cape fear analysis

The credit scene of cape fear begins with the image of water, this could symbolise the fear of the unknown which links in with the fact the film is a thriller. In addition water can also be linked with death and drowning and common fear for An eagle is known as predator, the top of the food chain. They show power and intimidate others, this gives off the impression that there will be a main ‘predator’ in the film. There is an extreme close-up shot of an eye which shows the eye looking from left to right, in fear and panic. The colour of the shot is in black and white which portrays mystery. The shadow/dark figure conveys the typical stereotype for a creep. The fact you can’t see the face of the figure makes it seem mysterious and fear of the unknown, the shadow is shown on the reflection of the water once again enforcing that the Cape fear

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Post on 16-Apr-2015




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this is our analysis of cape fear


Page 1: cape fear analysis

The credit scene of cape fear begins with the image of water, this could symbolise the fear of the unknown which links in with the fact the film is a thriller. In addition water can also be linked with death and drowning and common fear for many people. This makes the film relatable and people may feel a sense of realism. The water shows the establishment that the scene will take place.

An eagle is known as predator, the top of the food chain. They show power and intimidate others, this gives off the impression that there will be a main ‘predator’ in the film.

There is an extreme close-up shot of an eye which shows the eye looking from left to right, in fear and panic. The colour of the shot is in black and white which portrays mystery.

The shadow/dark figure conveys the typical stereotype for a creep. The fact you can’t see the face of the figure makes it seem mysterious and fear of the unknown, the shadow is shown on the reflection of the water once again enforcing that the thriller has something to do with water.

Cape fear

Page 2: cape fear analysis

The drop of blood shows that ‘blood will be spilt’ and that there will be violence in the scene. The colour red represents danger, blood, violence and anger.

Red represents danger, blood, and death. Also the close up on the eyes focuses on the characters face that suggests the emotion of that person. The contrast between red to blue suggests that the girl may suffer in the film.

The girl shown has an innocent look, as she’s in her school uniform with her top button done up making the audience think she is innocent, pure and weak. When she speaks her face is sweating portraying that she is in danger or fears something.

These pictures are on the wall of Cady’s prison cell, the first picture shows famous dictators who killed people suggesting that Cady idolises them and tells us as a viewer that he wants to be like them. There is also a cartoon of a superhero on the wall because perhaps Cady looks at himself as a ‘hero/goody’. The pictures of the books show that Cady is educated and has spent a long time in there as he has read all the books.

Page 3: cape fear analysis

When Cady walks past the other convicts they are represented differently to the usual stereotypical loud animalistic prisoners, as they are all quiet and show respect/fear towards Cady, Even the guards move out the way when he walks past suggesting that Cady is a powerful figure.

Cady has a number of tattoos on his body which reinforces the stereotype of gangsters and thug life.

The tattoo on cady’s back is the scales of justice, symbolising a legal term which means the fair and equal representation of the law, this representation should be free from prejudice, favour, greed or corruption.

Page 4: cape fear analysis

This is final part of the scene that we see, it shows Cady walking out of the prison and as he does the sky begins to change a usual cliché used in films to represent that a bad character is upon us. A storm is beginning to form in the background metaphorically, Cady is the storm.

The establishing shot shows the prison and where he has been living, maybe he is going to leave his bad life behind and change into a better person.