cdi college student faculty and staff appreciation barbecue in victoria bc

Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation Barbecue CDI College, Victoria Campus 950 Kings Road Victoria, BC V8T 1W6 Watch CDI College videos: lege

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Post on 01-Nov-2014



Entertainment & Humor

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In the summer 2013 CDI College hosted a student appreciation BBQ event in Victoria, BC. We played games, danced, ate, socialized and had lots of fun. Enjoy some of the photos and let us know what you think! Here is what the CDI College Paralegal student Cherri K says about her college experience: “Instructors make a difference in my education with their expertise and knowledge about the field. Their methods of teaching always grab the student’s attention. Classes are in small focus groups so we can get all the help we need. I love the campus! Most of the teachers and advisors know you by name. Everyone is helpful and tries to answer our questions the best they can.” Here is what the CDI College School of Health Care student Naomi says about her college experience: “CDI College Is a great school. I have learned a lot and the teachers are great.” Subscribe to CDI College: CDI College, Victoria Campus 950 Kings Road Victoria, BC V8T 1W6


Page 1: CDI College Student Faculty and Staff Appreciation Barbecue in Victoria BC

Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BarbecueCDI College, Victoria Campus950 Kings RoadVictoria, BCV8T 1W6

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Page 13: CDI College Student Faculty and Staff Appreciation Barbecue in Victoria BC

Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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Student, Faculty and Staff Appreciation BBQ

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CDI College, Victoria Campus950 Kings Road

Victoria, BCV8T 1W6

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