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Catholic Diocese of Auckland Liturgy Centre Christmas Year B December 27 th The Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph Welcome before Mass: (Commentator) Tēnā Koutou Katoa. A very warm welcome to everyone. Today is the feast of the Holy Family and we remind ourselves that God’s very own Son was trusted to the care of a family. In this way, God has honoured all families as foundational communities of love and loving relationships. To prepare to welcome Christ in this liturgy, let us be silent for a few moments. (20 … seconds - stay at microphone). Welcome to ……………………… ( parish name ). Let us stand and sing with joy. Prayer of the Faithful For the Church – that it will be just in all its dealings, treat men and women with equal dignity, families with respect, and ensure that its liturgical language creates a vision of justice. (Silence) Reader: (sung) Lord born anew hear our prayer All: Christ our Lord hear our prayer. For families in refugee camps – that world leaders will work together to settle refugees in permanent homes and that refugees will be made welcome in their new countries. (Silence) Reader: (sung) Lord born anew hear our prayer All: Christ our Lord hear our prayer. For families – that families everywhere will spend rich time together in recreation, in prayer, in listening to each other and being attentive to each other’s needs and the needs of their local community. (Silence) Reader: (sung) Lord born anew hear our prayer All: Christ our Lord hear our prayer. For parents – that they nourish their children with a sense of joy and delight in life, an optimism for the future, a willingness to serve others, and a thirst to grow in love of God. (Silence) Reader: (sung) Lord born anew hear our prayer All: Christ our Lord hear our prayer. For children who live in poverty – that we all creatively address the causes of poverty, and find new and effective solutions to lift children from poverty, so that they can engage fully and positively with life. Optional Response for Prayer of Faithful

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Christmas Year B December 27th The Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph


Response for

Prayer of Faithful

Welcome before Mass: (Commentator)

Tēnā Koutou Katoa. A very warm welcome to everyone. Today is the feast of the Holy Family and we remind ourselves that God’s very own Son was trusted to the care of a family. In this way, God has honoured all families as foundational communities of love and loving relationships. To prepare to welcome Christ in this liturgy, let us be silent for a few moments. (20 … seconds - stay at microphone). Welcome to ……………………… (parish name). Let us stand and sing with joy.

Prayer of the Faithful

For the Church – that it will be just in all its dealings, treat men and women with equal dignity, families with respect, and ensure that its liturgical language creates a vision of justice.

(Silence) Reader: (sung) Lord born anew hear our prayer All: Christ our Lord hear our prayer.

For families in refugee camps – that world leaders will work together to settle refugees in permanent homes and that refugees will be made welcome in their new countries.

(Silence) Reader: (sung) Lord born anew hear our prayer All: Christ our Lord hear our prayer.

For families – that families everywhere will spend rich time together in recreation, in prayer, in listening to each other and being attentive to each other’s needs and the needs of their local community.

(Silence) Reader: (sung) Lord born anew hear our prayer All: Christ our Lord hear our prayer.

For parents – that they nourish their children with a sense of joy and delight in life, an optimism for the future, a willingness to serve others, and a thirst to grow in love of God.

(Silence) Reader: (sung) Lord born anew hear our prayer All: Christ our Lord hear our prayer.

For children who live in poverty – that we all creatively address the causes of poverty, and find new and effective solutions to lift children from poverty, so that they can engage fully and positively with life.

(Silence) Reader: (sung) Lord born anew hear our prayer All: Christ our Lord hear our prayer

For the elderly – that they will be positive with young people, encouraging them in meeting the challenges of life, and that they, they elderly will be treated with dignity, respect and care.

(Silence) Reader: (sung) Lord born anew hear our prayer All: Christ our Lord hear our prayer.

For our local community of………………….. That___________________________________________________________________

Please add a prayer for your local community.

(Silence) Reader: Lord born anew hear our prayer All: Christ our Lord hear our prayer.

Concluding Prayer

O God, you cradle us at the beginning of life and embrace us at journey’s end. In trusting your Son to the care of Mary and Joseph you honoured the life of every family. May we live as Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in the love of the Trinity. We make this prayer through …Amen

Liturgy Centre

Catholic Diocese of Auckland