cat and calista exchange presents

I Don’t Need Rhinestones By: F. Raventhorn “Kane?” “Yes, Cat?” Cat stood on the threshold of Kane’s room for what felt like an eternity as he tried to piece together the best way to ask his captain for what he wanted. Would he be angry with him? It wasn’t anywhere near the usual time for divvying up all the spoils and Cat would need quite a lot of his share for what he wanted to get. He certainly didn’t want to spend their days on shore below deck in that dreaded treasure room. “Well, Kane, we’re going to hit shore soon and I was wondering if. . .” C’mon, Cat, man up! “If I could have a portion of my share before we hit shore.” “Of course, you know everyone gets a small bit before we land for food and such.” “I know but this time I will need a little bit more.” A lot more really. . . “Why? What do you need to get?” “Diamonds.” Kane’s eyebrows shot up in surprise at this unusual request. After a moment he nodded his assent and waved his hand to indicate that Cat could leave. Cat sighed in relief as he made his way out; he would not trouble his captain any further. Kane had other business to attend to as Cat could plainly see. As he was leaving he could see that the eyes of this “business” that had been sitting in the captain’s lap had just opened wide with a surprised and thrilled glow. I guess they will all know soon enough. . .

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This is a fan fiction by ~FRaventhorn written for the Secret Santa celebration!


Page 1: Cat and Calista exchange presents

I Don’t Need Rhinestones

By: F. Raventhorn


“Yes, Cat?”

Cat stood on the threshold of Kane’s room for what felt like an eternity as he tried to piece

together the best way to ask his captain for what he wanted. Would he be angry with him? It

wasn’t anywhere near the usual time for divvying up all the spoils and Cat would need quite a lot

of his share for what he wanted to get. He certainly didn’t want to spend their days on shore

below deck in that dreaded treasure room.

“Well, Kane, we’re going to hit shore soon and I was wondering if. . .”

C’mon, Cat, man up!

“If I could have a portion of my share before we hit shore.”

“Of course, you know everyone gets a small bit before we land for food and such.”

“I know but this time I will need a little bit more.”

A lot more really. . .

“Why? What do you need to get?”


Kane’s eyebrows shot up in surprise at this unusual request. After a moment he nodded his

assent and waved his hand to indicate that Cat could leave. Cat sighed in relief as he made his

way out; he would not trouble his captain any further. Kane had other business to attend to as Cat

could plainly see. As he was leaving he could see that the eyes of this “business” that had been

sitting in the captain’s lap had just opened wide with a surprised and thrilled glow. I guess they

will all know soon enough. . .

Page 2: Cat and Calista exchange presents

It had originally been gold. He was planning on purchasing some as soon as they got to Corvo,

and gold probably wouldn’t have set him too far back as far as his share was concerned. When

he was a boy he only ever remembered men giving presents of gold or coins to those special

women in their lives but perhaps times had changed, or perhaps such things were different in

other countries. It was lucky for him then that he had gone to Lio and Kes for advice first.



“Hey, Lio! Kes!”

“Ooh,” Lio smiled wide when she saw him coming over to them. “What is it, Cat, do you need

our most womanly advice?”

“Well. . . Yes, actually.”

“What is it now?” Kes snapped. She had been rather angry lately; ever since her fight with

Westley she was all scowls. Cat could only sigh in response as he held out a bit of string to their

confused faces.

“Can I take some measurements?”

The two girls just stared at him, utterly baffled by this request. He could see the line of Kes’s

face deepen and he realized what he had just said.

“Wait no! No, not like that! Can I see your arms? I need to measure something else.” He smiled

benevolently at them and after a pause the girls held out their hands to Cat. He began to

frantically wrap his piece of string around them, all the while taking notes and seeing if anyone,

specifically her, was coming.

“Can we ask what this is for?” Kes inquired, frowning.

Page 3: Cat and Calista exchange presents

Ah, now of course they would want to know. He had expected it and was prepared to tell them

exactly what he was doing.

“I am buying Callista gold.” He took in a breath, knowing that they would know and then they’d

see what he was doing and-

“Why?” They exclaimed in unison. Wait, do they not know?

“As a bride price?” Obviously. Why else did a man buy a woman gold who was not his wife or

some other relative? It was expected for him to show that he could afford to take care of a wife

and family. He did not expect, however, the double slap he received from two very irate young


“Ow! What was that for?!”

“Callista is not a goat! You do not “buy” her! She has no “price.’” Kes practically screamed in

his ear.

“Seriously. What are you thinking?” Lio said, her usually grinning turning into frown as she

eyed him coldly.

“I did not mean it like that! It’s a gift! Did Foxy and Westley give you gold when you got


“Well, we are not married yet.” Lio pouted. But Kes fingered the gold ring around her finger and


“Fine,” Kes sniffed, “But it cannot just be gold. It should have diamonds.”

“Why diamonds?” Are those expensive?

“Well,” Lio squealed as her face lit up with her usual grin, “Because diamonds are made by the

fires of eternal love, of course!”

“. . . I do not think that is true.”

Page 4: Cat and Calista exchange presents

“True or not, it is a tradition to give diamond rings when proposing to girls, which is what I think

you meant by that statement.” Kes countered as she stuck her nose into the air.

Cat sighed in defeat. “Fine, fine. Diamonds it is.”

And so now Cat needed to buy diamond rings. Very specific, but questions still hovered in the

air around the inexperienced jewelry buyer. What kind of diamonds? How many were needed on

each ring? How big were the rings supposed to be? How many rings were considered enough?

How much would all of this cost? It was lucky for Callista that he had such an important job on

the ship.


Later that day and well into that night Cat began to collect his share of the ships spoils and

calculate exactly how much the addition of diamonds to his plan was going to cost. He sat alone

in the treasure room carefully counting out each and every gold coin he would need for this

grand project of his. All of a sudden he heard a pitter-patter on the stairs. He sat up and listened

closely to the sound as it scurried down towards him. It had better not be rats again! We do not

need this. Especially now the girls are here. I had better check it out before anyone else finds

them. He stood, annoyed, and walked briskly to the door. Throwing it open he looked down to

see not a rat but a very surprised young girl.


“Callista! What are you doing down here?”

Callista’s doe eyes looked softly up at him, shining in the small rays of moonlight that sifted

through from the open sky above deck. She is not in trouble right? Kane would not dare. If she

has to polish the treasure!

Page 5: Cat and Calista exchange presents

“Kane just sent me down here,” That bastard! “To collect us girls’ shares for the trip to port. He

told me to take an extra large share to. . . To buy food.”

Oh. . .

“Oh. . . Well, that is what I am doing too, actually, getting the share that is.”

“Really? Then we can get them together.” She smiled brightly at him as they entered the room

together. Her eyes got huge as she glanced around at all the gold in the room.

“You have stolen all of this?” She exclaimed in wonder. So Cute!

“Yes,” Stolen? Well. . . I guess there’s really no other word for it but- “But I like to say earned.

Kane steals things; I just earn an honest wage working for him.”

Callista just smiled again and giggled as she set to work gathering up some gold for her and her

sisters. As she looked around the vast room her eyes couldn’t help alighting on Cat’s rather

bulging sack of golden coins. Cat started up nervously as she pointed to the sack with her finger

as a questioning look crossed her sweet little face.

“Cat? What do you need all of that money for?”

“Oh! That money! That money is. . . not for me. . . It is for the crew, their monthly wages for the

trip to port. I am the quartermaster after all.”

“Ah, I see!” Callista gathered up her bag and headed out to the doorway. “How thoughtful of you

to get it for them all! Well, I will see you upstairs Sweetie!” And with a wink and a grin she was


“Phew. . .” Another crisis avoided, I really have been lucky lately.


The Next Day

Page 6: Cat and Calista exchange presents

For what felt like the hundredth time that afternoon Cat paced the bazaar on Corvo Island. He

had checked every single one of these stall looking at each fine jewelry merchant trying to find

what he needed. He had planned to find a good merchant and have the metal resized to fit his

needs but failing that it looked as though he would need to find a smith to custom make what he

wanted. I only hope it can be done in time! Who knows when Kane will decide to leave?

Hurrying away from the main marketplace Cat tried to scout out likely places along the side

streets where the craftsmen had their workshops. All of a sudden he passed by a hanging sign

that glinted in the sunlight. He looked closer and saw “Goldsmith” etched in shining gold plating

across the front of the sign. After a few seconds to collect his courage he walked inside the front


The shop was a marvel to look at. It was like the treasure room but even better as every piece in

the front of the shop was polished to perfection and gleaming. The smith, a large proud looking

man in fine working leathers came out from the forges at the back of the shop.

“Hallo there, Sir! Care to purchase some of my work? I have the best gold forge on the island,

you know. I can even do enamels and inlays if you like. Anything you could be needing relating

to gold.”

“Ah, yes, actually I would like to order something custom-made. Something very much like

these,” Cat gestured to some of the finer gold work that had been placed near the front of the

shop. “but for a specific size. I have the measurements right here.”

“Oh, those ones! Yes, a fine choice I must say. Most wonderful for any lady friend I would

wager, Sir.”

“Also,” Cat paused wondering if he was asking too much. . .


Page 7: Cat and Calista exchange presents

“Can they be done by the end of today?” The smith’s bushy eyebrows shot up in surprise.

“Well, Sir, if you have the gold anything can be done by the end of today.” Cat held up his sack

of gold coins and the smith nodded approvingly.

“It can be done, Sir.”

“Alright, great and. . . you said you could do inlays?”

“Yessir, I can do inlays. Best inlays on the island, if I do say so. Any type of stone you would

like. Any size. Do you have something particular in mind, Sir?” Ah, excellent! Luck is definitely

with me today.

“Yes, actually. Could you perhaps use. . . Diamonds?”


This was it. The time Cat had been waiting for had come at last. After pacing back and forth

many times he sat himself down on his bed to wait. He had told her earlier to come to his room at

sundown and even now he could see the last streaks of orange and red fading into the vast sea,

for they had left port days ago. Impatiently he checked the box he had received from the

goldsmith back at port just to make certain everything looked perfect. Satisfied, Cat pushed the

box back under his pillow and lay down. Perhaps a nap will calm my frenzied heartbeats. He

turned his head into the pillow and slowly closed his eyes.

A gentle knocking filled his ears. Cat turned toward the sound and was greeted by an adorably

blushing Callista in her thin nightgown opening the door. She bounded towards him and

practically leapt up unto the bed in her excitement.

“I have a present for you!” She burst out happily.

“Wait, what?” Well, I did not see that one coming.

Page 8: Cat and Calista exchange presents

“On our last day at port, remember when I said Kane told me to get an extra share for food? It

was not for food at all! It was for a present for you. So I spent all the time we were apart looking

for something special.” She pulled from behind her back a package wrapped in colored paper and

handed it to him. “I hope you like them. . .”

Cat took the parcel from her and gingerly opened the paper. How cute! No one has ever given me

a present before! He tugged off the last bit of paper and out tumbled a pair of fine dress shoes.

“Oh, Callista, they are wonderful! I remember these from my childhood. . .”

“I thought since I have taken a pair of your shoes I should get you another pair in return.” She

smiled again, lighting up the darkening room with her joy.

“But these are much nicer than the pair I gave you. . .”

“Do not worry about that! I just hope you can find a place to wear them.”

“I think I may have such a place very soon . . .” Okay! This is it! It is time. Get the box!

Cat turned from her to retrieve his own present. His hands fumbled around for a moment as they

struggled to grasp the box hidden beneath the pillow. After they had firmly grasped it he

reverently held up the box with both hands, displaying it to Callista’s wide and eager eyes. At

that sweet expression on her face Cat froze and stared open mouthed at her. I am so lucky! A

moment passed where the couple simply looked at each other, Callista not knowing what to say

and Cat not knowing where to begin. After an eternity he slid down onto one knee and carefully

opened the box.

Callista gasped at the sight that awaited her inside. Reaching out a tentative hand she carefully

touched the box’s contents, her eyes filling with an even greater joy when Cat finally pronounced

those immortal word’s precious to every girl’s heart.

“Callista, will you marry me?”

Page 9: Cat and Calista exchange presents


“Beautiful.” Sighed Pea, as she gazed approvingly at Callista’s outstretched arms.

“Seems a bit impractical.” Castalia commented, not unkindly.

“Soo gorgeous!!” Squealed Pifo, terribly excited by this whole turn of events.

“Yes, good, but I would prefer cow.” Remarked Quoque.

“How do they feel in bed?” Asked Lio, wide eyed as ever.

“It was not exactly what I meant when I said “Diamond ring,”’ Kes sighed, “But they do look

very lovely.”

Callista just looked down at her matching gold armbands encrusted with diamonds and smiled.

“They are a girl’s best friend, I think.” She looked up at her sisters with a perfect and joyful face.

“I am so lucky!”