case study workshop 2007

Understanding Complex Resource Management Issues in their Real World Context: Case Study Approaches to Research Case Study Workshop, 2!  "ohn C# $liss, %r egon State Uni&ersity

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Case Study Workshop 2007


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Understanding ComplexResource Management Issues in

their Real World Context:Case Study Approaches to


Case Study Workshop, 2! "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity

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Workshop %'(ecti&es

) $ecome *amiliar +ith the utility andlimitations o* case study research

)$ecome *amiliar +ith the design,implementation, and analysis o* acase study

) ractice designing a case study usinga real +orld example

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 "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity

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Workshop %utline

) Asking e-ecti&e research .uestions

) Matching methods to .uestions

) What is a case study/) Case study design exercise

) 0ata analysis

) 1eneraliation, case .uality, andother issues

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 "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity

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Workshop rogramme

Wednesday, June 13, Morning

3:4 Introductions, 5earning o'(ecti&es, courseschedule

Asking e-ecti&e research .uestions

Matching methods to .uestionsWhat is a case study/

Case study components


Case study design$ackground on nursery case study exercise

reparation *or 7eld exercise

62:5unchCase Study Workshop, 2!

 "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity

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Workshop rogramme

Wednesday, June 13, Afternoon6: 8ransport to Inopacan, 5eyte

 8our nursery

0iscussion +ith nursery pro(ect participants

4: Return to campusMeet +ith participants *rom second nursery



9: Ad(ourn

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 "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity

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Workshop rogramme

Thursday, June 14, Morning3:4 reparation *or group presentations

1roups assem'le case study plans6:4 $reak

1roup presentations

0iscussion62:4 5unchTuesday Afternoon6:4 Inter&ie+s and 7eld notes

0ata analysis, Coding4: $reak

1eneraliing *rom case studies "udging case study design .ualityuestions, comments, discussion

9:4 Ad(ourn

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Asking ;-ecti&e Researchuestions

) Why is it important/

) Who cares <or should care= a'out

the .uestion/) What 'ody o* theory +ill itcontri'ute to/

) >as it 'een asked 'e*ore/) Can it 'e ans+ered +ith the time,

expertise, and resources a&aila'le/Case Study Workshop, 2!

 "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity

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Matching Research Approach touestions

) Write a one?sentence research.uestion rele&ant to your +ork orinterests#

) What data +ould 'e re.uired/

) What disciplines/ 8ypes o*kno+ledge/

) What research approach +ould 'eappropriate/ What speci7c methods/

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@ig# 6# A simpli7ed social science research approachdecision tree#



Case Study Workshop, 2! "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity





8est >ypotheses ;stimatearameters $readth

rimary Approach:


Scale o* 8argetopulation



Check Results With ualitati&e0ata

Check Results With Sur&ey0ata

1enerate>ypotheses ;xplainRelationships 0epthrimary Approach:


Scale o* 8argetopulation




Research uestion/




;xisting 0ata


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Inducti&e and 0educti&eReasoning

) Deductive reasoning:  8he processo* reasoning *rom general principlesto particular examples#

) Inductive reasoning:  8he processo* reasoning *rom particularexamples to general principles#

Case Study Workshop, 2!

 "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity

8 'l 2 ti l Ill t ti 5i t * S i l S i R h

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 8a'le 2# artial, Illustrati&e 5ist o* Social Science ResearchMethodologies

Method Application 5imitations

Secondary Data•>istorical•Census•re&ious research

ro&ide context and'ackground *or anysocial researchendea&or

A&aila'ility andrele&ance o* existingdata


o'ser&ation•Case study•%ral history•Dey in*ormant

;xplain experienceand &alues o* speci7c

target population,identi*y relationships,understand issues incontext

 8ime re.uirement,limited capacity to

generalie, lack o**ormal analyticalprocedures

Structured Group•@ocus group•

Bominal group•0elphi

;sta'lish pro'lemEs'oundaries and topics

*or *urther research

5imited capacity togeneralie

Survey • 8elephone•Mail•0oor to door

;stimate generalparameters o* largepopulation, rigorousstatistical analysis

 A priori kno+ledgere.uired, limitedcapacity to explain,declining responserates

Case Study Workshop, 2! "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity

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 8a'le 6# Comparison o* ualitati&e and Standardieduestionnaire Sur&ey Methodologies <*rom $liss andMartin 6F3F=


ualitati&e Standardied Sur&ey

urpose 0escri'e and explainprocesses and relationships,generate hypotheses

0escri'e, estimatepopulation parameters,test hypotheses

0esign Inducti&e, Gexi'le 0educti&e, rigidSample Selecti&e Random

uestions In*ormant?dri&en,Why/ What/ >o+/

redetermined,>o+ manyHmuch/

Unit o*analysis

Indi&idual, case 8rait

0ata Multiple instruments Single instrument

Analysis Uncodi7ed @ormal

Results 0epth, particulars $readth,generaliations

Case Study Workshop, 2! "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity

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Research Syndromes

) $est A&aila'le 0ata

) 8he >ammer and the Bail

) 8he Streetlight Syndrome) ;xcessi&e ;xpertise

Case Study Workshop, 2! "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity

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Case Study 0e7nition

Case study is a strategy *or doingresearch +hich in&ol&es an empiricalin&estigation o* a particular

contemporary phenomenon +ith itsreal li*e context using multiplesources o* e&idence#J

 in, 6F36

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Case Study Components

) Strategy

) ;mpirical in&estigation

) A particular contemporaryphenomenon

) Within its real li*e context

) Using multiple sources o* e&idence

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Key informant interviews

Content analysis of 


Household survey

Historical accounts

Ecological inventory data

Census data

GIS analysis


Case Study Workshop, 2! "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity

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0esigning the Case Study

6# What is the phenomenon 'eing studied/0e7ne the case K What are the'oundaries/

2# What are the research .uestions/4# Who are the key players/

L# What are the key social, economic,ecological, political *actors/ <0escri'e

the context=#

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9# What data +ill 'e re.uired/

# >o+ +ill data 'e collected/

!# >o+ +ill data 'e analyed/

3# What +ill 'e the utility o* study results/@or +hom/

F# >o+ +ill study results 'e disseminated/

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uestions to onder

) WhatEs going on here/

) What is this an example o*/ Whatdoes this illustrate/

) Who are +e hearing *rom/

) Who arenEt +e hearing *rom/

) Who stands to gain/) Who stands to lose/

Case Study Workshop, 2! "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity

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1eneraliing *rom Case Studies

) Statistical generaliation: descri'ing apopulation 'ased upon a sample#

) 8heoretical <analytical= generaliation:descri'ing a phenomenon 'ased upon a case#

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0ata Analysis

) 0ata management

) 8o record or not to record

) 8ranscri'ing inter&ie+s) Coding

) attern recognition

) Writing as analysis

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Case Study Workshop, 2! "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity

Coding 8ext







Inter&ie+ 8ext

   I  n  c  r  e  a  s   i  n  g

   A   '  s   t  r  a  c   t   i  o  n

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Increasing abstraction


Coded text

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 "ohn C# $liss, %regon State Uni&ersity

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) 0irector o* community organiation oncommunity *orestry:

) I +ant the rural communities to 'e seen as theste+ards o* the pu'lic lands that surround them#I donEt +ant us to 'e seen as loggers, rapers,pillagers, graers, you kno+, co+ shitters#Whate&er is that +eEre percei&ed to 'e no+#

$ecause I 'elie&e +e ha&e the kno+ledge andthe a'ility, i* +eEre allo+ed, to stay on thelandscape, to ste+ard those lands in a +ay thatthe pu'lic +ill 'e proud o* *or generations tocome and I kno+ thatEs the moti&ation# $ecause

+hen +e talk a'out community *orestry, +e talka'out management *or the next generation#J

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@amily *orest o+ner on oakconser&ation:

I +ould hate to see the oaksdisappear# May'e on my southhillside here +here I ha&e a lot o*oaks I should (ust let them gro+# 8he

oaks tend to gro+ up and not shadelike the maples do# 0ouglas?7r gro+sright up through them # # #

I like the di&ersity# I certainly +ouldnot clean out all the oaks# I mean,three or *our 'ig logs, I might sellthose *or a good price, 'ut the mainthing is to lea&e other oaks coming

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 "udging Case Study 0esign uality<a*ter in 24=#

 8ests Case Study 8actic

Construct &alidity )Multiple data sources)Chain o* e&idence

)In*ormant re&ie+

Internal &alidity )attern matching

)Ri&al explanations

)5ogic models

;xternal &alidity ) 8heory K 'ase <singlecases=

)Replication logic <multiple

cases=Relia'ility )Case study protocol


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Case Study Workshop, 2!h C li % S i i

Case Study Research Re*erences

Ragin, Charles C#, and >o+ard S# $ecker, eds# 6FF2# What is

a case/ ;xploring the *oundations o* social in.uiry#Cam'ridge: Cam'ridge Uni&ersity ress#Ro'son, Colin# 22# Real World Research, second ed#

Malden, MA: $lack+ell u'lishing# 9FF p#

Stake, Ro'ert ;# 6FF9# 8he art o* case study research# 8housand %aks, CA: Sage u'lications# 6!4 p#

 in, Ro'ert D# 24# Case Study Research, 0esign andMethods third ed## Applied Social Research Methods SeriesNol# 9# 5ondon: Sage u'lications# 6!F p#

 in, Ro'ert D# 24# Applications o* case study research,Second ;dition# Applied Social Research Methods Series,Nol# 4L# 8housand %aks, CA: Sage u'lications# 6!4 p#

 in, Ro'ert D# 2L# 8he case study anthology# 8housand%aks, CA: Sage u'lications# 2!6 p#