caring 4 sussex magazine - winter 2015

No. 28 January – March 2015 THE MAGAZINE FOR PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT SUSSEX Oyez! Ring in a new season, new home, new you… … but don’t lose the old traditions

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No. 28 January – March


Oyez! Ring in a new season, new home, new you…

… but don’t lose the old traditions

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From the Editor

January – March 2015

© Copyright Pinstripe Publishing Ltd. No reproduction in whole or part without written permission. The Publisher cannot be held liable for any loss suffered as a result of information herein or obtained from the Publisher’s website and therefore cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, damage, distress or inconvenience caused by the content of any such website. The publisher accepts no liability for views expressed by contributors and advertisers, undertakes that prices were correct at time of going to press and can neither accept responsibility for loss or damage to unsolicited material nor return it without an SAE. No product or service advertised and/or publicised and/or appearing in Caring 4 Sussex magazine is, unless expressly stated to the contrary, endorsed by and/or otherwise associated with Caring 4 Sussex.

4 Caring 4 tradition We meet the Sussex Town Criers

6 Caring 4 finance

9 Caring 4 family history Helping you trace your family tree

10 Caring 4 books All with a local flavour

Ring in the

New Year,

Fresh Start,

New You,

Resolutions –

we’ve heard it

all before.


meaning editors in every

magazine giving out advice on

how to start the new year by

planning changes to our lives.

Statistically, complicated lists,

plans and goals are doomed

to failure leaving us feeling

inadequate and low in spirits.

Of course it’s good to think

about eating better, exercising

more, travelling the world or

whether to move house.

11 Caring 4 brainpower

14 Caring 4 homes Hints for home-sellers

15 Caring 4 Directory

15 Caring 4 you

18 Caring 4 health Dr Sarah discusses a weighty issue

Pinstripe Publishing Ltd.

Publisher: Denise Tayler

Editor: Denise [email protected] [email protected] Phone: 01903 244700

Features Editor:Wendy Greene

Design: Verité 01903 241975

Print: Newman Thomson 01444 480 700

But the itinerary should

also contain small, achievable

goals or changes. A new top

or shirt that can’t ‘officially’

be justified, emptying your

computer inbox of all that stuff

you really will not reply to or

act upon. Let it go! Tidy and

de-clutter the spare room, look

up an old friend, re-join the


Be kind to yourself. Make

the first quarter of the year

a positive and gentle start to


So if you’re determined

to give up smoking, take

up Nordic walking, start a

university degree or make

major changes to your life,

Our cover shows three

of the eight Sussex Town

Criers. Peter White on his

home turf at Seaford, Neil

Batsford of Burgess Hill, left,

and Jon Bartholomew of

Hastings on the right. We’re

delighted this tradition is

still upheld in our county.

Read our feature on page

4 where you’ll learn more

about them all.

Pictured above is Neil

Batsford of Burgess Hill.

Our sincere thanks to those

Town Criers who helped with

our research and supplied the

lovely pictures.

Our cover








that’s great, but remember to

take time out for you and when

writing that list keep it simple

and achievable and tell yourself

to enjoy and gain pleasure and

serendipity from doing each

item, so that next year’s review

of 2015 will bring a sense of

serenity and satisfaction.

Issue No 28 3

Old traditions are the bestWendy Greene says Oyez! Presenting The Town Criers of Sussex

In 2014 Worthing Town

Centre Initiative decided to

re-introduce the role of Town

Crier to Worthing, and who

better to place in that role than

former Mayor Bob Smytherman

following his performance as

the Town Crier in Worthing’s

Community play The Just Cause.

Bob has certainly entered the

role with gusto – bringing the

Sussex total to eight – alongside

Arundel’s Angela Standing,

Burgess Hill’s Neil Batsford, Jon

Bartholomew from Hastings, Jon

Borthwick from Peacehaven, Rex

Swain from Rye, Geoff Rowe of

Hailsham and Peter White from


Peter, who is also Seaford’s

‘Serjeant at Mace’, was recognised

as ‘second best dressed’ in a World

Town Crier Tournament, for the

military cut and classic lines of his

Jon Bartholomew, Hastings’

Town Crier for 16 years, recently

hosted the National Town

Criers’ Championship, and as

host is not allowed to enter

the competition. However,

he has represented the town

at national and international

competitions, winning at Yeovil

in Somerset and Ooidonk,

Belgium. Angela won at

Wareham in 2014.

Jon Borthwick from

Peacehaven says, “I’ve always

been involved in promoting

community events through

the local theatre groups,

charity days and working with

other voluntary groups. Town

Crying was an opportunity to

be involved in all the Town’s

events and I’m happy to cover

anywhere in Lewes/Peacehaven/

Brighton areas.”

Councillor Geoff Rowe, former

Mayor of Hailsham, has served as

Town Crier since May 2009 and

looks forward to keeping up the

1865 replica uniform made by the

Queen’s Warranted Naval Uniform

Tailor Geoffrey Golding. Even with

a staggering 40 years of service,

Peter is not the longest-serving

crier in the country.

Neil began as unofficial Town

Crier for Burgess Hill back in 1996,

but then he won a competition

and public audition and became

a member of the Ancient &

Honourable Guild of Town Criers,

recently renewing his Term of

Office for another four years.

Angela Standing says, “In the

summer of 2005 Arundel Town

Council put an appeal in the

local paper for somebody to

fill the position of Town Crier.

A friend said to me ‘you’re loud

why don’t you give it a go?’

(Cheeky devil!!).” Angela was

appointed and has done a terrific

job of promoting Arundel.

tradition of this prestigious role

in the community. ‘When I was

young I wanted to be a Punch

and Judy man but never made

it,’ says Geoff. ‘I tried to recruit

a Crier but in the end decided

to do it myself and the Council

agreed. Luckily the uniform fits

me well but I could do with a

new hat.’

The Town Crier’s roll –

originally to make public

pronouncements from the

court – is today more of a

tourist attraction as they ring

their handbell in the street to

announce imminent events.

The cry of ‘Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!’

means ‘hear ye’ and derives

from a Norman word for

‘listen’. The traditional regalia

still includes white breeches,

black boots and a tricorne hat,

though the robes are no longer

exclusively red.

Where a town is twinned, the

Crier might also be considered

Town Crier for the twin town.

Bob Smytherman – Worthing

Mr and Mrs Town Crier of Hastings, Victoria and Jon Bartholomew


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Caring 4 4 Caring 4 tradition

In 1822 the regulations stated: ‘That the duties of a Beadle may be properly discharged it is needful that he be a man of activity and sobriety of strength of body and firmness of mind – undismayed by threats – incorruptible by bribes. He is to rise early and go to bed late; and always, except when in bed to keep his eyes open.’ (Chris Hare: Historic Worthing, The Untold Story)

In 1997, Worthing’s Community Play Rough Music, Rough Justice based on Chris’s book, included the tale of Samuel Toler, the most famous and nastiest Beadle of Worthing who ended his years in East Preston Workhouse – in 1868 – despite having served the town for a quarter of a century in various roles. He was often overly harsh and not averse to inflating his expenses.

Chris tells us, ‘By the 1850s Worthing had its own police force (later subsumed into the West Sussex Constabulary) so the old role of Beadle became obsolete. The Sussex Constabulary was only

created in 1966, when East Sussex, West Sussex, and

Brighton were combined into one force.’

Nowadays the role has changed to one of

assisting The Mayor and other dignitaries at

special occasions.

Beadles are still about

If Dorchester’s Beadle, Howard Payton looks familiar, that’s because he spent his early years in Worthing, attending Worthing Technical High School and Worthing Art College before heading to The London Film School. After many years farming Rare Breeds in the West Country – while continuing his freelance photography – he now lives near Dorchester. Following his portrayal of ‘Mayor’ in the community play based on Thomas Hardy’s Drummer Hodge, he was asked to take on the role of Beadle, attending civic ceremonies in the town. Howard has provided us with several photographs over the past few years.

Howard Payton, Dorchester’s Beadle

John Borthwick of Peacehaven

Peter White of Seaford

Contact details

Bob Smytherman: [email protected] #cooltowncrier

Angela Standing: Contact Arundel Town Hall for a Town Crier

booking form. 01903 881560.

Neil Batsford: Contact Sara Moss at Burgess Hill Town Council on

01444 238212 or email [email protected]

Peter White: 01323 897360 [email protected]

Jon Bartholomew: 07712520564 [email protected]

Rex Swain: 01797 224172 – [email protected]

Councillor Geoff Rowe, Hailsham:

01323 841847 – [email protected]

Jon Borthwick Peacehaven: – @Jonoyez on Twitter [email protected]

For more information about Town Criers –

Angela Standing from Arundel

Enhance your eventsMany Town Criers can be booked for functions and events and charges vary. Some will attend charity functions free but most have either a fixed or suggested fee for private functions such as weddings, banquets and craft fairs.


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6 Caring 4 finance


As more people develop dementia, with 1 in 3 over 65s set to live with the disease, Guild Care have recognised the growing need for specialist dementia care in Sussex. Set to open in January 2015, the charity’s state-of-the-art dementia facilities, Haviland House and the Bradbury Wellbeing Centre, will provide a ‘home from home’ for 60 residents and offer a lifeline to families and carers of people with dementia. The new building has been specially designed for dementia care, with themed areas such as a sewing room, beach hut and library that will help residents recall long-lost memories.

Set in the seaside town of Worthing, where over 3,000 people live with dementia. The Bradbury Wellbeing Centre will offer advice and activities for people with dementia and their carers 7 days a week. Guild Care’s unique person-centred

approach cherishes the needs of the individual, ensuring that people

with dementia can enjoy the things that make them happy. From live

music and crafts, to outings and cinema screenings. They can be pampered at the

on-site hairdressing salon and enjoy beauty treatments or assisted bathing. The new facilities will also provide invaluable support to carers, with advice, guidance and specialist respite care that reassures them that their loved one is in safe hands.

Haviland House and the Bradbury Wellbeing Centre will support people throughout their dementia journey, giving them the confidence to remain independent in their own homes, and offering a place of comfort when the time comes for residential care. These new facilities are the first of their kind and will make it possible for people to truly live well with dementia.

Guild Care opens first class dementia facilities for Sussex

To find out more about these exciting new facilities, please phone 01903 327 327.Guild Care, Robin Road, Goring-by-Sea BN12 6FE

[email protected]

Registered charity 1044658


Please feel free to call or pop in at anytime to experience the warmth and friendliness that is the Victoria Royal Beach

% 01903 24649912-16 Grand Avenue, Worthing, BN11


In 2015 Framfield-based PJL

Training Centre, opens its new

premises. The team are busy

preparing an exciting new

funding contract awarded for

the second time by the

European Social Fund.

This will enable PJL Training

Centre to offer courses in

Emergency First Aid At Work

and Food Safety Within A

Childcare / Healthcare Setting,

completely FREE of charge to

any delegates meeting the

required funding criteria.

‘The courses can be taken by

anyone within the Sussex area

who meets the necessary

criteria’, said Louise Wardle,

Business Development

Manager. ‘It represents an

excellent opportunity for

businesses and individuals to

increase their skill levels,

improve understanding and

gain a nationally recognised

level 2 qualification, in just one

day, completely free of charge.

We anticipate that this will be

a very popular offer.’

For a funded course place,

delegates must:

• Beovertheageof19

• Notalreadyhavealevel2

or higher qualification

within the same sector

• Beworkingor

volunteering for more than

8 hours a week.

‘Call us today to discuss

eligibility and receive a

booking form to secure a

place,’ says Stella Stockley,

Training Centre Manager, ‘The

contract will only run for a few

months and spaces are limited.’

January 2015 will mark the

first ‘birthday’ of PJL Training

Centre and this innovative

young company continues to

go from strength to strength,

with the new contract in place,

a Training Centre venue

planned for launching in Spring

2015 and focus on the

extensive range of non funded

Healthcare, Childcare and

Professional Skills courses too.

The dedicated team of Trainers

are also looking forward to

bringing a selection of life

saving and invaluable

Emergency First Aid At Work

courses directly into the


Courses are at the Heathfield

Community Centre,

Sheepsetting Lane, Heathfield

on January 23rd and The

Hastings Centre, The Ridge,

Hastings on the 27th January.

Places on one day, level 2

courses are just £57 each.

Early booking is essential to

secure a place.

PJL Training Centre – A Complete Training Solution

For more information on any of the courses mentioned, or to find out about the range of courses available, call Nina, Stella or Louise on 01435 872201 or visit our website,


Roots, branches, twigs and leavesNicola Sheeran plants seeds of ideas on how to grow family trees…

If you have decided to start

the genealogical journey of

your heritage, I have some tips

for you.

Starting with yourself, it is

best to go backwards through

time. Use the information

elderly relatives may be able

to give. Once you have jotted

down names and dates, you

are ready to begin the travel

up through the tree to the

uppermost branches.

• Subscribetoawebsite

such as Ancestry, Find My

Past or Genes Reunited.

You may find your tree has

been researched by someone

the other side of the world

– such is the genetic spread

of relations. Census returns

taken every 10 years back to

1841 are available to view


• Ifyouhaveafamilybible,

an ancestor may have

already started the tree.

• Usepubliclibraries–local

to you, or to where your

ancestors lived. Many have

both local and family history


• Buygenealogicalmagazines.

Most are published monthly

and have helpful hints and


• UseyournearestRecord

Office. They are a mine

of information and it is

fascinating to look at

original documents.

Your curiosity will be piqued

once the names, places and

occupations of your forbears

are uncovered. Were you

descended from gentry? From

royalty? Were your family

working the land or trapped

in the dark satanic mills of

the industrial age?

I guarantee you’ll find

some surprises as your tree

expands and grows. Write it

all down so the tree can be

passed on to future saplings

in your family.

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Social Networking, (Facebook, FriendsReunited, Twitter)

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Call Julie Knott for more info on 07914 361542

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s 1st

Feb 2015

Caring 4 family history 9

For full details or to book email: [email protected]

or call: 01903 230451.

Book now

places limited!

We all have a story to tell or a comment to make. This is a great opportunity to get expert help on how to put your thoughts and views into

print and publication.

Join professionals for an informative Writers’ Weekend, Friday (evening) 27th February

to Sunday 1st March 2015.

a ‘sunday times best seller’author and a successful local

journalist invite you to a

writers’ weekend

Local author Graham Lelliott

loves delving into some of the

more obscure areas of Sussex

history. This book charts the

story of a two foot narrow

gauge industrial railway with

The Thakeham Tiles RailwayBy Graham Lelliott£4.99ISBN 978-0-955-38937-5

photographs, maps and

illustrations. Disused sand pits

are an accepted part of our

landscape, but most people

have never given their purpose

a second thought. Graham gives

a very interesting and readable

insight into the workings and

end product as well as detailing

the locomotives used.

Graham’s other recent

publication is A Lancaster on

Worthing Beach, telling the tale

of Lancaster PB355’s final flight

when the pilot’s skill and self-

sacrifice saved the town.

Both are available from

Graham Lelliott,

3 Busticle Lane, Sompting,

Lancing, West Sussex, BN15 0DH

See opposite page to win a copy

of one of Graham’s books.

LamentationBy C J SansomPublished by MantlePrice £20 HardbackISBN 978-0-230-74419-6If ever there was a reason to wish Henry VIII had more wives, this is it. C J Sansom has based each of his Shardlake stories on the era of one such wife, and this is the sixth. In Lamentation, Shardlake –

a hunchback lawyer living in a

century when religious alliances

could mean life or death – is

drawn into the world of Catherine

Parr. In doing so, he has to work

with old enemies and upset good

friends. A qualified solicitor and

historian himself, Sansom takes

his research very seriously, telling

us in his notes where he has

fictionalised the stories of real

people, while giving us an insight

into Tudor times.

Brighton-based Sansom

attended a Day for Writers run

by West Sussex Writers’ Club in

the late 90s. There he met an

agent who set him on the road

to the publication of his first

three books. He has never looked

back, as each of his novels has

become a best-seller. We can’t

wait to see what comes next.

ABNA – The Association of British Naive ArtistsPublished by The ColourhousePrice £12.50 (+ p & p)Available from Judy Joel 01736 731823 [email protected]

In the context of art, the word naive does not mean simple in content, as the illustrations show. In fact many hours can go into the construction of the scene, which makes for an enduring picture for one’s wall. Our own Worthing artist Peter Allwright is featured alongside numerous others. This is a book to dip into over and over again, and if you love the style, why not track down the artists and buy an original or a print

for your home.

Heritage Trails – Goring, Durrington/Salvington, Worthing Town PubsWorthing Heritage Available free from Visit Worthing, Libraries and other venues

A further three trails to follow around Worthing, giving maps, illustrations and historical information. If you can’t do the walking, though, you will find them a fascinating read. There are now ten trails available, compiled by volunteers under the leadership of local historian Chris Hare. Each trail sheet has a smart phone scan facility for more help. For further information about Worthing pubs, go to .

A sample of Peter Allwright’s work

10 Caring 4 books

Sunday 15th February 2015Valentine celebrations with the Worthing Wordies at

Bringing you the whole cornucopia of love romance and so much more…ooh! So come along and be enthralled!!

For full details and to reserve your place call 01903 230451 email [email protected]

Indigo Restaurant, Ardington Hotel, Steyne Gardens, Worthing, BN11 3DZ


Clapham Lodge is a care home for the elderly,surrounded by a large garden and far reachingviews across ofcountryside and the sea from almost all roomsand flats.

We provide a high quality of care with a homelyenvironmentensuring wellbeingand comfort at all times. Short or long staywelcome.

Call for brochure or visit us at anytime: 01903 [email protected]

Zebedee’s Pet Supplies

137 South Farm Road, Worthing. 01903 200008

Caring, friendly expert advice Competitive prices (qualified in animal care)

Free delivery service FREE PARKING

Hannah welcomes animal lovers to her small family business offering:

Pop in and take a look: Monday to Saturday 10-4pm. Wednesdays 10-2pm

Winners of Tea for TwoThe correct answer to our last competition was “Gatsby”.

Two lucky winners who won ‘tea for two with bubbly’ at the

Southern Pavilion on Worthing Pier were Eileen Chiles of

Chichester and Margaret Veness of Rustington.

Find these words horizontally, vertically, diagonally, even

backwards. All words linked to ceremony and uniform.


MayortricornesealTown Crierregaliaoyezregal



mace bearerparadeorbguardpikeuniform


WORLDLINESComplete the grid.

Each row, line

and 3x3 square

must contain each

of the letters in


Prize drawThank you to Graham Lelliott for donating

two books as prizes. (See On The Shelf on

the opposite page).

Please read rules and instructions

carefully or your entry will be


To enter the draw for Graham’s books

– and others we have reviewed in the past

– tell us all the types of feature you enjoy

in Caring 4 Sussex. You might like local

history, gardening, food, retro fashion,

Hang My Hat, books or something else.

Then tell us which puzzles you’ve

enjoyed (if any) – wordsearch, wordlines,

crosswords, quizzes. We will code each

entry and draw winners until we run out of prizes. You can refresh

your memory by looking on our website

for back issues.

Send your name, address, daytime telephone number and

favourites on a postcard or the back of a sealed envelope ONLY

please to Caring 4 Sussex Favourites, 19 Anscombe Road, Worthing,

West Sussex BN11 5EN by noon on Friday 6th March 2015. Only one

entry per household. We never use or forward your contact details.

Caring 4 brainpower 11

At Melrose, we understand that most people hope to stay independent in their own homes for as long as they can. Our expert and friendly team are able to make this possible for you with our attentive care and support.

Melrose Care gives you and your carers options, we ensure that you are able to choose where you receive your care and to what level you would like us to adapt this care to suit your needs.

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Peace of mind for you and your family

As a parent you are sure to want

peace of mind knowing that the

best arrangements are in place

for you and your family. We have

a friendly team of private client

advisers who can help you to make

the best arrangements, ensuring

your family are protected.

We can advise you about the

best options available and even

review any existing plans that

you may have.

We understand with a family

it is often difficult to juggle

meetings so we offer visits to

your home, place of work or one

of our offices.

Our team can also assist you

with a variety of confidential

matters including:





For further information or to arrange a consultation contact Philip Lansberry on 01403 253 282 [email protected]


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easier to time the buying of

new furniture to benefit from

sales and offers.

Get rid of ornaments with no

sentimental value. It’s worth

paying a visit to an auction room

on sale day to see what might

bring you in a bit of cash. Box up

your own items and take them

next time. Precious ornaments

can be packed in a suitcase and

stored in a cupboard or loft.

Removing ‘dated’ rugs can

make your floors look bigger

and more modern. It could even

be worth considering going

back to polished floorboards,

if they’re good enough, with

a few new rugs that can move

with you.

The kitchen, bathroom and

loo need to be spotless and

fragrant, with uncluttered

surfaces. Replacing or whitening

Wherever I hang my hatMake selling your home as pain-free as possibleYou’ve all seen those television

programmes – or at least

a trailer for one – where a

lovely well-meaning presenter

tells you that spending a few

thousand on your existing home

will help it to sell more quickly.

Of course that’s true, but

if you’ve already pared back

the price to rock bottom and

have nothing in the bank, this

is not what you want to hear.

Here are a few suggestions

that won’t bankrupt you or

necessitate brewing coffee

and baking bread every time a

viewing is booked.

If you’re down-sizing, why

wait until you’ve moved to buy

smaller furniture? Start as soon

as you’ve decided to sell. Offer

old items, that aren’t worth

selling, to family and friends

or charity shops. This makes it

old grout can make all the


Now take a long look at your

home from a buyer’s viewpoint.

Will they be put off by your

vivid feature wall? This is one

area where spending a little

time on stripping a wall and a

little money on a pot of paint

can make a difference.

People viewing will expect

you to be packing up to go,

and sometimes a couple of

packing cases in a corner, stuffed

with clutter, looks neater than

leaving the clutter where it

was. Just don’t make the room

appear small. A few table lamps,

switched on, placed in dark

corners will give a warm glow.

You may find you now love

your home so much you don’t

want to move, but don’t lose

sight of your original vision.

You need to think how you’ll

feel in a few years’ time.

Photo © Howard J Payton

Linen finishAs well as ensuring your beds are neat and tidy, try folding towels in

three before hanging on the rail. This hides edges and looks smarter.

Similarly, when folding for stacking on open shelves, fold the sides

and ends inwards. Small details like this can make a difference.

14 Caring 4 homes

Dealers in fine philatelyCollections bought and sold or sell through our auction house70 Victoria Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 1UN (near Worthing Central Station)

Call Graham on 01903 [email protected]

Worthing Stamp AuctionsWorthing Stamp Auctions

GOOD QUALITY DONATIONS WANTEDContact 01903 227829 for collection

117 Montague Street, Worthing. 26-28 Strand Parade, Thank you for caring about our clients

Registered Charity No. 1027832

James Perry Interiors

01903 504760 or 07941

Quality Floor SandingCommercial & Domestic

Sanding & Restoration of wood floorsFree estimates

Worthing LionsGood quality donations wanted

Bring us your used spectacles for re-cyclingJOIN WORTHING LIONS TO HELP YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY

Worthing Lions Club Charity Shop115 George V Avenue, Goring (opposite post office) Tel: 01903 502807. We can collect and deliver locally


GOOD CASH PRICES PAIDTurntables, Amplifiers, Reel to Reels, Speakers etc.

Can collect!

We are a small husband and wife team based on the Surrey/Hants Border

[email protected] 07890 517695 or 01420 472316

records and cds orevolutions Records wanted

We buy most records including classical, Jazz,50s, 60s, 70s, Rock and Pop, LPs, EPs, 45s and 78s, sheet music & music memorabilia

Leslie Laine Top Floor, 67 Victoria Road, Worthing

[email protected]

Tel: 01903 209553

Airports and SeaportsGatwick from £44Heathrow from £74Southampton from £74Long distance charged one way, return free.

Phone David Matthew on 07765 438192

Chauffeur Driven Mercedes Estate

STYLMIXPainter & Decorator Professional, reliable,

friendly service Interior & Exterior Colour scheme advice Free written quotes

Contact Mike on 01903 899102 or 07961 586 864

SEA PLACE GARAGECar Sales (Part Exchange welcome) • MOTs • Service • Parts and Repairs

Welding • Bodywork • Valeting • See website for car listing

67/69 Goring Road Worthing BN12 4AX Tel: 01903 • A FAMILY RUN BUSINESS

Caring 4 Directory 15

The importance of having a Lasting Power of Attorney

We all realise there may

come a time when we may

be unable, or too frail, to

look after our own affairs

– perhaps because of an

accident, illness or just as

we get older. Whatever the

cause, someone still has to

pay your bills, manage your

finances and speak on your

behalf on medical issues.

What would happen if you could no longer look after things for yourself? Glenys Laws at Collective Legal Solutions explains how to plan in advance

If you plan in advance and

create a Lasting Power of

Attorney (LPA), you will be

able to choose who you want

to manage things for you.

A friend or relative – someone

you trust.

If you don’t organise this

now it may mean that it cannot

be done later, as to make an

LPA you must be assessed as

mentally capable of doing so.

It’s vital to make a valid Will

Without a Last Will and

Testament your assets will

be distributed according to

the rules of Intestacy, which

lay down a rigid method of

estate distribution and make

no account for your wishes.

For married couples – it is

not certain that your spouse

will inherit all your assets.

And for unmarried couples –

your partner may not receive

anything! Your entire estate

will probably be divided

between your children, or

if you don’t have children,

between your relatives. If

you’re divorced or separated

you must make it clear whether

or not you want your ex-spouse

to benefit from your estate.

And here’s some advice to

parents of young children. By

making a Will you can ensure

that the Courts are aware of

who you wish to care for your

children in the event of your

death. You can also decide

at what age you wish your

children to receive their


For a free informal consultation at home, or for more information, call Glenys Laws on 01903 200982 or 07931 512448

The Friends of Worthing Hospitals are a long establishedregistered charity, formed in 1949 working for the benefit of patients, relatives and staff in the Worthing Hospitals. We provide medical and non-medical items to enhancethe patients care, comfort and stay in our local health carehospitals. Our funding is mainly from bequests, donationsour shop, members subscriptions and fund raising.

We aim to supplement the comfort and well being ofPatients, Relatives, Staff and Visitors in the 3 local trusts we support:

Our shop has moved from the West wing to the mainreception area. It is open Monday to Friday from 7am to7.30pm and Saturday from 8am to 5.30pm

The trolley shop provides service on the wards.

Join us and support our work. Help us to make a difference and make YOUR hospital special.

Membership of The Friends of Worthing Hospital costs aslittle as £5 per year.

A Welcome Break for CarersThe Welcome Break aims to provide carers with theopportunity to take a break. While the person being

cared for enjoys a sociable morning of activity, the carer can take time out at home or in town.

We enjoy outings to places of interest in the area.Recently we've been to Broadbridge Heath and

Portsmouth historic Dockyard, The Bluebell Railwayand other places of interest.

The group is based at 9-13 Crescent Road, Worthingand we meet Tuesdays and Thursdays

10.00am – 3.30pm.

Contact The Welcome In on 01903 234497 for more information

Welcome InWorthing Community Programme

16 Caring 4 you

is back...biggerthan ever

All under aGigantic Marquee

Steyne Gardens - WorthingEvery Day up to

Sunday 1st March(Closed Christmas Day)


Worthing Ice Rink

Visit the day-time café to enjoy a breakfast, lunch or have a relaxing evening drink watching the sunset over Worthing.

This multi-purpose venue is perfect for weddings, balls and corporate events.

Fully licensed bar.Enjoy the best views on the South Coast.

For bookings or more information phone 01903 [email protected]

Opening Times: 7 days a week. 11.30am – late.Coals and wood ovens lit all day.Telephone 01903 20201220 Portland Road, Worthing BN11 1QN


Fat is not just a feminist issue, says Dr Sarah

can tear a family apartAlcoholism


phone helpline for local details

020 7403 0888email: [email protected]



© Al-Anon Family Groups UK & Eire

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Al-Anon Family Groups UK & Eire 57B Great Suffolk Street,London SE1 0BB

Dr Sarah’s Casebook

Dr Sarah Honess trained in Medicine at King’s College, London, and moved to Worthing in 2003, where she trained in Anaesthetics and Intensive Care. She now works at the Accident and Emergency Department at Brighton Hospital.

I walked past a man washing his car the other day. It was buffed to a high shine and he was down on all fours, painstakingly cleaning the alloys with a toothbrush. It was a Toyota Corolla on a 52 plate. A grand’s worth of car, at most. Its owner was a man of such vast size, that I couldn’t mentally actually get him behind the wheel at all. It struck me as ironic that he was lavishing such care and attention on a mediocre ton of metal, whilst clearly taking very little care of the exquisite and priceless piece of engineering he inhabited.

This is always a difficult subject to broach, especially coming from me. I give you fair warning.

I have been gifted a skinny set of genes, for which I am grateful. (I also have a family full of cancer, so rough with the smooth). I was also brought up with healthy eating habits, in the days before kids were inseparable from computer devices, which meant we played out, not in. However, I have also chosen as an adult, to be active, not eat rubbish, not smoke, or drink to excess. I shall be returning to this later.

I shall not be talking aesthetics here. I am not really interested in what people look like. This is not about a few pounds here and there, post Christmas, pre-beach holiday diets. This is not about physical perfection, six packs or pert buttocks. This is about the serious health consequences of obesity. I exclude those on medication, or with medical or mental illnesses which cause unavoidable weight problems.

The government would like us all to be healthy, slim, teetotal non smokers who always wear seatbelts because sickness and accidents cost a lot of money to put right. I do understand that being told not to do something by politicians might make one want to do it all the more, just

to spite them, but what we should understand is that they need to spend taxpayers’ money wisely. So don’t do it for them, do it for you.

Sick and injured people largely pay my mortgage, so you can see that I’m not trying to sell you something I have a personal interest in. If everyone suddenly ‘got with the programme’, then I’d be forced to find another job. And I’m not really good at anything else.

I saw a young woman the other day who was seriously overweight and on a whole bag of medications for high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, painful joints and tablets to protect her stomach from the medication she was taking for her joint pain. I wanted to tell her that if she were to lose 5 stone then she would probably stand a good chance of being able to bin the lot. I didn’t. In my experience this sort of advice goes down like a cup of cold sick. One of the biggest humdingers of a complaint I ever had was after advising a woman who had attended, worried about her heart, that losing 3 stone and not smoking 20 cigarettes a day was her best insurance against future heart trouble.

As doctors, even we pussy-foot around the subject. We don’t feel able to give frank, if sometimes uncomfortable advice. I’m not in the business of lecturing people. I don’t much mind what people get up to at home, but if they end up in the Resuscitation room of an emergency department because of something they could change, shouldn’t I say so? Don’t I have a responsibility to educate too?

What I would really like to do is somehow divorce virtue from health. Being a smoker, overweight or alcoholic does not make you a bad person. It’s bad for your health and that’s it.

I hear ‘it’s easy for you’ a lot. I’m slim, in large part due to genes but also because my

backside barely skims a chair from one end of the day to another and I virtually never eat junk. (Night shift Haribo* don’t count…) We can blame hormones and glands all we like, but assuming most humans are fixed up similarly in that respect, look at countries unfortunate enough not to have sufficient food. There are no fat people in the absence of too much food.

The bottom line? Eradicate faddy diets, weight loss pills, fat

substitutes, chemical sugars etc. Eat a healthy balanced diet of proper food in an amount to match activity. Have your own personal line in the sand and don’t cross it. Bariatric surgery is the absolute last resort – a failure of individuals to take responsibility and of professionals like me for ignoring the elephant in the room.

*Editor’s note: Other sweeties also available.

18 Caring 4 Health

Companionship, privacy, security and independence – you’ll find them all, and much more, in an Abbeyfield home.

The Abbeyfield Ferring Society has two houses both serving freshly prepared meals.

Cornwell House accommodates twenty residents in its residential home which is close to local shops and the sea.

Old School House provides supported accommodation for eleven residents in the heart of the village, adjacent to the library and Doctor’s surgery and close to the shops.

We aim to provide quality care in a warm, friendly environment. Respite care can be provided, subject to availability.

We also have a domiciliary support service for people who require some assistance to remain in their own homes.

l Friendship, privacy and practical support

l Fully trained and caring staff

l Residents treated with dignity and respect

Please contact Ruth on 01903 240313 for further details



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