tUHC II III tbe lntl Chlfll'tl; too

After nU, )011 vll!J t the PalntiliG

lU.ck ltd \\ II!> "hl'l be lnulIlIs.:ed to Ibut In Ihl old Mntliliion Sqtltlre "or df!n I II JI1 t t>\ UII knl)w wtu'tilf"r lL I !ill he Ilunf' In the PI('S(l llt !'\t'w \:ork gu rdo n An I tho lilly ol1tdOQr s la dlUln I 1./111\\ of thut CHn bt USf'd ror

I fml lUmlll,!: Is thp Hn!ie 1'0\\ 1 III Palla dpnll I '"'u\\' !hllt one unlitr \laler

! F vcr I" " n 111 Ih(l JtfTl'llf'1I Ilurin .. Ihl' rlr( us lInd wontit'n.>d \\ hilt would


KG iiiJio·,owom Same Price To4a, ,.. 44 r ...... ..,o

:as •••••••• r as.


--GlVIlS 'You MO.B T.aCTION - GRU.,:a. .-a'lIft-LONG.R WBAR-aT BIGBBR S.BBD.

FII{,ESTONE patented construetion features enable U8 to give you a tire with higher shoulJers-wider and dee~ non·skid, tread.

The eords in the body are Gum. Diltl,ed, givinll grealer slrength and longt·r flexing Iif c.

The 1"0 exira Gum.Dipped cord pli". under the Iread I!ive a firll)er union ... ·I".·el1 Ir("lIl anti bo.ly "hich holtl. Ihis h"a,y uon .. !..itl In'ad s<curdJ to the tire botly.

FAJuip today "ith Ihese safe and economical tires! You will get uninterrupted ser\iee, maintain faster schedules and get safely protection beyobd anything you have heretofore experienced.

Call on the or Service Dealer now and start reducing your operating costs today.

• *****UdmlO ,II. V..,u f/ PImIvtI, -/.tZlllr",g Ruh.rJ c" •• .i,. Gl.J7' fturlilOld, .r N,Ist. E.JJ,-""'7 M...u, Highl .. w N. B. c.­rBAP N,'worA .... AF_SJ..-~ ..

Page 3: Iunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1935/1935-04-19.pdf · 2014-08-23 · ·&ntcl!tllining,_'.s w.ell. " , .. .. · ~:'l'htS " f.i:Ii.,.'J"' ..... c".n,.,.,~' ..II:· IE .'

. Adui19" will fllld lladiculRl' tappen) in "P(lck's Bud Boy," it is believed.

;::::;::;=::;;;::==:;:::;;;::;= I ~I 'Y mother will scc in YOung Bill rover her own son. }o; ... "ry luther wlli

Practice Limi~ to Dl!eaael Of ~'it· himRt>lf. 'EYE. EAIL NOSE. AND In nddition to J%)ck ie Cooper, unum

. TBRotAT bl .. r or notHoble plnyus hnvt! bean 1,l1t-

G~SBS!F'tr.TBD . Itt'Ulbiffi l or the picture. Thonlll! orn. At "dlDiTJew GIiaIe Mcighun rct llrns to t he screen from

PLAINVIBW. ~li8 a two lIcari' retirement to play JAck-

~=~~~~~~~~=~t~~ Young Jackie S(la~J ~ • 1"Oie 8~ Bill P(!ck's demon. As his scheming mo-

Cream' Producers ther, Dorothy Potcrson contrilmtcs n

SELL YO UR CULLS. ~~:~::~ln;': 11 U;'~.\~:~c;!~~·:~d dr~~:~ KEEP lOUR PRODUCERS fine a <.'tn r , O. P Heggi(' is olso In

cast. P,lains .. Cooperative. Not ,,'en in " ~kippi' " or "Tho

'~::=-;;;;~::====== .. ". '" lne. I.. (' lImnp" hu..~ ' Jnrk i(' CUOPl'f haa' s u

~~~§~~~~~~~~~ I R'IIOd a rol l' , It ill ~nid . Hi~ lJHformancc n !> th" ~' ollll gt'r P('CK is: ('ertuin to be rcmclllllt~r(' tI ns n (' limox h ) fill thl'

TYPEW'1IITER8 Ite,.u. fOr aU ....... 01 "'J>O-- .......... ~-- -0IfI00 S.pplloo' -

Xster's Office Co.

Mr, P rodu['cr

IlIU~f : l ;S \'ot:it

Crt':l IlI , E!!!!., and Clli .. k.'m ·

you ng Ula ll's pus l ndliewlllent..l\, 1n tht! ojlini un of Hollywood , "Peck's

Bad ' Buy" i :l in nn s('"n~ (' u 'k id'. pi:>: t un'- thu t i !l. m,t thl' tYIl{'·uf . pictuf(~. us un lly u:oI"!'iut'iaL ('d with that dl's ig nnliIJII, I t i ~ n n adult's st ory, told in :ln lulult way. Whit·h · rnet will in 110 WU)' ~iflt('rfl'rt, \lith it!! "njoy. nlt 'n t by ('hildn'll , it is lidded

'ahe meeta ~ene pl!; 01 pered son" of wealthy

puJ'(lnts who fled from N6\v ' York when ~is fllmily hulted his- roarriarc ~tr"-inl.ng ' or uny pO!lition' t he t o u g irl iI.I.'. lo\·ctl, . ~ . may 3!IIUmc no. mat~r the s ize

Huymolld, wh~ I.~ wounded In 1\ (,ption. A nlltlonally known light \,'\th un J'~dil!.n,. i ~ nU1'sed .b~c k melhotl No under straps or cumber· to h t!nlt~ ~}' Mitis. SldHt'y, Rcuhzmg. :Jollie nrl'tUlgl)m(,lIt ~ nnd a bsolutelY no San' l'tarl'WU- t. Clinic· . that ,she III ]II Illfc with · him, RuynlOll,j lIl "dlcinc, or nwdil'nl t rentmcnts. 1iJ' n~ ks her to ma.t,ry him a nd occompany Mr. Shcvnun will be g ilid Lo demon. '. 01. J. T. kru.e,ifr 1um .bpck t~ Nt!\\' York, H~ hUpt'5, s fruto without chnrg'c or fit t.hem if Sllf,OI')! and Co'a:auJtatlOD .-in thiN f US}1I01l, to humiliute hi!'. fum - d ~'!l irtod, Dr.- J .. T..-.Hu.tchinaoo. • ily Ey., Ea .. , No .. ~ and- 'fbtoat

i-lis plnns mi.u llrry, !l(Iwe.\'cr, when Alld. 6538 N, 'I' /\UI AN AVE-, Chlt- Ur. AI. C. OYetWQ

his fnmily tuke!! l-he Indian girl t o nIJ; 'or Hi y(!ur~ IHls istnllt t o F. U. Disellea f1f Cbild~n their .wort. In hia dis llppoinlm.l'nt, Sc.>elcy fum ous ru pture expert. 01 Dr. J. P. LatUmore

~:~~;~r~~~ I: ~~ ;:~I ::,:~o::i: :::t:~ iC~h:ICIl:g:o~, ~, :::::::=il ~::~~~~:!: who has fallcnln love with her, Eye, tar, NO., ·and Throat· ' Mom'oc OW3 1(' )" . DI'. 1, • . R. SUla .

Raymond rC)l('nh und follows the ' • Sur,~ g irl , know ing now thnt he roully lov('s Dr. B. (!. MasweU ht' I· . But ill tlw - interv,~ning time , Gel)e_ral Hedieinl Owsley ~U!! bel'n kill ('d and ' Miss Sitl- s'Garage' nt. Jerome it Smith IlI'Y is bl'ing Tll,ld for th(' nlUl'dl'r: X.Ra)' and' Laboratory

In n Rtll'rtllna;. drnl"nntic ('limnx Inid Dr. Olin Ke,. in th(' ]lrT!l lIn, Mi('illwl lind Miss Sill - Re-Bol'ing Motors,' ObltetricB Il l'Y mct't ugain nnd ('onf(,!ls their low Dr. J. S. Stanley fu r ('i1('h ()tlier, A !'urpri llc turn uf R~rndllK and nt'se~tlng ~1\"e5 ,Ur010,y and General Medicine ('\'onts libcmt('s lwr from the ('hnrg(' C.· E.~ Hune J. R. Felt •• oJ murdt'l' !llltl uring )l the fi lm to u Aretylene \Veldin, Superintendt!nt Busincl! M~'+~\-t.---!,':.~;~JI~.D, IU,IPPY IIlld satl s fll~'llJl'Y ('onl'lus ion. Your UU3inc~s Is Apprfeiated A cliartlred tralnlne school for

. U: II WIII'nI'r, L/.t ura Hopt.' ('reW:'I~~::~:~:~~~~~n~.n~"~i~' ~co~n~du~.~t~~d~in~~~ :l ud ,Iu liell., t"lImplilll head the su p- tion with the eanitaFium. p(I""l illg l'all l of "~' h () ld My Wi ft·".

' In nddilioll to till' feature pictun' ttw n' will !l \SI) bl' s hown n GranthmJ

SI<:HVICE )h ""D.('titll:" scientific .esamina· lion of I."llch eye hlqltt be made

'Idun' g ln",,("" CI1 Il' bl' intl'ilillootly prt'tllcribtod. I hove all nr" 'clui l)m{'nl and l ' IHt lin. you' hHld"r'n,sdentifl~ Optolllcll'ic S..rvicc.

I. GOd,· "" Cod of the I..ivin; (Mort 12::"'(1. ~) ,

"If II. nnUi 1.1;", IIhull he Ih' l:! 1 1 ,,"l n'~ . III 1111 1IJ,: u- lnllg 111I. ,!;,ilHi. II ,11oj, ull\ r mll '

Rerc hi II icry proctlcnl 8('nrf thnt IIVI' ly III1K ..... l·rl·cI IJY btlt ll 1h(l lII;ivefKul 18 P.DIY tu mnke and cOllis so Uttlu I hunlll.n .(·uIH'll·t\OIl Slid the hilly Scrlll~ If. nu,du willi the IlIrg(! lIlet flt1h'h: tureK. £)l!lIlh dUl'S nOI end HII. It 18 III v~y hl(')' lind (!on tie U!lctl ns II I 11111 a limp Illtn IIle durk. It Is rllther dccornll\"(~ cCr\'cr (Ill mnny nrllclca I" ' Ihe "1"'11 dlmr throllgh which humun the h()nu~, Wht'n 1It;lnp: II uumh('r~' \l(!r9t1111111t,V ~'IH"~ In to th~ lI ~ht or IIte('\ cro('llf~t hnf)~ find Duml)('f HI' I:lnrlfl"'~ frt'l'dmn: l.,ft· Itself Ie but a cotlon. the scnrt ,,:"-11 mcasure Rblllli ' 'flllliing s(']IIJi1I, U IJml'nrution for tint J2 by 34 In('hes when finish!'!!. nuf'l"!'1 I IHrgl!r 11I1t! iI'ghe-r 11ft' Rfter dl~lIth,

~:r:n@~:~:I~ Br~\\~~,,~~~:I:I ~~.I K 8enrf f ':~;::~ro~\'I~~ It~~:~!!r ~~~~~r~ ~~: ~c~II~:' : l'hls J)ll ckll g~. !'\o. ' 707, coutAl nR I Li fe. shull nc \'{' r die.. -

8umdcll t CtPlI1» ('Olor MOlllit !lhl ernfl II. Th, Re.ur~ectlon of Juu. Christ ctorh(' t eolton to ('I'Hllplr>le flJe Bellrf. (I~ . ~4 : 1-l2), nl8() lustruct lOllili. hllwk nod whill" I'h t K Ullrt~ln l' '('!I' of Uhrls tluulty Is dlugrnm for t'ns )' 1'1I1I111i1l1:' ll f m('shNI I tile (("'Urn'l'U"" .. r .I(,!l lI S (;hrl s l frulli tlflll n eroehN Imllk, Wrll e Ollt I the d~nd : It l\lalll'r:! , IIItle wlml ('roctle t II",'lIr'"\1'1I1 IlIl'I {)ai ll ~ 411 ('(!hl .. I .!(,SUd '!lulll nllll lilt! wllll(.' IIl1ve. If hilt for till" t'o mph'!t, plwktl),:{', No, 707. or i twdy rel!1l1!tH 'd In the ~rn" e , Ir he Nend 10 cpul!!. If yliU ,WUIlt th e Itl I did nill ""flH' r"rth hi ' rrhllll llh rrulil ~trtldl(1Il l:I il~'el willi dlllJ,."l'filii nll~Y. till' wmh, 111 ('11 nil Ills cllll mM ure

Adrlr l'!!.8 lIoml' .. rnft ('o.-B •• pt. H fulfil'. 1.111 I hl' olher hund, If he did -Xlnt'tt'l'nth lind SL LOllis Aw~nlle. arlSl.', nn hili clallJls Ilro true. St. I,onl8, Aio.

When ..... rltlll!; tnr Any tntormflll('l n A stamped addrenell envelopo

1. 'l'h.l' empl)' I>l![lult'hrc (v\l'. 1-3 1. a_ The c: umlfll; (lr the women ( \' .1 ,.

As nn el:l,rl"lI!llnfl or IItrecttillulle r.,. gllrd for tllc Mltsw ... tlleJ' come with III! '(,CII fur hili hudy.

b, Wltul "I"Y round (\Iv. 2, :I), When t111'l' nllne '0 t h~ tK>IIUI(' llre they round III .. " Wile had 111'1-'11 reultl\'ed. but IIil.!)'

(IInn.1 lIot t ll(' tlndy ot JCRU"S. I,'or , tllI'm to IUII(' r"uull JIl g bndy In ot h('

fI1'I" II{'hrc .. I,/,u ld hli\'l' tlPt'li th e wllrhl"1I

),:r .. all'.~ 1 Ira o; " oi.l· TIlt' I-'ml' l )" '''III''

IIli"k l' ('I 'HI''''11 11.1 "r t!I(' 'ki t .1 u nd I'u\\" to r "t Ih~ ~I'n (Of I , ,,d \ H dlll. I : .fJ.

:!. '111(' 111,''' '' :1 1; 1' 0' (hI' nWII III I' hlt! · JIIJ; ~"IIrm"Il I !l II" 4·~ 1

I'aniland)., l'('ollUt'r _ _ J_. ~~~~~ .\~

i n adilit lll l\ til tht· 'ft.atnrc ~h l"' n' wilt Iw It :!-l·('UC. '·I)"tI .II' ~ lit , Uli "q - T('r~ "

:'tln<, ,I V. Ihll\ IIlId Illlul:t'hter, ,.JIltW, lInd ~1r .. ('lIn,1! l>t' nm .. oll and dnul{h

CU''''''_.L'' "'-""-'-""'2.':" \\..!:k...rill.inxu'.w . l ll\"day . rCnX,"TEl\"TONr;rmccr;uS~'OIItE'J'RtS'I' -~- -tlfl~~:In~!:.¥t~~~i;r~f. -r (32I!!ii!J~[ .. f.!!!!l ' DR.'C.M. CLOUGH ; ......... 'YOUR ... CHOicE:' .. "' ... I~!!JI!!· i!71!"!B!!r!o.!J~w~.'~' -~M~r"~C~J~OU~g~k~' ~A!'~.i!.ta;!nl-~~p~I~.I~n!.;~.w~, ~T~.~ra~.!!!~

I" 8, "\nl)i !o{,,'l. yc ,I", ll\' ill~ 1I1111'U':

: tilt' d<'l1!1-: "' Iv . :,). TIll' IIn,.:,,18· QIlI:lI'

W'!! t ~!~ . l 'lllllllllJl'd I" ru\' l'rhcrnll" thruuI"11 III(' 'c'(,IJIU rl tof;, ~' - ~ --

b, " lie Is l\tIt here. I,ul Is rlIU!U"

, h, 6), JI'SUS, b';ture ill' WIl S ('w>:l· I lI .. d . IIULI lold Un!UI (Jlllt the l.or,) , nHl !'t hI' hl'lrll)'f>d lIod l 'rueUleu lind I I hllt vn Ihe third lillY he Wtlilid rlsc.

Tnde in your old·fashioned QcJJ. Range during: ••

/~~ . , OLD STOVE~

DWlRSO:~~ , ~ ""', ."

LIBER~L "ALLOWANCES =l\ .. P ... l>uring OL D STO \'F. Rot :\ 1>-1' 1', A pri l 1 t hl''' lI~h elG4e May 8 1, irU:oI" ~PJl I1 :ln~T- dud"1':i w ill al l,}w r UII aIoYdi '

:':!: ;1 ; l. :-ad $10,00 On Your Old Rallge .1 IIIIl rt'IlRrdJE'RS' of its rondition. And YOli ('"n IHI}' one of · the beautiful modf'rn gas nlngl~S on t'a:~y tl'fms with n small down payft:Hmt.

Model'll Gas laDIes Aft Priee. As


• •• . . .: . ~

, '



. ( ,

Moreman Motor Co. Plymo'uth And Chrysler Agents

Phone 45 -~··~··~·"·"'·""''''~''!!~.!.~!e~ •••••••

Your wife . wUl know ml.y we btiy frqm

Western Electric '

Larger Use

of Electricity (In kilowatt Hounl


COST (In You, Monthly .

'Se,.,iee Bill)

QUICK RELIEF fro .... H •• ,.b"'"

-by ch..ri..g on.' or m ... ·Ml1nMla W.ter.

wi l l


DEAD "'~ SKI N ~,~ 3 Minule1'

a dJ'f ,.~vi,·c,t jrtJh YON lbful btauly­

I rnf}'n~ b.a."A gll.,..,Jle,

i 'rllkl' up Juur ~)o. in-r('jn"r na t., and I lr.II1"I"rlfl it-\\"Ith hTII<1I18 ~ .. \IJ1:\()L:\

! ~::·L~:::.-:; (,8 '!'~. IU"Y t~ ~~~I~ln:'It': .';~~:l\ 1(';: ~h~'~ hIJI' ''' yo ur n/.lur ~ 1 ,"u ut). All )'''0 du lR Ihi~ : I II At 10..,1 ,111, ,, 8l' rrll.d. tl..n him of }; " dll." I" ( Hllut ." r r f: ullr fJJ ~ '

~ 1:IOll,I:~; I:-~~:~~~ I ::~.1 I';';: ,11>\\. at;;1 I;f,:i'l; ulI!'rQ'-"Ml .. nl .- 1I.lIalh· m !J _ to 10 day. ytl U ,"' I II '1"e 1\ !IInn ·"IN I .. tnuIJ. furtn lL· lion .• r.-t:k l u , h",.,);t, .. II ,I ~ t!11II'PI',"I\f,

~~:l.~:~7:,~~"o~J~ ~~ I':.~I~"I s C:(i~::t~ t'rrun i~ ~ ' &II'IOU. /ll'lllltlfirr t l':l' l~1 lad tnaled for n"Mly two ,eoftl h onl Fine tOl nlt. ·pol iti,·tly ItU'''DlH d . All klild ('Gunten. only ~. Or writt NADlNOLA.. Box. 38. Pltil, Ttnll

i a, Till! Wtolllt'li wltnl"!'isluG to Ull' : f'11'Hn (IV fI-ll) Thl'l r Ihrj/I!II~ t~ l; ll·

I III .. n~' N,lu·l·rll'"/.: IIw t"UiI'I)' 111mb 8nd

II", "lOrd" !If IIIl' 11111:1' 111 II I'III.'Url'(l I ~ l ilt' 111" ,,,1 Ii'" /Ill lIllt· iii III"

I ' \. l'l' l ' r Ilal'!o\ I j;ul!rll: tv I:!l. \\'h l l\'

11 ,1' tl'~ II"'''IIY " f 1111' \\,,1)11'1\ .N'trwt1 n ~ I, l l,' 1,'1 I , , ~ , l ' t'l l"r \, u~ 11", IIr I"l' I flUI

, ~;~; ,rf':::,I;::~'".ltI"I~~ I~::;; ' !ll,~ 11l11 ~:, t I~:~I,I ::;:,\:;;, \ 1" '1i • II '''' 1 1I\"1'''II~all''h h~' r"lllllt Ih(> I, ll " " 1" 1,,1111')1 IYIII:: 'II ~H dl " WU\' II ~

, I .. prIO lO' lilt;' rl'lt ll l} 01 'hi rt.sl l~r"1.:'

III. Jesus Prepa_r lng a Place In HeCtVcn for HI. Own (.11,1111 14 : I ;l).

: T I l,' h" I '~'S o f the Ilh'd",,· ~ wI'n' lit ·

I II 'r lJ !o 11ll!\ {'tl'll \\'11(' 11 J" :S Il S lulll thl'lII . ul " '1I1 II ... '· r":. ... lit, ("t!lI l' "II·.1 !!1f' 1l1 ! Ii)" I' l>illl lIl:: 10 I he r1.:lIu l uu In III" "'a · : 11 ... 1 .II r. "' I ~ '" Thill lie did I~' ' , 1 "~ ' I. g ttlt'1IJ It! , lr(f~1 III hIm

""'1111" 1",,1 l\' , I ~ . Faith III II ... <l"d­, Ilfti II. I '11 r ' ~: .t . · )<IIS, 14111 1i1"I1II,\ I hu : 110',11'1 I." I" :II!I'r 11"\\ 11It.'II Jo<I· I hl' o;rll'f . ! ~ 1: .1 I~ II "1"1111111-: UWUJ liml hi' I, ,,01

,.:,'1 11 :': I .. 1114' Fulh,'r ' ~ hOU!ol ' tl' jlrI'J'lIre II 1,, 1{1I " r,' f 1I1{'(J1 I \~) fll' ([1'1'l lIr,·,1

r Ih!1I III 111 :11 h(lu .... f' I h{'rt' 1\"t'rI' mnny n l' I,l l uj; 1,101 ' I' .~. 111'uI I'll I,.. 1111 HPr;II;1 0.1 \1,' ,1<11 1: , " HCI' ru~ I ;np'", c'hlh l r"II ,

:1,. 11.\ 1I~!i l! rl ll J.: 111I ,tII Ihlll 'II' wllulll

(" ,nil! :1 ;':,1111 Hiul 1'~ l 'l lrl 1111' 111 III /W!.IVt'lI

, ( I' . :,1) . I'" \\ 111 I'HIIII' uill l o' ull ("rill fr. '1I) Ill" !l" rll,'l' 11'111",. wllu hU'I' flied lind Irllllsl"rlll Ilv'",,: ,,.,IIf' \·pr l!! and Ink !" !l1I'1I, ,,11 Io,.:t'tht'r tu III! willI hIm

, Ivr{,\'t'r In till' heIlH'!!I,. h,,"1!' CI ThpMl ":Hl.l'il.

'V . J'.UI Chrllt II Ihe Way to 11'1. H." .... "I)' Father l,h,IIn H .,1':1.

II' .l1(J ~ \\q 10 ThI'IIII1 .11 · IIlII'rp,,!wd d"IIIJI J.·I" I~ 1II'I<I ' rll',1

1 1'11 /11 JH' l ~ It ... \Illy I~ II) . JI' ~ II "

I'hrllll Iii II I .. r,' IhUIi " lJlI'fl' ~\Ihle 10 ! (i",1 fI r II 1I'lIdl"r II ... 1M 11,1' \\'U r lI i'h' Ir,

1111' , ,'r~t"""" .>1 Hw ........ ... ((>1 -.1 . 4h~

1: 111 1'\\lIY I" IIII' ItI' ., o f ui,: . ... '111t' ' ,rul h (\", 0) . II .. I .. not owr " l .r 'Ih" I r'!l dll'r. hilt t hl" truth tn­t'nt!ull l' Ih l ilM Itu'llrnlltl"1I IIii' IIJIlr · !lun l tllul 1I,,1t .'r lll l worlds wt! rt.' un llM. Ther(' furt', t'INf IIUt! of trUlh. whl'thor "

-t(llrlLuRI or IUllle r tul, coo«'rJel In him, :1 _'.rti!! ·lI f (! iv, Ql, ,ellf JlIl l. lI.o.r

merelT 'hI!' ,I ~'(lr 0' It-fe. but the v·ery fUeDt.., or U(e. 0011 thoee who r t'

Christ ha ve. lite 10 t~e. t rUA

I to hOve parhOI1S tile of r evolu.

. ml x\.'11 " 'Ith hl.e hltlod, for h ls ,Venr is gin.!!! 118 1,i75. O f hilly

books he hnd t wo": the Blblc ' /l laJ f !mmllnu('1 S ..... (' lIcnborrz. , wlilch h~ roud nloud til lWrller rumlll .,s II)' lIu! IIg llt or cu llin, fi N'S: hI" IIle hO ml'ut, kllll~d nn llrloJ: l'rE>nl.llrNt- llfIl r'\'E>n "l'nomOU8 r('!ltll eF.- hefrINlded· nnl · mlll8, w"ot ulI!l~rtne(,l. though nil bll t IlBI;uJ, In n fUlNI~l! Wlll ll'rlU.'Sli thllt teemf'd with wlld'beas t!! nnd 111(111111", nnd th(!Sll In81 \'Cnl'rlltcd him nil u IlOwel"flll "l1Ie,Uelne," I)) 1812 lie HI'ren ll th e nlurnl of .an Il1Ipemllng In , dlnn ntt:H:k and 8n\'ed bundredll (I!

flettlcrll (rOll) mastUl('f(!. Ullt "HI re IIlnn sulnL h" Willi arti st. nnd hl ~ nfl-form WII8 the "PpJf-. II WlUS ft

Illlfllslonlli fl eOIl\' lctJon with him Ihe trPl! " lIould be raised rrom ,he

nr.d h(' chcse hl,s ordHird 81tcs ror rertllll .~f Ilnd. pldllrt'squf..'.I lcliS w ith th ~' ras lhllOll .ll tnsli.' of'. Pl?l' t (Ifill

,pnlnt('t', fl'l1('('1I Ihl! 1· lIt·lo8urfl. I~I)(1 rcturllf'.1 " II(' h yPfl t" {O IpllII h Is trel'S. 0/11/, IH!Op ll' t;1iI1 "'rut'mlll'r 111m ,," lUI A1l'ec1l0n fllr 1Il;' Weft' thc flr~ t (rult s or thOlr wlil lprlll'tl8.-Hfls (flll GI.nhl',

Arrkuhure Dilplaced Agrkul!IIt1" long Ih" lending pm­

pi oyer In I-'Inrhlll, now rllnk s In II~_ ond Ilillec h(,(,llu!Ie of the M:pllfl 8InJ) or mnllurll e tllrln~ IInil m~hnnlc'lIl In­dUl!l tr l ('~, Ti'P~!I the llnlvc rlllty or f'lorJdo.

POie P.pa T,'ndll'r ·- W I!Il I·, wlllli ls n~1 IIdlll!

Wllllp- 'IIII' · ·· t~ J:lt hIt ..: (0; 1"1'(>1',1

,t:'rcor'ln:,: 1'~ ('I'i'1 III the mldd l,',

ON CE you tute Grape-Nutl P'lakee. yo~ cheer tool Ana it not otlly hila a deliciout fta­vor, but it'''-nouriahin,. One dishful, with milk or cream. conlmn. mare var ied nourish­ment' than m.:my II hurty meo.l. Try it-your Krattr h~ it I Grope-Nuts Fla kc::a i, II prod~t of General Foods.


Page 4: Iunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1935/1935-04-19.pdf · 2014-08-23 · ·&ntcl!tllining,_'.s w.ell. " , .. .. · ~:'l'htS " f.i:Ii.,.'J"' ..... c".n,.,.,~' ..II:· IE .'

II. Il' ..... "'''"'''''' Illu I .:,.., .... .. ID"" . d!i\l(hter;

J5;1!181L '.!IO'!liilll. Wei'e ·lInIong wbo "\VIIN . the {llneral of Joe Mabr, in

tbl! fUlleral ot vie~v 'Sa~ui:dIlY. her daught r · Elgar Winn $!iai!\view Saturday. James Caldwell and BiU .T~omas of' UrdllY afterli~O~ .. . Milford Fruin

Garage P~nlarow, of tow~ was Olton were Hale Center V19ltOl'S last I . A delightful ' program of ' talks on mlllutes ~._Hale Cen· ~eek end. . . Holland Ilnll ·. ],JlIliillltt · was conducted

Mr nd MF$. H. H. Hornley of Plam· • by Miss Marie Roney assisted by Homer Halton o,t nel view were vi.siting in Hale center I Mrs. Allman, 'Mrs. Porter and 141811

IF-Wednesday mght., · . Clark:

Mrs. T. E. Diamond of Lubbock I . Dellclous refreshments of lemon visited in the M C, Gale home Tues; pie, cheese crackers and ' tea were day. . . served to those. present:

You Have' Anything Broken .

LET US WELD IT ' 1Iliss Ma~jorie Gross and J.ohn The next meeting will be with Mrl.

.Cleaning ~ale ~udglns of Sinton were. VIsit· Roger Pill1lon, with a study of Egypt 60c per hour. IlOg

d frIends n Hale Center last ~~ek a!' the basw,of \)te program. .

n Rear of Phillips IJ(Ittery St!'lol\

615 A~8t1D St. PI.lnYlew ell •

Miss Inez Henderson is on tTle sick ENTERTAIN NIGHT BRIDGE OR TRADE ";"1929 list Ihis week. . CLUB

Sedan, will trade .for .. Howard ' Lansing ?-' Tuna was vis· Mr. and Mrs, Elgar Wlnn enWr· W. BERRYMAN. .tmg in the,A. M. King home M?n~ay. tained tlie Night BridreCiub 'Wednes·

Mrs: .?t~aJo~ Hoops of ~lamvlew day night at ·their home. After atl wa.q v.Slllng In the W. E. KIser home enjoyable eVening of bridge the


last week. delicious refreshments of T. R. Henderson of Amarillo was shrimp salad, iceboxcllkc, piekl~~ and


n business visitor her.r last week end. coftee. ' Ift, - ." BI' _,. p" .. 'n! Alma MlIl!sey 'was 0. Plainviewvls.

. l!i.OSA........ ...... urse conal n, It~r Wednesday. valuable papera . Fiuder please return Pearl and Ruby Bryant were CHU~CH OF CHRIST M081LG~S .to AIII.erlean office Plainview Wednesday. The regular services of the __ - ..... --------::- I .' continue wit/laood attendance .nd.l.JI..

L iti~;e l:e~~:o~e::eI"L~a~~ee~a:n;.iS' terest. Slight chanles In the hour . for evening services, Sunday even· 6 MOBllOil iiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiii. ~ I Mrs . T~ V W M;Da~iel was a Plain· hig the Young People's class meets at

i v e;~.v~~d rMrs~ ~:~n~~ Hllrper of 7:30; pr,eachin, at 8:00 o'clock. Pray· Lak ' .. d I H I C Tu er meolm, Wednesday evnlng at 7:30 I day e:;.:..:;::~.e . n a center es· o'clock. All other services at the

> At



CoHee W.h Gracie. Per Lbo



S~~~p 47¢

Vanili. Extract·

I \ Miss Loree M'c Pherson of usual hours. i view spent .the week ('nd in Hale Cen. There will be 8 debate between


ter. members of the young people'~ class G~org" Thompson is on the sick at tbeir hour for meetinrSunday (;. H. S .. :LKE h' ev('ninK. Subject: Resolved that the A .

t ~: w;eki.aFon, const;uction superin. love of Ruth for Naomi ' Will! &,reater gent tendent on .be highway job here, bas than the love of Jonathan for David. l\lagnolia Petroleum

I \wen absent th.. past few days on Come and 'be with U9 at any or all C

: account t~c:_ i1lnl!:'s of~ hisllI\by Bt l·s~e~rv~iice~9~c~0~nd~u~ctije~d ~b~y~thie~C~h~U~1'C~b~' ~~~iiij~O~·~iii~l STATEMENT OF EXPENSES

Hale ' Center. Always

: Of The Hale . (Aunt)' Wheat Produc· R I lion Control ABllociation . . e

t \ For The Month of March. 1936 I I ",

Allotment Committe.. $ 4.00 M A Good Show Adults 20¢ - ,Children 10, Night Show Begins At 7:30


iilec"'tary CI .. rical Help

i Telephone Sel'\!ire Survl'ying SUl>plies

: Office Supplies Printing Miscellaneous

i Po.tare .

16.00 104.00 166.00

8.00 7.39

1670 .. 1310

7:00 16,00

I TOTAL . .. $3&:t.19 FRANK EIRING

I Trusurer, . Hale· Co Wheat Produc · tlon C01\trul A ••. oelatioo·.

Trade At Home.

. PRICES --on--.. :

~ PERMANENTS F'or Gradu~tion

If Friday &. Saturday Nights

You Ever Were A Kid You Ever Loved A Kid



"PECKS BAD· BOY" \\' ith Thomas Meighan, Jackie Searl, 0 , P.

H'eggie. and, Dorothy Peterson lot' MA\ THI~K YOU WON'T . • ~. but you'll laugh • little.

and rrol .0 little· • sigh deeply qd, low> mueh , .. when you ••• thiN picture tltat touches ~yery human heart.



Sunday,~ Matia~ •• Monday Nite "JJiA. .. d . Q . . ~~~IH--I!l!ii\-lfF~HYtL--tm~1':h-:-cW:; 1=".I~la~.rrl8~ Cl,Javage" .

SCI'earninJi Headlines To D'

e Mc,.'Cormick

Deering Tractors are . Built Right

• Our Service Keeps

Them Right AIM'ays!

For the . benefit o~ · .M~j,rik"~r;nl Tractor owil,r. w. have «.. . .!iIocI· ern( efficient Tracto~ Selvite rtmellt. After a ear.ful l urvey or,~: c. Jnllllla we have .rraDaed fOr iCf_ . ' '. ' ... help lind eQuipment with wlllch to . ~er in: telll&'Mt, helpful, low~t tr.dor. wvlee.

Genuine IRe ' Repal" , . ,r " uud wben hpJ.cement parta are M«'41!lt •.

We are ' equipped tQ" ";ri.J~·!;.l~or ad~' fustmenta on the farm ~ftil i'o'. lIrin. your tractor lit· to our l81'ylcedepAttmellt tor a tentioD.

Have UB in. peet your tractor, make ·re· rom",endDtio~ ancl quote . overhliulln&' prices,·wltholl'f obllaation.

Come In and see how well we' are ceq· uipped for high.&'rade.Jler.~worlt at low cost. -

Genuine <lit Parts

Center . Implement Co.

PerS()11ality Plus \

Did you ever have the feeling that rooms have "personalities?" There are kitchens, for in­stance, that frown dark ly and say, "Stay out as long as you can; YO,ur ,hours here are sure to be tedious, unpleasant."

The Netv Waldorf-possesses every feat ure that lends attractive­nc:ss to your kitchen, Not only convenient, economical and effic ient, but a distinctive ad­dition to any household.


John trlnsl! Monda)

Mr, Snyder Bailey

Mr. family bock S

Mis8 well pi ton. M

'Mr!!. ty is home.

Mr. daughl lJ'ene were, ,ood I

IoIr, i1yatt If Big

Mr. viaitinl Meest!

Mr. view 1


Mrs . ~on8

Pcu Binie yiew :

Mr. Shelbj Dlvia

Don hal " ~Iit