causes of the american revolution

Causes of the American Revolution Part 1 1763 to 1783

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Page 1: Causes of the American Revolution

Causes of the American

Revolution Part 1

1763 to 1783

Page 2: Causes of the American Revolution

Essential Question:Attempts to control people without giving them any

say, may lead to resentment and conflict.

How did British action against the colonies lead

to revolt?

Page 3: Causes of the American Revolution

Proclamation of 1763 and the Sugar Act of 1764

• Proclamation Line drawn along the

Appalachian Mts. to limit westward settlement

• Sugar Act created tax on Sugar, wine, and


Significance: First laws and Tax forced on

Colonies without representation in

Parliament and Colonists feel violation of

their Rights as English Citizens

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Proclamation of 1763

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Stamp Act 1765• Any printed material had to be on paper stamped

with an official stamp sold by an official paper seller.

• Stamp Act Congress: Delegates from Colonies met

and decided to boycott British goods and to send a

PETITION to King George III

Significance: Colonists meeting and getting

organized in their protesting.

It worked! Parliament REPEALED the Stamp Act in

March 1766.

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The Quartering Act 1765• More soldiers sent to the colonies

to enforce laws/taxes and to keep


• The law required colonists to house

(quarter) British soldiers and

provide them with food and other

things they needed

• Colonists saw it as another tax.

Significance: Colonists refuse to

follow law and Parliament cancels

self-government in New York.

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Townshend Acts 1767

• Parliament created a tax on imported tea, glass,

paper, paint, and lead


– Colonists BOYCOTTED British goods again and

more public protests.

– Colonies sent petitions to King George and to


• Townshend Acts were repealed in 1770

Significance: Colonists even more organized.

Samuel Adams stepping in as opposition

leader. Women Play major role in Boycott

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Townshend Acts

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Sons and Daughters of Liberty

• Samuel Adams leader of protest group: Sons of


• Organized protests against British actions

• They organized communication between the colonies:


• Often times actions were extreme and ended violently

• Patriot women helped in the boycotting of British


– made homemade goods to sub in.

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9 Stripes Flag of the Sons of Liberty

Samuel Adams

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PROPAGANDA • information, ideas, or rumors that

are spread to hurt OR help a group,

a person, or an idea.

• A type of message aimed at

influencing the opinions or

behavior of people.

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Imagine yourself to be a part of this scene. In your journal free write about the following things: What do

you see, hear, feel, and smell?

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The Boston Massacre March 5, 1770

• British soldiers fire into a crowd of colonists who

had been harassing. 5 Colonists are killed.

• Samuel Adams and Paul Revere use the event as


• Paul Revere’s picture is sent all over the Colonies

with the title “The Bloody Massacre.”

• The images stir up some hatred and resentment

against King George, Parliament, and the British

Troops in the Colonies.

Significance: Great propaganda to persuade

Neutralists against the British, not so effective.

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Tea Act 1773 • In 1773, Parliament passed the Tea Act that

– Lowered the cost of British tea = cheaper than

smuggled tea. The British tea was still taxed.

– Colonists could only by British tea

• Colonists were outraged.

• On December 16, 1773, Colonists disguised as

Indians boarded the ships and “unloaded” 90,000

pounds of tea!

Significance: First act of CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE.

Willingness to break the law to protest

against the government.

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Tea Act and the

Boston Tea


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Intolerable Acts 1774• Laws were supposed to punish Massachusetts for

the Boston Tea Party:

– Boston Harbor was closed; Mass. Lost self-

government = under British control; More British

troops sent to Boston to enforce laws

• Colonists protested and boycotted even more.

• Other colonies sent supplies to Massachusetts

• Virginia calls for a meeting of ALL the colonies to

find a solution to the issues with Great Britain.

Significance: Colonies unite even more behind

Boston and agree to meet to solve issues


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Intolerable Acts