cbhl bibliography - no1 desert gardening.€¦ · muench, josef. hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. the...


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Page 1: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by


January 1978Number1


Page 2: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by
Page 3: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

The Council on BotanicaJ. and Horticu.ltural. Libraries, Inc.The Morton ArboretUlll, Lisle, Illinois 60532

Plant Bibliography NUIlIber 1


November 1977


An Annotated Bibliography

Gerard McKiernanLibrary of the New York Botanical. Garden

Bronx, New York lO~58



The following is a selected bibliography of works which deal with orrelate to desert plants and their cu.ltivation. Most of the workslisted have been selected with the beginning "desert gardener" in mind.However, although our aim is to acquaint the novice desert gardenerwith works of potential interest to him, a nUlllber of works are includedwhich shou.ld serve well those who may wish to expand their interest inthe field.

The majority of works listed desl with the flora of the Southwesterndesert regions of the United States. All are in English, and most areheld by the Library of the New York Botanical Garden.

,,,for the maJority of works listed we have attempted to describe a numberof essential features. Included among these are:

1) scope2) major features3) level of presentation~) quality of presentation5) noteworthy features

In addition, for those works which deal with the cultivation of theflora (Section II), we have noted the coverage of each with regard tothe growing conditions under Which it discusses a plant's cultivation.However, for several works the reader will find no annotation. Vhilesuch works have not been exaroined, information from reliable sourcesindicate that they are highly relevant to this compilation.

Page 4: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

CBHL Pl...t BibHograplQ"

While thb bibHogrll.p~ 11 pr1aar1ly tntellded as a guide to the Hteratureon the cultivation of native desert plants, readera m&¥ find other useafor it. The worka in the section on desert regiona offer a good ov<:rvie"of theae areu (Section I-A). For tbose i.lldividU&la intereated in learn_inc IBbo\lt desert planta, but DOt their culth'at1Oll at tMa tt-/!, t~ V&r­

iOWl york.. 111 Sectiona I-A., !-B and I-C Yill aern this interest Ye:..J..thoae who Ul1 have an opportunity to travel to the Southwest, or "III" ~live in this resion, "ill appr<!!c1&te the Uat of llardens, national lJ&rQand monuments, &rid other organillltiona vhieh ...e involved "ith deseJ·tplanta or "hieh apedali:e in cultivation (Sectiona V-A &rid V-B).

O...;1enera vb<>se intereat in the deaert, ita pluta and their culti_tion,bas turned into a Hfe-long hobby vill appree1ate the Hat of Journalsand other periodicals vhich ~ de'tOted to thn (Section IV). Individl.l&l.a"110 may be hesitant ..bout purau.1ng I.Zl intereat in desert gardening vill beenc,uraged by the Hst of clubu, societies and associations vhich are con_cer,,"'" vith desert pluts, and the vorks vhich llat nr describe then(se~t1on v-c). 11Ie Uat ot nuraeriea and other dealers vh1ch cl.Zl supplydeurt plants vill be ot intereat to the bobbyist IIIK1 DOrice a11ke(se~t1on VI).

Por indlvidll&1s vho ~ vish to purch..e works or parliculsr interest toth~~, lIe have noted the current price for each, "hen available. Tb helpauc~ penona obtain then YOrks, lIe have included a Hst ot maJor PlAb­Ha.'lers, bookstorea, aDd other organisations vbleb publlab or vhich eana~ the trpea ot yorks liated (5e<::tion VII).

JIo utter what use reaclera -.y find tor thb bibliOflrapby, it ill trulyhoped that they v111 come to en.loy, appreciate Illld understand the unusualIJld unique nora ot the Southweatern desert regions.

I. The DeaertA. Desert RegionaB. Oesert Vegetation--Pictorial WorksC. De.ert Vegetation_-General WorksO. Deaert Vegetation--5pec1ric Planta

1. Cacti2. $Qccu1enta3. Vildncwert~. Trees and Shrubs

II. Desert Flora. CultivationA. General WorkaB. CactiC. SucculentsD. 1I1ldtloversE. Trees and Shrub,


Page 5: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

Number 1. November 1977

III. LandscapingIV. PeriodicalsV. Organiutions

A. Gardens and MuseUlllSa. National Parks and MonumentsC. Agricultural Cooperative Ertension SerViceD. Clubs. Societies and Associations

VI. NurseriesVII. Publishers


A. Desert Regions

Dodge, natt.Spaces.

1955. The American Southllest:Hev York. Simon and Schuster.

A Guide to the Wide Open160 pp.

A popular pocket guide to the Southllest for the traveller or vaca_tioner. Overviev ot the Southvest-_its history, geology, naturalhistory, etc. Chapters on the fauna and flora of the region.Presents concise. essential aspects of the topics. Good maps.COlored line drallings. Index.

Dunbier. Roger. 1970. The Sonoran Desert: Its Geography, Economy andPeople. Tucson. University of Arizona Press. 426 pp. $10.00

An in-depth economic study of the Sonoran desert region. Itsfirst five chapters offer a semi-technical discussion of the des_ert and its vegetation. Excellent maps, charts and B/W photo­graphs. Index.

Jaeger, Edmund C. 1955. ThePress. Jrd ed. 211 pp.


o..serts . Stanford University

A semi-technical overviev ot the history, geology and climate ofthese deserts. Chapters On the trees and shrubs, tungi, terns andgrasses and vildflovers. For each plant. its characteristics andhabitat are briefly described. Excellent line <!ravings of thelIildtlOllers. General index inCludes a list of the botanical namesof plants.

Kirk. Ruth. 1973. Desert: The American SoutlNest. Boston. lIoughton­Mifflin. 361 pp. $10.00.

A clear. somewhat technical, yet popular text on the South\lestdeserts. Otters a lengthy discussion of the desert fauna &ndflora. Excellent B/V &nd color photographs. Selective list ofthe bot&nical names at plants. General index.


Page 6: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

Englevood Cliffs, Prentice_

CBHL Plant Bibliograpmr

tarSOll, Peggy. 1970. Deserts of Alllerica.Hall. 3~0 pp.

A popular, easy-to-read t'!!xt on the North American deserts, tlwir,


• -_........ discussion of desert ephemera.l.s and Jl<!r-fauna an Ora. '''':'''6''',,", "., ,.~ti Chapters on the saguaro and saguaroeIll1ials, creoso.e~, _ .

C""""Wlity. and the cholia cOIllIlluni ty. Clear cm,-ha.l.f page to fllllPll6e B/v photographs of desert scenes, fauna and vegetation. Index.

Sut~on, Ann ILlId !{yrOll. 1966. The Life of the Desert. New York, M"Crall_Ilill. 232 pp. $5.50.

A profusely illUlltrated IIOrk IIhieh offers llIl excellent overvi",,· orthe Southwestern deserts, their fauna and flora. Idea.l. as an In­troduction for young adults or individualS "he may have littlekno"ledge of these subJects. One hundred excellent color photc.­graphs, lIlllIlY full page. t:Xcellent lill<" drav1118s, diagrams and B/Vphotographs. Useful appendices. Excellent bibliograpby.

B. Desert Vegetation--Pictorial Yorks

Butcher, Russell D. 1976. The Desert. Nell York, Vik1ng Press. 128 pp.$17.50.

Offers an excellent SUllllll&ry of each of the Southwestern deserts. Se­cond half of the IIOrk is a collection or color photographs of desertscelle" and vegetation by the author.

tarle, W. HUbert. N.D. Cacti, WlldflOllers and Desert Plants ot Arizona.Phoenix, Arizona Developlllent Board. 15 pp.

A bookl.et on the e01lmlO1I and better known plants of Arizona lIative toits desert region. Excellent close_up color photographs of eachplant. For each, its popular ILlId botanical names, and brief des­cription of its characteristics, blooming season, habitat, etc .• areprovidcd.

Muench, Josef.Hlghvays.

197~ .80 pp.

The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona$3.00.

A collection of color photographs by one ot the most respected andvell-knovn photographers of the Southvest. Includes excellent photo­graphs of the desert flora. Biographical information On Muench.

Pick"ell, Gayle. 1939. Deserts. Nell York, McGrail_Hill. 17~ pp.

Excellent full page B/V photographs of desert scenes, plants lUld ani.mals. May also serve as an introduction to the desert and its vege­tation. Readable format. Gelleral illdex includes a list of the Commolland botanical names of plants.

Page 7: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

Carr, Villi...Plants IIld

19111. Deu,rt Parade' A Guide to South"elItern1/1ldlite. Ifl!ll "tort, Viking Press. 96 pp.

A popular introduction and handy reterence to the lIl(lre cOllllllOntrees and shrubs, and \ti1dtlovers ot the Southvest deserts. POl'each plant a brief, yet concise description is provided. Use andCOllllllOn ll&IIles are also noted. 8/'01 photographs ot the IDOre popularpllUlta. For the IDOre ditficult n_ a pronunciation key 111 pro­vided.

Jaeger, Edaund C. 19lil. ~lert Wlltttlovers. Stantord, StantordUnh'ersit:r Pre",,_ 322 pp. $1.95 ($2.95 pap.).

This sm_teehnical, :ret readable book b the best illyentory ot theyegetatioll ot the Sovtnvesterc deserts, excluding the eaeti. Ar­r&ll6el1ellt b by tlUll1q. Belov eaeh 111 listed the speeies natiyeto tbe Southvesterll deserts. For eaeh plant, lUI easy-to-re&d de­scription, uses, no"ering se&llon, etc., are proYided. Excellentline drallings and 8/W photographs. General index includes commonand hotanical n8Jlles ot pllUlts. Exeellent.

Welles, Philip. 1960. Meet the Southvest Deserts. Globe, Dale StuartKing. 82 pp. $5.115 ($2.115 pap.).

A popular introduction to the ta\llllL and nora or the desert restons.orters a eoceiae description ot the IDOre co-.on succulents andtreea and shrubs. lfabitat, uses, botvlical 1lI.H, ete. are noted.Good B/W pbotograpq ror _t ot the plants. General index. !Iovildfiovers .

D. Desert Vesetation--Speetrie Plants

L Cacti

Anler, Laura. 19311. Caetua. Rev "tork, Frederiek A. Stokes Co. 102 pp.

A popular, easy-to-read guide to the more cOllllllOn caeti or theSouthveat and Kexieo. For eaeh cactus, vhieb is listed by eolllllOnn&ne, a brier description or the plant, its habitat, height andnovel' 111 given. A separate hotanieal description ot the plant,including its scientiric ~, is proYided. A brier paragraphgeared to tbe enthusiast "ho ~ viab to hunt cacti in the rieldrallaws. In JI&.l:'1" cues .ention is _de or tile use ade ot theplant hY the Indians, the Dature ot the pl.ant's tru1t or its un­usual characteristics. B/w .l.1ne dravUlp. Table or contents oal;r.

Baxter, E.Pren.

N. 1935.93 pp.

Ca.litornla CIcti. tos An&eles, Abbe;r San EneiDO


Page 8: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

CBllL Plant B1bllograplq'

A ... haDdbook-&U1dl! to the cacti or caJ.1torni~. Arrangl!llll!llt h~, .... ~h a-d,,1 its ~D naill!, a1Ja.ilar and related.

taxollUlUC. rut' I!.~ r~ , ,r, I., Brie! description or the novel' an ru t. B Wcacti &TI! nO~1! . _, gl

photograph tor "Ich. COlIIlIOn n81,,,~_bot&lllc ...... name ossary.

Benson. Ly:aan. 1969.Press. 218 pp.

Caeti ot AThalIA.$7.95·

'!'ucIOD, Univusity or Ari:wna

A bigll1J' S\l1;boriUUve, seat-technical taxona.;y or the cacti orATbona. For each plant, .. clear, condie deacription 1. givell. Adetailed h&lt-page up ind.1catea the 4btributlo;.: ot each pl&llt. Atextual account 1. alao given. Excellent dear B/'rI photogrllphe.Soae color. Exc..uent cluLrta, tables and foralat. USI!1'Ul beat ... &

reterence \/Crlt on the cacti or thl! .tate. General illdl!x include.e-.u aDd botaa.ical ......." or pJ.L'Itl.

!leI:l:lOll. Lpun. 1969. !be latiT" Cacti or Call1'ornia. Stantord. StantordUniYerlity Press. 2~3 pp. $1.9'5.

A al!lll1_teclullcal account or the cacti or Ca.l.lt'ornia. Arr&llgelllellt ist&XOnOlll1c. For each plMt, its botanical name, cOllllDOn name and •hiS~ detailed phydcal dncription are provided. Briet ootu onthe plant's habit.t and r~e. 8eTeral color photographs. Glonary.General index In:ludes~ and botanical naae. ot plants.

furs, J. 1931. Cacti; A Gardener', HandbookCultiTation. London, Macail1&n and Co.lic.tinns Service, $15.00)

tor '!'heir Icl.enUttc&tion and~19))p. (Intern&Uonlll Pub-

A handy, one volUlllll tllXOnOlllY at the Ca.ctUII tal:l11y for the gardener.Intended to servo! .. & sUblltitute tor the technical and voluainous'rhe Ca.etaeeae by Britton and Rose. For ea.cll plant, a clear, <:oncillesl!II1-botanieal description is &!Ten, including tl'uit, fi<Ner andsee<l.. Alphabetical index at tbe scientittc DalleS of the genera andapecies of the t&ll14.

Britton, If. L. lUld Rose, J. II. 1963. The Cactacee.e: Descriptions andIllustr&tiona of PllUlta of the C.a.ctua Fa.mU~. lIev York, Dover Publ1­C&tions. (Republic.tion at the Second Edition published in 1937).1053 pp. PO\lr volwaea in Wo.

The elude authoritat1nh~ at the cactus faai4'. Por eachapecies a h1ah1J' detailed. bohnle&l description is proTicl.ll'll. A noteon 8)'DO~, the tJpe of locality vhere the species ~ be tound,it: ~trlbut10n and sourcea at illU$tr.t1ona are included. GoodB/ p tographa, paintings and line dr.vings ot IIlOst species andtheir pe.rts. lnde:. at the end of e&ch volUllle. Dated.

Carlson, R~nd. 195". The Floveri"" "'-~"'_'.•• I ,Qui' ,••Y , , -'" ...". .....~ _ ..... nfonaat ve e.or, ""raW-Hill iboll Co. 96 pp.


Page 9: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

Number 1, November 1977

A photographi<: overview o( the <:a<:ti in (lover, IDQlt f'r0lll theSouthvelt. Ex<:ellent large <:olor photographs. 'Guide to theFlovering Cactus' lervea aa an index to the photographs. Botani_eaJ. and e<X::lOlDn na=ea listed in &1phabeUe&1 order.

Craig, Robert ,._Pren. 390

19b5. Ma.aiUarb Handbook. Pasadena,pp. (Johnson Reprint Co., $21.00)

Abbe,- Garden

A aeml-technie&1 taxonomy o( the genua Mammillaria, the aecondlargest genus 01' the Cactaceae. Although predominant in Mexieo,some lpecies are nathe to the AlIIeric&n Southveat. for eaeh planta conciae (aetual description o( ita charaeteriaticI, (lover,h'uit and a~ fa noted. A note CI:I t.he type o( 1oe&1e in ""icheaeb is tound is &1so PTO"ided. A elear B/V pboto.,.aph tor _tis &1so prortded. Index or the ~iUarb in &1phabetie&l orderby ~nUll and species.

Oavlon, E. ¥&1e. 1966.Calirornia Preis.

CaeU64 pp.

of CaUfornia.$2.65 (Pap.)

Berkeley, University or

A popul... easy to read and understand poeket guide to the eaeti ofCali(ornia. For eaeh plant, ita habUat., rllllg<! a,ul eh...aeter1&tielare noted. Line dravinp are ine1uded tor _t.. A Ret.ion otllide-shoe eolor photograph. o( _t o( the plants 1& alae in­<:luded. GlouaTY. Index o( eoason and botanleal n&llles at plant•.

Dawson, E. Yale. 1963.Brown Co. 158 pp.

How to Knov the Caeti.Wire eoi1' $4.95; Text'

Dubuque, William C.$5.95.

An identiticatiOll 'key' to the .ore~ <:aeU or tbe UnitedStates. B/V photographs ror lMZl1". Althou&h a len&thy chapteron <:aeti .,rpholce is ine1l,ll\ed, &<:>me understanding o( botanicalten:dno1ogy is required to..ue euy uae or the key. Index andpicture glossary. Another vork in the Pietured Key Nature Seriea.Userul u a field guide.

E...1e, HUbert w. 1963. Cacti at the Southweat.tanieal G...den o( Arlaooa. 112 pp. Schnee

Phoenix, OelertBulletin !fo. k.

Orter. a <:OIlIche t~ or the <:aeti oaUve to the Southvest.For eaeh apecies, a oote 001 its habitat, and its botanical andClZlD;lll names .... given. A highly detailed popul... description atthe Ipecies 11 provided.. Localities where tbe plant mq be 1'oundis allO noted. Good close-up B!W photographs for moat. Generalnotea on the <:aeti and ita cultivation. U.eful gloaaary of termsapplied to cacti plants. Index.

Glus, Char1es andthe Amateur.

FOlter, Robert.. 1977.!fev York, Van Ho.trand

CaetUll and Sueculerlt. (orReinbold. 12 pp. $Il.95.


Page 10: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

CBHL Plant Bibliography

A -"ar b&l\dboot on the eaeU and succulenh by the editors 01' the..~ ." ..,_. '---&1 1nunded tor tbe novice. Otter... 6~­Cactus an "uecw.~. ...~ ~

er&1 QTemev of the lueC'\llent ae:ben of _t plant taail1u.Nnt netlOll or vorl< il 1\ «ood introdw:t1OOl to cultiY&t1on, propa­,atlon, pelts and dbeuu, ete. Scorn of eT.l:ellent B/V ph<rt~STapbs. 'hhle of COlltl!flU onl:f.

Halllel, 8m M. 1m. Ilandbooll of Cold C11llate Cacti and Sueeulentl.fte... , ed. TO"~ta. Central uK Printing Inc. 6~ pp. $3.25.

A \/OTt devoted e>:elu.ivel1 to the cacti (and ether succulenh)knO\l7l to "itbltand the cl1Jaate of the telllp4lrate ",one 01' the U.S .•• pec11'1<:ally Topeka, Je.,nIU. Inclul1ell IlWIY of the cacti native tothe Southvest. A Otle-halt page BN photogTaph, brief deseriptie>DIUld 1\ note On eultivation 11 provided. Appendix te an alphabeticallilting of plant! "hleh aT'! &v&ilable (r0lll the author. II apec1a:.htin lupplying cacti &Ill!. sueeulents of thh type.

Hi6&lns, Vera. 19~6. Study of Cadi. LQndon, Bbnford Press. 1~1i pp.

A hlJldJ, OIle yol..- referenee guide on the eaetua flUll11y. Uaetuleh..ptera on eludr1e&UOIl, nOCle:ltlature, geograpble distrlbuUtGMd eulUyatiOll er the faE.l,y. Lut e~pter otter.... eontise d..._eriptiOll of the fenen.. General indeI.

tub, Edpr &Dd 31'i..... 19T~. Colort'ullIev York, Maadllt.ll Publishing Co.

Caeti of236 pp.

the .....rictLll$5.95.


A pot:ket guide to leleetiYe eacti of the SoIlthve.t. Ma.n,. or thepopW.ar specin reprnented. Elteellent eo10r photographs ror all.Sbplif1ed tl"u1rleaUon of the gl!llera t.Ild s lJ1mpl.ltied botaniealdneription of the _pedn. Index of the botanieal names. A sep­arate indeI of e~n IlllllleS.

Llndaay, George.Guide. San

1%3.Diego ,

Cseti ofSan Diego

San Diego County: A Hon-TeehniealSatiety of Natural History. liB pp.

All. inol.itateol. bJ' itl title, this vork 18 .. non-t.eehllicaJ. booklet onthe .-ore eOB!mOn elll:ti of San Diego Count;r, 10llthern CaJ.U'ornia.For eaeh lpedes, I brief description of iU charaeteristics, nov­ering .eason, Wles, etc., 11 proYided. 'l'he faet that the vorknotn specific plaees vbere partieular cuti u;y be fO\ll]d makel itan aIcellent fidd guide. IndeI of bot&nical and e.:-lO nUlU ofplants.

Schul", lUlen.the Cacti181 pp.

lil30. 'u.. Cacti: A PopularBatlYe of 'exu. San Antonio,

Mol. Scientific At:count ofTeu.s AcB.<lelQ" of Science.


A smi-technical tuollOlQ' of the cacti of TeI'" Foritl habitat, eharacterhties, distribution, lyn~n<:llllY,



Page 11: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

Number 1, November 1977

noted. Ir.dexphotograpt.a.

of popular and botaniealUseful glossary.

nameS of plants. A few B/W

Stoekwell, William Palmer. 1933. Arizona Caeti. ~~eson, Unlversity ofArizona Press. 116 PI'.

A semi-teehnieal taxonomy of the eacti of ArhOT,a. First half ofthe vork is an identifieation 'key' of line dra...ings to the generaand species of the t:aetaceae. Good instruetion and exam;les onusing the key. For eaeh speeies a brief textual deseription and anote on its habitat are provided. The 'key' makes the lI(rk fU1 easyto use field guide un the eaeti of the state. B/W photo.raphs,some eolor.

Venning. Frank D. 1974. Caeti. New York. Golden PTeSS. 16< pp.$1.95 (pap.)

A popular poeket guide on eaeti, many nati'le to the SouUwest. Ar­ranged by botanical name. For eaeh plant, a eolored Hne drawingof the species in flower, and a a/w sketeh of the plant in rela­tion to a standard '~e ineluded. A bri~f textual deserirtion,cO=n name, range, etc .• are also provided. General intex. Ex­cellent bibHographl' of vorks about cacti and s"eculents. AGolden Guide.

2. Succulents

Alexander, E. J. 1942.New York, New York

Succulent PlantsI~tanical Garden.

of Nev and Old Worle Deserts.64 PI'.

A popular, general introduction to the succulent plants (other thancacti) of the desert. A chapter on the succulent plants of theAmerican deserts offers an excellent overview of the succulents ofthe Southwest (agave, yucca, etc.). B/W photographs. Index ofsucculent plants.

Bertrand, Andre D.Philosophieal

1953. SucculentLibrary. 112 pp.

Plants Other Than Cacti. New York,

An excellent pocket guide to sueculent plants. Includes a compar_ative chapter on all the families which have succulent members.Separate chapters on each family as well. Although the work onlybriefly covers succulents of the United States, it is an excellentintroduction to succulents in general.

Jacobsen, Hermann. 1960. Handbook of Succulent Plants. London,Blanford Pren. 1441 PI'. (3 volumes). $60.00.

A definitive handbook of succulents other than cacti.plant its botanic family, native country, habitat and

For eacha silllple


Page 12: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

eBI!L Pl_t BibUogn.p!lJ"

d....criptioo art! prorldd. B/W photOSn.phscludes~ native to tile So\Itbvest d.eserteren<:e vork tor the enthusiast.

tor ..elected. plantl.rt!gions. Uset\ll ... a


M!:[el.Ye7, Sus_ D.Ja.aa.1ca PlaiD,

States.3k2 pp.

A detln1U'n! atl&!1' ot tbe lllCe&S ot tbe United States. Arr&n&<lIlenth tUODOllie. A l.engt!lJ" deta1..led d.etcrlptioe. ot eaeh specie. 15,iven. Detail.cd l.oeales are noted and distrlblltion /lI!l.p8 are in­cluded tor sel.ected apecies. EJ;:cellent clear aI'll photographs torIDDst species. Pbotouaplls lIIII.ke the vork. uset'ul as a gw.de toridentiticlLtion or .election. Alphabetical. ind.u of cOlllrDOn andbotanical namel ot plants. TIIo parts.

Webber, Susan D. 1953. Yuccas of the Southllest. WllShington, U. S.GQvernlllent Printing Otfice. 91 pp. 12 plates.

A technical, authoritative, thorough atudy of the lucea genua. In_eludes • t~ of uzq of the classit1ed species. A detailedbotanical ~eriptIOII, a note oa the pl&Dt's rane:e. SJ"Dona.,y. etc.,..... prorided for eacb. The -.ort's second seetiOl1 is • series ofgood B/'ol piIotosraphs of those p1a::lts coYered 1n the tuona.,y. Asvitb t"" Mclehe,. wort, the pbotographs are useful. ... identitiea­Utf:l or seleeUon autde. Index to the luee... species includinac ill and botanieal Il&:.II!S.

3. IIUdt"lovers

BlachlJ", Lou. 1963. Pieture Guide to Southern Arhona lind. Flowers.T'Ileson, Dale St\llrt King. 113 pp.

A handy booklet intended as a field guide to the vild flowers otSouthern Arhona, particularly the Phoenix and Tucson areas. Ar­rangCllll!nt 18 by color ot petal {e.g., blue, greenish, orange}. Foreacb plant in each color category a note it inclUded on it, flower,blOOllling season, height, habitat, etc. Ideal tor the novice.

Dod,ge, fiatt. 1958. Flovera of the Southwest Deserts. Globe, Soutb­western MonlBenta Asaociation. 112 pp. (SOuthllestern Par); &DolMonUlDent AUociaUoo, &th reY. ed., 1973. $l.50.)

llQdae,llatt. 1963. 100 Desert l/i14novers in 'atu:r-.l Color. Globe,Southwe.tem Honu.ents Associatim. n.p.

~...!Oll\'~~ conclse booklet ttl desert. wlldt"lowerll and d""ert pl&De.......ch aower. For eacb plant b irans b100.1 ' s ref de1lcription, a note on Ie..1 e, 1 ng season, tru1ts, ete. a:re pYen An ""eeUell.t:O~::{:J.0 or photograph 1a also pronded. Index ot' popu.lU'-to-

c nlllle Of planta. heeUent as a field guide t'or thesOpniatieated nOVice.


Page 13: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

Ih..ber 1, !Iovellber 1m

Mc>c:kel, Henry aDd Beverly.Tventy-Ifine Pal.s, CA.,

1911. Iob<:ke1'a Dnert F10ver lotebook.Henry and Beverly Mockel. 316 pp', $5.95.

AD excelletlt popu1&r field r;u1de to deaert vi1d..t1o...ers. Al'rana_nt1& by color of petal (e.g .• white, yell.o.... b1...e. etc.). Two pageaare devoted to each plant. One ia a photograph. line drawins orcolored. painting of the plant. The other is a brief 4ncdption ofthe plant. Plant is lined. under pop\lllll' nowe, foll_ed by botani­cal name and its fuily. Index of botanical n_s. So.., cactiincluded.

Hun:r.. Philip A. 1962. California Desertvenity of Ca.litornia Preas. 122 pp.

lIil4n_en. Berkeley,$1.50 ($3.95. pap.)



AD excellent ...ort designed as an identification r;u14e for the l.e;r-:anwith little or nO .knovledge of botany. ". vith the other allidellisted arrangement 11 by color of petal. Planta are classified intobiotic cOllllllUllities, including the delert. Work condsta of .. separ­ate descriptive text aection and a plates se"tion. hee:llent colorphotographs. AD euy_to-read. 'hov-to-use' section. Index of co-.nnlUlles. Index of botanieal n&llU!s of pl.:lta. Excellent bibli06raphy.Excellent format.

A popullll' text intended u a field r;u1de for the IKIph1sticated l.a.:r­man on desert ... ild..tl_era and dnert plants which novel'. Al'range_.nt 1s by color of petal (e.g., "'hitish, bluish, yeUnv1sh. etc.).For eaeb plant, ita botanical n-.e, aaa1.l B/llline drawing ofvarious parts of the plant and a brief deacription are pl"OYided.A note on its ai:r.e is alao included. Excellent alide-si:r.e colorphotographs of the mre eol::aOl1 plants are included in a aeparatelection. General index .:ld Index to Color Patci.

Ifew York,

Wild..tlowerl of Weltern America.$11.95 (Box set $)6.00/.

Wild Flovers of california.(Peter Smith, $6.00).

C. 191~.210 pp.

'966.~25 pp.

A sea!-techni"al in~to..,. of tbe vildnoven of California, 1nd\Kl.­ina: those of its e.esert regionl. Arr.:lgement is by color of petal.Planta are liated by ..-a name. Pol' each. its scientific name.f&la1ly and a brief botani,,&! delcriptiOll (roots, lenel, etc.) andhabitat are provided. A text\1&l elabontioll follavs. For 1IllUlY, agood Blw draving is provided. A basic Wlderatanding of botany isnecesss.ry for belt lUIe. A reference text belt usetuJ. ill cOD,)Wlctiollv:itb aDotber r;u1de (e.g., Ifw!s' California Desert Wildflowers/.Glossary of botanical tit...... Index of botanical and scientificna=es of plants.

Orr, Robert T. and MargaretIfev York, Alfred Knopf.

Parsons, Kuy nhabeth.Dover Publications.

Page 14: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

-CBHL Plant Blblioar&p~

Riekett I'.arold Villi... Vndtl~rl of the Unite<! States. VolUllle 3:T~; VolWH! ~: Southv"stem States. !lev York. I"", York BotaniealGarden. VoL 3, 1969, 553 PI'. $52.00; Volu:lle II, 1970, 801 pro


The eoc:yelope4ie, l\ltborit.aU.,., verk on v11dtlovers of the UnitedStates. Work &a II "hole 11 • serles of volU'HS devoted to particu_lar regiona. Eaeh volume 11 eOJllprhed. of • l\\IIIIb"r or parts vMehare dlJvote(; to aeveral plant tullt" groupeJ. on the basis or aild_larit1n tor the purpose or aiding the n&4e:r In IIh identirteaUonof. plant. b "ltll otMr vorks 011 vildtlov!rs,planh \o'hich :t1O\A!r&Te alBO ineluded. For "sell taail.,y, species "hich are native tothe region are listed. For ..sell species. bder notl! on its she,<::olor, blOOlling leason, t..abltat and sWlarlty to other spedes arenoted. For the -.lOTlt,. or plants, an ucillomt dear ealor (hoto­graph 18 provided. General index 111 the las.. part or each volUllle.

lI1J~s. Mary M. and INin, Ibvard s. 1961. Roadside flovers at Texu.AWltin. U.l1nrsity ot Ten.s Pren. 295 pp. $5.50 (pap.)

A higbly autborItative treataent at tbe vtldtlovers and tlowerinaplants native to Tex.... inclUding those or its desert regiona.Work condsts or tllO .ections. 'J'he fir.t is a series or watercol­ors or •.- 250 spedn or the .are ~II vtld1'lovers or tbestate. Its sec:ond se~ion provides & te<:lmical deacription or theplant. rolloved by an elaboration or th1l description. A 1I0te ontbe spede.' range and related species is also included. Wllllo!&eTer&! e...,- to W1e 'keys' are provided, a hade understandtl!8 orbotany 11 lIeceuary ror bllst use. A.lI. exc<!llellt g].onary or .....Le­vant botanical ter.s, and line drawings or plant parts are an aidto the experienced enthuaiaat. Index or common and botanical names.Best userul ..... reterellce text.

Benson, Lyu.n andSoutlwestern·31 pp.

Darro.... Robert A. 195~" Trees and Shrubs or theDesert". AlbuqlleTque, University or Hell Mexico Pren.

A seod-technical /II&1Iu&l tor the identification or trees and shrubsgrowing in the deserts or the SouthWest. FllIll1l1e" or trees and~hru?- are srouped. &Ccordina to dailarities. An identificationkey h proYide4 ror each raaily and each spedes, inclwiin, an

explanation or its W1e. For each species, a nIIn-teclulieal "de_"eription h given. A note on the species' range use, bloomin,"eason. truit, ete., 11 also provided. Good B/1I ~hotoe:;ap~ orline draviqs ror -n¥ ........ ies Dl"'l-~l

1 r~~· ~. ,".. 011 lI&p' ror IIIll.IlY spe-e es u lIell. General indu or plant _s.


Berg, IlILl"TY J. 1973.Brown. 179 pp.


How to Knov the \/estel"n Trees.Vire coll: ".95, ~xt: $5.95.

Dubuque, Wm. C.

Page 15: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

lI'\IJIlber I, lI'oY1lIWer 19TI

A popular field guide intended as an identification 'key' to thetrees of the Westero United states, including those native to thedesert regions. Species or the Yucca genus and sc.e cacti are 10­eluded. For each I~ie•• its pop\1lar nlUlle and botlMlcd 0_ 1Ill4• eonc:is. det;criptioo or its essenthl fe.twes ~ proylded. 0004B/W dravi!ll!:s of various pu'ts of .. plant. A SIIl&ll, yet dear <11&_trlbutional map 1, included as veIl. General index and PictureGlossary. Another York in the Pictured Key Nature Series.

Little, Elbert L. 1968. Soutlnlestern TTees: A Guide to the lfaUyeSpecies or !lev Madco. lIashil13ton, U. S. GovemRlIt PrbUng or­rice. 109 pp. u. S. Dept. or A&rieult~ Il>l.lutbool< 110. ~.

A non-technical, illustrated guide to the trees or this atate1orl"1tten e:cpressly tOl" the layman. ArrlUl8ement 18 by r..... ily. Forea<:h sped",. its cO""""o lIll4 botanical name are given. to11O\1ed by adetailed. yet elear deserlptlon ot the plant (e.a .• tria", leaves.tlover. ete.) and lts d..1atrlbutiOll and habltat. For s.... plants.a 8/V line dr....ina ot the p].ant's leat'. seed. f'n1it, "te. is pro­vided. Exc:"Uent blbliography. Index ot ee.son and botllnic:aln_s ot plants. Ioelooes!lOl:le eaeti and other !l11t:c:ulents. A c:....panlon 'kc:y' to ldentlfylng speeles ln the tleld is also avallable.

Muirhead. DeSlllOnd. 1961. PalJU. Globe. n.J.e St\llU't Klng. 1~0 pp.$2.~5.

A popular &\lide to the pal.a ot the Uni ted States. native as veU.. introdueed species. ror eaeh g""WI ud/or species lnto....tionon its habltat. distribution. eultivation. history. fruit. ete. lsglven. For most a good S/V photograph. line dravlng or aeneraldescrlption is provided. Excellent seetion on landscaping uses.SOlIle palm-llke plants. ineludina some apedes ot the Yucca genusare lncluded. Bibliography.

Petenlon. Vlctor P. 1966. Ifathe Trees ot Southern Calitornia.Berkeley. Unlversity ot Calitornla Press. 136 pp. $6.95 ($2.95pap.).

A popular guide to the shrubs ot this partieular desert region.Plants ot varioUl t ...Uies ar" grouped bued on physical siarllar­ity. For eacb a brl.. t descrlption aDd a note on its habitat udlocale are aiven. Por Il&n¥. an exc..Uent B/V pb;:>tograph 11 pro­vided. Good bibliography. A checklist/index ot the shrllbs groupedby hlllily and , ..nus.

Vines. Robert A. 1960. Trees. Shrubs and WoodY Vines ot the Southwest.Austin. University ot Texas Press. 110~ pp. $35.00.

An excellent reterence vork on the~ plants ot the 'Southvest'(Texas. Ilev Mexico. OklahoaLa. Ark&o!lss and Louisiana). Arr&n&.....nt11 by taailJ". Por "ach plant. its c_n and botanical n&llll!s are



Page 16: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

Korticulture 46( 7):

CBHL Plant Bibliography_. ,,' ical descriptlon of the plant fal-

A highly technic~ vv.an i t 1given. 1 t' range uses rel"ted spec es, e c. s10>19. A note on the panst B/Il iine ~a..nn;o!l for most speci( s.provided tor most. Rxce11e~ lanh Cacti and other succulentsIndex ll1Id botanical names 0 P •included.


A. General Works

ClSI'k, ThOllllls R. 1968. Building a Desert Garden.

38~39, b5.

r ... ...., A~tic1e lIhich giVes essential advice on prepar-A brie, yh use'.... .... 1• • "." in an, ot the desert reginns. Discusses s teing a ~eser" g",~e

selection. site ';lunding, transplant8tion, general. cultivation.etc. An excellent cover po.ge color photograph of a typical desertg...rden in the Soathllest.

Corr.ell, Ralph D. 1914. Native Pl!lllts for Gardens of the Arid West.Plants and Gardens le(l}, 72-75.

An ove"ie" of native species suitable for a Solrth"estern garden.

Esrle, 101. Hubert. 1975. Desert Plants. Plants and Gardens 31(3):65-69.

A selection of a dozen plants for a "miniature desert garden" ter­rarium. For each plant auggested a good B/W close-up photographand notes on grollth rate and cultivation are provided. A varietyof succulents and non-succulents are represented. B/W photographsof sample tcrrariums are also provided.

EoIery, Dara ""d Broughton, Jacquel1ne. 1969. Native Plants for SouthernCal1fornia Gardens: Cultural and Environmental Requirements. SantaBarb...r .... Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. Leaflet No. 12. 21 pp.

A useful booklet which l1sts nearly 250 n...tive voody and herbaceousperenni ...ls n...tive to California and suited to garden use. Plantsare grouped by type of envirolUilental condition. A list of plantswhich are tOlerant of "sun and drought" and "desert heat" are in­cluded. Index to COlllllOn and bot""ical names of plants.

EllIery, Dare.. 1961i.Santa Barbara,

Seed Propagation of Native Ca.l.ifornla.S""ta Barbara Garden. Leaflet No. 10.

Plants.Iii pp.

A conche practical guide to the seed propagation of nativeCalUornia plants. Latter section of the booklet lists recommendedseed treatment for scores of plants, lM.Ily native to the desert.

Page 17: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

IIUJlber I, lion-bel' 1911

Botanical and COIllIIOn names o~ plants are given. One o~ the ~rtJ

vorKs vhich lists fruits.

Ilooyer, Robert and Betty. 1912. lIative Plants in Our Gard.en. San LuisObispo, Robert and Betty Hoover. 28 pp. $2.15.

Moorten, Patricia and Nevins, Rex. 1913. Desert Plants for DesertGardens. PaJ..., SprinCs, Moorten Botanical Garden. 2nd (dition.U3 pp.

A popular guide and introduction to desert plants and their gardenand landscape uses. A good B/W photograph along vith a descrip­tion are provided for each plant. A note on cultivation h alsoincluded. Index to c~n n..-S. Index to botanical n8:lleS. Des­ert ....gioo eonditic.ns.

Rovntree, Lester. 1951. Desert Plants for tour Garden. Flower G~er38(1): 56-51, 83-810.

A list of suggesticns of desert plants ~or a garden in the desertregions, yarticularly California. Offers a good selection of the..re ce-:m non-succuents. For ..st plants, a brief note 00 itscharacteristics, habitat and cultivation 1s proYided. for so.eplants a good B/V photouaph h provided.

Streets, R. B. 1915. Gardening in the Sun. Tucson, Men's G&rden ClUbof Tucson. 1011 pp.

Sunset Ha&adne. 1961. Desert Gardening. MenlO Park, [.&nil' BooKS.96 pp.

A general popular guide to native plants and non-native desertplants which can be culti....ted under desert region conditions.For each plant, s note on its growing zone, garden and landscapeuses, cultivation, etc. is provided. Excellent section on landscapeplants. Desert GaTden Calendar, vhich notes acthities to be car­ried out throu,gbollt the year. eex...n n_/OOtanical n..... index toplants.

Valley Garden ClUb. Practical Gardening in Southern Arhona.

B. Cacti

Haselton, Scott E.Garden Press.

1958. Cacti for the A"loateur.132 pp.

Pllsadena, Abbe:'

The eollplete guide to cacti culUyation ~or the seriou .......teur.Offers a general introduction to cacti in general (their history,habitat, uses, etc.) and their cultivation (starting a oollection,cataloging and labeling of specimens, etc.). The second halt otthe vork h duoted to culU....tion (so11, pottina, etc.) aDd prop-


Page 18: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

CBHL Plant Bibliography

agation (seeds, cuttina;I, s:r&t'tina;, etc.) and llrrllJl8ementl (_in1a­ture lJIlr'dens, b::nIl g&rdeDl, etc.). Cbaptu on cultivation andpropagation outdoon. hcillent chapter on pest control. App~nd1:o;lilts helpfU.1 hillts for the beg1nni,,& coLle<:tor. Excellent prut_cal adrlce by a noted authority &1'101 author. General. ind.... GoodB/'rl photographs.

Hirpns, Vera. 1971. Cutua Grovina; for Beg1nnel"s. London, Blantord'Tess. 68 pp. :1nteroationa.l Publications Service, $2.501

A pocket autde to tbe cultiTat10ll and prop6p0tion of cuti by "noted and respected authority. Chaptera on lI':Very aspect ot cu.Lti_vation (so11 and potting. SWl IUId ventilation, heating, etc.) '\Ddpropagation (sefld railiDg, cutting and grartlng). S..lection o~cacti for II colLection, v~lch includel many genera native to theSouthvest. GenHal index.

J(raaer, Jack. 191~.

Scribner's Son••Cacti II

115 pp.Decorati...e Plants.$3.95 (pap.)

Mev York, Ch&rlen

A popular autde to cacti II bouseplants,~ ot vhicb are nativ..to tbe Southveat desert regions. Good Introduction to ...arIoU8genera. hcill..llt B/W sketches am photocrapha. SuggelUon otcacti for partIcular household us..s {vi~, desk lLIld tableplants, floor, ..te.}. Some Aga..... and YUCCa sped... inc1utled. Ap­pelld.1.I includ..s a -YearlJ" Guid.. to Cacti ea:r..-, vbich gi...... adYIceon care and tulUvatiOIl IIlId notes sua;eatiOlis tor tbe .ollth.

Lob, £4aar. 1955. IIov to ICake Cacti Flever. Ifew York, Pit..an Pub­1hhina· 8(I"PlI.

A pocket guid.. to on.. hWlllr..d of the -ere ~n sped..s of cuUwhich novel', inclutling .1!V..ral native to th.. Southwest. ConcheusefUl advice and In.truction On cultivation and prope.gation. Good8/1,/ photographs of many, MOst with nOli'er. R..ference C&1endarnoten the history and grolltll of the author' a cOllection.

Luo, tdgar and Brian. 1910. Pock..tEl:Jcycloped.i. of Cacti and aueru_lcnts in Color. Ilew 'tork, Macmillan. 211 pp. $5.95.

A pocket autde to cacti ..:d succulents in color by two noted aU­thorities. Chapt..n on general cultivation &:ld prope.gat1ou. Itaehapt..r On speeies deacription lhh s""raJ. ~cores of the .or.e-. cacti (and succul..nta), 1l0Ung the bablt.t of eacb lLIld &1v-,ina highly specific 1141'ie. on the tultiYation of ....ch An e:o;c..l

....t close-up color pbo.~~" i.... . ­separate seoeti I .._--...... s pronded for .ost species in a

on. lI...,x. Oooci fOnll.t and ~out.

Narlden, C. 1958. Orov Cacti, A 'Tactical Handbook.Martin's Prells. 165 pp. Ifev 'tork, St.


Page 19: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

M\IIber I, IIon.ber 1971

}. cc.plete practical guide tor the serious ...teur Or the exper­ienced collector interested in expanding his collection. As withother texts listed, it includes chapters on potting, watering,propagation, diseases, etc. Chapters on the culti ...ation ot cactiin the greenbouse ennrDnlllCnt. Ioteresting ch&;lter 011 ft soll_1ess"culture (pseudo-h;JdropollicJ. r..tter ch&ptera include a eonchecl&$sitication ot the Cactaceae, a list ot the c~n name/botan­ical n&llle tor the IDOre cOllllllOn cacti and &Il alphabetical iml.ex tothe distribution ot the genera. A .tnt-dictionary ot generic andspecific n.aaes, ane. tbeir En&lhb e<luhalent vill be uset'ul tothose curious about tbe "_aning" ot a plant's naDe or as an aidto con1'1r::U1l8 ita identity. Uset'ul gl>JUary or botanic termsintended as an aid tor the novi~e in understandill8 the technicaltenllinolO6Y USN in the l.1terature. A t"., aood B/W photographsand sketc!les. Good to.....t and llQ'O\It. BrUhh dant.

Marsden, C. 1915. MamUlle.ria. London, Cleaver_lfume. 1008 pp.

A complete dictionary text On the genus ~l.le.ria and the cul­tivation ot its species. For eacb species, a note on its ~,hahitat, nOV1lr, color, etc. is gi...en. In addition, higbl,y de­tailed advice on cultivation is providcd as well. An excellentc01llpanion to Craig's Mammillar1ll. Handbook. Good close-up B/Wphotographs tor lI&ny species. Index or species.

Martin, Mu'garet J. 1911. cacti and Their Cultintion. Ifev lork,London, Fuer and Faber. 201 pp. Scribner, 1915, $10.951.'P'-7J'." \.

A popular text on cacti and their cultivation tor the "erious be­sinner. EKcellent chapters on Seneral. cultiY&tion and propaga­tion. Conche taxonOlllic SUllllll&J'7 ot the cactus t ....il,y. Selectionot cacti native to North America suitable tor cultivation. Botan­ical glossary. Bibliography. Subject index. Index to plants.Excellent to.-.t and l1Q'Out.

Sunset Editorial. Statf vitll Jack Kruer. 1910. SUcculent" and Cactus.Menlo Park, Lane Books. 80 pp. $2.105.

A popular irttroduc:tlon and auide to cacti (and succulents) andtbeir c:ultiyatlon tor the l>OYice. Br'iet concise chapters on cul­tivation and propagation. Selection ot cacti (and succulents)tor indoors and tor gardens in the desert regions ot the South­west. Good chapters On plant diseases and problems. ExcellentB/w pbotographs and draving", to.-.t and layout. General Index.

Van f1ess, Martha.1lC\< 'Cork, Van

1911. C&.c:ti and Succulents'Nostrand Reinhold. 112 pp.

Indoors and Outdoors.

A popular introduction to the cultlYatien ot eac:ti (and succu­lents J tor the serious l>OYice. }. briet cbapter otters prtL<:tic&1


Page 20: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

CBHL Plallt Bibliogr....hy

advise on starting a c:olle<:tion, and inel.udes a list ot eaeti (andaueculents) tor the beginner, vhieh incl.udes a tev species nativeto the Southvut. GenerlLl inter_tien On eUltivaUen and pro~ll.8a­

tiOll. Chapter On indoor ,arden indudes a nl.ection ot pl.ant~ tordish gardens, viDdov S&r"dens, a.od baskets. ~pter on the outdoorgarden lists. number or native cs.cti (and ncculents) suitable torlandscape purposes around pools and on terra:es. Excellent chapter011 plant ca.-e a.od pl.snt diseases. E:rcel.lent tormat, layout, I/Wphotographs and dravings. List ot nurseries. Excellent biblio­graphy. General Index.

C. Succulents

&<JoklYn Botanic Garden. 1965. Il&ndbook onYork, BrooUyn Botanic Garden. 68 pp.

Sueeulent$1. 75.


A IlsetuJ. enid. to the cll1U....tion ot succulents, induding cacti,written by noted authorities. While the succulents or the South­vest ,...e not cO·Jered hI great detail, the vork as a vhole 11 per­haps the best &e"eral. and popW.ar JUide and introduction to SUCCI>­

If!tlta and their cultiYatiOll. Appendices lnc:Cooe a Hst or out_standing Succulent collections.

Cutslt, Lad.islaus. 1959. Succulents. St. Louis, K1ssouri BotanicalGarden. pp. k9-16.

A general introduction and overview ot the cultivation and prop&fill._tian ot SlOCcll1ent plants. ConCise reviev ot pl.ant faailies vhichhaTe succll1ent "'"Ibers.

Cutak, L&dislaus.Garden Press.

Graving and Enjoying Succulentt.2) pp.

Pasadena, Abbey

Rev York, M.

A practiea1 plllllphlet on the general propagation and cultivation otcacti and other succll1ents. Good practical intor=ation on build­i~ • desert plant terrarilll.

D. lIildtlevers

1lu1.1, Hel.om S. 1955. IIild F1.cNers tor Y<nlr G&rdll!!l:l.Barrons • Co. 280 pp.

A POPuls,r text on wUdt10vers and plants vhicb tlever and theiruses n TariOUS bahitata Secondot wUdtlovers t~· balt ot the vork is • selectionr10verina caeti and ~r:J' state. Soutbvestern state lists incl.udeproPSClation notes th~ er suceulenta. A "dictionary" ot pl.a.ntotten Addce on ~a:~ ot the Ilenua, grovill8 COnditions andBibliography. In4ex. • n. Jot highly Specitic, but usetul.

Page 21: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

Number I, November 1911

Taylor, Kathryn S.Cultivation.

and Hamblin, S. F. 1963.lIev York, Maclllilbn. 301

Handbook ofpp. $7.65.


A popular handbook of wild tlo\lers and their cultivation, IlIOstl,ythe "showy" species of various fWllil1es and genera. Some South_\lestern natives included. Best useful for its concise chapterson the cultivation and propagation of \lildflowers in general. Ap­pendix includes a list of plants for sanQy soil in field sun.Index of illustrations. General index.

E. Trees and Shrubs

Earle, W. HUbert. 1964. Choices for the Southwest. Handbook ofFlowering Shrubs. Baltimore, Brooklyn Botanic Carden. pp. 48-50.

A selection of shr"bs for cultivation in the Southwest desert re­gion, including many natives. For each plant, a brief note on itsoutstanding festures, habitat, uses and cultivation are included.

Mathias, Mildred E. 1953. Ten Best Trees :::or Desert Pla'lting, pp. 209­213. In: Proceedings of the lIational Shade Tree Conference 1953.Wooster, OH: Collier Printing Co. 4 pp.

A selection of a SCOre of trees best suited for cultivation underdesert r~:ion conditions, including several native species. Foreach, a bdef note On its cultivation and habitat arC provided.

Schumacher, Fred. 1934. Use of California Shrubs in Carden Design,pp. 649-674. In: Havard McMinn, An Illustrated Flora ofCalifornia Shrubs. San FranciSCO, J. w. Stacey. 25 pp.

A listing of shrubs for various habitats and useS. Includes a listof over 40 of the ~re common desert shrubs. For each, a \lord orbm on its uses and flover and flower color are noted. Ceneralcultivation information included in the preface to the listing.


Bryant, M. Douglas. n.d. Native Shrubs in Southwest Landscapes. LasCruces, NM: U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, lIew Mexico State Univer­sity, Cooperative Extension Service, Bulletin 400 H_4. 5 pp.

A popular pamphlet listing IIIOre than a score of the more commonshrubs of the Southwest. A brief description of the plant alongwith its botanical name, a note on its habitat, flover, fruits,etc. are provided. A note on its landscape use is also included.Excellent bibliography of Yorks useful in identifying lIew Mexicanplants, IIIOst of \lhich are annotated in this compilation.

Page 22: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

CBHL Plant Bibliography

f £radon Control in SOuthern___ , D--.. 1967. l(aUve Plants or ....., ,.. __~ • --~l ,'-OJ - "._, Barbara "",tan" u.....en. ""'... e

California. santa Barbara, ".... a10. 11. pp. 98-112.


-"'fornia -, .."'tI, -.rlJ' beat &1J.d1or desertA selection of n& "'....... ......-, , .., .~, • ,

.." bl for erosion coatrol. or each p........ wn C S'tolerant', s ..... a e bri f h noting itlisted alpbabetic..u.,. br genus/spedes, a e paraqap _ s"-'" naR(s), beigbt/vidtb and landscape,~,~_iS, ~""',,i~ed. Lan,"

, .......-t a concise s.-r)' 0 "'" e... e s con en .•cape Re erence ~~ ,Bibliography .

Foenll&lln, Boy.,e.Landscapes.Cooperative

n.d. Caetus, A8ave, Yucca and Ocotillo in AriZQ,,.TIl"SOIl, Dept. of Agricu1tu.re, Ulliversity of AJ' :tona,

Extension Service, BW.1etin Q-215. 4 pp.

A popular p.....phlet on the landscape usea of these COlllllM)n desertplants in the desert region. For each plant, a brief deacriptiolland a note on its care, irrigation and fertllhation are provided.hei!l1ent for its conche advice on transplantation.

IIorland, Elisabeth.Bot&llic Garden.

19!16. A~he Plume.pp. 21-2~.

santa Barbara, Santa Barbara

A brief, yet eonche prof11e of one of tbe more ee:-:m desertahr\lbs. Brief not", oa its history, description, ranae, pruning,propagation and culthation. An uc<!llent ctooice for laMacape usein the Sau.thw'eat clesert region.

Sac.....o, Charles &lid Jones, Varrer> D. 1975. lfaBve Trees and Shru~

for Landscape Uae in the Desert Southvest. 'l'ucson, U. S. Dept. ofA8riculture, Unlversity of Arhona, Collese cf Agriculture, Cooper­ative Extendon Bervice. 40 pp.

An excellent introduction and guide to native desert trees andshrubs and their lanclscape uses. For each plant, its botanicalnllllH!, a note On its height, sprescl, harcliness :tones, landscapevalue, muntenance requirements and prop&6ation are provided. Acon.,ise description of each plant h also included. Excellent B/Wphlltographll fllr ...st plants. Conche chapter 011 the general culti­vation, propajJation and care or plants. UseM glossary of land­scape te..... Plant .... index. "Plant Use Categories," a list oflandscape uses and pU,nts best suited for such uses. '!'abl~ of Con­~nts. beellent type, t'onoat Nld ~ut.

SOU CCmservatiOll Soc:hty, Arhona Chapter. Ilatural Vegetation ee-.tt­te<!!. Landseapine; vith lathe Arhona Plants. TuCSOII, Unh"ersity of.....hona Prell. 19!1 pp. $~.95.

An excellent popular guide tostate for landscape purposes.

the use ofAll types

native plants of thisof plants represented .

Page 23: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

Rumher 1, November 1917

Highly specitic recommendations and suggestions tor particularregions ot the state, including desert areaS. Latter section ot~ork notes characteristics ot plants, botaniCal name, height,tlo~er, flowering season, etc. A popular botanical descriptionis also provided. Work is a collection ot charts and tables.Excellent B/W photographs. A handy reterence guide.


Arizona H1ghwa,vsPhoenix, Arizona1925-Monthly

Arizona_Sonora Desert Museum. Bulletin.Tucson, Arizona1951-Iro'egul&r

Cactus and Succulent Journal(Publication ot the Cactus and Succulent Society ot America)

Los Angelea, Calitornia1929-Bi-lDOnthly

Desert M!f!azinePalm Desert, Calitornia1937-Monthly

Exotic Collection, Monthly NotesWorthing, Sussex, England1960-Irregular

Fremontia(Publication ot the Calitornia Native Plant Society)

Berkeley, Calitornia1973-Quarterly

Journal of" the Ma.mmillaria SocietyBanstead, Surrey, England1960-Bi-lDOnthly

Saguaroland Bulletin(Publication ot the Desert Botanical Garden)

Phoenix, Arizona19~T-

Ten issues a year

Page 24: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

CBllL Plant Bibliography


A. Carden. and HuseUld

Arizona-SOnora De,ert MuaeUlllP. O. Box 5601Tuocsoo. ArilDll. 85103

, Bnv_To-Do-It De.ert CardeD.Keu.,., Merritt. 1912.

IIortiC'U1ture )0(9): k2-k3.

~ 80taaic Garden1000 IIUbll1&ton A"elIueBrookl,)'ll. lev York 1.1225

Desert llotulcal Gardell or Arhona(in Papaso Park)6koo !. McDnvell Road.Box 5k15~nix, Ariton_ 85010

Hartin, Virginia F. 1915. Thru the run at the Desert Bot&l\icalCarden. Cactus and Succulent Journal 41(6): 243-248.

Exotic COllectionMr. FA8ar Lamb and Mr. Brian Lamb16, Franklin Road'o\;)rthlng, Susau, England BH13 2PQ

Henry E. Huntington Library, Art Callery and Botanical Cardens1151 Oxtord RoadSan Marlno, Cali tomb 91108

llenry !. Iluntington. Library and Art Callery, San Karino, Ca.li­tornl.. 80taaic Carden.. 1911. A Guide to the Desert PlantCollection in the IluntinstoD Botanical Carden.. SaD Jol.arino,CA. 32 pp.

Kinourl Botllllical (;Uden2~5 Tow:r Cro.,e henueSt.. Louh, Mi..ouri 63110

Moorten llotlllllt: Carden • Ca.ct.&riu.1102 South Pa.l.. ean,-on DriveFaa Sprinp, Cali tomb 92262

lev York Botanieal GardenIIro1u. ParkIlI'onx, !lev York 1Ql158

Page 25: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

!fev York Botanical Garden.cal Garden. Hell York,

Rancho Santa Ana Botanic o..rden11500 II. College AvenueClare-ont, California 91711

!lumber 1. IloYO!IIber 1911

1964. A Guide to the !lew York Botani_Nell York Botanical Garden. 40 pp.


Len&, Lee V. 1969. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden. llorticulture47(11); 32-33,

Santa Il&rb&ra Botanic GlLI'den1212 Hi•• inn Canyon RoadSanta Il&rbera. C&llfornia 9n05

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. 191111. ~ll1d" to the GUoaD. SantaBarbara, s.tIta Il&rbara Botanic Glll"den.

University of ArhonaBqyce Thompson Southwestern ArboretumP. O. Box ASSuperior, Arl&ona 85213

Bo7ce~n Sol,lthvutern Arboret...Thc:apson Southwestern Arboretwo..AThona Press. III pp.

University of California, BerkeleyBotllni,,&). Garden~p&.rtlllent of BotanyBerkeley. C.11rornla 94120

o.d. Guide to the BoyceT'u"'lon, Un1y~sity or

ltl_o...b. M)rron and ItutchisCKI. P. c. 1953. Slleeulent. Colleetion ott.he Uniyen1ty ot Coalltorni. Bot.anle&1 Guden. CaetllB andSlleeulent. Journal 25(~)' 95-1010.

B. Nat.ional Parkl and Mon~nt5

Big Bend lIaUonal ParkPlUlther JllDetinnBr~ster County, Te:ms 198310

Warnock, Barton H. 1969.Up!ne, n, SIll Ro..

Jlldge Roy Bean Vilitor CenterP. O. Box 160w.n,gtry, TexlL5 18811

Vlldnoven of the B11 Bend CoWltry.State Unhersity. 15T pp.

SIdles, Jaelc fl. 1913. A TborllJ" Tale. 'l'exu Hi~va.ys, JIll.Y.


Page 26: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

CBHL P11Jlt Bibliography

Death Valley lIational Non..entDeath Vl.1.ley, California 92328

FeITh, R<uanD6.Death Vall.,.

Death Valley \/U41'1011ers. DeathHistory "..ociation. .150 pp.

Valley ,

Joslnul TT- lIaUooal Jlk>n..e:atP. O. Box 875'!\Ienty-ll'ine Palas, California 922T1

!'litchell, Ilofler. 197~. £xp1oriD4l Joah",a Tree. Glendale, LaSiesta Press. (Revised edition}. ~8 pp.

Organ Pipe Cactus NaUonal MonumentP. O. Box 38Ajo, Aritona 85321

Dod8e, Iiatt. 196Jo'. Organ Pipe Cactus lfaUonal Monument.Washington. U. S. Dept. of Interior, National Park 5e:rvice.91 pp.

Saguaro llatiOllal Mon~ntP. O. Box 17210'!'w:son, Ari10lla 85731

She1ton,lIapier. 1972. Se,gI&aro lationa.1 Mon.-nt, Arizona.latioMJ. Part Serr1ce. Washincton, U. S. Govern::M!nt PrintingOffice. 98 pp.

Cion If'rticmal I'hrltPart lIeadquarteuSpringdale, Utah 8Jl767


Trapp, Carolyn. 196~. A Guide to the Cacti of Zion lfaUonu Park.Salt Lake City, Desert Nevs Presll. 21 pp.

Agricultural Cooperative Extension Service

ArhonaUniversity of Ari~College of AgricultureTlleson, Ariuma 85721

CaliforniaA,sri<:ultlll'al ExtenalOll Se.rr1eeUnheMlity of California at

Lol AngelesLos Angeles, California 9~720

Ifevad.aAgricultural Co==WlieaUons ServiceUniYers1ty of lIevadaReno, lenda 69507

lIev MexicolIev Medeo Sta.te UniyersityLas Cruces, lIev Mexico 99001


Tu;; A • M UniversityCollege StaUon, Texas 7784)

Page 27: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

!fUlllber 1, !fovember 1977

""h~ersity oC UtahSalt r.ke Cit,., Utah 6lIll2

D. Clubs, Societies an~ Associations

Arizona Cactus and !fative Plant Societyc/o Desert Bot'lllical GardenP. O. Box 5b15Phoenix, Arizona 85010

Cactus and Suc~ulent Society oC AIIlerica2631 Fairgreen AvenueArcadia, CaliCornia 91006

(Lilt of.e.ber affiliate. publhhed in its Journal. Includn thefolloltiq:

!fev Jersey Cactus and. Succulent Soc1et~·

c/o Ms. Miriam Ritzfield150 Bebout StreetEnglewod, !'lev Jersey 07631

!'lev York cactus and Succulent Socie~

c/o Mr. Marvin Grotel1, President10 Yatu l.aneJericho, Hell York U753

Meets second Su..'\dq each IIIOnth, except ._1', at Sn.>.tf 104111,Il'ev York Botanical Garden, 2:00 P.M.

f'b11&4elph1a Cactu:s and s...cculent Societyc/o Dr. Henry Gisser7708 Revere StreetPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania 19152

California C&ctus Crovil'Ml Association, Inc.P. O. Box 653F&1.lbroot., Calirornia 92028

California Native Plant Sociil'ty2490 Channing i/""Berkeley, California 94704

'n1eodore P~e Foundation for \ll1d1"~rs and ••tive Plants, Inc.101159 Tuxford StreetSWl Valley, Cali tomia 91352

Cutalt, l.&d1s1aus. 1976. Cactus Guide. Princil'ton, O. Van NOl'tTand Co.9 pp. (Reprint of 1956 edition).

Chapter VI ot tbia V'Ork lists and discusses the activitiu ot anUlllber oC societies throucbout the U. S.

Page 28: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

CIlIlL Plant Bibliognphy

St~ph~n.OD, J. W. 1960·lK>u.I~. .5li pp.

Gardener'. Dir~ctory. Garden City, Hanover

tbt5 a n..ber or local and statea.uoch.'l;ions. n.ted.


cacti and naUve de!lert plant

Abbe7 liard""116 Toro CallTOl1 bdCarpentia. Californla 93013

Aaave, F.chillOcere\lll. I'eroeactus, M.u8111aria, Op\UlUa;Collection' M..-illar1a. Catll.1os' $1. 00

Cactus br Mueller10411 Rosedll.1e HIghwayBaker.field, CalifornIa 93308

l'~roc""tllS, Ha..illaria, OpunUa; Collections, H8mDlillarla,OpunUa, Starter CollectiOll for BeginnIIl6 Hobbrist. Catalog'$.2,.

Cact\lll Cell lfurs~ry

1~3' R~a AYenueP. O. lID>: 327~. Calitomla 950QlI""an. Echlnoc:ert'lla, l'erocactILS, Maadllari•• Opuntia; Colle<:tlons,

Sn'eral of T&rlou.s Ihes of Ilorth "'-'rican caet1.

Cl7de Robin1'. O. IIDx 285,C..tro Valley, C&l1toml. 9.,.6

~: Wlldnowen. lOll<! trees and .hrubt:. Catalog, $1.00

Desert "urse:ry21595 Ilox Spr11l6s RoadRiverside, California 92501

AlIllVe, 1W!n11l1aria, OpWlUa, Yucca

Hr. A. HlJ&h DiIl.17581 Deer TrailYucca Valley, Cal1tornia 9228ll

AlI....e, ""-UJ.&rla, OeotiUo, Opuntia, Yucca

Par Out CaetllS and POUa,se Cospr")", IDc.S8l ......enue of the _rie.. (16th Illld 11th St.s )Jew York, .f!\I York 10011 .

Retail outlet for lareest Vbolesale nurser," On the East Coast.

Page 29: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

Ihaber 1, lfovellber 1m

Mr. Ben M. Haines1902 LaneTopeka, IC&nsaa

Specialist in cold climate cacti and auceu!ent•. Echin(~er~,

Oplmtia, Tueca

Henrietta'. Nurlery13~5 If. BradeyFresno, California 93111

Agave, M~i11aria, Opuntia; Collectio~s: Mammillaria, (puntia,Native De.ert, Cactu. Starter. Books;,n cacti and their cultiva­tion. Catalos: $.35

Kirkpatrick'sm85 De Ann otnetBarstow, California 92311

Echinoeereue, Ferocactu., ~llaria, Opuntia, Agave; Aho seed..

Nev Mexico Cactus ResearchP. O. Box 181Belen, Mev Mexico 81002

Seed: Ae;a...e, Echinoeac:tus, Echiooeereua, I'erocactus, ~llaria,Opllntia. Also a fev tre1!s.

Plant Shed515 Ea.t 12nd StreetHev York, Ne~ YorK

Sally ''I SeederyBox 165pgrtal, Arhona 85632

!!:!:!!: VUdfiovers and .hrubs of the SoIrt.bvest

Shop-in-the-SierraBo<1Midpines, California 953~5

Wildfloven, trees and shrubs. Catalos: Western Native Plants

R_ H. Stl\malll¥ Seedsma.nDe~nt 1002Rocl<1'ord, llllnois 61101

~; cacti; catalos: Free

Theodore Payne FOWldatinn for Vildflovera and Native Plants, Inc.10459 Tuxford StreetSun Valley, California 91352

Seed: Ifative Calltornia vildtloverl



Page 30: CBHL Bibliography - no1 DESERT GARDENING.€¦ · Muench, Josef. Hlghvays. 197~. 80 pp. The Southllest of Josef Muench. Phoenix, Arizona $3.00. A collection of color photographs by

CllHL P1lUlt Bibliography


Abbey Garden P:reaaP. O. Box 3010santa Barbara, c..urornia 93105

Publilber or~ or the standard vorks on desert plant.. Se11.&~ or it. CMl von. and ather ovt-or-priDt works.

Bo)'ee ~on Southve.terD Arboret_ 1loobtoreP. O. &ox ABSUperior. Ar'l&OD& 65273

Desert &ot&Dieal Garden 1lookato:reP. O. Box 5-'15P!loenh. AThona 65010

Desert Mqadne lloc>tsbop1-'-h25 Hi~ IIIFaa oesert, Calirornia 92260

HI!\!' York BotlUl1eal GardenShop-ln_the-GardenBronx. HI!\!' York 10~58

lUll order books eurrently in print. Orrers diseoWlts to IIII!mbersor the Hell York IlotlUlieal Garden.

